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Bememben your gramman

Gerunds and infinitives

1 Complete the grammar notes with the words and phrases from the box.

bare infinitive infinitive with to gerund

We ............. after most modal verbs.

9 We use ............ after can't stand, it isn't "

worth, it's no use, there's no point and waste time.

We use ......... .. with Let's ... .

We use ............. with would prefer and

with would rather and had better-

2 Choose the sentence, A or B, which means the same as the first sentence. ln two items both are correct.

1 He'd better leave. I didn't invite him. My mum allowed me to gb to the shoPs.
' A HeU rather leave. Ididn't invite him. A My mum let me go to the shoPs'
B left.ldidn't invite him.
l'd rather he B I was allowed to go to the shoPs.
2 Let's go to the cinema tonight. l'll always remember my visit to Paris.
A We must go to the cinema A l'll never forget to visit Paris.
tonight. B l'll never forget visiting Paris.

B Why not go to the cinema tonight? My brother doesn't like tomatoes at all.
3 l'd prefer to buy a baggY toP. A My brother hates to eat tomatoes.
A l'd rather buy a bagEY toP. B My brother hates eating tomatoes'
B l'd better buy a baggY toP.
B Find fifteen verbs which are followed by the gerund and sixteen verbs which are followed by the
infinitive with to in the wordsnakes.

iit:], f :;:t j :¡il

.,1,,,1 i t:iil¡rr-tii
Choose the correct answer.

Ican't stand people pushing / to push in front It's no use asking / to osk him - he doesn't
of me in queues. know.
Mark has stopped to go / going out since he This knife is used to peel / peeling fruit.
lost his job. Do you think we should let her to go / go to
Jane's teacher was tired to heor / of hearing the party?
excuses from her. I expect you being / to be in class on time.
I kept calling him, but he pretended not My teacher made me write / to write the essay
hearing / to hear me. again.
ld rather nol play / to p/ay tennis this week.

Complete the dialogue wíth the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Astronaut 1: Willyouletme' . ..... .......... (take off)?

Astronaut 2: Are you sure you can manage' (do)it?
Astronaut 1: It doesn't seem very difficult. ljust keep (go)
straight up and avoid a . .... (hit) any aeroplanes.
Astronaut 2: OK, l'll allow you .. ... . . (do) it. Now stop

.. . .. (talk) and start the engines.

Astronaut 1: l'm having some difñculty' (start)them, Captain.
Astronaut 2: Did you remember (fill uP)with fuel?
Astronaut 1: Oh dear, I keep forgetting . (do)that!
Astronaut 2: Try,o (remember)these little details.

Circle the correct answer.

See Grammar File, page 150

Hi ! My name's
Louise. I'm a
Complete the grammar notes with fhe, a/an or
student from
no article. \a/-/*ne
UK. My favourite
We use . before job titles. subject is t an i
We use before school subjects. - / ¿J:* art.
We use before uncountable I \^rant to be I e

nouns. /-!tf:*fashion
We use before sPeclfic things or
designer one day. I also PIaY a * r'
* / t.he guitar, and r have i a í * I
when there's only one.
;-he dog cal-led SandY. I bring her
Weuse when something is
to the park in r a I * I tne morning
mentioned for the first time.
for a run.
We use ........ .. before pl ura I countable I prefer' a ! - I t¡* dogs to cats
nouns. because you can have 3 a i * I t:he
Weuse...... before col lective nouns. fun with dogs. I play basketball
We use . .,
.. before musical too - I'm ; á ,/ - ,/ t&e captain of
t'a i * ! the team. vüeII, that's
enough about me - what about You? x.
,.1,***,*,.,+,o,, "¡^'*oq ¡.¡i|

See Grammar File, page I 51

Read the grammar notes and write T for True or
F for False.

Each and every are used with singular

countable nouns. tr
Many and few are used with singular
countable nouns. tr
Neither of, both of, each of and either
are used with countable nouns.
tr ffi'
Few and /ltt/e have a positive meaning. tr She goes sunbathing
she's on holiday.
day when

Much,little, a bit of , a large amount

of and a great deal of are used with She always puts of suntan cream
uncountable nouns. on.

Lots of , a lot of and plenty of can only

be used with uncountable nouns.

Complete the sentences with the determiners

from the box.

a each of every few little

little lot
much neithen none plenty

My uncle has a of freckles on

his face.
He doesn't have hair on his
head, thoughl

The old man has very money.

