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Student's Book

rU' l,

Z xnocc
4nn o6r4eo5po3oBqrenbHbrx
yrpexgexri lr urKon
c yrny6n6xxurm x3)AeHxeM
oxrnnf,croro nguro
c npxroxeHxeM
Hq greKrpoHHom Hocxrere

B 4eyx vacrrx
9acru 1

M HucrepcrBoM o6pa3oBaHhfl r HayK
PocchlicKoi (DeAepaq u

2-e u3AaHre

Mocrca {nPOCBEUIEHIE, 2O1 2

V[It 373.167.1:811.r11
BBK 81.2AErr-922
Ha lrue6llll1c [onyqelrEr rroJro*cr]treJrbE6re 3aKJrK)qeEEa
Poccricroii arcaqeMrrrr EayK (Ni 10106-5215/449 or 01.11.10)
r Poccnicxoii araneMrrrr o6pasoBaFns (1,& 01-5l7a-556 or 20.10.10)

Vcronnrre o6oaua.reHufl
G - 3aAaHr{e c fi crroJrb3oBarr[eM
E - AoMarrrHee SaAarrfi e

o -
upr4 B6rrroJrrrerrr{rr SaAaHr{g cJreAyeT
3agaHr4e rra qrerrlle
rrSyqeHlre HoBoro MaTepr{aJra
[r,rcBMeHrroe SaAaHV e
BepeqarEa [. H,
B31 A-ErrsicKnfr s3brK, 2 Kracc. yqe6. Arfi o6rqeo6pa3oBar. lqpe <-
AeEEi R EK. c yrry6r. IIBJ/.IeFr4eM aBrJr. sB. c IIprIn. Ha ajreKTporr.
EocETerre. B2c. rI. 1/I{. H. BepeqarrEa, K. A. EoE,4apeE(o,
T. A. rIpETErKEEa.
- 2-e nBA. - M, : flpocBeqeErae, 2012. - 159 c. i
Rn. - ISBN 978-5-09-018614-E.
vqe6l* Grrmr eEoBEHM (oMnoEeEroM r-re6Eo-MeroAu!€(oN koMnneRra no
drrrncBoxl nexy Mt 2 Rnaccd o6tqeo6pasoBarerbENx y.rlExAeEnii { uRo,
c yrrttreN aryqeB{eM e.nEnc(orc g3BKA. Sondrr q yfpaxEeEnr ,'re6En&a
trpeamaMea! B D8vrax !@6ur reM, noao6p&EEur c rErep€cNn
q B@paosss q{6.8s@rrMH r{sDrxxnr naqubHoi ukorH,
tionMr paiadoB T6t YouBelf nororaor EoppekrtrpoBer! { cucrekarFkpoEarb
dorl4erue ,ekceo rpN B weoFsk lBrbc6E asrno-pyccxri
YAft 373.167.1:411.111
BBI( al.2AErn-922
rsBN 974-5-09-O184r44(r) O ItuAsrerlcrDo .IlpocBeraedser, 2011
ISBN 974-5-m-O2447G7(ooq.) O xyaoxecrleEEoe oapopMreEue.
I{saarerlcrBo .Ilpocleqesqer, 2011
Bce trpaBa 3aqrrqeEH
/opoue /t4tt/,b.rr4Ku v ?e6oqxu!
Bbr Ha,{rHaere ,3yqarb awnxitcxx clltx. Ero oqexr
raxnrri r xnrepecrturi npe[Mer.
Cxaqana Bbr Hayqrrecb roBoprrb no-arrnticxx ,l noHA-
rarb, qro roBopnr Apylhe. 9ro6sr sac noHrmaru, Bal{
rlyll(Ho HayqrTbcq xopouro lt npaB'llrbHo npoh3HocrTb
lrnxicxxe 3ByKl, cnoBa r npe[roxeHtc. B lrox aax
rrc or{eT BauJ yqxrerb ]r alflrgxyps Arcr(r, xoropbre
- Aoma. 3syxosrre
rr 6y4ere cnyurarb B Knacce r, rJraBHoe,
SllaHXq npoHyr.{epoBaHru o6otxaqeHrr e yre6xxxe lxar-
n"* c la4arunnx ayrr{orqpca xeo6xo4xxo pa6o-
reru xaxAuri ,qeHb no 5-l0 mxxyr, a He rorbKo nepefl
tpoxamh axrnxicxoro qtrrxa. A Bor trhm 3HaqKorr
o5o ra,{alorcq Aot*auHrie 3allaHriq. ttoropbre HyxHo no-
tropxTb t BbrnonHlTb Aor{4.
C ncroro ypoKa Bbr xaqxdre nocye eHHo 3HaKoA Xrbcq
< 6yraalx axrnricroro ar$aBrra, norxe 6y4ere nrcarr
rrnnicrre 6yxerr r naqndre yqrrbcq qrraru. B trorra Bal
Drorr<er pa6oqaq rerpaflr. C nrroro ypoxa B<e 3alaHrq
n pa6orei rerpagr rularenbHo BbrnotHttorcr ,qoi{a.
Ha ypoxar rrr 6y4ere A{Holo xrparb, yqxrb crrxr, cqr-
r&{xr, nerb necHr. Yqlrenr noxaxer aart nxoro aecd-
-[ raprhHol{, KyKor, ,rrpyueK, noAenoK ,3 nracrrr]iHa.
} roxe Moxere nprHocrrb Ha 3aHsrxq cBo, no.qerxr,
r ror4a ypoxx 6ygyr eq6 xxrepecxee.
Xctaem yeneta!

Ypor 1
1 nocMorpx Ha KaprhHKlt. Tut loqeurs no3HaKoMhrbcc c
lrnxx axrnlictttllt A aMephKaHcKrM! pe6craux! Torga
nocnyurai, xax rx roayr. A l.

trt' .\
\-f -\
rrr -

2 Yqxrenu arrnlicroro f,3btKa xoqer no3HaKoA{rirbcn c

aar,rx. flocnyurai eeyxoeoe 3aAaHxe h Ha3oB, csod xalq.
13 l.
3 Tenepb gaeai nocnyuraeM, KaK HyxHo 3AopoBarbcc r
nporqarbcc, h Hayehnce Aerarb rro, f.,,1 l, l.
4 AaBaiTe nohrpael{. Bcraxrre h pa34enhrecb Ha ABe
OAna xor,rax4a
Kolv{aHAbr. (roctt)) xr Beuxo6pxra-
uxx n Anepxxn, Apyrag - xt Poccxtt flolnaxomurecs
Apyr c ApyroM. (<hxocrpaxqrur, xe sa6ygure Lcnorb-
3oBarb ,MeHa axrnxicxxr r ar,aepkxaHcxxx .qeBo'{eK k
rranurxxoa.) f> t, a.


5 Tbr, xoHeqHo, 3Haeurb ArHoro pa3Hbrx cKa3oK. A lrxr

cKa3oqHbrx repoeB Tbt nor,rxxurul llocr,rorpx Ha KaprrHxr
h cKar0r, Kak oH, npeAcTaBngpTcq.

,QovauHee 3aAaHre

A l,
BHHMarerbHo nocnyurai 3ByxoBbre 3a4aHre k\d 2,
3,4. flosropni ra gnxropol cronbKo par, cxonsxo re6e
xeo6rogrr*o, rro6sr xayvrrrcq npoh3Hocxrb cnoBa I Bbr-
paHeHrc npaBhnbHo ll ycneBarb nolropgTb B naY3br.
2. Burnonxr ynpaxHeHhe 5. flpe4craes cBorx cxa3o{Hbrx
3. flprxecxKaprrHKy rrx prcyHoK reoero np6lr^oro cxa-
3OqHOrO repoc.
I BATTE nOgS{AK&nflWeeCg

G) &""1 Bcnor Hlrn, Kax 3oByr anrnxicxnr x a^reprKaH-

cixr pe6rr x Aerei tt Poccttx, 3ayxoroe r"n""r" I
norroxer re6e. ft
(2) hxrepecxo.xro rtte raoi np6rnrri cxaeoqruri re-
poi! Iloraxx Bcer Kaprrxl(y ,'urli. pncynox, xoroprfi
ru npxnic,/nprHecra. fiycrr reoi repoi cxaxer. xar
ero 3oByr.

(3rllocmorpr Ha KaprrHKlu ckaror, xax rasrraalor ce6q

BOr tTX nepcoHaxr.
no{! tux!ffiilGra
@ nocr,rorpx Ha KaprrHxr. flpxnyrai ,MeHa rrrr^ nern.
lcnor.rxt, l<ax oHx 3Haxolttrct, 3.qopoBaKrTcr x npoqa-
nrcn. 3eyroeoe 3alaHhe 4 noraoxer re6e.

@ Paeurrpaire Araror-3HaKor{crao co cBorrl ogHoKrracc-

@ Tu, xaaepxoe, np6nuru neru! ![arai cnoim necerry <Kro
nrlr x rayrnlcr 3a,qaBarb Sror Bonpoc trpyr Apyry. 5.
€ Koraa rlo4rr pa3roBapxEaKrr, oHr{ 3a4aror Bonpocbu
otleqatot Ha Hrx, He raK nl! Cero4tnr{bt Hayqtr cr
otl€{arb Ha Bonpocbr <4ar (Yes) lr (Helr, (No), nocly-
E 3lyKoBbre 3af,aHrq 5,7 u L
@.Qpaaire norrpae^A B xrpy-3araflKy <KaK r*exc rooyr.l>.
$4ylai ce6e Ka(oe-Hx6y4r arrnricxoe ,^{r. Vqxrenr
ETapaeTcr loraflaTbcr, (aKoe ,r{q Tbt npriflyr^ar, 3a[a-
E lonpocbl, Orseqai <4a> (Yes) rnr <xer> (No|.
y{xTerb xoqer y6eArrbcr, rrof{H,lr nx oH/oH6
BCeX CBO'IX yrerxroa. Orreru Ha erolei Bonpocbr.



1 . Bbry,{k Hax3ycrb pa3roBop xexgy llonnx I for'ron,

so r^
2. Bbry'{lr neceHKy <Kro rrrlrr. (4} 5.

3.Pa3brrpai trxanor-3araAKy <Kax r,terr 3oByrlD co croei

cecrpoi, 6paror, r,raxoi lnx nanoi.

I Ypor 3
1 y,{nMct 3aAaBarb Bonpoc <Klo tur!r. G 7. Ilo5e-
cegyire c reporM, np6nr,rrtr c(a3ox, h306PaxeHHbtM'i
Ha KaprhHrax a ypoxax I r 2.
2 fiaoaire nohrpaer*. Bcd no-qecrxoMy: 3axpoiTe rra-
3a hrx orBepxrrecr, Yqrrenr asr6eper Betryr4ero, a Bbr
nocrapairecr AoraAarbcq, Kro tro, 3aAaBaf, xyxxrti ro-
npoc. Orra4aaurxi crarosrtcc Belyulr{M.
.3 A renepb cnoEr,r necexxy <Kro rrrto. fr f.
4 Bor ,{ro rbr ror{e cKa3arb no-aHrJlhicKr: no-
cnyurai pa3roBop nex4y flonnrrr Tor*or,r r raAai raxle
xe Bonpocbr oAHoKraccHhKaM. i} 7.
5 noKaxr, KaK Tbr Bbryqrr pa3roBop r,rexgy nonnl n
G t. t.t""tre B Kpyr. llpe4craar,
Toxol. qro rbr He
3HaRoM c pe6nrar,ur, croqulrrr{h cnpaBa , cneea or re6c.
Yrxai, xax rx 3oByr.
6nocnyurai lr Hayqhcb roBoprrb, cxonbKo re6e ner.
9, t0.
7 llocnyurai nr"no. G tt.
8 Cxaxx, xax re6c 3oByr, cKonbxo re6e ner r orxyfla
rsr. 3eyxoaoe 3aAaHre
M 12 nor oxer re6e. He ra6y.qr
no3AopoBaTbcq'l nonpot4aTbcq.
I nerb neceHfiy <Cxonuro re6e ner!>.
G tr.
10 fiasaire norrpaerr{. BcraHbre B Kpyr. 3a4ai aonpoc
x yra4ai, cxonbKo rer crocrqely or re6n cnpaBa lt
.-:?, -.\.:_ aaqr6lEt r*

A BAftTE rSSS$d *NW$W,&$j

AoMauHee 3aAaH e

1. Ilocnyurai
3ByxoBbre 3aAaHrr
Q f, lf.
2. Bbryq, neceHr(y <Cronrxo re6e nerlr. O tt,
3. Paccxaxr o ce6e (2-3 npe4noxexxnl. 3ayxoaoe
narue 12 nonoxer re6e.

Ypor 4
r.1 ,Qarai npoBepr{rrr, KaK br Hayqrrxcb 3agaBarb Apyr
ApYrY BOnpOCbr:
Hanpramep: 1 y.reHlrrc: Hi, I am seuen, And you?
2 5nrenrar: ...
r2 flocnyurael
neceHxy <Cxonlxo re6e nerbr n cnoil
eE xa gxe pox1eHre rBoero .qpyra/no.qeyrx. t3.
.4ABAfiTE ffiSS MIIMC..g
B aecxoi urroae uepei y{Nretb 3Haro rrcr c HolbF
,x y{eHxrarlt. Or cnpaulraaer, Kax rr 3otyl, cKollbtao
,rA ner. Yqexxrx orleqlror. Pl*rpaire rTy cqeHKy.

(4,llocnyuairr nocrapaicr Aora4arbcr, qro o3Haqaror Fo-

lble cnoBa. 14, 15.
(!) Hayrxcr npor3rocrrb Ha ,aHrr HeKoropbrx .rn"".
@ tr.
@t Boo6paex, {ro rbr Bcrperrrcr c rlanb{rxor xtx Ae-
rolxoi nr Benrxo6pxraxxx. Paccxaxx eny /el o ce6e,
3ayxoroe 3aAaHne
fr lr noro*er re6e,

@ Hayrxcr 3aAaBarb Bonpoc rrrl>. fiocnyurai
necefl "O*yI" lu!>. Yexai, orryAa rsoi xorrri
Apyr. 15.

AoMauHee 3aAaHhe
1 . nocnyuai 3aAaHNr 11-17.

2. Paccraxx Bce o ce6e. Orxyta rrr! (3 npe4noxexxn.l

3. Bbly'lx neceH*y <Orxyga rrt!>. 16.

4. Cnpoor ,{ar^y x nany, orxyAa oH}r.

K 5 (Pesepanurfi)

Herxaixa raroi np6onrrxui! Orrerr Ha ero Bonpo-

cbr, Koropbn rb! ylrte ropouro noHX aeub. 17,

@ Brr6epx cra3oqroro repor x no6ecegyi c xxr,r. Yrxai,

xaI( ero 3oryr x orKyla oH.
frr rrryrxn yxe 3 necerxx. Aaaai cnoir,r xx.

EYKBbI flnuryrcs rr,

a BBVKII cJrLrrrarca H rrponsrocflTcfl.

Haqnraem 3Ha(or rrbct c axrnxicxxmx 6yrraru. 3ra
6yxaa canar nErran. llpornrai 6yxry x craxx. xaxoi
3Byt( oHa nepe4air. KaKXe ctoBa c rrrr 3ryKor rbt 3Ha-


.{ouaunee 3aAaHhe

1 . Xopouto Bbryq, necxp <Orryga rsr.l>. 15.

2. Euri par nocnyurai gxaaor qeTKo orBeTb Ha Bonpo-

cbt. 17. 'l
3. Brnonu ynpaxxeHrr re pa6orei rerpagx.



A reneps rbr moxeub orBeqarb Ha Bonpoc <<Orxyga

I rrrlr r ra.q3rarb rror Bonpo
,flprai cnoEm neceHKy (
Jlocr orp, Ha kaprrHfty x car cnpocx rrr{x Aerei.
Kro olli r oTxy[4.
B $yr6onuxoi ronange nonorHeHre. fperep npe4-
craBrrer HoBbrx rrpoxor. flocnyurai, rar oH tTo [eJIaeT,
ll noraorx er y. 18.

B xpyxox raHqeB npxun, [eBoqrr{. Pyxoroglrenuxqa

rpyxra slaro lrr c H)'trtt't cBoxx yqeHxrl. KaK oHa tro rqe-
rerl ffi lr.

Y re6n ecru 4pyr! Paccxaxr xar* o xdr,r: rar erorleE
3OByl, GKOrbl(o er,ty/ei ner. A ecrr ectb 4pyr a gpyroi
cTpaHe, To cnpocx, orKyla oH. 22. 3ryxoaoe ea4a-
HXe 23 nomoxer re6e.
flpovxrai 6yxay x craxn, xaxoi 3ByI{ oHa nepe.qadr'
Kaxxe cnoea c trlr{ 3ByKoAt rrr txaeut!


,{ovaurnee 3a.4aHue

1. nocryuai 3Byl{oabre 3a[aHrr 15, 18-22.

2. IloArororr lraror co cBott^^ oflHor(raccHxKo^{, Hayrxcr
cnpauriBarb, xax ero,/ei ro

3. nocnyuai necerxy <Kar

4. Jlpxxec, KaprrHKX (Sororpa$xr) ,{arbqxxa, fleBoi{xn,
r y,l(qxHbl tillt{ I(eHl4xHbl.
5. BbnorHr ynpaxHeHrq rr pa6orei rerpalx,

K sar r Kracc nplurra HoBat yqeHrqa. Ilogxaror r ei

cHaqara c AeEoqxar r, a noTorrt c AAarbqr(al^,. Paeutrpai-
Te cqeHxy.

{2) Aasaire norrpaerra. Bcraxsre B (pyr. B cepe4xxe xpy-
ra HoBae yqeHriqa, xoropaq o6paqaercr c Bonpocom
x roxy, qrd lxr oHa 3anomHrina. 9ro oxa cnpocxr x KaK
ei orsernrrl
$ ' fnn,qn Ha Kaprr,rHxy, nocnyuai er4i par, o vdr,r roroprr
HnK n 3HH, qro6u earen pa3brrparb try cqeHxy. 22,

Hlrx 3Hn

(4 A renepr npoflorx<aelA yqhrb neceHxy <Kax re6q ro-

ryrln. 20, ll rynner.
(5 Parurrpaire Aranor: oraeqaire Ha Bonpoc neceHxrl
rKax re6c loayrlr no oqepegr.
(5 Hayvxcs cnpaurBarb, xax ero,/e6 hArr x orBeqarb Ha
trr Bonpocbr, Cnyurai r noaropri. 3ryxoaoe 3aAaHhe
2J nomoxer re6e.
A renepb nor{arlrlr KaprlHxx hrx OororpaQlr $anbqr-
!(a,Aeloqrx, r Yxqr{Hbr rn, xeHr4xHbl, KoropbG rbt npn-
Hik. Teor ogxoxnaccHxK, rorrr y3xarb. KaK toByr roro,
rTo nro6paxEx Ha KaptrHKe. Oreerr xa rrr ronpocbt.
llpr xeo6rogxaocrx ricnorbeyi xaprllxx e yre6xxre.
Yqnmcr roBoprrb o be. llocrapaicr troraAarbcq
o 3HaqeHxx Horbrx cro!. 24,

llocnyuai. Hak Hyr(Ho roBoprirb no-axrnnicxl, rro y

re6q ecrr ,{ar{a, nana, 6a6yrura n Aeflyuxa, 25, 25,
llporxrai 6yray x cxaxx, xaxoi 3Byr. ona nepega6r.
Kaxne cnora c :rrx,* 3Byxom rrr 3xaeutl!

noxrpaera a xrpy <Kro 6onulelr. Pae4enn-
Tecb Ha .qBe Kor an[br. Borulnre Kaproqxx c 6yrrar r,
nocllorprte Ha x3Becrrtbn aam 6yxrrr. BcnollHxte, KaK
ortr{ Ha3brBaKrrcq x (aKre 3ByKx nepegapr, Ha3oBxre cro-
Ba c trxalr{ 3Byr{al{x. Bulxrprrraer xor aHAa. Ha3laBuar
6onrue cnoe.

