Felix, Ednalyn L.: Bs Criminology 1-B Activity 2

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Module 4

Activity 2


 Economic globalization and technological change are posing new ethical

challenges to multinational corporations. As companies operate across
diverse cultural and legal frameworks, moral dilemmas arise in
labor standards, marketing practices, environment, corruption and human
 LABOR STANDARDS- labor-management issues possess ethical
dimensions and pose ethical questions. In this article, the authors
discuss four labor-management issues that present important
contemporary problems: union organizing, labor-management
negotiations, employee involvement programs, and union obligations of
fair representation. In the authors view, labor and management too often
view their ethical obligations as beginning and ending at the law's
boundaries. Contemporary business realities suggest that cooperative
and enlightened modes of interaction between labor and management
seem appropriate.
 MARKETING PRACTICES- example of marketing practices is when you
work for a B2B business that sells software to restaurants, and you're on
the marketing team. Your service is a point-of-sale system that keeps

of sales, menus, and staffing. Although it usually functions well, there are
bugs that cause instructions to be dropped and the device to go down
more often than you would like. You're selling the machine.
 ENVIRONMENT- Environmental ethics take into consideration the moral
obligations human beings have concerning the environment.
Environmental ethics, along with human values, make for challenging
philosophical debates about man’s interaction with the environment.
Water and air pollution, the depletion of natural resources, loss of
biodiversity, destruction of ecosystems, and global climate change are all
part of the environmental ethics debate. And we see that within the
discipline of environmental ethics there are tough ethical decisions
humans must consider.
 CORRUPTION- Businesses and the government have a very complicated
and intertwined relationship; and based on the type of company it is,
everyone has their own set of standards when it comes to ethics and
behavior. Therefore in order to change the standard of behaviors,
companies and the government needs to work together to change the
culture to portray bribery as the negative action it is.
 HUMAN RIGHTS- Human Rights, establishing the universality of human
rights, asserting the universality of human rights, asserting that these
rights belong to everyone by virtue of their humanity. It also
internationalized this debate, stating that all nations bear a joint
responsibility to protect rights when individual states commit gross


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