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Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509

Surgical methods of contraception and sterilization

Lisa M. Howe *
Surgical Sciences Section, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences,
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA

Many techniques for surgically sterilizing dogs and cats have been described; each technique offers advantages and
disadvantages to both the patient and surgeon. Techniques that have been described include traditional midline ovariohysterectomy,
lateral flank ovariohysterectomy, castration, early age gonadectomy, ovariectomy, laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy and ovar-
iectomy, and vasectomy. Regardless of the technique selected, strict adherence to sound surgical technique and asepsis is mandatory
for good surgical outcome with minimal complications. This review will discuss surgical principles, complications, outcomes, as
well as relevant current literature associated with each of these techniques of surgical sterilization.
# 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ovariohysterectomy; Ovariectomy; Castration; Early age gonadectomy; Vasectomy

1. Introduction 2. Traditional midline ovariohysterectomy

Surgical sterilization of dogs and cats is one of the In dogs and cats, ovariohysterectomy is traditionally
most commonly performed procedures in veterinary performed through a small ventral midline incision. In
practice, and is done as a method of contraception to adult female dogs, the incision typically begins at, or
aid in the pet overpopulation problem, as well as to not more than 1 cm caudal to, the umbilicus [4]. In cats,
prevent diseases associated with the reproductive however, the incision is centered in the middle third of
system, such as mammary neoplasia or benign the distance between the umbilicus and the pubis so as
prostatic hyperplasia [1–3]. Many surgical steriliza- to enable easier access the uterine body and cervix [4].
tion techniques have been described, including The length of the incision should be such that it is
traditional midline ovariohysterectomy, lateral flank possible to readily expose the ovaries as well as the
ovariohysterectomy, castration, early age gonadect- junction of the cervix and uterine body, for easy ligature
omy, ovariectomy, laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy placement. Once the reproductive tract has been
and ovariectomy, and vasectomy. This review will identified, the suspensory ligament should be carefully
discuss surgical principles, complications, outcomes, broken using caudolateral or caudomedial traction on
as well as relevant current literature associated with the suspensory ligament with the index finger of the
each technique. dominant hand, while holding traction on the proper
ligament using the nondominant hand.
Several techniques have been described for clamping
and ligating the ovarian and uterine pedicles, including
* Tel.: +1 979 845 2351; fax: +1 979 845 6978. the single-, double-, and triple-clamp methods. Regard-
E-mail address: less of the technique selected, it is important to either

