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V2500 - Thrust Reverser Actuator Leaks

ATA: 78-36 FIN: Ref:

A/C Type: A319 A/C Serie: Potential Operational First Issue 26-MAY-
A320 Impact: Reliability Date: 2011
A321 Line
Part Number: TY1542-22 Key Last 17-JUL-
TY1541-50 Information: Publication 2014
TY1541-22 Date:
Supplier: GOODRICH Solution
Linked Linked
Articles: Documentation:
Linked FAIR- 10.0184 Status: Closed
Engineering Support
Fault Code/ECAM Warning: First Issue Date: 26-MAY-2011
Model: V2500-A1 Last Publication Date: 17-JUL-2014
Status: Closed

Issue Description
IAE V2500 thrust reverser actuator leakage has been reported in the field on more than
50 airlines. The issue can be experienced either on the upper feedback actuators P/N
TY1541-22 or -50, or lower locking actuators P/N TY1542-22 or -50. The leaks are
located at the adaptor production seal P/N CH101-42-020 or alternative seal NAS1611-
020 (refer to Figure 1 for location).
Some leaks can be out of the AMM limits. As the thrust reverser system deactivation
does not stop leaks (as per design), thrust reverser actuator has to be replaced. Also, it
is currently not allowed to replace the seal on-wing as damage could occur to the thrust
reverser system.
Investigation Status
Investigated units have revealed degradation of the static seals (refer to figure 2 for seal
deterioration example).
Investigations show that actuator design is as per specification. No deviation regarding
manufacturing tolerances has been evidenced up to now.
Leakages can occur using all types of allowed hydraulic fluids.
Though seal deterioration root cause is still under investigation, back-to-back tests have
revealed that NAS1611-020A seal, which is an evolution of the seal NAS1611-020, is
more resistant to degradation than current seals P/N CH101-42-020 and NAS1611-020
Mitigation / Interim Plan
For production aircraft, the current seal P/N CH101-42-020 has been replaced by seal
P/N NAS1611-020A. This seal is installed in production without P/N change.
For in-service aircraft, Goodrich Service Bulletin V2500-NAC-78-0247 was released
beginning of May 2011.
This VSB requests to perform every C-check an inspection of the actuator adaptor for
trace of seal deterioration (visible fluid wetting and/or black deposit). In case of leakage
and/or black deposit the seal should be proactively replaced to avoid AOG situation.
This VSB enables the airline to change the actuator seal in their facilities (actuator
removed from the engine), rather than sending the actuator back to Goodrich for repair.
This VSB also requests, when necessary, to replace the current seals P/N CH101-42-020
or NAS1611-20 by seal P/N NAS1611-020A.
Maintenance Information
Inspect the actuator every C-check as per Goodrich Service Bulletin V2500-NAC-78-
0247. This interval may be adjusted depending on the airline experience.
Repercussion on A/C Dispatch
If leaks are within the limits specified in AMM TASK 78-32-48-200-010 "Examine the
Thrust Reverser C-Duct Non-Locking Actuator for Hydraulic Fluid Leakage" and AMM
TASK 78-32-43-200-010 "Examine the Thrust Reverser C-Duct Locking Actuator for
Hydraulic Fluid Leakage", aircraft can be dispatched.
If leaks are out of AMM limits, thrust reverser actuator has to be replaced before next
The deactivation of the thrust reverser per MEL is not applicable, due to the fact that the
manual bypass valve has grooves to allow for permanent leakage in order to avoid
pressure build-up in the return line. Therefore, the reverser must be hydraulically
isolated in addition to the deactivation.
A chargeable Technical Adaptation may be provided to deactivate the thrust reverser
system by draining, removing and plugging the hydraulic lines, which would allow to stop
leaks until the actuator could be replaced.
Airbus initially intended to add this task in the AMM and the MMEL. However, this task
could present some risks of in-flight reverse deployment if not correctly applied
(experienced in the past by an operator).
For this reason UTAS and Airbus decided to provide this procedure only on a case by case
basis to ensure a good follow-up.

A new seal design called "Green Tweed T Seal" with P/N CH252738 has been released.
This new seal has been introduced in Final Assembly Line in May 2012 (MSN5170).
The Goodrich Actuation System (GAS) VSB1541-78-L1541-11 for in-service A/C have
been released in July 2012.
No leak has been reported by operators with the T-Seal introduced with this VSB.

Relevant Documentation
AMM 78-32-43-200-010 ; AMM 78-32-43-200-010 ; AMM 78-32-43-200-010 ; AMM 78-32-48-200-010
; AMM 78-32-48-200-010 ; AMM 78-32-48-200-010

Adaptor location

Deteriorated seal

Survey for the Engineering Support section

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provided in this article is for convenience and information purposes only. It shall in no case replace the
official Airbus technical or Flight Operations data which shall remain the sole basis for aircraft
maintenance and operation. These recommendations and information do not constitute a contractual
commitment, warranty or guarantee whatsoever. They shall not supersede the Airbus technical nor
operational documentation; should any deviation appear between this article and the Airbus or airline's
official manuals, the operator must ensure to cover it with the appropriate document such as TA, FCD,
RDAS. Access to WISE is supplied by Airbus under the express condition that Airbus hereby disclaims any
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