,{orr,raulHee 3aAaH e
1. Ilocnyurai lraror x Bbryqx ero Haxtycrb. 22.
2. BbrY,{, HoBbte Crora. 24, 25, 25.
3. Bbry,{x neceHxy <Kax re6c eoayr!>. 20, ll xynner.
4. nprmecx nlo6lrryn xrpyutxy x paccxaxx o nei.
5. Bblnonxlr ynpaxHeHxr xr pa6orei rerpq4r.
$'\ N.!\

poK 8
(t Bsr6epr aro6yro KaprrHKy )1n fipvullty ,3 rex, Koro-
pbre rbr nprn6c, noKax<n ed ogxoxnaccHrKaM. nycrb oHr
3arqapr Bonpocrr o xei, a rrr 6ygeuru orBeqarb.
(2 ywaacc roBopr,rrb o celabe. Tbl AoraAarcr o 3HaqeHn
noruu cnoa! Fjr ll.
(3 Hayrxcr roBopxrb, rro y re6n ecrb A aAla, nana, Ae-
lynrxa, 6a6yur*". 25,25.
Krrrr o ce6e n ceoei cemre.
14 tlocnyurai, '{To roBophr
A zz. Paccxaxr H rbr o ce6e x cBoxx po,qHbrx.
(s Mrurxa r xor6nox oqeHb paflbr, qro y Hrx ecrb ama,
nana, Ae[yuKa, 6a6yuxa, Kax oxx o6 rrom roeopnr!^
A xax aoayr xr po4nurx!
lloran AHHa
lloranoeuq KoconanoaHa

Bcrperarcr Apyr c Apyrorl, aHrrr.{aHe cnpaurxranr <rKax
Bbt<Kar y rac [enal>. f[aaaire HaY.trrACt
3aAaBarb tTor Bonpoc h orBe{arb Ha Hero. 28.

A xax axrnxqaHe cnpaurxBapr o [erax croxr po4xrtr!

Jlecerxa <Kar Aena y rBoei A{ar{btlD nor{oxer Har{
y3Harb rro. 29.

r Tlt. xoterxo, eexnlarti cnpocx. KaK Aera y rBoe-

ro Apyra xn noApvflt )t
qneHoB ero/e6 cer,ux. Palrt-
rpaire cqeHKy.
I A qro pacc(a3btBapr o cBotr cer btx tTt{ cxa3oqHbte

Qllpoqnrai 6yxay r cxaxx, xaroi 3ByK oHa nepe4adr.

Kaxre cnora c rrrr 3lyKor rrr rxaeut!


[ouaurree 3agaHue

1. Bbryqx necexxy (KrK lena y raoei mamrtlr. 29,

2. Pacc(aHn o ce6e r cBoei cer be. 27.

3. Brmonxx ynpax{Hexrr rr pa6orei rerpaflr.

poK 9
1 3alaaaire Apyr flpyry Bonpocbl <<Kax gena y rso-
ei xar,tr (raoero nanbr, Aegyurxn, rroei 6a6yurrx)!r
("How is your mother (father, grandfather,
grandmother)?"), xorga Bxo4lire B KraccHyK, KoMHary,
x otleqaire Ha Hrx.
(2 Y aac, o'{eBr,qHo, ArHoro Apyrrix pogcreexxrxoa. ,[lo-
ragaicn, Kax oHrl Ha3brBaprcr no-arrnricxr. A fO, fl.
(3 Paccxaxr o csoei rere rinr cso6r* flcfle. tr.
(4 A KaK noxrBaer rron cecrpa! Ilocnyurai necexxy <Kax
Aena y rsoei cecrpur!>. tt.
(5 fur, xoHe.rxo, np6xus acer a csoei cexre. Hayrncr
roBoprrb rro. rl.
,6 A renepb p"iy"r"""rn crlluor( <Moq cerrlq>.
G ,t.
(7 lloclorpx Ha kaprrHKy lr paccKax, o cel^be ar.rnth-
cxoro Manbqhxa flxona.
fiasaire norrpaer B t{rpy (Tere oclrr. flpoaegEr,r
tere ocr c yqarqxrArct ogxoi xr arrnnicrxx urxon.
{acrr xl Bac - yqaqrecr pyccxoi trKorbt, Apyrre -
yqaqxecr axrnxicxoi utkonbt.
Paccnpocxre Apyr Apyra o ror^, xar lac 3oByr,
o(orbKo rar^ rer, orHyea Bbl, xak y Bac Aera, KTo ecrb
y Bac B cer be. xaK r{r 3oByT, orHyAa oHx, KaK y Hrr
gena. He m6yAr xaqxtatb pa3roBop c BextrtBbtr ctlo!
<K!x noxxlaete!>.
A renepr paccxarore arrnxicxnl uxortbtxKarl o
- a oHn paccxalrryr call o ce6e.
Ilporxrai 6yxry r cxaxx, xaxoi 3!yt( oHa nepenaEr.
Karre cnola c trrra 3lyrom tut lraeurrl


AoMauHee 3aAaHue
1. Bblyq, crrrorBopeHle <Mor cellrtr. 35.

2. Bbry{x HoBbF croBa. 10, 32.

3. Paccxaxx o caoei cemre.

4. Jlpxrororb xaproqrn c axruicrxtn 6yxaalx r ray.
Kar x, xoTopbre oH'l nepelalor.
5. BbnonH, ynpaxHeHxr xr pa6orei rerpatrx.
1O (Pesepgxrri)

3agaraire rpyr lpyry eonpocrr "How is your

mother (father, grandmother, grandfather)?", ror4a
uogrre a KnaccHyxr KoMHary, x oraeqaire Ha Hrx.
Maasqnr rr Benxxo6prraHr{, npxcrar 3ByKoBoe nr{cb-
ro, B r{oTopori oH paccxa3brBael o ce6e n croei celre.
llocnyuai :rro nrcbxo r otnpaBb erry ceoi layxoaoi
ofitr|rer. t5.

Y re6n B3qrruHTepBbKt flnt lrxonbxoi rasersr. Xo-

6rr nocnyuaTb, xar Tbr flaBan rHrepBbro. 17,
llpoqrrai 6yxey t cxaxx, xaxoi 3ByK oHa nepe.qair.
cnoBa c gTrrA 3ByKoaA ru lnaeur!


fipraire noxrpaer l ,rpy (Kro 6onu[e!>. YrxaeA,

rcero 6yxr mrr !bry'{xnx. Jloxaxnre Baux xap-
c 6yxaaru. Cxaxxre, KaK tlx 6yxau rtaeurarorcr
, xaxre 3ByKr nepelalor. yqacTHrKal oABoi- xor^aHfll
noka3brBaror 6yxrrr, gpyrne Ha3brBapur, roBoprr, Ka
xxe 3Byxx rrx 6yxasr nepeAaKrr, rr nepe{rcrrror croli
c tTrrr$l 3Byxa^^x. Jlorot xomanAbt ,ieHrrorcg ,recrarlt
Brtnrprnaer xorlalfla, Ha3BaBuar 6onrure 6yxr x cnor
Pa3yqrBaer necHK) <rKax lera y reoei laxlrln
29, 31.

fororrillcn x yrpeHHxry xa amrnricxolr slrxe.

- flporxrai crxrotBopeHxe, KOTOpOe re6e xpaBnrct
flycrs xaxnrri t,l3 Bac cnoEr croro mo6nryx

.Qorrraurxee 3a,qaHre

1. Ilocnyurai nxcbl{o. 35.

2. OrnpaBb 3ry(o!oe nrlcbr{o o caoei celue. 3anlrurr

ero Aor a Ha xaccery )4n)4 ArCR )t npxHecr e xnacc. Jlo
clyuaer elo Blecre.
3. Brrnonrr ynpaxcexrq rr pa6orei rerpatrN.

@ llaraire nocnyuaea, xro ,ryqure xcraonu t crhxorBope-
le nMoc cetrbtrr.
@ A renepr y3Haen erq6 o Aryr qreHar Ba cer{bh.
fb<rapaicr troragarbcr o 3Haqexrx HoBbrr cnoB. 38, 39.

Ecnx axrnxicxni xanuqnx, xoropuri He qrrar cKa3xy

o Koto6Ke. cnpoclr re6q o cembe troro cxa3oqxoro
Itpor, qro rbr eny oraerxuru! Parrtrpaire Axaror.
A lor qro roBop r o croei cemre Eyparxxo. flocta-
r noHrrb ero paccKa3. 40.

fenepr ru paccxaxor o be Sypawxo. CHa,{ana no-

uai, xax tro clerarb. 41.

Ilarai scnomxnl qxQpbr, r(oropbre rbr yr(e 3Haeub.

3 n fl,
Bo.nrrurnucrgo cyulecrBureJrbubrx rrMeer ABa
rrtl cJIa: eAuncrBerlnoe r{ Mno?rectnennoe: a toy
(nrpyurxa) toys (zrpyrurcn).
- a : one (olzn)
MnolrecrseuHoe rrr4cJlo cyulecrBr{TeJrrsgrx o6-
pa3yeTcfl llpl?r IIOMOII{r oIcOHlIaHUff -S IIJII{ 'eS'
Koropoe npor{Brrocnrcfl rro-pasHoMy
- [s], [zl
nau lrz'l:
- [s] - [ocJre rnyxux corJracubrx: a cat -
cats (rorurra);
- lzl - trocJre BBoHrcux corJracHbrx: a dog -
dogs (co6arcn);
- ltzl - uocJre rrrr4rrffqlrx r{ cBr{crfftrIux co-
rJracrrbrx: a box boxes (rcopo6rcz).

i\\f:'\is lNi..\riN'li\ 'r';.r' 'rri 'ri '

,9 llposxrai eqd x cxaxh, Kaxhe 3ByRh oHh

ABe 6yxasr
nepeAapr. Karxe cnola c tfiir t 3ByKaA r rbr 3Haeub!

Dd Vv

AoMa[uHee 3aLaH e
1. Bbry'{r anrnxicryn cqkraroqKy. ot
2. llocnyurai 3ByKoBbre 3agaHxq 40, 44.
3. Paccxaxh o cexbe SyparrHo. G nt.
4, Brrnorxx ynpax{HeHhq xr pa6orei Terpagr.
5. npriHeclr ceon nrc6xxyp ,rpyur{y.

poK 12
ir 4aaaire xaqxEx ypox c pa3AAlrHKr,

One, two, three, One computer,

Hop, hop, hop! Two computers,
One, two, three, Three computers, four.
Stop! Five computers,
Six computers,
Seven computers, more.

(2 Haeepnoe, rbr xopoluo Hayqrrcc c.{rrarb [o 7, 6urcrpo

nroax qxQpur no-axrnxicxr:
Lyl.zlP rVlclx Y BJ JerEiJrJrJ
3 A{or(e peuarb npxAtepbt xa anrnxicxoA
Tenepb rbr
n*rxe. flonpo6yer,r! {5.
1+1:2 3+2:5 6 +1: ?
2+l:3 4+2:? 2 +2: ?

4 crhrorBopeHre (hrpyulKtn nor{ot(eT re6e Bbry{xrb

er4d rpr HoBbrx cnoBa. oa.
5 yeHr ct cqrrarb hrpYutKh, fnngn xa KaprrHXY, orBerb
cHa{ana Ha Bonpocbr ArKropa. 47,

6 Cxaxx, Kaxxe lrrpyurKr ecrb y 6enx, x nocqxrai lx.

YnpaxHeHre 4 nor,toxer re6e.

7 A Yenepb cKaxr, KaKhe xrpyurKx Serrx re6e HpaBrTcr.

I llporxrai 6yxrsr x cxar(r, xaxre 3BYK! OHh nepeAapT.

Kaxxe cnoea c tf)lr^x 3ByKaA^x rbr lxaeuru!

Gg @ KK
.QouaurHee 3aiqAHue

t. lbryqx Har3ycrb crxxorB

2 Brryrl Horbre croBa.
t llporoaopr ynpaxxerxn 5-5.
{ lrrnonxx ynpaxxeHrr rc pa6oqei rerpagr.

K 13
€ flaratre raqx6m ypox c pa3MrHKH. 48.

@ Vwtxce roBopxrb, rro y re6n ecrb trpyr. 49,

@ fiocnyuai, qro paccxa3brlaer Knrrx o croei no.qpyre,
t orlerb Ha Bonpocb xropa. llocnyuai nparxnrxui or-
Eu norropx ero. 50.
@ nporepsre rpyr Apyra. ropolro ,rh Br,r 3anoflHxnx
Iopbr or I eo 7. lrr oxeurb nonpocxrb cBoero oAHo-
ECHxxa nocqrrarb or I go 7, rarer,r or 7 go I x no-
(aproqxr c qlQpalx r Ha3Barb ,x He no nopr.q-
ry. A xax cxa3arb (.qBe xyrrbrn, (rpr loqepxn. (qerblpe
rpyutfln. (.qBe nauxHbtn, (Tpx xomnuorepan!
($ A renepr yqnr cq c{xrarb Ao 10. 51.
(p lron y{NterbHrqa are^AarxK, roxe 3Haer atrarllrcxlh
h npocrr re6r peurxrr trx npxrlepbr no-axrnxicxx.
-r( 5+5: 7+t: 8+2:
* 3+6: 4+4: 9+1:
Hayrllcr 3a[aBarb Bonpoc <Cxonrxo ...!>. qx"*"n" no-
KaH pa3rorapnaror o6 xrpyuxar Rxrrx x iAxxx.
Kurrr Mrun
Kxrrlt cnpaurrraer Mnr'rx, cronbr{o y xeE paexrt py-
ueK, a Mxr H orBeqaer. Parurpaire tror flxaror, 52,
Pa3y{xBaelr crrrorlopeHxe oA y re6r
ecrb 4orAa xrpyuerxuri r,retrrexorox! Kar ero roryr!

llporxrai 6yxasr x cKaxr, Karre 3Byr{x oHlr nepe-

lator. Kaxxe cnoBa c rrrl , 3Bykar n rrr exaeuru!
Tt Cc

.{ouaurnee 3aAaH14e

1. Bbryqr crrrorBopeHxe o ,*elBexoHxe. 53.

2. Jlotrrorocr Araror Krru t Mtnx (ynpaxxe-
trte 8). ^{ex(Ay
3. Cnenai ynpaxHexHt 3 x 6 nncrxexrp.
4. BrnorHx ynpaxHexxr xr pa6orei rerpagx.

flaraire xaqxEr ypox G pa3^ArHKx,
One friend, two friends,
Three friends, four.
Five friends, six friends,
Seven friends, more.
Jlaaaire Bcnor Hxl cqEr or | .qo 10. flocqxraire rax:
1... 10 2, 4, 6, ...
10 ... I 1, 3, 5, ...

Ilocrapaicn [oralarbct o 3HaqeHxx HoBbrx clo! , Ha-

lFtl(b rr rcrbrb3oBarb. 55.
lloclorpx Ha raprxrtry x Ha3oBx HoA{epa rene$otor.

lloaepxxrecr Drqo^{ Apyr K Apyry. Ycxai, ecrr nx
y lloero o.qxorracclrxa/oAHoxnaccHrqrr rene0ox x xa-
roi ero/ei Ho^^ep.

flaaaire noxrpaeA B ,rpy <<hcnoprerrui TereQoHn.

Bcraxrre B Kpyr. Belyutxi uJenqer Ha yuKo olrorly ,3
Nrpabrlrr xo ep renesora, xoroprfi 6rrcrpo nepeAa6rct
rarxe uEnotor no qenoqxe Bceurpapulnm. IlocneArri
rpoMKo coo6qaer Hor{ep Tereoola, xoroprti oH Yctbl-
uiar. lrrepecxo. cosnaAir nh oH G HoMepoA{, roropui
rarean regyuqxi!
)Aesoqxr no6rr xrpatr B KyKrbr, a anrqnxn! Ha-
BepHoe, B laurHr{h x camonduxr. h raeepxoe. BCe cei-
{ac rp6rr xrparb B r(orrrnbrorepHble Nrpbr. fiarai artyrrm
croBa. 55,

Bce Aerrr an6rr nrparr x pxcoBarb, xe rax nx! A ru

np6xurr pncorarr,l 9ro rrt ,r ub pxcoaaru! flasaire
Hayq'{rvlcc rOBOprTb o6 aron. 57.

(dnocny qro roBopxr flel, r orBerb Ha Bonpocbr

Anxropa. 58.

llporxrai 6yxru x cxar(x, Kaxxe 3ByKx oHx nepegapr.

Kaxxe cnoea c tfrr lt 3BYKaMh rst lxaeur!
Hh Ji

,{ovaruHee 3aiqaHhe

1. Bbry{h Hax3ycrb crrxorao

2. Cxalxt. ro qro rrr np6n

j i:.'ii,
3, Ha3olh rereQoHbr rBolx 6a6yurex x 6parbeB/cecrip.
4. BbhorHr ynpax(HeHrr ,3 pa6o'{ei rerpaAh.

I Ypor 15
1 AaBaire xaqxiim ypox c pa3AArHKh h Bce Bxecre no-
BrophM crlrxorBopeHre <[aa x qerbrpeD. A sl,
2 Tenepb parsrrpaire crrxorBopeHre no poncM, par6lrs-
u.rhcb Ha napbt.
Y re6c ecrr reneQox! Kony rbr '{acro laouuru! Ha-
3oBr HoMepa xr rene$oxoe (reneQoxrr r arabr/nanbr/
6a6yuxx/ neAywxtr/ 6pata / cectptt / apyra/nolpyrr).
Trr np6rurr xrparb c pa3lbrrlx rrpyurxaru! nocr{orpn
Ha xaprxHKr Ha crpaHhqe 34 r xaroan Nrpyurrx, c Ko-
TopbrlAr rbr xorer/rorena 6rr rrparr.
{5. Kax rur npoBolrurb ceo6o4xoe epelrl Mrorre gern
nrc6rr xrparr c Jlero. A ru! Hayrnmcn roeopnrr o6
troAA. 59.

