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Modeling Blowdown of Cylindrical Vessels

Under Fire Attack
Haroun Mahgerefteh, Gboyega B. O. Falope, and Adeyemi O. Oke
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University College London, London WC1E 7JE, U.K.

A robust numerical simulation is presented for predicting the risk of rupture during
emergency depressurization or blowdown of cylindrical ®essels containing high-pressure
two-phase hydrocarbon mixtures under fire attack. Accounting for nonequilibrium ef-
fects between the constituent fluid phases, the model simulates the triaxial transient
thermal and pressure stress profiles generated in both the wetted and unwetted wall
sections of the ®essel. A comparison of this information with the ®essel material of
construction temperatureryield stress data allows the precise e®aluation of the risk of
failure and, if applicable, the rupture mode during depressurization. Finally, based on
the application of the model to a real system, the subtle differences between the failure
risks associated with blowdown under fire as compared to those under ambient condi-
tions are presented and discussed in detail.

In the oil and gas industries, highly flammable pressurized commonly used methods simulate the expansion of the fluid
hydrocarbon inventory is often stored and transported in inside the vessel as either an isentropic or isenthalpic process
cylindrical vessels. This poses the combined risks associated Žsee, for example, API 521. ŽAmerican Petroleum Institute,
with high pressures, as well as storage of large quantities of 1990b., thus leading to hopelessly unrealistic low vessel wall
flammable inventory. Blowdown, or the rapid intentional de- temperatures. This is, in turn, manifested in escalating capi-
pressurization of such vessels, is often a common way of re- tal equipment costs due to the requirement for specialized
ducing the consequences associated with the above risks in materials of construction.
an emergency situation. By far the most comprehensive blowdown model to date
However, the relatively rapid quasi-adiabatic expansion accounting for most of the important processes taking place
process during blowdown leads to significant fluid and, during blowdown was reported by Haque et al. Ž1992a. and
hence, vessel wall temperature drops ŽHaque et al. 1992a; later extended by Mahgerefteh and Wong Ž1999.. However,
Mahgerefteh and Wong, 1999.. Should the wall temperature although extensively validated against experimental data, the
fall below the ductile-brittle transition temperature of the simulation is limited to blowdown under ambient surround-
vessel wall material, rupture is likely to occur. This poses an ings only.
imminently important question as to what the optimum de- The above is an important drawback, as the most likely
pressurization rate should be in order to allow the fastest and catastrophic blowdown scenario would in fact involve a
possible evacuation rate without running the risk of vessel fire. The combination of the external impinging heat load and
rupture. the resulting fluid expansion induced internal temperature
The modeling of blowdown is especially complex, requiring drop introduces severe temperature stress gradients across
detailed consideration of several competing and often inter- the vessel wall. Apart from the above, any such modeling must
acting heat-transfer, mass-transfer and thermodynamic pro- also take account of the accompanying triaxial pressure
cesses. Despite this, in recent years, several models simulat- stresses due to the pressurized inventory, as well as the ther-
ing the depressurization process with different degrees of so- mal weakening of the vessel wall.
phistication have been proposed. The simplest and the most The capability to quantitatively evaluate the risks associ-
ated with blowdown under fire is particularly timely
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to H. Mahgerefteh. ŽMahgerefteh et al., 1997, 1999, 2000. considering that envi-

AIChE Journal February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 401

ronmental groups in the U.S. are currently pressing for legis- tion is extended to hydrocarbon storage vessels particularly
lation to allow citizens to file lawsuits against high-pressure since these are frequently used for storage of domestic fuel
pipelines that pose ‘‘imminent and substantial endangerment gases in populated areas.
to health or the environment’’ ŽBarlas, 1999.. In the event of There is indeed ample experimental evidence demonstrat-
its success, it is only a matter of time before the same legisla- ing the very real risk of vessel rupture during blowdown un-

Figure 1. Calculation flow logic diagram for blowdown under fire.