0093-691X/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509 501

visualize the ovary (in cats), or carefully palpate the omy patient. Ligation of the broad ligament may be
ovary (in dogs the ovary is ‘‘hidden’’ in ovarian bursal necessary, particularly in the patient that is in estrus at
fat) between the thumb and index finger, and then to the time of the ovariohysterectomy. Lastly, it is good
‘‘pinch’’ the thumb and forefinger together (while technique to always perform a ‘‘final hemorrhage
holding and protecting the ovarian tissue) deep to the check’’ in which the abdomen and pedicles are
ovary prior to placement of the clamp. This will prevent examined for any evidence of hemorrhage prior to
inadvertent clamping of the ovarian tissue, which could closing the abdominal cavity. If hemorrhage is
result in ovarian remnant tissue syndrome. The double- identified at any time during the procedure, it is
and triple-clamp methods are particularly useful if important to determine the source of hemorrhage and
pyometra is present [4], whereas the single-clamp achieve hemostasis through appropriate exposure and
method is preferred with small, friable, or fragile additional ligations.
reproductive tracts [5,6]. Double ligations, utilizing an Ovarian remnant syndrome is the presence of
encircling and a transfixing ligature (or two transfixing functional ovarian tissue in the abdomen following
ligatures) are recommended on all ovarian pedicles in ovariohysterectomy that may result in signs of
adult dogs, whereas double encircling ligatures may be proestrus, estrus, and (rarely) false pregnancy due to
sufficient in adult cats, unless the cat is pregnant or in the production of estrogen and progesterone [8–12].
estrus. Ovarian remnant syndrome may be seen in both dogs
When ligating the uterine body, it is important to and cats following routine ovariohysterectomy in which
place the most caudal ligature at the junction of the all ovarian tissue is not removed due to inappropriate
cervix and uterine body, so as to avoid leaving any ovariohysterectomy technique. Techniques that may
viable uterine body tissue that could result in a stump predispose to ovarian remnant syndrome include
pyometra in the future [4]. The second ligature is placed inadequate exposure of the ovarian pedicles resulting
cranial to the first ligature, and is appropriately spaced in poor visualization, inaccurate placement of clamps or
so as to avoid leaving excessive devitalized tissue. ligatures, or accidental separation of a portion of the
ovary with subsequent loss of the tissue in the abdomen
2.1. Complications of ovariohysterectomy (not a likely cause as most ovarian remnants are found at
the ovarian pedicle). Vaginal cytology during proestrus
Complications associated with ovariohysterectomy or estrus demonstrating cornification of vaginal
often result from inappropriate technique while epithelial cells is the easiest (and least expensive)
performing the procedure, and are easily prevented method to diagnose ovarian remnant syndrome in dogs
by being attentive to good surgical technique. Compli- [10]. Resting serum estradiol concentrations may be
cations that have been reported secondary to ovario- measured, but timing and interpretation are critical
hysterectomy in the dog and cat include hemorrhage, when using single samples [10]. Serum progesterone
ovarian remnant syndrome, stump pyometra, stump assays may be more useful (in bitches) than estradiol
granuloma, fistulous draining tracts, eunuchoid syn- assays [10]. Surgical exploration and excision of
drome, accidental ureteral ligation, and estrogen- remnant tissue via exploratory laparotomy is the
responsive urinary incontinence [4,7–21]. treatment of choice [4]. Timing of surgery should be
Hemorrhage is one of the most common complica- delayed until the animal is in estrus to permit easier
tions secondary to an ovariohysterectomy, and can identification of the remnant tissue, and all excised
result in death of the patient if severe [4]. Hemorrhage is tissue should be submitted for histologic confirmation
also a readily preventable complication of ovariohys- that ovarian tissue has been removed [4]. Any
terectomy. Hemorrhage can occur from the ovarian suspicious tissue should be removed using care to
pedicle, uterine pedicle, or from the broad ligament. identify and preserve the ureters, and the uterine pedicle
Use of careful technique while breaking the suspensory should be examined for complete removal. Upon
ligament, handling and manipulating the ovarian and removal of the remnant ovarian tissue, clinical signs
uterine pedicles, and placing ligatures is important in should resolve within days [10].
preventing hemorrhage. Ensuring proper placement, Stump pyometra may occur following ovariohyster-
spacing, and tightness of ligatures is also critical in ectomy if a portion of the uterine horns or uterine body
preventing intraoperative and postoperative hemor- is not removed and the animal has increased progester-
rhage. Careful examination of each pedicle with tension one concentrations [4,9,13]. The increased serum
relieved, prior to release of the pedicle, is an important progesterone occurs from either residual ovarian tissue
step in preventing hemorrhage in the ovariohysterect- (endogenous source), progestational compounds used to
502 L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509

