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Prevention and treatment of the common cold:

making sense of the evidence

G. Michael Allan MD, Bruce Arroll MB ChB PhD

Competing interests: he common cold is an acute, self-limiting highly prevalent and may be debilitating. It causes
Bruce Arroll organizes viral infection of the upper respiratory tract declines in function and productivity at work14,15
general lectures for the
New Zealand government’s involving the nose, sinuses, pharynx and and may affect other activities such as driving.16 Its
Pharmaceutical larynx. The virus is spread by hand contact with impact on society and health care is large. Of indi-
Management Agency. secretions from an infected person (direct or indi- viduals with an upper respiratory tract infection,
No competing interests
declared by Michael Allan.
rect) or aerosol of the secretions and virus.1 The 7%–17% of adults17,18 and 33% of children17 visit a
incubation period varies but is just under two days physician. Upper respiratory tract infections result
This article has been peer for rhinovirus.2 Symptoms, which generally relate in an estimated increase of 12.5% in patient visits
to the infected mucosa, typically peak at 1–3 days per month during cold and flu season.19 In the
Correspondence to: and last 7–10 days, although they occasionally per- United States, direct medical costs related to the
G. Michael Allan, sist for three weeks.1,3−5 They include sore throat, common cold (physician visits, secondary infec-
rhinitis, rhinorrhea, cough and malaise.1,4 The sever- tions and medications) were an estimated
CMAJ 2014. DOI:10.1503
ity and type of symptoms will vary among individ- $17 billion a year in 1997.17 Indirect costs owing
uals and with different infective agents. For exam- to missed work because of illness or caring for
ple, fever is common in children but rare and mild an ill child were an estimated $25 billion a year.17
in adults.1 The incidence of the common cold We review the evidence underpinning preven-
declines with age.5−7 Children under two years have tive and treatment interventions for the common
about six infections a year, adults two to three and cold. We do not explore the proposed biologic
older people about one per year.5−9 Stress10 and poor mechanisms for the different products, because
sleep11 may increase the risk of the common cold most are not substantiated and generally represent
among adults, whereas attendance at a daycare cen- more supposition than science. The quality of the
tre12 increases the risk among preschool children. evidence was frequently poor, with a moderate to
Rhinovirus accounts for 24%–52% of clinical high risk of bias. Although preventive interventions
cases or 52%–76% of infections with an identi- have somewhat discrete outcomes (presence of an
fied pathogen.6−8,13 No pathogen is identified in upper respiratory tract infection), interpretation of
31%–57% of upper respiratory tract infections,8,13 the evidence for treatment of the common cold is
likely because of a host of reasons, including challenged by the complexity of outcome
poor collection technique, low pathogen count reporting. The evidence used in this review is
due to sampling late in the illness, or previously described in Box 1.
unidentified agents.1 Only about 5% of clinically
diagnosed cases were found to have bacterial How can the common cold
infection (with or without viral co-infection).13
Although self-limiting, the common cold is
be distinguished from other
Key points
• Evidence for interventions aimed at preventing and treating the
The symptoms and signs of the common cold
common cold is frequently of poor quality, and results are inconsistent. overlap with those of other conditions. Allergic
• The best evidence for the prevention of the common cold supports physical rhinitis presents similarly, but it may have a sea-
interventions (e.g., handwashing) and possibly the use of zinc supplements. sonal component or clear allergic aggravation
• The best evidence for traditional treatments supports the use of and is unlikely to have an accompanying sore
acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for pain throat. When sore throat is the primary com-
and fever) and possibly antihistamine–decongestant combinations and plaint, streptococcal pharyngitis should be con-
intranasal ipratropium. Ibuprofen appears to be superior to
sidered. Centor criteria20 are helpful in delineat-
acetaminophen for the treatment of fever in children.
ing the need for throat swabs and antibiotics.
• The best evidence for nontraditional treatments of the common cold
supports the use of oral zinc supplements in adults and honey at bedtime
Sinusitis (acute or subacute) is a clinical diag-
for cough in children over one year. nosis without reliable clinical scoring criteria to
help differentiate it from the common cold. Groups

