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Evaluation of olive oils from the Mediterranean region by UV–Vis

spectroscopy and Independent Component Analysis

Francieli C.G.B.S. Alves, Aline Coqueiro, Paulo H. Março, Patrícia Valderrama
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), P.O. Box 271, 87301-899 Campo Mourão, Paraná, Brazil


Keywords: Extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) from Mediterranean were analyzed by Ultraviolet–Visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy
Dienes and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). The use of ICA resolution provided information over dienes (pri-
Tocopherol mary oxidation compound), polyphenolic compounds, tocopherol, carotenoids and chlorophylls when EVOO
Polyphenols was evaluated by UV–Vis spectroscopy. Based on these data, ICA could be used to determine the contribution of
chemical compounds to the composition of EVOO produced in different regions from Mediterranean. The results
suggest that the combination of UV–Vis measurements and ICA makes possible the EVOO evaluation, and can
contribute to suggesting that a foodstuff comes from an alleged origin. The proposed methodology is a low cost,
fast and sample preparation free methodology to highlights the EVOO characteristics produced in the
Mediterranean region.

1. Introduction characteristics of the EVOO produced in the Mediterranean region and

that can contribute to the evaluation, certification, and designation.
Extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) has nutritional and sensory char- EVOO samples from Mediterranean region have been analyzed
acteristics that make it unique and a basic component of the using spectroscopy techniques such as photoluminescence (Sena,
Mediterranean diet. EVOO is obtained exclusively by mechanical and Isnaeni, & Juliastuti, 2017), fluorescence (Tena et al., 2009), and in-
physical processes including collecting, washing, and crushing olives, frared (Tena, Aparicio-Ruiz, & García-González, 2013). The coupling of
malaxation of olive paste, centrifugation, storage, and filtration the spectroscopy techniques with resolution methods in oil analysis
(Calabriso, Scoditti, Pellegrino, & Carluccio, 2015). made it possible to resolve the signals corresponding to the various oil
It is known that EVOO present high monounsaturated fatty acids constituents without resorting to physical separation methods
composition (55–85%), low polyunsaturated fatty acids (2–21%) and, (Gonçalves, Março, & Valderrama, 2014). In this sense, the Multivariate
the presence of highly antioxidative phenolic compounds (Tena, García- Curve Resolution with Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) was cou-
González, & Aparicio, 2009). EVOO is a rich source of α-tocopherol, a pled with ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy in order to verify
compound belonging to the group generic named as Vitamin E (α-, β-, the modifications that occur in oil samples when heated from ambient
γ-, δ-tocopherol and tocotrienols) (Guinazi, Milagres, Pinheiro- to high temperatures such as happens during frying (Gonçalves et al.,
Sant’Ana, & Chaves, 2009). Furthermore, α-tocopherol is suggested as 2014). Infrared spectroscopy and MCR-ALS was employed in the eva-
presenting highest antioxidant activity among the tocopherols luation of the aging of edible oils (Le Dréau, Dupuy, Artaud, Ollivier, &
(Yoshida, Niki, & Noguchi, 2003). Kister, 2009).
The EVOO production is a very important industry for the MCR-ALS is based on a bilinear model which assumes that the ob-
Mediterranean countries, both in terms of wealth, health, and tradition served spectra are a linear combination of the spectra of the pure
(Souilem et al., 2017). Foods with certificates of quality are gaining components in the system (Jaumot, de Juan, & Tauler, 2015). The al-
more and more relevance in people's diets. For example, in Andalusia gorithm steps include the determination of the number of components
(southern Spain) there are companies on the olive-oil gastronomic route by rank analysis methods and an initial estimation of concentration
and their designations of origin involved in the development of the and/or spectra with as many profiles as the number of components
tourism product of “olive oil tourism” (de la Torre, Arjona-Fuentes, & estimated from the rank analysis. Once the initial estimate is generated,
Amador-Hidalgo, 2017). In this sense, is mandatory the development of the iterative optimization step is started (Valderrama, Gonçalves,
analytical methodologies that contribute to highlights the Março, Rutledge, & Valderrama, 2016). However, sometimes, suitable

