Module 1 Ttl1 Msword

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Technology for teaching

& learning 1

TOPIC 1- Introduction to Technology for

Teaching & Learning 1

As you journey on this lesson, you are expected to:

Learning Outcome

Define basic concepts in understanding ICT in education

Learning Objective

Differentiate educational technology from technology in education

Focus Questions:
 What is educational technology?
 How does educational technology differ from technology in education?
 How do educational technology, instructional technology, educational media
relate to one another?

Are you ready for today’s lesson? This time, you are tasked to read the texts below and be able to com

Let’s Discover!

Meaning of Technology

To understand the meaning of educational technology, it may be good to begin

with the meaning of technology. The word technology comes from the Greek word
techne meaning craft or art. Based on the etymology of the word “technology”, the term
educational technology, therefore refers to the art or craft of responding to our
educational needs.

Many people think that technology refers only to machines such as computers,
tv, videos, and the like. All these form part of technology but educational technology is
all these and more.

Technology is not just machines. It is a “planned, systematic method of working

to achieve planned outcomes- a process not a product. Technology is the applied side of
scientific development”. (Dale, 1969) Technology also refers to any valid and reliable
process of procedure that is derived from basic research using the scientific method.
“Technology refers to all the ways people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy
their needs and desires” (The World Bank Encyclopedia, Vol 19). So, educational
technology refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their
needs and desires” (The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 19). So educational
technology refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their
needs and desires, i.e. learning.
Educational technology is "a complex, integrated process involving people,
procedures, ideas, devices, and organization for analyzing problems and devising,
implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all
aspects of human learning." (Association for Educational Communications and
Technology, 1977). The definition of educational technology: A summary, In the
definition of educational technology, 1-16, Washington D.C.: AECT).
Educational technology "consists of the designs and environments that engage
learners and reliable technique or method for engaging learning such as cognitive
learning strategies and critical thinking skills." (David H. Jonassen, et al 1999).

Educational technology is a theory about how problems in human learning are
identified and solved. (David H. Jonassen, Kyle L. Peck, Brent G. Wilson, 1999). As a
theory, educational technology has an "integrated set of principles that explain and
predict observed events."
Educational technology is a field involved in applying a complex, integrated
process to analyze and solve problems in human learning (David H. Jonassen, et al
Educational technology is a field study which is concerned with the practice of
using educational methods and resources for the ultimate goal of facilitating the
learning process (Lucido and Borabo, 1997). As a field, it operates within the total
field of education.
Educational technology is a profession like teaching. It is made up of
organized effort to implement the theory, intellectual technique, and practical
application of educational technology (David H. Jonassen, et al 1999).
From the definitions of educational technology given above, we can say that
educational technology is a very broad term. It is the application of scientific findings
in our method, process or procedure of working in the field of education in order to
effect learning. It embraces curriculum and instructional design, learning environment,
theories of teaching-learning. It is also a field study and a profession. It is the use of all
human inventions for teachers to realize their mission to teach in order that students
There are other terms that are associated with educational technology. We
come across terms like technology in education, instructional technology and
technology integration in education books, educational media. Are they synonymous
with educational technology?
Technology in education is "the application of technology to any of those
processes involved in operating the institutions which house the educational
enterprise. It includes the application of technology to food, health, finance,
scheduling, grade, reporting, and other processes which support education within
institutions (David H. Jonassen, et al, 1999).

Instructional technology is a part of educational technology. Instructional
technology refers to those aspects of educational technology that "are concerned with
instruction as contrasted to designs and operations of educational institutions.
Instructional technology is a systematic way of designing, carrying out, and
evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives
(Lucido and Borabo, 1997).
Technology integration means using learning technologies to introduce,
reinforce, supplement and extend skills." (Williams, ed. 2000). Like instructional
technology, it is a part of educational technology. Technology integration is part and
parcel of instructional technology, which in turn is a part of educational technology.
Educational media are channels or avenues or instruments S of communication.
Examples are books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television and Internet. These
media also serve educational purposes. Which of the terms above are very much
related to educational technology? Which ones are least related?

Name:________________________________ Major: ______________ (Module 1: Topic1)

Now that you have read the text above, it is expected that you are ready to answer the following exercise

Activity 1. Define the following basic concepts in ICT education.

1. Technology

2. Techne

3. Educational Technology

4. Instructional Technology

5. Technology Integration

Name:________________________________ Major: ______________ (Module 1: Topic1)

Activity 2. Using the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast technology from
technology in education.

Activity 3. Based on your experiences, what is the role of educational technology in the
flexible learning modality (online/modular/blended) in education?