190 CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3) © 2014 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors

reviewing the evidence for the antibiotic treatment also examined individually.32,33 These studies had
of sinusitis recommend that symptoms be present methodologic concerns and included only children
for 7–10 days and not show signs of improvement given zinc sulfate 10 mg or 15 mg daily. The mean
before antibiotics are considered.21,22 number of colds was significantly lower in the zinc
Ear pain and otitis media commonly accom- group than in the placebo group both in the pooled
pany or follow the common cold, particularly in analysis (Table 1) and in the individual studies
children. Findings on physical examination can (mean 1.2 v. 1.7 [p = 0.003] in one trial32 and 1.7 v.
be helpful in diagnosing otitis media (e.g., a 3.1 [p < 0.001] in the other33). School absences
bulging tympanic membrane has a likelihood were significantly lower in the zinc groups of each
ratio of 51),23 and there are simple rules for pre- study, by an average of 0.4 days (p = 0.04)32 and 0.8
scribing antibiotics or using watchful waiting in days (p < 0.001).33 Antibiotic use was also signifi-
children with possible otitis media.24 cantly lower in the zinc groups of each study (5 v.
People with influenza usually are sicker than 18 [p = 0.009]32 and 20 v. 47 [p < 0.001]33 respec-
those with the common cold, the former having tively). In one of the studies,32 the proportion of
fever, chills, headaches, myalgia and malaise. children with no colds during the study period was
Influenza can be serious in older people and 33% in the zinc group versus 14% in the control
those who are immunocompromised. More seri- group, for a number needed to treat of six.
ous illness should prompt consideration of Although the evidence for cold prevention
meningococcal disease or septicemia. with zinc comes from studies involving only
More details regarding primary conditions children, there is no biological reason why zinc
whose signs and symptoms overlap with those of would work only in children and not adults.
the common cold are available in guidelines and
review articles on allergic rhinitis,25 sore throat,26 Probiotics
sinusitis,21 otitis media24 and influenza.27,28 In Probiotics may be helpful in preventing upper res-
addition, the National Institute for Health and piratory tract infections, but the interventions and
Care Excellence (NICE) has released a primary evidence are inconsistent. A systematic review of
care guide for prescribing antibiotics for upper 14 RCTs included 10 trials (n = 3451) that pro-
respiratory tract infections.29 vided sufficient data for pooling.34 Pediatric and
adult populations from a wide variety of countries
were included. Probiotic prophylaxis reduced the
What interventions are effective number of participants who had one or more
for preventing the common cold? upper respiratory tract infections (odds ratio [OR]
0.58, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.36 to 0.92)
Preventive therapies are summarized in Table 1.30−50 and the number of upper respiratory tract infec-
tions per person-year (rate ratio 0.88, 95% CI 0.81
Physical interventions to 0.96). Both outcomes had inconsistent results
A Cochrane systematic review examined the in the individual studies, reflected in estimates of
effectiveness of traditional physical public health heterogeneity (I2 = 69% and 44%, respectively).
interventions in preventing upper respiratory tract
infections in 67 studies of various types (random- Box 1: Summary of literature review
ized controlled trials [RCTs], cluster RCTs, retro- In July and August 2012, a literature search was performed by one of us
spective and prospective cohort studies, case– (G.M.A.) of PubMed, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, ACP
control studies and before–after studies).30 The type Journal Club and Evidence-Based Medicine. Search terms included “common
of interventions varied considerably — handwash- cold” and “upper respiratory tract infection.” In PubMed, the search was
ing, use of alcohol-based disinfectants, other disin- restricted to randomized controlled trials (RCTs), reviews, systematic reviews and
meta-analyses. Individual treatments were also searched (e.g., “vitamin C”).
fectants, hand-wipes, gloves, masks, gowns and A similar search was performed in early 2012 by B.A. for a related project. We
various combinations. As a result, pooling of data conducted a manual search of the bibliographies of included articles. Further
was limited, and many of the studies had an unclear details of the literature search are available from the authors upon request.
or high risk of bias. Nevertheless, the majority of We selected the highest level of evidence available for each intervention,
results suggested that physical preventive measures focusing on systematic reviews (with or without a meta-analysis) and RCTs.
We rated the quality of evidence for each intervention as high, moderate or
such as handwashing reduced the risk of getting or
low risk of bias. For systematic reviews, we considered the authors’
spreading upper respiratory tract infections. assessment of methodologic quality (e.g., blinding) of included trials but
also examined the quality of the systematic review itself (e.g., thoroughness
Zinc of the literature search). For RCTs, we considered traditional validity criteria
Zinc appears to be effective in reducing the number (e.g., allocation concealment) as well other limitations (e.g., funding or
restricted populations). Lastly, we considered the overall volume (size and
of colds per year, at least in children. A Cochrane number of RCTs) and the consistency of the evidence. We used lower levels
review31 of the prophylactic efficacy of orally of evidence for general information such as epidemiology.
administered zinc considered two RCTs that we

CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3) 191


However, use of probiotics reduced antibiotic use tobacillus rhamnosus strain GG (109 colony-
(risk ratio 0.67, 95% CI 0.45 to 0.98). In all but forming units) or no probiotic for the duration of
two studies, the probiotics varied in types of their hospital stay. The incidence of upper respira-
organisms, combinations of organisms, formula- tory tract infections was reduced in the probiotic
tions (e.g., pills, liquids) and quantity (colony- group (relative risk 0.38, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.85), for
forming units). These inconsistencies limit the a number needed to treat of 30.
clinical application of the study findings.
We examined the two highest-quality studies Gargling
included in the systematic review. In the first,35 638 Frequent gargling with water may help reduce
children aged three to six years attending a commu- episodes of upper respiratory tract infection, but
nity preschool or daycare were randomly assigned evidence is limited to a single study. The well-
to receive either a drink containing the probiotic designed RCT involved 387 adults randomly
strain Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001 (108 colony- assigned to gargling with water, gargling with a
forming units) or a matching placebo for 90 days. diluted povidone–iodine solution or usual care
Use of the probiotic resulted in a reduction of 0.6 (control).37 Gargling with the povidone–iodine
upper respiratory tract infections per 100 person- solution had no effect, whereas gargling with
days (p = 0.036). In the second RCT,36 742 children water was effective in reducing the risk of an
more than 12 months of age who were admitted to upper respiratory tract infection (30.1% v. 40.8%
hospital were randomly assigned to drink 100 mL in the control group; p = 0.044), for a number
of a fermented milk product containing either Lac- needed to treat of 10. The degree of gargling

Table 1 (part 1 of 2): Interventions for the prevention of the common cold

Intervention and dose Evidence Risk of bias Outcome Harms Comment

Physical Various techniques Systematic review High (studies had General reduced risk N95 masks offered Likely
intervention30 (e.g., handwashing, use of 67 studies unclear risk of bias with handwashing, no advantage over beneficial
of alcohol-based hand (various types) for most quality hand disinfectant, normal surgical
disinfectant, gloves, indicators) gloves and masks masks, were
masks) uncomfortable and
irritated the skin
Zinc Zinc sulfate tablets, Meta-analysis High (unclear Pooled analysis of 3 children in the Likely
supplement31–33 10 mg and 15 mg (2 RCTs; n = 400, randomization;33 2 RCTs: significant intervention group beneficial
age 5–8 yr) and events reduction in colds in one RCT had mild
censored from (RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.47 to gastrointestinal
analysis for 0.88); about 0.5–1.4 discomfort; no other
unclear reasons32) fewer colds over 5–7 significant
“winter” months differences noted
Probiotics34–36 Different organisms, Systematic review Moderate (≤ 50% Pooled analysis of 6 RCTs: No difference May be
combinations, and meta-analysis of the trials were significant reduction in noted beneficial
formulations and quantity; (10 RCTs; n = 3451), low risk of bias for number with ≥ 1 colds
Lactobacillus most with focus on 2 quality indicators) (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.36 to
common (rhamnosus, RCTs of highest 0.92); results of RCTs were
casei and other species) quality inconsistent (I2 = 69%)
Gargling37 Tap water or diluted RCT (n = 384) Low (allocation Significantly fewer URTIs Not reported Unclear benefit
povidone–iodine (7%) concealment and with gargling water from water
solution, 20 mL gargled blinded outcome (RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.42 to gargling; no
for 15 s 3 times per assessment) 0.99); no significant benefit from
session; repeated at reduction with gargling gargling of
least 3 times daily povidone–iodine (RR 0.87, iodine solution
95% CI 0.58 to 1.34)
Ginseng38–40 North American Systematic High (multiple Pooled analysis of 5 RCTs: No consistent Unclear
ginseng as COLD-FX review (5 RCTs; variations of no significant reduction in difference benefit
brand in 5 of 6 RCTs n = 747) analysis) colds (relative risk 0.70,
(400 mg generally); and single RCT 95% CI 0.48 to 1.02); results
Asian ginseng as (n = 783) of RCTs were inconsistent
Ginsana G115 brand (I2 = 68%)
Analysis of single RCT: no
significant difference
from placebo (p = 0.23)
Exercise41 45 min of moderate- RCT (n = 115 High (unclear Significantly fewer self- Not reported Unclear
intensity exercise overweight allocation reported colds per person- benefit
5 d/wk or obese concealment and year in intervention group
postmenopausal equivocal findings) (0.55 v. 0.96 in control
women) group, p = 0.02); no
difference in URTIs
between groups (p = 0.16)

