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Received: 6 July 2018 Revised: 6 June 2019 Accepted: 10 June 2019

DOI: 10.1111/bcp.14046


Management of peripheral vertigo with antihistamines:

New options on the horizon

Jonas Dyhrfjeld‐Johnsen | Pierre Attali

Sensorion SA, Montpellier, France

Vertigo is associated with a wide range of vestibular pathologies. It increasingly
affects the elderly, with a high cost to society. Solutions include vestibular
Jonas Dyhrfjeld‐Johnsen, Sensorion, 375 rue
du Professeur Joseph Blayac, 34080, suppressants and vestibular rehabilitation, which form the mainstay of therapy. Anti-
Montpellier, France.
histamines represent the largest class of agents used to combat vestibular vertigo
Email: jonas.dyhrfjeld‐johnsen@sensorion‐ symptoms. Agents targeting the H1 and H3 receptors have been in clinical use for
several decades as single agents. Nonetheless, effective management of vertigo
Funding information
Sensorion proves elusive as many treatments largely address only associated symptoms, and
with questionable efficacy. Additionally, the primary and limiting side effect of
sedation is counterproductive to normal functioning and the natural recovery process
occurring via central compensation. To address these issues, the timing of administra-
tion of betahistine, the mainstay H3 antihistamine, can be fine‐tuned, while bioavail-
ability is also being improved. Other approaches include antihistamine combination
studies, devices, physical therapy and behavioural interventions. Recently demon-
strated expression of H4 receptors in the peripheral vestibular system represents a
new potential drug target for treating vestibular disorders. A number of novel
selective H4 antagonists are active in vestibular models in vivo. The preclinical poten-
tial of SENS‐111 (Seliforant), an oral first‐in‐class selective H4 antagonist is the only
such molecule to date to be translated into the clinical setting. With an excellent
safety profile and notable absence of sedation, encouraging outcomes in an induced
vertigo model in healthy volunteers have led to ongoing clinical studies in acute uni-
lateral vestibulopathy, with the hope that H4 antagonists will offer new effective
therapeutic options to patients suffering from vertigo.


antihistamine, betahistine, SENS‐111, type‐4 histamine receptor, vertigo

1 | B E H I N D T H E SC E N E S OF V E RT I G O positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular migraine, Ménière's disease, acute

unilateral vestibulopathy (AUV) and labyrinthitis.3,4 While the occupa-
Vertigo is principally characterised by an erroneous sensation of tional impact is poorly qualified, it represents a substantial economic
spinning motion, frequently accompanied by vestibulo‐oculomotor cost to society.5
symptoms of oscillopsia, nystagmus, postural imbalance, and falling,1 Vertigo may arise centrally following injury to the balance centres
along with neurovegetative effects, notably nausea and vomiting. of the central nervous system (CNS), or be of peripheral origin linked
The 12‐month prevalence of vertigo ranges from 2 to 5%, with to disorders of the vestibule located in the inner ear. Sense of balance
incidence linked to age.2 Vertigo is associated with a wide range of and position are derived from input from the 3 semicircular canals and
pathologies, including inner ear diseases such as benign paroxysmal otolith organs in the peripheral vestibular system, integrated with

Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2019;85:2255–2263. © 2019 The British Pharmacological Society 2255

