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‫بسم هللا الرمحن الرحمي‬

University of Gezira
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of chemical engineering and
chemical technology

Extraction of starch from mango seed

Prepared by:

April 2021
Executive Summary 3
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 4
1.1 Background 4
1.2 Problem Statement 5
1.3 Objectives 5
CHAPTER TWO : Literature Review 6
2.1 Literature Review 6
Chapter Three :Material and methods: 8
3.1 Technological review 8
3.1.1 Mango availability 8
3.1.2 Types and processes of extraction of starch 9
3.1.3 Method selection 10
3.1.4 Process Description 10
3.2 Flow diagram 11
3.2.1 Selection of Plant Location and Site 12
3.3 Material and energy balance 13
3.3.1 Material Balance 13
CHAPTER FOUR: Discussion and Results
4.1.1 Plant capacity 17
4.1.2 Pricing and distribution 17
4.1.4 Fixed Capital Investment and working capital 17
4.1.5 Total Operating Cost 18
4.1.6 Financial Evaluation of the Project 19
4.2 Profitability Parameters 20
4.2.1 Payback Period 20
4.2.2 Present Value 20
5.1.1 Conclusion 21
5.2 Recommendation 21
Reference 21

Executive Summary
This project is subjected to fulfill the need for native starch in Sudan. The aim of this project is to
produce a good quality native starch for industries (textile, and many other). And reducing
environmental impacts and obtaining economic benefits based on utilization of waste materials.

Starch is a very versatile material with a wide range of applications in the food, pharmaceutical, textile,
paper, cosmetic and construction industries. In Sudan, starch is widely used in the textile industry. To
meet the starch demand, the country imports approximately 45% of the starch used in the country.
Consequently, it is imperative to find additional sources of starch that could substitute for the amount of
starch that is currently being imported. Mango seeds, a waste material that is disposed of after
consumption of mangos, were studied for potential use as an alternative resource for starch production.
The results showed that starch extraction from mango seeds was facile and a good quality product was
obtained. The present study is concerned with extraction of starch from mango seed and the financial
analysis for industrial production of starch from mango seeds. The study shows that extraction of starch
from waste mango seeds is feasible: the annual profit before depreciated is 113,027.59 $ and after
depreciated is 108,718.155 $ . The plant site is proposed to in madani because of the availability of raw
material and it’s close to the market. The facility will produce 500 tons of native starch annually in 300
days a year and 8 hours a day

The main units operation of production of native starch:

➢ Washing and cleaning of the mango waste

➢ Crushing the seed with a hammer crushing machine
➢ Filtration
➢ Hydraulic pressing or dewatering
➢ Centrifuge
➢ Drying
➢ Milling
➢ Packaging
1 Introduction

1.1 Background

The Scientific name for mango is (Mangifera indica) , and it is a peel fruit with a kernel .Mango contains
many benefits such as Protection from Cancer because it contains anti-oxidants and also proves the
propation cholesterol and mango contains a high level of vitamin C and many other benefits .Mango
fruits with a high nutritional peak rich in the following contemporary :Calories (2.2) , Fats ( 1.28) ,
carbohydrates ( 50.33) , Fiber ( 5.4) and proteins ( 2.75 ).

Mango production in Sudan exceeds 600000 tons and production areas (Southern kordofan , Blue Nile ,
Sennar , Darfur , the Nile River ).

Starch is a very important and widely distributed natural product, occurring in the leaves of green
plants, seeds, fruits, stems, roots, and tubers. It serves as the chemical storage form of the energy of the
sun and is the primary source of energy for the organisms on the Earth. Starch is composed of two kinds
of polysaccharides, amylose and amylopectin, both combined in a water‐insoluble granule that is partially
crystalline and whose size, shape, and morphology are dependent on its biological source.

Starch is an abundant, naturally occurring polysaccharide, rivaling cellulose in the amount found on the
Earth. Starch results as an end-product of photosynthesis and serves as the chemical storage form of the
energy of the sun on the Earth. A high percentage of the energy available to non ‐photosynthetic
organisms comes from starch, which is found in the principal food crops of the world: wheat, potatoes,
rice, maize, barley, beans, bananas, mango, pineapple, and so forth.

