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Wa Ry qonsmae, «== PAINTING zeit’ SPACE MARINES Adeptus Astartes, outlining a variety of techniques and tips to get your army on the tabletop and looking great. rie 2 the subject of painting Space Marines sine known golany all ave ther May the armour's shade ‘own heraldry, uniforms and peculiarities. protect your body. This makes Space Marines one of the : Ios intereving choices of army forthe May the weapon's hue avid modeller and painter. The How to Paint Space Marines help slay those that doubt book is the first place to look when assembling and painting Space Maines, May the banner's livery and this guide i intended fo accompany proceed before you. that fine tome. In Part One we asked i Nick Bayton and Chad Mierzwa for a host May you illuminate the Sha choosing your neteed meted for darkness with the painting power armour in your Chapte’s Emperor's light Clouded how to base your models to represent ferent battiezones, Part Two tell cover how to apply eraly, Campaign badges and honour markings, and hw to paint banners and bil math The Litay of Decontion, from the Index Astactes 82 WHITE DWARF PAINTING SPACE MARINES ASSEMBLING YOUR SPACE MARINES Preparation ‘The rank and file models in a Space ‘Marines army are plastic, and as such don't take long to prepare and assemble. We've used a Tactical Marine as an example, although the principles for preparing this model can be applied to ‘Terminators or even battle tanks. Start by clipping the components from the plastic frame with a pair of Plastic Cutters, and then use a Hobby Knife and files to clean them up, before sticking them together with Plastic Glue. This glue forms ‘strong, permanent bond by welding ‘to metal and plastic to pieces of plastic together. ‘metal, and Plastic Glue for sticking, well, plastic! Using the Hobby Kai scrap the blade gently across the mest ines to remove them Arms ‘Once the body has been assembled, it's time to glue the arms on. It is important to remember that Space Marine arms come as matched pairs on the frame (easily identifiable by the different patterns on ccoresponding forearms), designed to hold a weapon in a particular position. When clipping them out, try to keep them in these matched pairs or you may find that the hands are too far apart or close together to hold the weapon comfortably. The Head Space Marine frames have a wide selection of heads to choose from, so you ‘can pick the one that looks coolest for each model. When gluing the head onto the body, think about the direction itis facing ~ do you want the model to be looking along the gun barrel, as if firing, ‘or looking away as if the un is at rest? The asombled Space Marne ead for patting Use a flat Hobby File Maten out the contact points namely the shoulder Joint a the soles of te boos Stick the tore, fegs and backpack rgether then glue the model tothe base @ @ 8 ad (Our example Space Marine with a matched par of| aims and two shoulder pads clipped out, cleaned up nd ready to assemble The ars are stuck on, ensuring that te Hat upper faces ofthe hands are Tine up, ready receive 2 bolero special weapon Bolters Off In order to paint the Space Marine's chest eagles its best to paint the bolters Eeparately and glue ‘them on atthe end of| the process. Simply paint them on the ‘rame and touch them up afterwards. 83 WARHAMMER PORT Ly Posing Your Space Marines ne ofthe great things about plastic kts is their versatility. Simply by turning a head for raising an arm, you can dramatically alter the pose of a model. Additionally, you ‘an easily swap components between Space Marine squads, as the Tactical, Devastator, Assault and Command frames This Devastator Sergeants eel directing his sauads fre Metal Models. Although most Space Marine models are plastic, some character miniatures and rare troops are metal, or made from a mixture of plastic and metal (the latter are sometimes called “hybrid” miniatures). Metal models are no more difficult to assemble and paint than plastic ones, but they need to be prepared in a different way. are all completely interchangeable. For a final option, you can even use a Razor Saw to chop and change components to your heart's content, creating entirely new poses and weapon configurations. Here, ‘we've provided some example poses, using Components from various plastic Kits. : : This Assault Mavine is touching down and taking ‘im with bie bot pistol. A Space Marine Apothecary Surveys the bated 0 his baer hed at rest. ‘his Sergeants outsetched arm i akan from a Company Standard Bearer ‘th hand swap fom 9 Formal Space Marin am. The frst stage iso clip any bts of excess metal from the minature. This ealed “ash and natural pat ofthe etal ‘Meta! model smetines get mould ines on them just ike pase es. Scraping teh 3 Pb Kite at he best soktion, Though, so use ale tea moulding proces. Oceasionaly the metal aba the Base of the model doesn i tightly enough into the sortabase, i thats he se, just bend ieSighy with your Plasbe Cuter. The assembled mode, ready for unseroating 84 WHITE DWARF PAINTING SPACE MARINES VEHICLES ASSEMBLY Preparation Vehicle kits ate large, multi-part models, often with detailed interiors and moving parts. As suc, it’ really important that ‘you take a good look atthe instructions before even beginning the assembly process ~ quite often the order in which ‘you assemble the components