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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Venn Diagram and Its Application
Week 2
Learning Code-M1NS-Ib-3
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Venn Diagram and Its Application
Week 2
Learning Code-M1NS-Ib-3

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics


What I Need to Know

There are some situations wherein we need to categorize or group items to

see the similarities and differences among items or ideas. A diagram is very useful
to visualize this kind of situation of the problem.
This module was created to help you understand the key concepts of sets
using the Venn diagram.

Learning Objectives:
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. use Venn diagrams to represent sets, subsets and set
2. solve problems involving sets.

Here are simple instructions on how to use this module:

1 Read and follow instructions carefully.

You are expected to perform all the activities and answer the

After doing the activities, assessment is given to check how

much you have learned.

4 Answers to the activities and assessments were given at the

latter part of this module for you to check your work and assess
the knowledge you gained using this module.

5 Take your time to study and learn.


Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

What I Know
Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following Venn diagrams describes A  B?
A. B. C. D.

2. Which of the following Venn diagrams describes A  B?

A. B. C. D.

In the figure U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}

3. Find X  Y  Z.
A. a
B. d
C. e
D. f

4. Find X  Y.
A. {a, b, d, e, f, g} B. {a, b, d, g} C. {a, f, g} D. {a, g}
5. What is X?
A. {a} B. {c, d, g} C. {a, b, e, f} D. {b, c, d, e, f}

At a birthday party, the guests may have ice cream as dessert.

They may choose chocolate and vanilla flavors. 60 guests had
chocolate-flavored ice cream. 49 had vanilla-flavored ice cream. 13 had
both flavored ice cream dessert. And there are 4 who did not have ice
cream dessert.

6. How many guests had both flavoured ice cream desert?

A. 13 B. 49 C. 60 D. 90
7. How many guests had chocolate ice cream only?
A. 13 B. 36 C. 47 D. 60
8. How many guests had vanilla ice cream only?
A. 36 B. 47 C. 49 D. 83
9. How many guests had ice cream as dessert?
A. 96 B. 100 C. 109 D. 122
10. How many guests went to the birthday party?
A. 96 B. 100 C. 122 D. 126

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

90 students were interviewed what the food they ordered in the

booth during the school foundation day was. The Venn diagram
shows information about the food ordered by the students.

11. How many students had hamburgers?

A. 5 B. 14 C. 21 D. 24
12. How many students had ice cream?
A. 15 B. 23 C. 38 D. 42
13. How many students had soft drinks?
A. 21 B. 33 C. 38 D. 52
14. How many of the students did not order any from the 3 in the booth?
A. 3 B. 8 C. 15 D. 17
15. How many students had hamburger and soft drinks but not ice cream?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 35

If you got an honest 15 points (perfect score), you may skip this module.

What’s In
A. Identify the following set operations symbols. As a clue, rearrange the given
1. A  B UIONN __ __ __ __ __

2. A  B INEESRCTT __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

3. A COLNEEMMPT __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

4. A – B DRFFEEINCE __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

5.  ETMPY TSE __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Let’s recall some lessons on sets and set operations .

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
B. Two children were holding balloons. The balloons were named as letters. Let
“Me” be set M and “You” be set Y. List down the elements of the following
conditions using set operations. (The elements are the letters in the balloon held by
the two children)

1. M  Y = _________________________________________________
(All the balloons held by the two)
2. M  Y = _________________________________________________
(Same balloons held by the two)
3. M – Y = _________________________________________________
(Balloons held by Me but not by You)
4. Y – M = _________________________________________________
(Balloons held by You but not by Me)

Lesson 1:
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
• use Venn diagrams to represent sets, subsets and set

What’s New

Social media usage is one of the
most popular online activities. In 2019,
an estimated 2.95 billion people were
using the social media worldwide.
According to “We Are Social’s
Global Digital Report 2019, there are 76
million active Filipino social media users
– 71% of the entire population.