proprioceptive and visual information in the vestibular nuclei. Sensory including in the organ of Corti, the spiral ganglion, vestibular gan-
hair cell damage, synaptic uncoupling and neuronal damage disturb the glion, vestibular sensory epithelium and the endolymphatic sac.15,16
balance of vestibular signalling. This highly complex process is orches- The H1 and H3 receptors have also been identified in human endo-
trated by peripheral and central neurons, which rely on a range of lymphatic sac tissue.17 Functional in vitro and in vivo studies per-
neurotransmitters (glutamate, acetylcholine, γ‐aminobutyric acid and formed over the last 3 decades further support a role for histamine
glycine), further modulated by histamine, adrenaline and noradrena- in the context of vertigo.18-22 These studies demonstrated its excit-
line.6,7 Nonetheless, in‐depth knowledge of the pathophysiology of atory effect on the vestibular system in rats and guinea pigs, with
vertigo is lacking and a thorough understanding is currently hampered membrane depolarisation and transient increased neuronal firing
by nonstandardised definitions. activity in the central vestibular nuclei (inferior, medial, lateral and
While vestibular rehabilitation is recommended by many interna- superior), which controls the vestibulo‐ocular reflex. Furthermore,
tional clinical practice guidelines,8-10 pharmacological approaches form this activity was selectively blocked by H1, H2 and H3 receptor
the backbone of vertigo management, composed of agonists and antagonists, although not by an H4 receptor antagonist. Unilateral
antagonists of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators that modulate electrical and caloric stimulation of the inner ear in rats increases
vestibular afferent/efferent synaptic input. They are primarily repre- CNS production of histamine,23 confirming that sensory mismatch
sented by vestibular suppressants which reduce vertigo and nystag- signals activate the histaminergic neuron system in the brain. Preclin-
mus evoked by vestibular imbalance or motion sickness, while ical studies have also shown that the H1 receptor is upregulated in
antiemetics are used to combat nausea and vomiting.11 Vestibular vestibular neurons during motion stimulation24 and that symptoms
suppressants cover 3 main drug groups, anticholinergics, antihista- of motion sickness in the house musk shrew can be alleviated via this
mines and benzodiazepines. The nonselective nature of many of these receptor.25
agents imposes clinical limitations, with most antivertigo agents
acting principally through sedation or reduction of nausea rather than
addressing the cause of the vertigo itself. Here, we review current
antihistamine use in managing vertigo, focusing on efficacy, side 3 | TRANSLATING IN VIVO
effects and impact on central compensation. We also discuss a new A N T I H I S TA M I N E M O D E L S I N T O T H E C L I N I C
area of research targeting vertigo via the type‐4 (H4) histamine
receptor, and present a novel histamine antagonist clinical candidate, Validated predictive preclinical models are essential for ensuring the
SENS‐111 (Seliforant, 6‐[3‐(methylamino)azetidin‐1‐yl]‐2‐(2‐ translational success from the preclinical setting to the clinic. Such
methylpropyl)pyrimidin‐4‐amine; Sensorion). models have been slow to emerge for vestibular diseases, in part
due to the lack of understanding of their pathophysiology, and the
subjective nature of symptoms. A mechanism‐based model of unilat-
| eral vestibular insult in rats was developed by inducing transient
RECEPTOR LANDSCAPE excitotoxicity from transtympanic injections of kainic acid in 1 ear
resulting in swelling of the primary vestibular neuronal terminals and
The 4 known histamine receptors—type‐1 (H1), type‐2 (H2), type‐3 synaptic uncoupling. This model generates a number of established
(H3) and H4—belong to the large G‐protein coupled receptor (GPCR) vertigo‐associated symptoms such as spontaneous nystagmus,
family, consisting of 7 transmembrane‐spanning helices. The struc- postural deviations, reflex deficits and gastric paresis, all of which
ture, functioning and mechanisms of action of these receptors is can be quantified.26
beyond the scope of this review and have been described in depth Adequately evaluating antivertigo treatments in humans requires
elsewhere.12 In the nervous system, histamine is involved in signalling identification of objective clinical variables accurately reflecting
at several levels, and histamine receptors are present heteroge- vertigo. Earlier studies tended to focus on improvements in the
neously on pre‐ and postsynaptic nerve terminals throughout the neurovegetative symptoms of nausea and vomiting, while more recent
CNS. Histamine is known to be involved in many CNS activities studies focus on vertigo symptom‐rating for specific symptoms along
including wakefulness and cognition, and histamine antagonists form with frequency and severity of attacks, often using validated
part of the treatment arsenal for many CNS disorders, including questionnaires (e.g. Dizziness Handicap Inventory), as well as quality
somnolence.13 of life scores. As 1 of the few translationally measurable symptoms
Histaminergic ligands also act in the vestibular system, both of vertigo, nystagmus can be recorded—typically by electro‐ or
peripherally and centrally, and there is accumulating evidence for videonystagmography of spontaneous or calorically evoked nystag-
the involvement of multiple histamine receptors in modulating vestib- mus, with infrared videonystagmography being considered a gold
ular function. To reach the central parts of the vestibular system, standard. As technology has improved, caloric testing with maximum
antihistamines must pass the blood–brain barrier, while the peripheral slow phase velocity (SPV) is increasingly considered a reliable means
parts of the vestibular system are also protected by the similarly of evaluating vestibular function imbalance, despite intrapatient varia-
restrictive blood–labyrinth barrier. In the inner ear, protein expres- tion,27 with higher SPV levels reflecting greater imbalance between
sion of all 4 histamine receptors has been reported in mice and rats, the 2 labyrinths.28

