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Polish Journal of Microbiology

We are proud to inform our Readers that in 2012 the Polish Journal of Microbiology
(published up to 2004 under the title Acta Microbiologica Polonica) is celebrating
its first 60 years of continuous publication.

Polish Journal of Microbiology
formely Acta Microbiologica Polonica
2012, Vol. 61, No 2



Q Fever at the turn of the century

CHMIELEWSKI T., TYLEWSKA-WIERZBANOWSKA S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Synergy between novel antimicrobials and conventional antibiotics or bacteriocins
Wolska K.I., Grześ K., Kurek A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95


Virulence genes profiles and phylogenetic origin of Escherichia coli from acute and chronic intestinal diseases revealed by
comparative genomic hybridization microarray
Sobieszczańska B., Kasprzykowska U., Turniak M., Maciejewski H., Franiczek R., Duda-Madej A. . . . . . . . . . . 105
Isolation, characterization and phylogenetic analysis of halophilic archaea from a Salt Mine in Central Anatolia (Turkey)
YILDIZ E., OZCAN B., CALISKAN M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Antagonistic effects of Bacillus cereus strain B-02 on morphology, ultrastructure and cytophysiology of Botrytis cinerea
FENG-XIA LI, HUI-QUAN MA, JING LIU, CHAO ZHANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Ultrastructure of Candida albicans pleomorphic forms: phase-contrast microscopy, scanning and transmission
electron microscopy
Staniszewska M., Bondaryk M., Siennicka K., Kurzątkowski W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Modifications influencing Widal test reactivity in a novel microplate assay
Almogren A., Shakoor Z., Adam M.H., Gadelrab M.O., Musa H.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137


Susceptibility of Polish Bartonella henselae strains

Podsiadły E., Żabicka D., Demkow U., Hryniewicz W., Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
The relationship between H. pylori virulence genotypes and gastric diseases
Yun en Liu, Yue hua Gong, Li ping Sun, Qian Xu, Yuan Yuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Instruction for Authors

Submission of manuscripts:
Instructions for authors:
Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 81–93


Q Fever at the Turn of the Century


Laboratory of Rickettsiae, Chlamydiae and Enzotic Spirochetes,

National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw

Received 10 October 2011, accepted 5 May 2012


Q fever is an infectious zoonotic disease characterized by sudden fever, headache, and atypical pneumonia, caused by Coxiella burnetii
– an obligatory intracellular parasite. Based on phylogenetic analysis of the genes sequences, the classification was changed and C. bur­
netii species was included to the gamma subgroup of the proteobacteria, Legionellales order and Coxiellaceae family. This analysis showed
more than 99% sequence similarity of 16SrRNA gene among the strains isolated in different regions of the world. Q fever is a widespread
in the world zoonosis. Its main reservoir in the rural environment are farm animals: cows, sheep, goats, and urban pets such as dogs,
cats, rabbits. In acute infection these bacteria are detected in various internal organs such as lungs, liver, spleen, and in excretion in
urine, faeces and milk. During childbirth, they occur in large number in the amniotic fluid and placenta. Recently, it has been found
that free-living amoeba Acanthamoeba castellani may also be a reservoir of the pathogen. The intra-amoebal location of C. burnetii cells
was observed.

K e y w o r d s: Coxiella burnetii, Q fever, zoonosis

Introduction Classification of Coxiella burnetii

Q fever is an infectious zoonotic disease charac- Initially the microorganism was named Rickett­
terized by sudden fever, headache, and atypical pneu- sia burnetii, because of the characteristic features of
monia, caused by Coxiella burnetii – an obligatory all Rickettsia species. They are small Gram-negative
intracellular parasite. For the first time the disease was coccoid rods. They are absolute intracellular parasites
recognized in 1935 and described in 1937 by Derrick, and can be cultivated in laboratory animals, chicken
when he studied an unknown disease outbreak among embryos or cell lines. In vertebrates infection involves
abattoir workers in Brisbane,Australia (Derrick, 1937). reticulo-endothelial, vascular endothelial cells or eryth-
The predominant symptom was a fever of unknown rocytes. C. burnetii bacteria were found in the gut and
origin (called “query”). Isolation of etiologic agent haemolymph of ticks, suggesting that they are a natural
attempts failed, but transfer of infection to guinea pig vector as for other rickettsiae (Rehacek and Tarasevich,
was successful. For this reason, it was thought that the 1988). Currently, ticks are considered to be a reservoir
disease was caused by unknown viruses (Burnet and in the environment.
Freeman, 1937). Two years after the outbreak, bacte- In 1948 Philip proposed to create a new genus of
rial etiology was discovered by Burnet and Freeman Coxiella and classify the bacteria as a new species Coxi­
(Burnet and Freeman, 1938). They injected guinea ella burnetii (the name in honour of the discoverers
pigs with blood and urine of Derrick’s patients and – Cox and Burnet).
observed the presence of intracellular Gram-negative Until the 90s, this organism had been classified as
organisms morphologically similar to Rickettsia sp. in alpha subgroup of proteobacteria, order Rickettsiales,
stained spleen cells preparations. In 1938, Cox devel- and together with the genera Rickettsia and Rochal­
oped a method of culture in chicken embryos, which imea as Rickettsiaceae family. At the end of the nine-
allowed to isolate the bacterial strains and to investigate ties, a  small subunit of rRNA was sequenced and
them (Cox, 1941). determined for representative strains of six species of

*  Corresponding author: T. Chmielewski, Laboratory of Rickettsiae, Chlamydiae and Enzotic Spirochetes, National Institute of Public
Health – National Institute of Hygiene; Chocimska 24, 00-791 Warsaw, Poland; e-mail:
82 Chmielewski T. and Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S. 2

the family Rickettsiaceae: Rickettsia rickettsii (ATCC cells dominates during the four days of rapid growth
VR 891), Rickettsia prowazekii (strain Breinl), Rick­ phase (time between cell division of about 10 hours).
ettsia typhi (strain Wilmington), Coxiella burnetii Stationary phase begins approximately at 6 day after
(strain Q177), Ehrlichia risticii (ATCC VR 986), and infection. In this phase the process of the reappearance
Wolbachia persica (ATCC VR 331). The relationships of SCV also begins. Their number increase at 8 day
among these sequences and those of other eubacteria after infection.
(about 100 sequences of purple bacteria group) show It was estimated that among 675 of C. burnetii pro-
that three representatives of the genus Rickettsia form teins, a few dozen of them are involved in the process
a tight monophyletic cluster within the alpha subdivi- of sporulation. Measuring the intensiveness of proteins
sion of the purple bacteria. E. risticii also belongs to synthesis in SCV and LCV, it was established that the
the alpha subdivision and shows a distant relationship synthesis of 48 proteins increased twice or more dur-
to the genus Rickettsia. Sequencing DNA fragment of ing the formation of LCV. Fifteen of them have been
rRNA gene revealed that C. burnetii and W. persica are identified by mass spectrometry. They are respon-
members of the gamma subdivision and they show sible mostly for bacterial physiological activity. These
a  specific, although distant relationship to the genus activities include: transcription (N utilization protein
Legionella (Weisburg et al., 1989). This phylogenetic –  NusA), translation (ribosomal proteins RpsA and
study was based on one C. burnetii strain only. In the RplI and elongation factor EF-Tu), cell division (cell
next study, fragments of 16SrRNA gene (about 95%) division protein FtsZ), chromosome partitioning (seg-
from six strains were sequenced. Five of these strains regation and condensation protein ScpB and chromo-
were isolated from humans (strains: Q212, MEI1, ME5, some partitioning protein ParB), riboflavin biosynthesis
MAC12, ME6) and one from tick (Nine Mile). They (synthase RibH), and protein folding (60-kDa chaper-
represented different pathogenic characteristic and one GroEL and chaperone protein HtpG). Synthesis of
geographic origin (USA, Canada, France). Based on 6 other proteins increased in the SCV phase including
phylogenetic analysis of these genes sequences, the proteins involved in outer membrane stability TolB,
classification was changed and C. burnetii species was GTP binding protein (Era), cystathionine beta-lyase
included to the gamma subgroup of the proteobacte- (MetC). They are mainly involved in processes of cell
ria, Legionellales order and Coxiellaceae family. This resistance to environmental conditions (Coleman et al.,
analysis showed more than 99% sequence similarity of 2004; Coleman et al., 2007).
16SrRNA gene among the strains isolated in different The process of sporulation and the formation of
regions of the world. The result of the study has shown SCV, was observed in vivo with electron microscopy
the presence of one species only within the genus Coxi­ (Avakyan et al., 1983; McCaul et al., 1981; McCaul
ella (Stein et al. 1993). et al., 1994). C. burnetii presented pleomorphism with
occuring of both cell types. A spore-like formation was
Biology of Coxiella burnetii observed in large vegetative cells. The process began at
the polar regions of the LCV and appearing SCV were
Morphology identified by high density of core, membrane-like struc-
C. burnetii is a pleomorphic, Gram-negative small tures, peptidoglycan and trilaminar outer membrane
rod with a diameter of 0.2–0.4 µm wide and 0.4–1.0 µm (McCaul et al., 1994).
length. In life cycle, the bacteria occur in two forms: Decreased metabolic activity, condensed chromatin
the “large cell variant” (LCV) which are a vegetative and thick wall of SCV determine resistance to physi-
intracellular form and “small cell variant” (SCV), which cal and chemical factors. These features makes them
are spore-like forms. They are distinguished by mor- capable to live in the external environment. In this
phology of the cell and peptidoglycan content in the form the bacteria are able to survive for 30 days at the
cell wall. LCV reach 1 µm and are characterized by 4°C, and at 60°C for one hour. Their survival in milk at
irregular shape, loose nucleoid structure and granular 63°C for 30 minutes or 74°C for 15 seconds has been
or filamentous cytoplasm. The size of the SCV varies also observed. They are resistant to biocides such as
between 0.2 and 0.4 µm, and is characterized as a rod lysol 5%, formalin 5%, sodium hypochloride 0.5%,
shape with thick wall and highly condensed chromatin. sodium hydroxide 5% or ammonium chloride 10%
It has been observed by Coleman that transition (Babudieri, 1959; Scott and Williams, 1990). Capac-
from LCV to SCV occurs in host cells phagosomes ity of spore formation, determined the resistance to
in acidic environment conditions of pH = 4.8. This adverse environmental conditions. In nature, C. bur­
process has been monitored in cells in vitro. During netii bacteria can survive two years in animal feces,
the first two days of intracellular growth, transforma- six months in dried blood and a month in dried urine
tion of SCV to LCV takes place. The number of LCV (Kishimoto et al., 1979).
2 Q fever at the turn of the century 83

Cell wall of C. burnetii F-actin into the fibrillar form in macrophages, which
As Gram-negative bacteria, C. burnetii show a typi- leads to the formation of cytoplasmic pseudopodia
cal cell wall structure, characteristic for that group of surrounding bacterial cells (Honstettre et al., 2004).
microorganisms consisting of the cell wall with outer Both processes are stimulated by creation a complex
membrane. The wall contains the peptidoglycan layer with Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). Such complexes also
which is composed of N-acetylmuramic acid, N-acetyl- stimulate the production of IFN-γ and TNF cytokines
glucosamine, D-alanine, D-glutamic acid, and meso- which are essential in the early immune response to
diaminopimelic acid. The outer membrane includes the infection.
a  complex of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Amano and After successfully evading host defense mecha-
Williams, 1984). nisms, C. burnetii bacteria are able to inhibit apoptosis
Regardless of the morphological LCV and SCV to survive and to multiply inside the cells. C. burnetii
forms, C. burnetii demonstrate antigenic variation of infection affects the expression of multiple apoptosis-
LPS chemical composition, similar to that observed related genes and resulting in increased synthesis of the
in the Enterobacteriaceae family. These variations deter- antiapoptotic proteins such as A1/Bfl-1 (member of
mine the form of the bacterial cells in phase I or phase Bcl-2 family antiapoptotic proteins), c-IAP2 (inhibitors
II. Phase I is the natural form, occurring in infected of apoptosis protein family member – IAP), prosur-
animals and humans and is characterized by high vival kinases Akt and Erk1/2 (extracellular signal-reg-
infectivity. Phase II is not very infectious and occurs ulated kinases 1 and 2). C. burnetii infection of THP-1
in laboratory conditions after passages in cell lines or human macrophage-like cells caused increased levels of
chicken embryos. phosphorylated c-Jun, Hsp27, Jun N-terminal protein
The O-antigenic polysaccharide of phase I LPS is kinase, and p38 protein. This pathogen can interfere
composed of galactosaminuronyl-alpha-(1,6)-gluco­ with the intrinsic cell death pathway during infection
samine disaccharide and two other unique sugars: by producing proteins that either directly or indirectly
6-deoxy-3-C-methyl-gulose (virenose) and dihydroxys- prevent release of cytochrome c from mitochondria.
treptose 3-C-(hydroxymethyl)-lyxose (Amano et al., (Voth et al., 2007; Voth and Heinzen, 2009; Lührmann
1984; Schramek et al., 1985; Slabá et al., 2003). They and Roy, 2007). C. burnetii bacteria may inhibit the pro-
are located at the O-polysaccharide terminus and are cess of apoptosis in the host cells for at least 4 weeks
responsible for antigenic specificity. Attachment sites (Chmielewski and Tylewska-Wierzbanowska, 2011).
of phase I-specific sugars to the LPS II-core are: the This phenomen can permit bacteria to survive intra-
3-position of a branched heptose and, presumably, cellularly in the host and to develop chronic disease.
the 4-position of a terminal D-mannose (Mayer et al.,
1988). Additionally, it contains D-mannose, D-glucose Genome of C. burnetii
D-glyceromannoheptose, glucosamine, ethanolamine C. burnetii possesses a small chromosome of 5 Mbp
acid, 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulose and 9 other unidenti- in size, and one to five plasmids of 30–51 kbp, which
fied compounds also (Amano et al., 1984). contained about 2% of the genetic information. So far,
Phase II LPS is a reduced form and does not con- 2134 gene sequences have been identified. These genes
tain branched sugar chains. Reducing processes of the are involved in adhesion, invasion, intracellular traf-
LPS chain are regulated at the genome level. Dele- ficking, host modulation and other virulence-related
tions in the chromosomal DNA occur in the region functions. Among all detected gene sequences, 719
containing genes essential for process of LPS biosyn- (33.7%) have no homologues of gene sequences known
thesis, including genes of epimerase, dehydratase, in other bacteria and enclosed in genetic databases.
glycosyl transferases, or primary production virenose These hypothetical genes may be responsible for func-
C-methyltransferase gene. The composition of this tions important in the unique developmental cycle of
region also includes genes responsible for synthesis C. burnetii. Genome analysis has also revealed the pres-
pyruvate dehydrogenases and adenosyl sulfotransfer- ence of numerous mobile elements and pseudogenes
ases. These molecular changes appear during passages which are the dysfunctional relatives of genes that have
in cell lines or in chicken embryos (Hoover et al., 2002; lost their protein-coding ability. It indicates the ongo-
Denison et al., 2007). ing process of genome reduction (Seshadri et al., 2003).
Phase I LPS of C. burnetii cells is responsible for However, there is only one species within Coxiella
their virulence. It affects the phagocytosis process of genus, the diversity of clinical symptoms indicates
monocytes and macrophages. It stimulates αvβ3 integ- differences in the pathogenicity of isolated strains.
rin to transform it into an active form, allowing adhe- Recently their heterogeneity and association of partic-
sion of the pathogen to the surface of monocyte as the ular strains with acute disease were investigated with
first step of phagocytosis. It also causes conversion of molecular genotyping techniques.
84 Chmielewski T. and Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S. 2

In nineties of the XX century determination of plas- tinction of 20 groups of C. burnetii strains (Jäger et al.,
mid profiles allowed to distinguish five types of C. bur­ 1998). The first four groups correspond to previously
netii (types named as plasmids): QpH1, QpRS, QpDV, described genomic groups: I, IV, V and VI. This method
QpDG and plasmidless type. Initially, it made possible showed phylogenetic relatedness of bacteria occurring
to identify pathogenicity, since particular types were in the same parts of the world, but there was no cor-
observed among strains isolated from patients with relation between the different groups separated in the
acute or chronic Q fever. PFGE analysis and virulence. Pathogens isolated from
Subsequently restriction fragment length polymor- patients with acute or chronic Q fever have the same
phism (RFLP) analysis of chromosomal and plasmid restriction profile.
DNA distinguished six genomic groups (I to VI). These Sequencing of the whole genome of C. burnetii (strain
groups correlate well with plasmid profiles and they Nine Mile) in 2003, allowed the introduction of geno-
are points of reference for new molecular methods for typing this organism by MST (multispacer sequence
characterizing C. burnetii strains (Hendrix et al., 1991, typing). Selected region of 16/23S ribosomal DNA, is
Nguyen and Hirai, 1999) (Table I). used in the genotyping of many other bacteria. Based
Plasmids QpH1, in size of 36 kbp occur in strains on the sequencing of 10 different parts of the region,
of genomic groups I to III in one to three copies in among the 173 previously characterized strains, 34 gen­
the cell and are mainly associated with acute infec- o­types sequence types (ST) from ST1 to ST34 were
tion. Group  I includes strains: Nine Mile RSA 493, distinguished and divided into three phylogenetically
Australia QD RSA435, California 33 RSA329, Ohio homogeneous groups. This classification corresponds
314 RSA270, Dyer RSA345, group II includes Henzer- to the groups established by plasmid DNA analysis.
ling RSA331 and M44 RSA459, and group III includes The first group (containing the strains with the plas-
Idaho Goat Q195, Koka. Plasmid QpRS was detected mids QpRS and/or QpDV) includes types of ST1-ST10
in strains of group IV isolated from miscarrying goats and ST26, ST28, ST30, ST31. The second group (with
and from humans with endocarditis (MSU Goat Q177, plasmid QpH1) are the types: ST11-ST20, ST22, ST25,
Priscilla Q177, Canada Goat Q218, K Q154, P Q173, ST27, ST29, ST32, ST33. The third group include ST21
F Q228). Plasmid QpDV in size of 30 kbp, is also iso- only (QpH1 or plasmidless strains). In all groups, there
lated from patients with acute and chronic Q  fever are strains isolated in Europe, North America, Asia
(Valkova and Kazár, 1995). Plasmidless strains (Scurry and Africa. MST show that the same sequence types
Q217, Q229, G212, L Q216) belong to the V group and can occur in distant parts of the world. For example,
contain homo­logous to the QpRS sequences, located ST16 strains were isolated on four continents. It may be
in chromosomal DNA. Plasmid QpDG (42 kbp) is the proof of its spread with infected humans, animals
characteristic for the genomic group VI isolates, from and their products or ticks. This method has shown the
rodents and cattle (Dugway 7E22-57, Z257, Z3027) correlation between ST1, ST4, ST16, ST18 and acute
and from patients with both acute and chronic Q fever Q fever, and correlation between ST8 and chronic form
(Hendrix et al., 1991; Mallavia, 1991; Willems et al., of disease (Glazunowa et al. 2005).
1993). It was shown that this plasmid is almost identi-
cal with the plasmid QpH1 (Jäger et al., 2002). Analysis C. burnetii reservoir and mode of transmission
of genomic DNA with pulsed field gel electrophoresis Q fever is a widespread in the world zoonosis. Its
(PFGE) showed greater variation and allowed the dis- main reservoir in the rural environment are farm

Table I
C. burnetii genomic groups

Plasmid Profiling1 RFLP analysis2 PFGE3 MST4 MLVA5

5 plasmid profiles 6 genomic groups 20 restriction patterns 34 sequence types (ST) 22 panels
QpH1 I I ST11-ST20, ST22, ST25, ST27, ST29, ST32, ST33 1–2, 4–14
Plasmidless V V ST21 3
QpDV VII ND ST1-ST10 and ST26, ST28, ST30, ST31 17
QpRS IV IV 15–16, 18–22
QpDG VI VI – –
Not established – 1–16 – –
according to Willems, et al. 1993;   2 according to Hendrix, et al. 1991 and Beare et al. 2006;   3 according to Jäger, et al. 1998
according to Glazunova, et al. 2005;   5 according to Arriccau-Bouvery, et al. 2006 (genotyping in 1–22 panels);  6 not determined
2 Q fever at the turn of the century 85

animals: cows, sheep, goats, and urban pets such as vival of C. burnetii in the environment (La Scola and
dogs, cats, rabbits. In acute infection these bacteria Raoult, 2001) The bacteria spread in the environment
are detected in various internal organs such as lungs, after delivery by infected animals and they could be
liver, spleen, and in excretion in urine, faeces and ingested by soil amoebae. Then they can differentiate
milk. During childbirth, they occur in large number into a spore-like forms inside, and the infected amoebae
in the amniotic fluid and placenta. It was estimated can be transmitted with the wind. Q fever was observed
that one gram of placenta of infected animals may in areas distant for several kilometres from the farms
contain 109  C. burnetii bacteria, and one millilitre of with infected animals. These cases were the result of the
milk 103 bacterial cells (Babudieri, 1959). It has been C. burnetii carried with the dust by the mistral blowing
shown that 1–10 bacterial cells (Ormsbee et al., 1978) from infected areas (Tissot-Dupont et al., 1999; Tissot-
can cause Q fever in human. Dupont et al., 2004).
The environmental reservoir of C. burnetii are Human infection could occur through the inhala-
wild animals: mammals, birds, reptiles and also ticks. tion of infected amoebae as it has been described in
Antibodies and/or DNA of the pathogen was found the epidemiology of Legionella pneumophila – closely
in deer, mouflon, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, mice and related phylogenetically to C. burnetii (Greub and
rabbits (Barandika et al., 2007, McQuiston and Childs, Raoult, 2004). In addition these two pathogens have
2002, Ruiz-Fons et al. 2008, Dorko et al., 2009, Stein some other common features. Legionella can be cul-
and Raoult, 1999). Migratory birds may carry micro- tured in living protozoa (Rowbotham, 1983) and
organisms over long distances, even in areas previously C. burnetii is cultured in different eukaryotic cell lines
known as free of Q fever (Ionnou et al., 2009). C. bur­ (Gouriet et al., 2005). During infection of humans both
netii was also isolated from the liver and spleen of tur- of these pathogens multiply in alveolar macrophages
tles, snakes and lizards. Potential source of infection for inside a phagosome. L. pneumophila and C. burnetii are
the snakes are infected small rodents (Yadav and Sethi, the only two bacteria known today to utilize a type-
1979). Ticks are vital reservoir in natural environment. IVB secretion system for pathogenesis. This system play
C. burnetii bacteria were detected in more than 40 tick’s an important role in creating the specialized vacuole
species, mainly in those belonging to the genus Ixodes, that supports C. burnetii replication within the host
Rhipicephalus, Amblyomma, and Dermacentor. More- cell (Segal et al., 2005). All known intracellular species
over, ticks may play a role of a vector of Q fever. C. bur­ (including both pathogens) have common evolution-
netii bacteria have the ability to penetrate their digestive ary origin confirmed by detection of over 200 ortholog
tract and multiply in epithelial cells of the intestine and genes. Moreover, C. burnetii and L. pneumophila obvi-
in the midgut. Bacteria can be transmitted from feed- ously may exchange genes in the amoebas with other
ing tick with excreted feces which contaminate fur of bacteria (Gimenez et al., 2011).
animals. Next C. burnetii is transmitted to healthy indi- Implication of ability to intracellular existence in
viduals with a dust or aerosol. Tick’s participation in free living amoebas, may be transmission of the Q fever
the epidemiological process in many cases is limited agent by air conditioning as it has been observed in
to the passive spread of the pathogen in the environ- Legionella infections. This etiology should be analyzed
ment and is not a necessary link in the epidemical chain if atypical pneumonia appears among patients exposed
(Maurin and Raoult, 1999; Rehacek and Tarasevich, to such system. For the first time the role of air con-
1988). All these data indicate that C. burnetii has no ditioning as a potential source of a Q fever was estab-
specific reservoir in the environment, and that they can lished in 2005 in Israel. Infection was detected among
provide all vertebrates. 322 students and employees eating in dining room of
Recently, it has been found that free-living pro- local urban school (Amitai et al., 2010).
tozoa amoeba Acanthamoeba castellani may also be The route of infection can determine clinical symp-
a  reservoir of the pathogen. This is a cosmopolitan toms of Q fever (Marrie et al., 1996). The main route
protozoan occurring in fresh water, damp soil and of C. burnetii transmission from animals to humans is
air. The intra-amoebal location of C. burnetii cells was the inhalation of contaminated aerosols. Less impor-
observed by microscopy. After 3  days of cultivation, tant is oral route of infection. Consumption of raw milk
bacteria were found in vacuoles within the amoebae and its products but also tobacco smoking, have been
in a large cell variant form. Bacteria were not found reported as a risk factor of disease (Fishbein and Raoult,
free in cytoplasm. Viable bacteria were seen for 18 days 1992; Hatchette et al., 2001).
and after that time some of them appeared as spore- Transmission among humans through sexual con­-
like forms demonstrating the ability of C. burnetii to tacts has been described (Kruszewska et al., 1996;
undergo differentiation process within amoebae. These Tylewska-Wierzbanowska et al., 1996). This route of
results indicate that free-living amoebae could be an infection was also confirmed experimentally in mice.
intracellular niche for the spore formation and sur- From intraperitoneal infected male mice, spermatozoa
86 Chmielewski T. and Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S. 2

