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Sel dan Jaringan

Dr Evalina P Manurung SpPA

Complete the web with four
characteristics of cells.

All organisms -living things-

are made of
cells. Cells do the
jobs that keep

Cells alive.

Cells are the smallest

part of a living thing.

These cells are like

tiny building blocks.
Discovery of Cells
• Robert Hooke (mid-1600s)
– Observed sliver of cork
– Saw “row of empty boxes”
– Coined the term cell
Ragam Sel
• Ukuran sel
• Bentuk sel
• Struktur internal sel
Ragam ukuran sel
Ragam bentuk sel
• Umumnya berbentuk bulat
dan gepeng
Cell Diversity
Fibroblasts – found in connective tissues which help
protect, support and bind together other tissue types.
They have rough ER and Golgi apparatus to make and
secrete proteins needed for their fibers.
Erythrocytes – red blood cells which carry oxygen in the
bloodstream (no organelles so it has more room to carry oxygen)
Cell Diversity
Epithelial Cells – their shape allow cells to be packed
together like sheets which cover and line
body organs. Has long protein-fibers to resist
tearing when it gets rubbed or pulled.
Cell Diversity
Skeletal Muscle – elongated shape which allow cells to
shorten (contract) moving our skeleton. They
contain long protein fibers.
Smooth Muscle – elongated shape too which allow our
internal organs to change size
Cell Diversity
Fat cell – huge spherical shaped cell which is formed
because of the large fat droplet in its cytoplasm.
Stores nutrients along with fat.
Cell Diversity
Macrophage – this cell can change shape so it can crawl through
tissue to reach infection sites. They contain many lysosomes to
digest infectious microorganisms.
Cell Diversity
Nerve Cell (called neuron) – cell has long extensions that
receive and transmits messages to other body parts. Long
plasma membrane and a lot of rough ER to make proteins
needed for the membrane.
Cell Diversity
Oocyte (female) – the largest cell in the body. This cell has
twice as many organelles so it can distribute to new cells
through growth/division.
Sperm (male) – This cell is long and built for swimming.
Flagellum acts as a whip to move sperm forward.
Cell membrane

• Structure: gelatin-like fluid that lies inside the cell membrane
• Function: -contains salts, minerals and organic molecules
-surrounds the organelles
Membrane Proteins
1. Channels or transporters
– Move molecules in one direction
2. Receptors
– Recognize certain chemicals
Membrane Proteins
3. Glycoproteins
– Identify cell type
4. Enzymes
– Catalyze production of substances

• Control center of cell

• Double membrane

• Contains
– Chromosomes
– Nucleolus
Cara sel bertahan hidup

• Tanpa perubahan sel

– Mobilisasi fatty acid : puasa
– Mobilisasi calcium : kurang kalsium
– Mengaktifkan enzym : makan obat
• Disertai perubahan sel (Physiological
structure adaptation)
– Jumlah / ukuran sel >
– Jumlah / ukuran sel <
– Morfologi berubah
Reaksi individu terhadap rangsangan #

• Sinar UV
– Produksi melanin 
– Sel mati (kulit melepuh)

• Makanan tertentu
– Enzym 
– Diare
Rekasi sel terhadap jejas
(cell stress response)

Metabolisme berubah
Produksi protein struktural 
Produksi protein protektif 

 Gene untuk protein struktual = house keeping gene

 Gene untuk protein protektif = cell stres gene

Cont. : binatang dijemur  keluar heat shok protein

Penyebab-penyebab jejas
(stimulus yang pathologis)
Adaptasi sel
 Fibroblast : kuat / besar
 Sel saraf : lemah / kecil

Cara :
1. Atrophy
2. Hypertrophy
3. Involution
4. Hyperplasia
5. Metaplasia
• Thyroid pada wanita hamil
• Otot pada atlet
• Uterus / payudara pada wanita hamil
• Prostat orang tua
• Endometrium pada siklus haid
Atrofi yang physiologis

 Kelenjar thymus
 Myometrium post partum
 Otot orang tua
 Kelenjar parathyroid orang tua
 Testis orang tua

(organ sudah berkembang  mengecil)

Organ tidak berkembang normal

• Agenesis  stem cell gagal

• Aplasia  sel blast gagal
• Hypoplasia : ukuran organ <
• Dysgenesis : jadi organ lain
Perkembangan sel
Stem cell
 ………... Agenesis
……..…. Aplasia

Organ lain Organ (N)

(dysplasia) 
Organ lain (metaplasia)
• Proses kematian sel terprogram
(tujuan : menghilangkan sel itu)

Contoh :
- Embryogenesis
- Withdrawal hormon
- Eliminasi sel dengan turn over tinggi
- Menghilangkan sel virus
- Menghilangkan sel dengan DNA rusak
Kerusakan sel dapat melalui :

• Membran sel
• Mitochondria
• Cytoskeleton
Pengaruh injury pada sel
• All disease occurs
because of cell injury
– Either because of the
injury itself or the repair
process that follows
• Diff: sekumpulan sel yang memiliki bentuk dan
fungsi yang sama.
• Jaringan-jaringan yang berbeda dapat bekerja
sama untuk suatu fungsi fisiologi yang sama
membentuk suatu organ.
• Histologi  ilmu yg mempelajari Jaringan
• Histopatologi ilmu yg mempelajari
berubahnya bentuk dan fungsi jaringan dalam
hubungannya dgn penyakit.
Control of the cell cycle

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