Criminal Complaint and Affidavit Filed Against Greg Nornhold

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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT 3h COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF: CUMBERLAND vs. [Megsteval Osterman 084-03 DEFENDANT: (NAME and ADDRESS) Moston. SANDERSON, MICHAEL P GREGORY A NORNHOLD, lies aps ENOLA DR SE Peapete ee ENOLA, PA 17025 IMECHANICSBURG, PA 17050 eloohone: (717) 728-2805 (717) 440-7690 NCIC Exradiion Coas ype 3- FELONY SURROUNDING 5 10g dur Yate Fil int ent Number (Pe TREE | FSSRTOGEN st tsre37 "e r 0 Cosbetent M oe - [AasTOOB NO Daren FTW aaNet asrnare cm Detondrt Aio Known As TRInANASATOS raze ea Ware ow WOT OF MsPANC ORIGIN. ear oe eCaer BLACK “BLK [BROWN BRO [DNA [ONA Location [Weight Re "lbs frets rR Nur rear ay TSE EGTA CORSET vee eo RGEC Plate jeh Code DETBIS ea ha rear Wake caer me rcator ame a Jawasraxa.assse1 | o20 |voLKsWAGEN InouaN ISTATION WAGON Ia. ac No Cie ofthe Attomey of the Commonweatth.[¥} Approved|”} Disapproved because: CEH-111621-04 (The atomey for the Commonweatth may require that the complaint, arrest warrant affdavit,orboth be approved by the attorney for the Commonwealth prior to fing. Pa Crim P07) ‘SHIGE DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY COURTNEYHAIRLA ate) (Name of Attomey for Commonweatth - Pease Print or Type) ‘Ganature of Atomey for Commarea) |, TPR.JACOR FACKLER rosse2/12616 {Name of Affan- Please Print or Type) (PSPIMPOETC - Assigned Affant IO Number & Badge #) of PENNSYLVANIA STATE POLICE, TROOP H. CARLISLE PapSP1900 {Paliee Agency OR! Number) {Identity Department or Ageney Represented and Paltical Subdivision) do hereby state: (check appropriate box) 1. {9 accuse the above named defendant whaives at the address set forth above 1] accuse the defendant whose nameis unknown to me but who is described as [5] | accuse the defendant whose name and popular designation or nicknames unknown to me and whom I have therefore designated {8 John Doe or Jane Doe. with violating the penal laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsyivania at: 242 wyeRSTATE #1 SOUTHLIN THE VICINITY OF MILE MARKER (Subdivision Code) S47. SILVER SPRING THE (Placo-Polical Subdivision) in CUMBERLAND County at (on or about (County cose (Offense Date) AOPC 412A - Rev. 07/18 Page 1 of 13 3s POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number Date Fre OTNIGve Scan Number —]Compampincdont Nom s1terz021 H2018TX20D/PA 2021-1057837 Fist Maas st Defendant Name ‘GREGORY A NORNHOLD. ‘The acts commited-by the accused are described below wih each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, f appropriate. When there fs ‘more than one ofense, each offense should be numbered chronologically (Sot forth a brief summary ofthe facts sufcient to advise the defendant of the nature ofthe offense(s) charged. A citation to the statute(s) allegedly violated, without more, is not suicient In a summary case, you must cite the specific section(s) and subsection(s) ofthe statuto(s) or ordinance(s) allegedly viotated so [tee TON —]} CONS pracy — Naber oF VETTE AGE OOF OSE tnchoate Oftnse [peo A 18.902 jae [a [Cesa7 yorense# ]Sexion BEBE PR STaRe (1G) —] COATT SERIE” NCTC ONES COTE UCNTERS ves [3 eae € e 7 Te Ora TISSTATE OCATOT| SAY ZOE Work Zane NO. NO NO Description (neta thermo of sane OF FETT) MURDER OF THE THIRD DEGREE ‘ets of a seed wasted wi Wis ORGS! IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did commit murder of the third degree by committing any other kind of murder. IN THAT, THE DEFENDANT Gregory NORNHOLD did murder MG a 4-year old female and LN a 2-year female by operating a motor vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely, marijuana (THC), and knowingly failed to have the children properly restrained in the vehicle, | Atenet [> Sotataton Canspracy —] Nariber ot Veins Age G0 or Oar inchoate onerso| I “gaia! Seooaa’ f- “eens” [ apsecton PR Salute (16) — [Court] Sade” NCTC OPeTse Code [UCHNTERS at ‘8 oles cca ratte heater one Wark Zone NO. No. NO sonpton (ilu ibe narwe oF Tae O TATaNCR) AGGRAVATEDASSAULT - ATTEMPTS TO CAUSE SBI OR CAUSES INJURY WITH EXTREME INDIFFERENCE ‘ats of he accused associated wih ns Ofense IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did attempt to cause or did intentionally, knowingly or recklessly cause serious] bodily injury to MG, LN, BA, GA, and JLF under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life, that is. to say THE DEFENDANT did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing Improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this Impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries, in violation of ‘Section 2702(a)(1) of the PA Crimes Code. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries MG, LN, BA, GA, and JLF. AOPC 412A- Rev, 07/18 Page2 of 13 seh POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number [baie Filed [OTNILive Scan Number — | Complanuinadant Number ‘iriarz024 H2018TX20D/PA 2021-1057837 SnNeE First Irate Cast [Deterrent Ne GREGORY A NO} ‘The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate, When there is ‘more than one offense, each offense should be numbered chronologically, me LI RSET ‘SOTENaTON FT Cons pray —]NURHBGT oF VISITS NGS BO GF OWGGT Inchoate Offense | s3g01 A vaca" tee03 | Ceaar yonense [Seaton spsecoon i Un] ESE JNCIC OMENS COIS” [UCRINTARS 3 2702 A ie 5. [Fe cezr Interstate Trcicator | Saveey Zone Werk Zane No. No NO ‘Saute Descripton (cide the name of SURO TARATY AGGRAVATEDASSAULT- ATTEMPTS TO CAUSE OR CAUSES BI WITH DEADLY WEAPON "Ras of ho acaisod assocaied with Wis Ons, IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did attempt to cause or did intentionally or knowingly cause bodily injury to MG, LN, BA, GA and JLF with a deadly weapon, namely a 2020 Volkswagen that is to say THE DEFENDANT did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a ‘crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries, in violation of Section 2702(a)(4) of the PA Crimes Code. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did intentionally or knowingly cause bodily injury to MG, LN, BA, GA and JLF with a deadly weapon, namely a 2020 Volkswagen that is to say THE DEFENDANT did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple sevore bodily injuries, Ee ‘i = 18.901 A p 18.902 A 18903 oO jsection [PA Statute (Tite) [Count [Grade JNCIC OWensé Cade TUCRI Passe (all hl oo eee 220 HOMICIDE BY VEHICLE WHILE DUI ‘as of te accused associated wih tis Ofense IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did unintentionally cause the death of another person as the result of violation ‘of soction 3802 (relating to driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance) and who Is convicted of violating section 3802: is guilty of a felony of the first degree if, before sentencing on the present violation, the person has incurred a conviction, adjudication of delinquency, juvenile consent decree, acceptance of Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition or other form of preliminary disposition for any of the following: an offense under section 3802. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD id operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namoly marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in the death of MG a 4 year old female and LN a 2 year old female, AOPC 412A - Rev, 07/18 Pagea of 19 Bh POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number ate Filed JOTNiLive Scan Number — [Complain¥incident Number, inaroe HzOTeFRZODIPA 2021-1057837 Defendant Name iS cory ae hast ‘The acts commitied by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate, When ther ‘more than one ofense, each offense should be numbered chronologically a ao Miemist —— JL] —SoFataon CORES] NUR VBE GW OU OF OTST = : Offense | 18901 A EI 18.902 A EF 18 903 oO ba renee F | Seaton absecton atts (TH) — [COUN TS FNCTC Ones CHR [UCRINTERS S735.1 x 75 a [ee Wear Sa Tk an Za PA 2024-4057857 eon [RO No p Desai (ruse the rare of slate ov ordanca). ‘AGGRAVATED ASSAULT BY VEHICLE WHILE DUI Tats ofthe aossed easociated with bis Ofionee IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did negligently cause serious bodily injury to another person as the result of a Violation of section 3802 (relating to OU!) and whe was convicted of violating section 2802, TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Crogory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influance of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperiy restrained children, causing a crash due to his impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries to MG, LN, BA, GA and JF. = See SSS TTS RSTO OER 7 te Offense |! “sa g01 A * 18 902A "18903 o PamerrT gre racer atte Descr HOMICIDE BY VEHICLE “ads of he aazused associated wih Tis Often IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did recklessly or with gross negligence cause the death of another person while engaged in the violation of any law of the Commonwealth or municipal ordinance. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly tesraned children, caveng 2 crash duo to hs impairment, resulting inthe death of MG 24 your od female and LN a2 year old AOPC 412A - Rev. 07/18 Page4 of 13 aes POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number [Date Fea [OTNILive Scan Number —[Complantinadent Number +4/ter2021 H2018TX20D/PA 2021-1057837 dant Na First Imicaie Last esate Names) ‘GREGORY A NORNHOLD. ‘The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate. When there is more than one ofense, each ofense should be numbered chronologically ate Offense [CT ARETE jotator ‘CORSpIaCY | NUMBET OF VICES AGE BO GF OGET Inchoate Offense [-! “48.901 A T ps0," — econ 0 Ireaa7-Tonense# | Section TBSeCHOn IPR Statute (THe) —]Count [Grade NCIC Offense COGS [UCRINIERS | 9 2508 a 18 dese | onl ote Terstate Tnacator_|Sately Zone Work zone NO. No. NO. ‘Sat Ces TpUON (mde the hare Or STATE OF OTIS) INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER ‘Rs oe accused as80Chted wih tes Ofna IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did engage in the doing of an unlawful act in a reckless or grossly negligent manner, or the doing of a lawful act in a reckless or grossly negligent manner, in which he caused the death of another person, ‘namely MG 4-year old female and LN 2-year old female in violation of Section 2604(a) of the PA Crimes Code. (Involuntary manslaughter is a misdemeanor of the first degroe. / Where the victim is under 12 years of age and is in the care, custody or Control of the person who caused the death, involuntary manslaughter is a felony of the second degree.) TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), Containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in the death of MG a 4 year old female and LN a 2 year old femalo. nse eT IL) Sotatation [| Conspiracy Number of Vielins Age 60 or Older Inchoate Ofense| “iwcora [ Seeaza, |! “iaes 0 Subsection PA Stalute (Tile] —| Count [Grade NCIC Oense Code ]UCRINIERS at 18 at |e OMe Interstate Ticator|Salety Zone Work Zane NO. io” NO. ion (nlude tho name of Sakae OF OaTATES SIMPLE ASSAULT ‘Rais of the accused associated wit ts Ofense IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did attempt to cause or did intentionally, knowingly or recklessly cause bodily injury to another. (Except as provided under section 2702 relating to aggravated assault). TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this Impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries to children under the age (of 12, being MG (4), LN (2), BA(6), GA(S) AOPC 412A -Rev. 07/18 Pageg of 13 38h POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number Date Filed [OTNILive Scan Number — |Complaindinadent Number 14/18/2024 H2018TX200/PA 2021-1057837 First imidae Last [Defendant Name GREGORY A INORNHOLD The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate. Whon thero is more than one ofense, each offense should be numbered chronologically eee ay — ESR TOR een —_18 901A ~ 18.902 A. 18 903 5 a 7 : "i lil a3 SIMPLE ASSAULT "als of he aczused associated wit tas Offense: IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did attempt to cause or did intentionally, knowingly or recklessly cause bodily injury to another. (Except as provided under section 2702 relating to aggravated assault.) TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple bodily injuries, to JLF and KB. @ he nae of SATS OF TRRERT in a TTA To] Sarto] consarsey — Number oF Vein AGO 60 oF OTGer Inchoate Offense [18 901 A 48.902 18.903 0 suBeecton SE (TME] — COUNT [STS NCIC OFETSE COG TUCRINTARS | Az 18 4 at OE Ieretate Trgcator_|Sarey Zone One no No” ne ‘Slate Oesorpton Tame Of ST OF ATATST ‘SIMPLE ASSAULT Teds of he aad assocind with Wis Ofer IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT negligently did cause bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon. Except as provided under section 2702 relating to aggravated assault. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operato a Vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, ‘causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries to children under the age of 12, being MG(4), LNG), BAGG), and GA(8) AOPG 412A - Rev. 07/18 age Z of 12 aS POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number [bats Filed [OTNTLive Scan Number | Complanincdent Number piveiaoat H2018TK20D/PA 2021-1057837. est Twicare Last Defendant Name GREGORY A NORNHOLD. ‘The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate. When there is ‘more than one ofense, each offense should be numbered chronologically Stee aes oe Se ee ores [ee ier OC URS UCR NO 13 2701 AZ 18 2 ‘M2 O4E ig rapa eter Sey a atte Deseripion choke He nae Of SARE OO ‘SIMPLE ASSAULT Tana "Ras he assed associated wih Wis Ofinea IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT negligently did cause bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon. Except as Provided under section 2702 relating to aggravated assault. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vohicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, ‘causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple bodily injuries to JLF and KB. ; Terape ‘Sorettaton Conspiracy | Numbor of victims Age 60 or Older nse r Inchoate Offense [1 _“iga0ta ___[~'_ieaoza__|~ “18903, 0 Bsection PR Statute (TW6] — [Count IC Onenss Code [UCRINTERS 8 a |e cz Irorstate Trdicator—| ately Zone Wark Zone NO. NO ‘Statute n luca the name of SAS OF OIRERT RECKLESSLY ENDANGERING ANOTHER PERSON ‘es of the accused associated with tis Ofonse IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did recklessly ongage in conduct which placed or may have placed MG, LN, BA, GA, JLF, KB, PJH, BA in dangor of death or serious bodily injury, that is to say THE DEFENDANT did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash di to this impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodlly injuries and the death of MG and LN, in violation of Section 2705 of the PA Crimes Code. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did recklessly engage others by operating a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injurios to MG, LN, BA, GA, JLF and the death of MG and LN. AOPC 412A- Rev. 07/18 Pages of 19 38h POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT aa a5 Fig) Orns ea oa ERS NL aes SEEGER GT rest me a a etenaeitane ikon on an “The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act at Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate. When there is ‘more than one ofense, each offense should be numbered chronologically = “Reragt [J Savetatan —]] Conspiracy | Nuriber of Visinis Age 80 or OWer inchoate Onensel Tp A 7a002A[~' “tag03 | nse | Secon sypsecton PR Statute (TR) — [Count] Grade” INCIC OFense Code [UGHINTERS 304 at ‘8 amma Fa ‘coas Tetestae Ticator_|Saley Zone NWork Zone NO NO. NO ‘Slate Deserpton (cue the name of salle & OMICS) ENDANGERING WELFARE OF CHILDREN - PARENTIGUARDIANIOTHERCOMMITS OFFENSE eis of he accused associated with Wis OFiense: IN THAT, on or about said date, being a parent, guardian, or other person supervising the welfare of MG, LN, BA, and GA, a child under the age of 18 years of age, THE DEFENDANT did knowingly endanger the welfare of said child by violating a duty of care, protection or support, namely, by operating a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), Containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in severe bodily injuries to BA and GA and the death of MG and LN, in violation of Section 4304(a) of the PA Crimes Code. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did endanger the welfare of children by operating a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in severe bodily injuries to BA and GA and the death of MG and LN. i mee LT Atoroe Tatation — J] —Conepracy | Number of Vicims Age 60 or Older Inchoate Offense |! “igaota | _ta902A__|~_18903, 0 Lesa? yOnense® TBSeCTION PA Statute (TWe] — [Count [Grade NCIC Ontensé Code | UCRINIERS No. [16 1 75 iam | 3) ve3s Intestate Indicator | Satety Zone Work Zone" YES. NO. NO PA 2021-1057837 he hae of SHAS oF Oran) DISREGARD TRAFFIC LANE (SINGLE) Teds ol he accused associated with fis Ofionse FAILED TO DRIVE WITHIN A SINGLE LANE AND OR MOVEMENT FROM LANE WAS NOT MADE SAFELY. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC). ‘containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, departed from the marked lane of travel in an Unsafe manner crossing over the fog line, rumble strip, and grassy median resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries and the oath of MG and LN. AOPC 412A- Rev. 07/18 Pageg of 13 at POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number Date Fed [OTNiLive Scan Number | ComplainUincdent Number 14/18/2021, H2018TX20D/PA 2021-1057837 First imide Last (ebtereeseld GREGORY A NORNHOLD. The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate, When there is ‘more than one ofense, each ofense should be numbered chronologically 7 Attempt T Sofaitation racy Number of Victims Age 60 or Older Toate Otome) ARE] SaRN pT CBE Subsection PA Statute (Title) Count [Grade [NCIC Offense Code [UCRINIBRS i % mg va Pa zon sosr7 [il RAB zone ate OF Satu or ornaiey ¢ RECKLESS DRIVING "ais of he aosised assosated with fis OFens6: ‘OPERATED A VEHICLE IN WILLFUL & WANTON DISREGARD FOR SAFETY OF PERSONS OR PROPERTY. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did with willful and wanton disregard for the safety of other persons and property operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, ‘causing a crash due to his impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries and the death of MG and LN. wale Ofenve [oI ACETPT “SoreTaTOT CESTSCY | NUMEST oF VIE AGE BU OF OCT tncroate Onense[t Ager [-! Sporn’ |) “reeos ° OSCTOR Tease Tie] — | COUNT TGraIe NCIC OMENS kA i" |s ves?’ sl 7 Sey Zor rok Zone —] PA 2021-1087837 resend |nomaee No" ite Deseo earne OSA oF OVATE) CARELESS DRIVING “Rs ole acoised as8008160 wah Tis OFS IN THAT, on or about said date, THE DEFENDANT did drive a vehicle in careless disregard for the safety of persons or property at| Interstate 81 south at mile marker 54.7 by operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries and the death of MG and LN, in violation of Section 3714(a) of the PA Vehicle Code. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did carelessly operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to his impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries and the death ‘of MG and LN. AOPC 412A- Rev. 07/18 Page 10 of 13 39h POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number Date Fed [OTNilive Sean Number —[Complanuinadent Number 19/18/2021, H2018TX20D/PA 2021-1057837 Fist imiaate Last [Defendant Name GREGORY a NORN! The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated, if appropriate, When there is, ‘more than one offense, each offense should be numbered chronologically ale Ofense [) ARETET T Satatation —[] Conspiracy —] Number of Vets Age 60 or Order Inchoate Ofense| | ie oot A 18902 18903, ° saBsection PA Siatute (Tile) —|Count [Grade NCIC Offensé Code [UCRINIER 8 75 2" |s ves?" eta ior rane Wk Zane PA 2021-1087857 a Wo ‘Sfute Nevenpvon (risude We ame Of Salle or ordnance) CARELESS DRIVING - UNINTENTIONAL DEATH. ‘ais of he accused associated with his Offense OPERATED A VEHICLE IN CARELESS DISREGARD UNINTENTIONALLY CAUSING A DEATH. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Grogory NORNHOLD did carelessly operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to his impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries and the death of MG and LN. inchoate Offonce [7 MBE TJ Soper — Conga] — | MBE OT VSS AGE BO OF GST) a [ET aoa. “as02a[~ 18003 | 0 = E07 TONER TBEECEOR PX Statute (THO) — | COURT” SraaS NCTC ONlanse Code TUCHINTERS io [oe e 78 aaa) wal) | ves Irate TieaTaT | SATRIY ZTE warn Zone PA 2021-1057837 ve no” No Hon (icluge te name of Sate Or oreinancsy CARELESS ORIVING - SERIOUS BODILY INJURY ‘ets of he acted AsSOCaICd wih Tis OMENS! OPERATED VEHICLE IN CARELESS DISREGARD UNINTENTIONALLY CAUSING SERIOUS BODILY INJURY. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Grogory NORNHOLD did carelessly oporato a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, causing a crash due to his impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries and the death of MG and LN. AOPC 412A - Rev. 07/18 Page 11 of 19 3% POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number fe Filed JOTNILive Scan Number rea ‘Number “The acls commited by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated. f appropriate, When there is ‘more than one ofense, each ofense should be numbered chronologically a ICT anemigt —— I] —sorenaton — IC] conspiracy —] Number of Vics Age BUST OTST inchoate Offense |" “18 got A sge02a 18.903 0 waco PA Situs (Ha) — COUNT [SPAT NCTC OWSASE COGS [UCRINTER ma 7 aca 8} Wea TSE Tatar SAIS Do Za PA 2021-1087037 vege No” wo St rz RESTRAINT SYSTEMS - CHILD BOOSTER SEAT ‘ls The accused associated wa ts Offense OPERATED VEHICLE WITH CHILD BETWEEN 4 & 8 YEARS