Intervention Title: "Kaizen-Kwentuhan Tayo": Concept Paper For Limited Face To Face Learning Modality

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Concept Paper for Limited Face to Face Learning Modality

Intervention Title: “Kaizen-Kwentuhan Tayo”

Note: The said innovation may be applied in ensuring quality and efficiency in the
performance of school heads and teachers in the dispense of their mandates in the New

On January 30 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the

outbreak of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC). The response plans and measures for COVID-19,
including educational management and instructional supervision need to be revealed and
clarified to the public and other aspects of society in advance, and again if they change.
COVID-19 has completely disrupted the normal patterns and schedules of the Philippine
public school system. While schools have shifted to distance learning modalities, an
alarming number of students have disengaged from the instruction provided by teachers.
The question on learners choosing not engage in the chosen instruction is still at the top of
the minds of everybody.

School heads are facing a lot of challenges daily. It ranges from how the chosen
modality be implemented well by designing schemes that are appropriate to the school and
to the reality faced by the community, down to the smallest thing to be managed like the
preparation of reinforcement activities and a lot more. As observed also, teachers as main
movers are encountering bottlenecks that are impeding them to achieve the highest quality
of learning amidst this situation. School Head and teachers need appropriate help in
coming into plans that may possibly solve these challenges.

Based from data presented during the District Monitoring Evaluation and
Adjustment, most of the schools have problems on Learners at Risk of Dropping Out,
assessment of learning, reproduction of modules, addressing learning gaps, and conduct of
specialized teaching schedules, and even in reinforcing learning. Moreover, some learners
were reported as disengaging with the kind of learning modality that the school could offer
them. It was reported that number of learners return their modules without answers due to
some common reasons. These learners hardly understand the printed inputs. The worst
thing that is very real is the absence of somebody whom they could ask for help when they
have problems understanding their modules.

Most of the schools in Malaybalay City District VI raised that many of their
parents are working in plantation companies. They leave their children early in the morning
and return home at night. Accordingly, they do not have the leisure of time to sit down
with their children and teach them with their lessons. Other parents also said that they are
incapable of helping their children because they also lack education. These pressing
problems that I have presented pushed me to think of ways on how I could extend help to
school heads and teachers as their district supervisor. I considered literacy problems of
parents as non-negotiable, in short, it is very impossible to create solutions for that matter.
However, it is very possible for me to give assistance to teachers and school heads in
helping them dwell with those problems presented earlier.

A. Innovation’s Nature and Key Concepts

Nature and Key concepts of The presented issues, challenges, and concerns
“Kaizen-Kwentohan Tayo” compelled me to look into golden opportunities to
initiate interventions that later be converted into
innovations. Kaizen-Kwentohan Tayo is particularly
designed to help school heads and teachers perform
their duties and responsibilities amidst the effects of
pandemic in the surface of teaching and learning. This
is my personal way of fulfilling my task in supervising
and extending assistance to every personnel in our
Kaizen is a Japanese term which simply means
“change for the better”. I interpreted it this way. Since
we are in the new normal, there are things that we
might need to unlearn and things that we need to learn
and relearn. One of the things that we need to relearn
and learn is the way of supervising school heads and
teachers in an innovative way with the advent of
Communication is the best way to understand
complicated things about teaching, learning, and
management. The moment we show the willingness to
listen to their stories, we open chances of healthy
leader and follower relationship. This is an avenue of
mentoring, coaching, and give and take of insights that
would make changes for the better.
Concepts included in Kaizen- Kwentohan Tayo
-Establishing Time Frames in the New Normal
-Choosing Teaching Strategies and Methods in the
New Normal
-Lesson Preparation in the New Normal (Remedial)
-Learners’ Assessment in the New Normal
-Organizing Teaching and Learning Atmosphere in the
New Normal
- Selecting Teaching Aids in the New Normal
- Distance Leaning Strategies
- Managing Schools in the New Normal
- Setting Educational Priorities in the New Normal
-Dealing with Pupils at Risk of Dropping Out
-Planning for the Resumption of Limited Face to Face
- Etc.

Online-Based Kuwentohan Tayo

Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo is virtual in nature. This is
to observe health protocols published by Department
of Health and other agencies in tuned to minimize the
transmission of the virus. As advised, Department of
Education personnel need to make use of the benefits
brought by technology, social media, and internet.
Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo Online One on One
Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo might be done one- on- one.
The supervisor will set time and date for one-on-one
conversation with a school head or a teacher. The
conversation is based on the area of concern to be
raised by the teacher. Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo One-
on-One is a choice for school heads and teachers who
want to open confidential problems or are not used to
share insights in a bigger public.

Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo Online Group

Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo might also be in group
which will be facilitated by the supervisor. The
supervisor identifies individuals in the district that
might be part of the said group. This will provide the
concern individual with varied ideas about the issues
raised. Moreover, this will allow school heads and
teachers to benchmark good practices that other
schools in the districts are implementing.

Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo Via Zoom, Google Meet,

and Messenger chats
Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo will be using known virtual
communication platforms commonly used by school
heads and teachers. School Heads and teachers will be
assigned in one core group. This is to provide easy
access among individuals. Each proceeding will be
recorded for further reflections.
Threat Free Relationship
Kaizen-Kuwentohan Tayo will promote threat free
environment. Members of the group are given freedom
to speak their thoughts no matter what their positions
are. Everyone will be given the chance to share, lead,
and inspire others. This is based on the concept of
shared leadership. Moreover, this will help teachers
grow professionally and discover their innate skills.
Target Competency Instructional Leadership
Improvement Ideally, the job of the school principal is to
ensure quality teaching and learning among pupils
through religiously checking the conduct of Distance
Learning Modality and extending technical assistance
to teachers in dealing with novel problems in doing
their tasks in the new normal. These problems range
from the preparation and production of modules down
to the conduct of specialized teaching visits and
Comes along with this function is set clear goals
for the teachers and learners to achieve, allocate
resources for instructional purpose, managing the
curriculum implementation, monitor the preparation
and use of individual learning plans, and evaluating
teachers’ performance.

Fiscal Management Skill

Effective fiscal management ensures that school
budget will be judiciously utilized to the program,
projects, activities intended in ensuring continuity of
learning in the new normal. This will also help
effectively allocating funds specifically for training
teachers and purchasing Covid-related supplies.
Furthermore, this school head’s competency will
consequently help in their implementation or execution
of plans. Apparently, this will also help the school
head capitalize from the technical knowledge and other
relevant management skills.

Facilitating Teaching Skills in the New Normal


What is effective before or what is possible in

the previous years might not be best of effective in
today’s situation. Through this intervention, as a
supervisor, I may able to contribute, guide, and mentor
teachers in improving their performance and
performance of their pupils.

Intervention’s Objective The intervention aims to :

1. Create virtual group for school heads and

teachers in the district and invite 100% of them
to join the said group.
2. Extend assistance to school heads in managing
their school more particularly in doing their
roles both in the administrative and
instructional side.
3. Improves teachers’ performance by hearing their
thoughts and supporting them in implementing
ideas that will make them more creative in
dealing with today’s challenges in teaching
and learning.
4. Benchmark best practices of other school that
might be effective to other schools.
5. Provide support system that will be done via
online platforms.
6. Encouraged school heads and teachers to make
use of technology equipment and social media
platforms in their daily routines like talking
with parents, reinforcing learners, and even in
giving specialized instructions.

Where and When (Timetable) Malaybalay City District VI

February 2021- District Planning
March 2021- Creation of Virtual Group
March 2021- Virtual Orientation on Kaizen-
Kwentohan Tayo
April 2021- Implementation of the Intervention
July 2021- Monitoring, Evaluation and
Adjustment of Implementation
September- Test of efficiency and
effectiveness of the intervention (Action Research)

Expected Output At the end of the target date and expected date to finish
the implementation of the intervention, the following
are the expected output of the project:

1. One Hundred Percent of school heads and

teachers joined the group and are actively
participating in the events, discussion, fora, and
presentation set by the group.
2. Assistance will be provided to school heads
and teachers depending on their needs.
3. Improved performance of school heads and
teachers in the district in the advent of the
4. Identified and implemented best practices in all
schools in the district.
5. Provided a platform that will serve as support
system for school heads and teachers in the
Beneficiaries The successful implementation of the intervention
will benefit the schools’ primary stakeholders.

School Heads. They may gather important ideas

that are useful in managing their schools this

Teachers. They may seek answers to their

questions and may implement effective
strategies that other schools have done in
solving impeding challenges.
B. Action Steps
Need Analysis Supervisor Baseline February 2021
Procedure School Head information about
the current status
of Distance
Learning Modality
Conduct District Supervisor Bond Paper & March 2021
Planning School Head Record Book, DLP
and Lap Top,
approved training
Creation of District District ICT List of DepEd email March 2021
Virtual Group coordinator address of school
Supervisor heads and teachers

Virtual Orientation of Teachers, Link for the virtual March 2021

Kaizen-Kuwentohan School Head, orientation
Tayo Supervisor

Implementation of Teachers, School Head’s and Starts on April 2021

the intervention School Head, Teacher’s
Supervisor Commitment
joining the activities
set in the group
Monitoring, School Head, Review results of July 2021
Evaluation and Supervisor the implementation
Test of Efficiency of Supervisor Participation of September 2021
the Intervention individuals who will
Through the Conduct be included in the
of Action Research sampling results

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