It is estimated that 60–70% of the caloric intake by humans comes from starch. As such, starch has been
of great importance in the evolution of organisms and especially for humans, where it also has had a role
in the evolution of culture. Besides being used as an essential food, wheat starch was used to give body
and the ability to hold ink to papyrus, a thin bark that was the earliest material used for writing (∼4000
b.c.), especially in Egypt. When paper was developed in China, around 100 a.d., starch was also used to
give body to the paper and to hold ink on the paper and it continues today to be used to size paper. The
Romans (∼100 b.c.) used starch to whiten cloth and to powder hair, and about 300 a.d., it was widely
used to stiffen cloth and was often mixed with dyes to color the cloth. Colored starches (especially yellow
and red) were also used as cosmetics .

Starch is one of three major biorenewable materials found on the Earth, sucrose and cellulose being the
other two. Of the three, starch is today the most important because of its relative abundance and its
relative easy of isolation in a highly pure form, which is relatively easily solubilized and enzymatically
hydrolyzed to glucose and/or different maltodextrin products, or chemically modified. It, therefore, is a
biorenewable, natural product that finds many industrial uses, such as the formation of glucose syrups,
high-fructose syrups, maltodextrins with a wide range of average molecular weights, cyclomaltodextrins,
d-glucitol (d-sorbitol) and the formation of ethanol, acetic acid, d-lactic acid, and other organic
compounds by fermentation.
1.2 Problem Statement

Reducing environmental impacts and obtaining economic benefits based on utilization of waste materials
are drivers for the implementation of cleaner production policies and technologies in food processing
industries. Starch is a very versatile material with a wide range of applications in the food,
pharmaceutical, textile, paper, cosmetic and construction industries. In Sudan, starch is widely used in the
textile industry. To meet the starch demand, the country imports approximately 45% of the starch used in
the country. Consequently, it is imperative to find additional sources of starch that could substitute for the
amount of starch that is currently being imported. Mango seeds, a waste material that is disposed of after
consumption of mangos, were studied for potential use as an alternative resource for starch production.
The results showed that starch extraction from mango seeds was facile and a good quality product was

1.3 Objectives

1.5.1 General Objective

To extract starch from Starch rich waste material: mango seeds to supplement the existing costly starch
based products in the country.

1.5.2 Specific objective

 Economic feasibility of industrial production.

 Extraction starch in laboratory scale and upgrading of the process to the plant scale .
 Increase the percentage of starch extraction from mango seeds .
 Procedure material and energy balance for the process .

4 Rational and Significant Of Research

Production of mango in Sudan is nearly602,330 Tm per annum. Mango seed, a waste material (weight
of seed is 35-40% of the total weight of the fruit) that is disposed of after consumption of mangos
(43750-50000Tm seed is thrown away as of no value) can be used as a potential alternative resource for
starch production. It has wide applications in the food, pharmaceutical, textile, paper, and cosmetic and
construction industries

2.1 Literature Review

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) kernels are the solid wastes produced in large scale in Ethiopia when it is
processed into pulp and other products. Environmental problem associated with disposal of the kernels
rich in starch (50-60% dry basis) is a cause of concern. Eco-friendly disposal of mango kernel by the
recovery of starch was studied by Singh et al.(2007). Starch was recovered in batch scale using different
enzyme concentrations. When pectinase was not used as (1) at 9.19 IU and 20.50 U per 10 g dry kernel
and (2) at 3.06 IU and 51.25 U per 10 g dry kernel, The starch recovery decreased by 71.3 per cent and
79.6 percent respectively. Similarly when cellulose was not used as in (1) and (2) above, the decrease in
starch recovery was not considerable comparatively. The kernel also by composition contained more of
pectin as compared to cellulose. Hence it was pectinase enzyme that was more effective in starch

