Module 5 - Coping With Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence

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Module 5: Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence

Name: Claire Nicole Brianna G. Estrada

Activity 1: Stress Signals

Take a look at the warning signs of stress listed below. Put a check before the warning sign
if you consider it as your stress signals.

Physical Chest Pains

High Blood Pressure
Headaches Rapid Or Difficult Breathing
Stomach Aches
Dizziness Emotional
Back Pain
Neck Stiffness Mood Changes
Ulcer Sores On Mouth Lack Of Concentration
Weight Loss Nightmares
Weight Gain Panic Attacks
Twitches (Eyelids, Face) Anxiety
Weakness Anger
Nausea Irritability
Indigestion Crying
Excessive Sleeping Thoughts Of Suicide
Overeating Depression
Loss Of Appetite Confusion
Inability To Sleep Feelings Of Helplessness
Skin Problems Restlessness
Constant Fatigue Racing Thoughts
Cold Hands Or Feet Aggressiveness
Excessive Sweating

Behavioral Hair Chewing

Nervous Laughter
Smoking Pacing
Nail Biting Lateness
Tapping Putting Things Off
Pulling Hair Not Caring About Physical Appearance
Grinding Hair Compulsive Overeating
Use Of Alcohol
Use Of Medication
Compulsive Dieting
ACTIVITY 2: Write about your stress signals. Answer the following

1. How do you know that you are stressed?

➢ I only realize I'm stressed when I'm fatigued and tired of anything and everything. My mind
has just stopped functioning, and everything around me will become even more
fragmented as I will be unable to plan my schedule and balance my tasks. When I'm
stressed, I consume a huge amount of food, and my mouth won't stop yammering about
random subjects.

2. What stress signals do you have that your partner does not have?
➢ When he is agitated, he easily becomes enraged about trivial matters. Then he'll point out
every mistake I made, down to the smallest detail. When he's anxious, he's difficult to
comprehend. Then he'll vent his rage on me, and then he'll go on and on about our
previous disagreements, and so on. The above is completely unlike me. He mainly
complains about his head or perhaps his entire body aching. While I don't have such a
thing, it's simply that when I'm anxious, my mouth won't stop talking.

3. How much stress do you think you are currently under?

➢ I'm so stressed that if I had to rank something from 1 to 10, I'd give it an 11.

4. How are your stress signals different for different types of stressors?
➢ In addition to school activities and never-ending chores, I assist students at my mother's
tutorial center. My level of stress rose to the point that I needed to chat to my pals right
now, and my lips would not really quit speaking. When there is a horrible vibe in the
environment, my mood shifts. If you approach me, I'll be somewhat rude. And, when I'm
anxious about my relationship status, I tend to overeat and binge watch.

5. What are some ways that you usually remove or reduce the stress that cause you physical,
emotional or behavioral difficulties?
➢ Avoid using social networks like Facebook, since it is really harmful to your health. Put your
electronics away for around half an hour. Do your housework, go for a stroll outside, or
spend time with your pets or siblings. Spend time in nature; it is quite beneficial. I
normally do this to relax my thoughts, and I sketch while listening to music such as Mozart
and Beethoven's compositions.

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