NOT RESTRAINED IN APPROVED BOOSTER SEAT. TO WIT: THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehicle under the influence of a controlied substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained childron, namely MG being 4 years of age, causing a crash due to his impairment, resulting in ‘multiple severe bodily injuries and the death of MG. ~ ae Saat SS] ST VES SOTTO Inchoate Oftense [I 18.901 A. 18 902 A 18 903 oO taco? yore Senior sce | fe oat 6) — COUT RIE NCIC OMS CET URINE rome r mt % . Vea Raa SY ZONE sez —] PA 2021-1067837 ve No Ne ‘Statute Desorption (noe ie name of slate or ordnance) SAFETY RESTRAINTS - CHILD UNDER 4 YEARS “ads of he accused associated with his Offense OPERATED VEHICLE WITH CHILD UNDER 4 YEARS NOT RESTRAINED IN A CHILD PASSENGER RESTRAINT SYSTEM. TO WIT: ‘THE DEFENDANT, Gregory NORNHOLD did operate a vehiclo under the influence of a controlled substance namely marijuana (THC), containing improperly restrained children, namely LN being 2 years of age, causing a crash due to this impairment, resulting in multiple severe bodily injuries and the death of LN. AOPC 412A- Rev. 07/18 Page 12 of 19 rd POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Daca NOE io OTWUive Sean NUnbSr — CAPERS NOTBaE aoe FOOTY IIODIPA 20zt 1057897 Detengants PaTNane dae Namie ras Nar Defendant Name Daeneaty 7 NORNHOLD 2. |ask that @ warrant of arest or a summons be issued and that the defendant be required to answer the charges I have made. 3. verify that the facts set forth in this complain are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or information and belief. This verification {s made subject to the penalties of Section 4904 of the Crimes Code (18 Pa C.S.§4904) relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. 4. This complaint consists of the preceding page(s) numbered 1 through 13 | cerity that this fling complies withthe provisions ofthe Case Records Public Access Policy of the Unifiad Judlotal System of Pennsylvania that requite fling confidential information and documents diferently than non-confidential information and documents, ‘The acts committed by the accused, as listed and hereafter, were against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and, were contraryto the Acts) ofthe Assembly oi violation ofthe statute cited. (Before a warrant of arrest can be issued, an affidavit of probable cause must be completed, sworn to before the issuing authority, and attached.) Hf18fr' (Date) ‘AND NOW. on this date, nov 18 2021 | corbty thatthe complaint has been propery completed and verified ‘An affidavit of probabie cause must completed before awarTan can be issued DISTRICT COURT 09-1-03 { [Ly exe— (Magisterial District Gout Number) (issuing Authoriy) AOPC 412A- Rev. 07/18 Page 19 of 13 eh POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number [Date Flea OTNTLIve Scan Nuiber —|Complanincent Number 14/18/2021 H2018TX20DIPA 2021-1057837 Fist Iwate rast Peeesnueel GREGORY A NORNHOLD AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE Your affiantis Tpr. Jacob Fackler of the Pennsylvania State Police. I'm currently assigned to Troop H, Carlisle Station, Criminal Investigation Unit. AAs part of my duties I'm tasked with investigating all crimes ‘committed within the commonwealth including murder, homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence, ‘Sggravated assault by vehicle while driving under the influence, and endangering the welfare of children. | have conducted and assisted with multiple homicides and fatal crash investigations. As a result, these investigations have led to successful prosecution. vehicles with injure Township, Cumberland County, PA. Upon my arrival on scene | observed multiple vehicles with severe disal damage across the highway. Through the investigation it was determined that Unit 1, being a black Volkswagen ‘Tiguan bearing PA registration JDE1813, had originally been traveling north in the northbound lanes of Interstate 81. The Volkswagen then crossed over the center median, which is approximately 75 feet wid the oncoming southbound traffic. Unit 1 (Volkswagen) then struck Unit 2, being a black Ford F-150 truck ‘bearing PA registration ZLJ0526, which had been traveling southbound. The first impact then caused Unit 2 to rotate and strike Unit 3, being a black Ford Focus bearing PA registration LMSO790. Physical evidence at the scene and witnesses confirmed the previously noted order of