treat dermatitis (exogenous source), or potentially Accidental ligation of a ureter, which can result in
absorbed from progestins found in creams used for hydronephrosis or atrophy of the kidney, is easily
treatment of menopausal symptoms in women (exo- preventable by careful identification of the uterine
genous source) [4]. Stump granuloma and inflammation horns, uterine body, and cervix prior to ligation of the
may be caused by excessive residual devitalized uterine uterine body, and avoidance of ligation of any
body tissue, use of inappropriate nonabsorbable suture extraneous peribladder fat which may contain a ureter
material or cable ties, or poor surgical asepsis [4,13,14]. [17,18]. Ureteral ligation is more likely when a
Stump granulomas may result in adhesions that distended urinary bladder is present because the trigone
interfere with urinary bladder sphincter function and and ureterovesical junction are moved cranially and the
result in mechanical urinary incontinence after ovar- ureters contain more slack, enabling ureteral entrap-
iohysterectomy [13,14]. Affected tissue associated with ment in ligatures [4].
a stump pyometra or a stump granuloma must be Estrogen-responsive urinary incontinence, or urinary
surgically removed (using care to avoid ureteral sphincter incontinence, after ovariohysterectomy or
damage) to achieve resolution of the problem. ovariectomy, can occur immediately after surgery or as
In addition to stump granulomas, inflammatory long as 12 y after surgery, with an average onset of
response to ligature material (often nonabsorbable, almost 3 y [19]. It has been reported to occur in as many
braided suture material or cable ties) may result in as 11–20% of dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy or
fistulous draining tracts [9]. These draining tracts may ovariectomy [19]. Small breed dogs appear to be at low
extend from the offending material through the muscle risk, whereas large and giant breeds appear to be at high
planes to the skin, resulting in soft, painful swellings risk [19]. Medical management of estrogen-responsive
beneath the skin in the flank region, inguinal region, urinary incontinence includes phenylpropanolamine,
precrural fold, or medial thigh [4]. Purulent material or diethylstilbestrol, or imipramine [4,20]. Colposuspen-
blood-tinged fluid may drain intermittently, and may be sion may be tried in dogs with a pelvic bladder that are
temporarily resolved by antimicrobial administration, nonresponsive to medical management [21]. Colposus-
but quickly recurs after antibiotics are discontinued. pension, which involves placement of sutures between
Treatment involves exploratory laparotomy, and careful the cranial vagina and prepubic tendon to return the
removal of all offending tissue and foreign material, neck of the bladder and proximal urethra to an
using care to preserve the ureters. intraabdominal location, is curative in approximately
Eunuchoid syndrome is a condition reported in 50% of animals treated, with most of the remainder
female dogs, particularly working females, in which showing substantial improvement [21].
ovariohysterectomy results in a diminished ‘‘drive’’ (or
‘‘aggression’’) and stamina [7]. Ovarian autotrans- 3. Lateral flank approach for
plantation has been described as a technique to prevent ovariohysterectomy
or minimize the clinical signs associated with
eunuchoid syndrome in these dogs [15,16]. The An alternative to the conventional ventral midline
technique involves autotransplantation (performed at ovariohysterectomy is the lateral flank approach [22–
the time of ovariohysterectomy) of ovarian tissue into 26]. The lateral flank approach has been suggested as an
‘‘pockets’’ created in the seromuscular layer of the acceptable approach where an animal has excessive
greater curvature of the stomach [15,16]. Since the mammary development or in situations, such as feral cat
stomach is drained by the portal system, the trans- ovariohysterectomy, in which postoperative monitoring
planted ovary is suggested to produce hormones that and examination may be limited [22,24]. The principle
are delivered to the portal system (rather than systemic advantage that has been cited for the lateral approach is
circulation) resulting in hormonal levels sufficient to the decreased likelihood of evisceration should the body
prevent eunuchoid syndrome, but at insufficient levels wall dehiscence occur after surgery, whereas the
to result in overt clinical estrus. However, a retro- principle disadvantage sited is the limited exposure
spective study of 66 dogs that had undergone of the contralateral side, particularly in the event of
autotransplantation of ovarian tissue at least 5 y earlier complication [22]. Other disadvantages include diffi-
reported that 14% of dogs developed signs of estrus culty identifying a previous ovariohysterectomy inci-
[16]. Additionally, 20% of the dogs also developed sion scar, and possible imperfections in hair color of
urinary incontinence. Ovarian autotransplantion growth patterns on the flank [22]. Contraindications for
should be avoided because of the high rate of performing the flank approach include pregnancy,
complications and lack of efficacy. pyometra, estrus, obesity, and age <12 wk [22].
L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509 503