They spend an average of 4 hours a day on different social media platforms.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, and

others have changed the way we live. From the way we get our news to the
way, we interact with our loved ones. It is everywhere, and it’s here to stay.
Supposed a group of friends was asked if they have Facebook or
Twitter account. The result of the survey is here: Those who have
Facebook account: Amy, Bea, Dan, Ema, Fe, Gem, Han, Jay
Twitter account: Ces, Dan, Ema, Gem, Icy, Jay

What is It

Let’s analyze:
1. What is the estimated number of people in the world who were using social
2. How does social media change our way of life?
3. Do you agree that social media nowadays is a necessity?
4. Can you draw a diagram illustrating the result of the survey?
5. From the group of friends, how many have both Facebook and Twitter? Name
6. How many of them have Facebook account only? Name them.
7. How many of them are using Twitter only? Name them.
8. How many students were surveyed?

Sets and subsets may be illustrated using a diagram called Venn Diagrams. It
shows the relationship between sets.

Venn Diagrams were created by John

Venn, an English logician, and philosopher, in
1880, though they were not called Venn
diagrams until Clarence Lewis called them that
in his book, published in 1918.

A Venn diagram consists of a rectangle

with circles inside. The rectangle represents the
universal set, and the circles inside represent
the different subsets in the universal set. The
letter name of the set is written beside it.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics
Venn diagrams are very useful in showing the relationship between sets. A
Venn diagram consists of a rectangle representing the universal set and a circle or
circles inside the rectangle, which represent the set or sets being considered in the
discussion. It is understood that the elements in the set are inside the circle that
represents the set.

BA AB The shaded region

A and B are disjoint sets. represents A  B

The shaded region The shaded region The shaded region

represents A  B represents (A  B) represents (A  B)

Illustrative Example:
The following is the list of students in a group (U). They were asked for their
favourite subject: Math or Science. Students who chose Math were in set M and
those whose favourite is Science were in set S.

A Venn diagram was illustrated to show the relationship between the two sets.
U = {Ana, Ben, Carl, Dory, Eva, Faye, Gary,
Hanah, Ivy, Joy}
M = {Ben, Dory, Faye, Gary, Joy}
S = {Ana, Ben, Gary, Hanah, Ivy}

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Notice that Carl and Eva are outside the circles that represent sets M and S. This
means that both names are not elements of M or S.
a. Use Venn diagram to represent the following:
1. M  S 4. M 7. (M  S)
2. M  S 5. S 8. M  S
3. M – S 6. (M  S)

1. M  S = { Ana, Ben, Dory, Faye, Gary, 2. M  S = {Ben, Gary}

Hanah, Ivy, Joy}

3. M – S = {Dory, Faye, Joy} 4. M = {Ana, Hanah, Ivy, Carl, Eva}

5. S = {Carl, Eva, Dory, Faye, Joy} 6. (M  S) = {Carl, Eva, Dory, Faye, Joy,
Ana, Hanah, Ivy}

7. (M  S) = {Carl, Eva} 8. M  S = {Carl, Eva}

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

What’s More

 Activity 1: Animals According to What They Eat

Animals fall into three distinct groups based upon what they
eat. This is a natural way too often group animals. Plant eaters
are herbivores, meat-eaters are carnivores, and animals that eat
both plants and animals are omnivores. The following are a list of
animals that are grouped according to what they eat.

Animals that eat plants only (H): deer, cow, elephant, rabbit, horse
Animals that eat meat only (C): eagle, snake, lion, tiger, crocodile
Animals that eat both plants and animals: bear, raccoon, chicken, pig, human

Use a Venn diagram to illustrate the relationship between the groups of animals.

 Activity 2: Subject Matters!