events. Tire marks ‘could be observed on scene from the depressed grass through center median leading to the scene of the crash. Witness 1 who shall be identified by their initials of TLB, was identified as a witness who had also been traveling northbound on Interstate 81 directly behind Unit 1 (Volkswagen). Traffic that day was normal rush hour traffic. TLB observed Unit 1 (Volkswagen) make a sharp left turn into the median. TLB described how no other vehicles traveling northbound entered into Unit 1's (Volkswagen) lane of travel to cause it to leave |, TPR. JACOB FACKLER BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. I CERTIFY THAT THIS FILING COMPLIES WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CASE RECORDS PUBLIC ACCESS POLICY OF ‘THE UNIFIED JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF PENNSYLVANIA THAT REQUIRE FILING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS DIFFERENTLY THAN NON-CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS. (Signature of Affant) ‘Sworn to me and subscribed before me this NOVH-8-202 bate NOV 18 2021 day of ) C. Magisterial District Judge ‘My commission expires first Monday of January, dbi4 AOPC 4116 “Rav 07/18 Page 1 of § 383 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT ‘AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION PAGE [Docker Number Date Fed TOTRILVE Scan Number —[Complarnbtncident Number 1/18/2021 H2018TX20D/PA 2021-1057837 First mE Tast eee GREGORY A NORNHOLD ‘AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION the roadway. TLB didn't observe any brake lights from the Unit 4 (Volkswagen) once it entered the median. ‘TLB observed the crash through her rearview mirror. TLB also related that there was no debris in the northbound lanes of trave! that Unit 1 (Volkswagen) would have attempted to avoi Witness 2 who shall be identified by their initials of PIM, was also identified as a witness who had been traveling southbound on Interstate 81 behind Unit 2 (Ford-150). PIM observed Unit 1 (Volkswagen) when it left the roadway, entered the grassy median and struck Unit 2 (Ford-150). PIM didn’t observe any hazards in the northbound lanes of travel that would have caused Unit 1 (Volkswagen) to have entered the median. PIM related traffic going northbound appeared to be traveling normally. twas determined on scene that the driver of Unit 4 (Volkswagen) was the defendant, Gregory NORNHOLD. The vehicle was registered in Gregory ATHANASATOS' name. ATHANASATOS is Gregory NORNHOLD's former last name. ‘pr. Anthony ROEFARO, multiple first responders, and bystanders observed NORNHOLD seated in the driver seat of Unit 1 (Volkswagen). it was also determined that NORNHOLD had four children in his vehicle as passengers. “The children are listed by their initials of GA 8-year old malo (11/03/12), BA 6-year old male (DOB: 10/13/14), MG 4-year old female (DOB: 01/20/17), and LN 2-year old female (DOB: 06/05/19). All the children were evacuated to local hospitals for emergency medical treatment. All children suffered severe Injuries as a result of the crash and MG and LN died after suffering multiple traumatic injuries, from the crash. Following the crash, medical records were obtained for the victims. Medical records for the driver of Unit 2, who shall be referred to by his initials of JLF, indicated that JLF suffered a broken rib and contusion to this lung. GA 8-year old male suffered a femur fracture. Medical records for GA 6-year old male, indicated that he suffered a severe laceration to his scalp, bilateral fomur fracture, acute respiratory failure, and had to be intubated. ‘The driver of Unit 3, KB suffered back and neck pain as well as glass shards in his arm. Only two Graco booster seats were seized from the scene that had come from Unit 4 (Volkswagen). One booster ‘seat had a high back while the other was only the seat portion of the booster seat. It should be noted that EN being 2-years of age is required by Title 75 Section 4581 (a)(1), reference subsection (d){1) to be fastened in a child passenger restraint system also known as a car seat. Through the Investigation it was determined that LN was only seated in a booster seat, while BA was seated in the other booster seat which ‘contained a high back. It should also be noted that MG being 4-years of age is required by Title 75 Section ‘4884 (a)(1.1), reference subsection (d)(2) to be fastened in a child booster seat. MG wasn't seated