The lateral flank approach is used more commonly in technique are that the technique is simpler to perform,
cats because of their consistent body conformation, and the parietal vaginal tunic has not been opened,
narrow abdominal width, and the thin, pliable muscu- thereby minimizing risk of peritoneal contamination via
lature of the flank region [22]. In dogs, the lateral the communication between the abdomen and the
approach is easier to perform in small dogs or dogs with parietal vaginal tunic [27]. Disadvantage of the closed
a narrow body conformation [22]. The approach should technique involves less secure ligatures because the
be avoided in dogs that have a wide body conformation vessels are ligated while being surrounded by the tunic
or thick trunk musculature. and the attached cremaster muscle, rather than being
When performing the lateral flank approach, animals ligated directly [27].
may be placed in either left or right lateral recumbency. Cats may also be castrated via an open or closed
Some surgeons prefer the right flank approach because approach, with the closed technique generally preferred
it is easier to access the more cranially located right because of the inability to create and maintain a high
ovary, and because the omentum covers the viscera degree of surgical asepsis in the male cat. The spermatic
when approached from the left [22]. The lateral cord may be ligated using suture material, or preferably,
approach is performed through a dorsoventral incision may be ligated using the spermatic cord itself by placing
that is placed just caudal to the midpoint between the an overhand knot in the cord (avoids placement of
last rib and iliac crest [22]. In cats, the incision length is exogenous foreign materials into a potentially con-
approximately 2 cm, and approximately 3 cm in dogs, taminated environment) [27,28].
but can vary depending upon the size of the animal. The Complications of castration include scrotal swelling,
abdominal wall is entered via a grid approach using hemorrhage, bruising, and infection. In the dog,
blunt dissection through the separate layers of muscle. swelling and bruising of the scrotum are more
Once the uterus and ovary have been identified, the commonly seen after open castration [29]. Hemorrhage
ovarian pedicle is isolated and ligated in standard after castration may be serious, and may result in scrotal
fashion. After the ovarian pedicle is ligated, and the hematoma or intraabdominal hemorrhage [27]. Serious
broad ligament to that side is torn, the uterine horn is hemorrhage may require intensive supportive care and
traced to the bifurcation, and the second uterine horn an abdominal approach to locate and ligate the
identified and traced cranially to the second ovary. spermatic cord [27]. Scrotal hematoma, if severe,
Visualizing the contralateral ovarian pedicle can be may necessitate scrotal ablation.
difficult through a small flank incision, and it may be
necessary to enlarge the incision. Once the second 5. Early-age gonadectomy
ovarian pedicle has been ligated, and the broad ligament
divided, traction is applied to both uterine horns to Pediatric ovariohysterectomy may be performed
expose the ligation site on the uterine body. The uterus similarly to adult ovariohysterectomy with some slight
is then ligated in standard fashion. After verifying lack modifications [30–32]. Generally, the uterus is more
of hemorrhage, the body wall musculature of cats can be easily exposed in puppies if the incision is started
closed as a single layer. In dogs, however, the relatively more caudal to the umbilicus than adult dogs
musculature should be closed in two layers [22]. (at least 2–3 cm caudal to the umbilicus) resulting in the
Subcutaneous tissue and skin closure is routine. incision positioned at, or near, the middle third of the
distance from the umbilicus to the pubis, similar to a
4. Castration feline incision. In kittens, the incision is placed in a
similar location as in an adult cat. Upon entrance into
In the dog, canine castration may be performed by the abdomen, it is common to encounter substantial
either an open or closed technique, in which the testis is amounts of serous fluid in both puppies and kittens,
displaced cranially and exposed using a midline which may need to be removed using gauze sponges to
prescrotal skin incision [27]. Since the male dog is improve visualization. The use of a Snook ovariohys-
considered to be ‘‘scrotal conscious’’, the scrotum itself terectomy hook should be avoided in pediatric patients
should not be clipped or prepped, and the scrotum due to the delicate nature of the tissues. Because of
should be draped out of the surgical field so as to avoid incision location in both puppies and kittens, the uterus
self-mutilation postoperatively. The open technique is is easy to locate by retracting the bladder and looking
preferred in larger dogs since ligatures may be placed between the urinary bladder and colon. Uterine tissues
directly around the vascular pedicle, resulting in more are extremely small and friable in young puppies and
secure ligations [27]. The advantages of the closed kittens, therefore care must be taken to avoid excess
504 L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509