Sandhu and Lim (2008) studied the structural characteristics and in vitro digestibility of mango kernel
starches. Starches isolated from the kernels of two mango cultivars (Chausa and Kuppi) were studied
and compared with those of a commercial normal corn starch. Mango kernel starches showed an A-type
X-ray diffraction pattern, with relative crystallinities of 35.4 per cent and 38.3 per cent, respectively for
Kuppi and Chausa cultivars. The structural characterization obtained, using high performance size
exclusion column chromatography connected to multi-angle laser light scattering and refractive index
detectors (HPSECMALLS-RI), revealed that the mango kernel starches had lower molecular weight (Mw)
and radius of gyration (Rg) of amylopectin and amylase compared to those of corn starch. The amounts
of readily digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS) were lower for mango kernel starch
than those of corn starch. Resistant starch (RS) contents in the mango kernel starches (75.6% and 80.0%,
respectively) were substantially higher than those of corn starch (27.3%). The glycemic index (GI) values
for mango kernel starches were 48.8 and 50.9 (for Chausa and Kuppi, respectively), whereas that of corn
starch was 74.8, indicating that the mango kernel starch granules were highly resistant to digestion with
significant contents of RS.

Hassan et al. (2013) conducted a study on extraction and characterization of starches from four varieties
of Mangifera Indica seeds. The results showed that the average starch content of the seeds was
60.44±5.26 per cent although there are statistically significant differences amongst the varieties.
Moisture content (6.23±1.36%), ash content (0.158±0.101%), starch protein (0.0669±0.0027%) and
starch lipid (0.208±0.0417 %,) were low. Amylose content was within the range of 11.90-16.74 per cent.
Swelling power (19.40±0.30-19.80±0.36g/g) and solubility (0.135±0.002-0.142±0.001%) were less
variable amongst the varieties. The Amylopectin content of the starches was within the range of
83.25±0.10 - 90.60±0.4 per cent; and significant variations (p<0.05) were observed amongst the mango
varieties. It was also observed that the onset gelatinization temperature of the starches ranged from
60.5 to 63.4º C whereas the conclusion gelatinization temperature was from 70.2 to 73.4º C. In general,
even though there are significant differences in some of the properties of the starches, the starches
exhibit good properties and could serve as alternatives for the production of industrial products that
may require starch.
Note: nr, not reported
Dhingra and Kapoor, 19851 variety Chausa
Dhingra and Kapoor, 19852 variety Dusheri

The amino acids contained in mango seed kernel based on

Dry weight compared to the FAO/WHO reference

Table 2.1

Chapter Three
3.1 Material and methods:

3.1.1 Global and local consumption of starch

Types of starch

● Native starch (unmodified)

Native starch is a carbohydrate ingredient generally used for texturizing in the feed industry many
end users of modified starches choose to produce these themselves in line with consumption - for
example, enzyme modified size in the paper industry. Therefore, there will always be a market for
native starch.

● Modified starch

Modified starch is the starch extracted from grains and vegetables which has been treated to improve
its ability to keep the texture and the structure of the food. Sales of modified starches are support
intensive. In Denmark for years, these specialty starches made up only a fraction of turnover, but sales
were distributed among hundreds of items and each required expert support from laboratory and pilot
plant. Now it finally seems to pay off.

3.1.2 Types and processes of extraction of starch

Based on the information available in the internet, references and the experimental study done by
aboard chemist the extraction can be done by four methods.

1 Extraction of mango seed starch via distillation method

The mango seed starch was isolated according to the procedure described by Noor et al. [5] with minor
modifications. Firstly, 5 g of mango seed flour was added to 100 ml of distilled water with continuous
stirring for 6 hours at room temperature. Next, a cloth bag (about 200 µm mesh) was used for filtering
the slurry and the remaining residues were washed with distilled water for three times. The filtrate was
mixed and precipitated overnight at 4 °C. Finally, the obtained starch was filtered and dried in the oven
at 40 °C for 24 hours. The starch was ground with a mortar and pestle, packed in a sealed plastic bag
and kept at room temperature until further use.

2 Extraction of mango seed starch via centrifugation method

The mango seed starch was isolated using Hassan et al. [4] Method with some modifications. Firstly, 50
g of mango seeds were steeped in 0.16% aqueous solution of sodium hydrosulfide hydrate at 50 °C for
24 hours. Next, the solution was decanted and the seeds were ground in kitchen blender. The ground
slurry was filtered through a cloth bag (about 200 µm mesh), washed thoroughly with distilled water and
re-slurried in distilled water for 1 hour. Then, the supernatant was decanted from the filtrate and the
settled starch layer was re-suspended in distilled water. Finally, the starch was centrifuged at 5000rpm
for 30 minutes and dried in the oven at 50 °C for 6 hours. The starch was ground with a mortar and
pestle, packed in a sealed plastic bag and kept at room temperature until further use.
Extraction of mango seed starch via evaporation method 3

50 gm of mango seeds were soaked in water, washed and grinded in a blender.

