Strengths Interests Values Reflection-Marissa Cervantes

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Strengths, Interests, Values Reflection

Marissa Cervantes
Part 1: Do What You Are
Complete the Do What You Are survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions
1. What is your personality type?
My personality type is ISTJ.
2. What does each aspect of your personality mean about you?
The I stands for introversion. It means that I Focus attention inward, and Enjoy tasks that
require concentration
. The S stands for Sensing. It means that I focus on “what is”, like working with what can be
seen and touched. The T stands for Thinking. It means that I am motivated by
achievement, enjoy analyzing problems logically. The J stands for judging . It means
that I enjoy work that allows them to make decisions,prefer a predictable work pattern
and environment
3. List two strengths indicated on your report. Give an example from your life that
demonstrates that these qualities are strengths.
One strength from my report is organized. An example from my life that demonstrates that this
is a strength is I get everything clean. Another strength from my report is careful.An
example from my life that demonstrates that this is a strength is I am cautious about my
4. What qualities should a career have in order to satisfy your particular personality?
In order for a career to satisfy my personality type, it must apply to me
5. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use the information about my personality type to make an informed career choice by
selecting a career that is best to my comfort

Part 2: MI Advantage
Complete the MI Advantage survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions below.
6. What are your top three intelligences?
My top three intelligences are musical,interpersonal,naturalist.
7. What do these intelligences mean about you?
My highest intelligence is musical. This means that the ability to play an instrument or sing, as
well as a number of other skills . The next highest intelligence is interpersonal. This
means understanding and working with people, building relationships, seeing the
world from others' point of view.Finally, my third highest intelligence is naturalist. This
means being able to recognize, appreciate and group different things in the
8. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use the information about my intelligences to make an informed career choice by selecting
a career that connect different ideas to envision something new and creative

Part 3: Career Interests Profiler

Complete the Career Interests Profiler in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions
9. What are your strongest interests?
My strongest career interests are enterprising,social,investigate.
10. What do these interests mean about you?
My first interest is enterprising. This means likes to lead and persuade people, and to sell
things and ideas. Another interest is social. This means that I like to do things to help
people. Finally, another interest is to investigate. This means that I like to study and
solve math or science problems.
How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use the information about my career interests to make an informed career choice by
selecting a career that will fit my interests

Part 4: Work Values

Go to Under “Advanced Search”, select “Work Values”. Review the
description of each work value. Select three work values that are most important to you.
Answer the questions below about your work values.
11. What are your top three work values?
My top three work values are achievement,independence,and support.
12. What do these work values mean about you?
My first value is achievement. This means that occupations that satisfy this work value and
allow employees to use their strongest abilities. My second value is independence. This
means working on my own . My third value is support. This means supportive
13. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use the information about my work values to make an informed career choice by selecting
a career that uses support and independence

Part 5: Career Results Comparison

14. Review the career lists provided at the end of each survey. Identify three careers that are
similar across the lists. List the careers and explain why each career may be satisfying to
you citing evidence from your survey results.
Based on my strengths, interests, and values, three careers that would be satisfying to me
include law teacher,social worker,and health educator . A career in law will satisfy me
because I teach a course in law. In addition, a career in social work will satisfy me
because I can provide social services and assistance to improve . Finally, a career in
health educator will satisfy me because I can provide and manage health education
programs that help families

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