6, AoraAaicc, xaraq np6rlar ,rpyu(a y rBoero co-

cega. renepb nocnyurai r noBropx cTrroTBopeHtie
<Orragailr. 60, I qacru.

v) Kare cnpnrana ,rpyurxy, a Mrura crapaercr orra4arb,

{ro tro 3a xrpyurxa. Kal< or o6 rrol cnpaurraaerl

{ti V re6r MHoro ropourxr rrpyurex! llpnrnaor caoxx

oAHoKraccHhxoE norrparb B^{ecre. Pa3yqxBaerA crrrolBo-
pexre <f[aaai rrparbD, Koropoe norroxrer re6e ranonl-
Harb HoBble cnora: let's, jump, run, it's fun. 61.

; flporxrai 6yrsrr x cxaxr. xaxr{e 3ryK, oHx nepeAapr.

Kaxxe cnola c trxrrllt 3ByKaA rr ru exaeut!

Pp' Rr
AoMauHee 3aAaHue

1. Ilocnyurai 3Byr(oBbre 3aAaHrt 50, 51.

2. Paccxaxx, qro rbr ,qeraeut a cro6oAxoe apelr (3-4
3. Brrnonxr ynpaxHeHrt re pa6orei rerpagr.

K 16 (PesepexHi)

f[asaire xa,{xEr ypoK c pa3r xHKX.

Let's play, let's run,
Let's jump, It's funl
A reneps cbrrpaeM e xrpy <Orragai xrpyurxy>, Ho cma-
,rana npornrai Hah3ycrb crxxorBopeHHe <Orra,qai>. 60,

rr Benxxo6px-
llocnyruai 3Byr{oBoe nrcblao i{arbqr(a
.tlrrr, 3arer orBerb Ha Bonpocbr [xxTopa. 63.
Bcnor,rxrx, Kaxre rbr Bbryqrr 6yxasr x xaxre 3ByN, oHx
rpeAabr, Haeorx cnosa, HaqxHaprqrecr c lux 6yxa,
lhroax npegxerb! Eo qhcre, ynorpe-
6r nepeA Hrw Kaxoe-Hx6ygr rncnxrenrroe (rnnpxxep:
5 cars, 2 bears).
Bcnolxl, Kaxre cornacHbre aHrn, cKoro anQaaxra rrr
tnpoqrrai 6yxesr r cxa)xti, Kal(rre 3ByI{tt oHtt nepetraor.
Karre CIOBA c grtilut 3Byxar{x rrr lxaeutu!

Ww Qq

AoMauHee 3aAaH e

1. qro rbr y3Har o anbqrKe, nocrtYutaB

CKax(H, 3Byt(oBoe
3alaHre 5r.
2. BbrnorHn ynpaxHeHtt xr pa6orei TerpaAx.

3a l-oaopurvr

flaaaire xaqxEm ypox c pa3rrarHxrl.

One, two,
Three, four.
Can I have a little more?
Five, six,
Seven, eight.
Put some candies on my plate.
\ \ or\ \i\ \.i \.r$): l,: \\ f.i!r\.\ \.i.J
\3 Jlocryurai, qro paccKa3ana o Ge6e Hopa. Y He€ ,,aHo-
ro xrpyueK! 55.

(c A reneps cryuaeM x pa3yexBaem neceHky npo lirpyur-

Dr (qro y re6e ecrb!)r, 55.
(s Aaaaire norrpae^a B ,rpy <OrraAai xrpyurxy'. Be-
lyqxi nprrer nrpyul(y. OAxoxnaccxrxx orraAbrBaKrr Ha-
taHre ,irpyuKr. BeAyulhi noArBepxlaey rro h roBoprr
Yes, I've got..,. for, xro yraAar, craHoBhrcq BeAy-

t A ecnr rsr ourx6cq, xar o6 3To,,a cKa3arb! 3ayxoeoe

"boA 57 nor*oxer re6e.
€ Be.qyrqxi noka3brBaer nrpyuJr{y h cneqranbHo Ha3brBaer
- xenpaaxnrxo. He cornacrcb c HIM , Ha3oBh xrpyurKy
Coepcrexrure lAarbqrk, ,rpapr B coBper eHHble
rapyruor, nocnyurai, r l<axtie. A a rarxe coBperaeHHble
rpyurfl xrpaeurs rrr! 68.


Ilporxrai 6yxarr x cxaxn, KaKre 3ryr, oxlr nepegabr,

l{arxe cnoea c trxlat 3ByKa mt tsr gxaeurr!

Xx Zz
P,ouaurxee 3a,qAHr4e

1. Brryrn necenry a{ro y re6r ecrrlr, 56.

2. Craxx, xarxe y re6r ecrb lrrpyur{x (I've got ... )

(4 npeAnoxexxq).

3. Brnonxr ynpar(HeHxr rr pa6orei rerpagx.

3 Foeopuv

Manrqxx cgerar pHcyHK, , noAln'llcx r trxrr. Beg4e an

ofl clerar tro npalhnbHo! Coraacrcu ,tlttr He corracrcb
c rrrr. hcnonrryi caoaa crrxorlopexrr, 57.


@ o

ncryuKA o

Gv yqrrent Ha crore ,iaHoro nrpyuex.lloxaxr r xa-

3x cxaqana anembKxe )fipVluuinlt, a noroll 6onuurxe.
G,n pyurxr o6rrrno 6rreapr pa3Hbrx qBeroB. Bsryrx xa-
r er4E gsyr qBeroB. 70.
A renepb o ranexrxoi rEpnoi co-
pa3y'{r}tr neceHxy
6aqxe. A Kaxolo qaera y re6r co6aqxa xnr xoureqxa!

Tsr 3xaeurs A^Horo corracrrtr 6yre. a renepb no3Ha-
r(olAbcr c nepaoi rnacxoi 6yxaoi arrnricxoro anQa-
anra. flpovnrai ed x craror, ra(re 3ByK, oHa nepegaEr.
Karxe cnola c :trllrrt 3Byxal{, tsr 3xaeur.l

Ii @
Tenepr nocrapaicr nporecrr 3Haxor{bte re6e cnosa:
[r] in, it, is, his, pig, big, six, skip.

AoMauHee 3aAaH e

1. Bsryrx necerxy o ripnoi co6aqxe.

ArareHbKoi 71,

2. Bcnomxr qBera, Koropbre rbr 3Haeurb, 70.

3. Ilpornai cnoEa H3 ynpaxxeun 8.
4. Blrnonrl ynpax(HeHne rt pa6orei rerpagr,
Ypor 19
:1 J[asaire Ha,{HEx ypox c pa3MrHKk.

One hand up,

Two hands up,
Two hands down,
Sit down and stand up.
Hands on your head,
Hands behind your back,
Hands on your nose,
Stand up and sit down.
(2 nouxrurs rH_rbr neceHKy o manexrxoi rdpnoi co6as-
re! Cnoi eti. 71.
(3 A xaxoro qaera co6avxa rrk KoureqKa reoero Apyra!
(+ Co6arrx r{ Koueqx, 6rreator 6onsurre h MareHbxre.
Ilocrorpr Ha KaprhHxr. 9ro rur Moxeurb cxa3arb o6 rur
co6aqxar r xoureqxax!

@ flocnyurai, xaK A oxHo 3arraeHrrb ,MeHa lr Ha3BaHhq

rpyuteK Apyrrr lt croBal h. Tsr goragancn, r{To 3To 3a
crosa! A renepu c4enai rro caM. f> lZ.
nnP noru
era. fbcryuai iByrolbte 3a-
br pa3yqxr neceHKy (l4BeTan.

Karxe qreTa HpaBtrct re6e, reoei rrale!


Ilpo4onxael y{xrbcr qxrarr. Bcnommx, kax rra 6yrra

Ha3btBaerct, ]l Bbtyqr, KaK oxa qxraercr. florropri :eyxx,
t(oropble oHa nepegg€r, r

A renepr nocrapaicr car npoqxrarr 3taxomure re6e
tr1 in, it, is, his, pig, big,six, pink, skip.
la4 r, hi, bike, ride, fine, five, Iike, nine.
fenepr noigCr B r aratxx xrpyuex. Karxe xrpyurxx
rrr 6u rorea xynnrl noqer y!
.{ouaruxee 3aAaH e
1. flocnyuai 3ByKoBbre 3alaHrq
ffi n, n, le.
2. Bbryrl)1 neceHxy. G tt.
3. flposrrai croBa h3 ynpaxxexxn 9.
4. Hayrxcu nrcarb croBa: is, in, it, his.
5. flprxecx Sororpa$xx caoei xoureqxx xnx co6a\xj1
paccxaxx o xei,
6. Hapxcyi qBerox Trna poMauKr r pacKpacb ero ,re-
necTKtr B pa3Hbre qBera.

Ypor 20
-!rz' 3
1 fur 6urn E rocrqx y cBoero trpyra xrh no4pyrx. Bsr
nonrpank npoqriTaru cTHluoK:
Little dogs run.
Cats see you.
Birds in the tree.

A 3are^^ero Hna4urxi 6par/cecrpa noxa3anx re6e caox

rc6xr,rure hrpyuxr. Parurrpaire 3ry cqeHKy.
tnP m

)frr cxoAxn B r ara3tH xrpyuex. KaKre xrpyutHx

xoTen 6rr xynxrr! Onxurl xr (parnep, qrer).

Troi gpyr cnpauloaer re6r, xaxoro qBeta rBox xrpyul-
xx! llocnyuai flxanor. ll.
lloxaxx pe6rral Ooro cloei xouerxl/co6aqxx. pac-
cxaxn o xei.
lloxaxx caoi plcyxox pol aurxx lr Ha3oll qleya rre-

r Horo rrpyueKD paccKax
3raxor.rrr,tcr c eqd oflnoi rnacroi 6yraoi. Brryrx.
KaK tra 6yxaa xatrreaerct r qrraerct, Cxaxt, xaxne
:rry(, oHa nepe4aEr. Karne cnoaa c trrlur 3ByKaArr rbr
rxaeut! 8t.

(9 nbl ee crFaln
(9 ,El" ea pl@se

llocrapaicr cala npoqrirarb re6e cnoaa.


[i:] he, be, me, we, green, please, read, hide-

[e] let, let's, red, seven, Teddy, ten, tell, yes.
,{oruauruee 3a,qaH e
1. flocryurai 3lyxoBbre 3a[aHxr 77, 78, 81,
2. Paccraxr o cEor,rurpyuxax. He ra6ygr yxa3arb Nr
parr ep r qBer. 7 4.

3. fiporrrai cnoBa c 6yxaoi E (ynpaxxexxe l0).

4. Hay.rrcb nrcarb crola: green, red, ten, we, seven,
5. Bbrno[H, ynpaxHeflrt xr pa6orei rerpqnn.
6. llpxrororu Kapro{xri c 6yrraru, Koropbre rbr !bry{Nn.

21 (Peaepaxuri)

3e l-oeopuu
figaaire raqxir,r ypor( c pa3r rHKr. Pa*trpael crxta-
to,{Ky (y ertq l Horo rrpyuexr. 80.

llocnyuraem 3ryxoBoe nrcbr o, qro6u oreerrtb Ha !o-

npocbr lnxropa. B ucrme rcrpelxrcr olqHo He3HaNO Oe
cnoao (farm). Aoratraicn o efo 3HaqeHxr.!
llparxnrxo, ero <$epman. 82.


A renepr nocrapaicr cara npoqxrarr exaxolue re6e


Ii @
Pig, hit, kitten, I, his, bike, skip, ride, sister,
five, little, like, big, nine, pink.
a pig pigs six bikes
a kitten - kittens five bikes
a sister - sisters nine bikes
a prg a bike
a pink pig a big bike
a big pink pig a little bike
a little pink pig ride a little bike
his little pink pig I like to ride a little bike
,Boermxre cBo, Kaproet{r c 6yxaar*r, BcraHbre B xpy-
xor( r Ha3brBaire nx.
Hanpr,rrvrep: I'm K, and you?
rllporxrai 6yxey t crar(r, Kaxxe 3ByKr{ orta nepegair.
Kaxxe cnosa c gTrt{x 3Byxarlx rsr 3xaeus.l


a bicslcle
A renepr nocrapaicn npoqrrarb crola c rl.oi 6yxzoil
[ar] by, my, fly, sky, spy, try.


1. flocnyuai necrp <9em qar4e mbr Bcrpeqaeacen. 83.

2. flporrrai 6ucrporr npaBltbHo croEa,3 ynpaxteur 3.

3. Ilporxrai croEa c 6yxaoi Y rr ynpaxxexrn 6.

4. Hayrrcr nricarb croBa: I, my, Iike, ride, nine.
5. Bsrnonnr ynpaxHeHre lr3 pa6oqei rerpa4h.
i'tJIJ;t tA9!J,{ ./*.rl€rJ:{ i"!J[]

Ypor 22
3 Foaopnv

1 AaBaire xaqxEr,r ypoK c pa3MrHXH.

One little, two little, three little monkeys,

Four little, five little, six little bears,
Seven little, eight little, nine little hares,
Ten little nice funny green frogs.

2 Tur np6xurb xlrBorHbrx.l fge rsr Mor(eurb yBtAerb

MHoro xrBorHurx! flpaaxnsno, B 3oonapKe (at the Zoo).
Pa3Aerrrecb Ha ABe KoMaH4ur. Burrrpuraaer xo^, Ha-
3BaBuraq 66nuuree KotHqecrBo xlrBorHbrx, Koropbrx Mox{-
HO yBhAerb B 3oonapxe.

3 B renenepelaqe <Cnoxoixoi xoql, Marbrurrr yqacrBy-

or nopocdxox Xproua x raiqoxox Crenaurxa, Ilocnyura!
3ByKoBoe 3aAaHr{e an x Bbryqh HoBbre cnoBa.
4 llocnyurai eeciinoe crxxorBopeHhe. O q6r,r ono!
Mary Ann has a pig -
Not very little, not very big,
Not very pink, not very green,
Not very black, not very clean,
Not very thin, not very fat.
Do you want to have a pig like that?

Tst noitx e 3oonapx x noc^aorperb ma eec6-
,rbrx xhBorHbrx Ha nnoqa4re nonoflHcxa! ,[aaai xayrlr*-
cn tro roBoprrb. 85,

(6 .Qaaai norrpae^{ E 3oonapx. Ho cHa,{ana norpeHxpy-

encn. flocnyurai, KaK ,rpapr B roonapx tDpeg r [rx.
Ken oxx rorcr 6rrrr! {ro oxx roBopqr! 86.

(z fierr o,{exs np6qr Kararbcr Ha x(hBorHbrr B 3oonapxe.

Ha xarxr xtBorHbrx ratr trox(Ho noxararrcc! 9ro flerx
roroprr! A na xox rsr nro6xut Kararbcc, xorAa 6staaeut
a roonapxe! 87.

flornn Tou

llpr4ylraire x paerrrpaire cqeHry o 3oonapxe co

cBohx ogHor(laccHrKoAA. Iyvutyo cqeHKy Mbr nocMorphx
nocnyuraeM BA{ecTe.
xa3 Ha aHrrricKor^ r3blKe, Ilpo-
gnrai ero ropouro. 6er oux6ox, x paccraxx, qro rbt
yrran o6 tror anb{rr(e.
Tim is little. His kitten is little. His bike is
big. Tim likes to ride his big bike.
llpornai 6yrey x cr{ar(h, r{axre 3Byk, oHa nepe4aEr,
Kaxte croBa c trrlAx 3Byrar x ru gxaeuu! Brtyrl, rax
rra 6yrea Hagbuaercf, x qrraerct. 88.
@ "Et
A renepr nocrapaicn carA npoqhrarr lxaxotlre re6e
cIoBa cloEocoqeraHrt.
[er] plane, name, Kate, Jake, game.
[ae] am, and, cat, tag, has, hasn't, have,
haven't, camel, scrabble, Sam, Ann, Africa.

AoMa[uHee 3agaH]4e

1. Ilocnyurai 3lyr{oBbre 3a4aHrr 85, 85, 87,

2. lloxrpal B 3oonapr G Apyror. Kerr ru 6yaeur!
3. Ilporxrai paccxa3 ,3 ynpaxxexrr 9,
4. Hayqrcb nncarb croBa: cat, a plane, have, a name,
5. BbhorH, ynpar(HeHrt rr pa6orei rerpaAx.
Ypox 23
1 Aerr c- poAxrerrrrrh npoBonqr cao6oAxoe Bpel{s B
naprar, ,[[aaaire paccxar(elA o6 rrom. 3ayxoaoe 3aAaHrie
89 noloxer re6e.

2 Paryrrx HoByro neceHxy <9 rory noxararbce Ha Beno-

crneAe,'. tO.
3 flocmorpx Ha KaprhHxy. 9ro eeepourx-axrEprr, xoro-
pbre yrlexrr pa3roBapxBarb, Oxn rorosrrcr x Bbrcrynne-
rxp. 9ro oH, xorrr Aenaru! Kar oxr o6 rrom roaopnr!

ilJllP .rvl !-f1,1 YgJIElJEiJ.rltJ
4 Ha qim eqE xoxxo noxararbce e napxe! tt.

5 A Bor er4d xareaxxn nrp, B xoropbre no6rr lrparr

pyccKhe t anrnuicxne ManbqrKn r .qeBoqxh. tt.
6 flocr,rorpr Ha KaprhHxr r cxaxh, vro roeopxr Jllr.
Crnxoraopeue <Mur np6rm rrparb), nomoxer re6e.


xaeepxo, xopouro npoqxrar nepesri rercr o Trr,te.
llocnyuraer*r, xro ero qrraer ryque Bcex.

llporxrai 6yxey t cxaxrr, xaxre 3ByKr oHa nepegair.

Kaxle cnoea c trrtrx 3Byxarvrn rst +taeut! Brtyrn, xax
era 6yxaa Ha3brBaerce x qrraerct, 94.


Ilocrapaicr ca npoqrrarb 3HaHo ble re6e cnoaa x

[e<i] go, no, home, at home, roller, roller-skate,
don't, don't go.
[o] on, not, stop, dog, doll, frog, hop, got,

-.- 3aAaH e

1 . Ilocnyurai r,r Bbryqx crr,rxorBopeHxr <Mrr np6nx nr-

2. llporrrai croB. c 6yxaoi O xr ynpaxrexrq 8.

3. Hayvxcr nricarb rrx crroBa: go, no, not, a dog, doll.
a. BbrnorHlr ynparffieHxr re pa6orei TerpaAr.

NSNSJ $\$$)dlY vsJ$S.JHNltsl
Ypor 24
3 I-oeopllu

Cxax<x, B xakre xrpbl rbr BeceJro rpaeurs!

