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Quiz 2.3.


Course/Section: BSN 1-A Instructor: MELISSA

Test I. Directions: Identify what is being asked below.

William James 1. Defines that the self is everything that is considered by the individual as his or hers.
Conscious Consumption 2. It is practicing being a responsible buyer.
Materialism 3. Refers to giving to much importance to material possessions and excessively being
concern with its acquisition.
Pets 4. This could be an expression of one’s social status, pride, prestige since owning one
breed is very expensive.
Consumerism 5. The human desire to acquire products and goods in excess of one's basic needs.

Test II. Directions: Answer the following questions completely and comprehensively.

Explain Barbara Kruger’s statement: I Shop Therefore

I shop, therefore I am develops a consumption representation. Kruger is making a strong message
against material consumerism by exhibiting the open ended slogan "I Shop Therefore I Am." The sentence is
left open to interpretation, allowing viewers to reconsider their notions of materialism and their possible
complicity in the consumerist upheaval.

2. How is the statement relatable to your current expenses/purchases? Cite an example to

supportyour answer.
I don't shop much often, but when I do, I make sure that the items I buy will be useful and worth
the money I spend. I Always prioritize the things I need before the things I desire, and whenever
I do buy something I want, I make sure it is something I will need and use in the future. For
example, I shop for both required and desirable material items such as clothing, shoes, and

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