were isolated and examined with electron microscopy. 2008; Fournier et al., 2001). Pericarditis is manifested
C. burnetii formed agglomerations of spermatozoa with as a pain in the chest. It is often not recognized due
bacteria attached to their heads and leukocytes. Infec- to similar symptoms accompanying atypical pneumo-
tion was transmitted by sexual contact from infected nia (Levy et al., 1999, Bautista-Hernandez et al., 2004).
male mice to uninfected female mice. This was con- In 5–21% of patients can also be observed macular or
firmed by humoral response to the antigens of both papular rash on the skin (Maurin and Raoult, 1999).
phases (Kruszewska and Tylewska-Wierzbanowska, Chronic Q fever occurs in less than 1% of cases. It is
1991; 1993). These findings suggested hypothesis of the developed months or years after infection, and affects
sexual transmission of Q fever in artificially inseminated mainly patients with the mitral or aortic valve defects,
cattle. Such hypothesis was confirmed by examination with vascular diseases or immune defect. Myocarditis
of serum and semen samples from bulls suspected to (60–70%) and vascular infections (about 9%) are the
be infected with C. burnetii. Among seropositive bulls, most common manifestation in the chronic form of dis-
viable bacteria have been detected in semen with indi- ease (Botelho-Nevers et al., 2007, Maurin and Raoult,
rect immunofluorescence assay and strains of C. bur­ 1999; Varma et al., 1980). Clinical forms range from
netii have been isolated (Kruszewska and Tylewska- asymptomatic to congestive heart failure with mortal-
Wierzbanowska, 1997). ity of about 30–40% (Fennolar et al., 2006; Karakousis
Other than sexual transmission from man to man et al., 2006). Death rate has decreased to 5% over the
may occur sporadically. Such infections have been past 10 years due to better diagnosis and the introduc-
described during autopsy from necropsy material, by tion of treatment with several antibiotics simultane-
blood transfusion and after contact with infected par- ously (Raoult et al., 1999).
turient woman (Maurin and Raoult, 1999; Rehacek and The second most common form of chronic Q fever
Tarasevich, 1988) are vascular infections of large blood vessels. Serious
sequels occur in patients with aortic aneurysm or vas-
Clinical course of disease cular grafts. Infection with C. burnetii may lead to
Q fever shows a wide range of acute and chronic massive hemorrhage from the wall of the aneurysm or
manifestations. The incubation time is 1–3  weeks. from the anastomosis. Mortality among these patients
About 60% of infected persons are asymptomatic. The reaches 25% (Botelho-Nevers et al., 2007; Ellis et al.,
others have a non-specific influenza-like illness with 1983; Sessa et al., 2005).
fever, headache, sweats, non productive cough, myal- Rare manifestations involve liver, osteoarticular and
gias and arthralgias in acute phase of infection. Most respiratory systems. Chronic hepatitis has been reported
of them develop atypical pneumonia confirmed with mainly as a concomitant symptom with chronic myo-
the chest radiograph and/or hepatitis. In patients with carditis (Westlake et al., 1987). In some individuals it
hepatitis, the liver biopsy reveals diffuse granuloma- may be the only manifestation of chronic Q fever and
tous changes, and blood testing shows high levels of can be confirmed by detection of high levels of anti­
alkaline phosphatase and transaminases. About 5% of bodies to phase I antigen (Yebra et al., 1988).
infected patients required hospitalization due to respi- Osteoarthritis is diagnosed mainly in children.
ratory distress or hepatitis (Tissot Dupont et al., 1992; Inflammation of the hip joint, lumbar sopondylitis,
Maurin and Raoult 1999). Infection of the central and discitis and osteomyelitis have been reported (Cot-
peripheral nervous system is reported as a rare feature talorda et al., 1995; Ortolá et al., 1992; Raoult et al.,
and manifests as a meningitis, meningoencephalitis, 1989). Bronchial tumors may occur in respiratory sys-
Guillain-Barre syndrome. The majority of patients tem as a result of long-lasting pneumonia. Cumulation
present with severe headache, confusion, psychiatric of monocytes in the alveolar closes bronchioles lumen.
disturbances, peripheral neuropathies and neurologi- This mechanism has been observed in the histopatho-
cal deficits. Cranial nerve palsy and blurred vision is logical examination of pulmonary tissue (Janigan and
observed less frequently. Small pleocytosis and elevated Marrie, 1983).
protein levels are detected in cerebrospinal fluid in There are a few data on the consequences of Q fever
approximately 30% of these patients (Bernit et al., 2002; during pregnancy. In untreated women is associated
Kofteridis et al., 2004, Ong et al. 2010). Rare manifes- with high fetal mortality. Normal outcome and a healthy
tations of acute Q  fever affect cardiovascular system child at delivery had only 18.9% of monitored untreated
(myocarditis and pericarditis) and skin. Myocarditis women. So far congenital teratogenic defects in chil-
is usually asymptomatic and is detected only in the dren of untreated mothers have not been observed.
electrocardiogram (T wave inversion, ST elevation). It Infection with C. burnetii can cause premature delivery
can be accompanied by arrhythmia, tachycardia and (44.7% of cases), abortion (26% of cases), intrauterine
hypoxemia leading to severe cardio-vascular disorders fetal death intrauterine growth retardation. C. burnetii
in some cases (Chevalier et al., 1997; Vogiatzis et al., penetration of the placenta and fetus infection in utero
2 Q fever at the turn of the century 87

are well documented. The bacteria colonize and mul- ofloxacin. Mortality decreased to about 5%, however,
tiply in the uterus, placenta and mammary glands. It proportion of relapses was still high (64%). This pro-
leads to placenta insufficiency following vasculitis and portion dropped to 14% after the 18 months treat-
thrombosis (Stein and Raoult, 1998). ment with doxycycline (2 × 100 mg) and chloroquine
Infection during pregnancy is associated with (3 × 200 mg). This scheme is currently recommended
higher risk of developing chronic form of the disease in the treatment of chronic Q fever. In clinical cases, in
and spontaneous abortions in the future. Q fever can which of chloroquine is contraindicated, doxycycline
also be activated during the next pregnancy, and there- (2 × 100 mg) with ofloxacin (3 × 200 mg) for at least
fore patients require regular monitoring and long-term 3 years is administered (Fennolar et al., 2006; Maurin
cotrimoxazole therapy (Carpocino et al., 2009; Raoult and Raoult, 1999)
et al., 2002). It has been proved that a late sequel of
acute Q fever may be chronic fatigue syndrome also Sensitivity of C. burnetii to antibiotics
(Ayres et al., 1996). Antibiotic sensitivity has been studied in animal
Q fever is uncommon in children. The main clinical models, chicken embryos and cell lines (Baca and
symptoms are pneumonia with pleural effusion, men- Yeaman, 1991; Raoult, 1991; Spicer et al., 1981). Animal
ingitis, rarely hepatitis (with elevated transaminases) models were used for testing sensitivity to antibiotics in
and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Fever is ascertained acute infection only.
in all infected ones and it lasts for 10 days. About half In these studies resistance to streptomycin treatment
of affected children complain of headache, abdominal to infected guinea pigs has been proved. In in vitro stud-
pain, nausea, and fatigue (Maltezou et al., 2004). ies, the antibiotics influence on the growth of C. bur­
netii in chicken embryos was examined. Extension of
Treatment of Q fever survival time was revealed in infected embryos after
Treatment of acute Q fever should be started administration of antibiotics. It was found that rifam-
within the first 3 days of diseases. The drugs of choice picin, doxycycline, oxytetracycline and trimethoprim
are tetracycline (4 × 500 mg), primarily doxycycline are effective but their use has shown a bacteriostatic
(2 × 100 mg), administered for 14 days. An alternative effect against C. burnetii infection only. Tested strains
for tetracyclines are fluoroquinolones (3 × 200 mg) demonstrated also the resistance to penicillin, amino-
for 14–21 days, or pefloxacin (400 mg) administered glycoside, erythromycin, clindamycin and cephalotin
14–2 days (Raoult, 1993; Maurin and Raoult, 1999). (Spicer et al., 1981).
Fluoroquinolones alkalinizes the phagolysosomes of With the development of cell lines culture tech-
infected host cells and could be used in patients with niques it was possible to use them to determine sen-
Q  fever meningoencephalitis considering their good sitivity of the bacteria to antibiotics. The study was
penetration to cerebrospinal fluid. Effective treatment conducted in line L-929 (mouse fibroblasts) freshly
were also observed after macrolides applications. Clini- (few days) and chronically (over 100 days) infected
cal studies have shown that erythromycin administered with different strains of C. burnetii. Antibiotics labeled
in doses of 500 mg every 6 hours for 10 days, is effective. with isotopes were added to infected cultures and their
Comparing duration of treatment with erythromycin, accumulation in bacterial cells was measured (Baca and
clarithromycin, roxithromycine or β-lactam antibiot- Yeaman, 1991). It was shown, that in vitro C. burnetii
ics with doxycycline, normalization of body tempera- strains isolated from chronic Q fever patients, exhibit
ture was longer on the average of one day in groups significant differences in reaction to tetracycline, rifam-
of patients treated with clarithromycin (2 × 500 mg), picin and fluoroquinolones. Priscilla strain, has been
erythromycin (3 × 500 mg) and roxithromycin, and by shown a significant resistance to these antibiotics, com-
nearly 3 days longer in patients receiving β-lactams paring to the “S” isolate which was much more sensitive
(Gikas et al., 2001) in chronically infected cells (300 days). The “S” strain
Chronic Q fever (myocarditis) requires a long treat- was significantly more resistant to doxycycline and cip-
ment with tetracycline (months and years) and is one rofloxacin compared to the acute Q fever-implicated
of the longest duration of antibiotic therapy in bacterial Nine Mile strain. Their sensitivity to antibiotics was
diseases. Often the treatment leads to failure or relapse found to be moderate in fresh infected (22 days) cell
(Ellis et al., 1983). Combined treatment, including tet- culture. It suggests that C. burnetii isolates, which may
racycline with lincomycin, co-trimoxazole with tetra­ be responsible for the clearly different Q fever symp-
cycline or rifampicin with tetracycline (Tobin et al., toms exhibit a spectrum of antibiotic sensitivity ranging
1982, Varma et al., 1980) does not give the expected from very sensitive acute-implicate Nine Mile strain, to
results. Despite the use of them for several years C. bur­ moderately susceptible chronic-implicated “S” isolate,
netii was isolated from valves. Good therapeutic results and to moderately resistant chronic-implicated Priscilla
were obtained using a combination of doxycycline with isolate (Yeaman and Baca, 1990).
88 Chmielewski T. and Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S. 2

It has been demonstrated that bacteriostatic activity ber of goats tripled and replaced cattle and sheep as
of doxycycline, could be changed into bactericidal, by the main source of human C. burnetii infections. Hun-
the adding of amantadine or chloroquine to the fresh dreds of serologically confirmed human cases of acute
infected cell line. They raised the pH of infected cells Q  fever have occurred and chronic disease as endo-
and improve the efficiency of doxycycline (Maurin and carditis were also observed (Serbezov et al. 1999).
Raoult, 1999; Raoult et al., 1999). Since 2007 in the Netherlands the largest Q-fever epi-
The machanisms of antibiotic resistance are poorly demic ever reported has been lasting up today. During
characterized. Genome-based studies have shown that 2007–10 over 4,000 human cases have been recorded,
the main mechanism of C. burnetii resistance to fluo- with 14 deaths. The main reason of the epidemic is the
roquinolones is based on mutations in genomic qui- increase in the intensity of goat breeding. The number
nolone-resistance-determining region (QRDR). About of those animals has quadrupled since 1995 to more
15 bacterial proteins are involved in these cellular pro- than 350 thousand. Geographically, farms are located
cesses (Vranakis et al., 2011). The best known mecha- often close together. Transport of goats between them
nism is that caused by nucleotide mutation in DNA through densely populated areas facilitating spread of
gyrase encoding genes (gyrA and gyrB) and topoisom- C. burnetii in environment. Genetic typing with VNTR
erase IV genes (in subunits: parC and parE), leading to (variable-number tandem repeat analysis) has shown
an amino acid substitution (Vranakis et al., 2010). that animals and humans are infected by a single sub-
type suggesting its better propagation than others.
Q fever in Europe Additionally, animal vaccination is not effective. These
In Europe for the first time Q fever was detected are the probable reasons of the spread of the epidemic
in Greece during the World War II. C. burnetii strain (Speelman, 2010; Tillburg et al., 2012).
was isolated in guinea pig injected with the blood The proximity of large numbers of people not
of a patient infected during an outbreak in Athens in related to livestock production in contact with infected
1943. The disease resembling influenza, has been named animals is another cause of large outbreaks. Such two
by Germans a “Balkan Grippe”. In the years 1944 and foci occurred in Germany in 2003 and 2005. In the
1945 epidemics of Q fever occurred among U.S. troops first one, 299 patients were registered. The source were
stationed in Italy and at Corsica. After World War II, infected sheep sold in the local market visited by large
an endemic +area of Q fever in Europe represented number of customers. In the second one (331 patients),
Portugal, Spain, southern France, Italy, Switzerland, infected sheep were grazed a few dozen meters away
southern Germany, Slovakia, Great Britain, the Balkans from housing developments (Gilsdorf et al., 2008;
and the southern part of the USSR. In central Europe Porten et al., 2006).
the source of infection for humans mainly were cattle
and sheep, and in southern Europe goats (Rehacek et al., Q fever in Poland
1988). Until the eighties of the 20th century Q  fever Two sources of the outbreaks have been observed
was reported as a local outbreaks or sporadic cases in Poland: the import of infected animals or their
(Marrie et al., 1988; Marrie et al., 1986; Meiklejohn products and natural domestic foci (Anusz, 1995,
et al., 1981; Salmon et al., 1982; Spelman, 1982; Tissot Anusz et al., 1996, Chrzanowski et al. 1960). In 1956
Dupont et al., 1992). the first outbreak of Q fever was recorded in Owczary
At the turn of the centuries, besides local foci, major near Gorlice (south-eastern Poland). In April and May
outbreaks with large number of infection cases have 63  persons were affected and among tested 35 cases
occurred (Lyytikäinen et al., 1998; Panaiotov et al., 2009; were confirmed with serology. Epidemiological investi-
Dupuis et al., 1987; King et al., 2011; Carrieri et al., gations revealed that the source of infection was a sheep
2002). This phenomen is related to change sin animal flock imported from Romania (Lutyński, 1956). Tested
farm organization and their structure. Because of the wool samples from these animals were the source of
great demand for goat milk products, the number of the secondary outbreaks in laboratory of Zootechnical
herds of these animals has increased. Intensive breeding Institute in Kraków (20 cases) and National Institute
and transport of goats between farms favor the spread of Hygiene in Warsaw (17 cases). In 1962 Q fever in
of infection among these animals. The cause of the the furrier factory was reported. Twenty six persons
pathogen spread among humans is the use of goat feces were infected, and the source of infection were skins
as a natural fertilizer close to the towns and transport from American sheep (Gawron and Wagner, 1962). In
the animals through the densely populated urban areas 1985 Q fever outbreak occurred in Olsztyn region in the
(Enserink et al., 2010). factory of leather industry. Five persons were hospital-
For the first time, that process was observed in ized in this outbreak. (Stempień et al., 1985). In 1992
Bulgaria in nineties of the twentieth century. Greater Q fever was recognized among 18 workers of a tannery
demand for goat milk products, caused that the num- in Malopolska voivodship (southern Poland). Antibod-
2 Q fever at the turn of the century 89

ies to C. burnetii were detected in all 18 individuals who sons (27 tested). It was found that C. burnetii infection
had been in contact with fells imported from Mongolia spread among cattle and these animals were the source
(Tylewska-Wierzbanowska et al., 1996). These fells were of infection for humans (Tylewska-Wierzbanowska
contaminated with infected ticks et al., 1996).
From 1956 until 2005 several domestic outbreaks of The source in those epidemics was unclear. There
Q fever were described (Anusz et al., 1986; Mikołajczyk was no any import of animals at that time. The only
et al., 1986; Tylewska-Wierzbanowska et al., 1993; 1996). probable source of infection could be imported bull
In 1983 an epidemic of Q fever among humans semen contaminated with C. burnetii bacteria. Outbreak
and animals was recognized near Zamość (Lubelskie invastigation confirmed transmission of Q fever by arti-
voivodship in eastern Poland). More than one thousand ficially insemination of cattle (Kruszewska et al., 1997).
people showed high levels of antibodies and C. burnetii In 1993 several cases of Q fever were observed
strains were isolated from human as well as cow pla- among people living in various regions of the coun-
centas. Epidemiological investigations did not detect try. Epidemiological investigations revealed that the
the source of infection and there was no any import of infected patients were seasonal workers employed dur-
animals or their products to this region (Mikołajczyk ing the shearing time in Spain. Specific serum antibod-
et al., 1986). In 1985 the focus of Q fever was found in ies reached the titer 512 and C. burnetii strains were
the Bialowieza primeval forest (eastern Poland) among isolated from the urine and semen of 2 patients. At the
bisons, cattle and sheep. (Anusz et al., 1991b). A sero- same time symptoms of the disease and increased lev-
logical survey in small mammals revealed the presence els of specific serum antibodies were detected in their
of specific antibodies in mice, rats, shrews, field-voles wives who remained in Poland and had no any con-
in the Olsztyn region in north-eastern Poland (Anusz tact with the animals. Transmission among humans
et al., 1991a). C. burnetii caused outbreaks in 1985 and through sexual contact was confirmed. Since the other
1986 in two farms in olsztyńskie voivodship. In one of family members have not shown infectious symptoms,
them, among 686 person examined for the presence sexual transmission was postulated (Kruszewska et al.,
of C. burnetii antibodies, 11% were seropositive. Spe- 1996; Tylewska-Wierzbanowska et al., 1996).
cific antibodies were also found in 19% of tested cattle. MST analysis of C. burnetii strains isolated in Poland
Rodents were not infected. These results suggested between the sixties and the eighties of the 20th century,
the existence of a natural C. burnetii reservoir (Anusz showed that all of them represent ST18 (sequence type),
et al. 1986). Circulation of the pathogen in the envi- although MLVA typing showed their genotypic het-
ronment was first confirmed in 1989 by isolation of erogeneity. Strain isolated in 1956 from sheep belongs
C. burnetii from the tick Ixodes ricinus found in this to unique MST pattern ST16 which have never been
focus (Anusz et al., 1996). recognized later in Poland (Chmielewski et. al., 2009).
From 1973 to 1991 a serological survey of Q fever It suggests that this imported strain was effectively
among cattle and sheep has been performed in Wielko­ eliminated due to sanitary procedures applied. This
polska voivodship (western Poland). From 1973 to 1985 particular strain did not spread later on Polish terri-
over 28 thousands blood samples derived from cattle tory, even though it is known that C. burnetii strains
and sheep have been tested. All were seronegative. In with ST16 profile occur in Europe (Romania, Ger-
1986 the first seropositive cattle were found (5.5%) and many and France) as well as on other continents. It has
in the next year the percentage increased to 16.3%. In been established, that ST18 and ST16 types appear in
1988 serum antibodies to C. burnetii were detected strains isolated from patients with acute form of the
in 25.9% cattle. At the same time sheep living in the disease and they have never been present in strains
neighborhood were free of infection. In the consecutive isolated from chronic Q fever cases. There is a wide
years, the percentage of seropositive animals decreased variety of isolated strains in countries neighboring
and in 1991 was only 3.2%. In this time, a serologi- with Poland. In Germany there are at least six sequence
cal survey was performed among individuals who had types, and in Slovak Republic at least three (Arricau-
professional contact with the animals. In southern Bouvery et al., 2006).
Wielkopolska, among 4214 persons tested, 34.4% were From 2005 to 2010, five Q fever outbreaks have been
seropositive. From 1988 to 1991, in the central part of recognized in southern Poland. Over sixty human cases
this region, antibodies to C. burnetii have been detected have been reported. These outbreaks demonstrate that
in 22.7% of 6396 people tested. In the next years, the the source of infection for humans are infected cattle (in
percentage fluctuated from 16.6 to 34.7% (Tylewska- press). In 2007 epidemiological study was carried out
Wierzbanowska et al. 1991; 1993) in Poland to determine prevalence of C. burnetii anti-
In 1992 an outbreak of Q fever was detected at bodies in the 48 herds of goats located in different parts
a farm in Dolnoslaskie voivodship (southern Poland). of the country. The survey did not revealed antibodies
The disease was recognized serologically in 25 per- to C. burnetii in tested animals (Czopowicz et al., 2010).
90 Chmielewski T. and Tylewska-Wierzbanowska S. 2

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Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 95–104


Synergy Between Novel Antimicrobials

and Conventional Antibiotics or Bacteriocins

Krystyna I. Wolska*, Katarzyna Grześ and Anna Kurek

Department of Bacterial Genetics, Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology,

University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Received 9 November 2011, revised 7 April 2012, accepted 7 May 2012


Due to the alarming spread of resistance to classic antimicrobial agents, innovative therapeutic methods to combat antibiotic-resistant
bacterial pathogens are urgently required. This minireview examines the enhancement of antibiotic efficacy by their combination with
new antimicrobials, such as plant-derived compounds, metal ions and nanoparticles and bacteriophage lytic enzymes. The mechanisms of
the observed synergy are also described. The promising results of basic research indicate that in future, combined therapy may be applied
in human and veterinary medicine, agriculture and the food industry to combat bacterial pathogens.

K e y w o r d s:  antibiotics, bacteriophages, nanoparticles, plant compounds, synergy

Introduction larly Staphylococcus aureus (Parson and Rock, 2011).

Potential antibacterial treatments include the use of
The extensive use of antibiotics has led to growing anti­microbial peptides, antivirulence strategies and
resistance and the spread of many bacterial pathogens, therapeutic antibodies (Fernebro, 2011), as well as plant-
which now constitutes a serious medical problem. derived compounds, metal nanoparticles and bacterio-
For this reason, the number of studies aimed at devel- phage lytic enzymes.
oping new analogs of known antibiotics, e.g. oxazoli­ Plant-derived compounds, metal nanoparticles and
dinones, glycopeptides, quinolones, aminoglycosides, bacteriophage lysins, which are the subject of this
tetracyclines and ketolides (Theuretzbacher, 2011), review, may be considered new antimicrobials due to
and at identifying novel antibacterial therapeutics and their proven and substantial antibacterial effect, which
strategies, is growing exponentially. Positive valida- is, however, weaker than that of common antibiotics
tion of new antimicrobial agents is often connected produced by bacteria and fungi (Hemaiswarya et al.,
with the discovery of novel targets. To illustrate this 2008). In the last decade, the first steps in elucidating
point, the so-called switch region of bacterial RNA the mechanisms of antibacterial activity and the cel-
polymerase, that does not overlap the rifamycin bind- lular targets of plant-derived compounds have been
ing site, has been confirmed as the target of mycopyro- made, with phenolics, and especially flavones, being
nin, corallopyronin, ripostatin and lipiarmycin – anti- the subject of the majority of studies. Flavones cause
biotics which are not cross-resistant with rifamycins disruption of the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane and
(Srivastava et al., 2011). It was also recently postu- inhibit energy metabolism (Tsuchiya and Iinuma, 2000;
lated that NF-κB (nuclear transcription factor-κB), Plaper et al., 2003). These compounds can also attenu-
which is crucial for the cellular response to stress ate the pathogenicity of various bacteria by their ability
and inflammation caused by e.g. microbial infection, to inhibit quorum-sensing signal receptors, sortase and
could represent a target for antimicrobial and antiviral urease activity, listeriolysin O, coagulase and α-toxin
therapies (Vitiello et al., 2012). In addition, there is cur- secretion, and by neutralizing bacterial toxins (for
rent controversy over whether fatty acid biosynthesis review see Cushnie and Lamb, 2011). There have also
pathways may constitute a novel promising target for been a considerable number of reports describing the
antibiotics to control bacterial pathogens, particu- antibacterial effect of another group of plant-derived

*  Corresponding author: K.I. Wolska, Department of Bacterial Genetics, Institute of Microbiology, University of Warsaw, Mieczni­
kowa 1, 02-096 Warsaw, Poland; phone: (+48) 22 55 41 402; fax: (+48) 22 55 41 402; e-mail:
96 K.I. Wolska et al. 2

compounds, the terpenes, but only a few discuss the The compounds listed above display antibacterial
molecular basis of their antibacterial activity (for review activity when used alone, but there is also the possi-
see Kurek et al., 2011; Wolska et al., 2010). For example, bility of using them in combination with conventional
pentacyclic triterpenoids can inhibit insoluble glycan antibiotics in order to improve their efficacy. Com-
synthesis by Streptococcus mutans (Kozai et al., 1999) bination therapy, i.e. the simultaneous treatment of
and peptidoglycan metabolism in Listeria monocyto­ infections with more than one drug, may constitute
genes (Kurek et al., 2010), and also influence Escherichia an efficient strategy to combat antibacterial resistance.
coli gene expression and biofilm formation (Ren et al., This minireview summarizes current data on the syner-
2005; Grudniak et al., 2011). It was also shown that gistic activity of antibiotics in combination with plant-
diterpenoids have potent anti-biofilm activity against derived compounds, metal ions and nanoparticles, and
staphylococci (Walencka et al., 2007). In addition, the bacteriophage lytic enzymes. The examples of synergy
sesquiterpene farnesol was found to inhibit S. aureus between novel antimicrobials and antibiotics / bacterio-
growth by affecting the mevalonate pathway of isopren- cins are also listed in Table I. The determination of syn-
oid synthesis (Kaneko et al., 2011). ergy between two compounds is based on calculation
Metal ions and nanoparticles, especially silver com- of the FICI (fractional inhibitory concentration index),
pounds, constitute another group of potent antimicro- where a value of ≤ 0.5 indicates a synergistic interaction
bials that have already been applied in medicine and (EUCAST, 2000). The possible mechanisms underlying
pharmacology (Chopra, 2007; Li et al., 2006; Monteiro these interactions are described in a separate chapter.
et al., 2009). They are used as antibacterial surface coat-
ings on medical devices, such as venous and urinary
catheters, implants and megaprostheses (Hamill et al., Synergy between plant-derived compounds
2007; Hardes et al., 2010). Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and antibiotics or bacteriocins
display remarkable antimicrobial activity against Pseu­
domonas aeruginosa, E. coli and Enterobacter cloacae, There have been a substantial number of reports
being more active against Gram-negative than against on synergistic antibacterial activity between various
Gram-positive bacteria (Im et al., 2011). Metal ions purified plant-derived compounds and plant oils, and
and nanoparticles are safer in vitro and have a greater antibiotics (mainly β-lactams) against Staphylococcus
antibacterial effect when stabilized by various polymer aureus including (MRSA). The most relevant findings
surfactants (Lin et al., 2012). Silver nanoparticles can from these studies will be presented in chronological
disrupt bacterial membranes (Singh et al., 2008), cause order. Brehm-Stecher and Johnson (2003) observed
membrane lipid peroxidation (Neal, 2008), alter gene that treatment with low concentrations of the sesqui-
expression (Lok et al., 2006), and when inside the cell, terpenoids nerolidol, bisabolol and apritone enhanced
they may also damage DNA and impair the respiratory bacterial susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, clindamycin,
chain and cell division (Rai et al., 2009). erythromycin, gentamicin, tetracycline and vancomy-
The lytic enzymes of bacteriophages may also be cin. Synergism was demonstrated between ampicillin
considered as novel antimicrobials. Bacteriophage the­ and ethanolic extracts from 10 Indian medicinal plants,
rapy to treat bacterial infections has been well studied, including Camelia sinensis (Chinese tea), that are rich
but the extensive literature on this subject will not be in alkaloids, glycosides, flavanoids, phenols and sapo-
considered here (for review see Chibani-Chennoufi nins (Aqil et al., 2005), and quinic acid gallates from
et al., 2004; Górski et al., 2009). An alternative to whole Caesalpina spinosa could intensify the susceptibility of
phage particles is the application of phage lysins: MRSA to oxacillin (Kondo et al., 2006). Grande et al.
enzymes that are active against Gram-positive bacte- (2007) found that the antimicrobial activity of bac-
ria. It was shown that the lytic enzyme PhyPH is active teriocin produced by Enterococcus faecalis, enterocin
against Bacillus anthracis strains (Yoong et al., 2006), AS-48, against S. aureus was potentiated when applied
and the S. aureus bacteriophage ϕMR11 lysin, desig- in combination with phenolic compounds such as car-
nated MV-L, can inhibit a number of S. aureus strains, vacrol. Synergy was demonstrated between the diter-
including those that are methicillin-resistant (MRSA) penoids salvipisone and aethiopinone, and antibiotics
or vancomycin-intermediate (VISA) (Rashel et al., from the β-lactam, glycopeptide and oxazolidinone
2007). Using a mouse model, Grandgigard and cowork- groups (Walencka et al., 2007). Nascimento et al. (2007)
ers (2008) demonstrated that the recombinant phage observed synergistic activity between ampicillin and
lysine Clp-1 may be useful in therapy for pneumococcal the Brazilian plant Eremanthus erythropappus oil and
meningitis, and Nelson et al. (2001) found that the lysin β-bisakolene. The hop (Humulus lupulus)-derived com-
isolated from a virulent C1 phage, specific for group C pounds, lupulone and xanthohumol, showed synergy
streptococci, can prevent and eliminate upper respira- with tobramycin and ciprofloxacin (Natarajan et al.,
tory tract colonization by group A streptococci. 2008). A synergistic effect of kaempferol glycosides
2 Antibiotics and novel antimicrobials 97