192 CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3)


required was considerable (20 mL for 15 sec- to have multiple problems, including dropout
onds repeated three times, performed three times rates above 10% before a single dose was taken,
daily). Confirmation from a second RCT would post-hoc modification of analyses to achieve sta-
be helpful before recommending gargling. tistical significance (per-protocol analysis, com-
bination of trials or selection of certain time
Ginseng frames), multiple analyses, a focus on laboratory
The role of ginseng in preventing colds is ques- (not clinical) outcomes and inconsistent results.40
tionable. A familiar product in Canada is COLD-
FX, a proprietary extract produced from the roots Other interventions
of North American ginseng (Panax quinque- A variety of other interventions have been stud-
folius). A meta-analysis38 of five RCTs (four of ied for the prevention of the common cold. Stud-
COLD-FX and one of Asian ginseng [P. gin- ies of exercise,41 garlic42,43 and homeopathy44−46
seng]) and one RCT39 of COLD-FX have pro- showed unclear evidence of benefit, whereas
vided inconsistent results. Some of the trials those of vitamin D48,49 and echinacea50 showed no
showed a statistically significant reduction in lab- evidence of benefit. Vitamin C47 may provide
oratory-confirmed colds and influenza, whereas some benefit in people under physical stress
others found small changes in clinical, but not (e.g., marathon runners or soldiers in subarctic
laboratory-confirmed, upper respiratory tract environments), but no meaningful benefit has
infections only.40 Trials of COLD-FX were found been shown for the average patient.

Table 1 (part 2 of 2): Interventions for the prevention of the common cold

Intervention and dose Evidence Risk of bias Outcome Harms Comment

Garlic Allicin powder Meta-analysis High (1 trial had 73 participants in Not reported Unclear benefit
supplement42,43 180 mg (1 RCT; n = 146) unclear allocation each group; over 90-d (other than 4
concealment) period, 24 colds in taking garlic and
intervention group v. 1 taking placebo
65 in control group having a smell
(p < 0.001); unclear when burping)
how many had no
Homeopathy44–46 Multiple different 3 RCTs (n = 170, Moderate (2 trials 2 placebo-controlled 1 of 3 RCTs Unclear (likely
treatments 142 and 199 had 15%–23% RCTs: no significant reported adverse no) benefit
children, drop out before effect; 1 RCT with events; 22% had
respectively, aged first dose; 1 was wait-list control mild and
≤ 10 yr) nonblinded) showed reduced transient adverse
symptoms and days ill effects, but
control group
not mentioned
Vitamin C47 Vitamin C 0.2–3 g/d Meta-analysis Unclear (reviewers Community None reported No benefit
(1 g/d most common) (29 RCTs; n = used blinding as participants: no effect (no meaningful
11 306) surrogate of (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.94 benefit in the
allocation to 1.00); participants average patient)
concealment) exposed to cold or
heavy physical stress:
fewer colds (RR 0.48,
95% CI 0.35 to 0.64).
Duration shorter than
with placebo (mean
difference –9.1%,
95% CI –12.6% to
–5.6%). Effect not
better with higher
Vitamin D48,49 Vitamin D 400 IU 2 RCTs (n = 164 Moderate (high No consistent benefit Likely none No benefit
daily; 200 000 IU male military risk of bias in one
monthly for 2 mo, recruits, 322 trial, low risk in
then 100 000 health workers or the other trial)
monthly students)
Echinacea50 Echinacea purpurea, Systematic review Low 3 comparisons, not No significant No benefit
E. angustifolia (2 RCTs; n = 519) pooled: none showed difference from
(pressed juice or statistical difference placebo
extract in different from placebo in
dilutions and preventing colds

Note: CI = confidence interval, OR = odds ratio, RCT = randomized control trial, RR = rate ratio, URTI = upper respiratory tract infection.

CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3) 193


Summarized details of these interventions can change on 4–5-point scale) was reached for none.
be found in Table 1. See also Appendix 1 (avail- An earlier meta-analysis had similar results.51
able at
/cmaj.121442/-/DC1) for a more detailed discus- Antihistamines, combination therapy
sion of each intervention. Antihistamines combined with decongestants,
analgesics or both appear to have a small to
moderate effect on the common cold in older
What medications are effective children and adults. A large systematic review
for treating the common cold? and meta-analysis53 found that the antihistamine–
decongestant combination reduced global symp-
The traditional pharmacologic treatments of the toms in six pooled studies (OR 0.27, 95% CI
common cold are summarized in Table 2.51−66 0.15 to 0.50). The estimated number needed to
treat was five. Although overall adverse events
Antihistamines, monotherapy were not increased, there were significant
Antihistamines as monotherapy have no mean- increases in dry mouth (OR 3.77, 95% CI 1.75 to
ingful effect in the treatment of the common 8.14) and insomnia (OR 3.02, 95% CI 1.08 to
cold.51,52 A recent meta-analysis showed no signif- 8.47). Fewer, and smaller, RCTs examined other
icant improvement in general symptoms for this combinations, and pooling was limited. For the
intervention (Peto OR 0.97, 95% CI 0.85 to antihistamine–analgesic combination, two of
1.12); multiple sensitivity and subgroup analyses three studies reported on global symptoms and
did not alter the finding in a meaningful way.52 found significant improvement. For the antihista-
Although statistical significance was reached for mine–decongestant–analgesic combination com-
some nasal symptoms, clinical significance (≤ 0.3 pared with placebo, four trials reported improve-

Table 2 (part 1 of 2): Pharmacologic interventions for the treatment of the common cold

Intervention and dose Evidence Risk of bias Outcome Harms Comment

Antihistamine, Various 2 meta-analyses Moderate (some Overall symptoms and Adverse events No clinically
monotherapy51,52 antihistamines (9 RCTs in first, n = trial quality issues nasal obstruction not (primarily sedation) meaningful
1023 adults; 32 RCTs and conflicting improved; subjective increased with benefit
in second, n = 8930 results) improvement in first-generation
adults and children); rhinorrhea and antihistamines
total 22 RCTs sneezing at days 2–4 (Peto OR 1.25,
statistically significant 95% CI 1.04–1.50);
but not clinically no increase with
significant (scores nonsedating
generally ≤ 0.3 on antihistamines
scale of 4–5)
Antihistamine, Antihistamine plus Meta-analysis High (trial quality Best evidence for Some increased Likely
combination decongestant or (27 RCTs; n = 5117 issues common, antihistamine– adverse events beneficial in
therapy53 analgesic or both adults and children) and conflicting decongestant (insomnia and adults and
results) combination (NNT = 5 dry mouth) with older children;
for global symptoms); antihistamine– no effect in
other combinations decongestant children ≤ 5 yr
had small to combination;
moderate effects in no statistically
adults and older significant
children differences with
other combinations
Decongestant54–57 Oral 3 meta-analyses and High (limited Oral and topical No consistent Small benefit
phenylephrine and 1 systematic review quality decongestants: small, effect on heart rate but uncertain
topical nasal (4– 15 RCTs) information statistically significant or blood pressure; clinical
decongestant available) effect on nasal airway small increase in significance;
resistance, but no insomnia no data for
consistent clinical children
effect; no data for
Intranasal Ipratropium Meta-analysis Moderate (some Improved rhinorrhea Increased epistaxis, Probable
ipratropium58 42–168 µg (7 RCTs; n = 2144 trial quality but not nasal nasal dryness and benefit
(1–2 sprays 3–4 adults and children issues) congestion; at 24 h, mouth dryness
times per day) ≥ 5 yr) 87% of ipratropium
group v. 73% of
control group rated
themselves as much
better or better (p =