TOPIC 2: ICT Policies and Safety Issues in
Teaching & Learning

As you journey on this lesson, you are expected to:

Learning Outcome

Create one’s own policy proposal in relation to the use of ICT in the classroom

Learning Objectives
1.Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching-learning
2. Determine the programs created by the Philippine government in connection to
the implementation of ICT education.

Focus Question:
 What are the ICT policies and safety issues with regards to the teaching and
learning process?

The Philippine government especially the Department of Education and Department Are you rea
of Science and Technology has forwarded ICT educations through policies and projects. The
Restructured Basic Education Curriculum which aimed to implement an interactive
curriculum wasLearners'
launched Information
in 2002. It aimedSystemto integrate technology in instruction and in
education, with great emphasis Toonis
The LIS becomputer
anrecipients of the
facility To engagepublic
implemented the private
by schools
DepEd sector,
thatThe Act ofaallstable
records and
1998 (R.A. 8525) wascontinuous
students passed to generate
in public supply
This program of companies.
was able withThis was done
to telephone
optimize thein collecting
order at least
facilities; dataone
to upgrade and modernize assigned
public schools,to handle Computer
especially in Education
the provinces. classes,
The program
registered public students and reduced the data collection time from 10 months to 3 to manage
led to 110the computer
public high schools laboratory
months.receiving and willing in
computers to be
under on the
lab management;
DOST Engineering at leastScience
one teacher of each
English, Science, and Math who are willing to be trained on 8
pedagogy-technology to
Education Project (ESEP). An additional 68 public high schools were recipients under the
DOST Computer Literacy Fortraining
echo public school
Program. theirpersonnel,
to Annually,
DOST the school toprincipal
continues mobilize
to and ICT coordinator
allocate PHP 20,000,000 shall other
support from be in
of in
distributing theusercommunity
accounts for
to needed
(US$400,000) to support buying computers in school. In 2002 and 2003, 125 public high structures
to their or facilities;
appropriate never
sections. been
schools were tohomeroom
be provided of computer
with 10shall
to 15 from
enrol other
computers similar
their government
along with thestudentsprograms
in their
corresponding unless the equipment
teacher Incoming
is due for replacement and augmentation; and strong
students for kindergarten and grade 1 students shall be issued new Learners Registration partnership with other
TOPIC 3: Challenges in Using ICT in
 Existing Number of Instructional Rooms in the School by Status:
Standard Rooms are rooms deemed to be safe and usable and having the standard dimensions
as defined in the instructional rooms. This includes partially incomplete classroom
constructions. Non-Standard or Makeshift Rooms are safe and usable rooms which are
considered temporary structures to be used in classroom shortages and/or temporary shelter
during emergencies.
As you journey on this lesson, you are expected to:
 Number of Teachers by Teaching Assignment and by Year Level (GSSP only).
This Learning Outcome
indicates the number
of nationally funded teachers by gender.
The school principals shall update all required school data for each incoming school
years. After ensuring all required data have been accurately updated, they shall submit the
profile into the system and the school will be able to download its GESP, GSSP, Private
School Profile (PSP), orCreate
SUCs one’s own policy
Laboratory proposal
School in relation
Profile whichtocontains
the use ofitsICT in the classroom
enrollment from LIS and school data from the EBEIS.
Learning Resources Management and Development System
The LRMDS is an online library created by international education partners and
teachers. It is a web-based catalogue and online repository of learning, teaching, and
professional development Objective
resources. It includes the following: information on quantity,
quality, and location of textbooks and supplementary materials, and other teaching-learning
resources; access to learning, teaching, and professional development resources in digital
format; and standards, specifications, and guidelines
Formulate solutions for four subsystems:
in the challenges posed in the(1)
of ICT in education
and Evaluation; (2) Development, Acquisition, and Production; (3) Storage and
Maintenance; and (4) Publication and Delivery.
DepEd Computerization Program
The DepEd Computerization Program was implemented to help supply the schools to
be ready for training its students in basic ICT programs. This program contains two packages
which contain models for a computer lab and an e-classroom. These models will be used in
training the students in basic ICT programs in school. For schools with large enrollments, the
following criteria will be followed: a minimum of 150 terminals for 9,000 enrollees, 50-100
terminals for 5000-8999 enrollees, and 50 terminals for 2000-4999 enrollees.

Focus Questions:
 What are the challenges of using ICT tools and what solutions could be applied to
overcome those?

