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DE.Mse ofNatonolsm.bwope.
o Diseu6s ony thwee steps tuken by he FHench Hevolutionawies to cneote a sense oP
collective ldenhty omong the tweneh
he sips token by the kench wevolutiononies wewe
The inhuoduction of he La latvie (The hheuland) and Lo Cidyen ( The eitzens)
heped stengthen colledive identty
The Roual Shondand tuas soon Meplaced
by the naHonal Hag
The concept of cenhallsed administraticn
uwas intnoduced uhich led to new
laws ond qovexngnce
The Esbfes Genewal ehanqed and ils neu name to be koun
eame as National
Suhat did libexol nationoli em sfond bu Diseuss the pokifiool, social, eaono mic, impacb
fit on EuHope
ibenalism oH libenal nionalism comes fkom the uhin woHd libex unidh means.
twee HouevoN it meont an sod fou difènent things in difenent seebus
olikicaly it stood fon goveMnment with concent and the invidlalilbility of the
Hignt to pHopewty It also stood fhn fseedom and equalihy befoxe law. However
t did not stond fou UnivesKsal Adult Faonchise. The
oly people uho had he
Hight to vole wewe pHopenty owninq men above the age of 2
Economically it stood fou he feedom oF manket and the fieedom to move
abour capial. lt olso aboliehed unneccessaHy Censawship. Houeva in
Conkodewatian of the 3 Geuman stales,it wos difRcult to teade because o
the voHiehy of cuwNencles and taiff basiens.
Thus in the initaive of Paussia
a eustoms union was oumed
named Zollevenien. ls am (oas to bind
Gewmony to a nafion and dbdlish taiF bamriews. CuNHencies
wedued 30+2
simulaed mobilih
simulated mobiü
of Hailwoys funthen
Sociall, the cHeation of a netwoHk A waveo stponq
to naional uniicalion
hoMnessing eeonomle intewests nahionolist senhments.
economic naionalis mstkengthened the guauing

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