194 CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3)


ment in global symptoms and two found statisti- uncertain.54,55 Fourteen of 26 studies did not report
cally significant improvement. significant improvement in any subjective clinical
We found no evidence of effectiveness of outcome.55 A single RCT of nasal xylometazoline
antihistamines combined with decongestants, monotherapy found positive effects, but the trial
analgesics or both in younger children (age ≤ 5), may have selectively reported positive outcomes
and Health Canada recommends against use in and was funded by the manufacturer.57 Children
this age group.67 Adverse events were signifi- were not represented in trials of topical deconges-
cantly increased with antihistamine–analgesic tants, and Health Canada recommends against
and antihistamine–decongestant–analgesic com- use in this age group.67
binations, but pooled estimates were small and
may not reflect actual clinical results. Intranasal ipratropium
Inhaled ipratropium bromide appears to improve
Decongestants cold symptoms, particularly rhinorrhea, with a
Decongestants result in small improvements of moderate increase in adverse events such as epis-
uncertain clinical significance in nasal symptoms, taxis and dryness of the nose and mouth. A sys-
according to three meta-analyses54−56 and a sys- tematic review and meta-analysis of intranasal
tematic review.57 Oral decongestants were shown ipratropium bromide spray did not pool data
to decrease subjective nasal symptoms by 6% because of variability in scales, measurements and
with a single dose and 4% with recurrent doses, other parameters.58 Four RCTs identified in the
but clinical relevance is uncertain.56 Although systematic review reported statistically significant
phenylephrine (10–25 mg orally) was found to improvement in rhinorrhea symptoms compared
reduce nasal airway resistance by about 10% (p < with placebo. However, four other RCTs found no
0.05), the clinical meaning of this outcome is improvement in nasal congestion compared with

Table 2 (part 2 of 2): Pharmacologic interventions for the treatment of the common cold

Intervention and dose Evidence Risk of bias Outcome Harms Comment

Over-the-counter Antitussives, Meta-analysis High (multiple Children: no benefit Inconsistently No benefit in

cough antihistamines, (8 RCTs, n = 616 trial quality Adults: some reported children;
treatments58 mucolytics, children; 18 RCTs, issues and inconsistent benefit benefit
expectorants, alone n = 3421 adults) conflicting with some unclear (but
or in combination* results) combinations and likely small) in
dextromethorphan adults
Vapour rub59 5–10 mL rubbed on RCT (n = 138 Moderate No improvement in Significant Unclear
chest and neck one children, (poorly described cough or rhinorrhea but increase in benefit, but
night age 2–11 yr) randomization, small improvement in adverse events harms present
blinding limited, sleep for child and (burning of skin,
single study) parent compared with eyes and nose)
NSAID60 7 different NSAIDs Meta-analysis Moderate (main No improvement in Nonsignificant Likely
used (ibuprofen (9 RCTs; n = 1069 limitation was duration of cold, overall trend to beneficial for
most common) adults) missing symptoms or most increased pain; no
information on respiratory symptoms; adverse events benefit for
randomization) improvement in some (risk ratio 2.94, other
pain areas (ear, muscles, 95% CI 0.51 to symptoms
headache) but not sore 17.03)
Acetaminophen 1000 mg 4 times 2 RCTs (n = 90 Moderate (few Overall, Adverse events Likely
(paracetamol)61–64 daily in adults or 15 children, 392 trials with acetaminophen was higher with effective for
mg/kg in children adults), plus 2 meta- limited more effective than 1000 mg fever and
analyses focused on randomization placebo in reducing acetaminophen analgesia v.
fever and allocation fever and providing v. (25% v. 5%, placebo;
information) mild analgesia; it was p < 0.001); inferior to
less effective than all events were ibuprofen for
ibuprofen in fever mild or fever control
control (in children) moderate (e.g.,
Antibiotic65 Various antibiotics Meta-analysis Moderate (some No effect on reduction Adverse events No benefit,
(6 RCTs; n = 1047 trial quality of persistent symptoms increased (relative and harms
adults and children) concerns and (risk ratio 0.95, 95% CI risk 1.8, 95% CI present
inconsistent results) 0.59 to 1.51) 1.01 to 3.21)

Note: CI = confidence interval, NNT = number needed to treat, NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, OR = odds ratio, RCT = randomized control trial.
*Includes dextromethorphan, codeine, letosteine, brompheniramine–phenylpropanolamine, guaifenesin, pseudophedrine, diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine,
clemastine and combinations.

CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3) 195


placebo. Two RCTs found a statistically signifi- occurred in 5% of patients using vapour rub, com-
cant improvement in the global assessment of pared with none using petrolatum.
symptoms, with 10%–15% more patients in the
ipratropium group reporting themselves as “good Other interventions
or better” or “much better or better” on day 1 or 2 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aceta-
(e.g., in one study, 74% of patients using iprat- minophen appear to be effective in relieving pain
ropium and 61% of those using placebo rated and fever in people with upper respiratory tract
themselves “much better or better” [p = 0.02]). infection but not in relieving other symptoms.61−63
Pooled data on adverse events (from up to six Ibuprofen has been shown to be superior to aceta-
RCTs) showed significantly increased epistaxis minophen in fever control, whereas the safety of
(OR 3.21, 95% CI 1.68 to 6.13), nasal dryness these drugs, at least in pediatric populations, is
(OR 2.55, 95% CI 1.50 to 4.33) and dry mouth equivalent.64,65 Antibiotics have no beneficial effect
(OR 3.59, 95% CI 1.38 to 9.38). on the common cold but do increase adverse
events.66 Because many symptoms of bacterial
Over-the-counter cough suppressants upper respiratory tract infections overlap with
Over-the-counter cough suppressants are of no ben- cold symptoms, clinicians may be tempted to pre-
efit for children, and Health Canada recommends scribe antibiotics. Although prescribing should be
against their use in children under the age of six minimized, issuing a delayed prescription for an
years.67 For adults, the benefit is unclear but likely antibiotic at times of uncertainty has been shown
small. A systematic review59 evaluated a variety of to reduce antibiotic use from 93% to 32%.70
outcomes such as cough and global improvement Summarized details of these interventions can
scores in children (age two to seven years), but sta- be found in Table 2. See also Appendix 1 for a
tistically significant improvements were infrequent more detailed discussion of each intervention.
and inconsistent and of doubtful clinical signifi-
cance.59,68 In addition, a Canadian review of codeine What alternative and
for acute cough in children found no benefit when
compared with placebo.69 In adults, antihistamines
nonpharmacologic treatments
and codeine had no effect on cough.59 One study of of the common cold are effective?
guaifenesin found no benefit; in another, 75% of
participants reported that guaifenesin was helpful Alternative and nonpharmacologic treatments of
for their cough, compared with 31% given placebo the common cold are summarized in Table 3.47,50,71−80
(p < 0.01).59 Dextromethorphan had mixed results,
with two positive trials showing a 12%–36% Honey
improvement in cough scores (p < 0.05).59 Combi- Consistent findings of three RCTs involving chil-
nation products seemed to have some benefit, but dren suggest that a single night-time dose of honey
there is little consistency in outcomes and it is not can have a small effect on cough and sleep in chil-
clear whether all negative outcomes were reported. dren over 12 months old.71−73 Multiple methodologic
Poor trial quality, varying reported outcomes and issues were present in one or more of the trials,
inconsistent results limit interpretation.59 including inadequate description of randomization
and allocation, no blinding, exclusion of patients
Vapour rub who deviated from the protocol, substitution of
Vapour rub containing camphor, menthol and clinician ratings in place of parent or child ratings,
eucalyptus oil is applied to the neck and chest. In funding by the Honey Board and uncertain clinical
the one RCT60 we found that assessed its efficacy, significance.68,71−73 There was no consistency in
harms appeared to outweigh benefits. No effect adverse events between the trials. Honey should not
was found on rhinorrhea. Scores for cough fre- be given to children younger than 12 months.
quency and severity were improved compared
with no treatment (p = 0.006 or better) but not Zinc, oral or intranasal
compared with petrolatum (placebo). Scores for Inconsistent evidence from a meta-analysis sug-
child and parental sleep were both significantly gests that orally administered zinc reduces the dura-
improved with vapour rub versus petrolatum (p = tion and severity of the common cold in adults.74 A
0.008 or better). For the combination of all scales 23-mg zinc gluconate lozenge every two hours was
(range 6–42), vapour rub had an improved score the most commonly studied regimen, although
of about 4 higher than petrolatum (p = 0.03). there was considerable variability across studies in
However, significantly increased adverse events dose (4.5 to 23.7 mg), frequency (twice daily to 10
over placebo included burning sensation to the times daily) and formulations (gluconate, sulfate or
skin (28%), nose (14%) and eyes (16%) (p < acetate).74 Zinc shortened the course of colds signif-
0.001 each). Rash and redness of skin each icantly (mean difference −1.65 d, 95% CI −2.5 to

