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Get S's attention and prepare S for class.

Check S's equipment. (1 min.)

T: Hello! It's time for class. Listen to me.

Look at me. Are you ready?
Introduce the cover page.
(0.5 min.)

Ask S what he/she can see in

the picture.
S can get familiar with the main
characters. (1 min.)
1. Introduce the picture.
2. Have S greet Timmy's family
with a robot voice.
3. Have S greet Timmy's family
with other voices (baby, old
man, etc.).
S can understand and say the
key words and phrase. (0.5 min.
for all the transitional pages.)

T: Let's learn the key words and

Have S learn the key word. (1 min.)

1. Introduce the scene and the character.

2. Read the word and have S repeat the key word.
3. Circle and read the sentence. Have S repeat.
Have S learn the key word. (1 min.)

1. Introduce the scene and the character.

2. Read the word and have S repeat the key word.
3. Circle and read the sentence. Have S repeat.
Have S learn the key phrase. (1 min.)

1. Introduce the scene and the character.

2. Read the phrase and have S repeat the phrase.
3. Circle and read the sentence. Have S repeat.
S practices saying the key words
and phrase.

T: Let's play some games.

Practice the key words and phrase.
(1.5 min.)
1. Say "family."
2. Ask S to circle the correct answer.
3. Ask S to say the word he/she
Reading script: family.
Answer key: the first picture (family).
Have S say the key words/phrase
independently and correctly. (1.5 min.)
1. Say the table coordinates, such as A1.
2. Ask S to say the words and the phrases
according to the picture.
3. Read all the words and phrases.
Answer key:
A1 family, A2 little sister, A3 little sister
B1 little sister, B2 family, B3 sisters
S can understand and read
the dialogue.

T: Now let's talk!

S can read the dialogue. (2 min.)
1. Introduce the scene and the
main characters.
2. Lead S to read the dialogue
with you.

High-level student
Have S read independently.
S can read the dialogue. (1 min.)
1. Introduce the scene and the
main characters.
2. Lead S to read the dialogue
with you.

High-level student
Have S read independently.
S can read the dialogue. (1 min.)
1. Introduce the scene and the
main characters.
2. Lead S to read the dialogue
with you.

High-level student
Have S read independently.
S can read the dialogue. (1 min.)
1. Introduce the scene and the
main characters.
2. Lead S to read the dialogue
with you.

High-level student
Have S read independently.
S practices saying and using
the key sentences.

T: Let's play some games!

Practice the sentences. (2 min.)
1. Ask S to match the characters with
the pictures.
2. Ask S to say the sentence.
Answer key:
① Tom's
There are five people in Tom's family.
② Timmy's
There are five people in Timmy's
③ Jack's
There are four people in Jack's family.
Practice the sentences. (1 min.)
1. Ask S questions according to
the hints.
2. Lead S to answer.
Practice the sentences. (1 min.)
1. Lead S to ask questions
according to the hints.
2. Answer S's question.
Have S speak based on what he/
she learned today. (3 min.)
1. Drag S's window into the frame.
2. Have S answer according to
your questions.
Have S review what he/she has learned
today. (1 min.)

Circle the key elements and have S say

the key words/phrase correctly.
Have S review what he/she
has learned today. (1 min.)

Ask S to read the key

sentences correctly.
Have S learn/practice more content related to this
1. Introduce the key elements and the scene to S.
Ask S to find and circle all the rabbits.
2. Ask S to say "There are ... in the rabbit family."
Say goodbye. (0.5 min.)

1. Sing the song with S.

2. Praise S and say goodbye.

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