He is smiling because he has very

of the girls have worn high-

heeled shoes before.
With practice, they'll be able to
walk perfectly.
the fishermen has caught a fish.

Unfortunately, of the fish are big

See Grammar File, page 151
enough to eat.

Beview youn vocabulany
I Choose the correct word or phrase, A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
't You need to eat more - you're much too 1 1 I try not to eat too much chocolate, but I

A well-built C overweight occasionally myself.

B skinny D muscly A bid C feature
B snap up D indulge
2 We're looking for................... to help us collect
clothes for the homeless. 12 Take the suit to a tailor if it doesn'

A investors C retailers any more.

B volunteers D visitors Afit C match
B suit D dress
3 My granddad is very old, so his face is
covered in .................. . 13 lf there's something wrong with the product,
A wrinkles C freckles you should ask for a ................... .
B spots D cheek A deal C refund
B bargain D demand
4 He doesn't have much hair, but he has a...................

beard. 14 They're a new range of jeans for

A bushy C rosy children.
B spotty D balding A bidding C backing
B launching D matching
5 Go to the shops on the first day of the sales or
you'll out on the bargains.
.................. 15 I've always enjoyed for Hplloween.
A miss C pick A putting on C showing off
B sell D take B dressing up D wearing out

b w" don't have any more T-shirts in . ..- l'd 16 He's not................. and he's not skinny - he's
better order some more. somewhere in between.
A shop C product A well-built C medium
B stock D demand B thick D toned

l'm sorry, but those shoes are too ................. for a

A best C positive cocktail party.

B favourite D interesting A chic C retro
B funky D scruffu
8 The TV presenter dresses very casually, in
T-shirts and jeans. ...................
'18 My aunt is .................. -aged, but she looks no more
A oval C formal than twenty-five.
B hooded D faded A medium C middle
B fair D round
9 I know the weather is cold there, but bring
something in case it changes. 19 Iwent on a shopping .................. after I won the
A patterned C lightweight money.
B scruffy D vintage A spree C catwalk
B showcase D supply
10 My uncle took me out for dinner as a ................... on
my birthday, 20 She wears clothes to show off her slim
A treat C makeover build.
B bargain D demonstration A baggy c t¡ght-fitting
B sleeveless D flared

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of Without (see)Your work,
the words in capitals. how can I decide if you're good enough?

She's looking for financial

I remember (fall) off mY
bike - and then waking up in hospital!
open her own clothes shoP. BACK
The sea was very rough, so we spent all our
I don't want a plain dress - | want somethlng
time (swim) in the hotel
A woman in the shop was givlng a
lU rather you (go) shoPPing
on how to use the
next SaturdaY.
Icouldn't afford (buY)the
Dan has got incredibly thick,
hooded sweatshirt I wanted.
eyebrows, just like his
father. BUSH His father makes him ......... ......
(clean) the car every Sunday.
. He started his own fashion label with the help
(smoke) is extremelY bad
of a few INVEST
for your health.
My brother was really .... ... ...
when he was a teenager, but his skin is clear ld prefer (not go) to the
now. SPOT countryside this weekend.
- She wanted to look really at My little sister is really looking forward to
(start) school next term.
her debut concert. GLAMOUR
:. Come to our closing-down sale and you'll find Jo wants to go to the cinema but Steve would
bargains. BEAT rather (stay) at home.
' She used to be.......... .. ........
but . l'd better (finish) mY
' since she started swimming she's lost ten assignment before I phone Fiona.
kilos. WEIGHT As well as being a fine sportsman, Matthew
. He wears ...... . ....... T-shirts to show is very keen on (PlaY) the

off his muscly upper arms. SLEEVE piano.

Read the email and decide if the parts underlined are grammatically correct or not.
lf they are, write T for True, if not write F for False.

* * 1

I'm a,Ll my time 1 readi-rrg a book that
my aunt sent me. It's about 2 the $1rI that's
good. at 3 pa,inting, but her dad won'i let her 4
to paint. He th-ir:ks there's no 'ooint, 5 doinÉi 5
any kind of art. Luckily, she has 6 a teacher 6
who encourages her 7 paint, and she has
s few friends who love her work. I won't te11 7

you e arry more - I'11 send it to you when I've 8

f.nished 10 to read it. 9

4 Complete the text with the words from the box. Complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in
any every few f¡t of out the under capitals. Use between two and five words.