After that, they were dissolved in water. Then the mixture was taken in a
standard flask and placed in a heater that was previously equipped to adjust its
temperature. After the evaporation of the water after reaching its boiling
point, the sediment was filtered by a filter paper, and the filtrate was taken
and dried. If the precipitate is in the form of strings, it is inserted into the
centrifuge. The starch was ground and packed in a sealed plastic bag and

3.1.3 Method selection

Based on the above information, the method that we have chosen will depend on the effects of
extraction methods on its morphology, structural and physicochemical properties.Morphological
characteristics like shape and size of the starch granules. Distillation method yield the smallest size of
starch .the other character we used is based upon the yield of the starch from the seed and yet again
distillation method have a very good yield percentage.Thus the method that we have chosen is
extraction of mango seed starch via distillation.

3.1.4 Process Description

➢ Cleaning

The cleaning of waste mango seed takes place after transportation to the extraction plant. The main
cleaning is done in a drum washing unit where the waste mango seeds collide and rub against the wall
and each another to remove dirt under the centrifugal force of the washing unit. From there, the
mango seeds go into the agitation water cleaner.

➢ Hammer crusher

After washing and destining, the mango seeds are transported to a storage hopper using a conveyor belt
then crushed with a hammer to destroy and loosen the tissues of mango seeds and produce a slurry of
starch granules. This crushing section adopts hammer crusher which destroys the tissue of mango curnel
and makes the very small granular of starch decompose and depart from the roots.This step of crushing
process is applied for full breaking down mango curnel tissue which becomes finer granular of starch
that separates thoroughly to increase the extraction rate.

➢ Filtration process
The slurry of starch are introduced to filtration machine for purpose of separation of fiber.Rotary filter is
applied in filtration process in which impuritiesis further cleaned out to ensure that no block happens to
the latter process equipment. Impurities is retained by filtering drum and carried to the bottom of filter
by hair brush, then discharged when starch milk are input into the filtering drum.After filtration, starch
flows out from pipe which connects to the next stage of separation section and the fiber goes out at the
top of the machine.

➢ Dewatering process

Dewatering of starch is the part of a drying process where free water is removed from a starch slurry
without applying heat.Starches with a substantial fraction of larger granules are dewatered by drawing a
stream of air through a thin layer of starch. Forming the layer and dewatering can be done in one
operation by vacuum filtration. The driving force is however limited to one bar. Starches with smaller
granules dewatered by applying centrifugal forces to theslurry.he concentrated starch leaves the
filtration process to a dewatering unit to further reduce the water content of the starch milk.

➢ Centrifugation process

Large pieces of tissue are easily removed bycentrifugation after the crude initial tissue disruption.
Differential centrifugation oftenplays an important role in protein extraction ;the rate and time of
centrifugation willselectively draw subcellular organelles into thepellet. Proteins may thereby be
extracted fromparticular cell compartments via multiplerounds of centrifugation. Additionally,
nucleicacids can be chemically precipitated out of the initial tissue slurry and removed by
centrifugation.This stage includes in which separator is provided to divorced insoluble protein and the
remaining soluble protein and other impurities from starch milk following to the principle of gravity
disparity of water, starch and protein of yellow juice aiming at washing , refining and concentrating of
starch milk.

➢ Drying process

The starch milk is dosed continuously through the ceiling of the processing chamber and drops on the
state of suspension under the effect of high-speed hot air in this starch dryer machine. As flow speed is
high, the wet tapioca starch particles suspended in air, the heat transfer surface and heat transfer
coefficient of gas-solid is high, and drying time is short (most of the dry material less than 2 seconds), it
is particularly suitable for drying of heat sensitive materials. During the drying process, clean the air
heater through the cold air from the wet starch after delivering the transport auger feeder into the air
duct by the young wet starch mixture, are instantly dry, dry starch cyclone, discharging auger off air
control exhaust, emissions into the atmosphere by the fan. The machine can be controlled, both manual
and automatic operation. When it is by automatic control, the exhaust gas temperature of automatic
measure by water controlled will send back the signal to the previous feeding adjustable motor. By this
way, the feeding capacity can be controlled. Also, the output moisture content of tapioca starch
production will be ensured. Packaging

