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IELTS Speaking vocabulary: Health

● I used to be addicted to videogames, but now I only play something when I have
● It's a good idea check-up on your body once per year.
● Runny nose could happen if you get the flu or when you are in a cold season as
occurs with me.
● The last epidemic has been happening since 2019 known as covid-19.
● I only take painkillers when I can’t handle the pain.
● I know no one who needs to go to a rehab.
● Most of the time the surest way to diagnose the cause is by ultrasound examination.
● Sometimes we might stutter if you don't explain something.
● My dog is almost 11 but it’s still alive and kicking.
● I was a chocolate addict, but I managed to break this habit.
● I almost blacked out when I hit the wall when my brother was trying to teach me
how to ride a bicycle during my childhood.
● I can’t work properly when I’m a bit under the weather.
● When I got my first covid shoot I got sick as a dog.
● I’m white as a sheep when I’m really sick.

IELTS practice Listening test 2 - part 4 | Take IELTS

31 fuel
32 combustion engine
33 145%
35 barrier in atmosphere
36 46 million
37 118 million
39 diseases

Phrasal Verbs List | Vocabulary | EnglishClub

● I called the flight company back trying to resolve a problem but they never answered
the phone.
● The launch of a rocket is called off when the weather is bad.
● The art of origami comes from Asia.
● Children usually cross out their books.
● I don’t like the idea of cutting the old trees down, but sometimes they do it because
these trees can fall in our houses if a storm occurs.
● A side effect of the treatment is that your hair starts to fall out.
● Generally people's hair starts to fall out when they are 35.
● My brother used to get back at me for stealing some of his toys.
● The police usually ask us to hand over our documents.
● I usually had to hold my dog back because there are cats in the street.
● My mother held back her tears at his mother’s birthday because she had already
passed away.
● Rich people often look down on plumbers.
● It is normal to find people nowadays who made up a story about their life.
● Women usually made their up for a special event.
● The students put the substitute teacher down because he was dressed differently.
● I’m putting off my trip to Canada until next year because I need to take some
● When I think back to some years ago, I wish I had studied harder.
● I take after my mother. We are both impatient.

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