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Quarter 4- Module 1:

Tests of Hypothesis

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Statistics & Probability – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4– Module 4: Tests of Hypothesis
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Assistant Secretary:
Development Team of the Module
Authors: Flordeliz D. Laput, MSMath, Kenny John L. Aguilar
Editor: Glenn C. Arandilla
Layout Artist:
Management Team: Nelson B. Absin

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Statistics & Probability
Quarter 4 – Module 1

Tests of Hypothesis

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Cover Page
Copyright Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
Module Overview
Competency 1 Illustrating Some Key Concepts in Hypothesis Testing
What’s New 1
What I Need To Know 1
What I Know 2
What’s New Lesson 1.1 Null Hypothesis 3
What Is It? Activity 1 4
What’s New Lesson 1.2 Alternative Hypothesis 5
What Is It? Activity 2 7
What’s New Lesson 1.3 Level of Significance 8
What Is It? Activity 3 9
What’s New Lesson 1.4 Critical Region 10
What Is It? Activity 4 12
What’s New Lesson 1.5 Types of Error in Hypothesis Testing 13
What Is It? Activity 5 14
What I Have Learned 15
Assessment 16
Answer Key 17
References 18
Competency 2 Illustrate Some Basic Concept in Hypothesis Testing
Competency 3 Formulate the Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses
on a Population Mean 19

What’s New 20
What I Need To Know 20
What I Know 21
What’s New Lesson 2.1 z-Test on the Comparison Between the
Population Mean and Sample Mean 21
What Is It? Activity 6 23
What’s New Lesson 2.2 t-Test on the Comparison Between the
Population Mean and Sample Mean 24
What Is It? Activity 7 26
What I Have Learned 27
Assessment 27
Answer Key 28
References 29
Competency 4 Identifies the Appropriate Form of the test-statistic
Competency 5 Identifies the Appropriate Rejection Region for a Given
Level of Significance 30
What’s New 31
What I Need To Know 31
What I Know 32
What’s New Lesson 3.1 The Test Statistic When the Population Variance
is Assumed to be Known 33
What Is It? Activity 8 34
What’s New Lesson 3.2 The Test Statistic When the Population Variance
is Assumed to be Unknown 34
What Is It? Activity 9 35
What’s New Lesson 3.3 Test Statistic Using Central Limit Theorem 35
What Is It? Activity 10 37
What’s New Lesson 4.1 The Rejection Region When the Population
Variance is Assumed to be Known 38
What Is It? Activity 11 41
What’s New Lesson 4.2 The Rejection Region When the Population
Variance is Assumed to be Unknown 41
What Is It? Activity 12 44
What’s New Lesson 3.3 Rejection Using Central Limit Theorem 45
What Is It? Activity 13 46
What I Have Learned 47
Assessment 47
Answer Key 49
References 51
Competency 6 Draws Conclusion about the Population Mean Based on the
the Test-Statistic Value and Rejection Region
Competency 7 Solves Problems Involving Test of Hypothesis on the
Population Mean 53
What’s New 54
What I Need To Know 54
What I Know 54
What’s New Lesson 5 Problems Involving Test of Hypothesis on the
Population Mean 55
Assessment 58
Answer Key 59
References 60
Module Writer’s Profile 61
Competency 8 – 13 Tests of Hypothesis on Population Proportion 62
What I Need To Know 63
What I Know 63
What’s In 63
What is it 64
What’s More 65
What I Have Learned 65
What I Can Do 66
Assessment 68
Additional Activities 69
Module Writer’s Profile 70
Back Outside Cover

This module is made for you Grade 11 learners. It is crafted in a simple and direct manner

to correspond to your 21st century skills. Examples were given to support the discussion and for

illustration. It was made to enhance distant learning delivery of education. We envisioned to

provide an alternative way in continuing education, and to provide free, interactive and quality

learning materials to you our dear learners which focused on the most essential learning


Further, this module is for Grade 11 students enrolled in Statistics and Probability subject.

Inside this module, you will be asked to read and understand some terminologies, ideas, process

and computations. You will also be asked to identify population parameters, illustrate null and

alternative hypotheses, level of significance, critical region, and types of errors in testing

hypothesis, identifies appropriate test statistic when a parameter is known, unknown and using

Central Limit Theorem, formulate appropriate null and alternative hypotheses, compute critical

values, construct or sketch the critical and acceptance region, draw conclusion about the

population based on the test statistic and rejection region, and solve real-world problems .

I hope that this module will be an important tool to enrich your knowledge, strengthening

your statistical skills and lessen your computation anxiety. God bless learners!

Flordeliz Dumaran Laput

Kenny John L. Aguilar

Quarter 4 - Module 1

Tests of Hypothesis

Learning Competency 1: Illustrates

(a) Null Hypothesis - M11/12SP-IVa-1.1

(b) Alternative Hypothesis - M11/12SP-IVa-1.2
(c) Level of Significance - M11/12SP-IVa-1.3
(d) Rejection Region - M11/12SP-IVa-1.4
(e) Types of Errors in Hypothesis Testing - M11/12SP-IVa-1.5

2nd Semester
4th Quarter
Number of Hours: 2

Some Key Concepts of Tests of Hypothesis

This part of the module discusses about some key concepts of tests of hypothesis. It
includes the null and alternative hypotheses, level of significance, rejection region, and the
types of errors in hypothesis testing. There are activities following every discussion which
were designed to test your understanding about the discussion.
Hypothesis testing is a decision-making process of evaluating claims about a
population based on the characteristic of a sample from that population. It decides whether
to reject or accept the null hypothesis. Some uses the following decisions: the null
hypothesis is rejected or failed to reject the null hypothesis. Acceptance implies that the
null hypothesis is true. Failure to reject implies that the data are not sufficient enough to
reject the null hypothesis. In this module, your decision either reject the null hypothesis or
the data are not sufficient enough to reject the null hypothesis. Testing hypothesis follows
the following steps below.

1. Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses

2. Select the level of significance and the test type
3. Determine test statistic to be used
4. Compute the test statistic and critical values
5. Construct acceptance/ rejection regions
6. Make a decision/ draw a conclusion based on steps 4 and 5
7. Interpretation

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Illustrate the following:

(a) null hypothesis
(b) alternative hypothesis
(c) level of significance
(d) rejection region
(e) types of errors in hypothesis testing

To achieve the objectives of this1module, do the following tasks:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
 Follow the directions and/ or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.




What I know
A. Before the start of the lesson proper, answer first the questions below. Read
the it carefully and write the letter of the best answer in your notebook.
1. It is a process in making decisions in evaluating claims about a population.
A. Null hypothesis C. Test statistic
B. Alternative hypothesis D. Hypothesis testing

2. It is tested by a statistical test.

A. Null hypothesis C. Test statistic
B. Alternative hypothesis D. Hypothesis testing

3. It is chosen when the parameter is larger than or smaller than the value of the null hypothesis.
A. two-sided test C. Parametric test
B. one-sided test D. Non-parametric test

4. This assumes that there is change, difference, relationship, or the independent variable has an
effect on the dependent variable.
A. Null hypothesis C. Test statistic
B. Alternative hypothesis D. Hypothesis testing

5. This assumes that there is no change, no difference, no relationship, or the independent

variable has no effect on the dependent variable.
A. Null hypothesis C. Test statistic
B. Alternative hypothesis D. Hypothesis testing

6. Null and alternative hypotheses are statements about:

A. population parameters. C. sample parameters.
B. sample statistics. D. it depends - sometimes population
parameters and sometimes sample statistics.

B. In your notebook, write nine examples of hypothesis.



 Null was defined as having no value or amounting to nothing

 In statistics, a hypothesis is an assumption or conjecture about a population parameter
which may or may not be true.
 In the scientific method, the hypothesis is constructed before any applicable research
has been done.
 Null hypothesis is a statement denoted by H 0, that states that there is no difference, no
changes, nothing happened, no relationship between a parameter and a specific value, or the
independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable.
 It makes a statement about the population not the sample. The true value of the population
parameter is specified in writing the null hypothesis.

In symbol, it is written using the format below

H 0 :μ=100.
Null hypothesis Value of the population
Population Parameter Equality Symbol parameter


A. Read and understand the given statements below and find out whether it is a null
hypothesis. In your notebook, write H 0 if the given is a null hypothesis. Otherwise, just
leave it blank.

In 2015, it was recorded that around 34% of the population in 2015 were not married. A
researcher surveyed a random sample of 500 couples. He found out that 18% of them were living
together but unmarried. Test at 5% significance level if the current percentage of unmarried
couples is different from 34%.