The dried starch gets in to packaging machine will be packed and ready to be sold.
1.2 Flow diagram

3.2.1 Selection of Plant Location and Site

In the selection of a location there are some governing parameters we have to consider

1 .Availability of Raw Materials

Mangoes are grown all over Sudan in loamy and light lands on the banks of rivers and valleys. The
most important areas for its cultivation are concentrated on the banks of the Blue Nile, the Rahad
River, and the Nile River Abu Jubaiha.

2 . Proximity to Market

It is preferable to select the plant location near to the market to avoid costs related with
transportation of product. Most of market is located near to cities and town. The plant will be located in
Wd madani because of the availability of raw material and the infrastructure of the city will facilitate
the transportation of the goods.

3. Energy availability

Due to the widespread use of electric power, availability of fuel or gas is no longer a determining factor
in most cases for the location of the plant, The plant's location near the oil refinery is to reduce the cost
of transporting fuel.
4 . Climate

The climate of the region / region in which the plant is located has a significant impact on both capital
and operating costs

5 . Transportation facilities

Since the freight charges for raw materials and finished goods are included in the cost of production, so
transportation facilities have become the ruling factor in the economic location of the factory.
Depending on the size of raw materials and finished products, suitable means of transportation such as
railways and asphalt roads are chosen.

6. Water supply

Water is required for treatment and is also used for drinking and factory services. The potential source
of supply is the Nile River and underground wells

7. Waste disposal

A comprehensive study has been conducted regarding the disposal of water such as liquid waste, solids,
chemicals and other waste products that are likely to be produced during the production process.

8 . Local Laws, Regulations and Taxes

Laws prohibit the setting up of polluting industries in prone areas particularly which are
environmentally sensitive . Extraction of starch from mango waste does not pollute the environment its
actually help eliminate the waste from the environment and the production process does not involve
any emission of CO2. However, it is preferable to select plant location outside urban rather than at the
center of the city.

9 Site characteristeristics:

The land in which the factory will be established is scientifically valid as it is strong and not loose to
withstand heavy machinery and the vibrations resulting from it.

3.3.1 Material Balance

Material balance helps us to determine the amount of raw material required for a yearly and daily

General material balance



● 1kg=1L for water

● Steady state process
● No reactions occur(no generation, consumption & accumulation)
● Basis 100gm
● Annual production is 500ton of starch
⇨ The general material balance becomes

❖ From literature review

Ash=3.2% Wet basis
Crude fiber and others=2.02%

❖ Our machines efficiency is assumed to be 74.56%≈75%

✓ Therefore to extract our starch using this information;
Since our basis is 100gm of mango seed kernel it means the starch is 30gm since its 30%.
30gm×0.75=22.5gm of starch is assumed to be obtained.
⇨ From 100ton×22.5%=22.5ton of starch can be obtained. To produce 1ton starch
=100ton of msk×1ton of starch=4.4ton of msk

22.5ton of starch

⇨ To produce 1ton of starch 4.4ton of msk is required and to get the annual amount of
starch (500ton) we need 2222.22ton of msk.

Assuming 300 days of working the amount that should be introduced is calculated;

2222.22ton/annum ×annum/1=7.407ton/day of msk(input)


M.B on Washer

7.407ton/day of mango seed kernel

8m3 water/day 7.5m3 water/day

7.4024ton/day of mango seed kernel

✓ There is no significant change of mass.

M.B on Hammer Crusher

✓ Here like the above process there is no significant change of mass since it’s a size
reduction process. The output is composed of fiber, seed coat and seed.

M.B on Filtration

✓ Here with a little addition of water a filter cake is formed to separate pulp, fiber and
others. From literature review crude fiber and others account 2% in a wet basis.

7.4024ton/day 7.2543ton/day

Crude fiber &others



M.B on Hydraulic Press

✓ Here by pressing the filtrate which came from filtration process oil (13% from literature
review) is separated.

7.2543ton/day 6.383ton/day



M.B on Centrifuge

✓ Here protein (7% from literature review) is going to be separated and the final starch is
obtained from it.