402 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

der fire ŽBirk, 1995, 1988; Sumathipala et al., 1992; Kielec tal data ŽSzczepanski, 1994. obtained in conjunction with the
and Birk, 1997.. ambient blowdown of a vessel containing pressurized multi-
It is worth noting that in recent years some work relating component hydrocarbon inventory.
to the simulation of pressure relief valve depressurization un- Reducing pressure steps are used to numerically simulate
der fire and ambient conditions has been reported. For ex- the depressurization process with the pressure increment ⌬ Pi
ample, general empirically based guidelines on valve relief at a subsequent pressure interval given by
sizing under fire are provided by the American Petroleum
Institute Ž1990a. ŽAPI Recommended Practice, 520.. How-
ever, apart from gross simplifying assumptions, the procedure ⌬ Pi s Piy1 = r Ž1.
is open to interpretation by the user. The Split Fluid blow-
down model by Overa et al. Ž1994. on the other hand, while with the pressure ratio r being equal to 0.05. The advantages
considering the effect of fire, critically ignores wall tempera- of employing pressure increments are its thermodynamic con-
ture gradients. venience and computational efficiency as opposed to choos-
Beynon et al.’s Ž1988. HEATUP model simulates the de- ing time intervals ŽHunt and Ramskill, 1985; Ramskill, 1988;
pressurization of horizontal LPG vessels engulfed by fire. Overa et al., 1994., which are thermodynamically irrelevant.
Complete fire engulfment is treated with a vertically varying, Thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data are generated
time-dependent heat flux. However, although the wall tem- using Peng-Robinson ŽPeng and Robinson, 1976. CEOS, as it
perature gradients are accounted for, the associated thermal has been shown to be particularly applicable to high-pressure
and pressure stress gradients are ignored. hydrocarbon mixtures ŽdeReuck et al., 1996; Assael et al.,
The ENGULF computer programs ENGULF I and II 1996.. The number of phases present at any given time is
ŽHunt and Ramskill, 1985; Ramskill, 1988. also exist for tem- determined using the Gibbs tangent plane stability test
perature and pressure predictions within a tank partly filled ŽMichelsen, 1982.. Based on experimental observations by
with liquid. The former simulates a complete fire engulfment Moodie et al. Ž1988., it is assumed that both vapor and liquid
scenario, while the latter accounts for partial engulfment. are well mixed, negating the effects of temperature gradients
Both consider wall temperature distribution effects, but as- within each constituent phase. Furthermore, pressure is as-
sume single-phase discharge with ideal gas behavior for the sumed to be spatially uniform within the vessel.
vapor phase. Additionally, similar to the HEATUP, EN- The nonisentropic expansion of each fluid phase during
GULF models do not evaluate the risk of rupture under im- blowdown is accounted for by assuming a polytropic expan-
pinging heat loads by predicting the associated vessel wall sion process ŽBett et al., 1975. in which both heat and work
thermally induced stresses. are considered.
In this article, we present the development of a rigorous Returning to Figure 1, an iteration procedure is employed
numerical simulation for the quantitative risk assessment of to obtain the time duration ⌬ t and, hence, the entropy Si at
rupture following the blowdown of cylindrical vessels contain- the end of each pressure step, such that the amount of mate-
ing high-pressure hydrocarbon mixtures engulfed by fire. The rial discharged as a result of the pressure drop from Piy1 to
results of the simulation, based on the application of the Pi corresponds to the inventory mass loss as a result of the
model to a hypothetical case, are used to quantitatively eluci- entropy change from Siy1 to Si . Pressurerentropy flash cal-
date the subtle differences between the risks associated with culations at pressure Pi and entropy Si are performed subject
blowdown under fire as opposed to those under ambient con- to the satisfaction of the pertinent material and energy bal-
ditions. Apart from the triaxial transient stresses within the ances. Z refers to the separated vapor or liquid phase within
three-dimensional Ž3-D. cylindrical axes, typical simulated the vessel.
data include temperaturertime variations for the wetted and The fluid approaching a relief valve during depressuriza-
unwetted walls, as well as those for bulk liquid and vapor. tion can either be single- or two-phase. If the backpressure is
The risk of rupture is determined by comparison of the total sufficiently low, the fluid accelerates through the orifice at its
pressure and thermal stresses with the vessel’s material of maximum velocity and expands rapidly from the upstream to
construction yield stress data. the orifice pressure. Consequently, condensation may occur,
which results in two-phase flow. The procedure for determi-
Model Development nation of the discharge rate and the state of fluid phase at
Blowdown simulation the orifice is described elsewhere ŽHaque et al., 1992a;
Mahgerefteh and Wong, 1999.. In essence, it is based on car-
The simulation of the various important processes taking rying out an energy balance across the orifice assuming isen-
place within the pressurized inventory during blowdown un- tropic expansion coupled with thermodynamic and phase
der fire is performed by incorporating the pertinent transient equilibrium.
thermal and pressure stress effects into our ambient
BLOWSIM model ŽMahgerefteh and Wong, 1999.. Figure 1
shows the corresponding calculation flow logic diagram. Vessel wall analysis
Briefly, the model accounts for nonequilibrium effects be- The transient radial wall temperature profile is obtained
tween phases, heat transfer between each fluid phase and analytically by use of the method of separation of variables
their corresponding sections of vessel wall, interphase fluxes ŽOzisik, 1980., as opposed to numerical solution methods
due to evaporation and condensation, and the effects of ŽBeynon et al., 1988; Haque et al., 1992a.. This is because the
sonic flow at the orifice. It has been extensively validated former allows the use of highly efficient adaptive integrators
ŽMahgerefteh and Wong, 1999. against published experimen- especially suited to oscillating, nonsingular integrands ŽNAG