is vital to the construction of the vehicle. Once you're happy to begin, the individual ‘components can be clipped from the frames and cleaned up in exactly the same way as the Space Marine models. Construction Before applying glue to a vehicle, it’s a good idea to check the fit of the ‘components - tanks are large, complex models, and require a bit more thought than an infantryman. The “dry fitting” process can sometimes highlight potential problems, allowing you to spot where the plastic needs timming down in order to achieve a snug ft. Once you're confident that the ft is comect, the components can be glued together. you want to have interior details and moving parts, remember that some parts of the model Dent go mad and spply too much sl, “Ag Matt Hutson pointed in ast mand ee an a ee ernbly. cod that ‘or you may end up with some unsightly ‘Tale of Four Gamers, i's ease to paint the best paged before sssenty, ood te Seepage. Apply the glue sparingly the Interior details tore seer some pivot points should not be glued — main contact pointe refer to the instruction sheet for detals. Rubber Bands So that you aren‘t sitting around holding onto your vehicles while the glue dries, it’s well worth finding some elastic bands to do the job for you. Here, Chad Mierzwa has wrapped clastic bands around a Razorback while the whole thing dries. You may, however, decide to use this technique as you go along, depending on the type of vehicle, For example, you could glue the two track assemblies together and support them with elastic bands while they dry, and then stick the hull together in the meantime. I's a great way of tackling several tasks at once. 85 WARHAMMER reTy Painting guides often focus on a single method ofthese examples and decide which technique you painting power armour hete we take look at lke the look o the most. However, most player some alteratives. There is no right or wrong way find that a combination of the techniques works to paint your Space Marines; jus take look at” bes, rather tran employing them insolation Benne Drybrushing isnot a technique that advantage ofthis technique is that it allows normally lends iself to Space Marines, you to paint models very quickly some itgenealy looks a iti harsh when blayerske the trade-off inorder fo et an applied to smooth, flat areas. However, the army on the table as soon as possible. a & Step 1. After undercoating, 2 Step 2.4.21 mist of Step 3. fina dybrush of Soace SGGh Stop 1A basecoat of Onhide Shade Slep 2A highlight layer of Tt Step 5. ia gigi of pre Soot nae apoied to the hele. ‘Otlnnde Shade and Spot Grcen was Green was applied tothe edges and Painted onto the per surfaces of ppermest surfaces ofthe helmet. the helmet, leaving the Basecot showing the recesses Undercoating Washing In The Recesses While ¥ ile many plots Avery quick way of adding definition to Space Matine swear by 2 Chaos models isto wash Badab Black into the recesses, Use Blac unercontt i several applications to get a strong shade. tse Skull White, Generally, if your overall colour scheme ye is dark, choose black, aaa and if’ light or ay bright, use white. 86 WHITE DWARF PAINTING SPACE MARINES Hard Edging Power armour can really benefit from the of the armour plates. This can take the edging technique, especially on dark- form of a single top highlight, or several coloured models. The technique hinges on _ layers, depending on how extreme you the careful application of fine line want the effect to look, This example highlights, painted onto the hardest edges. shows you the effect of multiple layers. ‘Step 1. After undercoating and Step 2. For he second highligh, 2 ver fie fine of basecoating, 221 mix of Codex lin of Codex Grey was sped war wed on the most Grey and Chaos Black was sed prominent exgs ofthe sour aie the edges of he power amour Blending is quite an advanced technique, armour look a little soft — others like the Used to create a soft, subtle gradation from almost-organic effect. Blending can be dark tones through to light. Space Marine _used to great effect when combined with players often shy away from this hard edge highlighting - something that technique, as it can make the power the ‘Eavy Metal team do a lot. ee6 Step 1.4 baseaat of Mechrite Red Step 2 Stating a lite way further up Step 3. Blazing Orange was used on ‘esr applied and then the upper part the shoulder ped 2 coat of Blood the upparmont pat of the shoulder Neos blended ino amis of Meche. Red was applied This was then pach blended nt the previous stage Red and Bod Red banded into a mi of Blood Red and fine line of Fry Orange wat used Blazing Orange. ‘nthe top edge Glazing Sometimes the blending technique leads to highlights that are too light or chalky, or even visible p “stripes” of colour. A glaze using very thin paint or Citadel Wash is a great way to te all the blending layers together and tone down the colour. Techniques Of course, what we've shown here are merely extreme examples of the various techniques. Most painters will naturally combine them as they paint, compensating for the shortcomings of one technique with the advantages of another. You can see further examples about how the experts go about using the best techniques forthe job at hand later on in the article on p91 A close-up ofthis avy Metal Space ‘rine shows the efecveness of ‘combining blending ayer and hard edge highlghing techniques. www 