1. The current percentage of unmarried couples is different from 34%.

2. The current percentage of unmarried couples is 34%.

An average construction worker hourly rate pay in the Philippines is Php 62.50 with a
standard deviation of Php 6.01. A random sample of 20 manufacturing workers were asked on
their hourly rate and found that they had an average of Php 50 hourly rate pay with a standard
deviation of Php 5.00. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the difference between the average
hourly rate for construction workers and the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.

3. There is a significant difference between the average hourly rate for construction workers and
the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.
4. There is no significant difference between the average hourly rate for construction workers and
the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.
A chemist invented an additive to increase the lifespan of rechargeable battery. The said
additive will extend on average the battery’s lifespan to 48 months.

5. The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is 48 months.

6. The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is not 48 months

B. Comprehension Check Questions: Write the letter of the best answer among the choices
below in your notebook.

1. They worked in producing goods.

A. Construction B. Manufacturing C. Chemist D. Investors
2.They worked with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the
transformations that they undergo
A. Construction B. Manufacturing C. Chemist D. Investors
3. It is square root of variance.
A. Confidence Interval B. standard deviation C. Range D. Mean

4. It is the sum of values divided by the number of values being summed.
A. Confidence Interval B. standard deviation C. Range D. Mean
5. It is a range of numbers containing possible values for the population parameter.
A. Confidence Interval B. standard deviation C. Range D. Mean

C. Read and understand the statement below. In your notebook, write the mathematical
symbol of the null hypothesis of the following statements.

1. The average number of years to finish basic education is 14 years.

2. At least 40% of private school students transferred to public school during the COVID 19
3. The mean weekly expenses of a family during the COVID 19 pandemic increased at most by
4. Thirty-five percent of senior high school students enrolled to a track/ strand because of peer
5. During the COVID 19 pandemic, 8% of COVID 19 cases in the country were confirmed death
6. The mean number of new normal learning facilities a school have is not more than five.
7. During the COVID 19 pandemic, more than half of the residents in cities decided to stay in their
remote provinces.
8. Forty-five percent of the students attended online learning delivery mode.
9. At most, 55% of the public-school teachers were advised to stay at home during the opening of
10. At least 70% of the public school used blended learning delivery mode.


 Alternative hypothesis is a statement denoted by H 1, is a statement that states that there
is a difference, an effect, change, relationship between a parameter and a specific value, the
independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable, or something happened.

 An alternative hypothesis is a statement that directly contradicts a null hypothesis by stating

that that the actual value of a population parameter is less than, greater than, or not equal to
the value stated in the null hypothesis.

In symbol, it is written as:

H 1 : μ 5≠ 100

H 1 : μ< 100 or

H 1 : μ> 100

The alternative hypothesis will also determine the type of hypothesis testing will be conducted.

One-tailed test will be used when using ¿ or ¿.

Two-tailed test will be used when ≠is used.
Below are the common phrases used in hypothesis testing that will guide you the correct symbol
to be used in formulating alternative hypothesis.

greater than less than
not equal equal to

above below

different from the same as

higher than lower than

longer than smaller than not changed

changed from
bigger than shorter than
not the same
decreased or is
increased ase as
reduced from

A. Read and understand the given statements below. In your notebook, write H 1 if the
given statement in every number is an alternative hypothesis. Otherwise, just leave it blank.

In 2015, it was recorded that around 34% of the population in 2015 were not married. A
researcher surveyed a random sample of 500 couples. He found that 18% of them were living
together but unmarried. Test at 5% significance level if the current percentage of unmarried
couples is different from 34%.

1. The current percentage of unmarried couples is different from 34%.

2. The current percentage of unmarried couples is 34%.

An average construction worker hourly rate pay in the Philippines is Php 62.50 with a
standard deviation of Php 6.01. A random sample of 20 manufacturing workers were asked on
their hourly rate and found that they had an average of Php 50 hourly rate pay with a standard
deviation of Php 5.00. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the difference between the average
hourly rate for construction workers and the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.

3. There is a significant difference between the average hourly rate for construction workers and
the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.
4. There is no significant difference between the average hourly rate for construction workers and
the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.

A chemist invented an additive to increase the lifespan of rechargeable battery. The said
additive will extend on average the battery’s lifespan to 48 months.

5. The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is not 48 months.

6. The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is 48 months.

B. Read and understand the statements below. In your notebook, write the mathematical
symbol of the alternative hypothesis of the given statement.

1. The average number of years to finish basic education is not 14 years.

2. At least 40% of private students transferred to public schools during the COVID 19 pandemic.
3. The mean expenses of a family during the COVID 19 pandemic increased at most by 15%.
4. Thirty-five percent of senior high school students enrolled to a track/ strand because of peer
5. During the COVID 19 pandemic, 8% of COVID 19 cases in the country were confirmed death
cases. 7
6. The mean number of new normal learning facilities a school has is not more than five.
7. During the COVID 19 pandemic, more than half of the residents in cities decided to stay in their
remote provinces.
8. Forty-five percent of the students attended online learning delivery mode.
9. At most, 55% of the public-school teachers were advised to stay at home during the opening of
10. At least 70% of the public schools used blended learning delivery mode.



 Significance is defined as the quality of being statistically significant

 Level of significance, or significance level, refers to a criterion of judgment upon which

a decision is made regarding the value stated in a null hypothesis. Its value is between 0 to 1
or between 0% to 100%.

 The level of significance, denoted by the Greek letter alpha α, is a probability of rejecting a
true null hypothesis. In public health research, alpha is usually 0.01 or 1%. In social science,
alphaαis usually 0.05 or 5% and 0.10 or 10% in other studies. This implies that there is 1%,
5%, or 10% probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. Further, it implies that the result
has 99%, 95%, or 90% chance of being true, respectively.

In symbol, it is written as:

α =0.01
α =0.05 or
α =0.10

Furthermore, if the alternative hypothesis used ≠,

then alpha will be divided by 2, i.e.,
=0.025 or



A. Read and understand the given statements below. Determine the value of α or based
on the alternative hypothesis in decimal form. Write your answer in mathematical symbol in
your notebook.

1. In 2015, it was recorded that around 34% of the population in 2015 were not married. A
researcher surveyed a random sample of 500 couples. He found out that 18% of them were living
together but unmarried. Test at 5% significance level that the current percentage of unmarried
couples is different from 34%.

2. An average construction worker hourly rate pay in the Philippines is Php 62.50 with a standard
deviation of Php 6.01. A random sample of 20 manufacturing workers were asked on their hourly
rate and found out that they had an average of Php 50 hourly rate pay with a standard deviation of
Php 5.00. Construct a 90% confidence interval that the average hourly rate for construction
workers is higher than the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.

3. A chemist invented an additive to increase the lifespan of rechargeable battery. The said
additive will extend on average the battery’s lifespan to 48 months. Test the hypothesis at 0.01
level of significance that the average lifespan is higher than 48 months.

4. The average number of years to finish basic education is 14. A sample of 30 senior high school
students were asked and found out that the mean number of years to finish their basic education
is 12 with a standard deviation of 2 years. Test the hypothesis at 93% confidence interval that the
average number of years to finish basic education is less than 14 years.

5. A sample of 100 private school students were surveyed whether they planned to transfer to
public school in the incoming school year. Results showed that 40% of these students will transfer
to public school. Test the average number of private school students that will transfer to public
school is not 40% at 5% level of significance.



 Critical region, also known as rejection region, is a range of values that corresponds to
the rejection of the null hypothesis. If the value of the test statistic is within the critical region,
then the null hypothesis is rejected. Otherwise, the null hypothesis is not rejected. This will be
based on the alternative hypothesis.

 Critical values of the tests of hypotheses are the number or numbers that determine the
rejection region. Thus, critical region might be a single number or an interval.

For one-tailed test or directional test <, the critical region is at the left side of the acceptance
For one-tailed test or directional test >, the critical region is at the right side of the acceptance
For two-tailed test or non-directional test ≠, the critical region is at the left and right sides of
the acceptance region.

Below is the illustration of the different critical region.

For example, suppose that a normally distributed population has a standard deviation
σ =0.12. Given a sample sizen=10, H 0 :μ=10 and H 1 : μ> 10. Construct the rejection region if
α =0.05.