{2 AaBai ro^ Ha3BaHrr eqd mecronuxxr recEnur ger-
cxrr hrp. 95.
r 3 A ren Bbry{xAA ll ,{acrb crrixorBopemt{t <Mrt nlo6xr,r
,rparbn. 96,

14 llocmorpx Ha KaprrHxy lr crax(h. B kaxtie xrpu ro6rr

xrparb ,rx [ern. Kax oxr o6 tror* roBoptrl 3ar,rexx xa-
3BaHxe xrpbl r ynpaxxeHxx. 95,
' 5 3a,rlaBarb pocbt orBeqarb Ha Hrx
Hay,{xMca (.4a))
(Yes| rnr <xerl (No). 97. '.l
6 llocnyurai eqd oAHo crrxorBopeHre, (oropoe norr{o-
xer re6e roBoprrb, ero rrr nto6tiurb Aenarb. Kro 6onrrue
cocT aBnr npeflro]r{exni, xa,{rxapulrxce c I like to..,!


iz llporrrai x crat{r, Kaxre 3Byt(r oHa nepeAair.

Kaxle cnoaa c ttr,n'lt 3ByKaMh rsr gxaeurul Bbryqx, Kax
rra 6yxaa Ha3brBaercq h qrraercq. 99,
a comp u ter
@ Piq]PPv
(8 flocrapaicr cax npoqhTarb 3HaKoMbre re6e cnoea r.l

[u:] computer, student.
[a] but, funny, jump, number, puppy, run,
Russia, uncle.
But, funny, student, jump, number, puppy,
run, Russia, uncle, my uncle, from Russia, from
Britain, a funny frog, a funny puppy, computer,
my computer, computer games.
,{ovaruHee 3aLaHue
l. flocnyuai eqd par 3ByKoBoe 3a[aHre 97 t ta$ait
r fle x(e Bonpocbl cBoeMY o[HoKraccHxKy.
$$t$d\b j,jiloil^llR w$.i $i
2. flpxnecx Ooro, rAe rsr rro6paxdx xa orgsrre (ra
Aase, B AepeBHe r r. n.), ri cxaxh, Bo qro rbr rar* np6xut

3. Hayrlcu nrcarb croaa: run, puppy, jump, but, funny.

4. Ilpovnrai croBa c 6yraoi U rr ynpaxrenrn 8.
5. BbrnorHh ynpaxHeHhc xr pa6orei rerpaAn,

Ypor 25
3 l-oaoprau

'..1 AaBaire Bce BMecre noBropxA{ crxxorBopeHre (t ,16-

6nro rroarsr. Aca.
r.2 Teneps noKax{tre pxcyHKh, Koropbte Bbr nprroroBhnr.
hcnonuryire oAHy x3 cqrranoqex x asr6eprre yqeHrxa,
roropsri 6y4er noxaerrBarb cBolo KaprhHKy, a abr nocra-
paerecb floraAarbcr, Bo qro oH no6rr nrparu. 3ayxoeoe
3agaHre 97 noxoxer sar.
'3 Trr 6onuure np6rur hrparb c AeBo'{KaM, hnr c Manb-
qrxaxx! AaBaire BbryqHM croBa (Manbqnrrr (a boy) x
(AecoqxaD (a girl). 100.

\4 Bbry.{hMer46 3 cnoBa: ((A{brrr (we), "oxn" (they),

<serr)) (children). tOt.
{.5 Trr nro6xurb crhxorBopeHrnl .[aaai BbtyqtAA eul6 ogno
<Oxa np6rurparbD. lOl
6 fnqac Ha KaprrHKlt, cnpocl cBoero oAHoKraccHrKa,
,aro nb6qr r
'{ro He np6nr Aenars AlanbqrKr ,,i AeBoqKr.
$.,,\ifil'1lr it.1,,",,,*)i:: fli ii,il l'\rri:Nr' .

Ilycru or/oxa orBernr Ha rEor Bonpocbr <4a> (Yes) xnx

<xerr (No). Yqnr,rcc 3aAaBarb Bonpocbr, no6tr nx oH/ ona
Aerarb qro-nr6o. t ol.

(z Cocrarure noxoxxi Ahanor co

l-locnyr.r.rai 6ecetry.
Hr* oAHorraccn)iroll )l paeurrpaire ero. 104.

@ oreu.qxo, Baux Apy nn6rr xrparr He !o BGe xrpbr.
KaK cra3arb o6 rronl 105.

A qel moxro 3aHf,rbct gola! Cnyuai I noaropri,


rnr[r Ha xaprrlHxy Ha crpaHxqe 58, craxx, qro Po6xx

xe np6rr rerarb.

Ilpowrai 6rrcrpo I nparxrbHo.
a camel a sister
a big camel a little sister
a little camel his little sister
nine little camels his little sisters
nine little kittens His name is Sam.

Aouaurnee 3aAaHr4e
1. flporxrai 6ucrpo x npalrnbHo cnoBa lr rblpaxexxi ,3
ynpaxxeur I l.
2, Cnanar, Kto x3 TBorx gpyeei xe no6xr xrparb B ,rpbl.
r 05.

3. Hayrrcr nrcarb HoBbre cnoaa: boy, girl, we, children,

4. BbnorH, ynpaxxeHxr xe pa6orei rerpalrl.
Ypor 26
/. Trr uonuuaerrrb pelrE J rrrreJrfl Ha Japorce, u
rre romrco? Ecru rrr BanrrMaJrcff 4o6poconecr-
H6re rercrbr, aarrucaHnbre Ha Ar.rcrc. Ilporepr
ce6s w noc;ryruafi BByKoBrre BaAaxr.rfl 64,
107, 108.
2. Trr ruoxerub paccrcaaarr o ce6e, cnoefi ceure,
rcro r{a poArrrrx y re6r ecrb, KaK r{x BoByr,
KaK oHrr ce6a uyrcrrlrrcT, orrcyAa orru? 3ry-
KoBbre Ba,qaEr{fl A 26, 36. 1og noruonyr
re6e. \g
3. Trr uolrcerur uo6ece4orarr o6 urpyurrcax r{
firpax, B Koropbre nro6llln (xoueun) urparr?
Vporu 17, 20, 24, 25,30 noruoryr re6e.
4. I{rpa-coperrroBaHue. Paa4elurecr Ha ABe
rcoManAbr. Ilrporcu KoMaEA rro oqepeAu B
6rrcrpou reMrre roBopffT o roM, .rro lro6ur
AeJrarl rrx Apyr, rcyAa oH oua lro6ur xo-
Arrrb, Bo rrro rrrparb. Brrurprrnaer ra rcoMarr-
Aa, Koropas Ee cAeJraer orun6orc rr crca?rcer
nocJreAHee rrpeAJrosrceHr{e.

r Test Yourself flpoaepr ce6a.

5. A renepr aaAasafire Borrpoclr o 4pyre/nog-
pylrcne n orse.rafire Ea rr[x. Vuacrnurc uep-
sofi rcouanArr aaAa6r Bonpoc. V.racrrrfirc sro-
pofi rcouargrr ga6r orser. SareM KoMarrnbr
MeHffK)Tcff poJrgMrr. Brrurprrraer KoMaEAa,
Koropafl He cAenaer omu6orc.
6. KoruanArr rrr6uparor rro oAHoMy J racrx Ky,
Koropbrfi paccnaalrBaer Bcii, rrro Morrcer o
,qpyre. rlefi paccnaa AJrrrEHee u 6ee olrn6orc,
TOT BbrrrrpbrBaeT.
7. fla.nee rcouangbr copeBuyrcTcff B Brraur{rr 6yKB,
Begyqfifi roBoprtr 6;trcrnr, Koropbre AoJrsrcHbr
rrucarb ABe KoMaEAbr. Ilo6ex4aer ra rcoMaE-
Aa, Koropafl Ee cAeJraer oruu6orc.
8. Mrr Bf,rJ rrrJrrr nce 6yrcarr. ,{aaafire cno6ru
rrecexrcy <The ABC>. 110.

9. Trr rvrolrcerub Ee roJrbrco nporrerr, Eo rr rrpo-

rrrrrarb 6yrcrrr anrlrrficrcoro a.nQarnra. Ilocra-
paficff cAeJraTb aTo.

10. [ar,aft rroAroroB[Mcff rc rrroroBoMy yrpeuHu-

.rurafi rrJrrr cllorr Te, rcoTopbre Tbr nro6urub
6o.nrrue BCero.
II. B eanilrcrreErre Mbr Bbrjr.lnM cruxorBopeErre,
Koropoe AoJr)rcEbr Bnarb Bce nenclurrre pe6a-
ra. 111.
Be Polite
Let us try to be polite
In everything we do;
Remember always to say "Please"
And don't forget "Thank you".

AoMa[uHee 3alaHhe

1. Ilocnyurai x Bblyq, crrrorBopeHre <Eygr eexnx-

!bn{rr. lll,
2. BblY,{n neceHky <The ABC>. ll'.

--- 3C
rTrr acrpernncr c ,*aJrbqxxol ns Benrxo6pnraxxx. Kax
-r 3Haxor{rrecr! Parrrrpaire pa3roBop-3Haror,rcrao, Bcno-
rrrare, xax rro,q, 3Har{ol rrcr. 112,

A qto tu ,vrot(eub paccKa3arb HoBor{y 3Haxorlol y

o ce6e n croei cemre! Cxa,{ana nocnyurai, KaK :rro
fFnaer Maix. llt.
3 flocxorpx HAxapuxxy. Kax rbt .qyMaeub, qro aAanbql,l
paccl(a3brBaer o ce6e r ceoei cexue!

t.4 fu noAnxurb neceHKy <The ABC>! 3syxoaoe raga-

xre f) llo nor*oxer re6e. flaraire cnoim necexxy or,re-
cre. \Ul


r'5' Ilpoqrrai 6yxarr r Ha3OBX 3BYKri, Koropbre OH'r nepe-

Bb [b], cc [s] [k], Dd tdl, Ff Ul, cg t61 tsl,
Hh [h], Jj t6l, Kk [k], Ll [], Mm [m], Nn [n],
Pp [p], Qq [kw], Rr [r], Ss [s] [z], Vv [v], Ww [w],
Xx [ks], Zz [z]

{6 nocA{orpri Ha 6yKBbr r 3anoMHr,t, Kax oHlt qrTaKttcq.

wh wh at
how, now
ph tele ph one
Yqnr^cq qlrarb GtoBa ti npegrox(eHhc xax r oxHo 6ut-
[e] red, ten, Henry, America, friend, my friend;
I've got a friend. His name is Henry. Henry
is not from Great Britain. He is from Ame-
[c:] all, ball, board, board game, draw, four,
horse Henry has got four horses. Let's draw
a horse,
[,r] Iove, son, mother, brother, funny, monkey,
does, a funny monkey. I love my mother
and brother. My brother loves little funny
monkeys. Does he like to draw monkeys?
Oh, yes. - -
[w] what, why, when, white, where, a white cat,
white horses.
- Is his kitten white? - No,
it's not white. - Where is the boy? - He
is at home. Where is he from? What does he
like to draw?
[ao] how, cow, a cow cows, now, a mouse,
a house [haus] -
houses f'l:'arsz'zl. How is
his father? - -
He is fine, thanks. My brother
Iikes - houses.
to draw
rrt xoporuo 3Haeub noprAor 6yxr arrnlicxoro
anSaura, ro cA oxeub noraflarbcr, Kar(xe crola 3Aecb
(cnprrarrcbD. Hanxulr xx. Ynpaxrerxe I tz ypoxa 26
nor*oxer re6e.
19, 9, 24 t6, 9, 7 2, 9, tt, 5

Tur roqeur y3narb, noqeay Apylbq ,rp6rr xotrrrb
B 3oonapK! forga nporrrai rexcr.
My Friend Henry
I am Jack. I am from America, from Boston.
I am seven. I have got a nice white and black
cat. I like to play with my cat. It is funny.
I 14. I have got a friend. His name is
Henry. He is from Boston, too. He is six. His
telephone number is 915-14-17. I oftenr phone
him. We like to play at home. We like to draw.
We play board games and watch TV 2.
We like to go to the Zoo and watch little bears
and funny monkeys.
How we love them all!
B. nocnyurai 3!yr(o!oe 3alaHre ll4 x xayrxcr rxrarr
lTy qacTb TeHCTa npalxrbHo.

Orserr xa Bonpocbt.
1. Where is Jack from?
2. How old is he?

I often [ofn] qacTo

2 -
to watch TV cMoTpeTb TeJreBr,r3op
3. Has he got a dog?
4. Does he like to play with his cat? Why?
5. Where is Henry from?
6. What is his telephone number?
7. Why does Jack often phone Henry?
8. Why do the boys like to go to t}re Zoo?

AouaurHee 3a,qaH e

1. JloBrop, necxp <The ABC>. l{0.

2. <Cnprrr> xaxoe-u6y4r aHrrrtcxo€ cnoeo car*. llycrr
€fo oTraAapT TBoN oAHoKraccHxt(x,
3. Paccxaxr o ceoei celre.
4. Hayrxcr nr{carb croBa: telephone, now, how, all,
ball, son.
5. Brrnonrr ynpaxHeHxr rr pa6orei rerpaAr.

f( 28
l-oeopnu 3g
Paccxaxx o ce6e x cBolrr 6nntxnt.
r{ro ru ,rror{eub paccxa3arb o ce brx Megeexoxxa
r 3aiqoxxa! A {ro oHr{ carrlr paccr{a3btBator o cBorr


Haywcu qtrarb :rrr crloBa r npe.qrotxeHxt:

wh [w]
what [w] What is his name? What is her name?
What is he? He's a pilot. What is
she? She's a doctor.
where [wee] Where is he from? Where is she
from? Where is his family from?
Where is her family from? Where is
Sam from? He is from Africa. Where
is Pam from? She is from America.
who [hu] Who is she? She is my sister. What
is she? She is a pupil. Who is he?
He is my brother. What is he? He is
a doctor.
3anomxr, kax qr{Taxrrcq rrr [Be 6yresr, raroi :ayx
oH, nepeflarlr. fiporlrai croBa c rrx]r{ 3Byr(o}vt.
ng siFgl, swiFEl
llpornai 6srcrpox npaBxrbHo.
Pig, big, bike, name, tag, sister, Iike, bye,
game, camel, family, have, has, bicycle, Britain,
sing, Africa, fine, little, nine, six, five, Granny,
and; a big camel, a little family, a family of five,
a pink pig, a big pink pig, a little pink pig, six
bikes, five sisters, nine kittens.
llporrrai rr cKaxx, qro rbr yernn o6 rroi Aeaoqxe.
My name is Lena. I am seven. I like to play.
I've got a doll. Her name is Barbie. I've got
illllP .r!lo.lJi( y-iijjErjEij-rltl
a Barbie doll. My friend Katya has got a doll,
too. Her name is Marusya. Sveta has got a Mat-
ryoshka doII. Kitty has got a Jack doll. We all
like to play with dolls. But my brother likes
to ride a bike.
fl rurev

7 3axoxql-- npeAnoxeHxs.
1. I like to .. .
2. My sister likes . . .
3. Kate rides a ...
4. My kitten is ...
5. His name is . . .
6. I am ...

8 .Qaaaire norrpaeM B hrpy (Cnpeqb cnoBan. 3araAai

cBolo 3araAKy. nycru rBoh oAHoKraccHllKX Aora.qaprcq.
KaKOe C,IOBO Tbr 3ara.qan.
9 Kro BcnoxHhr h npogrraer crrxorBopexre o cer,rue!
l0 nocrpoi (receHKy)): nepBoe croBo cocrokr xa oflxoi
6yxesr, eropoe lr3 AByx h raK Aanee.

:l .i,i.r-rr:::r \ i. r ir i

,[ouauruee 3a,qaHue

1. Hayt{hcb nkcarb rrk cnoaa: have, family, what,

where, who.
2. flporxrai 6urcrpo h npaBhnbHo cnoBa h BbrpaxeHrt
nr ynpaxxexxr 5.
3. Bsrnonnx ynpaxHeHrif, xr pa6orei Terpalx.

Ypor 29
1 ,[aaaire xaqnEr,r ypox c pa3rr{xHKh.
Get up, Jackie,
Don't be late.
Our English class
Begins at eight.
2 floclorpx Ha KaprHHKn r cxaxr, qro rbr np6xutu
Ilenarb AoMa.
3 A .rro rrr xoreuru/xe xoqeub Aerarb ceroAHq Aor,ra!
Paccnpocr, qro fleraer lor,ra rroi oAloKraccHrr(.
Tax qro xe ru ylnan! Paccraxn, qro rroi oAHoxnacc-
Hxx .tlelaeT [or a.
Ilporxrai Bonpocbr B pa3gene <Ar. Brr6epx x nporxrai
orBerbr B pa3flere <B>. Cxaxx, qro rlr yrran o Maixe,

A. 1. Where is Mike from?

2. Does his brother like to play games at home?
3. What is his name?
4. Has he got a brother or a sister?
5. How old is his sister?
6. Why doesn't Ted like to watch TV?
?. What does Mike like to do at home?
8. With whom does Mike like to play board
9. What board games do Mike and his friends
like to play?
10. What toys has Liz got?

B. 1. His name is Ted.
2. His sister is four.
3. Ted likes to play computer games.
4. Yes, he has. He has got a brother and
a sister.
5. They like to play Snakes and Ladders and
6. Mike is from Great Britain.
7. Mike likes to play board games at home.
8. Liz has got dolls and bears, balls and cars,
frogs and dogs.
9. Mike likes to play board games with his
10. Yes, he does. His brother Ted likes to play
at home.

Aarai BCnO Hxt. KaK Ha.qO rOBOpriTb, ecllr Tbt He

corraceH. Tenepr trr He corracxcb, floclorpx Ha npr-
Haupnrrep: Bob has got a cat. Bob hasn't
got a cat. -
I lihe to ship. - I don't lihe to ship.
1. Nick likes to roller-skate. 2. Tim has got
a camel. 3. I like to ride a bike. 4. Bob has
got a dog. 5. I have got a robot. 6. Kate has
got a frog. 7. I have got a sister. 8. Ann has
got a bicycle.
Kaxxe cnosa 3[ecb (cnprranrcbD! Hanrui, xr. Ynpax-
xexne 9 lr3 ypoxa 25 nomoxer re6e.
4, 15, 12, 12;6, 18, 15,7;8, 1,22,5;7, I5,20.
Kro lraer necerxx npo xrpyurxx! fiaraire cnoEl rl.
AoMauJHee 3aAaHhe
1. Paccxaxx, qro raoi oAHol(raccHxr( Aeraer Ior{a,
2. Hayrxcr nrcarb croBa: Iet's, seven, green, me, he.
3. Brrnonnx ynpaxHeHxt xe pa6orei rerpaglr.

3e l-oeopuu

,l AaBaire rnqr6r,r ypor c pa3rru{Hr(r,

Let's go, let's go,
Let's go to the park.
We'll play and run,
We'll have lots of fun.
-'Paccxaxx, {To rlox 4pyerr no6rr lerarb r napre.