87 XT Ly Crea CU Many Space Marine characters come supplied with back banners, which are flown in battle as a great mark of honour There are two types of banner available - ones with sculpted detail, and ‘ones that are plain. Here we look at a few different ‘ways of painting these banners. In the avy Metal Masterclass on page 98 youl find some more — 8 it tips for painting sculpted c ey ES back banners. Scape details painted in This banner as bee painted plan This banner as been painted plain cctv the same way asthe cet of ble ee having» watesice we aden te hare ade Basing The way you base your models is a matter match the Studio armies, but you can ‘of personal preference, and gamers usvally always apply these techniques to any kind paint their bases to match their gaming of surface ~ Just change the colours to surface. This model has been based to match your scenery collection, ‘Sand was stuck tothe base with PVA The sand wat painted Rests) Brow, [lu Some people prefer to glue the then diybrushad Bubonte Brown The in ofthe base wat pained Graveyard Earth ad State Gass was {and before undercoating stead finally Bleached Bone stuck tothe bas with PVA glue Citadel Basing Kit Cf course, there’s no reason to stop at plain bases. Many gamers love to add extra detail to their models by creating scenic bases. These can be made for characters, special weapon troopers or large models like walkers, or simply applied throughout your entire army! The Citadel Basing Kit provides a range of scenic details for your bases, as shown here, which can be combined with flock to great effect ity in dar Bate Snowscape Wasteland Manusetorum Dreadnought on a City Run base 88 WHITE DWARF PAINTING SPACE MARINES PAINTING VEHICLES Most of the painting techniques shown can be applied to any vehicle from a Land ‘earlier can also be applied to vehicles. A Speeder to a Land Raider. tank can be painted using either ‘While the example below deals with drybrushing and edge highlighting, or a how to get the bodywork of the tank combination of both. looking good, in next month’s issue we'll The vehicle we've used in the example be taking a look at more intricate details, below is a Razorback, but the technique —_ like vehicle markings and battle damage Stop 1. Nick basecoated the Sep 2 Fr the second stage, Nick ‘Stop 3. For the third stage al of te Raorback witha coat of Knaloc sped a cou of Snot Gren, using defis were patted Chaos Black Green, applied withthe Spray Gun ihe Spay Gun Yo ensure an even ‘Step 4. Nick then applied a watered: Stop 5. The first highlight was ‘Stop 6. na etme highlight was down wash of Bada Black in the applied tothe edges othe seed on the uppermod aren ith recesses ofthe tank. The metal areas Raorback with 311 mix of Snot pute Scopion Green. The edges of there washed lineal with Bada Green snd Sconion Green, The the meta arene were highlighted Black too, etl areas were highlighted! with ‘wth China, 89 WARHAMMER POLL BATCH PAINTING ‘When painting entire armies, many hobbysists like to employ batch painting — quite literally the process of painting batches of models at a time. The Citadel Spray Gun is one method of speeding up this process, enabling you to basecoat and wash models with the same speed as you'd expect of a spray undercoat. This method is particularly good for Space Marines, who often have a single, solid base colour for their power armour, depending on the Chapter’s colours. Batch to Paint? Some hobbyists like to paint up a squad Space Marines at once before moving onto. somehing else, while others like to paint blocks of 500 points at atime, or even an entire army, It really is up to you, but remember that seeing hordes of unfinished models in front of you can be quite daunting for some people, so make sure the task is manageable. Washes All of these models benefit from a shading wash of the appropriate colour. As described earlies, a wash is a great way to add definition or shading to the recesses of power armour. You can also apply a watered-down coat of paint or wash as a glaze, compensating, for the softer, organic effect that can be created by blending or the chalky finish that drybrushing can leave. 90. WHITE DWARF PAINTING SPACE MARINES Nick punted ie Uliamsrnes at tne ung the dibrushing echnique described eater. He fat baseconted them al be using the Citadel Spray Gum, then applied the increasingly hihter akybrshed highlight fo them a SSE88 Nick fist hsecoated al ofthe Satamanders with Gite Shade tere spoving favor 98 described betore He applied one layer to al of the models before moving onto the next. Baer ‘Alter uindercoating al ofthe Raven Guard, Nik began to apply ard aging highligh fo all ofthe rade, applying each edging highlight to every ‘model the unt tore starting he ext BRE * Now that some of the basic painting techniques have been covered, Neil Green of the famous ’Eavy Metal team shows HOW TO PAINT THE EAVY METAL WAY us how the masters do it! @ Basecoat Bolum Mea, ile te shoulder dims ave pated with a 1:2 fale hrther Fine Highlights, ‘Shining Gold for the edging highlights on the gold ares ‘Next Month In Part Two of our painting guide, we take é an in-depth look at 7 characters, honour fl . markings, personal eraldry, Chapter » iphy and more. you can find 4 more on our website, including plenty more Chapter colour schemes, 91

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