6.383ton/day 5.937ton/day of starch (44% moisture)



M.B on Dryer

✓ Here a starch with a moisture content of 0.44 (44% from literature review) is to be dried
to a final moisture content of 0.12.

5.937ton/day starch 4.037ton/day dried starch

Moisture removed

1.899m3 of water vapor

✓ Moisture removed=(0.44-0.12)*5.937=1.899ton/day of water

Energy Balance

E.B on Dryer

✓ Here energy balance for the dryer is worked out

Steam input (ms,Ts,Qs)

Starch Input (mi,xi,Ti) output(mo,xo,To)

Water output


❖ No heat loss

Given parameters

● Cp,steam=1.9kJ/kg.K
● Cp,starch=1.75kJ/kg.k
● Cp,water=4.2kJ/kg.k
● Inlet temperature=25ºc
● Starch drying temperature=130ºc
● latent heat of vaporization=2,260kJ/kg
⇨ Total energy required by the dryer is the sum of heat energy required to rise
temperature of the product from 25ºc to 130ºc and heat energy required to heat
the water.



Mi=mass of starch introduced to the dryer in dry basis (5.937-0.679=5.258)

Q m=5258kg/day(1.75+0.45*4.187(130-25))

=43860kJ/ h r =715.63KW


Q total=1340.97KW

CHAPTER FOUR : Discussion and Results

4.1.1 Plant capacity

The starch consumption capabilities of several textile and paper and pulp industries and starch
manufacturing industries were considered in the design. The plant is envisaged to produce 500 ton/year
of starch, operating in 300 working days and 8 h/day.

4.1.2 Pricing and distribution

The average price for first-grade maize starch excluding tax and other charges is 1.6 $/kg. Based on
current markets, the selling price for mango seed starch is assumed to be 1.0 $/kg, which is below the
selling price of the commercially available starch.


This section is used to estimate the profit of the project and requirement of capital by considering
different types of costs and cost estimation technique. Based on unsatisfied demand on the starch
market especially in textile we set the production capacity of starch manufacturing to be 500
tons per year. The total working day in a year will be 300 based on consideration of some
contingencies on equipment, labor and finance in the year. The company will work 8 a day. Thus, this
sub section focus on the preliminary estimation of fixed capital investment, working capital, total
production costs. In addition, the profitability measurement like rate of return, payback period, and
discounted cash flow rate will be determined

No. Equipment Item Cost(doller)

1 Washing machine 1,019

2 Conveyor 509.9

3 Hammer crusher 2,039.6

4 Starch extractor 1,784.6

5 Centrifuge sieve 8,413.3

6 Self-plying pump 509.9

7 Drum dryer 8,668.3

8 Grinder 1,529.7

9 Packing machine 764.8

10 Delivery pump 407.5

11 Hydraulic presser 3,824.3

12 Total 29, 470

4.1.4 Fixed Capital Investment and working capital

Fixed capital investment is the total cost of the plant ready for the start up. It is the cost paid to the
contractors.Fixed capital cost includes: design and other engineering supervision; all items of equipment
and their costs of installation; all piping, installation and control system; building and structures;
Auxiliary facilities and utilities such as water, electricity, land and civil engineering.

Item Factor (%)6 Cost ($)

Purchased equipment cost 100% 29, 470
Direct cost
Purchased cost installation 45 13,261.5
Instrumentation & control 15 4,420.5
Piping installed 45 13,261.5
Electrical 10 2,947
Yard improvement 20 5,894
Service and facility 45 13,261.5
Total Direct Cost (TDC) 53,046
Indirect cost
Engineering & supervision 25 7,367.5
Construction expense 5 1,473.5
Other cost(OC) 10 2,947
Contractor fee 5 1,473.5
Total indirect cost (TIC) 13,261.5
Fixed capital investment 66,307.5
Working capital (WC) 15% of FCI 9,946.12
Total investment cost 76,253.6

4.1.5 Total Operating Cost

Operating cost is the cost of producing a product based on the flow sheet material balance and energy
balance. The cost of producing a certain chemical product will include:

➢ Fixed operating costs: these are costs that do not vary with the production rate of the plant.
➢ Variable cost: these costs are dependent on the amount of product produced.
➢ General over head: these costs also incurred in the company that will not cause by direct