Table I
Examples of synergy between novel antimicrobials and antibiotics/bacteriocins

Novel antimicrobial Antibiotic/bacteriocin Bacterial species Reference

Plant compound
Thymol Nisin L. monocytogenes Ettayebi et al., 2000
EGCg Ampicillin + sulbactam MRSA Hu et al., 2001
EGCg Penicillin S. aureus Zhao et al., 2002
Baicalein β-lactams, tetracycline MRSA Fujita et al., 2005
7-methyljuglone Isoniazid M. tuberculosis Bapela et al., 2006
Carnosol Aminoglycosides VRE Horiuchi et al., 2007
Asiatic acid, corosolic acid Tobramycin P. aeruginosa Garo et al., 2007
Ellagic acid, tannic acid Novobiocin A. baumanii Chusri et al., 2009
Kaempferol glycosides Fluorochinolones MRSA Liu et al., 2009
Galangin Cefazidime PRSA Eumkeb et al., 2010
Oleanolic acid Rifampicin M. tuberculosis Ge et al., 2010
Betulic acid Methicillin, vancomycin S. aureus Chung et al., 2011
Oleanolic acid, ursolic acid Ampicillin, oxacillin S. aureus, S. epidermidis Kurek et al., 2012
Ag+ and AgNPs
Ag+ Vancomycin, amoxicillin, penicillin G S. aureus Shahverdi et al., 2007
AgNPs Polymyxin B Gram– bacteria Ruden et al., 2009
AgNPs Ampicillin Gram+ bacteria Fayaz et al., 2010
Bacteriophages lytic enzymes
Cpl -1 Cefotaxime, moxifloxacin S. pneumoniae Rogríguez-Cerrato et al., 2007
LysK Lysostaphin MRSA Becker et al., 2008
ClyS Oxacillin, vancomycin MRSA Daniel et al., 2010
LysH5 Nizin S. aureus Garcia et al., 2010

purified from Laurus nobilis and fluorochinolones on sides against vancomycin-resistant enterococci – VRE
MRSA was shown by Liu et al. (2009), while the efficacy (Horiuchi et al., 2007). Garo et al. (2007) showed that
of galangin, a flavanol isolated from Alpinia officina­ treatment with asiatic acid and corosolic acid enhanced
rum, administered with ceftazidime, against penicillin- the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bioilms
resistant S. aureus (PRSA) was demonstrated by Eum- to tobramycin. Alcoholic extracts from 15 traditio­
keb and coworkers (2010). In a study of the synergistic nal Indian medicinal plants exhibited synergy with
antimicrobial activity of pentacyclic triterpenoids (e.g. tetracycline and ciprofloxacin to inhibit the growth
betulinic acid) combined with methicillin or vancomy- of ESbetaL (extended spectrum beta-lactamase)-pro-
cin, it was found that various combinations of these ducing E. coli and Shigella (Ahmad and Aqil, 2007).
compounds could reduce their minimal inhibitory con- The combination of kaempferol with clindamycin or
centrations (MICs) by 0.05–50% (Chung et al., 2011). quercetin produced a  large synergistic effect against
Two other pentacyclic triterpenoids, oleanolic acid and antibiotic-resistant Propionibacterium acnes (Lim et al.,
ursolic acid, have recently been shown to act synergis- 2007). Studies by a Chinese group have confirmed the
tically with ampicillin and oxacillin against S. aureus synergistic activity between a herbal medicine iso-
and Staphylococcus epidermidis grown in solution or as lated from Ramulus cinnamoni and tetracycline, gen-
biofilms (Kurek et al., 2012). tamicin and streptomycin against nosocomical anti­-
In the last decade, there have been an appreciable biotic-resistant strains of P. aeruginosa (Liu et al., 2007).
number of reports describing synergy between plant Using transmission electron microscopy, Sivarooban
compounds and antibiotics against bacteria outside et al. (2008) observed cell damage in L. monocytogenes
the genus Staphylococcus. The antibacterial effect of caused by a combination of nisin with either a grape
nisin Z against Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644 seed or a  green tea extract rich in phenolic consti­
and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 33712 was found to be tuents. Combination with gerianol isolated from Heli­
greatly enhanced by a subinhibitory concentration chrysum italicum, a member of the sunflower family,
of thymol (Ettayebi et al., 2000), and the diterpenoid significantly increased the efficacy of β-lactams, quino-
carnosol reduced the MICs of various aminoglyco- lones and chloramphenicol towards multidrug resistant
98 K.I. Wolska et al. 2

Enterobacter aerogenes, E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Aci­ molecule lactoferrin and the rare sugar-alcohol xylitol,
netobacter baumanii (Lorenzi et al., 2009). The antibac- reduced biofilm viability more effectively than standard
terial activity of novobiocin was shown to be enhanced silver hydrogel.
by the plant phenolics ellagic and tannic acids, which So far there have been no reports of the direct syn-
increased its effectiveness against multi-drug resistant ergistic activity of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and
A. baumanii (Chusri et al., 2009). A crude leaf extract antibiotics. Gu et al. (2003) found that AuNP-vanco-
of Helichrysum pedunculatum enhanced the activity of mycin conjugates can act as a potent inhibitor of VRE
eight antibiotics from various groups against bacteria and E. coli. It has also been demonstrated that AuNPs
implicated in wound infections (Aiyegoro et al., 2010). function as useful carriers for ciprofloxacin and other
Mulyaningsih et al. (2010) elucidated the synergistic fluoroquinolones (Tom et al., 2004). In the case of
properties of two terpenoids from the essential oil E. coli, the AuNP conjugate showed greater antibacte-
of Eucalyptus globulus, aromadendrene and 1,8-cin- rial activity than free ciprofloxacin (Rosemary et al.,
eole, against VRE. A notable study by Ge et al. (2010) 2006). However, Burygin et al. (2009) found no differ-
described synergistic in vitro interactions between olea- ence between the antibacterial activity of a gentamicin
nolic acid and isoniazid, rifampicin or ethambutanol conjugate with AuNPs and the free antibiotic. A single
against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The potent syner- report has described the synergistic interaction between
gism of ciprofloxacin with extracts of medicinal plants, copper and an antibiotic – erythromycin (Sultana et al.,
e.g. Angelica sinensis and Melissa officinalis, against 2005). Synergism was observed between this antibiotic
Enterobacteriaceae and P. aeruginosa has also recently and several other trace elements besides copper (e.g.
been reported (Garvey et al., 2011). cobalt, nickel, chromium), against both Gram-negative
and Gram-positive bacteria. Synergistic antimicrobial
effects between metal ions and compounds other than
Synergistic activity between metal ions antibiotics have also been reported, the most well docu-
or nanoparticles and antibiotics or bacteriocins mented of which is enhancement of the antimicrobial
activity of pomegranate extracts against clinical isolates
The majority of reports on the interaction between of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa by combination with
antibiotics and various forms of metals describe the cupric sulfate (Gould et al., 2009 a, b).
effects of silver ions and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs).
In an early study, Modak and Fox (1985) identified syn-
ergism between silver sulfadazine and piperacillin (an Antibiotics or bacteriocins
extended-spectrum penicillin antibiotic), both in vitro and bacteriophage lytic enzymes
and in vivo. The antimicrobial activities of various anti-
biotics in the presence of Ag+ ions have since been stud- There have been several recent reports describ-
ied more systematically and the greatest enhancing effect ing interactions between bacteriophage-encoded lytic
was observed for vancomycin, amoxicillin and penicillin enzymes and classic antibiotics or bacteriocins. A syn-
G against S. aureus rather than E. coli (Shahverdi et al., ergistic effect with penicillin and gentamicin was
2007). In contrast, the synergistic activity between sil- observed for lytic enzyme Cpl-1 encoded by Streptococ­
ver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and ampicillin, gentamicin, cus pneumoniae lytic phage Cp-1 and also for another
kanamycin, streptomycin and vancomycin was subse- endolysin, Pal, encoded by S. pneumoniae lytic phage
quently shown to be greater against E. coli and P. aeru­ Dp-1 (López and García, 2004), against several pen-
ginosa than against S. aureus (Birla et al., 2009). It was icillin-resistant and -sensitive S. pneumoniae strains
also confirmed that silver nanoparticles can enhance (Loeffler and Fischetti, 2003; Djurkovic et al., 2005).
the antibacterial activity of chloramphenicol, being an In vitro interactions between Cpl-1 and Pal with cefo-
active carrier of this antibiotic (Patil et al., 2009). It has taxime and moxifloxacin against antibiotic-susceptible
yet to be determined whether nanoparticles pre-bound and antibiotic-resistant S. pneumoniae have also been
to an antibiotic produce a greater antimicrobial effect studied. Synergistic activity was confirmed for the
than simultaneous addition of silver and the antibiotic combination of Cpl-1 and cefotaxime or moxifloxacin
(Durán et al., 2010). A number of studies have shown and the effect was strain-dependent. It is noteworthy
that silver can act synergistically with compounds that greater synergy was observed for the combina-
other than antibiotics. The activity of AgNPs against an tion of these antibiotics with LytA, which is the major
E. coli biofilm was increased by the lipopeptide biosur- pneumococcal autolysin (Rodríguez-Cerrato et al.,
factant V9T14 (Rivardo et al., 2010), and synergy with 2007). The combined effect of nisin and two S. aureus
chitosan against S. aureus has also been reported (Potara lytic phages, φ35 and φ88, was assessed, and a syner-
et al., 2011). Ammons et al. (2011) recently showed that gistic effect was observed in short-term experiments.
a  silver wound dressing combined with the immune However nisin adaptation and reciprocal resistance to
2 Antibiotics and novel antimicrobials 99

both phages have prevented the practical application of ficult to dissect because plant extracts contain many
this combined therapy (Martínez et al., 2008). Another minor agents that may influence the combined effect. In
two endolysins, LysK, produced by staphylococcal spite of this, many synergistic activities between phyto-
bacteriophage K (O’Flaherty et al., 2005) and the anti- pharmaceuticals have been demonstrated, and in some
staphylococcal bacteriocin, lysostaphin, synthesized by cases the mechanism of this effect has been elucidated
Staphylococcus simulans (Dajcs et al., 2000), exhibited (Wagner and Ulrich-Merzenich, 2009).
synergy in killing MRSA (Becker et al., 2008). Recently, The synergistic antimicrobial effect of an antibiotic
a  novel chimeric lysin, ClyS, was engineered by fus- combined with another agent requires interaction of the
ing the N-terminal catalytic domain of S. aureus Twort latter compound with the bacterial resistance mecha-
phage lysin with the C-terminal cell-wall targeting nism. The first details of the molecular basis of synergis-
domain of the phage φNM3 lysin. The chimeric pro- tic interaction between some plant-derived compounds
tein displayed synergistic interactions with both van- and various classes of antibiotics have recently been
comycin and oxacillin in vitro and its combination with revealed. The ability of novel therapeutics to inhibit
oxacillin could prevent septic death in MRSA-infected lactam- or ester-cleaving enzymes can result in synergy
mice (Daniel et al., 2010). with β-lactams. EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate) inhib-
its penicillinase activity, thus restoring the effectiveness
of penicillin against S. aureus (Zhao et al., 2002) and
Molecular basis of synergistic activities potentiating the effect of ampicillin and sulbactam
against MRSA (Hu et al., 2001). The synergy between
Three categories of combination therapy can be galangin and methicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, cloxa-
distinguished (Fischbach, 2011). The most common cillin, penicillin G and cefazidime against S. aureus was
strategy utilizes the combination of drugs which inhibit found to be based on the marked inhibitory activity of
different pathways within bacterial cells. An example of galangin against penicillinase and β-lactamase (Eumkeb
such a strategy is treatment of Mycobacterium tubercu­ et al., 2010). The two antimicrobials in a combination
losis infections with four drugs: 1) isoniazid, an inhibi- may affect the same cellular target. For example, EGCg
tor of fatty acid synthesis, 2) rifampicin, an inhibitor administered with a β-lactam antibiotic could inhibit
of RNA polymerase, 3) ethambutanol, an inhibitor of peptidoglycan synthesis (Yam et al., 1998; Zhao et al.,
arabinose transferases involved in cell wall biosynthesis, 2001). Subsequently, Fujita et al. (2005) demonstrated
and 4) pyrozinamide, with an as yet unknown mecha- that the flavone baicalein exhibits remarkable synergy
nism of action (Ginsberg and Spigelman, 2007). The with β-lactam antibiotics against MRSA, possibly by
second strategy is based on the inhibition of different inhibiting the activity of PBP 2a or by affecting pepti-
targets in the same pathway. The inhibition of folic doglycan structure, and Kuroda et al. (2007) demon-
acid synthesis by a combination of sulfamethoxazole, strated that the sesquiterpene farnesol inhibits recycling
an inhibitor of dihydropteroate synthetase, and trime- of the C55 carrier of the murein monomer precursor,
thoprim, inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase, is based on thus contributing to increased bacterial susceptibility to
this strategy (Wormster et al., 1982). The third strategy β-lactams. Several plant compounds appear to inhibit
requires inhibition of the same target in different ways, defined targets in the bacterial cell. The flavanol myric-
e.g. the application of streptogramin and virginamycin, etin was found to suppress DnaB helicase activity and
which both inhibit the peptidyl transferase center on glycosylated flavones could inhibit topoisomerase IV,
the 50S ribosomal subunit (Tu et al., 2005). It should be so these compounds have the potential to act synergis-
noted that such a combined antimicrobial effect is uti- tically with particular antibiotics (Hemaiswarya et al.,
lized in nature by antibiotic producers to compete effec- 2008). Another mechanism of synergy is by increasing
tively with other species (Ohnishi et al., 2008). Instead the intracellular antibiotic concentration, which may be
of two antibiotics, combination therapy can utilize achieved by overcoming cellular barriers that prevent
antibiotics with their “sensitizers”: molecules that make antibiotics from penetrating the cell or by blocking bac-
the co-applied antibiotic more effective by inhibiting terial efflux pumps that extrude such agents from the
enzymes responsible for antibiotic resistance or those cell. The majority of reports have described the effect of
that metabolize the drug. For example, diazabicyclooc- plant compounds on bacterial efflux pumps. The indole
tanes (DBOs) are novel class A and class C β-lactamase alkaloid reserpine, a modulator of multidrug pumps
inhibitors that are more potent than current commer- enhanced tetracycline activity against MRSA contain-
cially available inhibitors (Coleman, 2011). Similarly, ing the tetK determinant (Gibbons and Udo, 2000), and
the synergistic antibacterial activity between various baicalein inhibited TetK-dependent efflux of tetracy-
plant-derived compounds increases the effectiveness of cline (Fujita et al., 2005). Certain plant-derived com-
herbal extracts in comparison with the isolated single pounds, e.g. EGCg, have been shown to act as bacterial
constituents. In phytotherapy, this synergy is more dif- efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs) and are able to restore
100 K.I. Wolska et al. 2

the antibacterial effect of ineffective antibiotics such as when inside the cell. It has also been established that
ciprofloxacin, preferentially against Gram-positive, but AuNPs are a very useful tool for drug delivery and serve
also against Gram-negative species (Stavri et al., 2007). as a stable and non-toxic platform for pharmaceuti-
N-caffeoylphenalkylamide derivatives were found to act cals, enhancing their stability and improving targeting
as EPIs in S. aureus, especially in strains overexpressing (Pissuwan et al., 2010).
the multidrug efflux transporter NorA (Michalet et al., The aforementioned synergy between two peptido-
2007). Chusri et al. (2009) suggested that ellagic and glycan hydrolases, endolysin LysK and lysostaphin, may
tannic acids act as efflux pump inhibitors in A. bauma­ be due to the fact that LysK has two lytic domain (endo-
nii. It was recently demonstrated that the aforemen- peptidase and amidase) and thus is able to enhance
tioned synergism between medicinal plant extracts the lytic potential of lysostaphin, which has single
and ciprofloxacin is the result of inhibition of the efflux lytic domain (Becker et al., 2008). García et al. (2010)
pump in Gram-negative bacteria (Garvey et al., 2011). reported synergy between phage endolysin LysH5,
Another recent study showed that caffeoylquinic acids which is active against a wide range of staphylococci
from Artemisia absinthium preferentially bind to Major (Obeso et al. 2008), and nisin in killing S. aureus in
Facilitator Super Family efflux systems, which are key pasteurized milk. The MICs of nisin and LysH5 were
multidrug resistance determinants in Gram-positive diminished by 64- and 16-fold, respectively. It was
bacteria (Fiamegos et al., 2011). Plant-derived com- postulated that LysH5 activity might be increased by
pounds may also be involved in the transformation the permeabilization of the cytoplasmic membrane by
of a non-active antimicrobial into its active form. The nisin, as was previously documented for the endolysin
naphthoquinone 7-methyljuglone was able to potenti- Lys44 (Nascimento et al., 2008).
ate the effect of antituberculous drugs against extra-
cellular and intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
possibly due to the elevated synthesis of superoxide, Conclusion
which catalyzes the transformation of isoniazid into its
active form (Bapela et al., 2006). A recent attempt to The number and variety of novel antimicrobials
elucidate the mechanism of synergy between oleanolic which show synergy with classic antibiotics and bac-
and ursolic acids and ampicillin failed to produce an terio­cins is substantial. Many of these compounds
unequivocal answer. However, the inactivation of ampi- have already been used as an alternative to conven-
cillin target, the PBPs (penicillin binding proteins), the tional treatments in medicine and agriculture. How-
inhibition of β-lactamase translocation and increased ever, their widespread application is restricted, mainly
β-lactam transport mediated by these compounds, were because their mechanisms of action have not been fully
all excluded (Kurek et al., 2012). characterized and their effect on eukaryotes has yet
There have been few studies on the molecular basis to be established. The problem of antibiotic resistance
of synergy between antibiotics and metal nanoparticles among bacteria has received much coverage in the
or bacteriophage lytic enzymes. It has been claimed that literature (Fernebro, 2011; Defoirdt et al., 2011). The
the synergism between nanoparticles and antibiotics or proven synergistic activities of novel antimicrobials
bacteriocins is based on the ability of the latter to help with well known antibiotics provides some hope that
nanoparticles reach their cellular targets. Synergistic the latter may still be of use to treat diseases caused by
activity between silver nanoparticles and membrane- antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Due to their narrow action
permeabilizing antimicrobial peptides, such as the lipo- spectrum and toxicity, bacteriocins were replaced by
peptide polymyxin B has been reported (Ruden et al., antibiotics in clinical use and are now extensively used
2009). Polymyxin B is a cyclic polycationic lipopeptide in food preservation (Riley and Wertz, 2002; Falagas
that disrupts the outer membranes of Gram-negative and Kasiakou, 2005). Bacteriocin-resistance may be
bacteria by interacting with lipid  A (Schindler and countered by the use of these compounds in combina-
Osborn, 1979), and it was postulated that such anti- tion with novel antimicrobials. Such a strategy might
microbial peptides allow nanoparticles to gain access restore the potential of bacteriocin (e.g. nisin) to elim-
to their internal target site. Fayaz et al. (2010) showed inate pathogenic bacteria, like S. aureus, from food.
that AgNPs can act synergistically with several antibiot- Currently, novel antimicrobials cannot replace antibiot-
ics, preferentially against Gram-negative bacteria, and ics, but they may become valuable antibiotic comple-
the greatest effect was observed with ampicillin. These ments. In order to exploit these new antimicrobials
authors proposed a model in which AgNPs associate effectively in synergistic combination therapy, it will
with ampicillin, these complexes interact with the bac- be necessary to determine the optimal ratio and dosing
terial cell wall and subsequently inhibit the formation regimen, and to fully characterize the mechanisms of
of peptidoglycan cross-links, leading to cell wall lysis. their activities by employing genomic, proteomic and
In addition, the AgNPs may prevent DNA unwinding metabolomic technologies.
2 Antibiotics and novel antimicrobials 101

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Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 105–110


Virulence Genes Profiles and Phylogenetic Origin

of Escherichia coli from Acute and Chronic Intestinal Diseases Revealed
by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Microarray

Beata Sobieszczańska1*, Urszula Kasprzykowska1, Michał Turniak1,

Henryk Maciejewski2, Roman Franiczek1 and Anna Duda-Madej1

University of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, Wrocław, Poland


Wrocław University of Technology, Institute of Computer Engineering, Control and Robotics, Wrocław, Poland

Received 25 November 2011, revised 5 April 2012, accepted 7 May 2012


The association between Escherichia coli virulence factors and chronic intestinal disorders is mostly unknown. The presented study com-
pared the distribution of virulence genes and phylogroups among E. coli isolated from chronic intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease
and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with strains isolated from patients with acute diarrhea as a control group. The presence of 159 virulence
genes corresponding to known E. coli pathotypes was determined among 78 E. coli archive strains isolated from IBS, acute diarrhea and
Crohn’s disease using CGH microarray. E. coli isolated from IBS demonstrated a mosaic of virulence genes specific to enteropathogenic,
enterotoxigenic, enterohemorrhagic E. coli strains and Shigella species. In contrast, virulence factors and phylogroups distribution among
E. coli isolated from children with acute diarrhea was similar to extraintestinal E. coli strains that probably acquired some virulence genes.
The acquisition of virulence genes might have an impact on diarrheagenic potential of these strains. On the other hand, E. coli isolated
from children with Crohn’s disease seem to be similar to adherent-invasive E. coli strains (AIEC), as it lack most known virulence genes.
The presented study showed that these analyzed groups of E. coli strains differed from each other with the respect to the distribution of
virulence genes. The differences in gene content support the idea that the participation of E. coli in chronic intestinal diseases is mostly
related to virulence potential of these strains.