in a booster seat or car seat. It should also be noted that both booster seats contained a label showing a picture of proper seat belt placement. The label also provided the waring to never use justa lap belt. [Rdditionaly, the booster seat that LN was seated in contained a waming labeled that stated “Warning! Death OF Serious injury can occur, Use only with children who weigh between 40-100! (18.1-45 kg) and whose height { between 43-57" (110.1-145 cm) and at loas 4 years old. LN was only 34 inches tall, approximately 30 Ibs, and 2 years old. ‘On 08/05/21, Tpr. Anthony ROEFARO and | interviewed the driver of Unit 4, Gregory NORNHOLD at Penn State Holy ‘Spirit medical center. Also present during the interview was Gregory's husband Mark NORNHOLD. NORNHOLD ‘explained he picked the children up from his parents’ residence in Carlisle. NORNHOLD was retuming with the Children to his residence located in Mechanicsburg. When asked basic questions about driving and the crash, NORNHOLD had difficulty remembering basic information. When asked what lane of travel he was in prior to the crash NORNHOLD was unsure but guessed that he was in the left lane and then went to the right. (Gignature of Aint) AOPC 411C- Rev. O7/18 Page 2 of § aah POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION PAGE joeket Number Date Fed [OTNILive Scan Number — | Complaniuincident Number 111872021, H2018TX20D/PA 2021-1057837 First aa ast Lenina td ‘GREGORY A NORNHOLD AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION During the interview NORNHOLD denied having any mechanical issues with the vehicle due to it being recently purchased and inspected. NORNHOLD also reported getting adequate sleep. NORNHOLD consumed normal food and drink the day of the crash. NORNHOLD roported suffering from acid reflux and anxiety. NORNHOLD preliminarily denied using hie cell phone while driving. NORNHOLD described the children acting normal and boing well behaved that day. ‘Tpr. ROEFARO again asked NORNHOLD what he was doing immediately prior to the crash and what he thought had caused the crash. NORNHOLD stated that he may have been looking atthe kids in the rear-view mirror but that hhe couldn't remember. NORNHOLD described everything as being blurry and complained about not being able to remember what occurred right before the crash. NORNHOLD then guessed that the crash occurred because ‘something in front of him must have happened and he didn't have enough time to stop. NORNHOLD however was Unable to articulate what occurred in front of him. All NORNHOLO’s responses regarding driving and the crash ‘were vague. NORNHOLD then described where all the children wore seated in the vehicle. NORNHOLD buckied the children in that day except for GA, who buckled himself. | asked NORNHOLD to explain how the children were buckled in. NORNHOLD described placing the seatbelt for LN in front under the arms of the booster seat, essentially ‘creating a double lap belt where the shoulder strap is across the lap and not the chest. When asked why LN ‘wasn't fastened in an appropriate car seat, NORNHOLD advised that thoy had ordered one, but it hadn't arrived yet. | asked NORNHOLD why there weren't enough booster seats for the other children. NORNHOLD claimed that hhe had two booster seats but claimed he took one from his parent's residence. NORNHOLD initially denied being under the influence of drugs or alcoho! the day of the crash. However, when ‘questioned further NORNHOLD admitted that marijuana may be in his system from vaping the night before the rash. NORNHOLD disclosed that he possesses a medical marijuana card but described how he only uses his jjuana when he is at home and Mark is home also. NORNHOLD denied driving during the day if he was smoking mi NORNHOLD acknowledged that there would be vape cartridges in the center console but that they would be sealed. NORNHOLD also acknowledged that there may have been an old, empty THC cartridge from his pocket, but he wasn’t sure. When asked directly about what he believed to have caused the crash NORNHOLD gave multiple explanations and, was non comital. NORNHOLD described possibly seeing brake lights and swerving to miss a vehicle, being distracted with a phone he was giving to the children and looking back at the children. ‘On 08/05/21, an autopsy was performed on MG and LN by Forensic Pathologist, Or. Wayne ROSS. The cause of

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