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To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to apply for MSc Supply Chain Management and Logistics course at
University of XXX as I believe this course would help me develop essential specialist knowledge
and related-skills in the Logistics industry and also enhance my career prospects in this field. 
It is the fact that Supply Chain Management has already become a key component of business
strategy and main factor in cost optimization. Especially in Vietnam, a developing country
focusing on a deep integration in the world economy, there are a myriad of opportunities for the
Logistics industry to develop and move towards to same level with foreign logistics businesses in
the region, which means that the demand for high quality labor force in this industry will be
higher in the near future. Therefore, my motivation in earning master degree in the UK with the
high potential program majoring in Supply Chain Management is to be equipped with both
economical and technical understandings in order to work in an international industrial
environment and assist domestic companies in optimizing their projects with foreign
The major that I chose to pursue at the undergraduate level has provided me not only
fundamental knowledge about the field of International Finance through different financial
related subjects but also attributed to me a set of skills which would be great benefits for a course
at higher academic level. To be specific, the International Trade Finance module that I studied in
the third year in my university and received an A in the overall result enhanced my knowledge
about the customs, obligations as well as risk assessment that needs to be considered in every
international business transaction. During the lectures in this course, I was required to work in
group and did a research about a specific issue that might arise in international trade activities.
Working in a team to analyze a problem and propose feasible solutions enabled me to build up
the logical and critical thinking as well as interpersonal skills to support other team members.
Furthermore, being proficiency in gathering, storing and analyzing information by using
computer software that I learnt in the Applied IT for Banking and Finance module also
strengthened my data management skill which have become an extensive part of Supply Chain
Management in the modern world. 
After studying a wide range of subjects for my Bachelor’s degree and having done the mid-
course internship in a bank working mainly at managing the database of the secured properties of
enterprises in the bank, I would like to explore more about how a company could manage its
supply chain at the lowest possible delivery cost by using optimal route and mode of
transportation to reduce the business transaction cost. Hence, I want to be a part of University of
XXX because of its strong emphasis on the analytical and quantitative aspects of the subjects
that students are offered during their master degree. Moreover, the program of Supply Chain
Management and Logistics provides the learners with essential technical and managerial
understanding in the field so that they could become a leader in the supply chain practice and
management. When finishing this program, I expect to be able to fulfill my goal of working as a
Supply Chain Executive in a company in Vietnam who has the ability to manage the entire
operations and all trading matters of organization. I also plan to achieve my career ambition of
becoming a manager bringing in fresh ideas that allow the company to deliver its products at a
faster rate to the market and finding new means of production or management to maximize the
company’s capabilities.
I believe that the University of XXX is the best avenue for my professional development and
sincerely look forwards to be given the honour of pursuing my higher education at the university.

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