K e y w o r d s: E. coli, DNA microarray, virulence genes

Introduction Crohn’s disease, next to ulcerative colitis, is one

of the feature of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of
There are many E. coli pathotypes responsible for unknown etiopathogenesis (Moyer, 2005; Abdel-Hady
gastrointestinal diseases in humans. Most of these and Bunn, 2004). Recently, the association of adherent-
pathotypes possess specific virulence factors determin- invasive E. coli strains (AIEC) with Crohn’s disease has
ing the pathomechanism of the infection, but not neces- been demonstrated. AIEC have been isolated from
sarily influencing the course of the disease. Enteropatho- more than 36% of adult patients with Crohn’s disease
genic E. coli (EPEC) produce intimin responsible for and from only 6% of healthy individuals (Rolhion
specific histopathological lesions of intestinal microvilli and Darfeuille-Michaud, 2007; Darfeuille-Michaud
that results in watery diarrhea, whereas enterotoxigenic et al., 2004). Therefore it is not known whether AIEC
E. coli (ETEC) secrete heat-stable and/or heat-labile can cause intestinal disease only among genetically or
enterotoxins causing intestinal net fluid secretion and immunologically predisposed individuals, or is related
thus promoting the development of non-inflammatory to virulence potential of these strains.
watery diarrhea similar to that caused by EPEC (Kaper IBS is another, probably the most common, chronic
et al., 2004). The younger the organism infected with intestinal disorder that in contrast with IBD affects only
pathogenic E. coli strain the bigger the probability of adults (Olden, 2003; Garcia-Rodriguez and Ruigomez,
clinically symptomatic disease what is associated with 1999). In our previous study enteroaggregative E. coli
the lack of immunity in young individuals. Thus, most strains (EAEC) were isolated from more than 80%
acute intestinal infections caused by pathogenic E. coli of patients with diarrheal form of IBS in comparison
occur among children (Hunter, 2003). with only 30% of healthy individuals (Sobieszczańska

*  Corresponding author: B. Sobieszczańska, Department of Microbiology, Chałubińskiego 4 Str., 50-368 Wrocław, Poland;
phone: 48 071 784 13 08; fax: 48 071 784 17 01; e-mail:
106 Sobieszczańska B. et al. 2

et al., 2007). EAEC are associated with acute or persis- designated TSPE4.C2, chuA gene required for heme
tent watery diarrhea and have been isolated from chil- transport in EHEC O157:H7 E. coli, and yjaA gene of
dren and adults worldwide (Okeke and Nataro, 2001; unknown function present in nonpathogenic E. coli
Weintraub, 2007; Huang et al., 2006). The pathotype is K12 strain by DNA microarray and confirmed by PCR
defined by its characteristic stacked-brick-like pattern according to Clermont et al. (2000).
of adherence to epithelial cells (Wientraub, 2007). The DNA extraction. Genomic DNA was extracted
pathotype is heterogeneous regarding virulence factors according to method described by Zhang et al. (2005).
and its ability to cause diarrhea since these strains are Briefly, 3 ml of overnight cultures of E. coli strains in
isolated from diarrheal and healthy individuals (Kaur Luria broth were pelleted by centrifugation at 2000 xg
et al., 2010; Paciorek, 2002). for 20 min and resuspended in 80 μl sonication buffer
Most virulence factors of E. coli pathotypes involved (50 mM Tris and 10 mM EDTA, pH 7.5 with 100 ng/μl
in acute diarrheas are well characterized. On the other RNase A). The suspension was transfered into a 0.5 ml
hand, the virulence markers of E. coli strains isolated thin wall PCR tube and treated with sonication using
from chronic intestinal diseases are still unknown. The Labo-Plus, Vibra Cell Sonics sonicator. Four treat-
aim of the study was to compare virulence genes pro- ments of 1 min each at an amplitude setting of 5 were
files and phylogenetic origin of E. coli strains isolated performed. The disrupted cells were centrifuged at
from chronic and acute intestinal disorders using CGH 2500 xg for 20 min and incubated at 98°C in a DNA-
microarray. Engine PT200 thermal cycler (MJ Research Waltham,
MA, USA) for 5 min to precipitate out the proteins in
the supernatant by heat denaturation. After next cen-
Experimental trifugation at 2500 xg for 20 min approximately 40 μl
clean and fragmented DNA (purity determined spec-
Materials and Methods trophotometrically – OD260/280 ranged from 1.8 to 2.0)
was transferred to a new tube. The required size of DNA
E. coli strains. A collection of 78 E. coli archive fragments ranging from 100 bp to 600 bp was controlled
strains was examined. The strains were isolated from by capillary gel electrophoresis.
three different groups of patients. Two of these groups E. coli DNA labeling and hybridization. A 2 μg
comprised E. coli strains isolated from patients with of fragmented genomic DNA from each E. coli strain
chronic intestinal diseases, e.g. CD and IBS that were was labeled with a fluorescent dye Cy3 (green) whereas
compared with E. coli strains included in the third DNA from reference strain EDL933 with Cy5 (red)
group of E. coli strains isolated from cases of acute using commercial chemical labeling kit (Universal
diarrhea. The IBS group included 26 E. coli isolates Linkage System (ULS) array CGH Labeling kit, Kreat-
collected in our laboratory from stool specimens of ech Biotechnology, Amsterdam, Nederland) according
26 adult patients (age mean age 37 years) with diarrheal to the manufacturer’s protocol. The two labeled DNA
form of IBS recognized on the basis of Rome II crite- samples were then mixed and hybridized to the micro-
ria in the Clinic of Gastroenterology and Hepatology array. Hybridization was performed for 16 h at 42°C
of Medical University, Wrocław, Poland. The Crohn’s in a slide hybridization chamber (Hybridization Sys-
disease (CD) group comprised 28 E. coli isolated from tem Maui, France). After washing three times in 0.1 xg
terminal ileum biopsy specimens of 28 children (mean SSC buffer (15 mM NaCl, 1.5 mM trisodium citrate,
age 1.7  year) with Crohn’s disease diagnosed on the pH 7.0) with 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and
basis of clinical presentation, endoscopy examination one washing in 0.1 × SSC buffer without SDS at 37°C
and histopathology in the Department and Clinic of for 5 min under agitation, the array was scanned using
Pediatrics and Gastroenterology of Medical University, InnoScan 700 (Microarray Scanner Innopsys, France).
Wrocław, Poland. The third group of 24 E. coli strains The fluorescence emission of Cy5 and Cy3 dyes were
was collected in our laboratory from 24 stool speci- measured at 635 nm and 532 nm, respectively. The rela-
mens of children (mean age 2.5 year) with acute diar- tive intensity of each the dyes for each of the microarray
rhea (AD) hospitalized in the Department and Clinic of spots was measured and the relative abundance of each
Pediatrics and Gastroenterology of Medical University, DNA was calculated.
Wrocław, Poland. None of these E. coli strains examined DNA microarray. A DNA microarray developed by
belonged to enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) as assessed Bruant et al. (2006) was used to determine the presence
by standard agglutination assay with specific antisera of virulence genes among E. coli strains. The version
(Biomed, Poland). of the microarray used in the study was arranged of
Phylogenetic group determination. Affiliation to 234 70-mer oligonucleotide probes specific for 159 vir-
four main phylogenetic groups A, B1, B2 and D was ulence genes characteristic for all known E. coli patho­
determined based on an anonymous DNA fragment types, 4 positive (lacY-Ec, lacZ, tnaA, and uidA) and
2 E. coli virulence genes revealed by microarray 107

5 negative controls (lacY-Cf, Sf0315, Sf3004, At3g51820, Table II

and green fluorescent protein gfpmut 3.1). Probes spe- Phylogenetic groups and subgroups distribution among E. coli
strains examined
cific for targeted genes are presented in Table S1 (sup-
plemental material available from the authors). Four № of E. coli isolates (%)
independent arrays were printed on the same slide and CD IBS AD Total
each nucleotide in the array was printed fourfold. The n = 28 n = 26 n = 24 n = 78
positive and the negative controls as well as seven print- Phylogroups
ing buffer spots were added in each array. The refer- A   1 (3.6)   2 (7.7)   2 (8.3)   5 (6.4)
ence EDL933 strain was used to validate the specific- B1  3 (10.7)  0  1 (4.2)  4 (5.1)
ity of the virulence oligonucleotides. Virulence genes B2 19 (67.8) 14 (53.8) 11 (45.8) 44 (56.4)
detected in EDL933 reference strains are presented
D   5 (17.8) 10 (38.5) 10 (41.7) 25 (32)
in Table I. Microarrays were spotted in the Institute
of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science, CD, Crohn’s disease; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; AD, acute diarrhea
using Nanoprint LM60 printing system (Telechem) and
Corning Epoxide Slides (cat. No. 40044). 70-mer long tors than strains from A and B1 phylogroups, but also
DNA probes synthesized by Syngen Biotech (Wrocław, derive predominantly from B2 and to a lesser extent D
Poland) were diluted in Schott Nexterion Spot buffer to phylogroups (Rolland et al., 1998; Duriez et al., 2001).
the final concentration 20 μM. Each probe was spotted In our study, only a minority of E. coli strains belonged
in four replicates and each slide contained four identi- to A and B1 phylogroups (6.4% and 5.1%, respectively).
cal microarrays that were hybridized using compatible Most E. coli isolates belonged to B2 phylogroup (56.4%)
MAUI chamber. All hybridization experiments were independently of the strain origin (Table II). Phyloge-
repeated between two and five times per genome. netic D group was mainly associated with E. coli from
AD and IBS (41.7% and 38.5%, respectively) and only
Table I a minority (17.8%) of E. coli from CD. In general, most
Virulence genes and phylogroups detected in reference E. coli
E. coli strains from CD belonged to B2 group, whereas
strains used in the study
E. coli from IBS and AD derived from both, B2 and
E. coli strain Pathotype D phylogroups. In several studies E. coli strains belong-
Virulence genes
Phylogroup ing to B2 phylogroup have been associated with IBD
EDL933 EHEC (O157:H7) csgE, fimA, fimH, lpfAO157, ehx, (Kotlowski et al., 2007; Petersen et al., 2009), what is
hlyE in concordance with the results of our study. In con-
D eae, eae-gamma, paa, espA1
trast to the literature data, the B2 group dominated
and 2, espB1, tir2, stx1A and B,
among all tested E. coli examined, indicating that the
group is common among E. coli associated with acute
stx2A and B, astA, nleA, ccdB,
and chronic intestinal diseases or is widely distributed
efa1, espP, etpD, fliC, katP,
among clones colonizing intestinal tract of the popula-
fliC(H7), wzy(O157:H7), rfbE,
tion living on the area of Lower Silesia in Poland.
The comparative analysis of virulence genes distri-
bution among E. coli groups examined. We analyzed
Statistical analysis. Genes with differential quan- distribution of virulence genes in every studied group
tity of DNA were identified using the nonparametric of E. coli strains e.g. IBS, CD and AD and then groups of
Kruskal-Wallis test. The FDR-adjusted p-value for the E. coli strains were compared to each other e.g. IBS vs.
selected genes was in the range 0.056 to 0.18. AD, CD vs. AD. Statistical analysis associated IBS group
E. coli with 16 virulence genes that can be divided into
at least four functional categories: 1.  genes encoding
Results and Discussion adhesins: i) specific to pathogenic E. coli strains such
as long polar fimbriae (LPF) of EHEC (lpfAEHEC gene)
Phylogroups distribution. Most commensal E. coli and EPEC/EHEC O113 serotype (lpfAO113 gene), CS18
strains belong to A or B1 phylogroups, whereas many fimbriae of ETEC (fotA gene), AfaE-I fimbriae (afaE-I
pathogenic E. coli strains e.g. EPEC, ETEC as well as gene) of Dr family adhesins of diffusely adhering E. coli
enteroinvasive E. coli strains (EIEC) are distributed (DAEC), and Pic serine protease (pic gene) produced
across all four phylogroups, but are mainly associ- by EAEC and Shigella flexneri 2a, that degrades mucin
ated with A, B1 and D phylogroups (Ishii et al., 2007; and play an important role in mucosal colonization,
Sahl et al., 2011; Turner et al., 2006). On the other ii)  common among commensal and uropathogenic
hand, E. coli isolates causing extraintestinal infec- E. coli (UPEC) strains such as P-pili (papA and papC
tions (ExPEC) not only contain more virulence fac- genes); 2. genes associated with biofilm formation such
108 Sobieszczańska B. et al. 2

as hra1 gene encoding an accessory adhesin that confers ins (lpfAO113, papA, papC) and iron acqusition system
bacterial autoaggregation, enhanced biofilm formation (aerobactin), ii) genes associated with biofilm forma-
and aggregative adherence to epithelial cells in vitro, tion (agn43 gene), iii) and iss gene. Moreover, 4 (16.7%)
agn43 gene performing function similar to the hra1 of these strains showed the presence of genes encoding
gene, and shf gene conferring firm biofilm formation colicin ColY and enterotoxin EspC (Table III).
in EAEC O42 reference strain; 3. genes encoding iron Comparative analysis of virulence genes distribution
acquisition systems such as salmochelin (iroN gene) among E. coli from chronic intestinal diseases e.g. IBS
acquired from Salmonella spp., yersiniobactin (irp2 and CD showed only three genes in common e.g. genes
and fyuA genes) from Yersinia spp., and iutEPEC gene encoding yersiniobactin, aerobactin and microcin  V.
encoding aerobactin associated with ExPEC; 4. genes E. coli from IBS and AD shared eight genes. Three of
encoding host immunity evading factors e.g. iss gene these genes were associated with adhesins and biofilm
conferring increased serum survival and gene encoding formation (LPF, P-pili, and Agn43). Other three genes
K1 capsule. Furthermore, 6 (23.1%) E. coli strains from included those encoding aerobactin and increased
IBS showed the presence of malX gene, the marker of serum survival, and microcin V. In addition both, E. coli
pathogenicity island (PAI) of UPEC. In addition, more from IBS and AD groups were associated with pic and
than one third of E. coli-IBS carried the cva gene encod- malX genes. Comparison of E. coli strains from AD
ing microcin V. E. coli from CD were associated with and CD demonstrated only two genes in common e.g.
only a few genes e.g. encoding iron acquisition systems aerobactin and microcin V encoding genes (Figure 1).
(yersinibactin and aerobactin) and microcin V. E. coli Analysis of the association of phylogroups with
from AD were associated with i) genes encoding adhes- virulence genes distribution. In the study all E. coli

Table III
Genes significantly associated with E. coli strains isolated from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
Crohn’s disease (CD) and acute diarrhea (AD)

№ of E. coli isolates (%)

Gene Gene description
CD (n = 28) IBS (n = 26) AD (n = 24)
Genes encoding: adhesins/biofilm formation
lpfAO113 Long polar fimbriaea NS 12 (46.1) 8 (33.3)
lpfAEHEC Long polar fimbriae b
NS 10 (38.5) NS
PapA, papC P pili NS 9 (34.6) 4 (16.7)
fotA CS18 fimbriae of ETEC NS 10 (38.5) NS
hra1 Heat-resistant hemagglutinin 1 NS 11 (42.3) NS
afaE-I AfaE-I adhesin of Dr family adhesins NS 5 (19.2) NS
agn43 Protein of autotransporter family
NS 13 (50) 10 (41.7)
Iron acquisition systems
iroN Salmochelin receptor-encoding gene NS 12 (46.1) NS
irp2 Yersiniobactin 9 (32.1) 10 (38.5) NS
fyuA Yersiniobactin receptor-encoding gene NS 7 (26.9) NS
iutEPEC Aerobactin receptor 9 (32.1) 11 (42.3) 8 (33.3)
Host immunity evading factors
iss Increased serum survival NS 10 (38.5) 8 (33.3)
neuA K1 capsule NS 5 (19.2) NS
Microcins and colicins
cva Microcin/colicin V 6 (2) 9 (34.6) 7 (29.2)
colY Pore-former colicin ColY NS NS 4 (16.7)
Various function
pic Serine protease of EAEC NS 6 (23.1) 6 (25)
espC Enterotoxin EspC NS NS 4 (16.7)
malX UPEC PAId marker NS 6 (23.1) 7 (29.2)
gene encoding the major fimbrial subunit of long polar fimbriae LpfA from EHEC O113:H21 strain; b gene encod-
ing the major fimbrial subunit of long polar fimbriae LpfA from EHEC O157:H7 strains; c gene encoding antigen
43 precursor that confers autoaggregation and biofilm formation; d PAI, pathogenicity island; NS not associated
according to statistical analysis
2 E. coli virulence genes revealed by microarray 109

ing advantage in a hostile intestinal milieu e.g. malX,

iss, colY and cva gene encoding microcin V localized
on ColV plasmid in many E. coli strains. According to
Gilson et al. (1987) ColV plasmids are associated with
E. coli invasiveness and pathogenicity. Moreover, these
mobile genetic elements harbor gene encoding aero-
bactin and increased serum survival (iss), as did E. coli
strains from AD. The virulence determinants associated
with diarrheagenic potential of E. coli from AD were
enterotoxin EspC, a member of autotransporter family
of proteins, found in a subset of EPEC (Millies et al.,
2001; Vidal and Navarro-Garcia, 2006) and LPFO113.
According to Afset et al. (2006) the lpfAO113 gene was
significantly associated with diarrhea among Norwe-
gian children less than 5 years old and has been found
exclusively in diarrhea cases. Taking into consideration
Fig. 1. Virulence genes associated with and shared among E. coli virulence determinants and B2 and D  phylogroups
from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease (CD) and associated with E. coli derived from AD we can assume
acute diarrhea (AD)
that these isolates correspond to commensal E. coli
strains that could acquired some virulence genes (i.e.
strains from CD, IBS and AD possessing virulence espC, lpfA) from their diarrheagenic counterparts
genes, belonged to B2 and D phylogroups. The only (Nowrouzian et al., 2001).
exceptions there were two E. coli strains. One strain from The peak of incidence of IBD occurs in patients
child with CD that was classified to the B1 phylogroup between the ages of 15 and 25 years, but there is an
possessed irp2 and iutEPEC genes and in one E. coli strain increase in incidence in younger children (Benchimol
of A phylogroup isolated from child with AD lpfAO113 et al., 2009). The association of E. coli strains of AIEC
gene was present. These results indicated that, with few pathotype with CD in adult patients is well known, but
exceptions, all E. coli strains examined corresponded to there is no reports on the characteristics of E. coli from
ExPEC strains that are believed to exert their pathogenic childhood-onset CD. The result the study showed that
potential only when spread beyond the bowel. only few virulence determinants were associated with
The DNA microarray analysis of virulence genes E. coli from children with CD (e.g. genes encoding aero-
associated with E. coli strains isolated from IBS demon- bactin and microcin V, and irp2 gene encoding yer-
strated a mosaic of virulence genes specific to pathogenic siniobactin). In this regard E. coli from childhood-onset
strains i.e. EPEC/EHEC and ETEC, as well as Shigella CD seems to be similar to AIEC.
species and EAEC, but also genes common among com- According to study of Martinez-Medina et al. (2009)
mensal E. coli strains (Doughty et al., 2002). The associa- AIEC from adult patients with CD have demonstrated
tion of E. coli from IBS with several different adherence association with only aerobactin encoding gene, but not
genes may explain their predilection for causing chronic with other genes e.g. encoding adhesins such as P pili
infections and could have an impact on pathophysio­ or type 1 fimbriae, what is in concordance with the
logy of IBS syndrome. Numerous adhesion-associated results of the study. Martinez-Medina et al. (2009) have
genetic determinants may confer augmented adherence also showed that most of AIEC strains possessed viru-
and enhanced capability of IBS-associated E. coli strains lence traits characteristic to ExPEC. On the other hand,
to persistently colonize intestinal mucosa. Further- AIEC differs from ExPEC by their invasion capabili-
more, many of these adhesins could stimulate various ties. Most characteristic feature of AIEC distinguishing
receptors in the gut wall, thus inducing an inflamma- these isolates from other E. coli strains is their ability to
tion and visceral hypersensitivity, a frequent finding in survive and replicate within macrophages. Although in
IBS patients, as well as an alteration in gut microbiota the study E. coli strains from children with CD showed
(Krotkova et al., 2006; Ohman and Simren, 2007). some similarity with AIEC, further analysis of the inva-
E. coli from AD were mainly associated with deter- sive potential of these isolates is necessary.
minants characteristic to ExPEC, especially uropatho- In summary, the study found that E. coli from IBS,
genic E. coli strains (UPEC) that typically express an CD and AD, apart from some comparability between
array of adhesins and iron acquisition systems, but lack E. coli from IBS and AD, differ from each other indi-
of virulence determinants characteristic to diarrhea- cating that the participation of E. coli in chronic intes-
genic E. coli strains (Östblom et al., 2011). Moreover, tinal diseases is mostly related to virulence potential of
E. coli from AD were also associated with genes enhanc- these strains.
110 Sobieszczańska B. et al. 2

Acknowledgements Krotkova N., E. Cota, Y. Lebedin, S. Monpouet, J. Guignot,

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Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 111–117


Isolation, Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Halophilic Archaea

from a Salt Mine in Central Anatolia (Turkey)


Mustafa Kemal University, Biology Department, 31040 Hatay-Turkey

Received 22 October 2011, revised 2 May 2012, accepted 5 May 2012


The haloarchaeal diversity of a salt mine, a natural cave in central Anatolia, was investigated using convential microbiological and molecu-
lar biology methods. Eight halophilic archaeal isolates selected based on their colony morphology and whole cell protein profiles were
taxonomically classified on the basis of their morphological, physiological, biochemical properties, polar lipid and protein profiles and
16S rDNA sequences. From the 16S rDNA sequences comparisons it was established that the isolates CH2, CH3 and CHC resembled
Halorubrum saccharovorum by 98.8%, 98.9% and 99.5%, respectively. There was a 99.7% similarity between the isolate CH11 and Halobac­
terium noricense and 99.2% between the isolate CHA1 and Haloarcula argentinensis. The isolate CH8K and CH8B revealed a similarity rate
of 99.8% and 99.3% to Halococcus dombrowskii, respectively. It was concluded that the isolates named CH2, CH3 and CHC were clustered
in the genus Halorubrum and that CHA1 and CH7 in the genus Haloarcula, CH8K and CH8B in the genus Halococcus and CH11 in the
genus Halobacterium.

K e y w o r d s:  Halophilic archaea, Phylogeny, Taxonomy, Salt mine, Turkey

Introduction 2006; 2009; Birbir et al., 2007). Phylogenetic studies

revealed that the halophilic archaeal isolates from Tur-
The increasing interest, in recent years, in micro­ key clustered closely to genera Halorubrum, Haloarcula,
organisms from hypersaline environments has resulted Natrinema, Halobacterium and Natronococcus (Ozcan
in the discovery of several new species and genera et al., 2007; Birbir et al., 2007). However, there has been
belonging to the Bacteria and Archaea domains. Halo- little effort to identify these isolates. Current taxonomic
bacteria are a group of microorganisms forming a part classification of the Halobacteriaceae is mainly based
of the domain Archaea that require high salt concen- on DNA-DNA hybridization, 16S rRNA gene sequence
tration for growth (Kamekura, 1998). The extremely comparison, polar lipid composition and phenotypic
halophilic archaea belong to the order Halobacteria- characteristics (Oren et al., 1997; Castillo et al., 2006).
les, which contains one family, the Halobacteriaceae The main purpose of the current research was to
(Ozcan et al., 2007). The family Halobacteriaceae in the determine the halophilic archaeal diversity of a salt
domain Archaea presently is comprised of 35 genera mine, formerly a natural cave in central Anatolia, by
(Euzeby, 2011). determining their phenotypic characteristics, polar lipid
Members of the Halobacteriaceae are dominant composition and 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison.
microorganisms in hypersaline environments world-
wide including salt lakes, crystallizer ponds of solar
salterns, salt mines, as well as hypersaline soda lakes Experimental
(Oren, 2000). The haloarchaea are well adapted to
hypersaline environments and require at least 1.5 M Material and Methods
NaCl for growth (Castillo et al., 2007).
Hypersaline environments are commonly present in Physico-chemical analysis of the brine samples.
Turkey. Several studies have been carried out to isolate Physico-chemical properties of the brine samples
and characterize halophilic archaeal strains from vari- taken from the salt mine (Çankaya Salt Mine, Çankırı-
ous saline parts of Turkey (Elevi et al., 2004; Ozcan et al. Turkey) were determined with Merc Spectroquant test

*  Corresponding author: B. Ozcan, Mustafa Kemal University, Biology Department, 31040 Hatay-Turkey; phone: + 903262455336/1632;
112 Yildiz E. et al. 2

kits and ICP-AES instrument. Test kits and Nova 60 vancomycin, 30 µg; novobiocin, 30 µg; trimethoprim,
spectrophotometer were used to detect the concentra- 5 µg; ttreptomycin, 25 µg; erythromycin 15 µg; sulpha-
tion of SO42–, Cl–, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO–, CO3–2 , Na+, K+ and methazol/trimethoprim, 25 µg) (Montalvo-Rodriguez
total hardness while a pH meter with glass electrode et al., 2000). The results were recorded as sensitive or
(WTW inoLab pH 720brand) was employed for pH resistant after 14 days of incubation at 37.5°C. Polar
measurement. lipid analysis was performed as explained before (Oren
Isolation of extremely halophilic archaea. In order et al., 1996; Oren and Litchfield, 1999). SDS-PAGE of
to isolate halophilic archaea, brine samples were col- whole-cell proteins was set up as described by Laemmli
lected in sterile bottles from different points in the (1970) and Hesselberg and Vreeland (1995).
salt mine. Each of the samples was inoculated in SG Phylogenetic analysis. Genomic DNA was extracted
broth containing penicillin G. Aerobic enrichment cul- from log-phase cells lysed in purified water by phenol
tures showing turbidity were streaked out onto solid extraction followed by ethanol precipitation according
medium containing penicillin G. Plates were incubated to Dyall-Smith (2001). The gene encoding 16S  RNA was
at 37.5°C. After two weeks incubation period, repre- amplified by PCR with the forward primer 5’-ATTC-
sentative colonies were transferred to fresh solid SG CGGTTGATCCTGCCGGAGGTC-3’ (positions 1–25
medium in order to obtain pure culture. SG medium according to Halobacterium cutirubrum NCIMB 763,
contained (gl–1): NaCl, 250; MgSO4 · 7H2O, 20; KCl, 2; GenBank Accession No. AB073366) and the reverse
sodium citrate, 3; casamino acids, 7.5; yeast extract, 1; primer 5’-GATCCAGCCGCAGATTCCCC-3’ (posi-
and FeSO4 · 7H2O, 0.0023. The pH was adjusted to 7.35 tions 1465–1446 according to Halobacterium cutiru­
with 1 M KOH (Ozcan et al., 2006). brum NCIMB 763, GenBank Accession No. AB073366)
Phenotypic and cultural properties. Phenotypic (Ozcan et al., 2007). PCR was performed for 30 cycles,
tests of isolates were performed according to the pro- each of which consisted of denaturation for 1 min at
posed minimal standards for the description of new 94°C, annealing for 1 min at 59°C, and polymerization
taxa in the order Halobacteriales (Oren et al., 1997). for 1.5 min at 72°C. The 16S rRNA gene sequences were
Cell motility and morphology were examined by phase- aligned using CLUSTAL W (Thompson et al., 1994) and
contrast microscopy of exponentially growing liquid the phylogenetic tree were constructed with MEGA 4.1
cultures. Gram staining was carried out as described using a neighbor joining algorithm and Kimura two-
by Dussault (1955). Colony morphology was observed parameter corrections (Tamura et al., 2007).
on optimal growth agar medium after incubation at
37.5°C for 7 days. Tests for catalase and oxidase activity
and hydrolysis of starch, casein, gelatin and of esterase Results and Discussion
(Tween 20, 40, 60 and 80) were performed as explained
before (Ozcan et al., 2006). Lipolytic activity was tested Physico-chemical properties of brine samples.
on Rhodamine agar plates (Ozcan et al., 2009). Nitrate The brine samples named CSU1, CSU2A, CSU2B and
reduction, H2S formation, indole formation, utilization CSU3 were collected from four different points in the
of sugars (Glucose, sucrose, lactose, fructose, maltose, salt mine. Table I gives the chemical parameters of these
xylose, mannose and ribose) and anaerobic growth samples in which halophilic archaea strains were iso-
in the presence of L-arginine and TMAO were tested lated. The results indicated that the mineral content,
according to Oren et al. (1997). Anaerobic growth in pH and hardness of brine are suitable for the growth
the presence of nitrate was tested according to Manci- of extremely halophilic archaea. The most remarkable
nelli and Hochstein (1986). The salt range for growth nature of halophilic archaea is that they flourish in con-
was determined in SG broth modified with NaCl at ditions with very high content of NaCl and KCl. Several
final concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.5 and 5 M. The pH researchers have determined that extreme halophilic
range for growth was determined with 50 mM MES archaea need at least 1.5 M NaCl for growth. They also
(5.0–6.0), HEPES (6.5–7.0), tricine (7.5–8.5), CHES point out that most species show optimum growth at
(9.0–9.5) and CAPS (10.0) between pH 5.0 and 10.0. 3.5 to 4.5 M NaCl and pH 7.0 to 7.5 (Kushner, 1985;
Archaeal growth rates in different pH and salt concen- Arahal et al., 1996; Oren and R.-Valera, 2001).
trations were determined at 600 nm with spectropho- Extremely halophilic archaeal strains and their
tometric measurements. phenotypic properties. It was pointed out that mem-
Biochemical tests. Antibiotic susceptibility was bers of Halobacteriaceae family displayed extreme poly-
tested by spreading cell suspensions on plates of SG morphism, having several morphologic shapes ranging
medium and applying antibiotic discs (ampicillin, from rods to pleomorphic rods, coccus, pleomorphic,
10 µg; norfloxacin, 10 µg; tetracycline, 30 µg; bacitracin, square and triangles (Castillo et al., 2007). In the cur-
10IU; rifampicin, 5 µg; azithromycine, 15 µg; neomy- rent study 8 halophilic archaeal isolates named CH2,
cin, 30 µg; chloramphenicol, 30 µg; penicillin G; 10IU; CH3, CHA1, CHC, CH7, CH8K, CH8B and CH11,
2 Halophilic archaea from salt mine in Turkey 113

