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In the future everyone will be famous

for fifteen minutes.

1 GRAMMAR can / can't c Match sentences 1-6 to a-f.

1 Can you help me with my homework? I [£]
a Write a sentence for each picture w ith can I can't.
2 Can you give me my glasses? I D
3 Can you call my mum? I Dd
4 Can you speak more slowly? I De
5 Can you make dinner for 8.30? I Da
6 Can you tell me your name again ? r Df
a can't come before then.
They can't sing
b can't see.
c can't do it.
d ---------------------------
can't find my mobile.
e can't und erstand you.
can't remember it.
d Write a sentence with can or can't for each picture.
2 She can paint

He can't swim

1 You can cross now. can't

2 I_ _ _talk/speak
_ _ _ _ now.
He can cook

5 She can't take photos

b Write a question with you for each picture. Then

write your answer: Yes, I can. or No, I can't.
Your answer
Can you sing ? No, I can't
2 Can you paint ? No, I can't
3 Can you swim ? No, I can't can_see
3 Dr Atkins _ _ _ __ can't turn right_
4 VVe ______
4 Can you cook ? Yes, I can you now. here!
5 Can you take photos ? Yes, I can
Hell is other people.
Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases 2 GRAMMAR present continuous

Complete the text with these verbs in the a Order the words to make sentences.
present simple.
sister's' My , exams' for, tudying, her.
argue soottl: bark cry talk have
My sister's studyingfor her exams
have play play 2 with, staying, week, her, friends, this, are' Sarah's
Sarah's friends are staying with her this week
3 tonight , party, We' a' aren't' having
We aren't having a party tonight
4 I'm' cup' coffee, drinking' a' the, of, kitchen' in
I'm drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen
5 for 'looking' job' is , a , George, Why
Why is George looking for a job
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
6 because' aren't' They' jogging' today, cold, it's' too
They aren't jogging because it's too cold today
7 computer, Are' using' you, the
- you
- -using
--- the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
8 football, Is , park, Adam, playing' in , the
--- playing
- - -football
- - -in-the
-- park
- - - - - - - - - -?
b Complete the dialogue.
A What 1 are you doi11g ,(you / do) Andy?
B 2 I'm making (I / make) the coffee. Why?
A I can hear a noise. It's people's voices.
B I know. That's the couple upstairs.
My neighbours are very noisy. A young couple A 3 Are they arguing (they / argue)?
with a baby and a dog live upstairs. They aren't B No, 4 they're not shouting (they / not shout). It's the TV. They're very
happy together so they 1 shout all the time. Their old, so they can't hear it. 5 they're watching (they / wat ch) a film.
A Oh. What's that music? Is it a party?
dog 2 barks when they aren't at home, and
B It's the boy next door. 6 He's not having (he / not have) a party!
their baby 3 cries when they are. An old ___ He's
_ _ _ (he / listen) to music. He likes heavy metal.
couple live downstairs. They can't hear so they A Your flat is very noisy, Andy.
always 4 _ _ _ _ the TV on very loud. They B I know. 8 I'm looking for (I / look for) a new one!

talk loudly because the TV is loud, and

c Look at the picture on page 33. What are the people doing?
they 6 argue a lot about which programmes
Complete 1-9 with a verb or verb phrase in the present continuous.
to watch. Some students live next door. They all
1 The woman's talking on her mobile.
play musical instruments and they aren't
____ 2 Thecouple 're _arguing
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
very good! Every night, they 8 have noisy 3 The children _ are_playing
_ _football
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
parties and 9 _play
_ _ _ very loud music. I want 4 Thewoman's_listening___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
to music

a new flat or some new neighbours! 5 Thebaby 's ________________________________

crying __
6 Thedog _________________________________
's barking __
7 Theboy 's________________________________
playing the guitar ___
8 The girl 's_singing
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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