AIChE Journal February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 403

Fortran Library.. These render the analytical evaluation of obtained from Eq. 2 such that
the temperature profile with relative ease. Furthermore, the
⬁ 1
accuracy of the analytical method is not dependent on the
number of temperature nodes employed, and, hence, the need T Ž r , t . sTs Ž r . q Ý exp Ž y ␣␤m2 t . R o Ž ␤m , r .
ms1 N Ž ␤m .
for improved numerical accuracy by the use of finer wall grid
nodes is eliminated. b X
The transient radial wall temperature profile T Ž r, t . is ob- = Ha r R o Ž ␤m , r X . w To yTs Ž r X . x drX Ž8.
tained from the solution of the differential equation for ra-
dial heat conduction in a cylindrical co-ordinate system, sub- The equations for evaluating the pertinent tangential, ra-
ject to boundary conditions of the third and second kind for dial, and longitudinal thermal and pressure stresses for a
the internal and external surfaces, respectively. closed-end pressurized vessel are given in the Appendix. For
In essence, T Ž r, t . can be split into a homogeneous ThŽ r, t . brittle thick-walled cylinders experiencing nonuniform heat-
and a steady-state component TsŽ r . such that ing such as that used in this study, rupture occurs when any
one of the above triaxial total normal pressure and thermal
T Ž r , t . sTs Ž r . qTh Ž r , t . Ž2. stresses exceed the vessel material’s yield stress ŽPopov, 1999..

The steady-state solution can be shown to be given by Wallr

r fluid heat transfer
Based on experimental observations ŽHaque et al., 1992b;
Ts Ž r . sC1 qC2 ln r Ž3. Overa et al., 1994; Moodie et al., 1988., both forced and nat-
ural convection govern the heat-transfer mode in the vapor
phase during blowdown. The correlation by Petukhov and
C1 and C2 are obtained by integration of the steady-state
Popov ŽPerry and Green, 1997. with the fanning factor deter-
temperature profile such that
mined by an equation recommended by Filonenko ŽPerry and
Green, 1997. is used to account for the forced convection.
bQ f bQ f ln a bQ f The free convection vapor-phase heat-transfer coefficient for
C2 s & C1 sTZ y q Ž4.
k k ah Z the cylindrical section of the vessel in contact with the vapor
on the other hand is obtained from the correlation by
Churchill and Chu ŽIncropera and DeWitt, 1996.. This corre-
where a and b are the inside and outside cylinder radii re-
lation is applicable to the entire range of Rayleigh number
spectively, Q f is the external heat flux, k is the wall thermal
ŽIncropera and DeWitt, 1996. thereby covering both laminar
conductivity, and h Z x , the heat-transfer coefficient.
and turbulent flows. The McAdam’s correlation ŽIncropera
For the homogeneous component, the solution for the time
and DeWitt, 1996. is used to obtain the heat-transfer coeffi-
variable function is given by
cient for either of the curved ends exposed to vapor. The
Churchill and Chu ŽIncropera and DeWitt, 1996. and the
⌫ Ž t . s exp Ž y ␣␤m2 t . Ž5. McAdam’s correlations ŽIncropera and DeWitt, 1996. ap-
proximate the curvature of the cylinder by assuming it as a
where ␣ is the thermal diffusivity. plane of the same surface area as the cylinder. The radiative
The corresponding solution for the space variable function, heat transfer due to the relatively high wall temperatures ex-
based on solving the resulting eigenvalue problem is given by perienced in the dry walls ŽMoodie et al., 1988. is accounted
for by using standard correlations ŽIncropera and DeWitt,
⌫ Ž s . s R o Ž ␤m , r . Ž6. Heat transfer between the vessel wall and the liquid phase
is governed by boiling heat transfer, the nature of which is
where R oŽ ␤m ., N Ž ␤m . and ␤m , respectively, refer to the determined by the excess temperature. Under fire conditions,
eigenfunction, the norm, and the eigenvalues of the resulting nucleate, transition, and stable film boiling heat transfer may
eigenvalue problem. The expressions for these are given in exist. However, experiments by Moodie et al. Ž1985. show that
the Appendix. the critical heat flux beyond which transition boiling begins is
The complete homogeneous solution for ThŽ r, t . based on not reached, therefore indicating the prevalence of nucleate
the linear superposition of the separated elementary solution boiling. For the sake of robustness, we account for whatever
and the application of the initial condition is given by mode of boiling may result as determined by the excess tem-
perature. The appropriate correlating equation for each boil-
⬁ 1 ing regime given by Incropera and De Witt Ž1996. is then
Th Ž r , t . s Ý exp Ž y ␣␤m2 t . R o Ž ␤m , r . used.
m y1 N Ž ␤m . The amount of heat to either fluid phase is determined by
an iterative procedure performed by employing the Numeri-
b X
= Ha r R o Ž ␤m , r X . F Ž r X . drX Ž 7 . cal Algorithm Group ŽNAG. mathematical library routines
ŽNAG Fortran Library. to solve the heat resulting heat-trans-
fer equation. The routine locates the zero of the continuous
where F Ž r X . is the temperature profile at t s 0. function using a continuation method based on a secant iter-
The complete solution for the temperature profile is then ation and uses reverse communication for the function evalu-