4 | AN HISTORICAL SNAPSHOT OF H1, H2 agent cinnarizine for improving vertigo has been reported in both pro-
AND H3 ANTAGONIST USE IN VERTIGO spective and retrospective studies,35,36 and an advantage in combina-
tion with dimenhydrinate is seen compared to betahistine in
Histamine antagonists have been reported to be of value to individuals randomised clinical studies and routine practice.37-41
suffering from vertigo since the 1940s, preventing motion sickness Among the H3 antagonists used today, betahistine is the best‐
and/or reducing the severity of symptoms, including when taken known. It acts as both a H3 presynaptic antagonist and a weak H1
postonset. Nonetheless, insights into their role in central and periph- postsynaptic agonist.42 A thorough review of its preclinical and clinical
eral vestibular processing have only emerged relatively recently. status was published recently.43 While today betahistine is the most
The value of antihistamines in treating vertigo was reported in a widely‐used agent for the treatment of Ménière's disease and vestib-
recent meta‐analysis evaluating 13 randomised placebo‐controlled ular drop attacks in Europe, Canada and Latin America,44-46 contro-
studies using single‐agent antihistamines (primarily betahistine) versy still exists over the validity of its use. In the USA, betahistine
published between 1977 and 2006, including a total of nearly 900 has a chequered history with approval initially attributed but subse-
patients. This confirmed a clear benefit for antihistamines, with an quently withdrawn, and today it remains unapproved. Many studies
odds ratio of 5.37, 95% confidence interval (3.26–8.84).31 support its positive impact on vertigo symptoms, with several meta‐
Several H1, H2 and H3 receptor antagonists have been approved analyses all reporting a favourable outcome, including randomised
for vertigo and/or motion sickness by international health authorities, controlled studies comparing betahistine to placebo published over 3
although availability varies by region. All antihistamines currently in decades leading up to 2006.31,47-49 Similarly, the post‐marketing
clinical use for vertigo are H1 and H3 antagonists, the most common surveillance OSVaLD study collected data from over 2000 patients
of which are summarised in Table 1, while there are currently no H2 on dizziness and quality of life,50 and confirmed a significant improve-
receptor blockers available. Current agents include the H1 antagonists ment compared to baseline in patients with peripheral vestibular
diphenhydramine (typically administered as dimenhydrinate in combi- vertigo. Nonetheless, the heterogeneity in the methodologies used
nation with 8‐chlorotheophylline), meclizine and its derivate cyclizine, (assessment of outcome, including investigator vs patient perspective)
cinnarizine, and promethazine. Diphenhydramine, a first‐generation and pathologies included, call for caution to be exercised when
H1 antagonist is widely used. Current evaluations include its comple- interpreting these meta‐analyses. A recent Cochrane review by
mentary pharmacotherapy role in rehabilitation and recovery, as well Murdin et al. highlighted the poor quality of the evidence in their
as in combination with other agents. In a recent randomised controlled meta‐analysis.49 Further doubts are raised by the outcome of the
study in patients with BPPV, dimenhydrinate was administered after recent double‐blind, randomised, placebo‐controlled BEMED study in
successful canalith repositioning manoeuvres to evaluate its effect 221 patients which failed to show a significant difference in incidence
on residual symptoms.32 A significant reduction in light‐headedness rates of Ménière's attacks with either low or high‐dose betahistine vs
was observed compared to placebo, although not in Dizziness Handi- placebo after 9 months of treatment.51 The interpretation of the clin-
cap Inventory questionnaire scores. Meclizine, which was first shown ical data is further complicated by questions around the mechanism of
to be superior than placebo in 1972 for the treatment of vertigo is action, since even plasma concentrations of betahistine associated
widely used in the USA, was recently shown to be equivalent to efficacy in a preclinical vertigo model were in the nanomolar range,
diazepam for effectiveness in relief of symptoms in acute peripheral while H1 and H3 receptor affinities are in the micromolar range.42,52
vertigo in a randomised double‐blind study.34 The value of single This raises questions around a direct effect through the histaminergic