Item Factor Cost ($) annually

Fixed cost
Maintenance cost 5% fixed capital cost 3,315.4
Operating labor cost From human resource plan 49,452
Laboratory cost 20% of operating labor cost 9,890.4
Supervision 20% of operating labor cost 9,890.4
Plant overhead 50% of operating labor cost 24,726
Depreciation 10% of fixed capital 6,630.75
Total fixed cost 103,905
Variable cost
Raw material 1kg of waste mango =0.0788 $ 175,109.36
Miscellaneous operating 10% of maintenance cost 331.54
Utilities or services 1.2% of RM cost 2,102.28
Shipping and packing 1.2% of RM cost 2,102.28
Direct production cost 283,550.46
Plant overhead
General overhead 5% of direct production cost 14,177.523
Research and development 10% of direct production cost 28,355
Sales, expense 5% of direct production cost 14,177.523
Reserves 5% of direct production cost 14,177.523
Total other cost Direct cost + total other cost 42,560.924
Annual production cost 326,111.3
4.1.6 Financial Evaluation of the Project

Financial evaluation of the project is the crucial thing to make the project funded by investors.
Before a project is invested the profitability of the investment has to be known and compared with
other type of safe and secure investment. Therefore, the determination and analysis of profits
obtained by the project and the choice of best investment among various alternatives are the major
goal of financial analysis.

i. Total annual revenue = selling price* production capacity

1 $/kg * 500,000 kg = 500,000 $

ii. Gross profit before the capital cost is depreciated (1-10 year)

Gross profit = total annual revenue – annual production cost

= 500,000 - 326,111.3

= 173,888.6 $/year

iii. Gross profit after the capital cost is depreciated (10-20 year)
Gross profit = total annual revenue- (annual production cost + Depreciation)

=500,000 – (326,111.3 + 6,630.75) = 167,258.7 $/year

iv. Tax = 35% of the gross profit I

Tax before depreciated = .35 * 173,888.6 = 60,861.01 $

Tax after depreciated = .35 * 167,258.7 = 58,540.545 $

v. Net profit (1-10) = gross profit – tax = 113,027.59 $

vi. Net profit (10-20) = gross profit – tax = 108,718.155 $

4.2 Profitability Parameters.

4.2.1 Payback Period

It is the time used to recover the total capital investment invested on the project. It is also a major
financial evaluation for a project because if the project will not return the capital investment on it, it will
not be the attractive business to invest.

Payback period = total capital investment/net profit

=76,253.6/113,027.6 = 0.67 year

The pay pack period for this project will be 8 monthes.

4.2.2 Present Value

The money earned in any year can be putted in to work (reinvestment) as soon as it is obtained and start
earns a return. Money earned in the earlier year of the project is more valuable than to the money
earned in the latest years due to the time value of money. The time value of money is incorporated by
the compound interest formula. Therefore the present value of the starch manufacturing project will be
calculated by the following formula. It can be calculated by the difference between the net present
value of cash inflows and cash outflows.

TNPV = - total capital investment + R*(SUM 1/ (1+i)n from n=0 to n=20

i = interest rate = 10%, R= Profit (113,027.6)

If the total net present value of the project is positive, then the project is selected to invest or it is
profitable to invest on this project rather than putting the investment in bank

TNPV= 869,222.8 $

Thus, it is indicated that the total net present value is positive 869,222.8. This shows that the project
is acceptable and it has to be funded to start detailed design and production of starch.


5.1.1 Conclusion

The key financial indicators for the project show very good signs of project success and feasibility with
good profit margins. The project can create employment for 19 persons in one plant operating in Sudan.
Aside from supplying domestic needs, the project will help the country to save significant scarce foreign
currency reserves. The plant will also have a positive impact on the food security of the country since it
would use a non-food material as a source of industrial starch. Setting up a plant for extraction of starch
from waste mango seeds will be beneficial in terms of environmental sustainability and economic

5.2 Recommendation
From this project we recommend the Sudanese ministry of agriculture to increase the production of
mango, Sudan should encourage the production of this valuable plant and value adds products of it for
multi-directional purpose. The benefit of the products extends to health and socio-economic advantage


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