Table I
Chemical characteristics of the brine samples studied

Csu1 Csu2A Csu2B Csu3 Pw*

pH       6.61       7.03       7.06       6.72    6.0
Hardness (F)       3.8       3.1       3.8       3.7   <1.2
SO4–2 (mg/L)   7 400   7 400   7 500   7 500   8
Cl– (mg/L) 209 000 230 000 192 000 200 000 <10
CO3–2 (meq/L)    –    –    –    –  –
HCO3– (meq/L)       1.2       1.6       2.2       1.8  –
Ca2+ (ppm)     790     920     970     940  –
Mg2+ (ppm)     530     490     510     560  –
K+ (ppm)     210     190     190     240  –
Na+ (ppm)   67 200   18 600 102 300   88 700   –

*  Purified water

were selected on the basis of their different colony mor- CH2, CH3 and CHC isolates are resistant to the anti­
phology and whole cell profiles for further characteriza- biotic rifampicin. Several studies point out that rifam-
tion. Table II shows the morphological features of the picin has an inhibiting effect on most halophilic archaea
isolates, results of several biochemical tests, antimicro- (Pecher and Böck, 1981; Bonelo et al., 1984) whereas
bial susceptibility patterns, and NaCl and pH concen- another research points out that certain halophilic
trations required for optimum growth. When whole archaea are resistant to rifampicin (Allen et al., 2008).
cell protein profiles were examined (Fig. 1), seven dis- All isolates in this study appeared to be resistant to
tinct protein profiles were observed for eight different ampicillin, norfloxacin, tetracycline, azithromycine,
strains. CH8K and CH8B isolates were ascertained to neomycin, chloramphenicol, penicillin G, vancomycin,
have the same protein profile but due to their different trimethoprim, streptomycin, erythromycin and sulpha-
colony pigmentations they were named differently. methazol/ trimethoprim.
CH2, CH3 and CHC isolates exhibited different CH8B and CH8K which are coccus-shaped, non
protein profile (Fig. 1) and among the phenotypical motile isolates were determined to be Gram-variable
features obtained, only colony pigmentation and sugar while other isolates were Gram-negative. Three of six
fermentation were different. CH2 and CHC isolate can motile Gram-negative isolates were of pleomorphic
produce acid from sucrose and mannose while CH3 shapes while the other three rod shaped. It was reported
cannot. CH2 can ferment maltose while CH3 and that majority of Halobacteriales order were of Gram-
CHC isolate cannot. One of the notable features is that negative nature while some other members with coc-
cus morphology such as Natronococcus and Halococcus
exhibited Gram-variable feature (Oren et al., 1997).
It was observed that colonies of all eight strains are
nonmucoid, circular shaped and convex. They have
smooth surface appearance and that all strains but
CH8B exhibited pink-red colony pigmentation. It was
pointed out in several former studies that colonies of
many Halobacterial members exhibited various tones
pigmentation ranging from red to pink-orange due to
high rate of carotenoid pigments in their cell mem-
brane. In addition, they were reported to appear opaque,
transparent or translucent, mucoid or non mucoid, with
entire edges and convex (Oren and R.-Valera, 2001;
Castillo et al., 2006).
It was ascertained that all strains but CH11 exhib-
ited catalase activity and that all the isolates had oxi-
dase activity. It was also determined that none of the
Fig. 1.  Protein profiles of the archaeal strains isolated from
Cankırı Cankaya Salt mine. isolates produced gas from the tested sugars or acid
1: CH8K, 2: CH8B, 3: CH3, 4: CHC, 5: CH11, 6: CH7, 7: CHA1, from lactose. It was established that none of the isolates
8: CH2, 9: Markers exhibited lipolytic activity (Table II).
114 Yildiz E. et al. 2

Table II
Phenotypic features of the 8 strains studied

Characteristic CH2 CH3 CHA1 CHC CH7 CH8K CH8B CH11

Colonial morphology

Colony shape circular circular circular circular circular circular circular circular

Mukoid – – – – – – – –
  Pigmentation light pink light red dark red light red red pink-red white red

Colony elevation convex convex convex convex convex convex convex convex
 Colony density transparent translucent opaque transparent opaque opaque opaque transparent

Colony edge entire entire entire entire entire irregular irregular entire
  Colony size (mm) 0.3–0.75 0.25–0.6 0.2–0.5 0.4–0.7 0.2–0.5 0.1–0.2 0.1–0.2 0.15–0.25
Cell morphology
  Cell shape rod rod pleo. rod pleo.1 coccus coccus pleo.1

Gram reaction Gr(–) Gr(–) Gr(–) Gr(–) Gr(–) Gr(+/–) Gr(+/–) Gr(–)

Motility + + + + + – – +
  Cell size (µm) 2–15 2–10 ND 2–10 ND 1–3 1–3 1–3
Acid production from

Glucose + + – + – – – +

Sucrose + – – + – – – –

Lactose – – – – – – – –

Fructose – – + – + – – –

Maltose + – + – + – – –

Xylose + + + + + – – +

Mannose + – – + – – – –
 Ribose – – + – + + + +
Anaerobic growth with

L-Arginine – – – – – – – –

TMAO – – – – – – – –
 KNO3 – – – – + – – –
Catalase activity + + + + + + + –
Oxidase activity + + + + + + + +
Gelatin hydrolysis – – + – – + + –
Casein hydrolysis – – – – – + + –
Starch hydrolysis – – + – – – – –
Lipolytic activity – – – – – – – –
Tween 20 hydrolysis – – + – + + + +
Tween 40 hydrolysis – – + – + – – +
Tween 60 hydrolysis – – + – – – – –
Tween 80 hydrolysis – – + – – – – –
H2S production + + – + + + + –
Indole production – – + – – + + –
Nitrite from nitrate + + + + + + + –
Gas from nitrate reduction – – + – + – – –
Optimum NaCl (M) 4.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5
Optimum pH 7 7.5 7 7.5 7 7 7 7
Sensitivity to
 Novobiocin (30 µg) S2 S S S S S S S

Bacitracin (10 IU) S S S S S S S S
  Rifampicin (5 µg) R3 R S R S S S S
pleomorphic,  sensitive,  resistant
2 3
2 Halophilic archaea from salt mine in Turkey 115

No anaerobic growth was observed in any strain

in the presence of L-arginine and TMAO whereas it
yielded a positive result only with CH7 strain in the
presence of KNO3. Most halophilic Archaea have the
ability to grow anaerobically in the presence of different
chemicals due to their relatively low oxygen solubil-
ity under high salinity conditions. They were reported
(Hartmann et al., 1980; Mancinelli and Hochstein,
1986; Oren and Trüper; 1990; Oren and Litchfield,
1999) to have the ability to use alternative electron
acceptors such as fumarate, TMAO and/or nitrate in
order to perform anaerobic growth.
Polar lipid chromatograms of standard strains and
the isolates from the Cankaya Salt Mine are given in
Fig. 2. According to the chromatographic results, all
isolates were found to contain PG and PGP-Me phos- Fig. 2.  Results of thin layer chromatography analysis of polar
pholipids. It was observed that all strains but CH8K and lipids extracted from halophilic archaeal isolates from the Can-
CH8B isolates contain PGS. kaya Salt Mine
Phylogenetic analysis. Phylogenetic analysis of the 1: Halobacterium salinarum (DSM 3754); 2: Natrialba asiatica (DSM
12278); 3: Halorubrum saccharovorum (DSM 1137); 4: Haloferax deni­
extremely halophilic archaeal isolates were performed trificans (DSM 4425); 5: Haloarcula vallismortis (DSM 3756); 6: CH2;
by building a phylogenetic tree which was constructed 7: CH3; 8: CHA1; 9: CHC; 10: CH7; 11: CH8K; 12: CH8B; 13: CH11.
based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences (Fig. 3). When (PG, phosphatidylglycerol; PGP, phosphatidylglycerolphosphate; PGS,
phosphatidylglycerolsulfate; S-DGD-3, sulfated glycosyl diether (man-
16S rRNA sequential analyses are taken into consid-
nose (1 → 4)-glucoseglyceroldiether); S-DGD-1, sulfated glycosyl diether
eration, CH11 strain was determined to resemble (mannose (1  → 2)-glucose glycerol diether); S2-DGD-1, bis-sulfated
Halobacterium noricense by 99.7% ratio. CH11 isolate diglycosyl diether; S-TGD, sulfated triglycosyl diether; S-TeGD, sulfated
is a  strain with a  pleomorphic cellular shape, which tetraglycosyl diether; DGD-2, diglycosyl diether; DGD-1, diglycosyl
diether (mannose (1 → 2)glucose glycerol diether); TGD-1, triglyco-
can utilize glucose and xylose. CH11 is susceptible to syl diether; (galactosylmannosyl-glucosyl diether); TGD-2, triglycosyl
bacitracin antibiotics and cannot grow anaerobically. diether GL, undefined glycolipid)

Fig. 3.  Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships among the16S rRNA gene sequences of Cankaya salt mine isolates
and the closest relatives within the family Halobacteriaceae
Bootstrap values, expressed as percentages of 1000 replicates, are shown for branches with more than 50% bootstrap support.
Bar, 0.02 substitutions per site
116 Yildiz E. et al. 2

As for H. noricense, it has the form of rod cells, cannot nitrate reduction (McGenity and Grant, 1996). They are
make use of glucose or xylose sugars and are resistant also alike by having S-DGD-3 glycolipid in addition to
to bacitracin and exhibits anaerobic growth in the pres- essential phospholipids.
ence of L-Arginine (Gruber et al., 2004). While isolate Isolate CH7 was determined to resemble Haloarcula
CH11 was found to contain two undefined glycolip- hispanica species to the rate of 99.5%. When phenotypi-
ids in addition to PGS, PG and me-PGP lipids, it is cal characteristics of CH7 isolate and H. hispanica (Juez
reported that H. noricense contained PG, me-PGP, PGS, et al., 1986) species were compared, both strains were
TGD and S-TeGD lipids (Gruber et al., 2004). Taking found to have pleomorphic motile Gram-negative cells,
into consideration different phenotypical and chemical and positive nitrate reduction and nitrate gas formation
features between these two strains, it is suggested that and that they could grow anaerobically in presence of
isolate CH11 might be a separate species within genus nitrate. Moreover, both strains were found to contain
Halobacterium. TGD-2 glycolipid. On the other hand, isolate CH7 did
The resemblance of CH8K and CH8B isolates to the not exhibit gelatinase, caseinase and amylase activity,
species Halococcus dombrowskii is by 99.8% and 99.3%, whereas species H. hispanica is positive in gelatinase,
respectively. It was revealed that CH8K and CH8B caseinase and amylase activity.
strains (the current study) and Halococcus dombrowskii As a result, in the current study we have isolated
species (Stan-Lotter et al., 2002) shared the properties and characterized 8 different isolates from a salt mine
of being coccus-shaped nonmotile cells, positive cata- located in central Anatolia. The characterization of the
lase, oxydase, gelatinase activities and nitrate reduction isolates was carried out using a polyphasic approach.
as well as containing lipids PG, PGP-me and S-DGD1 According to 16S rRNA sequential analysis, which is
but PGS. On the other hand, it was established that one of the most determining molecular taxonomic
CH8K and CH8B isolates, which were Gram-variable methods, these eight isolates were found to cluster in
and have colony pigmentations pink-red and white four different genera which are Halobacterium, Halo­
respectively, could not ferment xylose or fructose sug- coccus, Haloarcula and Halorubrum. The results pre-
ars and contained one undefined glycolipid in addition sented herein may contribute to archaeal taxonomy,
to PG, me-PGP and S-DGD1. Meanwhile, the species particularly to halophilic archaeal species habituating
Halococcus dombrowskii was reported to be Gram- saltern cave environments.
negative, and to exhibit light red pigmentation and to
be able to use fructose and xylose (Stan-Lotter et al., Acknowledgements
2002). Except for colony pigmentation all other features Financial support from TUBITAK (Turkish Science and Tech­
of CH8K and CH8B isolates were found to be the same. no­logical Research Counsel)-Turkey and Research Council of Mus-
It was reported that the number of insertion sequences tafa Kemal University-Turkey is gratefully acknowledged.
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Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 119–128


Antagonistic Effects of Bacillus cereus Strain B-02 on Morphology,

Ultrastructure and Cytophysiology of Botrytis cinerea


School of Life Sciences, Shan Dong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China

Received 22 November 2011, revised 1 March 2012, accepted 6 May 2012


The study on antagonistic mechanism of biocontrol strains gives the premise and basis for efficient and stable biological control. This study
aimes to overcome of biocontrol agent in aspects of complicated and diversified mode of action, short-lasting and unstable efficacy in
the production processes. This study elucidated the antagonistic mechanism of Bacillus cereus strain B-02 on Botrytis cinerea by detecting
changes in morphology, ultrastructure and physiology in affected hyphae of Botrytis cinerea. Which provided certain theoretical and practi-
cal significance for biological control of gray mould caused by B. cinerea. B. cereus strain B-02 isolated from tomato rhizosphere mightily
suppressed gray mold in tomato caused by B. cinerea. Spore germination and hyphal growth of B. cinerea were inhibited by B. cereus strain
B-02. Changes of cell morphology such as distortion, shrinking and swelling were observed by SEM. TEM observation further indicated the
ultrastructural alterations of hyphae, including mitochondrion reduction, un-membranous inclusion in cytoplasm, considerable thickening
of cell walls, and electronic density enhancement. LSCM observation revealed the fluorescence intensity of nucleus DNA, mitochondrion
DNA and reactive oxygen radical in treated hyphae were all stronger than control and the difference was significant (P < 0.01). These results
indicated that the antagonistic effects of B. cereus strain B-02 on B. cinerea were likely due to a combination of abnormal synthesis of nucleus
DNA and mitochondrion DNA and multifarious ultrastructural alterations in hyphal cell.

K e y w o r d s:  B. cereus, B. cinerea, affected hyphae, antagonistic effect

Introduction a new microorganism in the environment but also may

be better adapted to that plant and therefore provide
Gray mould, caused by B. cinerea Pers. Ex. Fr., is better control of diseases than organisms originally iso-
a severe and constant threat to field and greenhouses- lated from other plant species (Trotel-Aziz et al., 2008).
grown tomatoes in many countries worldwide (Emine Biocontrol bacteria may protect plants against patho-
et al., 2010). Chemical control has become increasingly gens by bacteriostatic mode and bactericidal mode.
difficult due to the development of resistant B. cinerea In tomato, much of research reported on the use
strains as well as the increasing worldwide concern of the genus Bacillus to control gray mold, mainly
about pesticide use due to environmental problems including Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus polymyxa, B. cereus,
(Saligkarias et al., 2002; Trotel-Aziz et al., 2008). Bio- Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus pumilis (Asaka et al.,
logical control using natural antagonistic microorgan- 1996; Kavitha et al., 2005). Some strains of the genus
isms has been extensively studied, and some fungi, and Bacillus have been reported as potential candidates
bacteria have been demonstrated to be effective against for biological control of fungal pathogens (Dik et al.,
gray mold (Jae et al., 2006). A great number of reports 1999; Du et al., 2004; Chen et al., 2004; Wang and Yang,
indicate that certain bacterial strains are beneficial for 2004; Touré et al.,2004; Qi et al., 2005; Li et al., 2005;
the growth of plants, these are called plant growth- Tang et al., 2005; He et al., 2006; Li and Jiang, 2006;
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). An important trait Yin et al., 2007). The genus Bacillus depends on a wide
of these bacteria is their ability to maintain a stable rela- variety of traits, such as the production by the strain
tionship with the associated plant species (Smith and of various antibiotics and cell wall degrading enzymes
Goodman, 1999; Miethling et al., 2000). Microorgan- (protease, lipase, chitinase, and glucanase) to control
isms isolated from the rhizosphere are not only non- pathogen (Tang et al., 2005; Li and Jiang, 2006). Recently,
exotic, thereby presenting no risk of proliferation of a  commercial biofungicide Serenade, which contains

*  Corresponding author: H.Q. Ma, No. 12 Zhangzhou Road, Zhangdian, Zibo, Shandong 255049, China; phone: 13864432562;
120 Feng-Xia Li et al. 2

a  Bacillus subtilis strain (QST 713), was reported to analyzed in NCBI by 16S rDNA sequence. We chose
be effective against various pathogenic fungi (Trotel- a strain with the strongest inhibitory activity in our iso-
Aziz et al., 2008). Previous studies reported that the lation experiment by inhibition zone method for the
biocontrol bacterium, B. cereus or its metabolite, can subsequent experiment.
inhibit hyphal growth of B. cinerea by alterations in the Pretreatment of B. cereus strain B-02 fermenta-
hyphal morphology, and the formation and germina- tion broth. B. cereus strain B-02 was inoculated into
tion of B.  cine­rea spore. Recent studies have shown that 50 mL LB in a conical flask at 30°C, 140 r/min for 36 h.
fermentation broth treatment of biocontrol bacteria The supernatant was filtered by microporous mem-
not only is effective in halting pathogen growth (Pusey brane (0.22 μm, Ф25 mm) after centrifuging of B. cereus
and Wilson, 1984; Janisiewicz, 1987; El-Ghaouth et al., strain B-02 fermentation broth at 4°C, 8000 r/min for
1998; Jijakli and Lepoivre, 1998; Ippolito et al., 2000), 10 min. According to cylinder plate method B. cereus
but also results in marked morphological changes, strain B-02 filtrate was used to process B. cinerea
structural alterations, and molecular disorganisation of hyphae in the subsequent experiment. B. cinerea grown
the fungal cells (Roze and Line, 1998; Kamisaka et al., on PDA supplemented with the same proportion of
1999; Wang et al., 2000; Yazgana et al., 2001; Lin and Li, sterile distilled water was used as a control. Each plate
2003; Hagelina et al., 2004; Mendo et al., 2004; Sun et al., was replicated 3 times.
2005; Xie et al., 2005; Manteca et al., 2005; Leiter et al., Preparation of B. cinerea hyphal cell and spore sus-
2005). The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate pension. Interactions between B. cinerea and B. cereus
inhibitory effects of B. cereus strain B-02 on spore ger- strain B-02 were studied by well test. Plates supple-
mination and hyphal growth of B. cinerea; (ii) illustrate mented with B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth
ultrastructural alterations occurring in hyphal cells of at 1%, 5%, 10% and in the center of the plates ino­cu­
B. cinerea during interaction with B. cereus strain B-02 lated B. cinerea agar disks (Ф6 mm) were allowed to
by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmis- grow at 28°C in the dark for 3~5 d, after which time
sion electron microscope (TEM) to elucidate the bio- B. cinerea hyphae grown on PDA were harvested for
control mechanism; and (iii) visualize the molecular SEM, TEM and LSCM. For comparisons, controls
standard of nucleus DNA, mitochondrion DNA and supplemented with the same proportion of ster-
reactive oxygen radical in the affected hyphae of B. cine­ ile distilled water were harvested from PDA plates
rea by laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) to with only B. cinerea for SEM, TEM and LSCM visu-
predict the possible target of B. cereus strain B-02 on alization, respectively. Each treatment was replicated
Botrytis cinerea. 3 times and the experiment was repeated twice. B. cine­
rea spores were removed from 2-week-old PDA cul-
ture, and suspended in 5 mL of sterile distilled water
Experimental containing 0.05% (v/v) Tween 80. The spore suspen-
sion was filtered through 4  layers of sterile cheese
Materials and Methods cloth to remove adhering hyphae and the concentra-
tion was adjusted using a hemocytometer prior to use
Microorganisms. The pathogen B. cinerea used as (Li et al., 2009).
a cell material for ultrastructural and cytophysiologi- Observation of B. cinerea hyphal growth and spore
cal study was isolated from infected tomato fruit in germination. To assess the effects of B. cereus strain
Zibo, China. The bacterium, B. cereus strain B-02, was B-02 fermentation broth on hyphal growth of B. cinerea,
originally isolated from the tomato rhizosphere and had B. cinerea agar disks (Ф6 mm) was placed in the center
very strong inhibitory activity against B. cinerea. of PDA plates containing B. cereus strain B-02 fermen-
Identification of B. cereus strain B-02. B. cereus tation broth at 1%, 5%, 10% at 28°C in the dark. Hyphal
strain B-02 was identified through the analysis of growth was determined by measuring the colony diam-
morphological and biochemical characteristics and eter after 3~5 d of inoculation. Controls were supple-
16S rDNA sequence in our previous experiment (Li mented with the same proportion of sterile distilled
et al., 2007). Morphological characteristics of B. cereus water. Each treatment was replicated 3 times and the
strain B-02 were represented after gram staining, experiment was repeated twice. The effects of B. cereus
spore staining and imaged by Leica TCS-SP2 LSCM. strain B-02 fermentation broth on spore germination
Characteristics of Bacillus from “Bergey’s Manual of of B. cinerea were assessed according to Zhao (2003).
Determinative Bacteriology” was used to identify the Mixture containing 400 μL LB fluid medium and 200 μL
biochemical characteristics of B. cereus strain B-02. B. cinerea spore suspension was added 200 μL B. cereus
Genome DNA of B. cereus strain B-02 was extracted strain B-02 fermentation broth at original concentra-
according to CTAB method and amplified by primers tion and cultivated at 28°C in the dark (Figure 1). The
63F and 1494R. B. cereus strain B-02 homology was experiment was replicated 3 times.
2 Antagonistic effects of B.cerreus on B. cinerea 121

SEM specimen preparation and observation. Results

Sample preparation and SEM observation were done
as described previously by Chen et al. (2007). Briefly, Identification of B. cereus strain B-02. In this study we
hyphal samples excised from the 5-day-old culture of isolated five strains in total having inhibitory activity
B. cinerea treated with sterile distilled water and 10% against B. cinerea. The inhibitory activity of B. cereus
B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth were fixed in strain B-02 was the strongest (Table I). Therefore
2.5% glutaraldehyde at 4°C for 2 h, washed in phosphate B. cereus strain B-02 was used in the following experi-
buffered saline (PBS) for 4 times (15 min each), soaked ment. Values in Table I like ± 1.5 mean standard devia-
in 1% osmium tetroxide at 4°C for 2.5 h, dehydrated in tion (SD). So are values in Table III. Observation of
a graded ethanol series (30%, 50%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and morphological characteristics revealed that B. cereus
100%) (10 min each), metathesized in isoamyl acetate strain B-02 was rod shape, had flagella, could move,
for 25 min, hexanenitrile-dried and sputter-coated with had elliptical heatproof spora, were Gram-positive
gold in vacuum. Micrographs were taken by a Hitachi under the light microscope and LSCM (Fig. 1). The
H-800 SEM. This experiment was repeated 3 times and biochemical characteristics of B. cereus strain B-02
each treatment was also replicated at least 3 times. were described in the Table II. B. cereus strain B-02 was
TEM specimen preparation and observation.
High-resolution images of hyphal cellular changes in Table I
10% B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth treated Inhibition of the five Bacillus strains on Botrytis cinerea
samples were obtained by a Hitachi H-800 TEM. Sam-
Strain Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibitory rate (%)
ple preparation was according to Chen et al. (2004).
Hyphal samples excised from the 5-day-old culture B-02 17.0 ± 1.5 81.6a
of B. cinerea were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde at 4°C B-04 14.0 ± 2.0 60.9b
for 2 h. The samples were then thoroughly rinsed with B-01 11.0 ± 1.5 55.2b
0.1 mol PBS (pH7.2) for 3 times (10 min each), post- B-07 9.0 ± 2.0 44.1c
fixed with osmium tetroxide at 4°C for 1 h and rinsed B-03 6.0 ± 1.0 43.5c
with PBS again. Samples were then dehydrated in Note: χ2 test, 5% significance of difference
a graded ethanol series (50%, 70%, and 90%) and 100%
acetone for 3 times (10 min each), embedded with Epon
Table II
812 and polymerized at 60°C for 24 h. Ultra-thin sec- Partial biochemical characteristics of the five Bacillus strains
tions (80 nm thickness) were cut with a diamond knife
(LKB-V, LKB Company, Sweden) and stained with 2% Strain B-01 B-02 B-03 B-04 B-07
uranylacetate for 30 min. Then samples were washed Shape rod rod rod rod rod
with PBS and sections were stained with lead citrate for Spore + + + + +
30 min. The control group was treated with the same Gram staining + + + + +
procedure. This experiment was repeated 3 times and Moveability + + + + +
each treatment was also replicated at least 3 times. 15°C cultivation + + + + +
LSCM specimen preparation and observation. 50°C cultivation + + + + +
Hyphal samples excised from the 5-day-old culture pH5.7 cultivation + + + + +
of B. cinerea treated with B. cereus strain B-02 fer-
Anaerobic cultivation + + + + –
mentation broth at 1%, 5% and 10% were successively
Catalase + + + + +
stained with 0.1% AO (Sigma) for 30 min, 10 μg/mL
Glucose ++ ++ ++ ++ +
Rhodamine 123 for 40 min, 5 μg/mL DCFH-DA for 1 h
and rinsed with PBS (pH 7.4) (Kamisaka et al., 1999; Sucrose ++ ++ ++ ++ +
Manteca et al., 2005; Leiter et al., 2005). Samples of Lactose – – – – –
DNA and reactive oxygen signed were excited by the Fructose + + + + +
488 nm excitation wavelength with Ar ion laser, the Xylose – – – – +
excitation wavelength of samples mitochondrion signed Arabinose – – – – +
was 514 nm. Hyphae were dealt from the control group V.P experiment – – – – +
by the same method. This experiment was repeated M.R experiment + + + + +
3 times and each treatment was also replicated at least Indole experiment – – – – –
3 times. Representative images taken by Leica TCS-SP2 H2S experiment + + + + ++
LSCM were presented here. The means and standard
Gelatin liquefaction + + + + –
deviations of hyphal cellular fluorescence intensity were
Amylolysis + + + + –
calculated. T-test was used to analysis the difference
between experimental group and control group. Note: +, positive; –, negative
122 Feng-Xia Li et al. 2

Fig. 1.  The comparison of antagonistic activity of Bacillus cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth (0.22 μm) in different dilute multiple
(a) control, (b) strain B-02 fermentation broth in dilute multiple of 1:100, (c) strain B-02 fermentation broth in dilute multiple of 1:20, (d) strain B-02
fermentation broth in dilute multiple of 1:10

Fig. 2.  Effect of Bacillus cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth on the germination of Botrytis cinerea spores

99% homologous to B. cereus by 16S rDNA sequence inhibitory action almost disappeared. Fig. 3 showed
analysis. In the evolutionary, the phylogenetic tree of that the control group, normal hyphal morphology,
the five strains also indicated that B. cereus strain B-02 the rapid speed of hyphal growth, flat and off-white
closed to B. cereus (Fig. 2). All the evidence, including colony, compared with the experimental group. The
analysis of morphological characteristics, biochemical experimental group was just the reverse. The higher
characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence, showed that the concentration of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation
B. cereus strain B-02 belonged to B. cereus. broth was, the heavier the hyphal colour was.
Effects of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth B. cinerea spores untreated with B. cereus strain B-02
on hyphal growth and spore germination of B. cine- fermentation broth germinated normally and B. cine­
rea. Table III showed that B. cereus strain B-02 fermen- rea hyphae were slim and uniform after 12 h by the
tation broth at different concentrations inhibited mark- light microscope (Fig. 4a). Even after 48 h the germi-
edly hyphal growth of B. cinerea. The inhibitory rate of nation of B. cinerea spores was still normal. B. cinerea
B. cinerea treated with 10% B. cereus strain B-02 fer- spores treated with B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation
mentation broth was up to 33.7%. When B. cereus strain broth germinated partially and the germinal germ tube
B-02 fermentation broth was diluted to 100 times, its appeared distorted after 12 h (Fig. 4b and 4c).

