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01: Purposive Communication

Marion Shanne P. Corpuz
BSEd 1-B English

Communication Model Pioneer Date Features

1. ARISTOTLE’S Aristotle 5 BC  The first and earliest model of communication.

COMMUNICATION  The process of communication is linear.
MODEL  The speaker is very vital in this model because there will be no speech to be
produced without one.

2. LASWELL’S Harold Dwight 1948  The process of communication is linear.

COMMUNICATION Laswell  The whole process of communication begins with a communicator sending a
MODEL message using a medium for a receiver that may or may not experience

3. SHANNON-WEAVWE Claude Elwood 1949  This model is often called the telephone model.
COMMUNICATION Shannon and  Communication is linear
MODEL Warren Weaver  The concept of noise and feedback have been identified in this model.
4. BERLO’S David Berlo 1960  One of the most well-known communication model.
COMMUNICATION  It was initially known as the SMCR model which stands for; sender,
MODEL message, channel and receiver. But later on features the concept of noise thus
became SMCRN
 The process of communication is linear.

5. SCHRAMM’S Willbur Schramm 1955  Communication is a two way process.

COMMUNICATION  The concept of Field of Experience is introduced in this model. Field of
MODEL experience refers to everything a person has experienced
 Schramm asserts that communication can take place if and only if there is an
overlap between the Field of Experience of the speaker and the listener.
6. WHITE’S Eugene White 1960  This model is cyclical.
COMMUNICATION  White asserts that communication is circular and continuous without a
MODEL beginning and end.
 Communication is a two way process.
 White contributed to the concept of feedback.





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