σ 0.12
μ X́ =μ=10 and σ X́ = = =0.03794733192202…
√ n √ 10
Notice that H 1 : μ> 10,this is one directional test. Using the standard normal table, z α =z 0.05=1.645.
Hence, the
critical value=μ+ ( z α ) ( σ X́ )
¿ 10+ ( 1.645 ) ( 0.038 … )
¿ 10+0.0624
¿ 10.0624

The critical region is illustrated on the next page. It is the darken area right side of 10.0624.
Another example, suppose that a normally distributed population has a standard deviation
σ =0.12. Given a sample size n=10, H 0 :μ=7 and H 1 : μ ≠ 7. Construct the rejection region if α =0.10.
σ 0.12
μ X́ =μ=7 and σ X́ = = =0.03794733192202…
√ n √ 10
Notice that H 1 : μ ≠ 7,this is a two-tailed test. Using the standard normal table,
z α =z 0.10 =z 0.05=1.645.
2 2

Hence, the critical value is computed in this way

critical value=μ− z α ( σ X́ ) and critical value=μ+ z α ( σ X́ )
( )
( )

¿ 7−( 1.645 )( 0.038 … ) ¿ 7+ ( 1.645 ) ( 0.038 … )

¿ 7−0.0624 ¿ 7+0.0624
¿ 6.9376 ¿ 7.0624

The critical value is illustrated below.



A. Complete the sentence below by providing the correct word/s on the blank. Write your
answers in your notebook.

1. In non-directional test, the acceptance region lies ___________ the two critical regions.
2. The acceptance region for the right-tailed test (one-tailed test) is in the __________ side of the
critical region.
3. There are at most ___________ possible critical regions in a hypothesis testing.
4. When the test statistic is located within the critical region, then H 0 is __________.
5. There are at most ___________ possible critical value/s in a hypothesis testing.

B. Read and understand the given statements below. Determine the position of the rejection
region either left side, right side, or between the acceptance region. Write your answer on
the blank after the given.
1. In 2015, it was recorded that around 34% of the population in 2015 were not married. A
researcher surveyed a random sample of 500 couples. He found out that 18% of them were living
together but unmarried. Test at 5% significance level that the current percentage of unmarried
couples is different from 34%.

2. An average construction worker hourly

12 rate pay in the Philippines is Php 62.50 with a standard
deviation of Php 6.01. A random sample of 20 manufacturing workers were asked on their hourly
rate and found out that they had an average of Php 50 hourly rate pay with a standard deviation of
Php 5.00. Construct a 90% confidence interval that the average hourly rate for construction
workers is higher than the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.

3. A chemist invented an additive to increase the lifespan of rechargeable battery. The said
additive will extend on average the battery’s lifespan to 48 months. Test the hypothesis at 0.01%
level of significance that the average lifespan is higher than 48 months.

4. The average number of years to finish basic education is 14. A sample of 30 senior high school
students were asked and found out that the mean number of years to finish their basic education
is 12 with a standard deviation of 2 years. Test the hypothesis at 93% confidence interval that the
average number of years to finish basic education is less than 14 years.

5. A sample of 100 private school students were surveyed whether they planned to transfer to
public schools in the incoming school year. Results showed that 40% of these students will
transfer to public schools. Test the average number of private school students that will transfer to
public schools is not 40% at 5% level of significance.



 Type I error is committed when rejecting a true null hypothesis. The probability
of committing it is denoted byα or the level of significance.
 Type II error is committed when accepting a false null hypothesis. The
probability of committing it is denoted by β .
Commonly Used Levels of Significance and Its Corresponding Critical Values
Test Types
Level of Significance
One-tailed Two-tailed

0.05 +1.645 or −1.645 ± 1.96

0.01 +2.33 or −2.33 ± 2.58

0.001 +3.09 or −3.09 ± 3.30

An example on how to state these types of errors in a sentence is given below.
Given: The mean number of years a teacher work before retiring is 30.

Type I error: We conclude that the mean number of years a teacher work before retiring is not 30
years, when it really is 30 years.
Type II error: We conclude that the mean number of years a teacher work before retiring is 30
years, when in fact it really is not 30 years.


A. Read and understand the statements below carefully. Write the letter of the best answer
among the given choices below in your notebook.

1. How many types of errors can be made when testing hypothesis?

A. one B. two C. three D. four

2. A criminal was sentenced guilty of a crime he was framed up. What sort of an error did the
judge make, and why?
A. Type II, because their sets of evidence are true when it's actually false.
B. Type II, because their sets of evidence are false when it's actually true.
C. Type I, because their sets of evidence are false when it's actually true.
D. Type I, because their sets of evidence are true when it's actually false.

3. When is a type II error made?

A. When your findings show that the null hypothesis is false when it is false.
B. When your findings show that the null hypothesis is true when it is true.
C. When your findings show that the null hypothesis is true when it actually is false.
D. When your findings show that the null hypothesis is false when it actually is true.
4. What is the probability of making a type I error?
A. 0.05 B. 0.01 C. α D. β
5. It is the probability of making a type II error.
A. 0.05 B. 0.01 C. α D. β
B. Given a hypothesis. Formulate type 14 I and II errors in a complete sentence of the given
statements below. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. The average number of years to finish basic education is 14.
2. At least 40% of private school students transferred to public schools during the COVID 19
3. The mean expenses of a family during the COVID 19 pandemic increased at most by 15%.
4. Thirty-five percent of senior high school students enrolled to a track/ strand because of peer
5. During the COVID 19 pandemic, 8% of COVID 19 cases in the country were confirmed death


 Hypothesis testing is a process in making decisions in evaluating a claim about the

population based on the characteristics of a sample from the same population.
 Null Hypothesis is a claim about the population which state no difference, no changes, or
no relationship between or among variables.
 Alternative hypothesis is a claim about the population which state differences, changes,
relationship between or among variables.
 Level of significance is the probability of committing Type I error.
 Critical region also known as rejection region, is a range of values that corresponds to the
rejection of the null hypothesis.
 Type I error is an error committed when rejecting a true null hypothesis.
 Type II error is an error committed when accepting a false null hypothesis.


You are now done with the first lesson of this module. To find out if you have learned from
this lesson, answer the questions below. Identify what is described in every number. Write
your answers in your notebook.
1. It is the inequality in the alternative hypothesis when the keyword at most is used.
2. It is the inequality in the alternative hypothesis when the keyword at least is used.
3. It is done to the level of significance when not equal is used in alternative hypothesis.
4. It is an intelligent guess about the characteristics of a population.
5. It is a numerical value computed from the all the data of the population.
6. It is the center of the normal curve.
7. It is the value of α when the confidence level is 92%.
8. The decision made to the null hypothesis when the critical value lies in the critical region.
9. The decision made to the null hypothesis when the critical value lies in the confidence region.
10. The probability of committing type II error is β and α is the probability of committing type I error.
Write β in terms of α.

16 Answer Key

A Activity 4

Activity 2

B. Answer may vary. B

Activity 1

Activity 5 Activity 5 B

Activity 3

A Assessment


Alferez, M.S. & Duro, M.A. (2006). MSA Statistics and Probability. MSA Publishing
House. Reprinted 2016.

Average Construction Worker Hourly Pay in Philippines. (2020). Retrieved May 27,
2020 from https://www.payscale.comresearch/Ph/Job=Construction_

Basic Concepts and Methodology for the Health Sciences. Retrieved May 27, 2020
from Testingpart1.pdf

Belecina, R. (2016). Statistics and Probability. First Edition. Rex Book Store,

Berman, H. (2020). Retrieved May 27, 2020 from


Parreño, E. B. & Jimenez, R.O. (2014). Basic Statistics: A Worktext. Second Edition.
C & E Publishing, Inc.

Introduction to Hypothesis Testing. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

Null. (2020). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved May 27, 2020, from

Minitab Express Support. (2019). Retrieved May 27, 2020 from https://support. statistics/



Quarter 4 - Module 1

Tests of Hypothesis

Learning Competency 2: Identifies the parameter to be tested given a real life

problem M11/12SP-IVa-3

Learning Competency 3: Formulates the appropraite null and alternative

hypotheses on a population mean M11/12SP-IVb-1

2nd Semester
2 hours


After learning some basic concepts involved in hypothesis testing, you now ready to
learn the parameters involve in the process. It is very important because this will guide you
on selecting the appropriate steps and formula to be used during the test. Real-life
problems will be given and be used to determine the parameter to be tested.
Parameter is a number that summarizes some aspect of the population as a whole.
Examples are population mean and the population variance. On the other hand, statistics
is a value computed from the samples. Examples are sample mean and sample variance.
Hypothesis is a claim about the parameter like the population mean μ or the population
proportion p. The examples in this lesson will use claims about the population mean μ.

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Identify the parameter to be tested given a real-life problem.

2. Formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population mean.

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/ or instructions in the

activities and exercises diligently.

