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Art of Conquest - Guides

Draconic ​Protection​ ​Skill Tree

(written by Legend 36)

1) Introduction

The draconic talents are what defines a dragon in Art of Conquest. The main source of their
power, it is important, especially Earlygame, which tree to focus for which dragon first and to
make the right decisions. This guide will focus on proceeding into the Protection skill tree,
and for which dragon they are a must to get first.

2) How do I unlock the draconic skill trees?

Upon reaching castle 30, you unlock the draconic talent section in the dragon lair.

The draconic talent feature is divided into 3 trees; destruction, protection and affliction. The
destruction tree specifies in amplifying your dragon’s damage, the protection tree in making
it tankier and the affliction tree in debuffing your opponents. You require draconic dust, which
you can turn into draconic crystals, with which you level up the different traits and advance in
the trees. Draconic dust can be obtained from many events and also daily activity chests.
Later on, after having 159 in all 3 draconic trees, you will unlock the draconic awakening.
3) What does the protection tree do?

As already hinted at, the draconic protection tree excels in boosting your dragon’s
survivability and its healing powers. When unlocking the draconic trees, the most important
thing to do, no matter what tree you focus on first, is to get to 109 points​1​ in the designated
tree. For Azure and Jade dragons, 109 points into protection is key, as both of these
dragons are known for their healing and tanking capabilities.

In order to advance as quickly as possible in the different trees, you will need to put only 10
points into each tree. For Jade and Azure dragons, getting the upper and middle traits is key,
while for the other 3 dragons, you can ignore the healing efficacy trait and go for the bottom
troop buff.

109 points are required to unlock the draconic tree’s final ability.
4) What do I do after I get 109 points into protection?

There are 2 strategies you can do for Azure and Jade dragons.

1. You focus on levelling up the affliction tree until you unlock the undying army, then
proceed to do the same with the destruction tree, in which you focus either the troop
or the damage buffs.
2. You reset your draconic talents, get affliction to 109 points and level the protection
tree back up until 109 points, then do the same with the destruction tree.

The main goal is to get all 3 trees as quickly as possible to 109, to then focus on the troop
buffs, which are significant too once you’ve got them.

5) A quick overview of the 4 main protection skills

Have you paid attention decently? Then answer the following question
and message me on discord (Legend 36#2497) with the right answer to
win a code including 100 linari!

What does the protection tree excel in?

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