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CH: - 10 (United States of America).

Q1) Write an introductory note on U.S.A.

A) The important features of USA are following:-

1) U.S.A is a vast country of North America. Its area is about 9,809,430 square Km which is 25 times
bigger than U.K and a little smaller than Europe.

2) It has diversified type of relief with mountains, plains, deserts with big cities and open roads.

3) The language of this area is English.

4) U.S.A is a lucky country with regarding its geographical location, such as its location is between 2
major oceans (In the east the Atlantic and in the west the Pacific). Through these oceans it is connected
with Europe and Africa (East), South America (South) and Asia (west).

(TQ:- 1) Q2) Write a note on the Population of U.S.A.

A) Before the appearance of the Shite Europeans. Eskimoes and Red Indians were the original people of
North America. They were less than 10 lac at that time in the vast land.

In the early age, the Eskimoes were mixed with the new comers but the Red Indian did not accept them,
but with the passage of time, the new comers overcome.

According to the census of 1997, the population of U.S.A is 267,575,000, which consists upon various
races, original people and new comers.

.) Distribution of Population:-

The population of USA is unevenly distributed due to many factors but relief is more prominent such as
Appalachians Mountains and Western Mountains are sparely populated, due to uneven relief and
barren land.

(TQ:- 2a) 1) Densely populated areas:-

North Eastern part of U.S.A is densely populated due to following 2 factors.

a) Industrialization with the settlement of Europeans.

b) Mineral resources especially coal and iron ore.

Because of these factors, it becomes the most important industrial region of North America.
.) Facts:-

Other densely populated are lying immediately to the South of the North East Industrial region:-

a) The Pacific coastal regions of Central and Southern California are other areas with fairly densely
populated. This growth is due to industrial development, for which people settled here from other parts
of country and some other countries.

b) Above these 2 areas, there is also increase of population in the central plains of U.S.A southern states
of Maize region and Northern parts of cotton region due to textiles, heavy industries and agricultural
industries. Texas is also seen much developed in industries and increase of population.

(TQ:-2b) (2) Less populated Areas:-

The less populated area of U.S.A is the western mountains where in most parts population is
less than 1 person/sq. km and it is due to:-

a) Arid/dry climate

b) Shortage of water

c) Rugged relief

d) Difficult excess.

Agricultural lands of central plain, coastal areas of Gulf of Mexico and Florida peninsula are moderately

(TQ:-3) Q3) Write a note on Agriculture of U.S.A.

A) Central U.S.A is prominent for agriculture for many crops especially Maize, wheat and cotton which is
cultivated on large scale.

1) Maize region:-

Northern part of central plain is prominent for maize cultivation. Western part of Maize region
is important for livestock. But now there is a change due to requirement of urban population,
vegetables, and fruits. Soya beans are preferred than Maize.

2) Wheat regions:-

For wheat cultivation 2 regions areas are prominent.

a) Winter wheat region: - which is located in the south of maize region of central U.S.A

b) Spring wheat region: - It is mostly towards the North and in the South of Dakota states.

3) Cotton:-
Black parries areas of Texas are important for cotton as conditions are most suitable for
cotton has great importance in the economy of the country.

.) Facts:-

Although there is more rain in Eastern parts of U.S.A plains then West, but it is sufficient for
agriculture. In the Northern areas cultivation is possible only in summer due to severe cold during
winters (which is -0 C)

While lower parts of Mississippi land is cultivated throughout the year. Due to climatic conditions U.S.A
may be divided into following regions.

1) Spring wheat and dairying belt

2) Maize or Cora belt

3) Cotton belt

4) Tobacco belt

5) Sub-tropical belt of Gulf Coast.

Only 16% population of USA is involved in agriculture, but production is much more than the local
requirement and rest is exported to the other countries. It is due to suitable climate, fertile soil, uses
of various machines (Tractors, sowing machines, combined harvesters etc) and modern techniques.

U.S.A stands for 2nd in grain production and 1st for their exports in the world.

Other important crops of U.S.A are dry grasses, sugar, beet, potato, citrus fruits, rice, sorghum, barley
and beans, etc.

(TQ:- 4) Q4) Write a note on Mineral resources.

A) The USA is out standing in its mineral resources in the world. It possesses almost all mineral deposits
and leads in the production of key minerals like coal, iron-ore, and petroleum, etc.

The USA secures 1st place in iron ore production and produce 1/5 of the world and others are
Molybdenum 90%, Vanadium 80%, and Titanium about 40 % of the world.

It also produces tungsten and cobalt in sufficient amount. It is also outstanding in non-metal resources
i.e. sulfur 70 % Magnesium 50%, phosphate 40 % of the world. Other important mineral like gold, silver,
lead, bauxite, zinc etc are available in the state.

1) Iron Ore:-

a) The USA secures the first position in its production in the world. It is available in the mountainous
range of Canadian Shield which is attached with Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. But now production is
decreasing in these areas. While Hematite-iron ore in mined in Birmingham near the Alabama coal field.
b) Other metallic minerals are available from the states of Ozark, plateau. In these states all Northern
states are important except Utah, Adahio and Oregon.

c) Gulf states are prominent for non-metallic minerals, mineral oil, natural gas, Sulphur, salt and Helium.
Salt is also available in New York, Michigan, Utah, Idaho.

2) Coal:-

The coal fields are scattered all over the country. The USA is rich in its reserves. Major coal fields
are following:-

a) The Appalachian coal fields:-

It has 3 major areas:-

1) Pennsylvania

2) West Virginia

3) Alabama

b) The Eastern interior coal fields. It comprises the coal fields of Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky. It is not
good for coke.

c) The western interior coal fields. These are situated on the vast areas of Prairies plain.

