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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, October/November - 2020

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
PART –A (22 Marks)
1. a) Sketch the phase diagram for a soil and indicate the volumes and weights of the [3M]
phases on it. Define ‘Void ratio’, ‘Degree of saturation’, and ‘Water content’. What is
a unit phase diagram?
b) Draw a typical grain size distribution curves for different types of soils. [4M]
c) Define ‘‘Critical hydraulic gradient’’ and derive equation for it. [4M]
d) What do you understand by ‘Pressure bulb’? Illustrate with sketches. [4M]
e) State the assumptions made in Terzaghi’s theory of one-dimensional consolidation. [4M]
f) Differentiate between shear strength parameters obtained from total and effective [3M]
stress considerations.
PART –B (48 Marks)
2. a) Explain: i) Field compaction control ii) Method of compaction. [8M]
b) Write a detailed note on montmorillonite. [8M]
3. a) Define and explain: Liquid limit; Plastic limit; shrinkage limit; and Plasticity index. [8M]
Briefly describe the procedure to determine the Liquid Limit of a soil.
b) Describe in detail the Indian System of soil classification. When would you use dual [8M]
symbols for soils?

4. a) Describe clearly with a neat sketch how you will determine the coefficient of [8M]
permeability of a clay sample in the laboratory and derive the expression used to
compute the permeability coefficient. Mention the various precautions, you suggest, to
improve the reliability of the test results.
b) A uniform homogeneous sand deposit of specific gravity 2.60 and void ratio 0.65 [8M]
extends to a large depth. The ground water table is 2 m from G.L. Determine the
effective, neutral, and total stress at depths of 2 m and 6 m. Assume that the soil from
1 m to 2 m has capillary moisture leading to degree of saturation of 60%.
5. a) Write a brief critical note on ‘Newmark’s influence chart’. [8M]
b) A reinforced concrete water tank of size 6 m × 6 m and resting on ground surface [8M]
carries a uniformly distributed load of 200 kN/m2. Estimate the maximum vertical
pressure at a depth of 12 metres vertically below the centre of the base.

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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 1

6. a) Define ‘preconsolidation pressure’. In what ways in its determination important in soil [8M]
engineering practice? Describe a suitable procedure for determining the
preconsolidation pressure.
b) A stratum of clay 5 m thick is sandwiched between highly permeable sand strata. A [8M]
sample of this clay, 25 mm thick, experienced 50% of ultimate settlement in
12 minutes after the application of a certain pressure. How long will it take for a
building proposed to be constructed at this site, and which is expected to increase the
pressure to a value comparable to that applied in the laboratory test, to settle 50% of
the ultimate value?
7. a) Explain the Mohr-Coulomb strength envelope. What is the effect of pore pressure in [8M]
strength of soils?
b) Samples of compacted, clean, dry sand were tested in a shear box, 6 cm × 6 cm, and [8M]
the following:
observations were recorded:
Normal load (N): 100 200 300
Peak shear load (N): 90 180 270
Ultimate shear load (N): 75 150 225
Determine the angle of shearing resistance in (i) the dense state and in (ii) the loose


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