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Valderrama).
Received 28 July 2017; Received in revised form 4 January 2018; Accepted 19 January 2018
0308-8146/ Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Alves, F.C.G.B.S., Food Chemistry (2018),
F.C.G.B.S. Alves et al. Food Chemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

results may not be achieved when MCR-ALS is applied. The main reason
for this is the initial estimates step that reaches a local minimum re-
sulting in insufficient curve resolution due to a problem of local
minimum instead of the global minimum. There is a large possibility of
occurrence of this by using the UV–Vis spectroscopy technique due to
the high degree of band overlapping and the lack of selectivity in this
technique (Valderrama et al., 2016). In this sense, other curve resolu-
tion tools can be investigated in order to evaluate UV–Vis spectra data
set, since it is a fast and low-cost technique.
In this paper, EVOO samples from Mediterranean region were
evaluated by UV–Vis spectroscopy coupled with the resolution method
of Independent Component Analysis (ICA). ICA searches for the de-
composition of signals from the mixture into a more statistically in-
dependent component. There are several different algorithms to per-
former ICA resolution (Bell & Sejnowski, 1995; Hyvärinen & Oja, 1997)
however the Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices
(JADE) (Cardoso & Souloumiac, 1993) present an advantage over the
others. The JADE algorithm is based on matrix computation, involving
matrix diagonalization to calculate Independent Components (ICs).
Other algorithms rely on an optimization procedure and hence may
yield variable results depending on the starting point and on the opti-
mization path followed by the search algorithm (Rutledge &
Bouveresse, 2013). Moreover, some ICA algorithms allow applications
of constraints such as non-negativity (for concentration and spectra)
Fig. 1. UV–Vis spectra to extra-virgin olive oil from different Mediterranean regions.
which drastically reduces the independence between ICs (Parastar,
Jalali-Heravi, & Tauler, 2012).
Here it is employed ICA with JADE algorithm in order to avoid the
problem of local minimum instead of the global minimum of the MCR-
ALS and, break away from the problem reported with other algorithms
in the computation of the ICs. So, the main objective is to verify simi-
larities between EVOO samples from Mediterranean region due to its
constituents from UV–Vis spectra and contribute to the proposal of a
methodology to assist in the highlights the EVOO characteristics pro-
duced in the Mediterranean region.
ICA is a blind source separation method that extracts the pure un-
derlying signals from a signals data set where they are mixed in un-
known proportions. The ICA general model is (Stone, 2004):
X = A. S
where X is the matrix of observed signals (UV–Vis spectra in our case). S
is the matrix of unknown pure source signals. A is the mixing matrix of
unknown coefficients, related to the corresponding proportions. ICA
aims to maximize the non-gaussianity of the extracted signals. Then,
ICA assumes that statistically independent source signals have intensity
distributions that are less Gaussian than are their mixtures (Ammari,
Jouan-Rimbaud-Bouveresse, Boughanmi, & Rutledge, 2012). Recent
researches have shown the ICA with JADE algorithm employed to un-
supervised pattern recognition applications (Ammari, Redjdal, &
Rutledge, 2015; Kassouf, Maalouly, Rutledge, Chebib, & Ducruet, 2014;
Mishra et al., 2016).
Fig. 2. Percentage of variance captured by PCA.

2. Experimental
range 200–750 nm (steps of 1 nm) in a 1 mm quartz cuvette. Data were
2.1. Samples analyzed using MATLAB version R2007b (The Mathworks Inc., MA,
USA) where curve resolution was performed by ICA with JADE algo-
EVOO samples from France (Languedoc Roussillon 0.5%, Marseille rithm (Cardoso & Souloumiac, 1993). The mathematical steps for ICA
0.5%), Spain (Catalonia 0.2% and Andalusia 0.1%), Italy (Tuscany method are described by Rutledge and Bouveresse (2013) and Rutledge
0.33%, Sicily 0.35%, Puglia 0.22%), Greece (Crete 0.4 and 0.5%), and Bouveresse (2015), while the Matlab code for JADE algorithm can
Morocco (Atlasgebergte 0.15%) were purchased in the Leiden Holland be found on the website <
marketplace. ~cardoso/Algo/Jade/jadeR.m > .