TABLE 1 Antihistamines currently used to manage vertigo

Receptor Principal adverse reactions in

Drug Other activity the vertigo setting Regional specificities

Betahistine H3/H1 Headache, nausea, upset stomach, Not authorised in the USA due to lack of
vomiting, diarrhoea evidence of activity
Cinnarizine H1 Drowsiness, depression and Not authorised in the USA and Canada
Calcium channel blocker parkinsonism
Cyclizine H1 Drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation,
(meclizine derivative) Anticholinergic visual troubles
Diphenhydramine H1 Drowsiness, poor coordination,
Anticholinergic stomach upset
Flunarizine H1 Weight gain, somnolence, Not authorised in the USA and Japan due to
(cinnarizine derivative) Calcium channel blocker depression, rhinitis lack of evidence of activity
Promethazine H1 anticholinergic Drowsiness, akathisia, lethargy
Meclizine H1 anticholinergic Drowsiness, headache, dry mouth,
stomach upset

receptors, and even about another potential mechanism of action unilateral vestibular neurotomy for Ménière's disease. In this setting,
by increased histamine turnover through upregulated histidine decar- betahistine reduced the time to reach compensation by a month.67
boxylase in the tuberomammillary nuclei and blockade of H3 receptors Likewise, the authors of the VIRTUOSO study suggested that the
in the vestibular nuclei and tuberomammillary nuclei after very high use of betahistine for 2 months in patients with vestibular vertigo
preclinical doses of betahistine.53,54 could improve compensation.68 However, the data are difficult to
interpret, given that only 40% of patients had peripheral vertigo,
including patients with BPPV, and compensation was only measured
5 | R E TH I N K I N G T H E U S E O F B ET A H I S T I N E in terms of lasting symptom control.
For compensation to be fully effective, vertigo symptoms and ves-
The long history of a lack of clarity over the use of betahistine has led tibular imbalances must be actively experienced. Patients should
to the emergence of new approaches for optimising its use. Combina- undergo interventions to stimulate plasticity and allow the brain to
tion therapy may improve outcomes over single agent. In a small study substitute alternative information in lieu of the lost peripheral input.69
in patients with Ménière's disease, when betahistine was combined The use of vestibular suppressants both sedates the brain and sup-
with cinnarizine as a prophylactic measure, vertigo attacks decreased presses vertigo centrally, and, in consequence, reduces the feedback
in patients poorly responsive to betahistine alone.55 Similarly, the to the brain indicating a sensory mismatch. Thus the use of suppres-
addition of flunarizine to betahistine significantly decreased the fre- sants comes at the cost of decreasing or slowing this natural recovery
quency of vertigo episodes in a small randomised controlled study.56 process.70 It is thus generally considered that vestibular suppressants,
The addition of high‐dose betahistine to intratympanic dexametha- including antihistamines, should only be administered during the acute
sone improved vertigo control compared to dexamethasone alone.57 phase of vertigo and for a maximum of 3 consecutive days.71-73 None-
Large‐scale controlled studies are required to confirm the usefulness theless, Kiroglu et al. recently reported a randomised controlled clinical
of this approach. study in patients with vertigo and dizziness suggesting a deleterious
Bioavailability may pose limitations on the effective implementa- effect of betahistine compared to dimenhydrinate when administered
