Subject and Predicate

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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


The Two Basic Parts of a Sentence

The SUBJECT. Subjects are usually found at the beginning or near the beginning of a
sentence. Most subjects are nouns or pronouns or a word or group of words functioning as noun
that answers the question Who? or What? before the verb.
The PREDICATE. Predicates, as one of the basic parts of a sentence, tell something
about a subject. They tell what the subject does, what is done to the subject or what the
condition of the subject is. In other words, there must be a verb in the predicate part.

The mouse is looking at the cheese.

- In this sentence, the mouse or mouse is the subject, while is looking at the
cheese is the predicate.

Expressing Complete Thoughts

A sentence should express a complete thought. A sentence expresses a complete
thought if it can stand by itself and still makes sense.

A. Recognizing Subject and Predicate
1. NWU is geared to become a prime institution in Asia.
2. The English Review students receive their book.
3. We are experiencing a global pandemic.
4. The dean is very understanding.
5. We need an academic break.

B. Correcting Incomplete Thoughts

1. The lady with pink ribbon.
2. Was given by Pacquiao.
3. Is a gift from Bato.
4. If given the chance to be a politician.
5. That girl.

C. Recognizing Sentences
1. He did know.
2. The rich kid who bought Blackpink concert tickets.


Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

3. I, who have nothing and who have no one.

4. He who knows how to play the guitar.
5. I will go wherever you will go.

Complete Subject and Complete Predicate

My mother, who is Korean, │loves Filipino food.

In the above example, My mother, who is Korean is the complete subject and loves
Filipino food is the complete predicate. The sentence is divided by two by a vertical line.

The complete subject of a sentence consists of the subject and all other words related
to or association with it.

The complete predicate of a sentence consists of the verb and any other words related
to or associated with it.

Simple Subject and Simple Predicate

The simple subject is the noun or pronoun subject in the complete subject, while the
simple predicate is the single verb or verb phrase in the complete predicate. Let us take the
same example:

My mother, who is Korean,│loves Filipino food.

The simple subject here is mother, while the simple verb is loves.

A. Recognize the simple subject and Simple Predicate:
1. The NWU College of Arts and Sciences chose blue as their color.
2. The winners of the contest, called Warriors, won a golden trophy.
3. He who loves to write loves to read.
B. Recognize the Complete Subject and Complete Predicate
1. The famous “Asian Cutie” uploaded a tiktok video just now.
2. We, the sovereign Filipino people, will vote wisely.
3. The stepfather of Charls and Karrie went to the city to surprise them.


Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

Compound Subject and Compound Predicate

Compound Subject

A sentence containing more than one subject is said to have a compound subject.

A compound subject is two or more subjects that have the same verb and are joined by
a conjunction such as and or or.


Kim and Kat are bestfriends.

Bot or Tom could be the prime student.

Compound Predicate

A compound predicate is two or more verbs that have the same subject and are joined
by a conjunction such as and or or.


Chinnie reads and sings at the same time.

Harrold either plays the piano or plays basketball when he’s not around.

A. Recognize the Compound Subject:
1. Vana and Wana are bestfriends.
2. Martin and Marti do not go to Mart One.

B. Recognize the Compound Predicate:

1. Carda pushed and slapped his sister after the latter teased her.
2. The teachers and the students who were primary contacts of Leni are both
required to pass their antigen test results and complete their 14-day quarantine.


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