Are you ready for today’s lesson? This time, you are tasked to read the texts below and be able to co

Challenges in using ICT in teaching and learning

Let’s Discover!
Integrating ICT into teaching and learning is a complex process and one that
may encounter a number of difficulties. These difficulties are known as “challenges”
(Schoepp, 2005).Cox A challenge
et al. (1999a) is defined
argue that as “anyif teacherscondition are to that be makes
convinced it difficult
of the value to of using ICT
make progress orintotheir According
achieve to
an objective” Becta (2004),
(WordNet, the issue of training is certainly complex because it
teaching, their training should1997, focusasoncited the in Schoepp, 2005,
pedagogical issues. The results of
is important
p. 2). The following are some to consider several components to ensure training effectiveness. These were
the research byof Cox theetkey challenges
al. (1999a) showed that havethat after beenteachersidentified hadinattended
the professional
literature regarding for
teachers’ training,
The Bectause pedagogical
of (2004)
ICT report training, skills training, and an
stated “if there is a lack of technical support available ICT use in initial teacher
development courses intools
ICT they in classroom.
still did not know how to use ICT in their classrooms;
in a school, Correspondingly,
then it is likelyrecent research maintenance
that technical by Gomes (2005) will not relating
be carriedto various subjects
out regularly,
instead iv)they
Limited just knew time how to run a computer and set up a printer. They explained that
i) Limited accessibility
resulting in and thatnetwork
lack ofrisk
a higher connection
training in digital
of technical literacy, lack(p.of16).
breakdowns” pedagogic
Many of and thedidactic training
respondents to
this is because the courses only focused on teachers acquiring basic ICT skills and did
Several innothow tosurvey
research useSeveral
ICT(2004) inrecent
indicated studies
classroom thatindicate
and lackthat
technical of many
faults might teachers
discourage havetechnology
them fromuse and
often studies
teach teachers indicate how thatto lack
develop of access
the pedagogical resources, aspects including
of ICT. In line with the
ICT confidence
in subject
their in using
teaching were
because computers
of the in
fear the
of classroom,
equipment but
breakingthey still in
down make
a use of
home access, is another
researchcomplex by Cox challenge et al. (1999a), that prevent Balanskat teacherset al.from (2006) integrating
indicated new that inappropriate
In technologies
teaching, the Saudi
several because
studies they
indicated lack that
studies the
lack Atechnical
reasonssupport number
for is of researchers
a main in using
barrier to
technologies intoteacher
education. training is not helping teachers to use ICT in their classrooms and in preparing
educational technologies. time limitations
technology: the weakness
According and
to Gomestheofdifficulty
(2005),traininginICT scheduling in the enough
integration computer
computers, time
needs thea
One findinglessons.
of They assert
Pelgrum’s (2001) thatstudy this is was because
that theretraining
were programs
not enough dotraining
not focus on teachers’
use for
technician classes
a “delivery”
and if oneas a barrier
teaching to
is unavailable teachers’
style instead the lackuse of ICT
of investment in their
of technicalinsupport teaching
modern (Al‐ Alwani,
be an obstacle. 2005;
as well
opportunities foras,pedagogical
teachers practices
in using ininrelation to ICTenvironment.
but on developing ICT Beggs skills. Fundamentally,
Turkey, shortage 2004;
Toprakci of ICTsBeggs,
(2006) a2000;
found Schoepp,
that tothe uselack 2005;
the technology
of Similarly,
technical 2005).
confidently mostonecommon
(Sager, 2001).
of two
(2000) found that when there
of the are three
top new tools andto approaches to ofteaching, teacher was training is essential
significant pedagogicalreported
barriers to barriers
by integration
ICT allfor teachers’
the teachers
teachers, use was ICT
in science the
than in
lack teaching
education ofin time
schools they
them had
and to plan
use ICT
the lack of training. Recent & research
Hennessy, in 2003)
Turkey iffound
they that are the to integrate
main problemthese with into their teaching.
tools, technology
consideredis an important lessons,
“serious”. issueInexplore
Saudi the
(Becta, 2004).
Arabia, different
(1999a)sites,argue or look
would that atifvarious
agree teachers aspects
to introduceare to
implementing new Newhouse
ICT (2002) stated “teachers need amountto not only be service
computer literate but they also
be of ineducational
computers education
intoof teaching, was the
the value of insufficient
except Becta’s
using that ICT theystudy (2004)
in believe
their oftheyin‐
teaching, found
will that
their training
the problem
encounter shouldoffocus
problems lack on
such of
for teachers (Özden,need to
2007), develop
and Toprakci skills in
(2006) integrating
concluded computer
thatoflimited use into
teacher their
training teaching/learning
the time service
technical exists for
or teachers