tion of betahistine. Preclinical studies in cats have demonstrated a link during acute episodes of vertigo, based on higher mean SPV values.72
between betahistine plasma concentrations and both reduced persis- The authors consequently recommend that betahistine not be used
tent vertigo symptoms and improved balance.52,53 In humans, the oral during the acute phase, to avoid its H1 agonist effects, cautioning
betahistine molecule is rapidly and almost completely metabolised into against the concomitant use of dimenhydrinate with betahistine due
2‐pyridylacetic acid, which is pharmacologically inactive,58 resulting in to their paradoxical effects in terms of compensation.
very low bioavailability and limited clinical utility. A nasal formulation A recent preclinical publication delved into the molecular mecha-
of betahistine, AM‐125, demonstrated improved bioavailability over nism behind vestibular compensation, providing supporting evidence
the oral formulation in a phase 1 clinical study reported by Auris Med- of the role of the H1 receptor. Chen et al. used a rat model to demon-
ical in October 2018,59 and a phase 2 randomised controlled study strate that the H1 receptor selectively mediates asymmetric activation
evaluating AM‐125 as treatment for acute peripheral vertigo is of the commissural inhibitory system in ipsilesional medial ventricular
planned (TRAVERS; NCT03908567). nuclei, with the H1 antagonists diphenhydramine and mepyramine
Various in vitro and in vivo models point towards a role for both slowing vestibular compensation and blocking the beneficial
histamine in modulating vestibular plasticity during the process of ves- effect of betahistine H1 agonism on central compensation.74 This
tibular central compensation. This innate spontaneous functional study further emphasizes an additional potential direct negative impact
recovery mechanism triggered after vestibular damage, has been well of H1 receptor antagonists such as meclizine, dimenhydrinate and
described.60,61 It is a complex, multi‐factorial process in which cinnarizine on central compensation, in addition to their established
feedback from the vertigo episode triggers different types of central sedative effect.
plasticity to compensate for peripheral lesions. The time course and
ultimate extent of recovery vary considerably between individuals,
and failure of this process results in chronic vertigo or dizziness/ 6 | NEW DIRECTIONS FOR MANAGING
imbalance. VERTIGO
Several studies have shown that H1, H2 and H3 receptors are
upregulated in the central vestibular system during the first few days In currently active interventional clinical trials for vestibular problems,
of vestibular compensation following labyrinthectomy.30,62-64 The vestibular vertigo and dizziness, 23 of 31 studies identified on
sedative side effect of antihistamines, notably H1 antagonists, proba- are testing devices or exercise/physical therapy‐based
bly plays a role in delaying this process in vivo. Betahistine has been and behavioural interventions, while only 8 are testing drug‐based
shown to facilitate behavioural recovery in cats and reduce H3 recep- interventions. Despite the many antihistamines used in the manage-
tor binding in vestibular nuclei.66 The effect of betahistine on the time ment of vertigo, with a general lack of robustness in many trials in this
course of vestibular compensation was investigated in the clinic in domain (nonrandomised, uncontrolled and single‐centre studies, an
terms of the effect on various symptoms including postural and oculo- absence of proven reference treatment and small sample sizes), along
motor disorders, in a double‐blind study in patients who underwent a with the negative impact associated with sedation both in terms of