 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I know
A. Read and understand the statements below and identify the term described. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.
_________1. It is a claim in a research that states no differences among the variables involved.
_________2. It is a set of values that could reject a claim of a research.
_________3. It is the probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis.
_________4. It is also known as non-directional test.
_________5. It is a value computed from the data of the entire population which is done by adding
all the data and divided by the number of data.
_________6. It is the square of a population standard deviation.
_________7. It is committed when accepting a false null hypothesis.
_________8. It is committed when rejecting a true null hypothesis.
_________9. It is done to the level of significance for non-directional test.
_________10. It is the confidence level when the level of significance is 10%.


z-Test on the Comparison Between the Population Mean and

Sample Mean

Decision making is part of our daily lives. We are given different options. This situation is
the same as in testing hypothesis. Options can be treated as hypothesis. It is like the process of
selecting which of these options is the best solution to our problem. There are steps to follow to
come up with the solution. Now, we will learn these steps. The first step in hypothesis testing is the
formulation of the null and alternative hypotheses.

z-test on the comparison between the population mean μ and sample mean x́ is used when
the population mean μ and the population standard deviation σ are known, and μ is compared to a
sample mean x́.

It is also important to identify the parameters or statistics involve in the problem to

determine the appropriate formula. 21
Example 2.1. Read and understand the problems below. Determine the values of the
parameters, statistics and sample size involved and formulate the null and alternative

Example 2.1.1

A manufacturer of ethyl alcohol has developed a new packaging design. He claims that the
new packaging design has an average reduction of production expenses of Php 5.00 per bottle
with a standard deviation of Php 2.00. A manager of one of their satellite production branch claims
that the 200 samples of this new packaging design has an average reduction of production
expenses of Php 3.00. Test the difference of the population and sample means at 0.05 level of
Given: sample size n=200
Parameter: population mean μ0=5 population standard deviation σ =2
Statistic: sample mean x́=5
Formulation of null and alternative hypotheses.
H 0 : The average reduction of production expenses of the new packaging design of ethyl
alcohol is Php 5.00.
In symbol, H 0 :μ=5
H 1 : The average reduction of production expenses of the new packaging design of ethyl
alcohol is less than Php 5.00.
In symbol, H 1 : μ< 5
(We used less than in H 1 because the sample average is Php3.00 which is less than the
population average Php5.00)

Example 2.1.2

A manufacturer of face mask has developed a new face mask design. He claims that the
new design has an average profit increase of 10% with a standard deviation of 3%. Test the
hypothesis that the new face mask design average profit increase of is not 10% if a random
sample of 50 face mask is tested with an average profit increase of 4%. Use 10% level of
Given: sample size n=50
Parameter: population mean μ0=10 population standard deviation σ =3
Statistic: sample mean x́=4
Step 1. Formulation of null and alternative hypotheses.
H 0 : The average profit increase of the new face mask design is 10%.
In symbol, H 0 :μ=10 %
H 1 : The average profit increase of the new face mask design is not 10%.
In symbol, H 1 : μ ≠ 10 %
(We used not equal because it was indicated in the problem.)
Example 2.1.3

A teacher conducted a study to know if blended learning affects the students’

performances. A class of 30 students of Grade 11 was surveyed and found out that their mean
score was 83 with a standard deviation of 4. A study from other country revealed that μ=80 with a
standard deviation of 3. Test the hypothesis at 0.10 level of significance.
Given: sample size n=30
Parameter: population mean μ0=80 population standard deviation σ =3
Statistic: sample mean x́=83
Step 1. Formulation of null and alternative hypotheses.
H 0 : The mean score of students’ performances in blended learning is 80.
In symbol, H 0 :μ=80
H 1 : The mean score of students’ performances in blended learning is greater
than 80
In symbol, H 1 : μ> 80
(We used greater than because sample mean 83 is greater than population mean 80.)

Determine the given of the problems below and formulate the null and alternative
hypothesis both in words and symbols. Write your answer in your notebook. Please follow
the format in the examples.

1. A jeepney driver claims that his average monthly income is Php 3000.00 with a standard
deviation of Php 300.00. A sample of 30 jeepney drivers were surveyed and found that their
average monthly income is Php 3500.00 with a standard deviation of Php 350.00. Test the
hypothesis at 1% level of significance.
2. A mathematics teacher in senior high school developed a problem-solving test to randomly
selected 40 grade 11 students. These students had an average score of 85 and a standard
deviation of 5. If the population had a mean score of 90 and a standard deviation of 3, use 5%
level of significance to test the hypothesis.
3. A kinder teacher developed a coloring worksheet for her pupils. Using this worksheet, the
pupil’s performance has a mean score of 90 and a standard deviation of 10. Fifty kinder pupils
from a certain barangay were asked to answer the said worksheet and found that their mean score
was 95 with a standard deviation of 5. Test23 the hypothesis at 1% significance level.


t-Test on the Comparison Between the Population Mean and

Sample Mean

This test will be used when the population standard deviation σ is unknown but the sample
standard deviation s is known or can be computed. The t-test will replace z-test. The degrees of
freedom df is the number of pieces of independent information available for computing variability.
The required number of degrees of freedom varies depending on the size of the distribution.
Hence, for a single group of population df =N−1 and for two groups df =N 1+ N 2−1 for t-test where
N , N 1 ,and N 2 are the population size.

Example 2.2. Read and understand the problems below. Determine the values of the
parameters, statistics and sample size involve and formulate the null and alternative

Example 2.2.1
The mean number of hours of student to finish answering the Statistics Module is 5 hours.
A random sample of 15 students was asked and found that their mean number of hours to finish
answering the Statistics module is 6 hours with a standard deviation of 2 hours. Test the
hypothesis at 5% level of significance.

Given: sample size n=15
Parameter: population mean μ0=5
Statistic: sample mean x́=6 sample standard deviation s=2

Step 1. Formulation of null and alternative hypotheses.

H 0 : The mean number of hours of student to finish answering the Statistics Module is 5
In symbol, H 0 :μ=5

H 1 : The mean number of hours of student to finish answering the Statistics Module is
greater than 5 hours 24
In symbol, H 1 : μ> 5

(We used greater than in H 1 because the sample mean 6 is greater than the population mean 5.)

Example 2.2.2

In a study of television viewing, the mean number of television program they watched
during daytime was 7. A survey was conducted on the random sample of 25 households and
found that the mean number of television program they watched during daytime was 5 with a
standard deviation of 1.5. Test the hypothesis at 10% level of significance.
Given: sample size n=25
Parameter: population mean μ0=7
Statistic: sample mean x́=5 sample standard deviation s=1.5
Step 1. Formulation of null and alternative hypotheses.
H 0 : mean number of television program they watched during daytime was 7.
In symbol, H 0 :μ=7
H 1 : The average profit increase of the new face mask design is not 10%.
In symbol, H 1 : μ< 7
(We used less than because the sample mean 5 is less than the population mean 7.)

Example 2.2.3

A rural health unit conducted a survey on the heights of the male aged 18 to 24 years old. It
was found out that the mean height of male aged 18 to 24 years old was 70 inches. Test the
hypothesis that the mean height of the male aged 18 to 24 years old is not 70 inches if a random
sample of 20 male aged 18 to 24 years old had a mean height of 65 inches with a standard
deviation of 3. Use 1% level of significance.

Given: sample size n=20

Parameter: population mean μ0=70

Statistic: sample mean x́=65 sample standard deviation s=3

Step 1. Formulation of null and alternative hypotheses.

H 0 : The mean height of male aged 18 to 24 years old was 70 inches.
In symbol, H 0 :μ=70
H 1 : The mean height of male aged 18 to 24 years old was not 70 inches
In symbol, H 1 : μ ≠ 70
(We used not equal because it was indicated that the population mean was not 70 inches.)


Determine the given of the problems below and formulate the null and alternative
hypothesis both in words and symbols. Write your answer in your notebook. Please follow
the format in the examples.

1. A health specialist wants to determine the average number of hours a person exercise in a day
during the quarantine period. She found out that the mean number of hours a person exercise in a
day during the quarantine period is 80 minutes. A random sample of 29 persons were surveyed
and found that their mean is 65 minutes and a standard deviation of 10 minutes. Test the
hypothesis at 2% level of significance and assume that the population is normally distributed.

2. A study was conducted to determine the marrying age of teachers. It was found out that the
mean marrying ager of teachers is 30 years old. Fifteen teachers were surveyed randomly and
found that their mean marrying age was 33 years old with a standard deviation of 5 years. Use
10% level of significance to test the hypothesis and assume that the population is normally

3. An association of City Mayors conducted a study to determine the average number of times a
family went to buy necessities in a week. They found that the mean is 4 times in a week. A random
sample of 20 families were asked and found a mean of 5 times in a week and a standard deviation
of 2. Use 5% significance level to test that the population mean is not equal to 5. Assume that the
population is normally distributed.