2.2. Experimental parameters and software 3. Results and discussion

Samples from each EVOO were analyzed in triplicate. The spectra The UV–Vis spectra of the samples after spectral baseline adjust-
were taken at the room temperature (25 °C). UV–Vis spectra were ac- ment made by the first-order polynomial and smoothed through
quired in an Ocean Optics equipment (model USB-650-UV–VIS) in the Savitsky-Golay algorithm (Savitzky & Golay, 1964) (13 points and first

F.C.G.B.S. Alves et al. Food Chemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. PCA Loadings. (A) PC1 (63.63%); (B) PC2 (19.05%); (C) PC3 (12.77%); (D) PC4 (2.36%); (E) PC5 (0.69%); (F) PC6 (0.33%).

order polynomial), is shown in Fig. 1. loadings help (Valderrama, Março, Locquet, Ammari, & Rutledge,
From this spectral (or matrix) data set the mathematical rank in 2011). With this second method when a PC loading seems like a noise,
absence of experimental noise (pseudo-rank or chemical rank), is one of this PC can be considered as not informative in the rank evaluation.
the crucial points in the analysis. In this work, three methods were used Based on the two methods the rank considered was equal 4, since the
in order to determine the number of independent components that PC number 5 it presents a variance captured practically null and his
corresponds to the matrix rank. loadings seem to a noise.
The first method is based on the percentage of variance captured by The third method used to matrix rank determination was the
Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as shown in Fig. 2. This procedure Durbin-Watson (DW) criterion which was applied to the residual ma-
was employed by Ribeiro et al. (2017) to NIR data and ICA with JADE trices after removing the contributions of the calculated signals to find
algorithm. Março, Poppi, Scarminio, and Tauler (2011) used this pro- out which ones had a low signal/noise ratio and could therefore be
cedure to estimates the mathematical rank in UV–Vis data. In this way, assumed to no longer contain informative ICs (Ammari et al., 2012).
when a PC is referred to a small variance captured it suggest that are no This procedure was applied in the rank determination of front-face
chemical information on this PC. However, sometimes is hard to decide fluorescence spectroscopy matrix for the study of the heat stability of
if the small variance captured is just noise or if this variance can bring sunflower oil enriched in natural antioxidants by applying ICA (Ammari
some information regarding on the small quantities of a chemical et al., 2012). The Fig. 4 shows the results for the application of this
compound. Then, the PCA loadings plot, shown in Fig. 3, can be done to third method.
help in choosing the matrix rank (second method). The chemical rank in Based on these results, it is possible to confirm that 4 is the ap-
molecular fluorescence spectroscopy was properly chosen with the PCA propriate rank for the matrix data set utilized in this work. As shown in

F.C.G.B.S. Alves et al. Food Chemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Durbin-Watson values of the residual matrices for increasing numbers of extracted IC signals from 2 to 6. (A) ICs equal 2; (B) ICs equal 3; (C) ICs equal 4; (D) ICs equal 5; (E) ICs
equal 6.