traction and tearing of tissues. After the uterus has been Kitten castration is performed using identical
located, the procedure may be performed similarly to techniques as in the adult cat, including the use of
the adult OHE, using care when breaking the two separate scrotal incisions to approach the testes
suspensory ligament and ligating the fragile pedicles. [30–32]. As with the pediatric puppy, the testes of the
Although the triple-clamp method may be used in pediatric cat are extremely small, highly mobile, and
pediatric OHE, it is often difficult to place clamps occasionally difficult to stabilize in the scrotal region in
appropriately without tearing tissues, and proves preparation for incision. The testis should be securely
cumbersome. Closure is routine, however, it is stabilized in the scrotal region and the incision made
important to carefully identify the ventral fascia directly over the testis at the ventral most aspect of the
(external rectus sheath) and differentiate it from the scrotal ‘‘sac’’. After the incision, the testis is careful
overlying subcutaneous tissue since they can occasion- exposed using gentle caudoventral traction. It is
ally be difficult to distinguish (particularly in some important to realize that the pediatric testis cannot be
puppies). The subcuticular layer may be closed with an exteriorized to the same distance as the adult cat without
absorbable suture material in a continuous intradermal potential tearing of the spermatic cord. The closed
pattern to avoid the use of skin sutures. Alternatively, castration technique is preferred, using a hemostat to
skin sutures may be loosely placed following closure of place an overhand throw in the pedicle, or using suture
the subcutaneous tissues. or hemostatic clips for hemostasis. If the parietal
Pediatric puppy castration is also performed with vaginal tunic is inadvertently opened, an open technique
modifications to the techniques used in adult dogs [30– using a either a hemostat to place an overhand throw in
32]. Because puppy testes are mobile and can be the spermatic cord, or the use of spermatic cord tissues
difficult to identify, careful palpation must be used to for knot tying may be employed. Alternatively, sutures
determine whether both testes have descended into the or hemostatic clips may be used to achieve hemostasis
scrotal region before beginning surgery. If one or both in an open castration.
testes have not descended, standard cryptorchidectomy To prevent unnecessary abdominal exploratory
techniques may be used for castration. The entire scrotal surgery in the future, all animals undergoing early-
region is clipped and surgically prepared to permit the age ovariohysterectomy should be tattooed to identify
scrotum to be incorporated in the surgical sterile field, their neutered status. The recommended tattoo site is the
so as to facilitate location and manipulation of the testes prepubic area in females. The female gender symbol
during surgery. Clipping and surgical preparation of the along with an encircled ‘‘X’’ is used to denote the
scrotum does not result in scrotal irritation in puppies as neutered status. Tattooing may be performed after the
it does in adult dogs because the scrotal sac of puppies is surgical site has been clipped but prior to the surgical
not well developed as compared to adult male dogs. prep of the area.
Puppies may be castrated through a single midline
(preferred) prescrotal or scrotal incision, or through two 5.1. Outcome–risks versus benefits
scrotal incisions positioned similarly to a feline
castration. When a midline incision is used, the testes Although the anesthetic and surgical procedures for
must be securely held underneath the incision site to early-age gonadectomy have generally been reported as
prevent iatrogenic penile trauma. Following exposure of safe, veterinarians have remained concerned about
the testicle and spermatic cord in closed fashion (testes long-term health risks including infectious diseases and
remain enclosed in the parietal vaginal tunic during immune suppression, long bone growth, urethral
castration), the spermatic cord is ligated (double development in cats, estrogen-responsive urinary
ligations preferred) with absorbable suture material incontinence in dogs, and obesity. Since the 19900 s,
or stainless steel hemostatic clips. Should the parietal there has been a proliferation of information in the
vaginal tunic be inadvertently penetrated and the testis literature assessing the long-term health risks and
extruded, an open castration technique may be benefits of early-age ovariohysterectomy as compared
performed using standard adult canine castration to traditional-age gonadectomy.
techniques. Incisions may be closed using one or two In some short-term studies conducted at animal
buried interrupted sutures in the subcuticular layer, or shelters, puppies and kittens neutered at early ages had
incisions may be left open to heal by second-intention no higher risk of infectious diseases than older animals.
healing. Closure of the incision prevents postoperative One study involved dogs and cats from two animal
contamination with urine or feces, and prevents shelters undergoing gonadectomy surgeries in associa-
extrusion of fat from the incision. tion with the fourth-year student surgical teaching
L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509 505