404 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

ation. As indicated in Figure 1, this involves an initial guess
of the unknown wall temperature TwX Ž a, t . at time t, from
which the heat-transfer coefficient hw TwX Ž a, t .x n is obtained
from the correlations as given by Incropera and De Witt
Ž1996.. The radial temperature profile can then be obtained
from Eq. 8 to give a new value for the inside wall tempera-
ture Twi Ž a, t . subject to the following convergence

TwX Ž a, t . yTwi Ž a, t . F10y3 Ž9.

The fluidrwall heat transfer to either of the phases is then
obtained from
Qs h w TwX Ž a, t . x Twi Ž a, t . yTZ A⌬ t Ž 10.

where n is a power index depending on the heat-transfer co-

efficient used. A is the heat-transfer area, the subscript w
refers to the wall, and TZ is either the liquid or vapor tem-
perature, as determined by the pressurerentropy flash calcu-

Results and Discussion

In©entory and pressure profiles
The following represents the results of the application of
the above model to the blowdown of a carbon steel vessel Figure 2. Pressure and inventory variations with time
containing a multicomponent hydrocarbon mixture contain- during blowdown under fire and ambient con-
ing 64 mol% C 1, 6 mol% C 2 , 28 mol% n-C 3 and 2 mol% ditions.
n-C 4 . We choose this particular example as it relates to a real Curve A: pressure, fire; Curve B: pressure, ambient; Curve
vessel for which actual blowdown data under ambient condi- C: inventory, ambient; Curve D: inventory, fire.
tions are available ŽSzczepanski, 1994.. These results were
previously used to extensively validate our blowdown model
liquid boiling and evaporation, which are, in turn, manifested
under ambient conditions ŽMahgerefteh and Wong, 1999..
in a corresponding increase in the rate of loss in inventory.
Since the exact type of steel used in Szczepanski’s Ž1994. study
Figure 3 shows the variations in the unwetted inside vessel
was not given, for the sake of analysis, we assume it to be
wall temperature Žwall temperature in contact with the va-
made carbon steel ŽBS 3100 AM1..
por, curve A. and vapor temperature Žcurve B. as a function
The vessel is at initial temperature and pressure of 293 K
of time during blowdown under fire attack. The correspond-
and 116 bara, respectively. Under these conditions, the hy-
ing data during blowdown under ambient conditions are also
drocarbon inventory is in the gaseous state although depres-
given Žcurves C and D.. Figure 4 on the other hand shows the
surization results in the formation of a two-phase mixture.
analogous results as in Figure 3, but for the liquid phase and
The formation of liquid increases the rate of fluidrwall heat
wetted inside wall temperatures. The data for the liquid phase
transfer, thus dramatically influencing the vessel’s thermal re-
starts at approximately 38 s after the start of blowdown since
sponse under fire attack.
this marks the onset of liquid condensation from the vapor
The wall thickness is 59 mm with its length and inside di-
ameter being 3.240 m Ž2.75 m tan-to-tan . and 1.130 m, re-
In Figure 4, it is observed that in all cases, the fluid and
spectively. An equivalent orifice diameter of 10 mm is used.
the corresponding vessel wall follow similar timertempera-
Two types of blowdown scenarios are simulated, one with the
ture profiles. Referring to the results under ambient condi-
vessel completely engulfed in a pool fire radiating a heat flux
tions in Figures 3 Žcurve D. and 4 Žcurve D., it is clear that
90 kWrm2 and the other under ambient conditions. The sub-
blowdown results in a significant and similar order of magni-
tle differences between the results, as well as the quantitative
tude Žabout 40 K. drop in both the vapor and liquid tempera-
risk assessment of vessel rupture, are described in detail as
tures. However, due to the relatively poor mode of heat
transfer, the wall temperature in contact with the vapor ŽFig-
ure 3, curve C. remains relatively unchanged, whereas that in
Temperature profiles contact with the liquid ŽFigure 4, curve C. experiences a dra-
Figure 2 shows the predicted pressure and inventoryrtime matic drop in temperature, bringing the vessel perilously close
profiles during blowdown under fire loading Žcurves A and to brittle fracture. After 1,200 s following blowdown, the wet-
D, respectively . and ambient surroundings Žcurves B and C, ted wall temperature is in fact only 6 K above the ductile-