196 CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3)


−0.8, compared with placebo),74 a finding similar to tive for adults, heterogeneity was consistently high
but somewhat better than the Cochrane review31 in all results (I2 = 55% to 95%), which reflected a
(standardized mean difference −0.97 d, 95% CI high level of inconsistency, even in subgroup test-
−1.56 to −0.38). However, zinc was found to have ing.74 Use of oral zinc supplements was associated
no significant effect on the duration of colds in chil- with an increased risk of adverse events such as bad
dren (mean difference −0.26, 95% CI −0.78 to taste and nausea (risk ratio 1.24, 95% CI 1.05 to
0.25), but the effect was significant in adults (mean 1.46).74 It is unclear why oral zinc treatment seems
difference −2.63, 95% CI −3.69 to −1.58).74 Higher to benefit adults more than children.
doses appeared to be more effective than lower The evidence to support intranasal use of zinc
doses. Zinc did not significantly affect symptom is weak, and important risks exist.79 We found
severity in children (standard mean difference only three RCTs of zinc used intranasally, 0.044
−0.05, 95% CI −0.27 to 0.17) but did reduce sever- mg to 2.1 mg daily in four doses.79 There was no
ity in adults (standard mean difference −0.64, 95% significant difference in any persisting symptoms
CI −1.05 to −0.24).74 Although the data were posi- at day 3 for all pooled studies, and again the het-

Table 3: Alternative and nonpharmacologic interventions for the treatment of the common cold

Intervention and dose Evidence Risk of bias Outcome Harms Comment
Honey 2.5–10 mg, one dose 3 RCTs (n = 105, Moderate (multiple Evidence of benefit No consistent Small benefit
at bedtime 139 and 300 trial quality issues, over placebo and adverse events for cough in
children, but results highly dextromethorphan children
respectively); consistent) (age > 1 yr);
most aged 1–5 yr no data for
Zinc, oral74 Different Meta-analysis Moderate (high or Pooled analysis of 8 Increased Probable
formulations, doses, (17 RCTs, moderate risk of RCTs: reduced duration adverse events benefit in
frequency; zinc n = 2121) bias in many studies) of cold (mean (bad taste and adults, but
gluconate 23-mg difference –1.65 d, nausea) harms present;
lozenge every 2 h 95% CI –2.5 to –0.8) no benefit in
most common children
Nasal Generally, saline Systematic High (multiple Pooled analysis of 2 13% nasal Unclear
irrigation75 drops (children) or review and meta- outcomes, most RCTs: no difference in irritation, 30% benefit
irrigation analysis (3 RCTs, nonsignificant, and nasal symptom score; dry nose, 40% of
n = 618) quality issues in RCTs) other results infants intolerant
inconsistent of nasal drops
Humidified air76 Heated water Systematic Moderate (unclear Pooled analysis of 2 RCTs: Increased Unclear
(42°C–47°C ), review and meta- allocation fewer participants with harms, benefit
vapourized analysis (6 RCTs, concealment and persistent symptoms (Peto including mask
n = 394) mixed results) OR 0.31, 95% CI 0.16 to discomfort and
0.60); very inconsistent increased nasal
results (I2 = 89%) congestion
Echinacea50 Variable formulations Systematic Moderate (some trial Inconsistent results (not No evidence of Unclear
and dosing; review (14 RCTs, quality issues, and pooled); for example, harms benefit
E. purpurea most n = 2090) inconsistent 1 of 6 studies showed
common formulations, cold improved duration and
definitions and results) severity of symptoms
Chinese Various formulations Systematic High (poor trial Data not pooled; 1 of 17 Not reported Unclear (likely
medicinal herbs77 review (17 RCTs, quality) RCTs showed improved no) benefit
n = 3212) severity of symptoms
Ginseng78 North American ginseng 1 RCT (n = 46 Low (high-quality No effects reported No increase in Unclear
extract in standard dose children aged trial) adverse events benefit
(26 mg/kg on day 1, 3–12 yr)
17 mg/kg on day 2,
9 mg/kg on day 3) v. low
dose (half the amounts
on each day) v. placebo
Vitamin C47 1.5–4 g for 1–5 d Meta-analysis Moderate (reviewers Pooled analysis of 7 No evidence of No benefit
(7 trials, n = 3294 used blinding as a RCTs: no effect on harms
colds) surrogate of allocation duration
Zinc, Zinc nasal spray Meta-analysis Moderate (high Pooled analysis of 3 Nasal burning Do not use
intranasal79,80 33 mmol/L, each (3 studies, heterogeneity, RCTs: no significant and stinging; (unclear
nostril 4 times daily n = 453) possible nonblinding effect on presence of unresolved benefit and
(2.1 mg total) in 2 of 3 and poor description symptoms at day 3 concern of possible
studies of randomization) permanent loss serious harm
of smell may exist)

Note: CI = confidence interval, OR = odds ratio, RCT = randomized control trial, RR = rate ratio.

CMAJ, February 18, 2014, 186(3) 197

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