1 'l'm sorry ltookyour jacket,'Paulsaid to his

Paul his
T,he Policesay brother's jacket.
the .
2 Their parents don't let them stay up past ten.
Ii 4
"medium'helght' ALLOWED

and balding'-in They ............................ up past

fact trehadhardtY ten by their parents.
--.-*--*...."",;;''''-'"'-'' 3 Her trip to NewYork is something she wíll

, ,:hair At:A!t'T.h€.- .. , always remember.

elsthes hewas NEVER
wearing didnlt ,, She visiting New

hi;: úü;ere very uassY'of1e P't!{

¿ two Pairs ieans ano a He didn't say goodbye when he left.
5 werit into the
t9P s' and W¡THOUT
.*i"ó;";;;u'*iiJo t'* tt*"
or&''-he wasn't
He......................... goodbye.
.r"*nin" clothes' but it was *t;1HI*:
l'd rather get something a bit more retro.
left the shoP that
;ix:,};el"' wearing the new f e§, PREFER

;::""" - :-,. ..thebrysv,ry:..te,ce18..;,-, l'd.................... something a

with! Stre.rqq gut and
tooked bit more retro.
Jioá¿n,uüt'rc *asgüñe'' -
: "'',' :
I really don't want to go out dressed like this.

l'd . ... . out dressed

Replace the underlined parts with the correct like this.
form of a phrasalverb from the box.
We don't have any more of those shoes in
dress up miss out on pick out sell out
show off snap up SOLD
We've ....... those shoes.
I I love putting on chic clothes for a big night His father makes him do his homework
out. every night.
2 His mother selected a shirt that she said would MADE
really suit him. He ................................-- his
It was such a bargain that I bought it homework every night by his father.
immediately Why not set your alarm clock one hour earlier?
Those shoes are no longer in stock. TRY
You should
She drove to the party to show everyone her your alarm clock one hour earlier.
new car. 10 Trying to change her mind is pointless.
I was ill, and I didn't get to see my favourite POINT
There's ...,..................... to
change her mind.
Choose the correct word or phrase, A, B, C or D, to complete the sentences.

There were hardly customers in the Nearly kid I meet is wearing the same
shop today. trainers as me.

some few every each of

any a any most

'Let's to the cinema tonightJ Did you remember off the TV before we
'Good idea. What's on?' left?

to go go switch to switch
going not go switching to switching

Lesley doesn't have enthusiasm for l'm looking forward my cousin again this
shopping online. summer.

few many see to see

most much seeing to seeing
'l can't come to the shops for more than people realise how stressful being a top
an hourl modelcan be
'There's no ...... going at all, thenl Few Any
use good Every Either
point reason There's food to eat In my sister's fridge
'Which of these two tops do you want?' because she's on a diet.
of them.They're both awfull little few
Both Either a little a few

Neither Each

Decide which of the four underlined words/phrases in each sentence is incorrect.

When I was young, most of my friends were lf you drive at 100 miles the hour, you miss out
allowed to stay out later than me each of on all the beautiful scenery.
Friday. Why do you waste all time trying to talk sense
Ican't to stand people who promise to help to your brother?
you and then don't show gp. Every of person I know has bought a few items
l'd rather you picked out something q little less of clothing they're not proud of.
formal to wear; I don't stand suits and ties. Did you hear him to tell his wife that he
The eating such a lot of food won't help you to thought I had a great deal oftaste?
ñt into your wedding dress.

Read the article and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

Gaga for Fashion

you allowed to stay up late enough to see Lady Gaga at the MTV
Awards? lf not, you missed on one of the strangest costumes
in the show's history - and there have been . lot of really weird

ones! But the dress Gaga had on appeared to

o made entirely of
meat. Completing the outfit were accessories to . . ........
a meat hat
and a meat handbag. Not all the critics were happy about her choice of outfit,
though; 6 animal rights groups accused her of
insensitive. Lady Gaga explained why she had chosen to dress
8 . . in

such e
daring outfit - she said that she is often treated like a piece
of meat. Whatever the reason, ro audience loved it.