respectively .. As it may be observed, fire results in a marked brittle transition temperature of the vessel wall Žabout 244 K,
reduction in the rate of drop in pressure. For example, even Haque et al., 1992b..
after 1,200 s following blowdown, the residing pressure in the The effect of fire is to counteract these temperature drops
vessel is 10 bara. This is due to the significant amount of particularly in the vapor phase where a significant and mono-

AIChE Journal February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 405

Figure 3. Unwetted inside wall and bulk vapor tempera- Figure 4. Wetted inside wall and bulk liquid tempera-
ture profiles during blowdown under fire (90 ture profiles during blowdown under fire (90
kW/ m 2 ) and ambient conditions. kW/ m 2 ) and ambient conditions.
Curve A: inside wall, fire; Curve B: bulk liquid, fire; Curve
Curve A: inside wall, fire; Curve B: bulk vapor, fire; Curve
C: inside wall, ambient; Curve D: bulk liquid, ambient.
C: inside wall, ambient; Curve D: bulk vapor, ambient.

tonic increase in temperatures of both the vapor ŽFigure 3,

curve B. and the dry wall ŽFigure 3, curve A. are observed. fer coefficient in the liquid phase, which in turn results in the
According to these results, failure due to a ductilerbrittle rapid removal of heat from the inner vessel wall to the bulk
transition in the unwetted section of the vessel during blow- liquid. The fact that the temperature gradient increases in
down under fire is impossible. magnitude with time is indicative of improved rate of heat
Returning to the wetted wall and liquid phase data under transfer in the liquid phase as blowdown proceeds.
fire conditions ŽFigure 4, curves A and B., the initial increase The greater temperature gradient in the wetted as com-
in liquid temperature is due to the dominance of heat-trans- pared to the unwetted wall on its own merit increases the
fer effects from the fire as opposed to cooling due to the risk of vessel rupture in the liquid space due to the resulting
liquid evaporation. At around 600 s following blowdown, the thermal stresses. On the other hand, although experiencing a
two modes of heat transfer switch roles and a continuous re- much lower temperature gradient, the dry wall mean temper-
duction in both the liquid and the corresponding wall tem- ature at any given time during blowdown is far greater than
perature is observed. However, the final wall temperature still that for the wetted wall. This effect in turn increases the risk
remains well above the ductilerbrittle transition temperature of vessel failure due to the mechanical weakening of the ves-
of the vessel material Žcf. 300 with 244 K.. As such, the risk sel wall. To determine which of these two competing factors
associated with brittle failure of the wetted wall during blow- eventually results in the failure of the vessel requires a pre-
down under fire is minimal. cise evaluation of the accompanying pressure and thermal
It is noteworthy that under fire, the vapor inside wall tem- stress profiles followed by comparison with the vessel mate-
perature ŽFigure 3, curve A. reaches a significantly higher rial’s yield strength at the prevailing conditions.
value than that in contact with the liquid ŽFigure 4, curve A,
cf. 750 K as opposed to 340 K.. This is due to the far lower
heat-transfer coefficient in the vapor phase Ž5᎐200 Wrm2 ⴢ K.,
compared to that in the liquid phase Ž1,000᎐20,000 Wrm2 ⴢ K.. Thermal and pressure stress profiles: The e©aluation of
Figure 5 shows the variation of the temperature difference risk and mode of failure
between the inner and outer walls for the wetted Žcurve A. Figures 6᎐8 show the simulated time-dependent variations
and unwetted sections Žcurve B. of the vessel during blow- of the total radial ŽFigure 6., tangential ŽFigure 7., and longi-
down under fire. As it is clear, the vessel wall in contact with tudinal stress profiles ŽFigure 8. for the unwetted and wetted
the liquid inventory experiences a much larger temperature vessel walls during blowdown under fire. The various stress
gradient compared to that exposed to the vapor. This is once profiles have been normalized with respect to the vessel ma-
again primarily a consequence of the much larger heat-trans- terial of construction’s yield stress data ŽBrandes, 1983. at the