program of a university teaching hospital [31]. Twelve render the growth plates more susceptible to injury. In
of 1988 (0.6%) animals died or were euthanized the long-term studies of 263 cats and 269 dogs, no
because of severe infections of the respiratory tract or as differences in the incidence of musculoskeletal pro-
the result of parvovirus infection during the 7 d blems were seen between animals neutered at a
postoperative period, and the deaths (or euthanasias) traditional age or at an early age [33,35]. Further, in
included similar numbers of animals from all age the long-term studies of 1660 cats and 1842 dogs, age at
groups. gonadectomy was not associated with the frequency of
In a long-term study of 263 cats (36 mo median long bone fractures [34,36]. In all these studies, long
follow-up), prepubertal gonadectomy did not result in bone fractures were rare overall, suggesting that physeal
an increased incidence of infectious diseases after fractures are not a common problem in gonadectomized
adoption in cats, compared with traditional age dogs and cats in general.
gonadectomy [33]. A more recent studies of 1660 cat Long-term studies have examined the incidence of
(47 mo median follow-up) demonstrated that those hip dysplasia in dogs and the association with age at
gonadectomized before 5.5 mo of age were no more gonadectomy. Although the study of 269 dogs found no
likely than those gonadectomized after 5.5 mo of age to association between age at gonadectomy and hip
have any conditions that were apparently associated dysplasia, the study of 1842 dogs found that early-
with long-term immune suppression [34]. It was age gonadectomy was associated with a significant
noteworthy that early-age gonadectomized cats had a increased incidence of hip dysplasia [36]. Puppies that
lower incidence of gingivitis, a condition that may be underwent gonadectomy before 5.5 mo of age had a
associated with immune suppression. 6.7% incidence of hip dysplasia, whereas those that
In dogs, a long-term study of 269 dogs (48 mo underwent gonadectomy at the more traditional age had
median follow-up) demonstrated that gonadectomy an incidence of 4.7%. However, those that were
before 5.5 mo of age was associated with increased gonadectomized at the traditional age were three times
incidence of parvoviral enteritis [35]. A more recent more likely to be euthanized for the condition as
study of 1842 dogs (54 mo median follow-up) also compared to the early-age group; the authors suggested
showed that, on a short-term basis, dogs that were that early-age gonadectomy may be associated with a
gonadectomized at an early age had an increased less severe form of hip dysplasia.
incidence of parvoviral enteritis that often occurred Although many veterinarians are concerned that of
soon after adoption [36]. In both of the long-term dog feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) and urethral
studies (269 dogs and 1842 dogs), the increased obstruction in male cats may occur secondary to early-
incidence of parvoviral enteritis on a short-term basis age neutering, there have been numerous experimental
probably represented an increased susceptibility of the and clinical studies dating to the 19600 s examining this
younger puppies during the periadoption period, rather issue. More recently, two experimental studies examin-
than long-term suppression. ing cats castrated at 7 wk and 7 mo of age as compared
In a 15-mo study, the effects of prepubertal to sexually intact cats have addressed this concern
gonadectomy on skeletal growth, weight gain, food [39,40]. The first study examined urethral development
intake, body fat, and secondary sex characteristics were when cats were 1 y of age, and found that urethral
investigated in 32 mixed-breed dogs neutered at 7 wk, diameters as determined by contrast retrograde ure-
7 mo, or left intact [37]. Although growth rates were thrography were similar among both groups of neutered
unaffected by gonadectomy, the growth period and final cats as compared to intact cats [39]. Additionally, there
radial/ulnar length was extended in bitches neutered at was no difference among groups in urethral dynamic
7 wk of age. Thus, rather than being ‘‘stunted’’ in function as determined by urethral pressure profiles.
growth, they were actually slightly (as determined by Voiding cystograms were used to measure the diameter
radiographs) taller. In a similar study, 31 cats were of the preprostatic and penile urethra when cats were
neutered at 7 wk or 7 mo or left intact [38]. Distal radial 22 mo of age in the second study, which also found no
physeal closure was delayed in gonadectomized cats differences in urethral diameter of male cats neutered at
when compared to intact cats; however, no differences 7 wk or 7 mo of age as compared to intact cats [40].
were detected between cats neutered at 7 wk or 7 mo for In addition to experimental studies, two recent long-
mature radius length or time of distal radial physeal term clinical studies have examined the effect of early-
closure. age castration on the incidence of urinary tract disease.
The clinical significance of delayed closure of The first long-term (37 mo median follow-up) study
growth plates is not clear, but it does not appear to examined 263 cats neutered at an early age (<5.5 mo)
506 L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509