 The parameter presents in a hypothesis testing problem will guide us in choosing

appropriate type of test.
 Parameter is a value computed using the entire data of population while statistic is a value
computed from a sample.
 When both parameter and samples were given, the use of parameter will prevail.
 In formulating alternative hypothesis be mindful of the keywords for inequality or the
keywords for not equal.
 A statistic value usually mentioned together with the sample size of the sample.


A. You are now done with the first lesson of this module. To find out if you have learned
from this lesson, answer the questions below. Identify what is described in every
number. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. It is the square root of the sample variance.

2. It is the square of the population standard deviation.
3. It is the sum of all population data divided by the number of population data.
4. It depicts the number of pieces of independent information available for computing variability.
5. It is the degrees of freedom of a single population.

B. Create two problems in testing hypothesis. Determine the given and formulate the null
and alternative hypotheses. Write your answer in your notebook.


Answer Key

Pre – Test Activity 6

Activity 7


A B. Answers may vary.

Alferez, M.S. & Duro, M.A. (2006). MSA Statistics
and Probability. MSA Publishing
House. Reprinted 2016.

Average Construction Worker Hourly Pay in

Philippines. (2020). Retrieved May 27,
2020 from

Basic Concepts and Methodology for the Health Sciences. Retrieved May 27, 2020
from Testingpart1.pdf

Belecina, R. (2016). Statistics and Probability. First Edition. Rex Book Store,
Introduction to Hypothesis Testing. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

Minitab Express Support. (2019). Retrieved May 27, 2020 from https://support. statistics/

Parreño, E. B. & Jimenez, R.O. (2014). Basic Statistics: A Worktext. Second Edition.
C & E Publishing, Inc.
Significance. (2020). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved May 27, 2020,

Stephanie. (2020). Statistics How To. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

Stephanie. (2020). Statistics How To. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from



Quarter 4 - Module 1

Tests of Hypothesis

Learning Competency 4: Identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic

when: M11/12SP-IVb-2

Learning Competency 5: Identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given

level of significance when: M11/12SP-IVc-1

(a) the population variance is assumed to be known; (b) the

population variance is assumed to be unknown; and
(c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be used.
Learning Competency 6: Computes for the test-statistic value (population mean)

2nd Semester
4th Quarter
3 Hours



This lesson is a continuation on the steps in hypothesis testing. You will learn when
to use the different test statistics and the possible position of the rejection region. It will be
easy because you have learned some illustration and description of these terms.

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Identify the appropriate form of the test-statistic when: (a) the population
variance is assumed to be known; (b) the population variance is assumed to be unknown; and (c)
the Central Limit Theorem is to be used

2. Identify the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when: (a) the population
variance is assumed to be known; (b) the population variance is assumed to be unknown; and (c)
the Central Limit Theorem is to be used

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/ or instructions in the activities

and exercises diligently.

 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I know

Read and understand the statement below and identify the term described in each number.
Write your answers in your notebook.
1. It is a value selected from a table for the appropriate test.
2. It is a set of values that indicates that there is a significant difference.
3. This test indicates that the null hypothesis when the inequality in the alternative hypothesis is
greater than or less than.
4. It is also known as non-directional test.
5. It is a value used to determine the probability needed in decision making.
6. It is the test when the test statistic is z-score.
7. It is the test when the test statistic is t-score.
8. It is the test when the test statistic is Chi-square statistic.
9. It is the test when the test statistic is F-score
10. It is the graph of a standard normal distribution.



Test statistic is a value computed from the data. The test statistic is used to assess the
evidence in rejecting or accepting the null hypothesis. Each statistic test is used for a different test.
You can use the z-score, t-score, the F-statistic, or Chi-Square statistic. These will be used for the
following tests, z-test, t-test, ANOVA test, and Chi-square test, respectively. All data must be
assumed to be normally distributed. Here, we will consider three conditions in choosing the
appropriate test statistic. These three are when the population variance is assumed to be known,
when the population variance is assumed to be unknown, and when using the Central Limit

32 NEW


In this condition, the z-score is used. The formula for z-score is given by the formula below.
Test Statistic: z= ( x́−μσ ) (√n )


z is the z-score, x́ is the sample mean, μ0 is the population mean, σ is the population standard
deviation, and n is the sample size.
Examples 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and 2.1.3 will use the z-score.

From Example 2.1.1

Given: x́=3 , μ0=5, σ =2, n=200 and

Test Statistic: z= ( x́−μσ ) (√n )=( 3−52 ) (√ 200)=−14.14


From Example 2.1.2

Given: x́=4 , μ0=10, σ =3, n=50 and

Test Statistic: z= ( x́−μσ ) (√n )=( 4−10

3 )
( √ 50 )=−14.14

From Example 2.1.3

Given: x́=83 , μ0=80, σ =3, n=30 and

Test Statistic: z= ( x́−μσ ) (√n )=( 83−80

3 )
( √30 ) =5.48


Determine given and compute the z-score of the problem in Activity 6. Write your answer in
your notebook.



In this condition, the z-score is inappropriate to use. A different test statistic will be used
then. The t-score will be used in this case. Another condition to observe when using t-score is
when the sample size n is less than 30, i.e., (n<30) and the population is normally or
approximately normally distributed. The formula for t-score is given by the formula below.

Test Statistic: t= ( x́−μs )( √n ) and the degrees of freedom df =n−1


t is the t-score, x́ is the sample mean, μ is the population mean, s is the sample standard
deviation, and n is the sample size.

Examples 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 will use the t-score.

From Example 2.2.1

Given: x́=6 , μ0=5, s=2, n=15, df =15−1=1 and

x́−μ 0
Test Statistic: t= ( ( √ n )= 6−5 ( √ 15 )=1.94
) ( )
s 2

From Example 2.2.2

Given: x́=5 , μ0=7, s=1.5, n=25, df =25−1=24 and

x́−μ 0
Test Statistic: t= ( ( √ n )= 5−7 ( √ 25 )=−6.67
) ( )
s 1.5

From Example 2.2.3

Given: x́=65 , μ0=70, s=32, n=20, df =20−1=19 and

x́−μ 0
Test Statistic: t= ( ( √ n )= 65−70 ( √ 20 )=−0.70
) ( )
s 32

Determine the given and compute the test statistic of the problems in Activity 7. Write your
answer in your notebook.


The Central Limit Theorem states that if a random samples of size n are drawn from a
large or infinite population with finite mean μ and variance σ 2, then the sampling distribution of the
sample mean is approximately normally distributed with mean μ x́ =μ and a standard deviation of
σ √ n ( x́−μ ) or equivalently,
σ x́ = . Hence, Z= x́ N ( μ , σ 2 /n ) .
√n σ

In other words, the sampling distribution of the sample means approaches a normal
distribution as the sample size gets larger — no matter what the shape of the population
distribution. This fact holds especially true for sample sizes over 30. All this is saying is that as you
take more samples, especially large ones, your graph of the sample means will look more like a
normal distribution.

The average of your sample means 44will be the population mean. Compute the sum of all
means from all samples divided by the number of means added. The result is the actual
population mean. Similarly, the average of all of the standard deviations of all samples is the
actual standard deviation for your population.

Example 3.3.1.
San Miguel Corporation gives a monthly benefit to their employees during the COVID19 pandemic. They
claimed that the average monthly benefit of their employees is at least Php 5, 000.00. A random sample of
35 employees were taken as samples to verify the said claim and found that their average monthly benefit
is Php 6, 000.00 with a standard deviation of Php 600.00. Is the company’s claim correct at 0.05 level of
significance? Assume that the population is approximately normally distributed.

Given: n=35 , μ0=5,000, x́=6,000 , s=600 α =0.05


σ s 600
According to Central Limit Theorem, σ x́ = ≈ = =101.42
√ n √ n √35
x́−μ 0
( √ n )= 6000−5000 ( √ 35 )=58.33 .
Test Statistic: z= ( ) (
σ x́ 101.42 )
Example 3.3.2.

GMA-ABS claimed that their employees had a mean monthly salary of Php12,500.00. A reporter
wants to verify this claim by asking 30 employees. The result showed that these employees had
an average monthly salary of Php10,000.00 with a standard deviation of Php 2,000.00. Test the
claim at 10% level of significance assume that the population is approximately normally
Given: n=30 , μ0=12,500, x́=10,000 , s=2000 α =10 %=0.10


σ s 2000
According to Central Limit Theorem, σ x́ = ≈ = =365.15
√ n √ n √ 30
x́−μ 0 10000−12500 (
Test Statistic: z= ( )(√ ) (
σ x́
365.15 )
√ 30 )=−37.50.