quality of life and central compensation, new pharmacotherapeutic H1, H2 and H3 receptors as well as a wide panel of receptors, enzymes,
options for alleviating vertigo and avoiding long‐term complications ion channels and bioamine transporters.85 Similar H4 receptor binding
are needed. H1 antagonists can exhibit functional plurality complicating affinity was seen with the main pharmacological and toxicological spe-
the understanding of their mechanism of action in vertigo, having cies (mouse, rat and monkey), and it is a potent antagonist in primary
calcium channel blocking effects in addition to their antihistamine vestibular neurons. Administration of SENS‐111 in a rat model during
activity,75 further complicating clarification of the antivertigo mecha- the acute phase of peripheral vertigo induced with kainic acid, gave a
nism of action and the potential efficacy of antihistamines. The antihis- bell‐shaped dose/efficacy relationship.86 At the optimal dose, a 20–
tamines cinnarizine and flunarizine are both classed as calcium channel 30% reduction in symptoms was seen within 1 hour of administration
antagonists.70 Anticholinergic properties of promethazine and diphen- compared to placebo, while higher doses resulted in a loss of efficacy.
hydramine have also been reported in vivo.76 SENS‐111 concentrations in blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and the
In terms of H1, H2 or H3 antivertigo agents, recent research is perilymph had equilibrated 1‐hour postadministration.
limited to combination studies of betahistine or dimenhydrinate
with cinnarizine, and investigation of an intranasal formulation of
6.2 | Clinical evaluation of H4 antagonists
betahistine, and new clinical candidates under investigation in vertigo
are lacking. However preclinical and clinical investigations have
A number of H4 antagonists have reached clinical evaluation in
recently opened up a promising new therapeutic avenue targeting nonvestibular indications87; however, concerns over potentially
the H4 receptors. associated, compound‐specific toxicities have seen development
programmes prematurely terminated.88,89 To date, SENS‐111 is the
only H4 antagonist with ongoing clinical evaluation. Oral SENS‐111
6.1 | Preclinical evidence for the potential of H4 has been administered in nearly 200 healthy volunteers and allergic
antagonism in vertigo rhinitis patients in pharmacokinetic and single and repeat dosing
studies90,91 (NCT03110458; NCT01260753). A recent randomised,
The H4 receptor is the most recent member of the histamine receptor double‐blind, placebo‐controlled and meclizine‐calibrated crossover
family to have been identified. H3 and H4 receptors share significant
phase 2a trial, confirmed that unlike, meclizine, SENS‐111 was not
homology,77 although less is known about the intracellular signalling
associated with sedation or impairment of memory or cognitive perfor-
cascade for the H4 receptor across tissues and cell types. Involvement mance in healthy volunteers (unpublished data). In an early‐stage first‐
of the H4 receptor in inner ear pathologies has recently been raised, in‐man phase 1 study, H4 receptor antagonism of SENS‐111 (then
with evidence supporting a potential role in the vestibular system. In
called UR‐63325) in humans was confirmed in preliminary findings, as
rodents, H4 receptors have been immunolocalised in vestibular pri- demonstrated by reduced histamine‐induced eosinophil cell shape
mary neurons, with preferential sub‐membranous and cytoplasmic change ex vivo.92 The effect of SENS‐111 on nystagmus and vertigo
expression, along with in the organ of Corti, spiral ganglions, vestibular
induced via caloric irrigation has been evaluated in a randomised
ganglions, vestibular sensory epithelium and endolymphatic sac
double‐blind dose escalation study in healthy volunteers.91 Latency
cells.16,78-80 H4 receptor expression has been found in the CNS of of vertigo appearance improved by 10 to 30% with an exposure–
humans and rats,81 although it is reported to be sparse or absent in
response relationship, with a similar pattern of improvement for
the cortex of humans, guinea pigs and rats.82,83
vertigo duration. The bell‐shaped response seen in the preclinical
Emerging H4 antagonists have shown activity in preclinical vestib- model was also observed clinically; this probably reflects a dual site
ular models.78,79 A pronounced inhibitory effect on vestibular neuron
of action, with an initial positive peripheral vestibular response at low
activity was seen in vitro and ex vivo in the presence of the selective
exposure, while at higher exposures with loss of selectivity, efficacy
H4 antagonist JNJ7777120 and its derivate JNJ10191584. When is reduced due to a central effect on vestibular nuclei neurons in the
administered in 2 rat vestibular lesion models—1 bilateral and 1 unilat- brainstem. The effect of SENS‐111 on vertigo symptoms in patients
eral—both agents rapidly improved scored behavioural abnormalities
suffering from AUV is currently being evaluated in a phase 2 clinical
associated with vestibular deficits, whereas neither betahistine nor trial (NCT03110458).
the dual H3/H4 antagonist thioperamide had significant acute effects.
Improvement occurred rapidly (within the first hour) and, in the case
of JNJ7777120, lasted for up to 24 hours. Beneficial treatment effects 7 | COMPARING ANTIVERTIGO EFFECTS
on vestibular deficit syndrome, locomotor activity and exploratory OF ANTIHISTAMINES IN THE CLINIC
behaviour in the acute phase after unilateral or bilateral vestibular
lesions in a rat model were independently reported for JNJ7777120 While the first clinical comparison of SENS‐111 with the H1 antihista-
administration by another research group.84 mine meclizine was recently completed confirming that it does not
Another novel antagonist has shown promising results in vivo. impact vigilance or cognitive performance (unpublished data), with
SENS‐111, a novel oral small molecule, is a first‐in‐class H4 antagonist, the AUV clinical trial still ongoing, SENS‐111 efficacy vs other antihis-
binding with high affinity to both human and animal receptors. Preclin- tamines in patients is awaited. Studies of vestibular modulation by
ical evaluations show it to be selective for the H4 receptor over the current antihistamines in healthy volunteers are limited, with very

