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Nama: Nursanti Dwi Apriyani

NIM: 111180024
Kelas: E

Identification of Geothermal Potential Using Landsat 8 and Location Determination

Geothermal Power Plant
Indonesia i is in the world's tectonic framework which is very closely related to the potential of geothermal
energy. Geothermal energy in Indonesia ispread in Jawa, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and other
provinces. Their surface manifestations such as fumaroles, hot ground, sinter silica, hydrothermal alteration
and hot springs is an indicator of geothermal energy. All manifestations of thei surface has a relatively
higheri temperature than the surrounding i environment (anomaly). First step to identify geothermal, is to
study the characteristics of the potential area (landform). Identifying potential areas of geothermal can be
detected using remote sensing (thermal channels) Landsat 8.iThermal channels is very effective to identifyi
geothermal manifestations with wide area of research. The results of the processing of i Landsat 8 will
generatei to temperature anomalies ithat indicate of heat manifestations. However, these anomalies are not
all manifestations of geothermal.i Therefore, there should be a further iprocessing with predetermined
parameters.Mount Lawu, located in Karanganyar District, iCentral Java and Magetan District, East Java,
has predicted geothermal potential energy. Total potential of geothermal energy was proccess by overlay
several iparameters; land surface temperature anomalies, vegetation density i anomaly, and preliminary
isurvey data. By using system analysis Geographically, it was found that the determination of the location
of the PLTP construction with the appropriate area was obtained (15,992,094 Ha) and 487,560km not
suitable: ( 48756.068 Ha).
Keywords: Geothermal, Landsat 8, Mount Lawu, Geographical Information System,Power Plant

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