6ucrpo x nparxnblo.
Am, robot, frog, green, Granny, doll, at home,
Lego, ten, family, six, and, run, Britain, let's
sister, seven, please, five, jump, play, Russia,
my, skip, play leapfrog, seven dolls, computer
games, puppy;
a puppy
his puppy
his little puppy
his little funny puppy
He has got a little funny puppy.
3anor,rxl, Kar qxrarorcr ru 6yxrocoretaHrr. llpoxt-
ICx 3rY Koropble OH'l nepeAarot, x crota c trrrax
-yxarAx, lt5.

ay a dafl

ey srlevl
" t,E
llpoqxrai cam 6rlcrpo r npaBnrblo slraxorute re6e
h clloBoco{GlaHrit,
[er] day, play, today, grey.
[cr] toy, boy.
Today, a boy, a big boy, grey, a grey kitten,
like to play, a toy, a toy puppy, a toy dog,
frog, a green frog, computer, computer

a frog I
a green frog I like
a big green frog I like to plav
my big green frog I like to play computer
my three big green I like to plav computer
frogs games.

frr rogxurl B 3oonapx. lloremy!

I like to watch
I want to ride a
I want to go to Zoo to
It's fun to ...

Haysrcr nrcarb crola: a toy, a boy, play, grey,

pony, computer.

Bcnomrx, raKlre neceHxn o6 xrpar rrr gxaeur. Cnoi

oAHy r{3 HXr.

AouaurHee 3a,qaHhe

1. Hayqxcb nerb naceHry <9re manexrxrir. 115,

2. Hanxutr orBerbr Ha lonpocbr ynpaxfieflxr 6 x pcccxa-
x{r, 3aqe rbr ro,qxr ! 3oonapK.

3. Yqrcr nrcarb croBa nl ynpaxxeur 7.

4, Brrnonxx ynpaxHexnt xr pa6orei reypaflr.
,[aaaire rnqrir,r ypox c pa3r xHKr.
Let's go, let's go,
Let's go to the park.
We'll play and run,
We'll have a lot of fun.

llocnyuraeH Baur paccxa3br o noceu4eHlix 3oonapKa,

Hei paccrar Annrnee,l

3anoxxn, xaK qxraprcr rrn 6yxeocoreraxlr. llpow-

ra, cIoBa.

u moilhl"t
@ ck (t) a auleEl
@ @anks

ere thFrel

ear a bEarl
are a hErel

Ilocrapaicr calAocrottenbHo npoqrrarb cnoBa, croBo-
coqeraHH npelroxeHht.
tdl the, with, father, mother, grandfather,
grandmother ['grrcnd,m,'rde], brother, they.
te] thanks, three, thank you.
tk] duck, black, back, pick, deck, sock, peck.
[ee] a bear, there, a hare, a black bear. The bear
is there. The bear is big.
Father, my father, his mother, brother, three
brothers, my grandmother and his grandfather,
three ducks, a black duck, they. They like to
play with toys. A hare, a grey hare. Do you
like my grey hare?
a duck I
a black duck I have
a little black duck I have got
his little black duck I have got frogs
his three little black I have got three frogs
ducks I have got three green
,l Yexai, HpaBxrcs Ju rlanbqxrara ,rparb B loonapr,
llpornai rrx pa3roBop.
Fred.' Hello, Dant
Dan: Hi!
Fred: Lel's play Zoo.
Dan: OK.
Fred: What do you want to be?
Dan: I want to be a bear.
Fred: A white bear?
Dan.' No, I want to be a big black bear.
I like bears. They are very nice. And what do
you want to be?

Fred: I want to be a monkey. I like to jump

and run.
Dan: OK. Then jump likel a monkey ... Oh,
you are funny, little monkey.
Fred: And you, bear, run! ... Oh, you are a
nice big bear!
Dan: lt's fun to be a monkey!
Fred: lt's fun to be a beart
Dan: It's fun to play Zoo.

f g w I t h
a th r e e
t h a n k s
h e o Y m c
e Y d u c k
r s b e a r
Aouaurxee 3alaHue

1. Ebrcrpo, npaBxlbHo nporxrai Aranor x orrerb Ha !o-

npoc n3 ynpaxxerur 5.
2, Hayrlcr npaBrlblo npox3locltb larfibre flnn axrnxi-
c(oro r3br(a *yrx [d] r [Ol. Ynpaxnerxe 4 noloxer re6e.
3, Hayrrcr nrcarb croBa: I, my, Iike, ride, nine,
little, sing.
I like xax
4. CocraBb ceoE crnrorropelxe Art pa3rr{Nxr(x. (Ha npr-
rAepe crxurxa: One computer, two computers ... .)
5. Brrnonxx ynpax(HeHxt xr pa6orei rerpaAn.

32 (Pesepenurfi)

.Qaaaire raqr6r'r ypox c pa3rAxHrr.

Jack be careful,
Do your bestt
Don't forget
' -
You have a test.
hrpael B KBH. Pa3genrrecb Ha [Be Koalaxflbr: oAHa
m Pocct'tx, Apyrae
- xl Atrmt't,
losHaxorlrrecb 4pyr c Apyro^a.
- Paccxaxrre o ce6e x csoei cemre.
llpo4onxael ,rparb r KBH. Bo BCex crparax.qerx ,uo'
6nr nrparr a xrpyurxx, A asr!
Cnpocrre, xaxre rrpyurrr ecrb y Bauxr conepnh-
r{oB x B r(axxe oHX ,rp6rr xrparb, a B kaxre xe np6rr.
Paccnpocxre ,rpoxoB Apyroi KorAaHAbt o rorr. qro
oHr nro6cr Aenarb Aorla lr BHe flor a,
flocnyuraire paccxa3 N GKaxHre, qro Bbt yaxanl o6
rroi- Aeroqre. Oxa gpyxrr co cror 6parol! 117.
xomaHtra lxaer 6onrue crnroa x necenl
- Kaxan
Kaxar Kor{arla A oxer Hanlcarr 6onrure cnoe!
-Brurpsnaet ra Kor aHfla, Koropae Aeraer A{eHbutG
our6or r rei paccrar no4po6xee.
tl uraeu

Trr roqeur y3narb, xro raroi Xarlnrx-f[annrx! flpo-


Humpty-Dumpty is not a dog.
He is not a puppy. Humpty-
Dumpty is a toy boy. He is not
from Russia. He is from Great
Britain. He is a funny toy. Boys
Iike to play with Humpty-Dumpty.
llprgylai xoporxli paccrr3 o6 rrpyurre lr 3anxulr
ero. Ynpaxxexxe rl nonoxer re6e.
Ilocnyuai nepByp qacrr necHx (f, y{elrxD. Ilporrrai
crota necHx Hayqrcb neTb ei. I t8.
I Am a Pupil
Part I
I am a pupil,
He is a pupil,
She is a pupil, too.
I am not a doctor,
I am a pupil
And I like you.
flouaurnee 3aAaHue
1. flocnyuai , Ebryq, necexxy nf, yrexlrxn.
2. Ilpx4ylai xoporxxi paccxa3 o6 rpyuxe. 3anmux ero.
3. Brrnorrx ynpaxHeHrr x3 pa6oqei rerpagx.

Lesson 33
1 Lei's warm up. (.Qaeaire Ha,{Hi;r,{ ypoK c pasr*lrxxr.)
I want to jump,
I want to run,
I want to clap my hands.
It's fun!
Let Us Learn

ll9 can help you

oHh no npo$eccrr? .[oragaicn! 3eyroeoe 3aAaHhe
1 19 nomoxer re6e.)

3 What do you think lhey are! What do lhey wanl to

be! (Kar rbr AyMaeurb, Kro oHh no npo$eccrr? Ker"^ o
xornr 6urrs?)

The boy want to be
Dad and Mum wants to be
Mr Green is
My brother are
Her sister
His uncle
4 Remember. Read and franslafe. (3anoxnr. flpo,rrrai r-r

to work a worker
to sing a singer
to dance a dancer
to run a runner
to jump a jumper
to play a player
to teach a teacher
5 What professions you undersland easily! (Haaaaxr,re xa-
xnx npo$eccri nerro yra4aru?)
6 What do you wanl lo be! (Kel* rsr xoveuru craru?)
7 Tell you classmales about your family (names and
prolessions). (Paccraxr.r oAHoKnaccHhKa,ra o cgoei cexue
(r,l,reHa r npo$eccNr).)
[-tu:] pupil, a pupil - pupils. We are pupils. -
Is his brother a pupil? - Yes, he is. Hr
is seven. I am a pupil, too.
9 Read lhe lefler lrom your friend. (Bor qro nanrcad
re6e a nxcur"te no4pyra. )
My Friend Lucy
I am Kate. I am from Rostov. I am seven
I like to read and to draw. I have not got I
dog but I want to have it and to play with it
I'm a good runner but not a good jumper. M1
father is a doctor and my mother is a dentist
I have got a friend. Her name is Lucy. Shr
Iives in Rostov, too. She likes to sing and shr
wants to be a singer and a dancer. Her mothe
is not a singer, she is a teacher. Lucy has got a
nice grey and white kitten. I
often phone her and
we like to play with her funny little kitten.
It jumps and runs and plays with a ball. I want
to have a kitten, too. How I love it!
10 Answerlhe quesfions. (Oraeru xa eonpocur.)
1. Where is Kate from?
2. How old is she?
3. Has she got a dog?
4. Does she want to have a dog and a kitten?
5. Where is Lucy from?
6. Why does Kate like to go to Lucy?
7. Do they like to play with her kitten?
8. Is her kitten funny?
9. What are their parents?
1. Learn lo read lhe lert. Exercise 8. (flporrrai rercr.
Ynpaxnenr,re 8. )
2. Tell you classmates about your family (names and
professions). (Paccxaxr oAHoKnaccHhKar"t o csoei ce^ ue
(ruena N npo$eccu).)
3. Learn to wrile lhese words: (Hayrucu nhcarb arh
cnoaa:) doctor, dentist, officer, pupil, America,
a friend.
4. Do exercises in lhe Workbook. (Burnonur ynpaxHeHht
xs pa6ovei rerpagr.)

Lesson 34
Let Us Learn

1 Say what they are, (Craxr, Kro oHh no npo$eco.u.)



2 Say what you relalives are, (Cxaxr, Kro rBoh poAcr-
BeHHhKh no npo$eccr,l,r.)
3 Ask your lriend what his/her relatives are. Begin
your questions like this: (Cnpoo.r y cBoero Apyra, Kro
ero/ed poAcrBeHHhKr. Haqxh csora Bonpocbr rax:) Is
your mother a ...?

Let Us Read
4 Do you want lo know whal lhe children say aboul
their relatives! Then read lexl "A" after lhe announcer.
120. After that tead lerl "B". (Tul xoqeurb y3Harb,

qro roBopnr Aerh o cBohx oAHbrxS TorAa npoqhra;
reKcr <(A> 3a AhKropoM. 120. 3arem npovrrai
reKcr (B>. )

A. My Daddy is from America, from

California. His name is Mike. He has
got a red bike. He likes to ride his
bike. My daddy is tall 1. He is an
officer. I live him very much 2.

B. My daddy is from Great Britain,

from Bristol. His name is Steve.
He has got a computer. He likes
to play computer games. He likes to
read. He is an engineer.

5 Read out lhe senlences about Daddies. What are lhey!

What do they like lo do! (llpovnrai npegnoxeHhe o na-
nax. Kro oHh no npo$eccrr,r? 9ro oxr,r nro6nr genaru?)

Let Us Talk
6 Look through
Erercise 4 and say what you can aboul
your Daddy. (flpocr"torpr,r ynpaxxexre 4 r,r paccxa>xN ecii
o ceoiir,r nane. )
7 Listen to lhe song "l am a Pupil" (part ll) and sing it.
(llpogonxaer* nerb necHro ,,9 yrenrxtr (ll vacru). f'locny-
uai r cnoi.) 121.

I tall [tcJ] sbrcorzft

2 very rnuch - [ven m,,rf] olreHl
I Am a Pupil
Part II
Is she a dentist? She is not a doctor,
Is she a doctor? She is a teacher,
Is she a doctor, too? And she likes you.
I Listen a fty lo guess. (llocnyr.uai r nocrapaicn 4o-
ragarucn.) 122.
9 Lefs play a "Chain" game. Begin your senlences like
fhis: (.0,aaaire nohrpaeM B hrpy ..|-{enovra>. Haqsrre
cBoh npeAnoxenrn rax: )
My mother is not a ... She is a ... And what
about your mother?
10Lefs play lfre "Champion" game. Look at the piclure.
Who can make up more senlences! (florrpaem a rrpy
<<r{eunyrox>>. flocmorpr Ha KaprhHKy. Kro cocraghr 6onuue

Puzzle Time

11 Build up-- a "ladder". Wrile any words you like. (f1o-

crpoi <<necenxyrr. Bnru.rN nto6ure cnoea. )

1. Do Exercise 2 in writing. (C4enai nhcbMeHHo ynpax-
nenNe 2,)
2. Learn the song "l am a Pupil". Think aboul your own
varianfs. (B h necHro <<9 yrexrr> r nprgyraai ceor
aapraxrsr.) 118, 121.

3. Learn lo wrile lhese words: (Hay.ucu nhcarb 3rh cno-

ea: )
an engineer, a worker, a runner, a teacher,
a player, a jumper.
4. Do exercises in lhe Workbook. (BurnonnN ynpaxHeHhe
xa pa6orei rerpagr,r.)
Lesson 35
3 Let Us Talk

1 You can say whal you like to do in the park. And

what can people do al home! (Tur xoxeuru paccKa3arb,
KaK Tbr npoBoAhub BpeMq B napKe. A vro nro4r Aenaror

2 Look at the pictures and say whal lhese people like

to do at home. (fnrgr Ha Kapr],rHKh, cKaxh, qro erh nloAll
no6nr genaru 4oma.)

3 Do you know lhese musical inslruments! Listen and learn

to use lhese words. (Tur 3HaKoM c ?ruwu My3brKenbHbrMh
hHcrpyMeHTaMx? flocnyruai h Hayqhcb nonb3oBarbcs srhMh
cnoaar*r.) 123.
4 Look at the pictures and say whal musical instruments
lhese people like lo play. (floc,,aorpz Ha KaprhHKh h cKa-
xh, Ha KaKhx My3btKanbHbrx hHcrpyMentax nrc6rr rrparu
srn nro4r,r.)

5 When people have fun they like to sing and dance.

Learn lo talk aboul it. (Koraa nhoArM Beceno, oHr o6srvuo
noror h raHqyrcr. Hayvr,r*cr roBophrb o6 zton;,.\ f rzr.
6 Of course, all people like lo read. Learn lo talk about
if. (Konevxo, ace nroAh nrc6sr qNraru. Hayrrracr roBophrb
o6 erom.) 125.
7 Look al lhe picture and say who likes lo read books
in English and who in Russian. (floo"torpr Ha KaprhHKy
A clarnlt, xro nrc6rr qhrarb KHhrh na anrnricrox rsurxe,
a Kro na pyccrox.)


Let Us Read
I (flposrrai rexcr.)
Read the text.
My Granny reads many books. She is a good
reader. My brother likes to read funny books.
He is seven. S. Mikhalkov and A. Barto are his
writers. They write good books for children.
9 Learn lo read the words and seniences as quickly as
you can. (Yvxr,rca qhrarb cnosa h npeAnoxeHhq KaK Mox-
xo 6urcrpee.)
sh [fl she, ship, English. She is a doctor. She is
not an officer.
[e] ten, dentist, a dentist - dentists, econo-
mist, an economist. My Granny is a dentist.
He is an economist.
you like to go to a dentist?
I don't. - Oh,

Does your friend want to be a dentist?

-Yes, he does. -
[r] read, a reader readers, Russian books,
English books. I read English books. My
grandpa reads Russian books.
wr [r] a writer - writers, an English writer, a
Russian writer. Do you want to read Eng-
10 Listen lo the poem "She Likes to Sing and Dance". (flo-
urai crrxoreopexre ,.Oua np6rr neru N ranqeaarsn,)


1. Learn the poem "She Likes to Sing and Dance' bryq,

cThxoTBopeHhe ..oxa nro6rr neru r rauqeearu>,) 125,
2. Read Exercises 8 and 9 as quickly as you can.
(llposr,rrai 6urcrpo h npaBhnbHo cnoBa h npeAnoxeHht
h3 ynpaxHeHhn 8 u 9.)
3, Do you like lo read! What books do you lead and
in whal language! (Cxaxr, nh rbr qhrarb, KaKhe
KHhrh qhraeub h Ha KaKoM naurxe.)

4. Learn lo wrile lhese words: (Hayvrcu nxcaru err cnoaa:)

write - a writer, read - a reader, play -
a player, dance
- a dancer, sing - a singer.
5. Do erercises in lhe Workbook. (Burnonnx ynpaxHeHhe
rs pa6ovei rerpa4r,)

Ypor 36
Let Us Learn

To be
Vrnepxgenrae (f ) Orpzqauze (-)
I am (I'm) I am not (I'm not)
you are (you're) you are not (aren't)
he is (he's) he is not (isn't)
she is (she's) she is not (isn't)
it is (it's) it is not (isn't)
we are (we're) we are not (aren't)
you are (you're) you are not (aren't)
they are (they're) they are not (aren't)
1 Agree or disagree. (Cornacxcu rnr ue cornacrcu. )

Let Us Listen, Read and Learn

2 Listen fo-- the dialogue. il by heart, lhen

Read and learn
role-play it. (llocnyu.rai Ahaflor. flpovrrai h Bbryr{h ero
Hah3ycrb. 3arer"a paaurrpaire ero no ponnr"r.) 127,
Fred: Hello, Ted!
Ted: Hi!
Fred: Do you want to play the piano?
Ted: Of course I do. And I want to play the
Fred: Let's play then.
Ted: OK.
3 Make up your own dialogue (use Exercise 3). Then
role-play il. (Cocraasre ceoi granor, hcnonb3yq ynparx-
nenre 3,3arer,r passrrpaire ero. )
4 Look at lhese leflers and remember how to read fhem.
(floo*orpr.r na arr 6yxaur N 3anoMHh, KaK oHh vrrarcrcr. )

ir a cEl
wh (fu FRut
er h[d
5 Look io read lhe words and senlences as quickly as
you can. (Yrr. ,,rcr qhTaTb cnoBa h npeAnoxeHhq KaK Mo){{-
xo 6urcrpee.)
[s:] girl, a girl - girls, Iittle girl. The girl
wants to be a doctor. She doesn't want to
be a dentist. Her, her son, her telephone
number. Her brother likes to play computer
[o] not, stop, from, officer. - Does he want
to be an officer? - Yes, he does. His fa-
ther is an officer, too. My friend wants to
be an engineer.
[w] what, why, when, white, where, we, a white
cat, white horses. Is his kitten white?
No, it's not white.- Where is the boy? -
He is at home. - -
[ao] how, cow, a cow - cows, now, a mouse,
a house [haus] houses f'haazrzl. How is
- -
his father? - He is fine, thanks. My bro-
ther likes to draw houses.
Why Do You Cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, WiIIy, why, Willy,
Why, Willy, why?
J,/'-!,'i rr' j

6 Look al lhe pictures and say what they are. ([locaaorpx

Ha KapThHKh h cKaxh, rro onr. )

Puzzle Time
7 fhere are 7 words in the snake. Find them. (B ar,,reixe
sauu$poeaxur 7 cnoe, Haiw Ax.')



