Quiz: Essay: Take Note

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Humanities - 09/30/21

Quiz: Essay
Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.
Answers must have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 sentences.
Each question is equivalent to 10 points.

Take Note

⡑ Write your answer on paper or in word offices, use a CAMSCANNER in taking a photo of
your activity. You may submit your activity from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. This quiz is a time-
bounded late answer that will not be accepted.

○ What have you learned in our discussion in Contemporary Arts from the Region?

Answer: Together with individual freedom, contemporary art allows the artist to make cultural
judgment. The artist can build a conversation or story about their points of view using visuals,
forms, and other various mediums. When the viewer interacts with the piece, they are also
engaging with the artist's discussion. It reflects our ever-changing culture and has the
potential to change the morals of society. Furthermore, art adds significance to people's daily
lives and aids in the preservation of the world's culture and societies. It is a representation of
society as well as a reflection of people's complex identities.

○ Explain the importance of studying Contemporary Philippine Art from the Region.

Answer: Contemporary art gives the artist the opportunity to reflect on the culture surrounding
them. This can entail showing their ideas on anything from politics to modern culture, either
literally or symbolically. The artist can build a conversation or story of their points of view using
visuals, forms, and other other mediums. When the viewer interacts with the piece, they are
also engaging with the artist's discussion. This type of work, by commenting on the current
social and youth culture milieu, also provides a visual historical evidence of existence. This is a
record that includes not just facts like dates and names, but also people's perceptions at the
time. There really is a purpose why art is so meticulously maintained: it provides a distinct
perspective on history that can't be found in history texts.

○ How can you preserve the contemporary arts from the different regions of the Philippines?

Answer: I shall honor the responsibilities of artists in the development, preservation, and
promotion of Philippine art simply by supporting and utilizing the works of my fellow
countrymen. Citizens should conserve our country's arts through experience or knowledge, and
some festivals and events promote our own arts. Preserving art forms is a vital responsibility of

a controlling authority because it demonstrates a society's and nation's historical history. The
primary reason that ruling authorities protect art forms is that it serves to increase humans'
creative and imaginative abilities. If I had to form my own organization, the obvious goal would
be to preserve Philippine art and culture. This facility will offer a range of programs and
initiatives that Filipinos will certainly find interesting. A Filipino festival with Philippine music,
exhibitions of different masterpieces developed by Filipino artists, and other Philippine
products will be one of the example ventures.

○ Cite at least 2 practices of contemporary art that you know or have you seen in your locality.

Answer: The Iloilo Museum of Contemporary Art (ILOMOCA) is the town's first art museum
dedicated solely to the works of Filipino and overseas modern and contemporary artists. First,
check out Aze Ong's "Larger-than-life" Crochet Works. Multi-colored art installations dangle
two floors high like a chandelier, revealing themselves to be one massive piece of crochet work
upon closer inspection. Its vastness lets you forget about your LOLA's or mother's "gantsilyo"
work around your own house. Her works include everything from sculptural installations to
wearable art. Aze believes that art may be used to heal and enlighten people.

Finally, admire the work of Ilonggo painters. When looking at Rock Drilon's art, it's important to
consider the big picture, and on the second level of ILOMOCA, there's an art area that's
currently dedicated to visual artists with Panay and Negros ancestors. The creators and
masterpieces included in this section have received positive reviews and continue to leave
their impact on the national and worldwide art scene through milestone exhibitions or by
winning competitions in major art contests.

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