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Weekly Update
This Sunday
Enter, Rejoice, Commit! This Issue:
This will be a one-of-a-kind Sunday - This Sunday
during which we celebrate our - Bylaw Proposal
significant successes of late and affirm
- Fl District News
our commitment to the future of this
congregation.  Memories form the - RE News
basis for our future, let’s highlight the - Newsletter
ones we can build on. - Book Club
- Alliance
Volunteers Needed Luncheon
We need some volunteers to help serve lunch and clean up after - Enter, Rejoice,
this Sunday’s catered lunch. Please contact the office at Commit!
305-667-3697 or
- Annual Meeting

FL District News Religious Education News

Unitarian Universalist Representatives SAVE THE DATE!!!
have been invited by Pastor Guy Henry Kids Movie Night--The Religious Education
to come to Haiti and establish a department is planning a movie night for kids on
relationship. His is interested in Saturday, May 7 at 6:30pm. The movie we will be
establishing a voice of free-religion there. viewing is Kirikou and the Sorceress and is appropriate for
children of all ages. This will be a movie and snack night
Check out this like to see more and learn
for kids and their parents, guardians or responsible adults
how you can help: to enjoy together. Kids are welcome to come in PJs and
Mission2Haiti bring a special blanket or stuffed animal. 

Proposed Bylaw Revisions Posted for Review and Comment

A draft of proposed bylaw revisions, recommended by the Board of Trustees and its appointed bylaws
task force, is now available for review in advance of presentation and voting at our 5/22 annual meeting.
You can download and print a PDF by going to Us/How We're Organized/Members
Corner. Printed copies are also available in the office. Board and bylaws task force members are hosting
feedback sessions on two Sundays after service, 5/8 and 5/15 from 1-2 pm in room 4, for congregation
members to offer suggestions and have questions answered regarding these proposed revisions. 


NEWSLETTER This public workshop will be years now to lead us to a new

The newsletter for May is now offered at the UUCM in the chapter in the life of UUMIA- and
available online at: Sanctuary on Thursday, May 5th it's time to celebrate the successful
Also, please pick up your paper from 9:30am-4:30pm. Also calling of our new settled minister,
copy in the back of the Sanctuary referred to as “Prejudice Reverend Wendy Pantoja, and
on Sunday. If you would like to opt Reduction Workshop” from recommit as congregational
out of receiving a paper copy NCBI, this experiential workshop members and financial supporters
please let us know and we can take embraces every issue, works to as we enter this exciting new era!
you off of the list. end the mistreatment of all groups Your 2011-2012 Membership without fostering guilt or blame, Renewal and Stewardship card will
empowers participants to take be arriving in your mailbox any day
Help use our resources wisely.
leadership against oppression and now. Be sure to open it and bring
be strong allies across cultural it with you next Sunday. You'll
FLOWERS differences. To register please have the opportunity to
Have you ever wanted to donate send your name, email and phone participate and turn in your
flowers for our sunday services but number to: Jackal Tanelorn 2011-2012 financial pledge at a
just couldn’t find the time to or celebratory worship service and
arrange it? Please call Iris Massey 206-550-2600 For more special catered lunch. If you
who is taking donations toward information on NCBI, visit their cannot attend, please complete
Sunday flowers and she will website at and return your card to Susie in
arrange everything. (305) 661-8482 the office by May 15th. Questions?
ALLIANCE Please contact Rev. Drew or Board
BOOK GROUP FOR ALL AGES Annual Luncheon will be on May President David Traupman.
Join Maya Pacheco-Evoy and 7th at 11am in the Sanctuary. I you
others as they gather in Room 4 are interested in attending please
this Sunday, May 1 at 12:45 to see Susan Hangge.
spend some time reading any book
you like for 30 minutes. Then you ENTER, REJOICE AND
may share on what you have read. COMMIT!
(Come back on June 5th too!) Join in the celebration at our May
1st Stewardship Sunday Service &
BUILDING BRIDGES Luncheon. Our congregation has
WORKSHOP been doing hard work for a few

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

28 29 30
7:30pm- NE 10am- Gentle
Choir Yoga, R3
Practice, S

1 2 3 4 5
9:30am- Spiritual 10am- Gentle 5pm- 10am- Gentle 9:30am-
Reality, ER Yoga, S Finance, ER Yoga, R3 Building
12pm- Lunch Bridges, S Legend:
11am- Service, S
Bunch, ER 7:30pm- ER = Emerson Room
12:45pm- Reading 6:30pm- Choir
Group for all ages, R4 Buddhist 6:30pm- Drolma S = Sanctuary
Buddhist Practice, S
1pm- Welcoming Reflections,
ER Meditation, R3 NE= No Events
Congregation, R3
1:15pm- Grief
Support, ER

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