the Fig. 4, with rank equal to 2 or 3 there are several ranges in the (Italy) are similar in tocopherol composition. Likewise, samples from
residual matrix where the DW values are close to zero, that reinforce Tuscany (Italy) and Crete (Greece) show similarity in the amounts of
that are structured vectors in the residual matrix. By applying 4 ICs, the tocopherol. Moreover, the samples from Catalonia (Spain) are more
residual matrix shows a vector with several range values close to 2. different from the other samples considered in the study in relation to
When DW values are close to 2, the vector is noisy and can be dis- the tocopherol quantities.
carded. So, all information was retained on the considered 4 ICs. No IC number 4 presents signals characteristic for carotenoids and
increase in the information was obtained by considering a rank equal to chlorophylls, that are responsible for the color of EVOO. Chlorophyll
5 or 6. pigments, such as pheophytin, are responsible for the greenish color;
ICA model with 4 ICs was applied to the UV–Vis data. For each IC in compounds like lutein and β-carotene from yellow pigments. The
Fig. 5, it is possible to observe the recovered signals and the evolution amount and proportions of these pigments depend on the cultivar,
of its corresponding proportions (scores). maturation and the olive processing system, besides the storage con-
The first IC was attributed to primary oxidation compounds that ditions (García-González et al., 2008). Carotenoids present spectral
occur due to factors such as auto-oxidation and the presence of light. absorption in the visible region: α-carotene – 447 nm, β-carotene –
One of the main constituents of the primary oxidation compounds are 451 nm, and γ-carotene – 462 nm (Koplík, 2015). Chlorophyll has a
the dienes, which have a maximum absorbance at 220–230 nm (Vieira, strong absorption band overlapping with carotenoid uptake at 420 nm,
& D’Arce, 1998). This result is in agreement with the signal observed on and present absorption at 670 nm (Domenici et al., 2014; Giuffrida,
the IC number 1. According to the scores for the first IC, all the samples Salvo, Salvo, Pera, & Dugo, 2007; Psomiadou & Tsimiodou, 2002).
used in the study had an initial degree of oxidation. The scores plot for IC number 4 shows that samples from Catalonia
IC number 2 can be attributed to polyphenolic compounds which (Spain) are similar to samples from Languedoc-Roussillon and Marseille
show absorption between 270 and 330 nm (Park, Ikegaki, Abreu, & (France), and Morocco regarding carotenoid and chlorophyll contents.
Alcici, 1998). These compounds have an impact on the sensorial and The samples from Puglia are similar to samples from Sicily (Italy). The
quality aspects, and also have relationships with the health benefits samples from Crete (Greece) and Andalusia (Spain) are similar to each
(García-González, Aparicio-Ruiz, & Aparicio, 2008). They have also other. While the samples from Tuscany (Italy) are the most different in
been used to characterize monovarietal, olive maturation and applied relation to these constituents.
extraction technologies (Dimitrios, 2006). The scores for IC number 2 The results suggest that the combination of UV–Vis measurements
show that samples from Andalusia (Spain), Languedoc Roussillon and and ICA makes possible the EVOO evaluation, and can contribute to
Marseille (France), Tuscany (Italy), and Crete (Greece) show similarity highlights the EVOO characteristics produced in the Mediterranean
to each other based on the polyphenolic compounds. The EVOO sam- region.
ples from Puglia and Sicily (Italy), and Morocco shows similarity to
each other in relation to polyphenol content. On the other hand, the
4. Conclusion
EVOO samples from Catalonia (Spain) are distinct from the others
considered in the study.
The proposition of a low cost, fast and sample preparation free
Tocopherol, which has maximum absorption at 325 nm (Gonçalves
methodology to evaluation, and highlights the EVOO characteristics
et al., 2014), was identified as being the separate signal in IC number 3.
produced in the Mediterranean region, that can contribute to certifi-
Tocopherols have antioxidant properties and are often considered as a
cation, and designation of the EVOO produced in this region is feasible
purity criterion (García-González et al., 2008). According to the scores
by using UV–Vis spectroscopy coupled with ICA.
plot of IC number 3, the EVOO samples from Andalusia (Spain), Lan-
The use of ICA resolution provided information over dienes (pri-
guedoc-Roussillon (France) and Morocco are similar in relation to to-
mary oxidation compound), polyphenolic compounds, tocopherol,
copherol contents. Samples from Marseille (France), Puglia and Sicily
carotenoids and chlorophylls when EVOO was evaluated by UV–Vis

F.C.G.B.S. Alves et al. Food Chemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. ICA results. (A) IC1; (B) IC2; (C) IC3; (D) IC4. ○ Andalusia-Spain; Catalonia-Spain; Languedoc-France; Marseille-France; * Puglia-Italy; Sicily-Italy; Tuscany-Italy;
Crete-Greece; Crete-Greece; Marocco.

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