Final Paper Research

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FINAL PAPER Reading portfolio as a strategy to improve Reading skill as a base

to advance in speaking and writing skills in adolescents in secondary.


The problem born from the concern about how inside schools the reading

comprehension and writing skills are teaching. According to this burden, it is important to

mention that the schools (most of them are private) are guided by the publishing

companies which include along with the English books the access of reading platforms

where they ensure or offering as the principal option to improve the skills mentioned

before. However, against all the persuasive and striking of this purpose, couldn't be

sufficiently engaged for the students and also the teachers to work on improving those

skills, for that reason both abilities are important and require dedication, creativity and go

beyond that just read a book or a text. It is like a process where the teachers accompany

their students in all this path it is not necessary to limit to follow reading platforms; the

purpose to reunite the reading platforms with the actual students' needs including the

school's objectives related to improving the English level along with the reading portfolio

is the base of where the students can improve their reading, speaking and writing ability,

the use of the reading portfolio allows to go beyond and deeper with books that platforms



The reading portfolio requires a teacher's training in this topic, the reading and writing

skill demand preparation to boost the students' skills. The idea with the reading portfolio

is to create activities where students show and probe their understanding of the chosen
book, also how the students make interaction with the text, and produce writing activities

that allow them to construct sentences, practice grammar structures, the new vocabulary

learnt in the text and how the pupils can do the planning, editing, revising etc, a new text

by themselves, as well as, how the students will expose their production improving their

speaking skill. The reading portfolio will set according to the ages of learners and will

open to the pupil's ideas. My research idea is linked to the Research field 1: Teaching

and learning of English as a foreign language; the Research Macro-Project 1:

Innovative Practices in English Teaching and Learning: Practices of the LLEI Pre-

service Teachers. My proposal fits because the idea of reading portfolio happens inside

of the classroom and looks a creative way to improve the practice of teaching and learning

English as Bonilla says "that is related to classroom practices requiring an

implementation, that looks into providing innovative pedagogical spaces for the teaching

and learning of English as a Foreign Language" (p.5).


According to the traditions, the Descriptive tradition fits better with his research, due

to "deals with the transformation of pedagogical practices, that aim at improving our

teaching labour alongside our students learning process", also "the objective of

descriptive research is to allow teachers full awareness of their students and their

classroom"; The fields of research at the L.L.E.I/ Language learning/teaching because

the teaching process, implementation in the classroom and relation with learning directly

related to didactic, pedagogy, evaluation, strategies, characterization of the rule of the

teacher and the impact they have in educational contexts. On the other hand, the design

that will fit with this research idea is Action Research the premise of this idea of acting
on data reflecting on results also, the cycle is: observation, planning, implementation,

monitoring. It is important to keep in mind that Action Research is a cyclical process,

which means that the steps aforementioned repeat until the problem has been worked


Related to this research, first, the research subproject 1: Pedagogical innovations in

EFL learning and teaching contexts.

Constructs and annotated bibliography.


• Collentine, K. (2016). The Effect of Reading on Second-language Learners' Production in

Tasks. Hispania, 99(1), 51-65. Retrieved May 29, 2021, from

In this article, Collantine exposes the situations around the reading skill how the effect of
reading on secondary learners this study focus on Spanish in ESL and how proficiency is
examined they take the example of how the TOEFL exam evaluate although tasks normally
concentrate on a particular skill. how interacts the proficiency with task conditions. On the
other hand, how reading is focused on "read to learn" or "reading to understand". This
article allows us to understand how the reading process works, the importance of the type
of activities created with a purpose and a clear objective, also indicates the reading
comprehension and reading behaviours could help with those tasks.


• Graham, S., Harris, K., & Santangelo, T. (2015). Research-Based Writing Practices and the
Common Core: Meta-analysis and Meta-synthesis. The Elementary School Journal, 115(4),
498-522. doi:10.1086/681964
The importance of a well-process writing task is the idea of this article, Graham
explains the importance of a good writing skill not only in school life, beyond. This
article provides ideas of how the teachers can improve the writing skill, and allow
the teachers to understand what students can do according to their age, on other
hand, in the writing process the English teachers can work as an evaluative task or
as an activity with a subsequent application, for this portfolio is important this article
because allows to identify and understand all the considerations are necessary to
take into consideration at the moment to think and or purpose activities for our

English Language Learning

• DelliCarpini, M., & Alonso, O. (2013). Success with ELLs: Working with English Language
Learners: Looking Back, Moving Forward. The English Journal, 102(5), 91-93. Retrieved May
29, 2021, from

In this article, Dellicarpini talks about the challenges English teachers have to face, the
context where the teachers move is important not only for the students' particularities
also the teachers' particularities, for that reason the teaching English goes beyond as the
only one way to teach. For example, going back about the teachers' particularities things
to take into account is about the knowledge, not the teachers are specialized in everything
and could be a weakness inside the English teachers because open the possibility to not
give correct instruction to the students because they do not know, however, it is
important all the support between teachers but the most important is the relation
between the students and their teachers in this path of learning and teaching English.

Barac, R., & Bialystok, E. (2012). Bilingual Effects on Cognitive and Linguistic
Development: Role of Language, Cultural Background, and Education. Child
Development, 83(2), 413-422. Retrieved May 29, 2021, from

An important situation present at the moment to look for the bibliography with
this construct, the bilingualism is taken as a social context the cultural influence
could be as an important fact at the moment to develop tasks as Barac says "
provides evidence for the distinction between the linguistic and cognitive
outcomes of bilingualism (...) that bilingualism acts independently of variables
such as language similarity, cultural background, and language of school- in. For
that reason, bilingualism needs to study and take into consideration because offer
a perspective of understanding how could be the performance of the EFL students
and 2090how the activities need to purpose for the teachers in the bilingual


Ortlieb, E., Majors, Y., & Groenke, S. (2017). "I Had No Idea He Was a Reader!": Learning
From Beginning English Teachers' Implementation of the Adolescent Motivation to Read
Profile Survey. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 60(6), 701-704. Retrieved May 29,
2021, from

In this review, the article focuses on how it works with adolescents specifically with
reading skills, the idea of this article is to use a survey as a way to approach the students
and allow the teachers to get to know their real interests, Ortliet affirms "survey that
assesses how adolescents view themselves as readers (self-concept) and the value they
place on reading. Self-concept as a reader is assessed on the survey through items such
as "I think I am a reader." Items that are designed to tap the value of reading include
"When someone gives me a book for a present, I feel " How adolescents perceive
themselves as readers, how they think others perceive them as readers, and how well
they believe they can accomplish a given task or activity (Bandura, 1977) are important
factors in considering adolescent motivation to read, as is whether adolescents see
reading as a valuable pursuit". It is important to know tools to help the teachers to
understand the students and accompany them with accuracy and inspire the reading no
matter the age.

Claudia Maritza Diaz Amaya

Licenciatura en Lengua Extranjera Inglés

Sixth Semester

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