The following are the list of subjects taken in Junior High School.
U = {English, Math, Science, Filipino, AP, MAPEH, EsP, HE,
Vocational, Research}
A = {English, Science, MAPEH, AP, Math}
B = {EsP, Filipino, HE, Math, AP}
C = {Math, MAPEH, EsP, HE, Research}

1. Illustrate the relationship of the

three sets using Venn diagram.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

2. Use Venn diagram shade in the sets (part of circles) to illustrate the following:’

1. A  B  C 2. B  C

3. A  C 4. A  B

5. A 6. B

7. C 8. A  B  C

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

 Activity 3: COVID-19 or FLU

COVID-19 and flu can cause similar symptoms. However, there

are several differences between them. Both COVID-19 and the flu are
respiratory illnesses that spread from person to person.
The novel strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causes
coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). People with COVID-19 have had
a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to
severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2 -14 days after exposure to the
virus. The common symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, chills,
fever, muscle pain and sore throat.
Influenza (also known as “flu”) is a contagious respiratory illness
caused by influenza viruses. People who have the flu will typically
experience symptoms within 1 – 4 days. It can cause mild to severe
illness, and at times can lead to death. The common symptoms are
fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain, headaches and

1. Compare the symptoms of COVID-19 and Flu using Venn diagram.

2. Are there any symptoms common to both COVID-19 and flu?

3. What are the symptoms common in COVID-19 but not in Flu?

4. What are the symptoms common in Flu but not in COVID-19?

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Lesson 2:
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
• solve problems involving sets using Venn diagrams

What’s New

A group of high school students were surveyed whether they

have Facebook or Twitter account. Here is the result of the survey:
237 have Facebook account
120 have Twitter account
57 have both Facebook and Twitter accounts.

What is It
1. From the group of high school students, how many of them have both
Facebook and Twitter accounts?
2. From the number of students who has Facebook account, how many of them
have Facebook account but have no Twitter? How did you get your answer?
3. From the number of students who has Twitter account, how many of them
have Twitter account but have no Facebook? How did you get your answer?
4. How many students were surveyed? Explain how you arrived with your

Using Venn diagram, draw 2 overlapping circles and name them:

F for Facebook and T for Twitter

Begin filling out the Venn diagram with the number of

students that have both accounts.

• Always start filling values in the Venn diagram from

the innermost value.

Account for 57 of the 237 who have Facebook account,

leaving 180 students who have Facebook account but no
180 have Facebook account only

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Account for 57 of the 120 who have Twitter account,

leaving 63 students who have Twitter account but no
63 have Twitter account only

There are 180 + 57 + 63 = 300 students have Facebook or

Twitter accounts.

Alternate solution, 237 + 120 – 57 = 300

• 57 is the overlapping part of the circle, the 57 students were counted both in
Facebook and Twitter

Illustrative Example 1:
Out of 250 students, 62 are members of the Mathematics Club, 170 are
members of Science Club and 40 are in both clubs.
a. How many students are members of the Mathematics Club only?
b. How many students are members of the Science Club only?
c. How many students are members of Math or Science Club?
d. How many students not a member of either clubs?
Using Venn diagram, there are 2 overlapping circles: M for Math Club and S
for Science Club

Begin filling out the Venn diagram with the number of

members of both clubs.
There are 40 students who are in both clubs.

Account for 40 of the 62 Math Club members, leaving

22 students who are members of the Math Club but are not
members of the Science Club.

Account for 40 of the 170 Science Club members,

leaving 130 students who are members of the Science Club
but are not members of the Math Club.

a) There are 22 students who are Mathematics Club members only.

b) There are 130 students who are Science Club members only.
c) 22 + 40 + 130 = 192
There are 192 students who are members of Math Club or Science Club.
The resulting Venn diagram shows that a total of 192 students are members
of Math Club or Science Club leaving 58 (250–192 = 58) students unaccounted.
d) There are 58 students who are not members of Math Club or Science Club.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Illustrative Example 2:
MOBA games or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena is a hugely popular genre
In a group of youngsters,
65 play Mobile Legends (M)
45 play Clash of Clans (C)
42 play Lords Mobile (L)
20 play Mobile Legends and Clash of Clans
25 play Mobile Legends and Lords Mobile
15 play Clash of Clans and Lords Mobile and
8 play all the three games.
Find the total number of youngsters in the group if each youngster in the
group plays at least one game.