few trials specifically evaluating vertigo itself rather than other associ- motor skills, supporting the absence of drowsiness.101 Associated side
ated parameters (vertigo sensation intensity, frequency and duration; effects include headache and mild gastric alterations such as nausea,
associated symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, quality of life). vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain and abdominal distension, which
Evaluation of calorically‐induced vertigo sensation in healthy are typically mild to moderate and can be managed with dose modifi-
volunteers showed that the magnitude of SENS‐111 treatment effects cations. Post‐marketing surveillance reported gastrointestinal symp-
fell within the realm of those seen with other agents used to treat toms and headaches as the principal side effects.50
vertigo, albeit with differences in vertigo induction methodology. The safety profile associated with SENS‐111, the first H4 antago-
Using cold caloric tests in healthy volunteers, dimenhydrinate signifi- nist to be evaluated clinically, in clinical investigations is extremely
cantly prolonged the time to onset and duration of nystagmus (by encouraging, with the maximal tolerated dose not reached and
~20%) compared to controls.93 Cinnarizine (albeit at a much higher adverse events being nonspecific (headache, back pain), mild to mod-
dose than normally administered for vertigo) was compared to placebo erate, transient and comparable to placebo.90,91 Importantly, neither
in healthy volunteers using parallel swing tests evaluated by sedation nor drowsiness has been reported—a key finding allowing
electronystagmography. The duration of nystagmus and of the sensa- treatment of the acute vertigo symptoms while permitting vestibular
tion of the test were significantly reduced with cinnarizine (~27 and compensation.
19% in cupolometric tests respectively) with intra‐subject variability Combination of 2 antihistamines does not appear to impact the
significantly complicating pharmacodynamic measurements. In a antihistamine safety profile. No difference was seen when flunarizine
study evaluating Antivert (meclizine combined with nicotinic acid), was added to betahistine, with weight gain and somnolence being
bithermic caloric tests in healthy volunteers did not show a significant the most common side effects in both arms.56 Analysis of cinnarizine
change in SPV vs baseline for either Antivert or placebo‐treated combined with dimenhydrinate in a real‐life setting of over 1250
patients (−2.2 and − 0.5% °/s, respectively) 1 hour after treatment. 95
patients suffering from vertigo, showed that the most common adverse
However, studies with torsion and parallel swing challenge in healthy events were gastrointestinal and neurological (both in <2% of
volunteers showed that Antivert significantly decreased eye move- patients), in particular somnolence, dry mouth, nausea and headache.39
ment frequency (by up to 13.4%, torsion swing) and amplitude (by
up to 20.8%, parallel swing) 1.5–2 hours post‐treatment, compared
to minimal changes in patients receiving placebo. 9 | CO NC LUSIO N