as compared to the traditional age of 5.5 mo [33]. The incidence of estrogen-responsive urinary
There were 108 male cats that were castrated at an early incontinence is increased among neutered female
age (median age at castration = 9 wk; n = 70) or at the dogs, and concerns have been raised that gonadecto-
more traditional age (median age at castration = 51 wk; mizing puppies at an earlier age might further increase
n = 38). In that study, traditional-age cats had sig- the risk for spayed bitches. The long-term study that
nificantly more overall urinary tract problems (17%) as evaluated 269 dogs adopted from shelters and neutered
compared to early age cats (3%), with ‘‘cystitis’’ being at <5.5 mo of age, or at 5.5 mo of age, found only
the most common problem seen, and with a signifi- three cases where owners reported urinary incon-
cantly greater incidence in traditional-age cats. There tinence [35]. One dog was neutered at an early age and
was no significant difference in the rate of urethral two dogs were neutered at the traditional age. In
obstruction between groups, although two of 38 (5%) contrast, however, the long-term study of 1842 dogs
traditional age cats suffered urinary obstruction, found that decreasing age at the time of ovariohyster-
whereas zero of 70 (0%) early-age cats became ectomy was associated with increasing incidence of
obstructed. A second recent study examined 1660 cats urinary incontinence that required medical treatment
(median follow up of 47 mo) neutered at an early age [36]. Puppies that underwent ovariohysterectomy
(<5.5 mo of age) as compared to the traditional age before 3 mo of age appeared to be at the greatest risk.
(5.5 mo of age) [34]. That study found no association The authors of this study recommend that female
between the incidence of FLUTD or urethral obstruc- puppies should not undergo ovariohysterectomy until
tion and age at gonadectomy. at least 3–4 mo of age. The authors note, however, that
In addition to urethral development, genitalia in certain shelter environments, the need for gona-
development in male cats castrated early has also dectomy prior to adoption may outweigh the risk of
been a concern for many veterinarians. The balano- urinary incontinence.
preputial fold is a continuous layer of epithelium that Although obesity can occur in both neutered and
forms a fold of tissue connecting the penis to the intact animals, and is influenced by a number of
prepuce at birth [41]. The separation process for this factors such as diet and activity level, data suggests
fold of tissue is androgen-dependent and is complete at that neutered cats may gain significantly more weight
birth in some species, but not until after puberty in than those remaining intact. When comparing
other species such as the cat [41]. It has been suggested sterilized cats to sexually intact cats, intact cats
that prepubertal castration in cats might delay or were found to weigh less than cats altered at 7 mo, but
prevent dissolution of the membrane, and predispose to there was no difference between intact cats and those
ascending urinary tract disease, since these cats may neutered at 7 wk [38]. A second study of 36 cats
not be able to fully extrude the penis for cleaning [41]. gonadectomized at 7 wk, 7 mo, or left intact demon-
Recent studies examining separation of the balano- strated that the heat coefficient, a measure of resting
preputial fold have reported conflicting results. In one metabolic rate, was higher in intact cats than in
study of cats castrated at 7 wk and 7 mo of age, it was gonadectomized cats [42]. Therefore, animals gona-
reported that at 1 y of age, the penis could be fully dectomized at either age were more likely to be obese
extruded in all males [38]. This was in direct contrast than intact cats. Based on these data, the author
to another study reporting on penile extrusion in cats at suggested that neutered female cats require an intake
22 mo of age [40]. Of the cats neutered at 7 wk of age, of 33% fewer calories than intact female cats [42].
the penis could be fully extruded in none of the cats, Another study confirmed these findings, and demon-
whereas in intact cats, the penis could be fully extruded strated that the maintenance energy requirement was
in all of the cats. Of the cats neutered at 7 mo of age, substantially lower for spayed female cats than for
the penis could be fully extruded in 60%. It would sexually intact cats [43].
appear, however, based upon the long-term clinical The information on whether dogs are more likely to
studies of 263 and 1660 cats, that failure of separation experience weight gain following ovariohysterectomy is
of the balanopreputial fold (when present) does not less clear. In a retrospective study in which information
cause a clinical problem in cats neutered early and on body condition was gathered on over 8000 dogs from
does not lead to an increase in the incidence of FLUTD 11 veterinary practices in the United Kingdom during a 6-
or urinary obstruction [33,34]. Should cats become mo survey, spayed dogs were about twice as likely to be
obstructed, however, catheterization may be more obese as intact female dogs [44]. However, a different
challenging because of potential inability to fully study found no differences in food intake, weight gains,
extrude the penis and small penile size. or back-fat depth among neutered (7 wk or 7 mo) and
L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509 507