Table III
Inhibition of Bacillus cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth on Botrytis cinerea

Dilute 2d 3d 4d 7d
  10 21.0 ± 2.2 33.7a 33.6 ± 1.4 28.5a 42.6 ± 0.9 25.3a 50.8 ± 2.7 24.8a
  20 23.8 ± 2.6 21.0a 37.0 ± 3.9 19.7a 43.4 ± 0.8 24.2a 53.8 ± 2.3 19.8a
100 28.1 ± 1.6   2.2b 44.4 ± 1.8   0.7b 54.6 ± 1.1   0.8b 65.3 ± 1.5   0.42b
CK 28.6 ± 1.4 44.6 ± 1.2 55.0 ± 1.2 65.5 ± 0.8

MD (mm): Colony diameter; IRM (%): Inhibitory rate

Note: χ2 test, 5% significance of difference
2 Antagonistic effects of B.cerreus on B. cinerea 123

Fig. 3.  Scanning electron micrographs of Botrytis cinerea hypha treated and untreated with Bacillus cereus strain
B-02 fermentation broth (×5000) a, b, c, d: untreated normal hypha (arrows)
e, f, g: strongly destroyed hypha (arrows); h: distorted and collapsed hypha (arrow)

Fig. 4. Untreated hyphal cell con-

figuration of Botrytis cinerea under
transmission electron micrographs
(×5000) A, B: normal cell section
M: mitochondrion; N: nucleus; ER: endo-
plasmic reticulum; CW: cell wall; a: con-
tinuous outer surface layer around the
hyphal cell wall (CW). Treated hyphal
cell configuration of Botrytis cinerea
under transmission electron micrographs
(×5000) C, D, E, F: The treated hyphal
cell configuration was destroyed and
there was a lot of un-membrane material
in cell. M: mitochondrion; N: nucleus;
C: vacuole; U: un-membrane material;
a: continuous outer surface layer around
the hyphal cell wall (CW); d: heavily
stained material
124 Feng-Xia Li et al. 2

Fig. 5.  Laser scanning confocal

micrographs (LSCM) of Botrytis
cinerea hypha treated and untreated
with Bacillus cereus strain B-02 fer-
mentation broth (×1000)
(A) untreated hyphal cell DNA configu-
ration under LSCM; (B) treated hyphal
cell DNA configuration under LSCM.
Bars = 30 μm.

Effects of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth ferent concentration was obviously lower than that of
on hyphal ultralstructure of B. cinerea. The external the untreated hyphae by LSCM (Fig. 7A and 7B). The
features of B. cinerea hyphae untreated with B. cereus fluorescence intensity values of the treated hyphal cell
strain B-02 fermentation broth were slim, uniform DNA were 80.90 ± 15.71, 109.74 ± 25.64, 119.8 ± 27.11
and smooth by the SEM (Fig. 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D). The with the different concentration of B. cereus strain B-02
treated hyphae were destroyed strongly and the external fermentation broth (× 10, × 20, × 100), respectively.
structures were incomplete (Fig. 5E, 5F, and 5G). Part of The fluorescence intensity value of the untreated hyphal
the treated hyphae were even distorted, malformed and cell DNA was 153.89 ± 24.52. All the values of experi-
collapsed (Fig. 5H). The cell nucleus and mitochondrion mental group were lower than that of the control group
of the untreated hyphal cell were normal, uniform and and the difference was significant between the two
clear by the TEM (Fig. 6A and 6B). There was a continu- groups (P < 0.01). The reduction of the treated hyphal
ous outer surface layer around the hyphal cell wall and cell DNA content showed that the normal synthesis of
no extravasation outer the hyphal cell wall (Fig. 6A). DNA was disturbed.
Part of the treated hyphal cell mitochondrion disap- Effects of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth
peared crista and its number decreased. The cell nucleus on hyphal cell mitochondrial membrane potential of
was not obvious and the unknown un-membranous B. cinerea. Comparison of the control group and exper-
material appeared in cell (Fig. 6C and 6D). Comparing imental group showed that the fluorescence intensity of
with the untreated hyphal cell wall (Fig. 6A and 6B), the control group was stronger than that of the experi-
the treated hyphal cell wall was thickened irregularly mental group and the control group was more uni-
(Fig. 6E). There was a lot of un-membrane material in form staining than the experimental group by LSCM
cell (Fig. 6D and 6E). Heavily stained material occurred (Fig. 8A and 8B). The fluorescence intensity values of
out of the treated hyphal cell wall (Fig. 6E and 6F) and mitochondrion DNA in the treated hyphal cells were
the electronic density of partial treated hyphal cell 72.70 ± 27.03, 82.18 ± 26.49, 97.40 ± 29.89 with the differ-
increased (Fig. 6F). ent concentration of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation
Effects of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth broth (× 10, × 20, × 100), respectively. The fluorescence
on the hyphal cell DNA content of B. cinerea. The intensity value of the control group was 108.35 ± 28.59
DNA fluorescence intensity of the treated hyphae and the difference was significant between the two
with B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth at dif- groups (P < 0.01). So B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation
2 Antagonistic effects of B.cerreus on B. cinerea 125

Fig. 6.  Laser scanning confocal

micrographs (LSCM) of Botrytis
cinerea hypha treated and untreated
with Bacillus cereus strain B-02
fermentation broth (×1000)
(A) untreated hyphal cell mitochon-
drion configuration under LSCM;
(B) treated hyphal cell mitochondrion
configuration under LSCM. Bar, 7.5 μm

Fig. 7.  Laser scanning confocal

micrographs (LSCM) of Botrytis
cinerea hypha treated and untreated
with Bacillus cereus strain B-02
fermentation broth (×1000)
(A) Fluorescence micrograph of
untreated hypha showing reactive oxy-
gen standard (ROS); (B) Fluorescence
micrograph of treated hypha showing
ROS. Bar, 15 μm
126 Feng-Xia Li et al. 2

broth could result in the reduction of B. cinerea hyphal Mitochondrion, a sensitive organelle in cell, was
cell mitochondrial membrane potential. damaged quite easily and revealed the damaged degree
Effects of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth of cell. It was related to the production of oxygen radical
on hyphal cell reactive oxygen standard of B. cinerea. and cell apoptosis. The mitochondrion was abnormal,
The fluorescence intensity of the hyphal cell reactive so was the whole cell. Mitochondrial membrane poten-
oxygen standard was obviously lower than that of the tial, the main part of mitochondrial electrochemistry
control group by LSCM (Fig. 9A and 9B). The fluo- gradient, reflected the configuration of inner mitochon-
rescence intensity values of the treated hyphae were drial membrane. Mitochondrial membrane potential
44.45 ± 13.49, 50.01 ± 19.89, 53.67 ± 15.19 with the dif- decrease indicated the configuration of inner mitochon-
ferent concentration of B. cereus strain B-02 fermen­ drial membrane was changed and the permeability of
tation broth (× 10, × 20, × 100), respectively. The fluo­- it increased (Cortopassi and Wong, 1999). Studies also
rescence intensity value of the control group was showed that the descent of mitochondrial membrane
75.42 ± 17.78 and the difference was significant between potential was one of the important indicators in early
the two groups (P < 0.01). The reason why the hyphal cell apoptosis and indicated the cell would access the
cell reactive oxygen standard of the experimental group irreversible process of cell apoptosis. The mitochondrial
was higher than that of the control group was that membrane potential and DNA content in this study
the hyphal metabolism and its growth speed became decreased markedly. Which indicated B. cereus strain
slowly caused by the increase of the hyphal cell reactive B-02 might cause the alteration of mitochondrial mem-
oxygen standard. brane configuration and hyphal cell apoptosis in further.
Reactive oxygen, including superoxide radical, hydro­-
gen peroxide, hydroxy radical, and so on, was one of the
Discussion main factors inducing cell apoptosis (Shi et al., 2002).
Above 95% reactive oxygen radical from respiratory
The antagonistic mechanism was studied at the level chain of mitochondrion in our bodies played an impor-
of cell morphology and cell physiology. Certain con- tant role in cell signal regulation. Nevertheless, exces-
centration of B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth sive reactive oxygen would attack the mitochondrion
resulted in abnormal germination of B. cinerea spores by oxidation (Factor et al., 2000). The cause and effect
and distorted hyphae. The configuration of hyphal cell relationship between the reactive oxygen and mito-
treated with B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth was chondrion was a common mechanism of cell apoptosis
destroyed and there were a lot of un-membranous mate- inducing factors. In this study the reactive oxygen stan-
rial and vacuoles in cell. Fluorescence intensity of the dard of treated hyphal cell decreased obviously. Because
treated cell and that of the control group was different the normal physiological activity of hyphae was dam-
significantly. Heavily stained material occurred out of aged and the reactive oxygen standard measured might
the treated hyphal cell wall. We inferred that the mem- be of the damaged hyphae.
brane permeability of the treated cell was influenced From the above, the synthesis of DNA, mitochon-
and then the cytoplasm leaked and gathered as a result drial membrane potential and reactive oxygen quantity
(Huang et al., 2007). The B. cinerea hyphal cell treated of B. cinerea hyphae were greatly influenced by B. cereus
with B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth didn’t col- strain B-02 fermentation broth. So we draw a conclusion
lapse or die directly. The changes of the treated hyphal that B. cereus strain B-02 against B. cinerea may act on
cell may be a result of indirect effects or comprehensive DNA and mitochondrion firstly. Further the physiologi-
effects of multiple factors by B. cereus strain B-02 fer- cal and biochemical process of hyphal cell is influenced
mentation broth. The relationship between the effects of and even cell apoptosis is induced. Which lead to hyphal
the chemical bactericide (e.g. triadimenfon) to hyphal growth slowly eventually. HPLC-MS, which would cer-
external feature was related to its action mechanism tainly have provided new and interesting information,
closely. The main action mechanism of chemical bac- concerning the presence of bacteriocins, toxins and
tericide was to make hyphae swollen or distorted, and other metabolites produced by B. cereus in the experi-
influence the formation of fungal cell wall (Huang et al., mental conditions. What metabolites of B. cereus strain
2007; Chen et al., 2007). It was obvious that the effects of B-02 fermentation broth might be responsible for the
B. cereus strain B-02 fermentation broth on the hyphal changes produced. So the chemical analysis of B. cereus
feature and ultrastructure were different from that of the strain B-02 fermentation broth will be performed on the
chemical bactericide. The treated hyphal cell configura- supernatant met by HPLC-MS in future.
tion was changed especially in cell nucleus, mitochon-
drion, and so on. Which provided morphological basis Acknowledgements
for the study on antagonistic mechanism of beneficial This work was realised as project supported by Fund of Shan-
microorganisms against fungal pathogen. dong Natural Sciences, ZR 2011CL006.
2 Antagonistic effects of B.cerreus on B. cinerea 127

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Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 129–135


Ultrastructure of Candida albicans Pleomorphic Forms:

Phase-Contrast Microscopy, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy

Monika Staniszewska1*, Małgorzata Bondaryk1, Katarzyna Siennicka2

and Wiesław Kurzątkowski1

National Institute of Public Health-National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland


Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Received 13 November 2011, revised 30 January 2012, accepted 9 February 2012


A modified method of glutaraldeyde-osmium tetroxide fixation was adjusted to characterize the ultrastructure of Candida albicans pleo-
morphic forms, using phase-contrast microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The discovered
morphological criteria defining the individual morphotypes are discussed in terms of mycological and histopathological diagnostics of
candidiasis. The relations are discussed between fungal pleomorphism, virulence and susceptibility of different morphotypes to fungicides.

K e y w o r d s: Candida albicans, diagnostics, morphotypes, ultrastructure

Introduction Melchinger, 2006) and therefore for this yeast a novel

and better adjusted method should be employed.
Candida albicans exists in different morphotypes. This experimental study was designed to provide
From the evolutionary point of view the round blasto- some exact ultrastructural criteria defining C. albicans
conidia are adjusted to a fluid medium where the round morphotypes using a novel modified method of glutar-
single cells can be easily disseminated through micro aldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation.
streaming. On the contrary, the mycelium building true
hyphae and pseudohyphae are adjusted to grow into
solid and half solid substrates. All these morphotypes Experimental
are adaptations to maximal exploitation of nutrition
elements from fluid and solid substrates (Müller and Material and Methods
Melchinger, 2006). On the other hand, these morpho­
types are also related to virulence and fungicidal resis- Strain. The Candida albicans 82 clinical strain exam-
tance of C. albicans clinical isolates (Salfelder et al., 1990; ined in this experimental program was isolated from
Kurzątkowski et al., 2010; Staniszewska et al., 2010). a  blood sample taken from a three-years-old child
Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen treated for an ependymoma anaplasticum. The strain was
(Okawa et al., 2007; Raška et al., 2007; Netea et al., 2008; identified using: CHROMagar Candida (BioMèrieux)
Nguyen et al., 2011). This fungus exist in few morpho- (Staniszewska et al., 2011b), API23C AUX (BioMèrieux,
logical phenotypes, which are genetically determined Lyon, Marcy-l’ Etoile, France) (Staniszewska et al., 2011a)
and therefore the exactly defined criteria of these and genetic procedures (in preparation). The investigated
morphotypes will provide important attributes in the strain created pleomorphic cells viable under phase-
mycological and histopathological diagnostics of can- contrast microscopy (Docuval, Carl Zeiss, Jena) (Sta­ni­­-
didiasis. At present, ultrastructural attributes of these szewska et al., 2011a), scanning electron microscopy
morphotypes should be completed. So far released pub- (SEM Quanta-200, FEI, Czech Republic) (Kurzątkowski
lications suggest that the extremely thick and compact et al., 2010; Staniszewska et al., 2011b) and transmission
cell wall of C. albicans prevents the cytoplasm fixation electron microscopy (TEM Zeiss EM LIBRA 120, Carl
hampering the ultrastructure presentation (Müller and Zeiss, Germany) (Kurzątkowski et al., 2010).

* Corresponding author: M. Staniszewska, Division of Epidemiology and Microbiology, National Institute of Public Health-National Insti-
tute of Hygiene, Chocimska 24, Warsaw 00-791, Poland; phone: + 48 22 542 1228; fax: + 48 22 849 7484; e-mail:
130 Staniszewska M. et al. 2

Induction of blastoconidial forms in YEPD Equipment, Inc., Lorton, VA, USA). The sections were
medium. A single colony of blastoconidia grown on stained with uranyl acetate solution and then treated
Sabouraud medium was inoculated in 5 ml of YEPD with Reynold’s reagent (Serva-Electrophoresis, Heidel-
(Ness et al., 2010) liquid medium (pH 5.7) and the cul- berg, Germany). The ultra thin sections were exam-
ture was incubated at 30°C for 18 h (stationary phase) ined under transmission electron microscopy JOEL,
to a final concentration of: 1.5 × 107 CFU ml–1, estimated JEM1220 (Tokyo, Japan).
using the Thomas Chamber under a phase-contrast Scanning electron microscopy (FEI QUANTA 200,
microscopy. Hillsboro, OR, USA) was conducted as described pre­
Induction of pseudohyphae in 5% human serum. viously (Kurzątkowski et al., 2010). The samples were
The human serum was obtained from healthy volun- coated with a gold film (thickness approximately 20 nm)
teers (Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medi- under vacuum in an argon atmosphere using a sputter
cine in Warsaw) as a kind gift from Ph.D. G. Smoleńska- coater (Emscope SC500, Island Scientific Ltd, Isle of
Sym. The serum was filtered using Millex filter with Wight, Ventor, UK) prior to SEM analysis.
0.45 μm millipore membrane (Millipore, Carrigtwohill, Morphology index (Mi). The morphotypes were
Ireland). The filtered serum was diluted with sterile examined under TEM and classified on the basis of
distilled water to a final concentration of 5%. Fifty μl Mi = ls/d2 (Merson-Davies and Odds, 1989) The length
of blastoconidial cells (stationary phase) of the strain of the cell (l), maximum diameter of the cell (d) and
C. albicans 82 grown on YEPD medium were added diameter at the septal junction (s) were determined
to Eppendorf vials containing diluted human serum for 118 randomly selected cells. The Mi values of dif-
(500 μl, pH 8.0–8.2). To examine the transfer of blasto- ferent pleomorphic forms were analyzed by descriptive
conidia into pseudohyphae incubation was conducted statistics (number of cells measured, average, SD, mini-
at 37°C for 48 h. mum and maximum). Analysis was done using SPSS
Induction of germ tubes and true hyphae in undi- 12.0/ (//SPSS for Windows, Rel 12.0.1, 2004, Chicago:
luted human serum. Fifty μl of blastoconidial cells SPSS INC/).
(stationary-phase) of the analysed strain C. albicans
82 grown on YEPD medium were added to Eppen-
dorf vials containing filtered undiluted human serum Results
(500 μl, pH 7.1–7.4). To examine the transfer of blas-
toconidia into filaments, incubation was conducted at Candida albicans cells exhibit typically eukaryotic
37°C for the following period: 1–18 h. ultrastructure, i.e.: nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum,
Phase-contrast microscopy. Pleomorphic cells were Golgi cisternae and mitochondria. Depending on the
washed once with sterile water and then suspended in cultural conditions this fungus is able to develop the fol-
500 µl of water. Ten µl of the suspension were pipetted lowing pleomorphic forms: blastoconidia, germ tubes,
onto slide and a coverslip was placed over the sample, pseudohyphae and true hyphae. Classification of mor-
and then examined under the phase-contrast micro­s- photypes based on Mi value is presented in Table I. The
copy (Staniszewska et al., 2011a). morphological attributes of these forms are different.
Transmission and scanning electron micro­ s­
copy. Blastoconidia, germ tubes, pseudohyphae and Table I
true hyphae (5 ml of cultures) were harvested by cen- Morphology index (Mi) values for pleomorphic cells
trifugation at 1600 g for 5 min (MPW-360; Mechanika of Candida albicans 82 grown from 4 to 48 h in 5% human serum
Precyzyjna, Warsaw, Poland). The pellets were used at 37°C. Data estimated by measuring the pleomorphic cells
documented by transmission electron micrographs
to prepare samples for transmission electron micros-
copy and scanning electron microscopy. Preparation Morphology index (Mi)
for transmission electron microscopy was performed Range* No.
Pleomorphic Standard of cells
as described previously (Kuryłowicz et al., 1980) with foms Mini- Maxi- Average deviation examined
the exception of the fixation methods which were con- mum mum
ducted in 3.5% or 4.5% glutaraldehyde (Sigma-Aldrich, Yeast 1.0 1.5 1.17 0.1401 71
Milwaukee, WI, USA) for 6 h at 2°C, and then con-
Germ tube 1.6 2.4 1.90 0.3327 15
tinued with 1.2% osmium tetroxide (Sigma-Aldrich,
Milwaukee, WI, USA) solution for 2 h. All samples Pseudo hyphae 2.5 3.4 2.74 0.3291 15
were dehydrated in increasing concentrations of ethyl True hyphae 4.1 17.8 7.62 3.3039 17
alcohol and embedded in Epon 812 (Serva-Electropho- Total 1.0 17.8 2.39 2.5419 118
resis, Heidelberg, Germany) at room temperature. The
*  Classification of tetramorphic forms based on the Mi value: blastoco-
blocs were polymerized at 37°C for 24 h and at 65°C for nidia, 1.0–1.5; germ-tube, 1.6–2.4; pseudo-hyphae, 2.5–3.4; true-hyphae
48 h, and cut on LKB III Ultra Microtome (Diversified > 3.4 (Merson-Davies and Odds, 1989)
2 Ultrasructure of C.albicans pleomorphic forms 131

Fig. 1. (a, b, c, d) Blastoconidia of Candida albicans 82 grown in YEPD medium (pH 5.7) at 30°C for 18 h: (a, a-1) scanning electron
micrographs, (a-2) transmission electron micrograph, (a-3) phase-contrast micrograph, (b, c, d) transmission electron micrographs.
(a) Polar budding, (a-1) polar arranged rings of scars (arrows), (a-2) nucleus (N) associated with areas of polar budding (arrows),
(a-3) oval budding blastoconidial cells. (b) Massive cell wall (cw) and a longitudinal section through a nucleus (N) at an early state
of mitosis. (c) Breakable septum (s). (d) Telophase nucleus (N). The nuclear envelope has broken down in the equatorial region of the
nucleus and is reforming around the clusters of chromosomes (ch), thus excluding the spindle which soon breaks down

Blastoconidia appear as oval or spherical cells. The conglomerates of about 700 μm (average of 25 measure-
poles of this morphotype are privileged areas of bud- ments in diameter) (Figure 2b).
ding or germinating (Figure 1). Massive cell wall of In a distance of about 70 μm from the apex of the
this morphotype is abundantly covered with fibrous conglomerate building true hyphae young cells are
material (Figure 1b). The breakable septum is com- located. In a further range of the hyphae mature and
posed of the mother cell wall and a thinner daughter senescent cells with large vacuoles are visible (Fig-
layer (Figure 1c). Using our modified fixation method ure 3a). Generally, in comparison with blastoconidial
in the cytoplasm a telophase plasmodial nucleus was mother cell the surface of hyphal part of germ tube is
documented (Figure 1d). Pseudohyphae can be char- less covered with fibrous material (Figure 3b). The mas-
acterized as chain of elongated budding blastoconidial sive true hyphal septum fast joined with the cell wall is
cells with fragile septa. Pseudohyphae develop directly located in the place of the strongest mechanical stability.
from blastoconidia or as branches of true hyphae (Fig- The massive septum is a cellular linking binder which is
ure 2a). The true hyphae grow from adhesive blastoco- responsible for the extreme durability of the true hyphal
nidia which build after 1 h of cultivation conglomerates structure (Figure 3c). In the examined cultivation con-
of germ tubes. Polar germination of blastoconidia is ditions until 18 h of growth budding of true hyphae is
a characteristic attribute initiating the growth of true very less noticeable. After this period of cultivation in
hyphae. After 2 h of cultivation the length of the radi- protein exhausted human serum the true hyphae begin
ate extending true hyphae ranges from 5 to 7 μm and the processes of budding or pseudohyphae branching.
between 3–6 h from 10 to 15 μm. Finally at 18 h of cul- Privileged areas for these processes are the cytoplasm
tivation the radiate arranged true hyphae build massed regions located at the poles of the elongated true hyphal
132 Staniszewska M. et al. 2

Fig. 2. (a, b) Candida albicans 82. (a) Scanning electron micrograph. (b) Phase-contrast micrograph. (a) Growth in 5% human
serum (pH 8.2) at 37°C for 48 h. Pleomorphic forms are visible, i.e. (b) oval blastoconidia with fragile septa (arrows), (ph) chains
of elongated blastoconidial cells with fragile septa (arrows) forming pseudohyphae (ph1) from an oval mother cell, (th) uniformly
elongated true hyphae. (b) Mycelium building true hyphae grown in undiluted human serum (pH 7.0) at 37°C for 18 h form aggre-
gates of blastoconidia (circular dark area)

