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1) Fromm argued that humans are the only species that kill for reasons other than survival. This
concept is called
a. Freaks of the universe
b. Human dilemma
c. Malignant aggression
d. Syndrome of decay

2) Fromm defined ______ as “a union with somebody, or something outside oneself under the
condition of retaining the separateness and integrity of one's own self".
a. Love
b. Power
c. Need
d. Goals

3) A passionate love of life and all that is alive. desire to further all life, of people, animals, plants,
ideas, and cultures concerned with growth and development of themselves as well as others.
a. Narcissism
b. Biophilia
c. Hypochondriasis
d. Necrophilia

4) ________ is an orientation in which all one's interest and passion are directed to one's own person
a. Narcissism
b. Biophilia
c. Hypochondriasis
d. Necrophilia

5) The __________ results from humans being torn from nature yet remaining in the world with the
same physical limitations as other animals.
a. Sense of identity
b. Burden of freedom
c. Basic anxiety
d. Rational goals

6) Which of the following is included in Fromm’s Positive Components of Human Needs?

a. Relatedness
b. Transcendence
c. Wholeness
d. Destructiveness
7) People can break the cycle of conformity and powerless only by ___________ and
a. Achieving freedom , positive realization
b. Achieving self-realization , positive freedom
c. Achieving love , freedom
d. Achieving positive qualities , freedom

8) The changes in the human condition lead to feelings of ________, _______, and ________.
a. Self-isolation, realization , destructiveness
b. Isolation, domination , guilt
c. Anxiety, powerlessness , realization
d. Anxiety, isolation, powerlessness

9) All of the following statements are true Except

a. Fromm believed that humans, unlike other animals, have been “torn away” from their
prehistoric union with nature.
b. The first and most fundamental dichotomy is that between life and death.
c. People experience malignant agression because they have become separate from nature
and yet have the capacity to be aware of themselves as isolated beings.
d. The most basic assumption is that individual personality can be understood only in the
light of human history.

10) Humanistic psychoanalysis assumes that humanity’s separation from the natural world has
produced feelings of _____ and _____, a condition called basic anxiety.
a. Compassionate , redemptive
b. Abandoned , loneliness
c. Existence , individuality
d. Loneliness , isolation

Answer Key:

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. D

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