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Name: Judy Ann B.

Bermudez Date of Submission: November 14, 2021

Year and Section: BSED-SS 2D Modality of Learning : ECOPY
Module No. 2


 Reminder: Module 2 (including the accomplishment of the learning activities) will last for one (1)
week. Make sure that you answer the different activities INTELLECTUALLY HONEST and
SCHOLARLY. Proper citation is needed whenever you wish to cite information from sources and
other readings other than the modules to support insights or answers as regards the questions
presented in this part of the module.

Directions: Answer the following, comprehensively and scholarly.

1. One of the main problems our ecosystem is facing is on the extinction of endangered species.
What initiatives must be undertaken to avoid their extinction? Discuss.
 Many different types of human activity are causing species to become endangered or extinct. (A
species is considered endangered if it is in danger of becoming extinct or extirpated due to a
small population or habitat loss.) The most essential factor is the destruction of natural
ecosystems and their conversion into habitats unsuitable for the original species, a problem that
is especially acute in tropical countries. Excessive harvesting of some species, as well as
damage caused by introduced predators, diseases, and competitors, are also significant. Plants
and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. When a species becomes endangered, it’s a
sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. And the consequences can be critical. So, I think the
initiatives that must be undertaken to avoid extinction are the following:
 Discipline- As a student, one way that I know to avoid extinction is by exercising self-
discipline. We can stop cutting trees, observe proper waste disposal and with this case we
can maintain the habitat of animals. Nature's anger is manageable if we remember not to
abuse it. We must educate ourselves and future generations on how to care for our
environment, or we will reap the consequences in the form of major disasters. Discipline is
an important factor of our collective survival, and it is long overdue.
 Plant more trees- another reason why animals extinct is because of their habitat being
destroyed and converted to residential land and more. So, we must plant more trees to
maintain not only the beauty of our nature or environment but also to provide shelter for
the different species
 Engage in groups or organization that protects environment, be a volunteer.
2. How do the abiotic and biotic factors influence the abundance and distribution of organisms in the
 The physical and chemical conditions of an environment are referred to as abiotic factors. Heat,
salinity, pressure, and many other factors are examples of biotic factors, whereas biotic factors
are all of the biological conditions of an environment for a species. It can include the abundance
of prey and predators, the amount of available food, the amount of available space, and intra and
interspecific competition.
 Abiotic factors influence the development of organisms. Some are adapted to heat, cold, and so
on. The abiotic factors will determine which organisms can or cannot live in a given location. The
living organisms will constitute the biotic factors, which define if and how can an organism live in
a specified environment. As a result, the biotic factors of an environment are controlled by the
abiotic factors.
3. Give three (3) human activities that might influence the abundance and distribution of plants and
animals in the ecosystem. Discuss.
 Humans have actually reduced yield from ecosystem services, owing to human-induced changes
to components of the Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystems along with economic development.
Growth in human populations increased conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural,
industrial, residential use and demand for ecosystem inputs, such as fresh water, fiber, and soil
fertility, as well as increased pressure on the capacity of natural ecosystems. Deforestation,
expanding agriculture, illegal fishing and hunting, unplanned tourism, and pollution by pesticides
have also caused a progressive deterioration of natural habitats. The consequence is loss of
biodiversity, removal of forest that eliminates food and shelter, for forest-dwelling wildlife.
Environmental pollutants are introduced from uncontrolled use of pesticides and herbicides.
Environment contaminate with mercury from unregulated gold mining, urban liquid and solid
waste, including untreated sewage, introduction of invasive exotic species, unsustainable tourism,
illegal hunting, traffic of wildlife, soil degradation. This biodiversity loss is due to lack of education
and environmental consciousness, and fragility of environmental organizations. If we carry on
losing biodiversity, future generations face hunger, thirst, disease and disaster. It directly and
indirectly contributes many constituents of human, including security, basic material for a good
life, health, good social relations, and freedom of choice and action.
(Shende, Virendra & Janbandhu, Kishor & Patil, Kishor. (2015). Impact of Human Beings on
Environment. International Journal of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology.

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