Fig. 3. (a, b, c, d) True hyphae of Candida albicans 82 grown in undiluted human serum (pH 7.0) at 37°C for 18 h. (a) Phase-
contrast micrographs. (b, c) Transmission electron micrographs. (d) Scanning electron micrographs. (a) Young cells at the hyphal
apex (arrows). In a further range from the apex mature and senescent cells with increasing in the length vacuoles from about
10 μm to 50 μm are visible (light areas). In the direct neighborhood of both sites of the septa dense cytoplasm is located (inter-
rupted dark areas). (b) Blastoconidial mother cell extending into tubular hyphae. Note the dense and strong structure of blasto-
conidial cell wall (cw). Note the fibrous appearance at the outer surface of the cell wall (f). In contrast, the cell wall of the tubular
extending hyphae is less covered with fibrilles. In the cytoplasm vacuoles (v) are visible. (c) Massive true hyphal septum (s) fast
joined with the cell wall (cw). (d) Ring of bud scars (arrows) located at one side of the massive true hyphal septum exhibiting privi-
leged places of hyphal budding or branching
2 Ultrasructure of C.albicans pleomorphic forms 133

literature. Despite multiple experimental results pub-

lished so far, the ultrastructure of C. albicans pleomor-
phic forms has not been sufficiently studied.
Previous ultrastructural analyses of C. albicans pleo-
morphic forms encountered difficulties (Müller and
Melchinger, 2006). It is the reason of noticeable lack
of precise ultrastructural characteristics of C. albicans
ultrastructure, including: Spitzenkörper (Crampin et al.,
2005), organization of mitosis (interphase, prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, telophase), process of budding or
branching, privileged areas of budding, exact features
of breakable blastoconidial septum and massive true
hyphal septa, occurrence of Woronon bodies, fibrillar
Fig. 4. Candida albicans 82, fixation with 3.5% glutaraldehyde,
surface of the cell wall of particular morphotypes, orga-
1.2% osmium tetroxide fixation. The cytoplasm is poorly visible. nization of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi-like
The novelty of our study is the elaborated fixation method, i.e. structures (vesicles, cisternae), structure of biofilm and
4.5% instead of 3.5% glutaraldehyde continued with 1.2% osmium structural formation and organization of the so-called
tetroxide. The improved method allowed the presentation of the “Candida fungus ball” (Salfelder et al., 1990; Dignani
ultrastructural details described in Figs. 1a-2, 1b, 1c, 3b, 3c
et al., 2003), relations between ultrastructural charac-
teristics and the virulence of pleomorphic forms.
cells, i.e. at the septa where rings of buds and bud scars The main goals of our experimental program was to
(Figure 3d) or pseudohyphal branches were visible. At search for ultrastructural characteristics of C. albicans
3.5% glutaraldehyde pre-fixation the cytoplasm of the pleomorphic forms using phase-contrast microscopy,
cell is less visible (Figure 4). scanning electron microscopy and transmission elec-
tron microscopy using improved 4,5% glutaraldehyde
pre-fixation method. In this paper some of the char-
Discussion acteristics of morphotypes were discussed in terms of
diagnostics, virulence of particular pleomorphic forms
The high frequency of occurrence of candidiasis as and sensitivity to disinfectants or antimycotics.
well as the high mortality of patients with immunosup- The findings of our study provided precise crite-
pression cause a tendency toward better understanding ria of C. albicans morphotypes i.e.: precise criteria of
of C. albicans virulence factors and developing sensi- breakable septa typical for blastoconidia and pseudo-
tive and specific diagnostic methods, and appropri- hyphae, exact features of massive septa characterizing
ate strategies for candidiasis treatment. Diagnostics true hyphae, privileged areas of budding or branching,
of mycoses is based on microscopic, microbiological, relations between the cultivation conditions and growth
serological (detection of antigens and antibodies) as of particular pleomorphic forms, fibrous appearance at
well as molecular methods (Woods and Schnadig, 2003; the outer surface of the cell wall of different morpho­
Przyjałkowski, 2006). types, cellular and hyphal organization of mycelium-like
Patients deficient in antibody immune response aggregates. Additionally, using our modified method of
value and titer give frequently false negative results glutaraldehyde fixation some ultrastructural attributes
(Warzocha and Seferyńska, 2006). Moreover, lack were documented, e.g. the telophase nucleus.
of characteristic symptoms in this group of patients The previously elaborated methods for the growth
impairs recognition of fungal infection based on the of individual morphotypes allowed us to estimate some
clinical picture (Stradomska, 2006). Interpretation of virulence features of C. albicans pleomorphic forms,
microbiological or molecular results should be corre- such as: profiles of enzymatic activity using the api®
lated with occurring clinical symptoms. ZYM test (Staniszewska et al., 2010), expression of
In many cases, obtaining a positives result from aspartic protease isoenzymes Sap1-3 and Sap4-6 using
a direct clinical material preparation is the only certain immunoelectron microscopy and immunofluorescence
way of recognizing mycoses (Warzocha and Seferyńska, microscopy (immunolabelling). In comparison with
2006). Therefore, the discrimination of the morpho- blastoconidia the immunomarker of aspartic protease
logical elements of all C. albicans pleomorphic forms is isoenzymes increased two times in germ tubes and four
indispensable in the mycological and histopathological times in both pseudohyphae and true hyphae.
diagnostics of fungal infections caused by C. albicans Biofilm-similar structures and other types of massed
(Müller and Melchinger, 2006). At present, precise cri- growth were also analyzed previously (in preparation).
teria should be completed in the medical mycological The so called “fungus ball” of C. albicans massed growth
134 Staniszewska M. et al. 2

was described in diffuse parietal mycotic endocarditis. the data from 6.2 to 7.0 log, and the survivability of the
The “fungus ball” was located in the right heart ven- remaining blastoconidia at not budding life cycle. The
tricle and pulmonary artery of a dehydrated infant authors suggested also that the speculation on different
which received intravenous infusions (Salfelder et al., resistance and strain difference to the tested fungicides
1990). Our present observations allowed characterize should be rooted in the composition of the especially
the conglomerate arrangements composed of radiate thick and compact cell wall of C. albicans blastoconidia
extending true hyphae developing in undiluted human (Kurzątkowski et al., 2010). The resistance of particular
serum from aggregates of blastoconidia. The young pleomorphic forms to antibiotics is diverse and is a sub-
hyphal cells located at the apex of the true hyphae ject of our further investigations.
which are arranged at the periphery of these spherical The conclusions of our work can be summarized
conglomerates seem to exhibit some enhanced viru- as follows: the modified glutaraldehyde pre-fixation
lence attributes, such as: secretion of aspartic prote- method allowed us more exact presentation of the fine
ase isoenzymes, increased activity of tissue degrada- structure of C. albicans morphotypes, the presented
tion (in preparation) and ability to develop micelial attributes of morphology of the particular morpho-
aggregates. All these results connected with profiles types will facilitate the mycological and histopatho-
of enzyme activity, cellular localization and frequency logical diagnostics of candidiasis, the discussed results
of aspartic protease expression in individual morpho­ elucidated the virulence of individual morphotypes as
types and ability to build hyphal conglomerates elu- well as the ultrastructural mode of fungicides action.
cidate the relation between C. albicans pleomorphism
and its virulence. Acknowledgements
The present study shows that undiluted human This work was supported by Ministry of Sciences and Higher
Education, Scientific Grant NN404 113639. We are very grateful
serum, the temperature 37°C and pH ≥ 7.0 were prefer- to Prof. D.D. Dzierżanowska-Madalińska for kindly supplying the
able to true hyphae formation and a large fraction of the C. albicans strain 82.
cells were induced to germinate (Fig. 2b and Fig. 3a).
We modified the pH by transferring blastoconidia from
YEPD (pH 5.7) into both undiluted (pH 7.1–7.4 ) and Literature
diluted (pH 8.0–8.2) human sera. Findings presented
in this study are consistent with observations made by Barnet J.A. 2008. A history of research on yeasts 12: medical yeasts
other authors (Barnet, 2008; Kruppa, 2009; Noble et al., part I, Candida albicans. Yeast. 25: 385–417.
2010). The latter showed that interconversions among Crampin H., K. Finley, M. Gerami-Nejad, H. Court, C. Gale,
J. Berman and P. Sudbery. 2005. Candida albicans hyphae have
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temperature, and/or serum concentration in the growth and pseudohyphae. J. Cell. Sci. 118: 2935–2947.
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Kruppa M. 2009. Quorum sensing and Candida albicans. Mycoses.
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52: 1–10.
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mode of fungicide action. Our previous investigations Pracka, A. Paszkiewicz, J. Luba and J. Piorunowski. 1980. Atlas
using transmission electron microscopy and scanning of the Ultrastructure of Penicillium Chrysogenum in the Course of
electron microscopy exhibited the young and very thin Biosynthesis of Penicillin. Chemia. Warsaw.
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of Candida albicans blastoconidia exposed to biocides. Mycoses.
of C. albicans clinical isolates. At the thin cell wall of doi:10.1111/j.1439-0507.2010.01900.x
buds a collocation of mitochondrion and nucleus at the Merson-Davies L.A. and F. Odds. 1989. A morphology index of
stage comparable to metaphase/anaphase was docu- characterization of cell shape in Candida albicans. J. Gen. Microbiol.
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Lysoformine 3000, Medicarine, Incidin Plus, Incidin Müller J. and W. Melchinger. 2006. Ultrastructural characters
defining the terms ‘yeast cell’, ‘pseudonycelium’ and ‘true mycelium
Liquid Spray and Spitaderm (antiseptic) damage of in Candida albicans. Mycoses. 49: 24–30.
buds was presented, i.e. peeling of the outer layer of the Ness F., V. Prouzet-Mauleon, A. Vieillemard, F. Lefebvre, T. Noёl,
cell wall, explosion of buds and polar holes in the cell M. Crouzet, F. Doignon and D. Thoraval. 2010. The Candida albi-
wall. These results allowed us to suggest that during the cans Rgd1 is a RhoGAP protein involved in the control of filamen-
antifungal action the blastoconidial buds are neuralgic tous growth. Fungal Genetics and Biology 47: 1001–1011.
Netea M.G., G.D. Brown, B.J. Kullberg and N.A.R. Gow. 2008.
places of the cell. This suggestion might also explain
An integrated model of the recognition of Candida albicans by the
the reduction levels of viable blastoconidia exposed to innate immune system. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 6: 67–78.
the lowest concentrations of disinfectants and antiseptic Nguyen K.A., G. Zmeter, O. Claris and B. Kassai. 2011. Epidemio­
(according to EN 1275:2005) which were expressed by logy of invasive Candida infection in a neonatal intensive care unit
2 Ultrasructure of C.albicans pleomorphic forms 135

in France. Acta Paediatrica. DOI:10.1111/j. 1651-2227.2011.02514.x 2010. Susceptibility of Candida spp. Clinical isolates to antimycotics
Noble S.M., S. French, L.A. Kohn, V. Chen and A.D. Johnson. and disinfectans. Cent. Eur. J. Biol. 5: 821–826.
2010. Systematic Screens of Candida albicans homozygous deletion Staniszewska M., M. Bondaryk and W. Kurzątkowski. 2011a. Mor-
library decouple morphogenetic switching and pathogenicity. Nat. photypes of Candida albicans. Phase-contrast microscopy. Mikologia
Genet. 42: 590–598. lekarska. 18: 5–10.
Okawa Y., M. Miyauchi, S. Takahashi and H. Kobayashi. 2007. Staniszewska M., D. Rabczenko and W. Kurzątkowski. 2011b. Dis-
Comparison of pathogenicity of various Candida albicans and crimination between the enzymatic activities of Candida albicans
C. Stellatoidea strains. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 10: 1870–1873. pleomorphic forms determined using the api® ZYM test. Mycoses.
Przyjałkowski W. 2006. Fungal infections of the central nervous sys- doi.10.1111/j.1439-0507.2010.02011.x
tem (in Polish). In: Dzierżanowska D. (ed). pp. 154–165. Zakażenia Stradomska T.J. 2006. Metabolites detection in the diagnosis of sys-
grzybicze – wybrane zagadnienia. α-medica Press, Bielsko-Biała. temic fungal infections (in Polish). pp. 71–78. In: D. Dzierżanowska
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Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 137–142


Modifications Influencing Widal Test Reactivity

in a Novel Microplate Assay

Adel Almogren1, Zahid Shakoor1*, Mustafa Hussein Adam1,

Mohammad Osman GadElRab1 and Hassan Abdulaziz Musa2

Department of Pathology, King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

 Faculty of Medicine, National Rabat University, Khartoum, Sudan

Received 2 November 2011, revised 5 April 2012, accepted 9 April 2012


Reliability of the Widal tube agglutination test has been the subject of many controversies over the years. This study was performed to
assess the effect of certain modifications on the performance of Widal test in a novel microplate assay. Sera from 37 patients (21 males;
16 females) (mean age 28 + 7 years) were tested in the Immunology Unit at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh. Among them were
26 patients with suspected typhoid fever and 11 had bacteriologically confirmed diagnosis of Salmonella infection. The modifications
included either the use of 0.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA), absorption of sera with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) or heat inactivation of
sera. Compared with Widal tube agglutination test, microplate assay with SRBC absorption of the sera from patients with suspected typhoid
fever was not only associated with enhancement of detection titers for both H (p < 0.001) and O (p < 0.005) Salmonella agglutinins but also
the percentage of reactivity. The presence of BSA augmented detection titers for Salmonella H agglutinins (p < 0.02) only. Heat inactiva-
tion of sera however was found to be associated with reduction in the detectable titers for both H (p < 0.03) and O (p < 0.01) agglutinins.
Increased titers of Salmonella agglutinins were also evident in 11 patients with confirmed diagnosis of Salmonella infection. The novel
microplate agglutination assay using the SRBC absorption was associated with enhancement in Widal test reactivity and appears to be
a useful alternative for the diagnosis of Salmonella infection.

K e y w o r d s: Salmonella typhi, microplate agglutination assay, Salmonella agglutinins, Widal tube agglutination test

Introduction nins have been regarded as diagnostically significant

(Wain et al., 2008). However, there are several factors
The diagnosis of typhoid fever is usually made by which tend to obscure the serological picture; the most
detection of Salmonella typhi organisms in blood that important is the sharing of antigens that stimulate anti-
is less sensitive than isolation of the organism from body production by a large number of organisms from
bone marrow which is considered as the gold stan- the same genus or from other related organisms yelid-
dard (Farooqui et al., 1991). Bone marrow aspiration ing false positive results (Jindal et al., 1992; Chart et al.,
is an invasive procedure and requires skilled labora- 1994a; Chart et al., 1994b).
tory personnel often not available at primary healthcare A number of attempts have been made in the past to
facilities (Wain et al., 2008). Similarly in the developing develop a reliable serological technique for the diagno-
countries where typhoid fever is endemic a relatively sis of typhoid fever (Duthie and French, 1990). These
small number of laboratories at primary healthcare cen- include the Widal agglutination test, haemagglutination
tres are equiped with the culture facilities requried for test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immuno-
isolation of Salmonella organisms and the diagnosis of electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction test (Rai
typhoid fever only on clinical evidence remains a prob- et al., 1989; Barrett et al., 1983; Nardiello et al., 1984;
lem (Parry et al., 1999; Pang et al., 1983; Choo et al., Verdugo-Rodriguez et al., 1993; Jesudason et al., 1998;
1993; Saha et al., 1996). Detection of circulating anti- Chart et al., 1997; Sharma et al., 1997). None of these
bodies against Salmonella typhi in serum is therefore tests could be adopted for routine use on account of
useful in the diagnosis of typhoid fever. Rising titers various reasons whereby the Widal tube agglutination
over time or a single high titer of Salmonella agglutin- test remained a simple, inexpensive, semiquantitative

*  Corresponding author: Z. Shakoor, Department of Pathology, King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh 11461,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; phone: 00966-1-4671299; fax: 00966-1-4671842; e-mail:
138 Almogren A. et al. 2

agglutination test for detecting Salmonella agglutinins SRBC absorption. Commercially prepared 10%
(Parry et al., 1999; Choo et al., 1993; Saha et al., 1996; non-sensitized sheep erythrocytes (Carter Wallace Inc,
Coovadia et al., 1986). USA) were used for absorption. To 190 μl of absorbent
Despite being used most frequently the specific- cells in a test tube 10 μl of undiluted serum sample was
ity and sensitivity of the Widal test has been debated added to obtain a serum dilution of 1:20. The contents
for many years, especially in the endemic areas where were mixed gently using a microplate shaker and incu-
typhoid fever co-exists with non-typhoid febrile ill- bated at room temperature for one hour and then cen-
nesses such as malaria and tuberculosis (Rai et al., 1989; trifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant was
Ghosh et al., 2001; Bakr et al., 2011; Keddy et al., 2011). collected and used for microplate agglutination assay.
Because of its limited diagnostic capability (Omuse Heat inactivation of sera. Serum samples were
et al., 2010) several modifications of the Widal test such placed in a water bath at 56°C for 30 minutes and then
as the slide agglutination test, (Hoffman et al., 1986) cooled immediately in running tap water prior to be
plate micro-agglutination test (Pang et al., 1983; Clegg used in the microplate agglutination assay.
et al., 1994; Barsoum and Awad, 1972), use of 2-mer- Microplate agglutination assay. 50 μl of 0.5% BSA
captoethanol for the detection of IgM (Jindal et al., in normal saline was dispensed in all the wells of
1992) and Salmonella para A, para B and Escherichia a U-type micro-titer plate. In the first well of each row
coli absorption (Rai et al., 1989) have been investigated 50 μl of serum sample was added and double dilu-
but none of these could gain a reasonable acceptance. tions were made along the rows up to a final dilution
The need for a tangible test for the diagnosis of Sal­ of 1:20480. Aliquots of 50 μL each from 1:100 diluted
monella infection therefore remains (Baker et al., 2010) homogenous Salmonella typhi suspensions (Murex,
and this study examines the effect of certain modifica- UK) for H  and O  antigens were then added to the
tions on the performance of Widal test. respective wells. The microplate was sealed with a plas-
tic cover, the contents were mixed by gentle shaking and
this was followed by incubation at 37°C for 18 hours.
Experimental After incubation the seal was removed from the plate
and the agglutination was read on a Microtitre mirror.
Materials and Methods A positive reaction was indicated by a smooth or irreg-
ular mat shape settlement at the bottom of each well in
Study population. A total of 37 patients includ- the microtitre plate, whereas the settling of antigen to
ing 21  males and 16 females with the mean age of a button shape was interpreted as a negative reaction.
28 + 7 years were included in the study. This group The titer was determined as the last dilution of serum
of patients comprised of 26 patients with a febrile ill- sample showing a mat formation.
ness with clinical suspicion of typhoid fever where the Widal tube agglutination test. The standard Widal
treating physician did not request bacterial cultures tube agglutination test was performed using a commer-
for isolation of the Salmonella organism. The remain- cial kit (Murex Biotech Limited, UK) in accordance with
ing 11 patients had a definitive diagnosis of typhoid the instructions of the manufacturers. Briefly, serum
fever based on the isolation of Salmonella organisms dilutions were made for each antigen to be tested using
either from blood or stool specimens. The diagnostic saline. One drop of bacterial suspension was added to
titers for H and O agglutinins were either equal to or each tube, the contents were mixed and incubated at
greater than 1:160 and 1:80, respectively. Means were 50°C for four and two hours for O and H suspensions
compared using Student t test and p ≤ 0.05 was consid- respectively and agglutination was observed at the end
ered significant. of incubation.
Blood sample collection. 3 ml of venous blood was
collected by venipuncture and serum was obtained
by allowing the blood to clot at the room temperature. Results
A  0.5 ml aliquot was used for Widal tube agglutina-
tion and the rest of the serum sample was stored at Table I shows comparison of results for detection of
–20°C until use. antibodies against H and O Salmonella antigens using
Determination of optimal concentration of BSA. the Widal tube test and the modified microplate agglu-
The optimal concentration of BSA was determined tination assays for the 26 patients suspected to be suf-
by checkerboard titration. Various concentrations of fering from Salmonella infection. Widal tube agglutina-
BSA in normal saline ranging from 0.1% to 5% were tion test detected H and O Salmonella agglutinins in
tested and 0.5% BSA in normal saline was shown to 17 and 22 patients respectively. Microplate assay using
perform best in terms of interpretation of the results 0.5% BSA as a blocking agent enhanced the level of
and reproducibility. detection of H and O Salmonella agglutinins but sta-
2 Modified Widal test in a microplate 139

Table I
Comparison of Widal tube agglutination test with modified microplate agglutination assay
in patients suspected to have typhoid fever

Microplate Microplate Microplate

S. Agglutination Agglutination Agglutination
Tube test
No. with 0.5% BSA SRBC absorption Heat inactivation
H titer O titer H titer O titer H titer O titer H titer O titer
 1 40 80 80 160 320 320 – –
 2 320 40 40 40 5120 80 – –
 3 – 80 80 80 40 160 – –
 4 – 80 80 80 80 160 – –
 5 – 80 80 80 80 160 – –
 6 320 40 40 80 1280 160 – –
 7 – 80 80 80 40 80 160 –
 8 40 160 160 160 320 160 – –
 9 – 160 160 160 80 640 – 80
10 40 80 80 80 160 320 – –
11 – 80 80 80 – 320 – –
12 80 80 80 320 320 640 – 80
13 80 80 80 160 320 320 – –
14 160 320 320 320 640 320 – 160
15 320 320 320 320 1280 640 160 320
16 40 80 80 160 80 320 320 40
17 160 – – – 640 80 40 –
18 640 – – – 5120 – – –
19 – 80 80 160 80 160 – –
20 80 40 40 40 320 40 – –
21 640 – – 40 2560 40 – –
22 160 – – – 640 – – –
23 – 80 80 80 80 80 – 80
24 – 40 40 80 – 160 80 –
25 320 80 80 80 2560 160 – 80
26 320 – – 40 1280 40 80 –
p value 0.02 ns 0.005 0.001 0.03 0.01

–  represents a negative test; ns = not significant

Diagnostic titers for H and O agglutinins were ≥ 1:160 and 1:80 respectively.

tistically significant difference was observed only for tination test. Comparative analysis revealed further
H  agglutinins (p ≤ 0.02) when compared with Widal enhancement in the titers for both H (p ≤ 0.0002) and
tube agglutionation test. Absorption of sera with SRBC O (p ≤ 0.015) agglutinins when sera samples were sub-
was also associated with significant enhancement of the jected to SRBC absorption. In the presence of 0.5% BSA
detectable titers for both H (p ≤ 0.001) and O (p ≤ 0.005) significant enhancement was noted only for H agglu-
Salmonella antigens when compared with the titers tinins. Table III compares data for the percentages of
obtained by Widal tube agglutination test. Heat inacti- positive tests for Salmonella agglutinins in 26 patients
vation on the other hand had an opposite effect where suspected to have Salmonella infection. Compared to
both H (p ≤ 0.03) and O (p ≤ 0.01) agglutinin detection the Widal tube agglutination test, the modified micro-
significantly decreased when compared with the Widal plate agglutination test detected a higher percentage
tube agglutination test. Table II shows the comparison of positive tests for H and O  Salmonella agglutinins,
of data from 11 patients with bacteriologically con- either in the presence of 0.5% BSA or when the sera
firmed Salmonella infection. All the patients were found were absorbed with SRBCs. Heat inactivation however
to have high titers of antibodies against O and H Salmo­ was associated with decreased percentage of positive
nella antigens when tested with the Widal tube agglu- tests for both H and O Salmonella agglutinins.
140 Almogren A. et al. 2

Table II
Comparison of Widal tube agglutination test with modified microplate agglutination assay
in patients with bacteriologically confirmed typhoid fever

Microplate Microplate Microplate

S. Agglutination Agglutination Agglutination
Tube test
No. with 0.5% BSA SRBC absorption Heat inactivation
H titer O titer H titer O titer H titer O titer H titer O titer

1 2560 160 5120 160 10240 640 1280 160

2 320 160 640 320 5120 640 160 320

3 640 1280 1280 1280 5120 2560 1280 640

4 640 1280 5120 1280 10240 5120 1280 640

5 320 320 1280 320 2560 640 320 160
 6 2560 320 5120 640 10240 1280 1280 320

7 2560 5120 10240 5120 20480 10240 1280 2560

8 2560 320 5120 640 20480 10240 640 640
 9 640 640 2560 1280 10240 5120 320 640
10 640 640 1280 640 5120 1280 640 640
11 1280 160 2560 320 2560 2560 640 320
p value 0.009 ns 0.0002 0.01 ns ns

ns = not significant
Diagnostic titers for H and O agglutinins were ≥ 1:160 and 1:80 respectively

Table III
Comparison of diagnostic titers for Salmonella agglutinins between Widal tube agglutination test
and modified microplate agglutination assay in 26 patients with suspected typhoid fever

Salmonella O agglutinins Salmonella H agglutinins

Type of test
No. (%) No. (%)
Widal tube agglutination test 17 (65.3) 10 (38.4)
Microplate agglutination test using 0.5% BSA 19 (73) 15 (57.6)
Microplate agglutination test with SRBC absorption 21 (80.7) 16 (61.5)
Microplate assay with heat inactivation 7 (26.9) 8 (30.7)

Diagnostic titers for O and H agglutinins were ≥ 1:80 and 1:160 respectively.

