Dysfunctional Families

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Dysfunctional Families

Lack of Communication
To have a happy and functional family, there are few aspects to consider. One of
these is proper communication. This is needed so that you can understand each other
and so that you can be aware of what your family likes and dislikes. As a member of a
family, it is proper to consider what they do not like so that you can avoid problems.
There are a decent number of families that lack communication all over the world. But
then, there are ways to solve this kind of problem. It may be hard but it can change the
way you live with your family.
When you have this kind of problem, lack of communication, it can be hard for all
of you to understand each other. This one problem causes more problems than you
think and it can lead to terrible outcomes. For example, when a family member is having
problems in school and is in need of his/her parents and that family member did not
approach neither of them, then how are you supposed to solve that school problem.
You cannot solve it on your own. Even if you do, there will be more problems coming
ahead. It will be even harder if it is a financial problem. If none of your debts are paid
because you are not approaching your parents about the situation, it could lead to
something worse. If you talked to your parents about it as soon as you could have, then
you could have avoided the consequence. Another example is when someone is
bullying you or worse it is one of your family members, be it a brother or a sister. If they
tend to keep hurting you and you do not talk to them about it or do not tell the elders
about it, then they will keep doing it since they actually think it is fine. When it keeps on
happening, it can get worse. They will start hurting you more not just emotionally but
can also be physically. It could have been avoided by speaking to your family members.
Last one, it is not just the children that need to communicate. When you are a parent
and you start noticing one of your children is acting dull and quiet, then you should
approach them about what the problem is. It does not matter if they do not want to talk
about it. Just let them know that you will be there for them and leave them a piece of
advice. Hence, it really is better to talk about small problems before it gets bigger. Lack
of communication in a family is something that you should consider changing because it
will lead to worse scenarios. I am suggesting that it does not matter where you are in
the family tree; mother, father, eldest sibling, or youngest, whichever one you are, one
of you must to take an action. Talk to your family about it while you still can. It is also a
responsibility to teach your children the significance of communication while they are
still young.
Remember, whether your problem is big or small, talk to someone about it so you
can properly fix that problem. You do not have to be alone in this world. There are so
many people around you and your family is one of them.
Prone to Addiction
What is addiction? Addiction is a mysterious illness that changes one’s intellect.
It is not a variety of diseases that can be cured through medication. Addicts are prone to
duplicating their unfortunate alternatives because they do not process information
accurately. They also have poor insight and weak capacity. It is a component of the
illness of addiction. Addiction is a threatening illness. Once the addiction progresses, it
is troublesome to stop utilizing it.
Addiction may mean the effectiveness of essences such as alcohol, inhalants,
cocaine, and nicotine, or behaviors such as gambling. It may also involve the use of
gadgets, playing online games, and watching videos through social media platforms.
Children, especially teenagers, are the most prone to that kind of addiction.
In conclusion, to stop the addiction, why don't you try something new, something
that can make you feel better and comfortable. You can try to read some books,
cleaning your room or your house, gardening, or bake some cookies or cakes. It
depends on you on how you will control yourself, your life. Life is too short. Do what is
right that will make you happy and contented.

Mental Issues
Mental health is one of the factors affected by dysfunctional family. Imagine
growing up in a surrounding full of shouts, everyday fight, and a messy house. Would
you still grow up with a healthy mind? It is difficult for those who have broken family to
experience ease and happiness that a child must experience with their family. A child
needs guidance, care, and love from their parents in order to grow up as a person who
is loved. Having a dysfunctional family can change a person's life.
The kid will think of unnecessary thoughts that may lead them into depression
and anxiety. Whenever they see a happy family, the kid will think deeply and the only
question that is running into their mind is "why do not I have a family like this?" and then
began to think deeply again. Other effects are that they barely have time to
communicate to others and lack of sleep. The kid will feel lonely because he/she has no
one to talk to and share their side. And whenever the kid's parents are fighting, his/her
mind will have negative thoughts and just cry alone in the corner of the room. And there
is a possibility that when the kid grows up, he/she can adopt the bad words and the
fought of his/her parents may be stuck in his/her mind that may cause a trauma for

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