Despite a paucity of robust evidence of efficacy, antihistamines have

8 | S I D E E F F E C T S OF A N T I H I S T A M I N E S I N played a primary role in vertigo management for over half a century.
VERTIGO Clear progress has been made since the initial treatments used, with
widespread administration of betahistine in Europe as well as various
Sedation and drowsiness are by far the most common side effects H1 receptor antagonists depending on the geographical region. Our
characterising antihistamines. While they can be considered manage- understanding of the molecular mechanisms affecting vertigo modula-
able, they can have a large impact on daily and professional function- tion has advanced, and the quality and sensitivity of measures has
ing, notably in the context of the workplace and driving. More improved. The principal burden associated with antihistamines today
importantly, sedation poses a contradiction for optimal vertigo remains their sedative side effects which have a strong impact on
management in the context of vestibular compensation as part of optimal central compensation and daily functioning, in addition to
the natural recovery process, as demonstrated for betahistine. their direct modulation of central vestibular signalling. Although
Second‐ and third‐generation molecules with lower brain permeability later‐generation H1 and H3 antihistamines show fewer side effects in
were developed in an attempt to overcome this effect as well as to terms of sedation, they do not achieve significant local target expo-
improve efficacy. These drugs do indeed have lower levels of drows- sure, limiting their clinical value for treating vertigo. While betahistine
iness; however, as most do not pass the blood–brain barrier or blood– may not be an appropriate choice for managing acute vertigo symp-
labyrinth barrier and thus cannot modulate central or peripheral toms, it has potential for use in the recovery phase of vertigo manage-
vestibular activity, they are of limited value in vertigo. It should also ment by enhancing central compensation via its H1 agonism
be borne in mind that patients taking antihistamines may poorly properties, thus reducing chronic symptoms. This will be contingent
evaluate their sedative effect,97 and that the patient may feel that this on current efforts on improving betahistine bioavailability to increase
effect diminishes with longer‐duration administration. exposure.
In addition to sedation and drowsiness, common H1 antagonist New approaches in clinical management include behavioural
side effects including somnolence, lethargy, other neural side effects studies and also combination studies with agents targeting different
(headache and insomnia) and gastrointestinal effects (dry mouth, histamine receptors, to date, primarily betahistine combinations. More
nausea and stomach upset).98-100 The H3 antagonist betahistine was recently, preclinical evaluations of different H4 antagonists have
considered well tolerated in clinical studies with no differences in side shown promise for a potential role of this drug class as new potential
effects or treatment discontinuation compared to placebo in several treatments for vertigo, with the first clinical evaluations of the novel
randomised studies.43 There is notably no apparent effect on driving H4 antagonist agent SENS‐111 in patients suffering from AUV

currently ongoing. The clinical effect of the H4 antagonist SENS‐111 14. Nyberg S, Abbott NJ, Shi X, Steyger PS, Dabdoub A. Delivery of ther-
on vertigo induced in healthy volunteers compares favourably to the apeutics to the inner ear: the challenge of the blood‐labyrinth barrier.
Sci Transl Med. 2019;11(482):eaao0935.
magnitude reported for other antihistamines. The benefits of SENS‐
15. Azuma H, Sawada S, Takeuchi S, Higashiyama K, Kakigi A, Takeda T.
111 demonstrated in animal models of severe acute vertigo support
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How to cite this article: Dyhrfjeld‐Johnsen J, Attali P.
86. Dyhrfjeld‐Johnsen J, Wersinger E, Petremann M, et al. Translational
Management of peripheral vertigo with antihistamines: New
predictivity of preclinical studies of the anti‐vertigo drug SENS‐111
for clinical PK/PD relationships. Abstract PD170. Association for options on the horizon. Br J Clin Pharmacol.
Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), 40th MidWinter Meeting, Febru- 2019;85:2255–2263.
ary 11–15 2017, Baltimore MD, USA. 2017.

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