1 . Learn the dialogue. (Buryrr,r 4ranor .) 127 .

2. Make your own dialogue. (Cocraeu ceoi gzanor.)

3. Do Erercise lln writing. (C4enai ynpaxHeHhe 7 nzct-
,,Aenff O. )

4. lo wrile lhese words: (Hayvr,rcu nhcarb 3rh cno-

aa:) girl, friend, kitten, sister, little.
5. Do exercises in lhe Workbook. (BurnonnN ynpaxHeHhe
r: pa6orei rerpa4N. )

Ypor 37
Let Us Talk
--- 3
1 Let's play a Snowball game. Complete the lisi of
professions. (f lorrpae,ra a rrpy <Cxexnsri rox>. ,!,ononnr.r
cnrcox npo$eco,ri. )
Example: Player l:an engineer
Player 2: an engineer and
2 Work in pairs. Read and answer or-questions. (Pa6o-
raire g napax. t{rraire h oraeqaire na eonpocur c or.)
Example: Pupil 1: Is gour father an engineer
or a dentist?
Pupil 2: Heis a dentist.
1. Is your uncle an officer or a dentist?
2. Is your aunt a teacher or a doctor?
,.!.-..--- -.? .-;t r ",ri -i?l ili',
3. Are your sisters pupils or doctors?
4. Is your brother an officer or a dentist?
5. Are your friends doctors or engineers?
3 Bob shows Ann lhe picture ol his family. Ann wanls lo
know whal his father and mother are. And what about
you! Read lhe dialogue. (5o6 noxaaureaer 3xx $ororpa-
$rro caoei cer,rur, 3nx xoqer y3Harb, KTo nana h MaMa
y 6o6a. A rur xoqeuru ysxaru? llpovrrai 4xanor.)
Ann: ]ffh.o is he?
Bob: He's my father.
Ann: What's his name
Bob: His name is Ted Brown,
Ann: Is he an engineer?
Bob: No, he isn't.
Ann: Is he a pilot?
Bob: No, he isn't.
Ann: Then, what is he?
Bob: He is a teacher.
Ann: Is he from America?
Bob: No, he isn't.
Ann: Where is he from?
Bob: He is from Great Britain.
Ann: And what about your mother?
Bob: She is a housewife.
a Right or wrong! (Exercise 3.) (Bepno znz aer?. (Ynpax-
nenre 3). )

1. His father is a doctor.

2. His mother is a dentist.
3. His father is a teacher.
4. His mother is a housewife.
Let Us Read

5 Look al lhese leflers and remember how lo read lhem.

(flocxorplr na err,r 6yxeocoqeraHhr h 3anoMHh, KaK oHh

or wbilk
ar a cEIj
6 Learn lo read lhe words and senlences as quickly as
you can. (Yvr qhrarb cnoBa h npeAnoxeHht KaK MO){{-
xo 6urcrpee.) 128.

[s:] work, work - works, we work, he works.

My mother works. My Grandpa doesn't
work. Does your father work? Yes,
he does.- -
lol hot, doll, got, hospital - hospitals, in a
hospital. Bob is a doctor. He works in
a hospital. - Do the girls work in a hos-
pital? Yes, they do. They are doctors.
Office, an office - offices, in an office.
Steve works in an office. Does your aunt
work in an office? -
Yes, she does. She
works in an office, -
tI] in, it, is, business, businessman, a business-
man businessmen. Oleg is a businessman.
He works in a business office. Where does
this businessman work? Does he work in an
office or in a hospital?
[au] mouse, house, housewife, a housewife
housewives. His
she is u horr""---llther is not a dentit
_ ho,,""iir"z r"l1i{"1;;.1" vou Granny
[r-iJ chick, children, tguglur, a eacher _
chers, a teacher of Russian' mY teacherter
Englis' who
hsrii r.-"# ""J;;;. teacher or En1

,'l,;%;TJ**? :'; :tiiifi::n"r":::",9 j#.,"":

3aAaHhe l2gB no,raox
i9 Listen and try lo guess lhe professions. (flocnyuai
h nonurraicq AoraAarbcs, o KaKhx npoQeco,rax l.146r pevu,)

Puzzle Time
r9Complete lhe crossword "Professions". (3anonnr xpocc-
BopA Ha rer"ry <<llpo$eccrr>.)

1 . Read Erercise 6 very well. (Xopor.uo nporrrai ynpax-
xexre 6.) 128,

2. Do Exercise 7 in wrifing. (Caenai ynpar(HeHhe 7 nuct-

3. lo wrile lhese words: (Haysr.rcu nhcarb 3rh cno-
sa:) hospital, housewife, school, a pilot, a teacher,
a businessman.
4, Do erercises in lhe Workbook. (Burnonxx ynpaxHeHht
na pa6ovei rerpagr.)
Lesson 38
t. You understand stories on CD. Listen to
the boy's story and answer the questions.
(Trr nonrruaerub paccxa3br, garrr{caHHbre Ha
4ucr. flocnyruafi paccrcac Ma;rbtrr{Ka r,r or-
Berb Ha sonpocbr.)
' 'hfl .A 1SO.

2. You can tell us about you, your family,

their professions and places where they
work. (Tu Molrerrrb paccraaarb o ce6e, ctolrx
poAcrBenurrrcax, rax npoQeccwax v Mecrax
rax pa6orrr.)
J. You can read and understand texts. (Trr

Vova has got a family of 8. Read his
letter and get ready to speak about his
family, (B Bonnrroft ceure 8 ve.nonen. flpo-
.rrzraft ero flucr,Mo u 6yz.r roroB rroroBopr,rrr
o6 arofi cervrse.)

Hello, girls and boys!

We are a family of eight. My name is Vova.
I am nine. I am a Russian boy. We are
from Russia, from Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl is on
the Volga. It is nice and green. It is an old
Russian city 1.

I've got a father and a mother. My father

is a businessman. He works in an office. My
mother is a teacher. She works at school, She
is a teacher of English. She likes her pupils
and the pupils love her very much.
My aunt is a doctor. She works in a hospi-
tal. My uncle is an engineer. He works in a
plant. My aunt and my uncle have got a son
and a daughter. They go to school. We are
friends. We like to play at home and on the
My sister Lena doesn't go to school. She
is a baby ['berbr]. She is only three. She likes
to play with dolls.
I love my family very much.

city lsrfil ropoA

4. Find in the text and read out the answers
to the following questions. (Hafi,qn B rexcre
npovr,rrafi orBerbr rra cJreAyroulue nonpocrr.)
1. Where is Vova from?
2. Where is Yaroslavl?
3. What is his mother?
4. Does she like her work?
5. Have his uncle and aunt got children?
6. What do the children like to do?
7. Why doesn't Lena go to school?
5. Now speak about your family. And what
do you want to be? (Tenepr paccnarrcr{ o
csoefi ceMre. A rcem xoqerub 6rrrr ru?)
6. Comment on the pictures. What do these
children want to be? (Onurur Kaprlrrrrrr.
ICervr xorsr crarb ort4 4erra?)

! 7
7. You've learnt many new words: profess-
ions, members of the family, how to spend
free time at home, in the park, at the Zoo.
Remember as many words as you can. (Trr
Bbrytlt4Jr MHoro HoBbrx c.rou: npoSeccLrvr, qre-
rrbr ceMbII, KaK IIpoBoAr{Tb BpeMg AOMa, B
lapre, B aooflapKe. Bcnorvrnra KaR MorrcHo
6onrrue caou.)
8. Remember songs and poems you've learnt.
Sing the song you like most. (Bcnonrur,r,
KaKLr e
[ecHur w crrtxvr rrr nrryuz.n. Cnorl
rrecnro, Koropaff re6e 6onrnre Bcer.o rroHpa-
rn.racr. )


Us Learn


He He
She She
We We
You You
They They

aE""p; el



I like to sing. I can to sing.

Let Us Talk
Say that you can do lhe sane. (Cxaxr, qro rbr yMeeurb
AenaTb To xe car.roe,)
Example: Teacher: I
can ship.
Pupil: f can skip, too.
l. I can sing. 2. I can dance. 3. I can read
English books. 4. I can play the piano. 5. I can
work on a computer.
@) Say thaf he,/she can do the same. (Cxaxx , tto on/
OHa yMeeT AenaTb TO Xe Car,,rOe.)
Example: Teacher: I
can jump.
Pupil: IfelShe can jump, too.
1. I can play the guitar. 2. I can draw. 3. I
can ride a bike. 4. I can roller-skate. 5. I can
ride a horse.
€) lefs phy a "snowball" game, (flor,rrpaer.,r e rrpy <Cnex<-
xsri ror*rr. )
Example: Pupil 1: I can play the guitar.
Pupil 2: You can play the guitar and I can
draw planes.
Pupil 3: He/She can play the guitar. You
can d.raw planes and I can ride
a bihe ...
,$i ,s\) li
t4 Say that you (helshe) can'f do the same. (Craxr, rro
Tbt (on/ona) He yMeeurb Aenarb ro xe car*oe.)

Example: Teacher: I can ride & ca.meL

Pupil 2: I can't ride a camel.
Pupil 3: He She can't ride a camel.
1. I can play marbles. 2. We can ride on merry-
go-round. 3. They can sing English songs. 4. The
boys can draw horses. 5. The children can play
computer games.
5 Look at the pictures. Say what lhese animals can or
can'l do. (flocuorpr,r Ha KaprhHKh. Cxaxr, qro grh xhBor-
Hbre yMepr hnh He yMeK)r genaru,)

ri6 r Teach each other. (f loyvr.rre .qpyr 4pyra.)
Examples: a) Pupil l: He can jump.
PupiI 2: Can he jump?
Pupil l: Yes, he can.
b) Pupil l: They can't read English.
Pupil 2: Can they read English?
Pupil 1: No, theA can't.
Let Us Listen, Read and Learn

i Lisien to-F-the dialogue. Read and learn it by heart. (l1o-

cnyu.rai Ahanor. llpovr,rrai ,1 Bbtyet4 ero nazsycru.) lll.
Bob: Hi, Bill! fr
Bill: Hi.
Bob: Can you play hopscotch?
Bill: Yes, I can.
Bob: Do you want to play with us? 1

Bill: With great pleasure 2.

rB Think ol your own dialogue and acl it out. (nph.qy-
r*aire csoi A,z,anor A pasurrpaire ero.)

__ Us Read
i9 Learn lo read ihe words and sentences: firsl read
lhem lo yourself, lhen aloud as quickly as YOU Can.
(Yrrr,acn qhrarb cnoBa h nPeAflor(eHh9: cHaqafla npoqTh hx
npo ce6r, noroM Bcnyx KaK Mo>xHo 6urcrpee. )
[re] cat, thanks, can, can - cannot. My bro-
ther can run. The monkeys can jump.
I with us ['wrd '.rs] c HaMrl
2 with great pleasure
- c 6o.nrurr.rnr
['plege] yAoBoJrhcrBr-reM

Can your dog jump? Yes, he can. My
cat can jump, too. -
[a:] other, aunt, can't. My little sister can't
read. She can read but she can't dance.
I can
I can draw
I can draw a bear
I can draw a big bear
I can draw a big brown bear

can't draw
can't draw a bear
can't draw a big bear
can't draw a big brown bear
(d nead lhe queslions in "A", choose and read oul lhe
answers in "8". Say what you have learnf. (flpornrai
Bonpocbr e <A>, eur6epn z npouura orBerbr B .Br, Cxa-
xh' t{To rur Ysxan.)

A. 1. Do you like to go to the park?

2. Why do you like to go there?
3. What games can you play there?
4. Can you ride a horse there?
5. Can you play with the ball there?
6. What games do you like to play in the
7. What games does your friend like to play?
8. Is it fun to play with your friends in the

B. a. We can play tag, hide-and-seek, leapfrog and
hopscotch there.
b, No, we can't.
c. Yes, we can.
d. Oh, yes, it is.
e. My friend likes to play hide-and-seek.
f. Yes, I do.
g. I like to play with my friends there.
h. I like to play leapfrog in the park.

Let Us Talk
--- 3
Say what you can do or can'f do. Let your classmales
ask you queslions lor more informalion. (Paccxarxr, vro
Tbr hnh He yMeeub Aenarb. llycru reor,r oAHoKnacc-
HhKh 3aAaAyr re6e 4pyrre aonpocur.)

{i nut in lhe words and write down lhe sentences. (Bcraau

cnoBa h 3anhurh npeporxexrn.)
1. ... they your friends? - Yes, they ....
2. ... he your brother? - Yes, he ... .
3. ... he ride a bike? - No, he ... .
4. ... you want to play with the ball? - No,
I ... .
5. ... she roller-skate well? No, she ... .
6. ... your friend want to play the piano?
Yes, he -
Do (2)
Doesn't (2
.13 Learn lo wrile lhese words: (Yrlr,rcr ucarr rrx cnoaa:)
one, two, eight, a hare, can, cannot, can't.
Puzzle Time
14 Write the words fhat begin wilh lhese lefters. (Hanr.rr.ux
cnoBar HaqhHapu4hec9 c erl.lx 6yre. )


1. Read the -
words in Exercise 9 as quickly as you can.
(l-lpovrrai 6srcrpo h npaBhnbHo cnoBa h3 ynparxnenrn 9.)
2. Erercise tl. Say what you can do and can'l do.
(Cgenai ynpalxHeHhe 1,l, Paccxaxr, qro rbt yMeeLub hnh
He yMeeuJb genaru. )

3. Learn to wrile lhe words (Erercise | 3): (Hayvr.rcu nr-

carb cnoaa A3 ynpax(HeHre 13:) one, two, eight,
a hare, can, cannot, can't.
4. Do erercises in the Workbook. (Burnonru ynpaxHe-
nrn ra pa6orei rerpagr. )

l- t'- .' '.

I Lesson 40
Let Us Talk
-!F- 3a
i Lef's warm up. (fiaeaire uavHiir ypox c pasurHxr.)
Can you hop as Yes, I can hop as
a rabbit? a rabbit.
Can you walk as Yes, I can walk
a duck? as a duck.
Can you run as Yes, I can run as
a dog? a dog.
It's fun! It's fun!
l'2Discuss your pels. What can they do! (lloroaoprm o
Baurhx AoMa[rlHrtx xhBorHbtx. {ro ont y*reror 4enaru?)

i3 Look al lhe piclures and say whal lhese children can

do. Erercise tlZ can help you. (floc,,aorph Ha Kap-
TUHRA ,t cKaxh, qro 3Th Aeu yMercr Aenarb. 3eyxosoe
3aAaHhe t iZ noa,roxer re6e.)

i4 And what about you and your friend! Can you play
lhese games! (A rur r,r raoi gpyr yMeere hrparb B 3rh
r,r rpsr?)

Let Us Read and Learn

ls Readlhe poem "My Dog" and learn it by hearf,

(f'lporr,rrai crhxorBopeHhe ..Mon co6axar' ,t ero Ha-
My Dog
I've got a dog. Look at1 my dogt
Her name is Pat. Tricks she can do.
She can do this, I love my dog.
She can do that. She loves me, too.

Let Us Read
,6rLearn lo read the words and senlences: firsl read
lhem lo yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can.
(Yvrracr qhrarb cnoBa h npeAnoxeHht: cHaqana npovrrai
rx npo ce6n, noroM Bcnyx KaK MoxHo 6srcrpee.)
[a:] father, can't, basketball, to play basketball,
can play basketball. Can your friend play
Yes, -he can. He likes to
play basketball.
[e] ten, seven, tennis, to play tennis, can play
tennis. Does your father like to play ten-
nis? -Yes, he does. I want to play tennis
with my father. We can play tennis well.
[er] game, say, name, table, table tennis, play
table tennis. My mother likes to play table
r look at - rrocMorptr

tennis. Can you play table tennis? No,
I can't. I can play table tennis. -
lol book, foot, football, to play football, can play
football, like to play football. Can they
play football? -
No, they can't. They don't
Iike to play football.
lol not, stop, frog, volleyball [voltbcl], to play
volleyball, can play volleyball, like to play
volleyball, don't play volleyball, doesn't
like to play volleyball, can't play volley-
ball. Do your brothers like to play vol-
Ieyball? Pete does but Mike doesn't. He
can't play volleyball.
[w] when, why, what, where, well, very well. She
can dance very well but he can't dance very

Puzzle Time

ler's play a "Boaster" game. One says lhal he/she can

do everything. And you agree or disagree using lhaft
right/wrong. (Currpaer,,r a r,lrpy <Xeacryn>. OgrH h3 Bac
(xBacryHhllKa)r . On/oua roBophr, qro yMeer genaru ac€ -
xopouJo, A aur cornauaerecb, ecnh gro raK, hnh He co-
rnauraerecb, hcnonb3ye BbrpaxeHhr llpaeuntxo/Henpa-


1. Read lhe-- words and senlences in Erercise 5 and 7 as

quickly as you can, (flpovrrai 5urcrpo h npaahnbHo cnoBa
h npeAnoxeHhn h3 ynpaxHeHui 6 u 7,)
2. Read and learn lhe poem "My Dog". (flpovrrai r
Bbryqh Hah3ycrb crhxorBopeHhe <<Moq co6axau.)

3. Learn lo
write lhese words: (Hayvrcu nhcarb arh cno-
ea:) football, volleyball, basketball, tennis.
4. Do exercises in the Workbook. (Burnonnr ynpar{HeHhe
ra pa6orei rerpa4r. )

Lesson 41
3 Let Us Talk

1 Lel's warm up. (,Qaeaire xavniim ypox c pa3MhHKh. J

I can't swim as Can you swim as

a fish. a fish?
I can't jump as Can you jump as
a frog. a frog?
I can't walk as Can you walk as
a bear. a bear?
It isn't fun. Is it? It's fun! Isn't it?
:.2 Say that you do lhe same. (Craxr, qro rbr Aenaeurb
ro rxe cauoe. )
Example: Pupil 1: I lihe to play tennis. I can
plag tennis weII.
Pupil 2: I lihe to plaA tennis, too.
I can play tennis well, too.
3 Look at the pictures and say what they can do.
Erercises 132, 133 can help you, (l-locr,,torpr,l na
ir' ..".\ tL I

KaprhHKh h cKaxhr qTo oHh yMetoT AenaTb. 3ayxoeure sa-

o""r" 132, 133 noMoryr re6e. )

i4, Work in pairs. Ask and answer quesfions. Use lhe

piclures of Exercise 3. (Pa6oraire B napax. 3aAaeaire
Bonpocbr x oraeqaire Ha Hhx, hcnonusyire KaprhHKh h3
ynpaxnenxr 3.)

