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The Emerging Professional Assignment 2: Individual

(Reflective E-Journal: 30%)

Due: Dec. 13, 2021

You are required to submit an electronic journal with ONE (1) major entry that reflect your

journey of development as an emerging teacher. Your entry should be five (5) pages long,

excluding the reference page and cover page.

Use the following to guide your reflection:

 Knowledge garnered from class discussions/lectures/readings.

 Explain two ways a specific topic/reading discussed during class has impacted your

personal growth and professional growth as an emerging teacher.

Categories for Major

Journal Entry

Knowledge garnered from 8-10 5-7 0-4

class knowledge garnered knowledge garnered Attempts made to
discussions/lectures/readings during their journey as was reflected on but reflect on knowledge
an emerging teacher lacks depth. garnered were weak
(10 marks)
thoroughly reflected and incoherent.

Two ways how the specific 8-10 5-7 0-4

topic/reading discussed has Explanation given of Explanation given of One Explanation
impacted their personal and two ways how the two ways how the given OR two ways
professional growth as an specific topic/reading specific topic/reading how the specific
emerging teacher. discussed has impacted discussed has impacted topic/reading
their personal and their personal and discussed has
(10 marks) professional growth as professional growth as impacted their
an emerging teacher an emerging teacher personal and
was thorough. lacks depth. professional growth
as an emerging
teacher was weak.
Language (3 marks) 3 2 0-1
Demonstrates an Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a poor
excellent understanding understanding of the understanding of the
of the written language written language with written language
with special emphasis special emphasis on with special
on sentence sentence construction, emphasis on
construction, spelling, spelling, grammar and sentence
grammar, and subject subject verb agreement construction,
verb agreement spelling, grammar
and subject verb

Organization/Clarity 5 4 0-3
Thoughts are easily Thoughts are not easily Thoughts are not
(5 marks) understood / very clear understood as the clear. Gives the
sentences do not flow reader poor
or show linkage indication of what
the writer hopes to

References At least four (4) relevant Two relevant references One relevant reference
references are cited with are cited with appropriate is cited with
(2 marks) inclusion of an reference page in appropriate reference
appropriate reference accordance with APA7th page according to
page in accordance with edition APA 7th edition.
APA 7th edition. OR
References cited are
References cited are not not consistently in
consistently in accordance with APA
accordance with APA format.

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