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Hanna Mignano

Interpreting Practicum Fall 2021


Professional Development

30 min.

Street Leverage: Attire Leaves a First and Lasting Impression

This was a short signed webcast discussing the importance of proper interpreter presentation.

Appropriate attire is integral to the perception and reputation of the interpreter, and even more

importantly to the clear and undistracted delivery of the message. Also important is hygiene, not

wearing too much shiny jewelry, not displaying too much cleavage, and no extra long nails. The

interpreter discussed how this issue boils down to a sense of individual responsibility, and that it is

important to be mindful of this to maintain professionalism. The same expectation applies to the

medical field, the field of law, for example. Proper attire contributes to client trust and respect. It is not

about displaying one's personality, but about presenting the work professionally and with integrity. The

interpreter made a great suggestion to novice interpreters unsure of their dress, that it's ok to ask the

deaf client if their clothing is appropriate for the situation or not. These were all excellent points to

consider as I transition from student to being out in the field.

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