406 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

Figure 6a. Unwetted wall, normalized total radial stress
profiles at different times during blowdown
under fire.
Figure 5. Variation of wetted and unwetted wall temper- Curve A: 10 s, ⌿ s 299.5 K; Curve B: 300 s, ⌿ s 426.7 K;
ature difference with time during blowdown Curve C: 600 s, ⌿ s 548.9 K; Curve D: 900 s, ⌿ s 665.0 K;
Curve E: 1,100 s, ⌿ s 746.6 K; Curve F: 1,200 s,
under fire. ⌿ s 783.5 K.
Curve A: wetted wall; Curve B: unwetted wall.

prevailing vessel integral temperature ⌿ Ž K .. This is given by

Ha T Ž r , t .
⌿Ž K .s Ž 11.
by a

where a and b are the internal and external radii of the

cylindrical vessel, respectively.
Normalized total stress values greater than unity indicate
imminent vessel failure. Positive and negative values on the
other hand represent tensile and compressive stresses, re-
Referring to Figures 6a and 6b, it is clear that vessel fail-
ure in the radial direction is extremely unlikely since normal-
ized stress values remain well below unity. These stresses de-
crease with time, gradually transversing from purely compres-
sive Ždue to pressure effects . to tensile Ždue to thermal ef-
fects. stresses as depressurization proceeds. Interestingly, the
total radial stress is similar in both the wetted and unwetted
sections of the vessel.
The data in Figures 7 and 8 on the other hand indicate
much higher stresses in the tangential and longitudinal axes. Figure 6b. Wetted wall normalized total radial stress
In most cases, these are relatively uniform across the wall profiles at different times during blowdown
thickness at the onset of depressurization. However, as de- under fire.
pressurization proceeds, the stress gradients become much Curve A: 38 s, ⌿ s 309.1 K; Curve B: 300 s, ⌿ s 358.4 K;
Curve C: 600 s, ⌿ s 383.9 K; Curve D: 900 s, ⌿ s 385.0 K;
steeper exposing the vessel walls to both compressive Žat the Curve E: 1,100 s, ⌿ s 377.3 K; Curve F: 1,200 s,
outer walls. and tensile Žat the inner walls. forces. At any ⌿ s 371.5 K.

AIChE Journal February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 407

Figure 8a. Unwetted wall normalized total longitudinal
Figure 7a. Unwetted wall normalized total tangential
stress profiles at different times during blow-
stress profiles at different times during blow-
down under fire.
down under fire.
Curve A: 10 s, ⌿ s 299.5 K; Curve B: 300 s, ⌿ s 426.7 K;
Curve A: 10 s, ⌿ s 299.5 K; Curve B: 300 s,⌿ s 426.7 K; Curve C: 600 s, ⌿ s 548.9 K; Curve D: 900 s, ⌿ s 665.0 K;
Curve C: 600 s, ⌿ s 548.9 K; Curve D: 900 s, ⌿ s 665.0 K; Curve E: 1,100 s, ⌿ s 746.6 K; Curve F: 1,200 s,
Curve E: 1,100 s, ⌿ s 746.6 K; Curve F: 1,200 s, ⌿ s 783.5 K.
⌿ s 783.5 K.