From the given information, 8 play all the

three games which is the intersection of
the three sets (circles) in the Venn

20 play Mobile Legends and Clash of Clans

No. of elements of M and C but not L:
20 – 8 = 12

25 play Mobile Legends and Lords Mobile

No. of elements of M and L but not C:
25 – 8 = 17

15 play Clash of Clans and Lords Mobile

No. of elements of C and L but not M:
15 – 8 = 7
65 play Mobile Legends
No. of elements of M only:
65 – 12 – 8 – 17 = 28

45 play Clash of Clans

No. of elements of C only:
45 – 12 – 8 – 7 = 18

42 play Lords Mobile

No. of elements of L only:
42 – 8 – 7 – 17 = 10
Total number of youngsters in the group: 28 + 12 + 18 + 17 + 8 + 7 + 10 = 100
So, the total number of youngsters in the group is 100.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

What’s More

 Activity 1: Are You Technology Equipped?

The Venn diagram displays the result of

a survey of 100 families regarding available
technology in their home in preparation for the
distance learning recommendation by the
Department of Education to schools because
of COVID-19 pandemic.

1. How many families have computer at home? ________
2. How many have smart phones? ________
3. How many have tablet? ________
4. How many have all the three gadgets at home? ________
5. How many have no computer? ________
6. How many have none of these gadgets in their home? ________
7. How many have smartphones or computer at home? ________
8. How many have smartphones or tablet? ________
9. How many have smartphones and computer but no tablet at home? _____
10. How many have smartphones and tablet but no computer at home? _____

 Activity 2: Spaghetti or Burger

Among 60 kids in Barangay Masagana, 40 liked spaghetti while 36 liked

burger. There are 24 who liked both spaghetti and burger.
Use Venn diagram to illustrate the problem and answer the following

Always start filling values in the

Venn diagram from the
innermost value.

1. How many kids liked spaghetti only? ________
2. How many kids liked burger only? ________
3. How many kids both liked spaghetti and burger? ________
4. How many do not like spaghetti or burger? ________

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

 Activity 3: Foundation Day

The Manila North High School launches the “Search for Top Ten
Outstanding Alumni” in preparation for its 100th Year Founding Anniversary
Celebration. The organizers publicized its launch by posting a tarpaulin in front
of the school and through the school’s Facebook page.
336 alumni learnt about the launch by the posted tarpaulin
439 alumni got to know about it through the school’s Facebook page
225 alumni were aware of the launch through the posted tarpaulin and the
school’s Facebook page
1. Use Venn diagram to represent the situation

2. How many alumni came to know about the contest only through the
posted tarpaulin of the school?
3. Find the number of alumni who came to know about the contest only
through the school’s Facebook page?
4. How many alumni heard about the contest from the two sources?

What I Can Do

To illustrate Venn diagrams, colour each part of the set (circle) using the
indicated colour.

• Venn diagram with 2 overlapping circles:

Elements in both A and B (red)
Elements in A only (yellow)
Elements in B only (green)

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

• Venn diagram with 3 overlapping circles:

Elements in A only (blue)
Elements in B only (violet)
Elements in C only (green)
Elements in A and B but not C (orange)
Elements in A and C but not B (yellow)
Elements in B and C but not A (red)
Elements in A, B and C (no color)

What I Have Learned

Using Venn diagram, reflect on the traits you inherit from your Mother and
Father. The intersection means that the traits are both from your Parents. You may
list as many traits as you can.