36 IS IT
Determine the given and compute the test statistic of the problems below using Central
Limit Theorem. Write the problems and answers in your activity notebook.

1. A company claimed that their N95 face mask has a mean filtration efficiency rate of 95%. A
group of student researcher wanted to verify this claim. They bought and tested 40 of their N95
face masks. They found out that the average filtration efficiency rate of these face mask was 90%
with a standard deviation of 4%. Test the claim at 5% level of significance and assume that the
population is approximately normally distributed.

2. A certain group of welfare recipients receives relief goods with a mean amount of Php 500 per
week. A random sample of 75 recipients is surveyed and found that the mean amount of relief
goods they received in a week is Php 600 and a standard deviation of Php50.00 . Test the claim at
1% level of significance is not Php 500 per week and assume that the population is approximately
normally distributed.



After the test statistic is computed, the critical region is set. The set of all possible values of
the test statistic could range from negative infinity to positive infinity. This will be divided into two
regions. One region will be set as the acceptance region and the other one is the rejection or
critical region. The division of these two regions will be based on the alternative hypothesis.
Review lesson 1.4.
In constructing the rejection region, it is important to correctly formulate the alternative
hypothesis. Recall that there are three possible symbols to be used in the formulation of the
alternative hypothesis, namely, ¿ ,<, ≠. Each of this will have a corresponding critical region.


Below is the summary of the possible alternative hypothesis and its corresponding critical
region for testing population mean when the population variance is assumed to be known.

Alternative Hypothesis Critical Region/s

μ< μ0 z <−z α
μ> μ0 z > zα
μ ≠ μ0 z ← zα z>zα
or 2

Where μ is the population mean, μ0 is the possible value of the population mean, z is the value of
z ,−Z α Z
test statistic and −z α , α 2
and α2 are the critical values.

Let us determine the given, formulate the null and alternative hypothesis, compute the test statistic
and construct the acceptance and critical regions of examples 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and 2.1.3.

From Example 2.1.1

Given: x́=3 , μ0=5, σ =2, n=200 α =0.05

Null and alternative hypotheses

H 0: The average reduction of production expenses of the new packaging design of ethyl alcohol is
Php 5.00.
H 0: μ=5

H 1: The average reduction of production expenses of the new packaging design of ethyl alcohol is
less than Php 5.00.
H 1: μ<5
Note: we use less than because the sample mean 3 is less than 5 which is the possible value of the
population mean.
test statistic: z= ( 3−5
2 )
( √ 200 )=−14.14
Critical region 38

Since < is use in H 1, z <−z α will be used. Now using the z-table, the value of −z α is

−z α =−z 0.05=−1.645
Now, we construct the critical and acceptance regions.

From Example 2.1.2

Given: x́=4, μ0=10, σ =3, n=50 α =10 %=0.10

Null and alternative hypotheses

H 0: The average profit increase of the new face mask design is 10%
H 0: μ=10

H 1: The average profit increase of the new face mask design is not 10%.
H 1: μ ≠10
Note: we use not equal because it was indicated to test the hypothesis that the new face mask design
average profit increase is not 10%.

4−10 α 0.10
Test Statistic: z=
3 ( )
( √ 50 )=−14.14 and =
2 2

Critical region
Since ≠ is use in H 1, z ← z α or z > z α will be used. Now using the z-table, the values of −z α and z α
2 2 2 2

are the following

−z α =−z 0.05=−1.645 or z α =z 0.05=1.645
2 2

Now, we construct the critical and acceptance regions.

From Example 2.1.3

Given: x́=83 , μ0=80, σ =3, n=30 and α =0.10

Null and alternative hypotheses
H 0: The mean score of Grade 11 students is 80.
H 0: μ=80

H 1: The mean score of Grade 11 students is greater than 80.

H 1: μ>80
Note: we use greater than because sample mean 83 is greater than 80 which is the possible population

Test Statistic: z= ( 83−80

3 )
( √30 ) =5.48

Critical region
Since ¿ is use in H 1, z > z α will be used. Now using the z-table, the value of z α is.
z α =z 0.10=1.96
Now, we construct the critical and acceptance regions.


Determine the given and construct the acceptance and critical region of the problems in
Activity 6. Write your answer in your notebook.




In this case, the student t-distribution table will be used in determining the critical value/s.
This will be used when the sample size is less than 30. When the sample size is greater than 30
and the variance is unknown, the Central Limit Theorem will be used. This case will be discussed
in the next lesson

Alternative Hypothesis Critical Region/s

Where μ is μ< μ0 t <−t α , v the
population μ> μ0 t >t α , v mean, μ0
μ ≠ μ0 t ←t α
is the
,v or t >t α2 , v possible
value of the
t α ,v ,−t α tα
population mean, t is the value of test statistic, −t α ,v , 2
,v and 2
,v are the critical values and
v is the degrees of freedom
Determine the given, formulate the null and alternative hypothesis, compute the test statistic and
construct the acceptance and critical regions for examples 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3

From Example 2.2.1

Given: x́=6 , μ0=5, s=2, n=15, v=df =15−1=14 and α =0.05
Null and alternative hypotheses
H 0: The mean number of hours of students to finish answering the Statistics module is 5 hours.
H 0: μ=5

H 1: The mean number of hours of students to finish answering the Statistics module is greater
than 5 hours.
H 1: μ>5

Test Statistic: t= ( x́−μs )( √n )=( 6−5

2 )
( √ 15 )=1.94
Critical region
Since ¿ is use in H 1, t >t α , v will be used. Now using the student t-distribution table, the value of t α ,v
is t α ,v =t 0.05,14 =1.761
Now, we construct the critical and acceptance regions.


From Example 2.2.2

Given: x́=5 , μ0=7, s=1.5, n=25, v=df =25−1=24 and α =0.10
Null and alternative hypotheses
H 0: The mean number of hours of television program they watched during daytime was 7 hours.
H 0: μ=7

H 1: The mean number of hours of television program they watched during daytime was less than 7
H 1: μ 75
x́−μ 5−7
Test Statistic: t= (s )
( √ n )= ( )
( √ 25 )=−6.67
Critical region
Since ¿ is use in H 1, t ←t α , v will be used. Now using the student t-distribution table, the value of
−t α ,v is −t α ,v =−t 0.10 , 24=−1.318
Now, we construct the critical and acceptance regions.

μ =70,

s=32, n=20
v=df =20−1=19
43 and α =1 %=0.01
Null and alternative hypotheses
H 0: The mean height of male aged 18 to 24 years old is 70 inches.
H 0: μ=70

H 1: The mean height of male aged 18 to 24 years old is 70 inches.

H 1: μ ≠70

Test Statistic: t= ( x́−μs )( √n )=( 65−70

32 )
( √ 20 )=−0.70

Critical region
Since ≠ is use in H 1, t ←t α , v or t >t α , v will be used. Now using the student t-distribution table, the
2 2

value of −t α ,v is −t α ,v =−t 0.005 ,19=−2.861 and

2 2
t 0.005, 19=2.861
Now, we construct the critical and acceptance regions.

Determine the given and construct the acceptance and critical region of the problems in
Activity 7. Write your answer in your notebook.



This case happened when the population is not normally distributed or approximately
normally distributed and the sample size is 30 or more. Let us consider examples 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
We will determine the given, formulate the null and alternative hypotheses, compute the test
statistic, and construct the acceptance and critical region of these examples.

Example 3.3.1.

From lesson 3.3, we have the following

Given: n=35 , μ0=5,000, x́=6,000 , s=600 α =0.05
Null and alternative hypotheses
H 0: The average monthly benefit of San Miguel Corporation employees is Php5.000.00.
H 0: μ=5000

H 1: The average monthly benefit of San Miguel Corporation employees is greater than
H 1: μ>5000

σ s 600
According to Central Limit Theorem, σ x́ = ≈ = =101.42
√ n √ n √35
x́−μ 0 6000−5000 (
Test Statistic: z= ( )(√ ) (
σ x́
101.42 )√ 35 )=58.33 .
Critical region/s: z > z 0.05
z 0.05=1.645

Example 3.3.2.
Given: n=30 , μ0=12,500, x́=10,000 , s=2000 α =10 %=0.10
Null and alternative hypotheses
H 0: The mean monthly salary of GMA-ABS employees is Php12,500.00.
H 0: μ=12,500

H 1: The average monthly benefit of San Miguel Corporation employees is less than Php12,500.00.
H 1: μ<12,500

σ s 2000
According to Central Limit Theorem, σ x́ = ≈ = =365.15
√ n √ n √ 30
x́−μ 0
( √ n )= 10000−12500 ( √ 30 )=−37.50 .
Test Statistic: z= ( ) (σ x́ 365.15 )
Critical region/s: z ← z0.10
−z 0.10=−1.282

Construct the critical region of the problems in Activity 10 using Central Limit Theorem.
Write the problems and answers in your activity notebook.



