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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

78:1666-1668, 2020

Surgeons Beware: The Preauricular

Crease Is an Indicator of Coronary
Artery Atherosclerosis as well as an
Anatomic Landmark
Arthur H. Friedlander, DMD,*
Paulo H. Couto-Souza, DDS, MSc, PhD,y and Soraya A. Berti-Couto, DDS, MSc, PhDz

This year, while perusing Angiology, an interdisci- assessment process. The PAC is familiar to members
plinary academic peer-reviewed journal that publishes of our profession as an anatomic landmark used to
research findings relative to the diagnosis and treat- safely develop skin flaps with minimal risk of transect-
ment of vascular disease, we were captivated by a ing the facial nerve branches when accessing the
report describing how the presence of a preauricular temporomandibular joint and performing a rhytidec-
crease (PAC) served as an indicator of the complexity tomy. The crease is easily identifiable, appearing as
and severity of angiographically documented stenotic one or more vertical grooves in the facial skin close
coronary artery lesions among a cohort of patients to the tragus. The pathophysiological mechanisms
admitted to the hospital for acute coronary syn- for what might appear to be the dubious association
drome.1 This observation has very important patient between the PAC and ischemic heart disease has
care implications given that myocardial infarction been explicated by a group of international anato-
(MI) is the number 1 cause of death among older mists.2 These scientists have concluded that when
men in Brazil and the United States and specifically the maxillary artery (a branch of the external carotid
because almost half of such deceased individuals had arising within the substance of the parotid gland) is
an occult form of coronary artery atherosclerotic dis- affected by the systemic atherosclerotic process, the
ease, without prodromal signs, symptoms, and tradi- consequent plaque buildup within the vessel lumen
tional risk factors. Unfortunately, most health care and concomitant wall distension displace the parotid
providers are unaware of the negative cardiovascular gland superficially and the tragus downward, thereby
implications of the PAC and therefore do not act creating a PAC.
accordingly. Of note, the authors of the aforementioned angiog-
Recognition of the presence and clinical implica- raphy study commented on the fact that among the pa-
tions of a PAC (Fig 1) or anterior tragal crease (ATC) tients with severe coronary artery stenotic lesions, the
is most opportune for members of our specialty PAC was very frequently seen simultaneously with a di-
when performing the maxillofacial component of the agonal earlobe crease (DELC) (Fig 2)1—a dermato-
physical examination during the presurgical risk- logic sign that also has been validated as a ‘‘risk

*Associate Chief of Staff, Director of Graduate Medical Education, Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None of the authors have any
and Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education relevant financial relationship(s) with a commercial interest.
Designated Institutional Official, Veterans Affairs Greater Los Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Couto-Souza:
Angeles Healthcare System; Professor-in-Residence, Oral & School of Life Sciences, Department of Dentistry, Pontifı́cia Universi-
Maxillofacial Surgery, University of California at Los Angeles Dental dade Cat
olica do Parana, Imaculada Conceic~ao, 1155, Prado Velho,
School; and Director, Quality Assurance, Hospital Dental Service, 80215-901, Curitiba (PR), Brazil; e-mail:
Ronald Reagan University of California at Los Angeles Medical Received May 15 2020
Center, Los Angeles, CA. Accepted May 15 2020
yOral Radiologist and Full Professor, School of Life Sciences, Ó 2020 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Department of Dentistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, 0278-2391/20/30557-7
Curitiba, Brazil.
zStomatologist and Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences,
Department of Dentistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana,
Curitiba, Brazil.


FIGURE 2. Presence of both preauricular (white arrows) and diag-

onal earlobe (black arrows) creases.
FIGURE 1. Preauricular creases (white arrows).
Friedlander, Couto-Souza, and Berti-Couto. Preauricular Crease
Friedlander, Couto-Souza, and Berti-Couto. Preauricular Crease and Atherosclerosis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2020.
and Atherosclerosis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2020.

sitive than the DELC as an indicator of atherosclerotic

indicator’’ of the presence, extent, and severity of disease.1 At this juncture, it also is critical to empha-
ischemic heart disease3 and the subject of a recent size that carotid plaque seen on a PI often heralds
publication of ours.4 In our study, we described how near-term MI because of advanced atherosclerotic dis-
a cohort of oral and maxillofacial surgery patients ease in the coronary vessels.5
with calcified carotid artery plaque (CCAP) on their Therefore, we believe that it is reasonable to recom-
panoramic images (PIs; similarly a validated risk indica- mend that the oral and maxillofacial surgeon examines
tor of near-term MI)5 were significantly more likely to both the preauricular facial area and the earlobes for
evidence DELCs than those without imaged ather- creases when conducting the maxillofacial component
omas. Thus, given the conglomeration of prior of the presurgical physical examination, as well as
research findings, we informally observed the preaur- analyze accompanying imaging studies for the presence
icular area in 15 consecutive male patients older of calcified atheromas. When positive findings are
than 55 years who attended our dental school’s oral encountered, we suggest that the surgeon consider noti-
and maxillofacial surgery clinic and showed CCAP on fying the patient’s primary care physician of the pres-
their PI. We noted that 13 of the 15 individuals evi- ence of these validated risk indicators of a future MI so
denced a bilateral PAC and that 1 of the other 2 per- that preventive therapeutic regimens can be instituted,
sons manifested a unilateral PAC. For the sake of if not already in place. Of note, a formal research project
completeness, among these same 15 individuals, we evaluating the association between CCAP on PIs and the
also visualized the earlobe for the presence or absence PAC is currently being planned for implementation in
of a DELC. We can report that 11 of these patients evi- the United States and will encompass a mixed-gender
denced bilateral DELC and 1 showed a unilateral cohort that is age and ethnically diverse.
DELC. Thus, it appears as if the PAC or ATC is slightly The subject of this article is uniquely relevant to
more sensitive than the DELC in identifying atheroscle- members of our profession because it documents for
rotic disease. This latter determination is made in con- the first time in the medical-dental literature an associ-
cert with the work of other investigators who have ation between CCAP and the PAC and how easily this
similarly denoted that the PAC is somewhat more sen- potentially life-saving determination can be

accomplished during the routine aspects of care that infarction [published online April 29, 2020]. Angiology,
2020;3319720920143. https://doi:10.1177/0003319720920143.
we provide, namely maxillofacial clinical examina-
Accessed July 6, 2020.
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the PAC or ATC is a slightly more sensitive risk indica-
3. Shmilovich H, Cheng VY, Rajani R, et al: Relation of diagonal ear
tor of atherosclerotic disease than is the DELC, a surro- lobe crease to the presence, extent, and severity of coronary ar-
gate marker that has been around for almost 50 years tery disease determined by coronary computed tomography angi-
and whose validity has been substantiated by ography. Am J Cardiol 109:1283, 2012
4. Couto Souza PH, Berti-Couto SA, Majewski CNM, et al: Associa-
numerous clinical studies.3-5 tion of calcified carotid artery plaque in panoramic images and di-
agonal earlobe crease. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 48:20170256,
References 5. Gustafsson N, Ahlqvist JB, N€aslund U, et al: Calcified carotid ar-
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