GCSE (9-1) Art and Design: Summer 2022 Assessment

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Summer 2022

Assessment FAQs
Art and
GCSE (9-1)

© artwork: Mark Bolitho | Origami photography Pearson Education Ltd/Justin Hoffman

GCSE Art and Design
Frequently Asked Questions
On 30th September 2021, the Department for Education and Ofqual published the
outcomes of the consultation on proposed summer 2022 adaptations. For Art and Design
qualifications, it was proposed that consultation outcomes from the 2021 series be
carried forward to the 2022 series. We can confirm that the consultation result is to carry
over the previously agreed arrangements, which were that students would not be
required to complete any externally set assignment. For our Pearson Edexcel GCSE in
Art and Design (2016), students will only be required to complete and submit their
Component 1: Personal Portfolio work for the summer 2022 examination series.

Here are the frequently asked questions that were produced for the summer 2021
examination series that will continue to apply to the summer 2022 examination series.

Please note that this FAQ is largely the same as the A Level version.

The carried forward 2021 Consultation Changes

What were the changes to the qualification that will continue to apply to 2022?
For GCSE Art and Design and all available titles, students will not be required to
complete any work or assessment for Component 2, the Externally Set Assignment.

Where in 2021 we were unable to support centre visits, we will be offering centre
visits to conduct live moderation of student work in 2022 subject to arrangements
and agreement with the centre. We recommend that all students document their
evidence as a digital portfolio suitable to submit using our digital submission
platform, should our position on centre visits need to change in the future due to
required local and national safety guidelines. .

Are there any changes to the specification content for the summer 2022
No, there remain no changes to the specification content for this year.

Are there any changes to the assessment arrangements?

By removing Component 2, students will now only be assessable in their
Component 1 Personal portfolio evidence. This means that there is no expectation
that equivalent component 2 work should be completed by the centre and
students. We will only be using component 1 to calculate a students final grade.

Created by Product Management Title: FAQS Art and Design – Covid19 Issued: 01/10/2021
DCL1: Public Version: 3
Which existing support materials are still valid?
All of our supporting documents and guidance relating to Component 1 and its
assessment will remain unchanged from previous series. We will also be
updating our On Demand training, which covers both component 1 and
component 2, and running live Q&A sessions for these in December 2021
and February 2022, to support your assessment of component 1. A link to the
existing materials can be found here

How have these changes affected the weightings of the Assessment Objectives?
Does this matter?
Whilst the removal of Component 2 reflects a significant reduction of assessed work
for students, the weighting of the assessment objectives remains equally spread
across the four AO’s, at 25% for each. This means that the way in which our
qualification assesses these four objectives remains equal to previous series.

Will there be any changes in the marks available for Component 1 in this
No. The marks available for Component 1 will remain the same and assessed in the
same way.

Will there be changes to the fees associated with this qualification for Summer
Assessment 2021?
At present, qualification fees are being reviewed and may change.

Will these changes remain for subsequent assessment series (I.e. Summer
Assessment 2023 or beyond)?
No. The current intention is that these changes will only apply for summer
assessment 2022 and Component 2 will return for summer 2023 assessment.

Why have different exam boards proposed the same changes?

All awarding bodies are working to the same Ofqual consultation outcomes, and as
such all changes will be consistent across all awarding bodies.

Will student certificates look any different to previous exam series in 2022?
No. Student certificates at awarding will look the same.

How will students progressing onto A Level/degree study in this subject be equally
prepared for this next step as previous cohorts?
Whilst we recognise the importance of students experiencing assessment of their
practical skills under exam conditions, we feel there will be no significant impact on
whether students will be able to confidently progress onto A Level Art and Design
given that they will continue to learn the full breadth of the qualification.

Created by Product Management Title: FAQS Art and Design – Covid19 Issued: 01/10/2021
DCL1: Public Version: 3
Can I request more information if I have questions relating to these changes?
Yes. If you have any questions relating to these FAQs, the changes to the
qualification, or in relation to specific challenges relating to your centre, please
contact the Subject Advisor using our support contact page as follows


Created by Product Management Title: FAQS Art and Design – Covid19 Issued: 01/10/2021
DCL1: Public Version: 3

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