 When the population variance is known or when the sample size is 30 or more, the critical
values are determined using the z-table.
 When the sample size is less than 30, the critical values are determine using the student t-
distribution table.

 Central limit theorem is considered when the sample size is 30 or more and the population
is not normally distributed or approximately normally distributed.

A. You are now done with the second lesson of this module. To find out if you have learned
from this lesson, answer the questions below. Complete the sentence by providing the
correct word/s on the blank. Write your answers in your activity notebook.

1. It is a value that is the average distance of the values of data from a sample.
2. It is the square of the population standard deviation.
3. It is the sum of all population data divided by the number of population data.
4. It depicts the number of pieces of independent information available for computing variability.
5. It is the degrees of freedom of a single population.

B. Determine the given, formulate the null and alternative hypothesis in words and in
symbols, and the appropriate test statistic. Write the given and your answers in your
activity notebook.

1. A seller claimed that her lip tint has a mean organic content of 90%. A rival seller asked 60
users of that lip tint and found that it has a mean organic content of 85% with a standard deviation
of 5%. Test the claim at 1% level of significance and assume that the population is approximately
normally distributed.

2. A company produced ethyl alcohol 47 and claimed to have a mean alcohol content of 70%.
A random sample of 80 of ethyl alcohol was take as sample to verify this claim. It was found out
that the mean alcohol content is 65% with a standard deviation of 2%. Test the claim at 5% level
of significance and assume that the population is normally distributed.
Pre – test and Post – test Activity 10

Activity 11

Activity 8
Activity 9

Activity 12 Activity 13




Alferez, M.S. & Duro, M.A. (2006). MSA Statistics and Probability. MSA Publishing
House. Reprinted 2016.

Belecina, R. (2016). Statistics and Probability. First Edition. Rex Book Store,
Parreño, E. B. & Jimenez, R.O. (2014). Basic Statistics: A Worktext. Second Edition.
C & E Publishing, Inc.

Alternative. (2020). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved May 27, 2020,


Average Construction Worker Hourly Pay in Philippines. (2020). Retrieved May 27,
2020 from https://www.payscale.comresearch/Ph/Job=Construction_

Basic Concepts and Methodology for the Health Sciences. Retrieved May 27, 2020
from Testingpart1.pdf

Introduction to Hypothesis Testing. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

Null. (2020). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved May 27, 2020, from

Minitab Express Support. (2019). Retrieved May 27, 2020 from https://support. statistics/

Significance. (2020). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved May 27, 2020,


Stephanie. (2020). Statistics How To. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

Stephanie. (2020). Statistics How To. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

McLeod, S. A. (2019, Nov 25). What is central limit theorem in statistics? Simply
psychology: Retrieved May 27, 2020 from /central-limit-


Quarter 4 - Module 1

Tests of Hypothesis

Learning Competency 7: Draws conclusion about the population mean based

on the test-statistic value and the rejection region

Learning Competency 8: Solves problems involving test of hypothesis on the

population mean

2nd Semester
4th Quarter
3 Hours



Test of hypothesis is one of the most popular tools used in scientific investigations.
This process is a rule on deciding hot to reject null hypothesis. Two methods will be
considered in this module.

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. perform the entire process of hypothesis testing involving population mean.

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/ or instructions in the

activities and exercises diligently.

 Answer all the given tests and exercises.


What I know

Read and understand the statement below and identify the term described in each number.
Write your answers in your notebook.
1. It is the decision when the value of the test statistic lies within the critical region.
2. It is the decision when the value of the test statistic lies outside the critical region.
3. It is the position of the value of test statistic when H 0 is rejected in a right-tailed test.
4. It is the position of the value of test statistic when H 0 is accepted in a right-tailed test.
5. It is the position of the value of test statistic when H 0 is rejected in a left-tailed test.
6. It is the position of the value of test statistic when H 0 is accepted in a left-tailed test.
7. It is the conclusion when the value of test statistic lies within the critical region.
8. It is the conclusion when the value of test statistic lies outside the critical region.
9. It is the position of the value of test statistic when H 0 is rejected in a two-tailed test.
10. It is the position of the value of test statistic when H 0 is accepted in a two-tailed test.



In this lesson, several test of hypotheses problems will be given and answered. This
time most of the examples from previous lessons will be completely answered.
From Example 2.1.1

Given: n=200, μ=5, σ =2, x́=5, α =0.05

1. Formulation of null and alternative hypotheses:
H 0 :μ=5
H 1 : μ< 5
2. Specify the level of significance to be used: α =0.05
3. Select the appropriate and compute test statistic
x́−μ 3−5
z= ( ) σ ( )
( √ n )=
( √ 200 )=−14.14
4. Establish the critical region/s: Based on H 1, this is a one-tailed test (left-tailed test) with
55 −z =−z =−1.645
critical regions z <−z α where α 0.05 . The critical region (shaded part) is
illustrated below.

5. Make a statistical Decision

Since −14.14←1.645 is TRUE, H 0 is rejected. From the illustration below, −14.14 lies
within the critical region (shaded part).
6. Draw the appropriate conclusion: There is enough evidence to conclude that the average
reduction of production expenses per bottle is less than Php 5.00.

From Example 2.2.1

Given: x́=6 , μ0=5, s=2, n=15, v=df =15−1=14 and α =0.05

1. Hypotheses: H 0 :μ=5 and H 1 : μ> 5

2. Significance level: α =0.05 and v=14
x́−μ 6−5
3. Test Statistic: t= ( s ) ( )
( √ n )=
( √ 15 )=1.94
4. Critical region:
Since ¿ is use in H 1, t >t α , v will be used. Now using the student t-distribution table, the value
of t α ,v is t α ,v =t 0.05,14 =1.761
The critical region (shaded region) is constructed below.

5. Decision: Since 1.94>1.761 is TRUE, H 0 is rejected. From the illustration above, 1.94
lies within the critical region.
6. Conclusion: There is sufficient evidence to conclude mean number of hours to finish
answering the Statistics module is greater than 5 hours.

From Example 2.2.3

Given: x́=65 , μ0=70, s=32, n=20, and α =1 %=0.01
1. Hypotheses: H 0: μ=70 and H 1: μ ≠70
α 0.01
2. Significance level: = =0.005
2 2
x́−μ 65−70
3. Test statistic: t= (
s )
( √ n )= ( 32 )
( √ 20 )=−0.70 and v=19

4. Critical region: Since ≠ is use in H 1, t ←t α , v or t >t α , v will be used. Now using the student t-
2 2

distribution table, the value of −t α ,v is

−t α =−t 0.005 ,19=−2.861 and t
,v 0.005, 19 =2.861.The critical regions are illustrated below.

5. Decision: Since −0.70←2.861 is FALSE and −0.70>2.861 is also FALSE, H 0 is

rejected. From the illustration above, −0.70 lies between the two critical regions.
6. Conclusion: There is no sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean height of male aged
18 to 24 years old was 70 inches.

Perform as indicated in the given below. Write the given and your answers
in your activity notebook.

1. A seller claimed that her lip tint has a mean organic content of 90%. A rival seller asked 60
users of that lip tint and found that it has a mean organic content of 85% with a standard deviation
of 5%. Test the claim at 1% level of significance and assume that the population is approximately
normally distributed.

2. An association of City Mayors conducted a study to determine the average number of times a
family went to buy necessities in a week. They found that the mean is 4 times in a week. A random
sample of 20 families were asked and found a mean of 5 times in a week and a standard deviation
of 2. Use 5% significance level to test that the population mean is not equal to 5. Assume that the
population is normally distributed.


Answer Key
Pre test Assessment

Alferez, M.S. & Duro, M.A. (2006). MSA Statistics and Probability. MSA Publishing
House. Reprinted 2016.