intact animals during a 15 mo prospective study [37]. In and as awareness of these techniques has increased in
contrast, the long-term study of 1842 dogs actually found the general population, pet owners are coming to expect
that the proportion of overweight dogs was lowest in the that minimally invasive surgery is an option for their
early-age gonadectomized dogs, as compared to the pets undergoing various surgeries. Although still
traditional age dogs [36]. uncommon, some surgical specialists are beginning
to offer minimally invasive ovariohysterectomy as an
6. Ovariectomy option for clients interested in the procedure for their
pet. Techniques and equipment to improve surgical
Although the technique has never become popular in efficiency during laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy
the United States, bilateral ovariectomy has been have been described, and include the use of premanu-
described as an alternate to traditional ovariohyster- factured suture loops, the use of the harmonic scalpel in
ectomy [23,45]. Bilateral ovariectomy has been place of ligations, and the use of monopolar or bipolar
proposed as being preferred over ovariohysterectomy electrocoagulation for hemostasis.
because of smaller incisions and decreased abdominal Laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy has been com-
trauma, and decreased surgery and anesthesia times pared with traditional ovariohysterectomy in dogs in a
[45]. The technique is performed using a ventral midline study in which 16 female dogs underwent laparoscopic
abdominal approach that starts at the umbilicus and ovariohysterectomy that was performed by ligation of
extends caudally. The ovary is identified and the ovarian the uterus and ovaries, and then removal of the
pedicle is ligated using traditional techniques and reproductive tract using an assisted laparoscopic
materials. Once ligated, the ovarian pedicle is severed. technique [47]. These dogs were compared to 18 dogs
The uterine artery and vein are then ligated and severed undergoing traditional ventral midline ovariohysterect-
at the proper ligament (cranial tip of the uterine horn), omy. Surgical time, complications, and pain scores were
and the ovary removed. Closure is routine. evaluated. In that study laparoscopic ovariohysterect-
One long-term study examined the effects of omy was performed successfully, but surgical times and
ovariectomy and ovariohysterectomy in 135 bitches complication rates were higher than those of tradition
(69 ovariectomy dogs and 66 ovariohysterectomy dogs) ovariohysterectomy. However, postoperative pain
that had undergone neutering 8–11 y previously [45]. scores were less than the traditional ovariohysterect-
With the exception of urinary incontinence, no problems omy. The authors noted, however, that equipment cost
were reported that could be related to the surgical and the necessity for more than one surgeon may limit
procedure. Six of the ovariectomy dogs and nine of the the technique’s usefulness in small animal practice.
ovariohysterectomy dogs eventually developed urinary The harmonic scalpel has been used as a tool to
incontinence. Based on the results of that study, the simplify laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy by negating
authors concluded that there was no indication for the need for ligatures [46]. This technology uses
removing the uterus during routine neutering of healthy ultrasonic energy (no electricity passes through the
bitches, and suggested that ovariectomy should be patient) for precise cutting and controlled coagulation
considered the procedure of choice. It is important to resulting in hemostasis with minimal thermal tissue
recognize that dogs or cats that have undergone damage. One study compared postoperative pain after
ovariectomy could develop the cystic endometrial ovariohysterectomy by harmonic scalpel-assisted
hyperplasia-pyometra complex should they ever come laparoscopy as compared to traditional midline ovar-
under the influence of progestins. However, this concern iohysterectomy in 16 dogs that were equally divided
was not supported by results of another report on into two groups [46]. In that study, the harmonic-
ovariectomy in 72 bitches, in which no cases of pyometra assisted laparoscopic technique took significantly
were identified during the 6–10 y follow-up period [23]. longer than the traditional technique. There were no
significant differences observed between the two groups
7. Laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy and for measures of heart or respiratory rates, temperature,
ovariectomy creatine phosphokinase, or glucose concentrations.
However, the traditional midline ovariohysterectomy
The use of minimally invasive surgery has been group had higher mean plasma cortisol levels 2 h after
described as an alternative to traditional surgical surgery, and higher mean pain scores at all post-
midline or flank ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy operative times, than did the harmonic scalpel-assisted
[46–50]. As minimally invasive surgery in humans has laparoscopy technique. The authors concluded that the
improved and become more routine and widespread, harmonic scalpel-assisted laparoscopic technique was a
508 L.M. Howe / Theriogenology 66 (2006) 500–509

safe alternative to traditional ovariohysterectomy 9. Summary

(although expensive!).
Laparoscopic ovariectomy has also been described, Despite efforts in recent years to identify reliable
and the use of monopolar and bipolar electrocoagula- methods of pharmacologic and chemical sterilization
tion were compared in 103 female dogs in a prospective, for dogs and cats, surgical methods have remained the
nonrandomized clinical trial [50]. That study found that mainstay. Although these procedures are often viewed
bipolar electrocoagulation decreased laparoscopic as ‘‘routine’’ surgeries, complications may result from
ovariectomy time, decreased intraoperative hemor- inappropriate techniques, and efforts should be made to
rhage, and facilitated exteriorization of the ovaries, as follow good surgical and aseptic standards to avoid
compared to monopolar electrocoagulation laparo- these complications.
scopic ovariohysterectomy. In that study, bipolar
electocoagulation laparoscopy times were 41 min,
compared with 53 min for monopolar electrocoagula- References
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