Let Us Read

il's Learn loread lhe words and senlences: first read

lhem lo yourself, lhen aloud as quickly as you can.
(Yvr,rucn qr4Tarb cnoBa h npeAnoxeHhr: cHaqana nporrrai
rx npo ce6r, noroM scnyx KaK MoxHo 6urcrpee.)
[eI] stadium, a stadium, to go to the stadium,
to play tennis at the stadium. "Luzhniki" is
a Moscow stadium.
[au] ground, a playground, a sports ground. -
Have you got a sports ground at your
school? Yes, we have. What games can
you play on the sports ground?
[w] swim, swimmer, a swimming pool, swimming
pools. We can swim in the swimming pool.
Do you go to the swimming pool with your
friends or with your father?
tll Bym, a gym. We've got a gym in our
school. What games do you play in your
gym? - We play volleyball and basketball
in our gym.
lerl play, game, table tennis, baseball, to play
baseball. Children in America like to play
baseball very much. Can you play base-
ball? -
No, I can't. But my friend can play
- very well.
lel family, Africa, can, badminton, to play bad-
minton, can play badminton. I like to play
badminton with my father.
lrl big, sister, with, swim, to swim. I like to
swim. Can Bob swim very well? Yes,
he can. He is a good swimmer. -
Can frogs
swim? -
Yes, they can. Dolphins and pen-
guins can swim very well,
Let Us Listen, Read and Learn

{Q,. tisten lo lhe poem "We Can Play". Read and learn it
by (flocnyuai crhxorBopeHh bt Mo>reM hrparb>.
[lporr,rrai h Bbryqh ero narsycru.) 134,

lVe Can Play

School is over I we can play.
'We can play the- whole dayz:

I over ['euve] 3ar{onrrrrJracb

2 -
the whole day ['heol 'der] uecr 4eur
Basketball and volleyball
And the boys can play football.
ftr Read lhe dialogue and say everylhing you can aboul
fed and Nick, (flporrra gnanor h paccKalKh acii, vro r*o-
Ted: Hello, Nick.
Nich: Hello.
Ted: Do you like sports?
Nich: Yes, and what about you?
Ted: I like sports very much. Boys and girls
in America like to play basketball and
tennis. I can play basketball, too. What
about Russian boys and girls?
Nich: Our boys Iike to play football very much
and our girls Iike to play volleyball.
Ted: Do Russian girls like to play football?
Nich: I don't thinkl they do.
Ted: And in America they do.
Nich: In Russia girls like to play tennis, table
tennis and badminton. And do American
girls play these games?
Ted: Of course 2 they do. Our boys like to play
baseball and American football.
Nich: Bwt I can't play baseball and American
Ted: If 3 you want I can teach you. Let's go
and play.
Nich: With great pleasure.
I to think [0r1k] ayMaTr,
2 -
of course [ev 'kc:s] KOHEIIHO
3 if - ecara

I l7
8 Find the answels lo the following queslions in lhe
dialogue and read them. (Hai,qh B Ahanore orBerbr Ha
cneAypu4he sonpocbr n npotnt ai ux.)
1. What games do American boys and girls like
to play?
2. What games do Russian boys and girls like
to play?
3. What games do American boys like to plal'
very much?
4. Can Nick play baseball and American foot-
,9 Say where you can play sports. @ tfr ."n
help you. (Cxaxr, rAe rbr MoxeuJb 3aHhMarbce cnoproM.
3ayxoaoe 3aAaHhe tlS nor"toxer re6e.)

1. Read and learn lhe poem "We Can Play". (flpovNrai

,t^Bstyv.A Hah3ycTb cThxoTBopeH1.le <Mur r.,roxer,a xrparu>. )
2. Read lhe words in Erercise 5. (flporrrai cnoBa h3
ynparxnexrr 5.)
3. Do Exercise 8 in writing. (C4enai ynpaxHeHhe 8 nrcs-
4, lo wrile lhese words: (Hayrrcu nhcarb arh cno-
aa:) gym, stadium, children, baseball, basketball,
a car, very well, table tennis, football, volleyball.
5. Do exercises in lhe Workbook, (Burnonnr ynpaxHeHht
Ne pa6orei rerpa4r. )

.$ w\-

SOn 42 (optionar)

Let Us Talk
(r lefs warm up. (,Qaeaire navniim ypox c paemrxxr.)
fr rr' -
Vr'e Can Play
School is over - we can play.
We can play the whole day:
Basketball and volleyball,
And the boys can play football.
, look al the pictures and answer lhe queslions. (flo-
cMoTpl.r Ha KapThHKh h oTBeTb xa eonpocur.)
1. Where can you play football?
2. Where do you like to play volleyball?

3. Where do you want to play basketball?
4. Where do you go to play table tennis?
Wh"t about your family! Are they sport-loving people!
Where can lhey swim, play badminlon and olher sporls
games! (Paccxaxh o csoei cer.rue. Orrl,r nro6nr cnopr?
fge ou nnaBalorr hrpalor B 6agmrxron h APyrhe cnoP-
uexute rrput?)

These words can help you:

Mother/father wants to go to ...
She/he likes to ...
She he can ...

Let Us Read
(4-; f.
Oo you want lo know anylhing about English sports
clubs! Then read lhe fexl. (Tur xoqeurb yarars vro-xr6yAr
o6 axrnuicr<ux cnoprhBHbrx xny6ax? Torga nporrrai rexcr.)
At Bristol Sports Club
Tanya is from a sports family. Her father
and mother like to play big tennis. Her brother
is a good swimmer. She wants to join Bristol
Sports Club.
Tanya: Hello, Mr Brown!
Mr Brown: Ilello!
Tanya: I am a sports fan. I want to join your
sports club.
Mr Brown: Fine. What games do you play, Tanya?
Tanya: I can play basketball and I can play
volleyball, too,
Mr Brown: Can you play football?
Tanya: No, I can't. That's a game for boys.
Mr Brown: Not only for boys. I've got a
good football team of girls in our club.
What games do you want to play?
Tanya: I want to play table tennis. Can I play
it at your club?
Mr Brown: Of course you can.
Tanya: Thank you. Goodbye, Mr Brown.
B. Read oul the senlences aboul Tanya and her family.
(flpovrrai ecnyx acii o Tane I e6 cer*ue.)

Let Us Listen, Read and Learn

to the poem ,,Sporh". Read and learn it by heart.

{5 . tisren
(f'locnyurai- crr,r opeHhe <Cnopr>, llpovrrai A rlltytll
ero uaraycru.) 136,
Dear little boys and girls!
What is better than the toys?
I think sports are good for all:
You can swim, play basketball,
Table tennis and football.
We can jump and we can run.
We can have a Iot of fun.

Puzzle Time

6' Play "fhe Champion" game. Who can make up more

senlences about sport! (hrpaer.,r a rrpy <9emnron>r. Kro
r,toxer 6onuu.le paccKa3arb o cnopre?)


1 . Listen and learn lhe poem "Sports". (flocnyr.uai x

Bbryqh Hah3ycrb crr4xorBopeHre <<Cnopr>.) lf.
2. Say about sporl in your family. Erercise 3 can help
you. (Paccraxr o6 orxouexhh K cnopry e saulei cer\ ue.
Ynpaxreue 3 noraorxer re6e.)
3. Make many sentences aboul sporl lo win lhe "Cham-
pion" game. (Cocraeu KaK Mor(Ho 6onuue npe4noxenri
o cnopre, vro6ur no6e4NTb B hrpe <9eunrox>.)
4. Do exercises in lhe Workbook. (Burnonu ynpaxHeHhe
za pa6oreX rerpagr.)


The Present Indefinite Tense

to like
Vmeepm1enue (*) Ompu4anue (-)
I like I do not (don't like)
you like You do not (don't like)
helshe/it likes he she/it does not
(doesn't) Iike
we like we do not (don't) like
they Iike theY do not (don't) Iike

The Present Indefinite Tense

to like
Bonpoc (?'1 Epamrcu omaerL
Do I like ...? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Do you like ...? Yes, You do. No, You

like ...? he/she/tt doesn't.

Do we like ...? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Do they like ...? Yes, theY do. No, theY
3 Let Us Talk

t Let's warm up. (.Qaeaire narnt!,,a ypox

c paamrnxr.)

You can swim, play basketball,

Table tennis and football.
We can jump and we can run.
We can have a lot of fun.

12: You've gol a new pupil. Ask her questions about whal
she and her relalives like lo do, can do well or can'f
do well, (K aar* npzr.una HoBat yqeHhq,a, 3agai ei eonpo-
cbr o roM, qro oHa r eii pogcraeaun*n nto6qt Aenarb,
yMeror hnh He yMerclr genaru )
These words can help you:
Do you like ...?
Can you ... ?
Xp now what you have learnt about the new pupil and
her relalives! (Tax rro rbr y3Han o Hogoi yrenrqe r eii

{4 Look at lhe piclure and say whal lhese children can

or can'f do. Exercise f\ tll can help you. (f1oo,,ro-
Tph Ha KapThHKy h cKar(h, qTo 3Th AeTh yMepT hnx
He yMeror Aenarb. 3ayroaoe 3aAaHhe 137 noMoxer
re6e.) G
1. Do Liz and Bob like to skate?
2. Can they skate well?
3. Does JuII like to skate?
4. Does Jack like to skate?

Let Us Read

(5) Learn lo read lhe words and senlences: lirsl read lhem
to - lhen aloud as quickly as you can. (Vvrmcn
qhrarb cnoBa h npeAnoxeHht: cHa'.{ana npovxrai hx npo
ce6r, a 3areM Bcnyx KaK Mo)r(Ho 6urcrpee.)
[ar] fine, ride, ice, on the ice. She can dance
on the ice.
[er] play, game, skate, skater, like to skate, can
skate. Jack can skate well. He is a good
skater. Jill can't skate well.
skating rink. To go to the skating rink.
I like to go to the skating rink with my
Do you wanl lo know who is not happy and why!
fhen read lhe ferf. (Tur xoreuru y3Harb, Kro vyacreyer ce6r
Hec'{acrHbrM r,r novemy? Torga npornrai rexcr.)

On the Skating Rink
A Fox, two Hares, a Dog and a Pig want to
go to the skating rink. Suddenly they see a big
brown Bear.
"Do you want to go to the skating rink with
us? We can skate. It's fun to be on the ice.
Let's go with us."
"I'd love to but I can't skate. OK ... let's ... "
The ice is blue and nice. Now the Fox is on
the ice. She can dance on the ice very well.
The Hares calnot dance but they like to skate.
The Pig is not a good skater. On and on she
falls down. But she wants to skate well.
Then the Bear goes to the ice. He is big
and clumsyl. He can't even stand 2 on his skates.
The Dog wants to help 3 him and they fall down
The Bear does not like it. He is not happy.
"Don't worry. Be Happy," says the Dog.
(7) rgree or disagree. Erercise 5. (Cornacrcs ,nH He cG
rrachcb. Vnpaxnexre 6,)
l. A Fox, two Hares, a Dog and a pig want
to go to l}re Zoo.
2. They want to go to the skating rink.
3. Suddenly they see a penguin.
4. The Pig can dance on the ice very well.
5. The Pig is a good skater.
6. The Fox is clumsy.
r clumsy ['ktrmzi] ueyxrroxufi
2 even stand -
['i1/n stend] - Aarrte croffTb
3 to help rroMorarb
7. The Bear can skate very well.
8. The Bear is happy.
18 Listen to the song "On a Cold and Frosly Morning" 1.
138. Read and learn lo sing il. (flocnyu.rai necen-
0 <Xono4xuru
xy Mopo3HbtM yrpoM>. l-lpo'rr,rrai Hayq"ucb
e6 neru.) ^
On a Cold and Frosty Morning
This is the way we ski and skate,
Ski and skate, ski and skate,
This is the way we ski and skate,
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we dance on the ice,
Dance on the ice, dance on the ice,
This is the way we dance on the ice
On a cold and frosty morning.

Let Us Write

tearn lo wrile l{rese words: (Yvrmcr nhcarb

arl cnoea: )
ice, dance on the ice, skate, a skater, a skating

1. Listen lo the song "On a Cold and Frosly Morning".

(!ocnyuLai- neceHKy <<Xonogxurr"t Mopo3HbrM yrpoaa". )
I On a cold [keuld] and frosty ['frostl] morning
[mc:nr1] - Xoaog-
2. Read lhe words and senlences in Exercise 5 well as
quickly as you can. (llpovrrai 6srcrpo h npaBhnbHo cnoBa
h npepoxeHhn rs ynpaxnenr,rr 5.)
3. Learn lo wrile lhese words: (Hayrrcu nrrcarb erh cno-
do, does, ice, skate, ski skier, ice, skating
rink. -
4. Do exercises in lhe Workbook. (Burnonnr.r ynpaxHeHht
ra pa6orei rerpa4r,r. )

3e Let Us Talk

(:!.,1 tefs warm up. (fl,aeaire naqntir,,r ypoK c paar',$,rnxr.)

On a Cold and Frosty Morning

This is the way we ski and skate,
Ski and skate, ski and skate,
This is the way we ski and skate,
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we dance on the ice,
Dance on the ice, dance on the ice,
This is the way we dance on the ice
On a cold and frosty morning.

Say whaf winler sports games pigs, bears and fores

can/can'l play. (Cxaxr,r, B KaKhe 3hMHhe cnoprhBHbre hrpbr
erh 3BeppuJKh yr,reror/xe ymeror rrparu. )
13,And where do Vou/rtout friends like lo play winter
sporls games! (A rge rur/reor.r Apy3bc np6rre hrparb B
3hMHhe cnoprhsnure xrpur?)

{lPlay lhe "The Champion" game. Who can make up

more senlences about sporl! (hrpaer* e xrpy <9eunrox>.
Kro r*oxer 5onuu:e paccKa3arb o cnopre?)

Let Us Listen, Read and Learn

io the poem "ln Winlel and in Summer".

5-' Lislen
Read and learn it by heart. (flocnyLuai cThxoTBopeHhe
<3xmoi r neroMn. Flpovr,rrai h Bbtyv,u ero uarsycru,)

In 'Winter 1 and in Summer 2
"In winter I ski and skate,"
Says little Kate.
"In summer I like to swim,"
Says little Jim.
And what do you like to do in spring? 3

In spring we dance and sing.

Let Us Read
(o) learn lo read lhe words and senlences: firsl read lhem
lo yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. (Yvrrcn
'{hrarb croBa h npegnoxeHhr: cHaqana npovrrai hx npo
ce6n, norom Bcnyx KaK moxno 5urcrpee.)
[o] not, office, to play hockey, a ho-
ckey player, can play hockey, like to play
- Who likes to play hockey? -
My brother does.
- Is your brother a good
hockey player? Oh, yes, he is.
[c:] sport, sportsman, sportsmen. We've got
many good sportsmen in our school. Are
you a sportsman? Yes, I am. -
[i:] ski, skier, a skier - skiers. My friend is
a good skier. My father and mother can
ski very well. Can you ski? Do you like
to ski? - Yes, I do. - Where do you
- I ski in the

1 winter ['winta] auua

2 sumner ['s^me] - rero
3 spring [spnn] -BecEa
:an ski well
lan ski very weII
Dan ski with my friend
ran ski with my friend in the park
lhe likes
fie likes to skate
e likes to skate with her father
e likes to skate with her father in the skating
Puzzle Time

How many words can you ma

ts lhe- winner! (Cxonsxo cnoB rbr MoxeuJb cocraBr,rrb
xfux 6yxa? Kro no6egr,rrenu?)
i nt(rnationa
--F- 3aAaHue

Learn the poem "ln Winter and in Summer".

Read lhe words in Exercise 5. (flpourai cnoBa B ynpax-

Learn lo wrile lhese words: (Hayrrcb nhcarb arh cno-
hockey, hockey-player, sportsman sports-
Do exercises in the Workbook. (Burnonxr ynpaxHeHhe
pa6ovei rerpa4r.)
Let Us Learn
(i; Say whar lhey can do. (Cxan<x, '{ro oHH yMeror Ae-
naru,) -
Example: Pupil 1: a dancer
Pupil 2: A dancer can dance.
A skater, a skier, a hockey player, a singer,
a swimmer, a runner, a jumper, a worker, a
tennis player, a teacher, a reader, a writer.
€) which sporls do you like lo watch! (Kaxre engur
cnopTa Tbr np6xuu cuorperu?)
Example: I like to watch ice hochey. I am an
ice hochey fan.
(S Look al lhe piclure and say what lfre children like to
do in winter. Erercise 110 can help you. (f1ocr,,rorpr

Ha KaprhHKyc h, qro Aer|/' np6rr Aenarb 3hMo;.
h 3By-
KoBoe 3aAaHhe 140 nolaoxer re6e.)

Let Us Read

(i-,\ Learn lo read lhe words and senlences: lirst read lhem
lo yourself,- lhen aloud as quickly as you can. (Yrrr*cn
qhrarb cnoBa h npe4noxeHht: cHa'{ana npovlrai xx npo
ce6n, noror,,r Bcnyx KaK moXxo 5urcrpee,)
[eu] snow, white snow, white with snow, snowball,
a snowball - snowballs, play snowballs.
Boys like to play snowballs in winter. Where
do you like to play snowballs with your
A snowman - snowmen, make a snowman,
Children like to make snowmen in winter.
Can you make a snowman in summer? -
Oh, no. -
lel sledge, a sledge, to sledge. My little sister
likes to sledge in the park. Where can you
sledge? Is it fun to sledge in winter?
[re] fan, fan fans. Boris is a hockey fan. Are
you a football fan? We can see many fans
in the stadium.
[skert] skate, [bc:d] board, a skateboard, to skate-
board. My brother likes to skateboard. But
I can't skateboard well. Have you got a
- Is it fun to skateboard? -
Oh, yes. It's great.
(s) Wn"fs your opinion: who is a good sportsman! Read
tfie terl and say. (Kax rur AyMaeuJb, xro xopou.l,li cnopr-
craex? llporrrai rexcr r cxaxl,)
On the Pondl
Children like to go to the pond. The ice is nice
on the pond. They can ski and skate. They are
good sportsmen.
Kate: Hi, Jane!
Jane: Hi, Kate! Glad to meet you.
Kate: Do you want to ski? Let's ski, Jane.
Jane: I'd Iove to but I can't ski very well.
Kate: Look at Andy. He is a good hockey player.
Do you Iike him?
Jane: Yes, you are right. He is great. I like to
dance on the ice. My mother teaches me
to dance on the ice. She is a good dancer.
Kate: Oh, it's great. Can you teach me?
Jane: Of course, with great pleasure. Let's go.
True or false! Erercise 5. (BepHo unu ner? Ynpaxxe-
xre 5.)
1. It is summer.
2. The children are at t}:.e Zoo.
3. Andy can't play hockey.
4. Kate likes to dance on the ice.
5. Jane wants to teach Kate.
6. Kate can ski well.
Lislen to the story and gel ready lo answel your
leacher's queslions. (f-locnyu.rai opvlto t1 nphroroBbct
orBeqarb Ha Bonpocbt yvrrenn.) l4l,

1On the Pond Ha npygy


Puzzle Time

r Look at the piclures. Write lhe words in lhe alphabe-

tical order.- (flocreorpr Ha KaprhHKh. Hanru.l.t cnoBa B afl-
$aarrnom nopngxe.)
Wrile as many words as you can beginning with
lefler S (Hannr.r.rr KaK Mo)r(Ho 6onsure cnoB, HaqhHab-
ulhxce c 6yxsur S.)