Belecina, R. (2016). Statistics and Probability. First Edition. Rex Book Store,

Graph Generator. Retrieved May 27, 2020 from


Good Calculators, (2020). Retrieved May 27, 2020 from

/student-t-value-calculator, (2020). Retrieved May 27, 2020 from


Department of Mathematics, MSU-IIT, (2007). Elementary Statistics. Revised Edition




Educational Attainment:

Master of Science in Mathematics (DOST-PCASTRD)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (with Units in Education)

Module Title : Q4-Module 1-Tests of Hypothesis on Population Mean

Division : Misamis Oriental

District : Magsaysay 1

School : Kibungsod National High School



Quarter 4 - Module 1

Tests of Hypothesis

Learning Competency 9: Formulates null and alternative hypotheses on a

population proportion M11/12SP-IVe-2

Learning Competency 10: Identifies the appropriate form of the test statistic
when the Central Limit Theorem is to be used

Learning Competency 11: Identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given
level of significance when the Central Limit Theorem
is to be used M11/12SP-IVe-4

Learning Competency 12: Computes for the test-statistic value (population

proportion) M11/12SP-IVf-1

Learning Competency 13: Draws conclusion about the population proportion

based on the test-statistic value and rejection region

Learning Competency 14: Solves problems involving test hypothesis on the

population proportion M11/12SP-IVf-g-1

2nd Semester
4th Quarter
6 Hours
What I Need to Know
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population

2. identify the appropriate form of the test-statistic when the Central Limit Theorem is to be
3. identify the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when the Central
Limit Theorem is to be used
4. compute for the test-statistic value (population proportion)
5. draw conclusion about the population proportion based on the test-statistic value and
rejection region.
6. solve problems involving test hypothesis on the population proportion.

What I know
Determine whether the statement is True or False. If false, modify the statement to make it true.

1. Percentages can be expressed as proportions.

2. A proportion is obtained when a frequency of desired events is multiplied by the sum of
3. If n=25 the Central Limit Theorem applies.
4. If the confidence level is 95% then is 0.025.
5. When X=124 and n=260 then = 0.48.
6. The p-value of z = 2 is 0.4772.
7. The p-value of z ≤−¿2 is 0.0228.
8. When H 0is rejected it means that a significant difference does not exist.
9. When the evidence is not enough do not reject the null hypothesis.
10. When the evidence is sufficient to reject the null hypothesis, a significant difference exists.

What’s In

There are certain situations when the data to be analyzed involve population proportions or
percentages. For example, a politician may want to know the percentage of his constituents who
approve of his policy on educational reform. A manufacturer may want to know the proportions of
defective products in the assembly line.

What is It 63
When testing about a proportion, the following assumptions must be made:

1. The conditions for a binomial experiment are met. That is, there is a fixed number of
independent trials with constant probabilities and each trial has two outcomes that we
usually classify as “success” and “failure”.
2. The condition np ≥ 5 and nq ≥ 5are both satisfied so that the binomial distribution with μ=np
and σ =√ npq.

If all the above conditions are met the test statistic is the z-test statistic for
proportions. The formula for computing this value is:

Sample proportion−Null Hypothesized proportion

Test statistic: z=
Standard deviation of sample proportion

^p − p0
σ ^p

Where: ^p= ,

p0 = is the hypothesized population proportion p,

σ ^p=
√ n
is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of ^p.

p0 q 0
However, we use σ ^p=
are going to use the hypothesized value p0.

in computing the value of the test statistic z because we

Note: q 0=1− p 0.

Test statistics z for proportions is:

^p −p 0
p0 q0
√ n


What’s More
In general,

 For a one-tailed test:

H 0 : p= p0
H 1 : p> p 0and the rejection region is z >+ z a
Or ( H 1 : p< p 0) and the rejection region is z <−z a
 For a two-tailed test:
H 0 : p= p0
H 1: p ≠ p0
z ← z a ∨z> z a
What I Have learned

Steps in solving problems involving test hypothesis on the population proportion:

1. Describe the population parameter of interest.

2. Formulate the hypothesis.
3. Check the assumptions.
4. Check a significance level size for α.
5. Select the appropriate test statistic.
6. State the decision rule for rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis.
7. Compare the computed values.
8. Interpret the result.


What I Can Do

We will now apply the formula and steps involving test hypothesis on the population

Example 1: Using the 0.5 level of significance run a z-test given the following:
n=74; ^p= ; p =10 %
74 0


1. The parameter of interest is the population proportion p.

2. H 0 : p= p0
H 0 : p=.10

H 1 : p ≠ .10

3. With n=74, the Central Limit Theorem applies.

4. α =0.5, Two-tailed (The problem does not suggest direction.

^p −p 0
5. p0 q0

√ n
^p= =0.068
p0= .10
q 0=1− p 0= 1-0.10 = 0.9

Note: In the p-value approach we compute the probability value to the left of -0.91. That
is the area between z=0 and z=0.91 is given in z-table as 0.3186. Therefore, the
observed probability value is 0.5000-0.3186 = 0.1814. Since the test is two-tailed, the p-
value is multiplied by0.9)
2. So, p-value = 0.1814 x 2 = 0.3628.



6. Reject the H 0if the computed probability value is ≤ 0.05. Do not reject (or accept) H 0if the

computed probability value ¿ 0.05.

7. We know that 0.3628>0.05

8. Thus, based on the evidence at hand we cannot reject the null hypothesis H 0.

There is no significant difference between the sample proportion and the population proportion.

Example 2: Mr. Sy asserts that fewer than 5% of the bulbs that he sells are defective. Suppose
300 bulbs are randomly selected each are tested and 10 defective bulbs are found. Does this
provide sufficient evidence for Mr. Sy to conclude that the fraction of defective bulbs is less than
0.05? useα =0.01 .


1. The parameter of interest is the population proportion p.

2. H 0 : p= p0
H 0 : p=0.05

H 1 : p ≠ 0.05

3. With n=300, the Central Limit Theorem applies.

4. α =0.5, one-tailed (clue word: fewer than).

^p −p 0
5. p0 q0

√ n
^p= =0.033
p0= .05 So, p-value = P( z ≤−1.35)
q 0=1− p 0= 1-0.05 = 0.95 The area between z=0 and z=-1.35 is .4115.
So, P ( z ≤−1.35 )=.05−.4115=0.885
That is, p-value = 0.885



6. Reject the H 0if the computed probability value is ≤ 0.05. Do not reject (or accept) H 0if the

computed probability value ¿ 0.05.

7. We know that 0.885>0.01

8. Thus, based on the evidence at hand we cannot reject the null hypothesis H 0. There is no

significant difference between the sample proportion and the population proportion.

Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This refers to an intelligent guess about a population proportion.

A. Hypothesis C. Decision
B. Test statistic D. Interpretation

2. What mathematical model is appropriate for decision-making?

A. Graphical representation C. z-statistic
B. Normal curve D. none of these

3. When the null hypothesis is rejected which of the following is true?

A. There is sufficient evidence to back up the decision.
B. There is no sufficient evidence to back up the decision.
C. The conclusion is guaranteed.
D. The conclusion is not guaranted.

4. for the 95% confidence level.

A. α =.01
B. α =.05
C. α =.10
D. α =.025
5. Which of the following is the standard deviation of sample proportions?
A. √ pq
√ q
√ q0

p0 q 0
√ n
6. For a z-test of proportions which of the following is the rejection region for a two-tailed test?
A. z > z a
B. z > z a/ 2
C. z < z a
D. z < z a/ 2
7. For a z-test of proportions which of the following is the rejection region for a one-tailed test?
A. z > z a∨z >−z a
B. z >−z a ∨z > z a/ 2
C. z < z a∨z >−z a
D. z ← z a ∨z> z a / 2
8. If p0=0.37 what is q 0?
A. 0.37
B. 0.73
C. 0.63
D. 0.53

9. In a z-test of proportions, the computed z lies in the rejection region. This means that:
A. The sample proportion is equal to the hypothesized proportion.
B. The sample proportion is equal to the population proportion.
C. The sample proportion is not equal to the hypothesized proportion.
D. The sample proportion is not equal to the population proportion.

10. In a one-tailed z-test proportions the comparative statement is 0.35¿0.42. What decision
should be made about H 0?
A. Reject H 0
B. Accept H 0
C. The sample proportion ¿than the population proportion
D. The sample proportion ¿than the population proportion

Additional Activities

Solve the following problems by hypothesis testing.

1. Complete the table.

n ^p p0 z p-value
a. 100 40/100 8%
b. 248 51/248 10%
c. 312 100/312 12%
d. 486 216/486 9%
e. 524 308/524 13%

2. A researcher wants to test the null hypothesis H 0 : p=.79against the alternative H 1 : p>79. A
sample of 1200 observations is inputted into a computer software and returns the result: z= 3 and
the the one-tailed p-value = .0001. What is your interpretation of this p-value?

3. A politician claims that she will receive 60% of the votes in the upcoming election. Of a random
sample of 200 voters there were 100 who will surely vote for her. Test the politician’s assertion at
the 0.05 level of significance.



Position : TEACHER II

Educational Attainment:

Master of Science in Teaching Mathematics (on-going)

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Module Title :
Q4-Module 2-Tests of Hypothesis on Population Proportion

Division : Misamis Oriental

District : Talisayan

School : Talisayan National High School


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