Mother Father


Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer

1. Which of the following Venn diagram illustrates A  B  C?

A. B. C. D.

2. Which of the following Venn diagram illustrates A  B  C?

A. B. C. D.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

In the figure U = {m, n, p, t, w, x, y, z}

3. Find A  B  C.
A. {m, n, p, t, w, x, y, z}
B. {m, n, p, w, x, y, z}
C. {x, y, z}
D. {w}
4. Find A  B  C.
A. {w} B. {t} C. {m, n, p, w} D. {x, y, z}
5. What is A – B?
A. {n, w} B. {x, m} C. {m} D. {x, m, n, w}
The PE teacher asked his students
which sports they enjoy from Basketball,
Volleyball or Badminton.
The Venn diagram shows the result of
the survey.

6. How many students enjoy all three sports?

A. 5 B. 14 C. 17 D. 31
7. How many students enjoy Volleyball and Badminton?
A. 8 B. 18 C. 31 D. 36
8. How many students enjoy Basketball and Volleyball but not Badminton?
A. 9 B. 14 C. 23 D. 45
9. How many students enjoy Basketball or Badminton?
A. 55 B. 74 C. 79 D. 100
10. How many students enjoy Volleyball or Basketball?
A. 75 B. 76 C. 80 D. 85
11. Which of the sports is enjoyed by the most number of people?
A. Badminton B. Basketball C. Volleyball D. All of them
A group of 60 students were surveyed and it was found that each of the
students surveyed liked at least one of the 2 beverages: Milk tea and Float.
35 liked milk tea
33 liked float
17 liked both milk tea and float

12. How many students liked milk tea but not float?
A. 17 B. 18 C. 35 D. 52
13. Find the number of students who liked float only.
A. 16 B. 17 C. 33 D. 50
14. How many liked milk tea or float?
A. 34 B. 51 C. 68 D. 85
15. How many did not like any of the three drinks?
A. 9 B. 17 C. 33 D. 85

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Additional Activities

The given diagram shows how all the Grade 7 students of Manila North High
School go to school.

1. How many students ride in both car and jeep? ____________

2. How many students ride in both car and LRT? ____________
3. How many students ride in both jeep and LRT but not in car? ____________
4. How many students go to school in either car or jeep? ____________
5. How many students go to school in either car or jeep but not in LRT? __________
6. What is the total number of Grade 7 students in Manila North High School?

Have you visited some tourist spot in the Philippines? If
you’re going to choose, where to you want to go: BORACAY OR
Ask 10 of your friends where they want to go between
Boracay and Palawan.
List down their names and illustrate the result using a Venn
diagram. Make a short report about the result of the survey.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

Problem-Based Learning Worksheet

Solace in Silver Screens

People stay at home during the implementation of enhanced

community quarantine. They look for ways to relieve boredom and anxiety
caused by the Covid-19 situation. One of the activities people get into is
watching movies which can be done through several platforms such as cable
television and Netflix. Suppose 15 persons were interviewed online regarding
the means that they use for movie screening. The Venn diagram below
shows the result of the interview. A is the set of persons that use cable
television while B is the set of persons that use Netflix.


1. List the elements of A.

2. List the elements of B.
3. Find the union of A and B.
4. Find the intersection of A and B.
5. Find the complement of A.

Learning Module for Junior High School Mathematics

bitmoji application
Guerra, Gina and Francisco PhD., Flordeliza, Grade 7 Math Learning Guide
Oronce, Orlando and Mendorza, Marilyn (2019), e-math 7, Rex Bookstore,

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V
Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Remylinda T. Soriano
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID-LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C. Gillo
CID-LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg
Reviewers/Validators: Remylinda T. Soriano, EPS, Math
Angelita Z. Modesto, PSDS
George B. Borromeo, PSDS
Editor/s: Melody P. Rosales
Ma. Theresa G. Mallari
Maita G. Camilon
Writer: Jasmin M. Cañares
Illustrator: Jasmin M. Cañares


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