issues. hardware inproblems
many aspects
(Almohaissin, their work 2006). asSicilia
it affects
(2005) theirargued
in ICT use in Turkish schools (p. 45).
whatevercomplete kindis ofantechnical
tasks, obstacle.
with some According
support of the to
access (2004),
teachers thespecifically
staff issue
have of and stating
whetherwhich they
The results of it theisresearch bytoCox et al. (1999a) showed that to after teachers had
training is certainly
ii) complex
School withbecause
of ICT
limited require
of important
experience more time.
technical support consider
or areThese novices several
include to the components
time needed to locateproblems
technical Internet
attended professional development courses pedagogical
in ICT they training, still did not know how to use
ensure training effectiveness.
generateadvice, barriersThese
prepareto were
thelessons, time for
smooth explore
lessontraining, and practise
delivery by teachers. using the technology, skills deal with
Withoutin their classrooms; instead they just knew how to run and awhole‐school
computer andresources, set up a
training, and an ICT use inboth
technical initial goodteacher
problems, technical
and receive support in the
adequate classroom
iii) LackThey
teachers explained
of effective
cannot be expected thattothis
training overcomeis because the courses
the obstacles preventing only them focused from onusingteachers
(Lewis, recent
acquiring basic research
2003). ICT skills
Pelgrum by(2001)
and did (2005)
found notthat relating
often in the teachtoview
teachersof subjects how toanddevelop
primary secondary the
concluded that lack of The challenge
training in digital most
literacy, frequently
lack of referred to and
pedagogic in thedidacticliteraturetraining is lack of effective
teachers, one aspects
of the of ICT. In line with
top barriers to ICT the research
use in by Cox et al.
education was (1999a),
lack of Balanskat
technical et
in how to use ICT training
in the (Albirini,
classroom 2006;
and Balanskat
lack of et al.,concerning
training 2006; Beggs, 2000; Özden,
technology use in 2007; Schoepp,
al. (2006) indicated that inappropriate teacher
assistance. In Sicilia’s study (2005), technical problems were found to be a major training is not helping teachers to use ICT
specific subject in 2005;were
areas Sicilia, 2005; Toprakci, 2006; Ghavifekr & in Wan Athirah, 2015). One finding of
barrier for obstacles
their classrooms teachers.and to
in preparingnew
technical technologies
barriers They included classroom
because to training
Some of the Saudi Pelgrum’s
Arabian (2001)
studies study reportedwas that similar therereasonswere not for enough
failures training
in using opportunities for
failing to do not focus
connect to theon teachers’
Internet, pedagogical
printers not printing, practices in relation computers,
malfunctioning to ICT butand on
educational technology: in using
weakness ICTsofinteacher a classroom training environment.
in the use Similarly,
of computers, Beggs the (2000) found that
developing ICT skills. Fundamentally,
teachers having to work on old computers. “Technical barriers impeded the smoothwhen there are new tools and approaches to
use of a “delivery” one of
teaching the top
style three
instead barriers to teachers’ use of ICT in teaching wasthe lack of training.
delivery teacher
of the lesson training orofthe investment
is natural
essentialflow in(Osborne
of the technology
& Hennessy,
classroom as well
activity” 2003)as(Sicilia,
if they2005, are top.
the shortage of integrate
teachers research
qualified in Turkey
to use found that
the technology the main problem with implementing new ICT in
43). Korte these andinto their
Hüsing teaching.
(2007) argued thatconfidently ICT support (Sager, 2001).
or maintenance contracts in
Providing pedagogical training wasfor theteachers,
insufficient rather amount of in‐ service training usefor teachers (Özden,
schools help teachers to use ICT than simply
in teaching training
without them losingtotime ICT
fixing software and
2007), However,
and Toprakci inadequate(2006)orconcluded inappropriate that training
limited teacher leads totraining teachers10 inbeing
ICT neither
use in
tools, is an important issue
hardware problems. (Becta, 2004).
Turkish schools prepared is annor sufficiently confident to carry out full integration of ICT in the
classroom. Newhouse (2002) stated “teachers need to not only be computer literate but
they also need to develop skills in integrating computer use into their teaching/learning
programmes” (p. 45).
Name:________________________________ Major: ______________ (Module 1: Topic 2 &3)

Now that you have read the text above, it is expected that you are ready to answer the following exerci

Activity for Topic 2 & 3
Directions: Create your own policy proposal in relation to the use of ICT in the
classroom. See attached sample.
Depending on your medium, follow the guidelines below:
 If computerized, use: short bond paper, font size 12, Arial, single space
 If handwritten, use: yellow paper, black/blue pen & please write legibly.


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