T G Choose the correct word, A, B or C, to complete the Complete the second sentence so that it has
sentences. a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in
, Shops should check that the clothes they buy are
produced I I don't want to wear baggy clothes.
I ethics E ethical ü ethically NOT

i Make sure you are dressed for the job l'd rather
interview. :: Did they let you go out on a school night?
É,, suit ;j suitable r= suitably
ri Over fifty million euros have been . .. in the Were you
: investor I investment ,: l'll never forget meeting my favourite singer.
Every day she does four product ... .. in REMEMBER
supermarkets around the town. l'llalways

S The designer's can be seen everywhere - from '4 'You must not wear jeansi his mother told
fashionable parties to smart ofñces. him.
'B i:
ii creative creator creations LET

6 His mother
l've bought my dress and now I want some . .... .. to
go with it - shoes and a bag. 'l Each boy denied doing it.
Éi , accessories access
accessorise BOYS

7 She came back beautifully from her summer None of

holidays. ü, I don't want you to come home late.
lli tan É tanned il tanning yOU

clothes. ;' 'l didn't take your bicyclei he said to her.

;i formal s formally I formality HER

He denied

i;: I don't want you to spend so much money.


'! i: Match the halves of the sentences.

i You'd better tr .:: didn't call me so late.

". I advised her against tr ; to swim in the sea, not a pool.
-i I tried playing the guitar, T 'l but I couldn't.
.i l'd rather you tr ,-r but I didn't like it.
.., He reminded me tr I to get some food at the next town - l'm starving.
He always forgets tr :i to turn off the oven when the food was ready.
7 I prefer tr :r to close the gate - sorryl
l-, I never remember tr :', to call me on my birthday.
= Lett stop T . seeing him again.
ia I tried to open it, tr -. not stay in the sun too long.
l3 Read the text and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap.

1 A demand B retail C therapy D desire

2 A shoppers B consumers C retailers D designers
3 A lesser B fewer C under Dof
4 Alet B allow C make D force
5 A label B price C discount D refund

6 A maker B turnover C makeover D make-believe
7 A snapping B dressing C showing D picking
8 A succeeded B achieved C managed D persuaded
9 A shop B stock C reserve D sale
10 A. rather B prefer C better D have to

14 Choose the sentence, & B, C or D, which is closest in meaning to the sentence given.

1 I remember locking the car. Who let the cat get out?
A I know that I locked the car. A Was the cat allowed to get out?
B I nearly forgot to lock the car. B Who was allowed to let the cat out?
C The car was locked - I remember that. C Who did the cat let out?
D I never forget to lock the car. D Who allowed the cat to get out?
2 I dont want you to worry. Let's stay a little longer.
A l'd rather not worry. A Why don't we stay a little longer?
B I prefer not to worry. B l'd rather you stayed longer.
C l'd rather you didn't worry. C Why stay longer'?
D I know you prefer not to worry. D l'd prefer not to stay any longer.
3 We don't have many options left. There is hardly any money in my account.
A There's nothing left to do. A There's a little money in my account.
B We dont have any options left. B There's very little money in my account.
C We have few optíons left. C There isnt any money in my account.
D We have a few options left. D None of my money is in my account.
Choose the best response to each question.

Why not get a film out?

Shall we go out tonight?
rtr l'd rather you didn't.
Have you got any money left? tr Fine. Which one?
Which of the two do you like? tr None of them.
Which band at the festival did you like? tr On foot.
How do you get to school? T No, let's not.
Do you play any instrumentsT tr Hardly any.
Shall I come over tonightT tr A few.

Complete the sentences with words to do with clothes and appearance.

All the letters are given, but they are mixed up.

1 The models looked fantastic as they danced down the atkwalc

2 She was wearing a . green T-shirt and jeans. unfyk

3 Kate'sfatherisblond, buthermotherisa . ..... ...... tbuetenr

4 He went to the dentist to have hls adjusted. rabcse

5 She has red hair and very skin, so she can't go out in the sun much, laep

6 When the children came in from their walk, they had lovely cheeks. osry

7 Ted's clothes gave people the misleading impression that he was poor. fyfu rsc

I Eve's new hairstyle suited her ... . face. loav

9 Chris spends so long sitting at the computer that he's become rather nourd

10 This warm, jacket is ideal for keeping your head warm on cold, wintry dohdoe

11 MrWalker doesn't have a beard: he's ...... . nacle


12 Martin doesn't need to use suntan lotion as he's quite krad


Ask and answer the questions

with a partner.

Do you sometimes avoid doing things you don't Iike? What?

Are there any activities which you can't stand?
What are you looking forward to doing in the next week?
Have you ever apologised for something? What was it?
What jobs do your parents make you do at home?

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