3) Mineral Oil and Natural Gas:-

The U.S.A is the largest energy producing country in the world. The U.S.A includes in the
important oil producing countries of the world and produces the 1/6 of the total world.

As far as consumption of oil is concerned, the U.S.A secures the top position in the world. For this it has
to import crude oil from other countries.

The Major oil producing areas are following:-

a) Texas state oil field:-

It is the biggest oil field in the world. It is situated in Gulf of Mexico coastal areas.

b) The Western Appalachian oil fields:-

It is the 2 nd largest oil producing field but near about to finish.

c) The central continental oil fields:-

It is located nearly into center of the country and includes S.Kansas, Oklahoma and its
d) The Rocky mountain region:-

This region contains an enormous amount of oil reserves. It is situated in Montana,


e) The California oil region:-

It ranks 3 rd in annual output of oil in U.S.A. These fields are located in Southern part
of California surrounding to Los-Angeles.

Most of the natural Gas-fields are associated with crude oil fields. The USA is the 2 nd major consumer of
gas in the world. The Major gas fields are located near Texas, Louisiana, California, Oklahoma, North
Carolina Lowa, Wyoming and Nevada.

4) Other Mineral:-

The USA produces considerable amount of many other minerals such as:-

a) Copper: - from Montana, Utah, Arizona and it is the second largest producer in the world.

b) Gold: - Western States California, Colorado, Utah Arizona and Nevada.

c) Silver: - Nevada State.

d) Lead and Zinc: - Mostly from Ozark plateaus (Western part of Mississippi river).

e) Bauxite: - Arkansas

f) Phosphates: - The USA is the largest producer of Phosphate in the world. It is mostly used in fertilizers.
Florida is out standing in its production.

(TQ:- 5) Q5) Write a note on the Industries of USA.

A) The USA is well endowed in its natural resources, which helps a great in its industrial development.
Mostly population is involved in industrial sector. The USA is the leading country in Iron and steals
industries in the world.

(TQ:- 6) Tell about the industrial region of USA.

A) According to industrial development of 2 regions are prominent:-

a) North Eastern region: - It is biggest industrial area of the country. It is situated from Boston to New
York and New York to Washington D.C.

b) It is situated from Pittsburg to Detroit and Chicago.


It consists upon 4 major centers:-

a) The New England region:-

It includes the Massachusetts, New Hem Shire, and Maine Textiles, leather, copper
goods, and Utensils woolen goods are important industries. Boston is the biggest shoes making center of
the world.

b) The central Atlantic coastal region:-

It has 3 big industrial cities New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

1) New York: - It is a big commercial center and port of the country. It is also important with reference to
industry. Light industries like textiles are located with-in city, while heavy industries like ship building,
Engineering, oil refineries. Copper is also located outside the city.

2) Philadelphia:-

It is important for railway engine oil-refineries, machines and air craft industries.

3) Baltimore: - It is important for Iron, steel, copper, Nickel and fertilizer industries.

c) The Hudson Mohawk Cap region:-

It is situated from New York to Lake Ontario. It is prominent for light

industries like Camera type writer, Electronic goods and engineering tools.

d) The Internal Industrial region:-

>) This region is situated among the Appalachian Mountains, Great Lakes and River Mississippi. It is most
important for Iron and steels industries with many cities such as Chicago, Gerry, Buff low Detroit and
Pittsburg. Pittsburg of Pennsylvania is the biggest center of iron and steel industries of the world.

>) Detroit is the biggest center of cars and it is important for machine tools. Chicago, which is situated at
the South Western corner of Michigan Lake, is important industrial center for iron and steel industries,
Agricultural machinery, motor cars, railway engines. Go down for the preservation of wheat rice and
dairy industries.


It includes the following areas:-

1) The southern Atlantic sea board.

2) The southern part of Appalachian

3) The Gulf coastal states

4) The Southern part of the Mississippi Basin.

a) This is less developed than Northern eastern industrial region. But now this is developing rapidly due
to vast mineral oil resources, coal, phosphates and salt. Because agricultural production.

Cotton textile industries region is more prominent than N.E region.

1) Birmingham (Alabama) for iron and steel industries.

2) Huston (Texas, for petro-chemical, artificial rubber, plastic goods, pesticides, detergents.

3) Dallas and Fort Worth for ship building are important industrial cities.

b) The Pacific coastal areas:- in this region industries also established in many cities in which Los-Angeles
and San Francisco are important.

c) Los Angeles is the biggest film making center of the world, while preservation of agricultural products.
Tin food packing, wine, and flour mills are other important industries.

San Francisco has ship yarning, iron and steel and machinery are important industries.

(TQ:- 8) Q6) Write a note on the Trade of USA.

A) The important features of USA trade are following:-

1) As the USA has 51 states so mostly trade is among the Agricultural areas, urban center and the states.

Foreign trade is also standing in the USA due to natural resources, industrial development and
transportation facilities.

2) New York is the important gate way for imports and exports due to ports.

A) Exports:-

In the foreign trade machines are leading while others are cotton, petroleum, iron and steel
goods, Automobiles, wheat, equipment’s of transportation and communication, scientific tools,
chemicals, metals, Agriculture tool, etc.

Its export is mostly with Canadian Western Europe countries and Japan.

B) Imports:-

Important imports of USA are Kahwah, Tea, Coffee, Petrol, Sugar, rubber, paper, and
consumer goods, wool, and other raw industrial materials. Its imports are mostly with Canada, Western
Europe and Japan.

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