given time, these forces are greater in the longitudinal direc- outer wall of the unwetted section of the vessel some 1,100 s
tion, eventually resulting in rupture propagating from the following blowdown under fire. This is in contrast to the

Figure 7b. Wetted wall normalized total tangential stress Figure 8b. Wetted wall, normalized total longitudinal
profiles at different times during blowdown stress profiles at different times during blow-
under fire. down under fire.
Curve A: 38 s, ⌿ s 309.1 K; Curve B: 300 s, ⌿ s 358.4 K; Curve A: 38 s, ⌿ s 309.1 K; Curve B: 300 s, ⌿ s 358.4 K;
Curve C: 600 s, ⌿ s 383.9 K; Curve D: 900 s, ⌿ s 385.0 K; Curve C: 600 s, ⌿ s 383.9 K; Curve D: 900 s, ⌿ s 385.0 K;
Curve E: 1,100 s, ⌿ s 377.3 K; Curve F: 1,200 s, Curve E: 1,100 s, ⌿ s 377.3 K; Curve F: 1,200 s,
⌿ s 371.5 K. ⌿ s 371.5 K.

408 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

blowdown of the same vessel under ambient conditions where Jn snth order Bessel function of the first kind
rupture is most likely in the wetted section at approximately k sthermal conductivity
MD sorifice discharge mass
the same time. N Ž ␤m . snormalized integral Žnorm.
P spressure
Q f sexternal heat flux Žfire.
Conclusion r sradius
R o seigenfunction
This work describes the development of a robust numerical Ssentropy
simulation for predicting the risk of rupture following blow- t stime duration
down of pressurized cylindrical vessels containing multicom- T stemperature
ponent hydrocarbon mixtures under fire attack. Th shomogeneous temperature
To stemperature at zero time
Despite the fact that the most likely and potentially catas- TS ssteady-state temperature
trophic blowdown scenario would involve a fire, all such Tw swall temperature
modeling work up to the present time has been confined to Yn snth order Bessel function of the second kind
blowdown under ambient conditions. Zsphase
Apart from predicting the precise mode of vessel failure, ␣ sthermal diffusivity
␤m seigenvalue
the simulation is used as an investigative tool for elucidating ⌿ sintegral wall temperature
the role of a number of competing processes that ultimately ␶ scoefficient of thermal expansion
lead to vessel rupture. In addition, some fundamental differ- ␯ spoisson’s ratio
ences in the failure risks during blowdown under fire, as op- ␴tT stangential thermal stress
␴r T sradial thermal stress
posed to that conducted under ambient conditions, is high- ␴ lT slongitudinal thermal stress
lighted. For example, the results of our simulation reveals ␴t P stangential pressure stress
that thermal radiation, to a large extent, compensates the sig- ␴r P sradial pressure stress
nificant temperature drops which would otherwise occur as a ␴ l P slongitudinal pressure stress
result of the near adiabatic expansion of the fluid inventory
during blowdown under ambient surroundings.
In the case of a two-phase gasrliquid inventory, it is found Literature Cited
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where ␶ , E, and ␯ are the coefficient of thermal expansion,

modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio, respectively.
The eigenfunctions R 0 Ž ␤m ,r ., the norm N Ž ␤m . and eigen- The corresponding pressure stresses in a thick-walled
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R 0 Ž ␤m , r . s S0 J 0 Ž ␤m r . yV0 Y0 Ž ␤m r .

1 ␲2 ␤m2 U02 Pa2 b2

␴t p s
N Ž ␤m .
2 BbU02 y BaV02 b 2 y a2 ž 1q
r2 /
␤m s Žthe eigenvalues. are the positive roots of the following Pa2 b2
␴r p s
transcendental equation 2
b ya 2 ž 1y
r2 /
S0 U0 yV0W0 s 0
␴l p s
where b 2 y a2

U0 sy J1Ž ␤m a . y J 0 Ž ␤m a . ;
ž /
␤m k
Manuscript recei®ed Apr. 10, 2001, and re®ision recei®ed Aug. 30, 2001.

410 February 2002 Vol. 48, No. 2 AIChE Journal

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