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Arranged By :

Meika Indriyani 2051030220

Nirmala Beelquis 2051030313

Nisah Aulia Rahmah 2051030301




A Gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding “-ing.” The gerund from of the verb
“read” is “reading.” You can use as the subject, the complement, of the object of a
sentence. Gerund is a verb (Verb) used but changed its function as a noun (Noun). Or it
can also be said that the gerund is a verb into a noun (Verbal Noun).

The form of gerund is : Verb + Ing

Example : swimming, writing, shopping, talking, playing, sleeping, etc.

B. Function of gerund
In a sentence, the gerunds function for :
1) Subject
2) Subjective complement
3) Direct object
4) Object of preposition

C. Types of Gerund
1. Subject
Gerund as a subject of the sentences.
Formulas : S + Verb. Examples :
- Your singing is very beautiful.
- Studying Economic needs time and patience.
- Playing tennis is fun.
- Reading English is easier than speaking it.

2. Subjective Complement
The gerund as a complement to the subject in a sentence is usually preceded by to be
which is located between the subject and subjective complement. Examples :
- My favorite hobby is studing.
- My favorite activity is reading.

3. Direct Object
Gerund as direct object in sentence. Examples :
- I enjoy dancing
- She likes singing
- Thank you for coming

4. Object of Preposition
There are two possibilites if the gerund used an a object. Object of Preposition and
object of verb.
a. Gerund as object of preposition
Formulas : Preposition + Gerund (Verb + Ing). Examples :
- We talk about going to Bali for ur vacation.
- We will be happy by reading the books.
- Thank you for helping me carry the bag
- Billy is not used to wearing a suit and tie every day.

Beberapa preposisi yang lazim diikuti oleh Gerund adalah about, in, for, of, without,
from, by, to, after, before, because, of, at, like, and with.

Noted : for the preposition “To” can be followed by a gerund if its function is a
preposition, not a form of infinitive. Example : I look forward to going home next

b. Gerund as Object of Verb.

Formulas : Verb + Gerund (Verb + Ing). Examples :
- Rina has finished discussing about Indonesia and its people.
- I enjoy playing video game.

5. Apposition
Gerund as aposisi or affirmation in a sentence, examples:
- My hobby, fishing. is interesting.
- I do not like quarrelling, a useless job.

6. Gerunds in Passive Sense

We often use a gerund after the verbs need, require and want. In this case, the gerund
has a passive sense.
To express passive sentences, especially after the verb Want, Need, Ensure, and
ensure, then use Gerunds. Examples :
- I have three shirts that need washing. (need to be washed)
- This letter requires signing. (needs to be signed)
- The house wants repainting. (neods to be repainted)

7. Gerund as a compound noun that contains the meaning of an instrument

Example : Swiming Pool, Swimming Suit, Shopping Centre, Drawing Book, Sewing
Machine, Washing Machinc, Writing Paper, Dining Table. Shopping Bag, Racing
Car, Waiting Room, Dining Room, Living Room, etc.
8. Gerund was used to create a prohibition or a short warning
Example: No smoking, no spitting, no parking, waning. Etc.

Usually to express an expression. Formulas : Go +Ing. Example:
- I go fishing with my father.
- I went shopping with my mother.
- She will go camping, won't she?


If you want to put the verb after the verb like my, our, her, etc then the verb also has to be
in the form of gerunds. Example:

- Thank you for your visiting.

- I am sorry for my coming late.

List of Gerund verb/Kata kerja yang diikuti verb gerund

1. Admit 23. Mention
2. Advice 24. Mind
3. Anticipate 25. Miss
4. Avoid 26. Postpone
5. Can’t Bear 27. Practice
6. Appreciated 28. Prefer
7. Begin 29. Quit
8. Complete 30. Recall
9. Consider 31. Recollect
10. Continue 32. Recommend
11. Delay 33. Regret
12. Deny 34. Remember
13. Discuss 35. Resent
14. Dislike 36. Resist
15. Enjoy 37. Risk
16. Finish 38. Can’t Stand
17. Forget 39. Start
18. Hate 40. Stop
19. Can’t Help 41. Suggest
20. Keep 42. Tolerate
21. Like 43. Try
22. Love 44. Understand

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