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final exam

Gabriel Ricardo Torres Cárdenas

University ECCI

Bogotá 2021
Maximization Of the Coffee Production Through Lineal


In 1748, coffee was introduced in Cuba, whose plantations increased during the Haitian
immigration stage that took place on the occasion of the Revolution in 1790, with successive
settlers establishing themselves in the peripheral valleys of the mountains that make up the
Sierra Maestra and the Sierra Cristal, observing the goodness of the mountain climate and
the fertility of the recently deforested soils, were dedicated to the cultivation of coffee in small
plots, which with the course of time became productive coffee plantations. It is from the year
1935 that a strong impulse begins to be produced in the clearing for the sowing of coffee,
both in small plots, and the expansion of those producers that had reached some coffee
development. Simultaneously with this economic boom, machines for the coffee industry
began to be installed, achieving in the territory that today the Second Front municipality
occupies the installation of 62 pulping machines, three coffee mills, thousands of square
meters of drying rooms, several farms of drying, one in Loma Blanca, another in Soledad
and a third in Alto del Avispero, this being the largest profit center. This ranch benefited an
estimated production of 50,000 cans of coffee. In the years 1981 and 1982 they represent
the greatest boom in coffee production and 1983 the beginning of its impoverishment and
that despite some actions taken in the 1986-1993 period for the recovery, it was not possible
to stop the progressive decline that extended until bottoming out in the 2006-2011 five-year
period with a drop in production of 80% compared to the 1981 and 1982 harvests. In the
period between 2000 and 2010, coffee production levels showed a noticeable drop, due to
what the importing institutions have seen in the need to invest about 50 million dollars in
purchases for national consumption. In other words, the traditional situation of an exporting
country has been passed to that of an importer.

Faced with this situation, the highest government authorities have indicated the need to
achieve coffee recovery, increasing the areas dedicated to this crop, as well as incorporating
organizational systems that increase the economic efficiency of the producing entities. In
the Segundo Frente municipality a work process is developed with the producers to
transform the areas that show optimal conditions for the cultivation of coffee in the period
2010-2015 and to achieve, as of 2015, 1,200 tons (t) of coffee mature. The result of

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individual work and commitment with each producer resulted in the possibility of
transforming 3,240 hectares (ha), of which 1,300 hectares correspond to renovation
treatment, 940 hectares to rehabilitation and 1,000 hectares to modernization.

Identification and observation of the problem

It is desired to obtain a land distribution structure for the production of the two types
of coffee varieties, which, complying with the established restrictions and the availability of
resources, optimizes the production levels.

1. The levels of land availability for coffee.

2. The different varieties of coffee to grow.
3. The minimum limits of hectares per variety.
4. The fulfillment of the plans, given in tons and variety.
5. The different prices according to the different qualities of the varieties.
6. The yield in tons of each product per hectares cultivated.

Combinations were considered that gave rise to linear with the same objective (to
maximize production) but from the perspective of planning, with different
approaches, taking into account various parameters, both in the objective function
and in the set of restrictions. A description of the problem to be modeled is made.
The elements that constitute variables, parameters and indexes are identified. This
phase demands an intense exchange between the producers and the authors of the
investigation to help to raise the mathematical model.

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Conditions that must be met to solve the problema

1. Availability of land, in hectares, for type 1 variety (Arabian).

2. Availability of land, in hectares, for the type2 variety (Robusta)
3. Compliance with the minimum limits of hectares dedicated to the
production of variety j.
4. Compliance with income levels.

Results obtained when using linear programming and mathematical

model used.

Objective Function:

MAX = 0,14X1 + 0,17X2


1. Availability of land, in hectares, for

the cultivation of coffee:

X1 + X2 £ 3 260.1

2. Compliance with the minimum limits of

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hectares dedicated to the production of the variety


X1 ³ 1510

3. Compliance with the minimum limits of

hectares dedicated to the production of the variety


X2 ³ 1310

4. Compliance with the income plan:

2 954.33X1 + 3 756.30X2 ³ 9 693 600



1. 5 08,917 0


X1 1,510,000,000 0,000,000

X2 1 750.099 976 0.000 000


2. 0.000 000 0.1700 00

3. 0.000 000 -0.030000

4. 440.1000 0.000000

5. 1 341 338.875 0.000000

It can be seen that the results of this model project a production higher than
the real one obtained by 17.8% (508.91 t against 432 t) in the period 2010-2011

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Actions are developed at the national level and on time, in the Segundo Frente
municipality, to recover this important sector. The use of the Methodology of the
Science of Administration-Operations Research has allowed the formulation of six
models of Linear Programming that affect the improvement of the planning of coffee

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Lora, R; Durán R. (2012). Maximización De La Producción De Café A Través De La

Programación Lineal. Recuperado de: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/643-2321-1-

Salazar, B. (2019). Método grafico solución grafica de programación lineal. Recuperado de:

Salazar, B. (2019). Programación lineal. Recuperado de

Santana, F. (2017). Áreas de aplicación de la programación lineal. Recuperado de:

Universidad de Barcelona. (sf). Optinizacion economica programación lineal. Recuperado


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