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Nama: Zaerina Azizah

NIM : 21SI016

Prodi: Sistem Informasi S1

Bagian 2

Reading and Listening

1. He help in the shop (h)

2. He makes breakfast for the hotel guests (a)

3. He serves petrol (e)

4. He delivers the beer to the pub (g)

5. He collects the post from the boat (c)

6. He drives the children to scholl (b)

7. He delivers the letters (d)

8. He has a glass of wine

9. He works as an undertaker (f)

Bagian 3

1. Seumas lives and work on the island of gigha in the west of Scotland

2. He is 60 years old

3. He has thirteen jobs

4. Hiswife’sname’sMargaret

5. Margaret work in the shop and in the evening Margaret makes supper

6. Only 120 people live on gigha

7. 150touristscomebyboateveryday

8. Everyweekdayseumasget’supAt6.00andmakesbreakfastforthehotel

guests, At 8.00 he drives the island’s children to school, At 9.00 he collects

the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island, he also delivers the
teer to the

island’s only pub then he help Margaret in the shop

9. In the evening Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00 we have a glass of

and then we go to bed

Bagian 4

1. WhatdoeshedoAt6.00o’clock? He gets up and makes breakfast

2. What does he do At 8.00 o’clock? He drives the children to school

3. What does he do At 9.00 o’clock? He collects the post from the boad 4. What does he do
At 10.00


He delivers the letters

5. What does he do At 12.00 o’clock?

He serves Petrol

6. What does he do At 2.00 o’clock?

He works as un undertaker

7. What does he do At 3.00 o’clock?

He delivers the beer to the pub 8. What does he do At 5.00 o’clock?

He help in the shop

Vocabulary and Pronuciation Bagian A

1.> D

2.> C 3.> A 4.> F 5.> B 6.> I 7.> E 8.> H 9.> G

Bagian B

A pilot

An interpreter

A nurseA barman
An accountant

A journalist

A postman

A architect

A shopkeeper

Flies planes

Traslates things

Looks after people in the hospital Serves drinks

Looks after money Writes for a newspaper Delivers letters

Design buildings

Sells things

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