Discussion and could have contributed to enhancement in detec-

tion of titers for Salmonella agglutinins. A 0.5% BSA
Using the novel microplate agglutination assay this concentration has been previously shown to enhance
study shows significant enhancement in the detection the titers for Salmonella O agglutinins in the passive
of titers for H and O Salmonella agglutinins both in haemagglutination assay (Coovadia et al., 1986), sup-
the presence of 0.5% BSA and SRBC absorption, when porting the role for BSA as an enhancing agent in the
compared with the results of the routine Widal tube detection of Salmonella agglutinins.
agglutination test. The role of BSA as an enhancing agent has already
The presence of 0.5% BSA was shown to enhance been documented under various settings. For example,
the detection of Salmonella agglutinins. Since BSA Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for DNA amplifica-
as a blocking agent was used for the first time in the tion is limited, in part, by the presence of inhibitors in
microplate agglutination assay, various concentra- biological samples that reduce the amplification effi-
tions of BSA diluted in normal saline were tested; BSA ciency. The addition of BSA to reaction mixtures of PCR
concentration of 0.5% was found to be optimal where has clearly been shown to decrease the inhibitory effect
a  clear-cut well-defined and smooth settlement was of blood and allow DNA amplification (Abu Al-Soud
obtained consistently. Since BSA is known for its abil- and Rådström, 2000). For the detection of Mycobacte­
ity to block vacant binding sites in microplate wells rium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens the presence
(Steinitz, 2000), this blocking action may have allowed of BSA in the PCR reaction has been regarded as man-
all antigen and antibody molecules to react uniformly datory (Forbes and Hicks, 1996). Similarly the presence
2 Modified Widal test in a microplate 141

of BSA in ELISA also eliminates interference resulting with a confirmed diagnosis of typhoid fever has been
from the use of human, rat or mouse serum albumins in reported in the past (Rai et al., 1989); this was attributed
the assay (Pestka and Chu, 1984). These data along with to partial antibiotic therapy prior to presentation. Since
the findings of this study highlight the role of BSA as an reduction in the titers of Salmonella agglutinins, both
amplification facilitator, though the exact mechanism for H  and O  antigens was noticed uniformly in this
of action remains obscure. study, heat induced protein denaturation appears to be
Significantly high titers of Salmonella agglutinins the most likely cause. This is evident from the fact that
both for H and O antigens were detected using the heating mouse serum has been shown to cause a selec-
microplate agglutination assay compared with those tive loss of immunoglobulin isotypes (Schetters et al.,
detected by the Widal tube agglutination test when 1988). Alternatively this observation may indicate the
serum samples were absorbed with SRBCs. Using non- presence of a thermolabile factor in the serum modulat-
motile Salmonella typhi organisms in a haemagglutina- ing antigen antibody interactions.
tion assay absorption of serum with SRBC has previ-
ously been shown to enhance the level of detection of Conclusion. Findings of this study reveal that the
O agglutinins, with no effect on detecting H agglutinins novel modified microplate agglutination assay using the
(Jesudason et al., 1991). On the basis of this finding SRBC absorption technique, apart from being a useful
antibody response against the non-flagellar proteins alternative, performs better than the Widal tube agglu-
was proposed to be more important in Salmonella tination test for the serological diagnosis of typhoid
infection. In disagreement with this proposition it is fever. It offers the advantages of simplicity, rapidity,
possible that the use of non-motile Salmonella typhi economy and flexibility for handling a large numbers
organisms may have resulted in subsequent precipita- of specimens. This microplate assay appears to a useful
tion of non-flagellar proteins only. The enhancement of assay not only for the detection of Salmonella infec-
both H and O agglutinin titers observed in the present tion but may be applied for diagnosis of other bacterial
study could be due to the fact that commercially pre- infections. This study was limited by relatively small
pared suspensions of both O and H antigens were used. number of patients investigations involving a  larger
The findings of both studies, however, are consistent group of patients are recommended to further evalu-
with regards to enhancement in the level of detection ate the microplate assay.
of Salmonella agglutinins when the sera were absorbed
with SRBCs prior to being tested.
SRBCs in routine laboratory practice are used to
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Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 143–145


Susceptibility of Polish Bartonella henselae Strains

Edyta Podsiadły1*, Dorota Żabicka2, Urszula Demkow3, Waleria Hryniewicz2
and Stanisława Tylewska-Wierzbanowska1

National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland


National Medicines Institute, Warsaw, Poland, 3Warsaw Medical University

Received 10 December 2011, revised 5 April 2012, accepted 20 April 2012


Due to the fastidious nature of B. henselae and the limited number of available isolates worldwide, there are few data on its in vitro suscep-
tibility to antibiotics. We determined the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of ten antimicrobial agents against 11 feline isolates
of B. henselae by Etest method. The lowest MICs were obtained for rifampicin ≤ 0.002 mg/L. MICs of all isolates were < 0.016 mg/L for
ampicilin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, tetracycline and ranged from 0.016 to 0.032 mg/L for azithromycin. The MICs for two tested fluoro-
quinolones: ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin ranged from 0.016 to 0.125 mg/L. The highest MICs were obtained for gentamicin ranging from
0.025 to 2.0 mg/L. Sulphonamide resistance genes sul 1, sul 2, sul 3 were not found in any of the tested isolates. Etest methodology seems
to be a reliable method for determination of B. henselae susceptibility, however standardization is strongly desired.

K e y w o r d s: Bartonella henselae, MIC, antibiotics

Over the last decade the number of Bartonella spe- 2 ml of sterile 0.9% NaCl and adjusted to a McFarland
cies has increased rapidly. Simultaneously some new standard of 3.0. The suspension was swabbed on the
species have been associated with clinical syndromes entire surface of a chocolate blood agar plate supple-
in humans (Chomel et al., 2006). Treatment of human mented with VITOX (Choc V, Oxoid) 3 times, rotating
bartonellosis depends on the clinical presentation of the plate approximately 90 degrees each time. Excess
the disease. Recommendations for treatment are based moisture was allowed to absorb for about 10 to 15 min-
on a few case reports and a few clinical studies (Rolain utes. Susceptibility testing was performed for: trime-
et al., 2004). Because of limited number of isolates, thoprim-sulphamethoxazole (0.002–32), ampicilin
specially human isolates, also data regarding in vitro (0.016–256), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (0.016–256),
susceptibility are very limited. Isolation of Bartonella cefotaxime (0.016–256), azithromycin (0.016–256), cip-
spp. from clinical specimens requires long incubation rofloxacin (0.002–32), levofloxacin (0.002–32), tetracy-
times, special growth conditions and is rarely possible. cline (0.016–256), gentamicin (0.016–256), clindamy-
As feline strains are easier to culture, susceptibility test- cin (0.016–256), rifampicin (0.002–32) using E-tests
ing can be done on these isolates. The aim of the present (bioMèrieux, former AB BIODISK, Sweden). Zones of
study was to determine the MICs of 10 antibiotics by inhibition were recorded on the 4th and 7th day of incu-
Etest method for 11 B. henselae feline strains. More- bation as a point of intersection between the inhibition
over, the presence of sul genes conferring sulphonamide ellipse edge and Etest strip. A growth control plate was
resistance was determined in the examined isolates. inoculated with each test run.
Eleven B. henselae strains were collected from In order to check the performance of Etest CLSI
healthy, stray cats in 2004–2005 in urban areas of War- reference strains: Enterococcus faecalis ATTC 29212
saw and surroundings. For susceptibility study the for gentamicin and clindamycin, E. coli ATCC 35218 for
strains were recovered from frozen stocks onto choco- amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and Haemophilus influenzae
late blood agar supplemented with VITOX (Choc  V, ATCC 49247 for remaining tested antibiotics were used
Oxoid) and cultured at 37°C in 5% CO2 enriched atmo- as the quality control.
sphere. Microorganisms were harvested, from second Studied strains of B. henselae were screened for sul 1,
passage after refreezing, from logarithmic growth on sul 2 and sul3 genes using specific oligonucleotide prim-
chocolate agar (7–8 days), centrifuged and suspended in ers, as previously described (Kerrn et al., 2002; Perreten

*  Corresponding author: E. Podsiadły, Laboratory of Rickettsiae, Chlamydiae and Spirochetes, National Institute of Public Health-
National Institute of Hygiene, 24 Chocimska Street, 00-791 Warsaw; phone: +4822 4521250; e-mail:
144 Podsiadły E. et al. 2

and Boerlin, 2003). Total genomic DNA was extracted Eight of 11 (72.7%) tested strains had MIC for levo-
from Bartonella isolates, cultured for 7 days in condi- floxacin higher or equal to 0.094 mg/L whereas for
tions described above with QIAamp Tissue kit (Qiagen, ciprofloxacin for the majority of strains (63.3%, 7/11)
Hilden, Germany) according to manufacturer instruc- values of MIC were 0.047 mg/L and lower. Comparing
tion. The PCR conditions were as follows: initial dena- the obtained MICs for ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin it
turation 94°C for 5 min followed by 35 cycles: 94°C for seems that ciprofloxacin is slightly more active against
1 min, 60°C (sul 1, sul 2)/51°C (sul 3) 1 min, 72°C 1 min Bartonella spp. than levofloxacin however,a higher dos-
and final extension 72°C 10 min (Gradient Mastercy- age is applied in case of the latter. Despite the fact that
cler, Eppendorf). Two E. coli strains susceptible and fluoroquinolones have the ability to achieve high intra-
two resistant to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole in cellular concentrations, their potential role in the ther-
a standard disc diffusion method were run as controls. apy of Bartonella infections remains unclear. Although
Among 11 tested feline isolates of B. henselae by successful treatment of Bartonella infections with fluo-
Etest method the lowest MICs were obtained for rifam- roquinolones has been reported, there have also been
picin ≤ 0.002 mg/L (Table I). All isolates were highly failures and relapses with these drugs (Wolfson et al.,
susceptible to tetracycline with MICs ≤ 0.016 mg/L. 1996). Recently Angelakis et al. (2009) reported that
Also the macrolide – azithromycin was highly active B. henselae can easily become resistant to fluoroqui-
with MICs ranging from 0.016 to 0.032 mg/L. nolones. A ciprofloxacin-resistant strain of B. henselae
The tested B. henselae strains were highly suscep- was obtained in vitro after only four passages, MIC for
tible to β-lactams. MICs of tested antibiotics from the strain increased from 0.38 to > 32 mg/L. Barton­
this group were as follows: ampicilin and amoxicillin/ ella spp. present a natural Ser-83-Ala mutation (E. coli
clavulanic acid < 0.016 mg/L; cefotaxime ranged from numbering) in the QRDR region of the DNA gyrase
0.016 mg/L to 0.047 mg/L. This fact however has lim- that is responsible for decreased susceptibility to fluo-
ited clinical value as bactericidal effect of this group roquinolones. Additional mutation Asp-87-Gly in the
of antibiotics is restricted only to extracellular bacteria gyrase A  protein results in a high level of resistance
whereas intraerythrocytic Bartonella are protected from to all quinolone compounds (Angelakis et al., 2008).
their activity. According to some authors, a second mutation may be
The highest MICs were obtained for gentamicin, obtained easily with consequent high level of resistance
ranging from 0.25 mg/L to 2.0 mg/L. MICs determined to fluoroquinolones. It is suggested that fluoroquino-
for gentamycin were higher than for other antibiotics lone compounds should be avoided for treatment of
and ranged up to 2.0 mg/L. Among aminoglycosides bartonellosis. Bacterial resistance to fluoroquinolones
netilmicin was reported to be the most active agent developing during treatment is not restricted to Bar­
(Dorbecker et al., 2006). tonella but is also observed in other bacteria species.
For two tested fluoroquinolones: ciprofloxacin and According to EUCAST (version 2.0, valid from
levofloxacin MICs ranged from 0.016 to 0.125 mg/L. January 1, 2012, for the non-species

Table I
MIC distribution (mg/L) determined by Etest method for 11 B. henselae isolates


strain type profile1
   3 II 9, 14, 5, 1, 2 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.047 0.125 0.016 nd 0.094 0,25 0.003
  12 II 11, 20, 10, 1, 2 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.047 0.094 0.016 nd 0.5 >256 0.002
  13 I 12, 24, 2, 5, 3 <0.016 <0.016 0.016 0.016 0.094 0.125 0.016 nd 0.25 0.75 0.004
  28 II 10, 14, 2, 2, 1 0.016 <0.016 0.032 0.032 0.125 0.064 0.016 nd 1.0 >256 0.003
  30 II 14, 24, 10, 7, 3 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.047 0.094 0.016 nd 0.5 >256 0.002
129 II 9, 15, 18, 1,1 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.047 0.032 0.016 nd 1.0 0.064 0.002
130 II 9, 15, 18, 1, 1 0.16 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.064 0.125 0.016 nd 0.38 0.25 0.003
150 II 9, 15, 2, 2, 1 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.023 0.125 0.094 0.016 nd 1.0 >256 0.004
154 II 12, 15, 2, 2, 4 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.047 0.064 0.016 nd 0.75 >256 0.002
159 II 9, 15, 2, 1, 1 <0.016 <0.016 0.047 0.032 0.016 0.125 0.016 nd 2.0 3 0.030
163 II 12,23,18,5,3 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.047 0.125 0.016 nd 0.5 6 0.002

profiles shown as numbers (alleles) corresponding in order with the loci BHV-A, BHV-B, BHV-C, BHV-D, BHV-E; nd – not detectable;

Am-ampicillin, XL-amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, CT-cefotaxim, AZ-azithromycin, CI-ciprofloxacin, LE-levofloxacin, TC-tetracycline,

TC-trimetoprim/sulfamethoxazole (1/19), GM-gentamicin, CM-clindamycin, RI-rifampicin
2 Short communication 145

related breakpoints based on standard dosages and higher than in our study. The discrepancies in MIC
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties values might be influenced by many factors such as:
of an antibiotic all analyzed drugs were in the range medium, inoculum and others. Standardization should
of susceptible values. However the gentamicin MIC be proposed to monitor the development of resistance
= 2.0 mg/L obtained for one strain in our study is the in isolates and to enable comparison of results reported
highest possible value for susceptible strains. in the different studies.
Reading and interpretation zones of inhibition Routine susceptibility testing of B. henselae isolates
for sulphonamides and trimethoprim was not pos- is impossible, therefore the surveillance studies made
sible because the point of complete inhibition was not by specialized reference centres are important to review
distinguishable at the edge of E-test. PCR testing for treatment recommendations, specially of persistent bar-
the presence of sulphonamide resistance genes was tonella infections and for monitoring the emergence of
applied. In none of our tested strains sulphonamide resistance in this group of bacteria.
resistance genes sul 1, sul 2, sul 3 were found. Sulfon-
amides, especially in the combination as trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole, are widely used to treat bacterial Literature
and protozoal infections (Perreten and Boerlin, 2003).
These agents are also effective in the treatment of CSD Angelakis E., S. Biswas, C. Taylor, D. Raoult and J.M. Rolain.
(Rolain et al., 2004). Sulfonamides alone are widely used 2008. Heterogeneity of susceptibility to fluoroquinolones in Bar-
to prevent and treat diarrhea and other infectious dis- tonella isolates from Australia reveals a natural mutation in gyrA.
J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 61: 1252–1255.
eases in intensive animal husbandry. That can have an
Angelakis E., D. Raoult and J.M. Rolain. 2009. Molecular charac-
impact on the spread of sulphonamide resistance genes, terization of resistence to fluorochinolones in Bartonella henselae
which are associated with class 1 integrons residing in and Bartonella quintana. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 63: 1288–1289.
plasmids or the bacterial chromosome. Especially that Chomel B.B., H.J. Boulouis, S. Maruyama and E.B. Breitschwerdt.
persistent asymptomatic bacteriemia in cats is reported 2006. Bartonella spp. in pets and effect on human health. Emerg.
to last up to 2 years (Chomel et al., 2006). This is to our Infect. Dis. 12: 389–394.
Dorbeckler C., A. Sander, K. Oberle and T. Schulin-Casonato.
knowledge the first study searching for the presence of 2006. In vitro susceptilibity of Bartonella species to 17 antimicrobial
sulfonamide resistance genes in Bartonella. compounds: comparision of Etest and agar dilution. J. Antimicrob.
The susceptibility of the strains was set against pre- Chemother. 58: 784–788.
vious molecular characteristics of the strains (Podsiadly Kerrn M.B., T. Klemmensen, N. Frimodt-Moller and F. Espersen.
et al., 2012). No significant variation in susceptibility 2002. Susceptibility of Danish Escherichia coli strains isolated from
urinary tract infections and bacteraemia, and distribution of sul
with genotype (16S rRNA type) was detected. However, genes conferring sulphonamide resistance. J. Antimicrob. Chemother.
three already described profiles for BHV A-B-C-D-E 50: 513–516.
(9-15-2-1-1, 10-14-2-2-1 and 9-15-2-2-1) correspond- Pendle S., A. Ginn and J. Iredell. 2006. Antimicrobial susceptibil-
ing to three common European VNTR profile for ity of Bartonella henselae using Etest methodology. J. Antimicrob.
feline isolates, presented four dilutions higher MIC for Chemother. 57: 761–763.
Perreten V. and P. Boerlin. 2003. A new sulfonamide resistance
gentamicin and six dilutions higher MICs for cipro-
gene (sul 3) in Escherichia coli is widespread in the pig population
floxacin (Table I). of Switzerland. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 47: 1169–1172.
Etest methodology seems to be a reliable method for Podsiadly E., N. Haddad, M. Berrich , R. Bouchouicha, B. Durand,
determination of B. henselae. susceptibility. Our results M. Monteil, HJ Boulouis and S. Tylewska-Wierzbanowska. 2012.
correlate with MICs reported by Pendle et al. (2006) and Characterization of Polish feline B. henselae isolates by multiple-
Angelakis et al. (2009). MICs obtained for fluoroquino- locus tandem repeat analysis and pulse field electrophoresis. Ann.
Agric. Environ. Med. 19: 39–44.
lones and gentamicin are compatible with the results of Rolain J.M., P. Brouqui, J.E. Kohler, C. Maguina, M.J. Dolan and
testing other Bartonella spp. isolates (Tsuneoka et al., D. Raoult. 2004. Recommendations for treatment of human infec-
2010). However, the differences in MICs between stud- tions caused by Bartonella species. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.
ies are also visible. For example in the study by Dor- 48: 1921–1933.
becker et al. (2006) MICs for gentamicin were up to Tsuneoka H, M. Yanagihara, J. Nojima and K. Ichihara. 2010.
Antimicrobial susceptibility by Etest of Bartonella henselae isolated
8 mg/L whereas in our study only in 1 of 11 strains MIC
from cats and human in Japan. J. Infect. Chemother. 16: 446–448.
equaled 2 and in 3 strains MIC = 1.0 mg/L. A similar Wolfson C., J. Branley and T. Gottlieb. 1996. The Etest for antimi-
situation was found for the MICs of ciprofloxacin and crobial susceptibility testing of Bartonella henselae. J. Antimicrob.
levofloxacin for which recorded MICs were 4  times Chemother. 38: 963–968.
Polish Journal of Microbiology
2012, Vol. 61, No 2, 147–150


The Relationship between H. pylori Virulence Genotypes

and Gastric Diseases

Yun en Liu, Yue hua Gong, Li ping Sun, Qian Xu and Yuan Yuan*

Tumor Etiology and Screening Department of Cancer Institute and General Surgery,
the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University
and Key Laboratory of Cancer Control in Liaoning Province, Shenyang, China

Received 22 September 2011, revised 7 February 2012, accepted 7 May 2012


There have been no reports on the relationship between virulence genes and gastric diseases based on the same bacterial colonization den-
sity. Our results indicated that Helicobacter pylori virulence genes were more relevant than colonization density as a pathogenic mechanism
of gastric diseases, which helps elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of bacteria and aids in the development of improved strategies for
the treatment of gastric disease.

K e y w o r d s:  H. pylori, colonization density, cagA, vacA, iceA

Approximately half of the world’s population is sity was more significantly associated with peptic ulcers
infected with Helicobacter pylori and it has been asso- than chronic gastritis (Boyanova, 2007). Therefore,
ciated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric quantified bacterial density is optimal for helping eluci-
carcinoma (Momtaz et al., 2010). Most infected people date the pathogenic mechanisms of H. pylori and aiding
remain asymptomatic, and only 15–20% of H. pylori in the development of improved strategies for the treat-
positive individuals develop the associated diseases ment of gastric disease.
(Franco et al., 2008). Why some infected people develop The aim of our study was to explore the relationship
these sequelae and others do not is unknown, but one between virulence-associated genes and gastric diseases
possible explanation is that some H. pylori strains are based on the same bacterial colonization density.
more pathogenic than others. Over the last few years, This study was approved by the Ethics Committee
increased attention has been given to the significance of of the China Medical University and all subjects signed
H. pylori virulence genes, such as the vacuolating cyto- an informed consent form before inclusion. A total of
toxin (vacA), the cytotoxin associated gene A(cagA) 174 patients (99 males and 75 females, 30–82 y, mean
and a gene induced by contact with the gastric epithe- age 53 y) were involved in the study. Three biopsy
lium (iceA)(Boyanova et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the specimens from each patient were placed in 10% for-
clinical relevance of the virulence associated genes of malin and processed in paraffin blocks. All sections
H. pylori is still a matter of controversy. Several stud- were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and a single
ies have reported an influence of virulence genes on experienced pathologist reviewed all the slides accord-
the clinical outcomes of H. pylori infections in differ- ing to the criteria proposed in the updated Sydney sys-
ent geographical regions. One hypothesis for why these tem. The distribution of clinical disease was as follows:
strains are associated with different clinical outcomes is 67  patients had superficial gastritis (SG); 20 patients
that there is a marked discrepancy between the number had gastric ulcer (GU); 63 patients) had atrophic gas-
of individuals colonized and those with clinical symp- tritis (AG) and 24 patients had gastric cancer (GC).
toms. Low bacterial colonization density was correlated Detection of H. pylori was carried out by immu-
significantly with mild degrees of gastric neutrophil nohistochemical staining using polyclonal anti-H. py-
infiltration (Kaklikkaya et al., 2006) and macroscopic lori antibody and peroxidase-conjungated streptavi-
erosions (Molnar et al., 2008), and high bacterial den- din (DAKO A/S, Denmark). We graded the density of

*  Corresponding author: Y. Yuan, The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, 155 Northern Nanjing Street, Heping
District, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, China; phone: 024-83282292, e-mail:
148 Yun En Liu et al. 2

Fig. 1. Representative gastric sections stained immunohistochemically for anti-H. pylori-IgG. H pylori(arrow) were stained brown
and were demonstrated on the apical and/or lateral surface of the surface mucous cells on which H. pylori were seen as small aggregates
with detached epithelial cells.
A: low bacterial density (original magnification ×200); B: moderate to severe bacterial density (original magnification ×100)

H. pylori infection according to the number of indi- and were visualized under a short wavelength ultra-
vidual bacteria that were counted in a highly magni- violet light source. The results were analyzed using the
fied visual field (×1000 light-microscopy) (Fig. 1). The x2 test and with Yates continuity correction and the
density of H. pylori infection was defined as follows: Fisher exact test. Results were considered statistically
0 = 0; 1 + = 1 – 9; 2 + = 10 – 29; and 3 + = 30 – 99. Details of significant when the p-values were less than 0.05.
the method have been published elsewhere (Tokunaga The results showed that patients suffering from
et al., 2000). SG, GU, AG and GC were predominantly affected by
In this study, we extracted H. pylori-DNA directly moderate to severe bacterial infection. Bacterial colo-
from gastric tissues infected by H. pylori. PCR ampli- nization density was moderate to severe (grades 2–3)
fications (Table I) were performed in an automated in 53/67 of SG strains and 47/63 of AG strains, show-
thermal cycler. PCR products were analyzed by 1% aga- ing there was no significant correlation between the
rose gel electrophoresis with ethidium bromide staining density of the bacterial colonization and the presence

Table I
Polymerase chain reaction for amplification of cagA, vacA and iceA genes

Region Prime Nucleotide sequence(5’-3’) Size of product (bp)

2 Short communication 149

Table II gastric diseases compared to the density of bacterial

Distribution of bacterial colonization density in patients colonization, it should be recognized that most patients
Bacterial colonization density
suffering from SG, AG and GC that were infected by
Total bacteria were from areas with a higher prevalence of
0–1 2–3
gastric cancer and where moderate to severe density of
SG 14 (20.90) 53 (79.10) 67
H. pylori was prevalent, which suggests that the high
GU   3 (15.00) 17 (85.00) 20
bacterial colonization density, to a lesser degree, may be
AG 16 (25.40) 47b (74.60) 63 a factor in the development of H. pylori induced gastric
GC   9 (37.50) 15c (62.50) 24 diseases. Many more cases need to be further evaluated
Total 34 66 174 to provide more reliable results about the relationship
0–1,low bacterial density; 2–3, moderate to severe bacterial density; between specific genotypes and gastric diseases based
p = 0.7931vs SG; b p = 0.689vs SG; c p = 0.183vs SG on the same density of bacteria.

Table III
Distribution of bacterial genotypes in patients based on the same bacterial density (grade 2–3)

H. pylori genotypes (%)

Diseases Total
cagA vacAs1 vacAm1 vacAm2 iceA1 iceA2
SG 30 (56.60)   48 (90.57) 36 (67.92) 17 (32.08) 35 (66.04) 30 (56.60) 53
GU 10 (58.82)   17 (100.00) 10 (58.82) 12d (70.59) 10 (58.82) 11 (64.71) 17
AG 21 (44.68)   30 (63.83) 15a (31.91) 40c (85.11) 22 (46.81) 20 (42.55) 47
GC   7 (46.67)   11 (73.33)   3 (20.00)  7 (46.67)  4 (26.67)   7 (46.67)
b e
Total 68 (51.52) 106 (80.30) 64 (48.48) 76 (57.58) 71 (53.79) 68 (51.52) 132
P = 0.000vs SG; b P = 0.001vs SG; c P = 0.000vs SG; d P = 0.002vs SG; e P = 0.015vs SG

of atrophic gastritis (p = 0.689). In addition, bacterial In conclusion, our results indicated that H. pylori
density was moderate to severe (grades 2–3) in 53/67 virulence genes were more relevant than colonization
of SG strains and 15/24 of GC strains, showing there density as a pathogenic mechanism of gastric diseases,
was no significant correlation between the density of which helps elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of
the bacterial colonization and GC (p = 0.183)(Table II). bacteria and aids in the development of improved strat-
SG patients more often harbored strains with the egies for the treatment of gastric disease.
vacAm1 genotype (67.92%, 36 of 53 cases) than the
AG or GC patients (31.91%, 15 of 47 cases, p = 0.000 Acknowledgments
and 20.00%, 3 of 15 cases, p = 0.001, respectively). In This study was funded partly by the National Key Basic Research
Program of China, (973 Program No.2010CB529304) and the Foun-
addition, AG patients more often harbored strains
dation of the Key Laboratory in Liaoning Province (No.LS2010167)
with the vacAm2 genotype (85.11%, 40 of 47 cases) and the Foundation of the Technology Project of Liaoning Province
than the SG patients (32.08%, 17 of 53 cases, p = 0.000) (2008–621).
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