1. Read lhe words and senlences in Erercise 4. (Flpovh-

rai cnoea -h npeAnoxeHrr h3 ynpaxHexzn 4.)
2. Do Erercise 2 in writing. (Cgenai ynpaxHeHhe 2 nnct
3. Learnlo wrile lfiese words: (Hayvrcu nrcaru su cnoaa:)
snow, a snowman, sledge, to sledge, fan, skate-
board, snowman snowmen.
4. Dlaw a picture of your place in winler. Describe it.
lf you have a photo of your lamily in winter, bring ii
lo lhe class and tell your classmaies aboul your family.
(Haprcyi cao ropog/ nociinox shr"roi , On'l,utt ero. Ecnr
y re6r ecru cer,.reisan Sororpa$rn sraa,roi, nprnecr eii
h paCCKaXh OAHOKnaccHhKa,r.r O CeOei ceuue.)

Lgsson 46 (option*,)

3 Let Us Talk

1 Lef's warm up. (.Eaaaire saqniin ypor< c paaraNnu.)

This is the way we ski and skate,
Ski and skate, ski and skate,
This is the way we ski and skate,
On a cold and frosty morning.
This is the way we dance on the ice,
Dance on the ice, dance on the ice,
This is the way we dance on the ice
On a cold and frosty morning.

12 Answer lhe quesfions. (Oraeru xa eonpocur.)

1. Can you skate?
2. Can your father ski?
3. Does your friend like to play tennis?
4. What do you like to do in winter?
5. What do your friends want to be? And you?
6. Have you got a kitten? Is it big or little?
7. What colour is it?
8. Do you like to play with it?
9. Have you got many toys?
10. What toys do you like most?
11. Tell us about toys you like very much.
r'3 Work in pairs. Discuss winler sports. You may begin
your queslions like this: (Pa6oraire B napax. O6cy4r,rre
3rz,l,l.Hle BhAbr cnopra. Bur r,toxere Haqarb Bonpocsr rar:)

Are you ... ?

Do you like (to) . . . ?
Can you your friend ...?
What sports games ... ?
Where do you/does your friend ... ?
With whom do you ...?
'b A new pupil from Africa has come io your class. Hel
she doesn't know anything aboul winler. Tell him,/her
everylhing you can about it. (Hoasri yveuxr ra A$prrr
nplu.riin K BaM B rnacc. On/ona Hrqero He 3Haer o 3hMe.
Paccraxr erl'y / elt acii, vro ,r,roxeuu. )

Let Us Read

i5: Learn to read lhe words and senlences: lirst read lhem
to yourself,- lhen aloud as quickly as you can. (Yvrr,acn
qhrarb cnoBa h npeAnoxeHhg: cHariana npovrrai hx npo
ce6n, norom Bcnyx KaK lrorxno 6urcrpee.)
tr-il this
- these, this worker
- these workers,
this plant - these plants. These workers
work in these plants. The children like
to read this book. These books are funny.
It is fun to read these books.
[a-eu]that - those, that pupil - those pupils.
That boy is a good pupil. Those girls
Iike their school very much.
lhe poem and learn it by heart. (f'lpovxrai cu-
(o-i nead
xorBopeHhe h Bbryql ero xaleycru.)

This and That

This is Jack This is a ball
And that is Jill. And these are toys.
This is Bell That is a girl
Arrd that is BiII. And those are boys.

(z) Look at lhe picture .nd say whal the children like
to do. (flocr,aorpx Ha KaprHHKy x cKaxh, vro no5nr 4e-
naru arr gerx.)

(8-\ Lisfen to lhe girl's slory and answer lfre questions.

(f'locnyLuai, vr eBoqKa paccKa3brBaer o ce6e, x orseru
xa eonpocur.) 142.

Read lhe poem "What Are fhese!", Learn it by heart

and think of your own one. (flpovrrai crrxorsopexre <tro
ero?>. Buryvr.r ero Hah3ycrb x nprgyr"rai caoi eapraxr.)

lVhat Are lhese?
What are these? What are these?
These are dolls. These are skaters.
What are those? What are those?
Those are balls. Those are players.

Puzzle Time

Write lhe words lhal begin with lhese letlers, (Hauur.r

cnoBa, Ha'{hHapu{xecr c errx 6yra.)


1 .
Read and learn lhe poems "fhis and fhat" and "What
Are Thesel". (flpovxrai , Bbtyer. crxxorBopeHre *3ro x
ro> I <9ro- ero?>.)
2. Do Erercise 3 in wriling. (Cgenai ynpaxHeHre 3 nrcu-

3. Write a story about Rrssian winler. (CocraBb paccKa3

o 3hMe e Poccrx.)
We have white snow.
'We can ...
We like ...
We make ...
l. [ar,afire naqnilru c paaMrrnrclr.
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit downl
Hands up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend rightl
2. Trr uoucemr [oroBoprrrb rrnu paccrcaaarb o
efi ceure yBnercaercfl TeM rrJrrr ritrbrM BrrAoM
cnopra (ynpancuenufr g, 4 ua yryona 42 n
yrparcuenrre 7 ne yporca 41).
3. Tn yueerur qrrarb ne6olrmue rerccrbr, Ea-
rrp Mep, Te, KoTopbre Bbr yt$e qrrTaJrrr Ea
yporcax (ynpancneune 4, yporc 42 nllr yrparrc-
ner'ue 7, yporc 41), nJrrr EoBbre rerccrrr ([px-
noxeuue 2).
4. A renepr AaBafi rrpoBeprrM, rcarc xopolro rbr
BbrJ rrrJr ar$aarr.
A. 9ro BAec6 Earrucauo? Ilcno;rrayfi rcnrov
4lr pacnuQpoBrcrr.
1 a 6 11
2 b I
-f l2 -k
13 -l
3 c 8
4 d I -h t4 -m
5 e -i
-j l5 -n
16-p 20-t 24- x
17-q 2l-u 25- v
18-r 22-v 26- z
19-s 23-w
6120 3120 19120 L5L4 1 13120
tt44 L205 1 18120
B. Ilpowraft upeg;roncenne 5 TAIC
6arcrpo, rcarc TOJIbKO CMO'ICEIUb.
5. PacuuQpyfi lI llpoqnrafi etrle oAEo npeAno-

| 2tt8lt9t47 4t57 415519

t4r520 29205
6. Trr yxe BEaernb MEoro rrecer tt crnxorBope-
nnfi, ucno.nn[ re, Icoropbre re6e upaBffTcff.
7 Trt auaeur Mnoro anurttftcrcnx c.nos rr Bbrpa-
lrennfi, Ilponepr ce6n (Ilpurolrenue 3).

IPU/tOXfltUE 2
/. A. Do you want to know why Chita is sad?
Then read the fairy tale, (Trr xoqerul
yaHarb, rrorreMy Ylrra rpycrnaa? Tor4a npo-
uurafi crcaarcy. )

The Funny Monkey

Wants to Have a Friend
Chita is a little monkey. She is from Africa.
She is brown. Chita is funny. She likes to jump,
run and play very much. She can sing and
dance, too. But she hasn't got friends to play
with. And Chita wants to have many friends.
So she goes and goes and goes.
One day she sees 1 a big green frog.
The frog can jump but she can't run
or play games. "I don't want to have
the frog as a friend," says Chita.
And she goes, and goes and goes.
Then Chita sees a dolphin, a big grey dolphin.
The dolphin can jump and play. But it can't
run or sing. "I don't want to have such 2 a
friend," says the monkey. So she goes, and
goes, and goes.

1 see [si:] Br4AeTb

2 -
such [s,rtll TaKoft
Then Chita sees a little black and white
kitten. The kitten is funny. It can run, jump
and dance.
It has got a ball and likes to play with it.
So the monkey likes the kitten very much.
She wants to have the kitten as a friend.
"Do you want to be my friend? Let's play,"
says the monkey. Now Chita has got a friend
to play with. She loves the kitten very much.
B. Read out the answers to the following
questions. (flpovr-rrafi orBerbr rra cJreAyrotrIne
1. Why does Chita want to have a friend?
2. Does she like to have a frog as a friend?
8. What does the monkey say about the dol-
4. Why does Chita like the kitten?
2. Read Bob's letter and say what sports games
he likes. (Ilpovutafi nncbMo Bo6a u cxalrcr.r,
Karcue cfloprnBnbre r{rpbr oE nro6ilT.)
Hello, Mikel
Thank you very much for your letterl. You
want to know if I like sports. Yes, I do. I like
to play tennis. I go to the stadium to play

r letter ['l€te] IIIICbMO

We've got a nice sports ground at our
school. My friends and I like to play football
and basketball on our school sports ground.
I can swim well, too. I like to swim very
much. I go to the swimming pool with my
father and my little sister Dot. She is five.
She can't swim well but she likes to go to
the swimming pool with us. My father can
swim very well. We swim with great pleasure.
What sports do you like? What sports
games can you play? Do you go to the sta-
dium or to the swimming pool? Have you got
a gym in your school?
J. A, Do you know a proverb ['prnvs:b] about
a barking dog? If not read the text. (Trr
Brraerrrb rrocJroBraqy o .narouqefi co6are? Ecnz
rrer, rrpolrr{Taft rerccr.)
A Barking Dog Doesn't Bite
One day Mike and his Father want to go to
the park.
"Mike," says Father. "Let's go for a walk 1."
"It is great!" Mike is happy. He likes to
go to the park with his Father. "I'd like
to go to the park with great pleasure," says
Mike. He can skate, play snowballs in the park.

r to go for a walk ryJrsrb

[wc:k] -
Father likes to play hockey or ski. They have
a lot of fun there.
Mike and his Father are in the park.
Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog
sees the boy and begins 1 to bark 2. Mike is
afraid 3 of the dog. He wants to go home. His
Father says, "Don't be afraid, Mike. You know
the proverb: A barhing dog does not bite."a
"Oh, yes," says Mike. "I know the proverb,
you know the proverb. But does the dog know
the proverb?"
B. Put the sentences in a logical order and
use them as a plan to retell the text. (Pac-
cTaBb rrpeAJroficenr{,a rro rropffArcy ra r,rcnonreyft
nx KaK rrJrau AJrff nepecKaga rerccra.)
l. Mike likes to go to the park with his
2. Mike is afraid of the dog.
3. The dog sees the boy and begins to bark.
4. The Father likes to play hockey or ski.
5. One day Mike and his Father want to
go to the park.
6. "Let's go for a walk to the park," Father
7. Suddenly they see a big black dog.
8. "Don't be afraid of the dog," says Father.

I to begin [blgrn] Haqnrrarb

2 to bark
3 -
to be afraid [e'frerd]
4 to bite tbaltl - 6oarrca
nPunoxfqut 3
ylttRsf'Lf 5
Ilponepr ce6r. Xoporno Jrn rlr aEaerrrt:
fl AETI{ MAMA Apyf
TbI MAJIbqI{K IIaIIa cecTpa
M6I AEBOIIKA AeAyrllca 6par
OIII{ rreHlrrc 6a6yuuca rdrg
2. I.uaro.nrr.
trpbrraTb KaTaTbcff rra JrbrtKax
6erarr Kararbc,ff ua crefir6op4e
lrrparb n 6aguuuror
,rrparb s sorefi6or
urparb n (pyr6o.r
r{rpaTb B Terrrrr{c
fi rparb n xorcxefi
urparb g 6efic6orr
trJraBaTb trJIOBeTI 6acceftn
ctropTuBHafl trnoqa,AKa cTa,qr4oH
rlMgacrl,Iqecrcuft sar KATOK

cMoTpeTb TeJreBuSop

TarrqeBaTb rra JrbAy
KaTaTbcff Ha poJrr{Kax
IIpLrraTb rrepeS cKaKaJrKy
5. Ilpogeccuu.
pa6ouuft oQNqep
ey6noft rpav 6ngnecuerr
AOKTop AOMAIIIEflfl xoSfiIlI('a
6. rl*era.
v6pr*rfi )Iciirrbrft
6e.lrrrfi ceprrfi
aeriisrrfi rory6ofi
xopu.ruenrrfi rpacrrrrfi
7. Ilrpymrcn.
MffII co6axa
cauoadr rcortinox
8. tlnc.rnrrelrurre or 1 no 1O.

Anrno-pyccrnil cnoBapb

4a another* [e'nade] 4pyrofi

advice*1 [ed'vals] coner are [c] Jnrt. v. Hactl. ap.
afraid* [e'freId] 6ossrrm- an. to be
errfi aunt [o:nt] riira
be afraid of* 6osrr- awful ['c:fl] yxacnrrfi
cfl it's awful yxcacuo
Africa ['refrike] A(ppzrca
after* ['o:fte] noc;re Bb
afternoon [,afte'nu:n] non- bad:*
AeHr, a bad mark ['bad 'mcr:k]
in the afternoon s lJIOXaff OqerrKa
IIOJIAEHb badminton [bredmrnten]
again* [e'gen] crroBa, 6a4rvrnnron
OIISTb bag [breg] cyMra, Merrror
all right* ['c1 'rart] xo- ball [bcI] rvrav
poruo bark* [bo:k] .naarr
always ['clwerz] BcerAa baseball ['bersbcl] 6efic-
am [rem, em] l-e n. e0. v. 6o.n 6p. en. to be basketball ['bcuskrtbcJ]
America [e'menke] Anre- 6acrcer6o.n
pvKa bear [bee] MeABeAb
and [rend, end] z because* [br'koz] rroroMy
angry* ['enSri] cepAr.r- TITO
rrrfi bed [bed] KpoBarb
animal* ['enrmel] :xr"vr- be in bed 6rrrr B

1 C.noaa, o6oarra.resnrre aniia4ounoft *, ne nxogar g axruaHbrft cro-

aapr 2 r"racca.

go to bed JroJrcrrrbcfi bucket* ['b,tkrt] ae4po
ctrarb businessman ['bizrusmen]
begin* [br'En] Earrrruarl 6r,raHecrvreH
belong* [br'log] npunag- bye [bad rora, Ao cBr.r-
big [brg] 6orrrruofi
a big wheel viiprono Cc
KOJIECO call* [,kcl] BBarE,
bike [batk] Berrocr{reA camel ['kenl] nep6nro4
bite* [batt] Kycarbca can [kan, ken] rvrour,
black [blak] udprufi yMeTb
blink* [bhpk] rvroprarr cannot : can't ne
blue [blul rony6ofi yMeTb
board: car [kc] Marrr Ha
a board game ['bc:d cat [kret] Korrrxa
'germ] nacromnas certainly ['ss:tenlr] Ko-
boast [beost] xBacrarbcfi chair [fee] cry.n
boaster [beuste] xBacryrr chess [[es] rraxMarbr
book [b<rk] rcnura chick [{rk] qrrn;rdHor
box [boks] rcopo6ra chicken ['frkrnl quu.rr6-
brave [brew] xpa6prrft HOK
breakfast ['brekfest] aan- chitd [faIld] pe6iinor
TpaK children ['Urldrenl nern
have breakfast aar- city* ['sttr] ropog
TpaKaTb clean [kli:n] 1) vucrurr;
Britain ['bntn] Eprararrua 2) urr.crstit
Great Britain [,grert clean teeth [ti:O] uu-
'bntn] Bearro6pr.rra- crr,rrr ey6r,r
HIIfl clever ['kleve] yunrrfi
brother ['bmde] 6par clock [klok] vacu
brown [braun] ropuune- close [kleoz] 3arcpbrBarb
sbrfi club* [klrrb] nry6
clumsy [kl^mzrl rrerroB- dog [dog] co6ara
nuir doll [dol] Kynrra
cold* [keold] xo;ro4xrrfi dolphin ['dolfrn] AeJrb-
come [krm] rpnxoAr4Tb Qus
computer [kem'pju:te] dramatize* I' dramelarzl
KOMrrbroTep ApaMaTr{314 poBaTb
cook* [kuk] roroBLrrb dress [dres] oAeBarbc,fl
cousin ['k rzn] rcyaen duck [d,rk] ytra
cow [kau] KopoBa
cry [kraI] Kplrrrarl, rrJra- Ee
ICATb ear [re] yxo
eat [it] ecrr
Dd economist [i'konemrst]
dance [dcns] TarrqeBarb 9KOIIOM14CT
dark [do:k] 1) rdunsrfi; eight [eIt] BoceMb
2) rervrnora eleven [r'levn] o4unna4-
daughter ['dc:te] 4our qaTb
day [ded genr end* [end] rcoxeq
ay and night 4enr u engineer [,en$i'nre] ur-
EOtIb ,rceEep
one day oArarrcAbr English ['r4gLll anrnufi-
dentist ['dentrst] ey6nofi cxrafrt
Bparl even* ['ivn] 4axe
describe [dlskrarb] onra- evening ['ivnr4] ae.rep
CbIBATb in the evening neue-
dinner ['drnel o6et poM
have dinner o6e4arr every ['evn] rcax4rrfi
for dinner rra o6eg every day naxcArrfi
do [du] Aerrarb Berrep
do exercises ['ekse- every morning Karrc-
sarzrzf 4e;narb aapflA- .qoe yrpo
Ky everyone* ['evrnvrrn] rce
doctor ['dokte] Aorrop everything ['evnOr4l nc6

excuse [ft'skju:z] nsr.Lt- Ga
narr(ca) game [germ] ranpa
Excuse me! llseuuurel
eye [ad uaa gay [ger] seciirbrfi
get [get] Aocrarb
ff get up ['get 'lp] acra-
BaTb, rrpocbrrraTbcfl
face [fers] .nnqo
face to face lu4ou rc
giraffe [6r'rafl xcupaQ
girl [ggl] AeBotIKa
fall down ['fcJ'daun] na- give [gw] AaBarb
glad* [glred] pa4ocrrrrrfi
family ['femel] ceura go [geo] rrATrr, xoAI{TB
fan [fan] 6orrerrrrqrm go for a walk [wc:k]
farm* [firm] gepnra nATr{ ryJIflTb
farmer ['firme] @epuep good luck [,rk] yaavu
father ['fcde] oreq good night [gud nart] 4o-
fellow ['feleo] napenr 6pofi nouu
fine [fun] xoporuufi grandfather
finger* ['fi49e] na.neq ['graendfcde] AeAyrrra
first* [fs:st] neparrfi
fish [ft1] pu6a ['green,mrr6e] 6a6yrurca
five [faw] uarr green [gri:n] aeritubrfi
flat* [flet] KBaprr.rpa grey [grer] ceprrfi
fluffy* ['] uymncrrrft guitar [gltcu] rrarapa
fty [flad Jrerarb play the guitar r{rparb
football ['tutbcl] (fyr6o;r Ha rrrTape
forget* [fe'get] ea6uaarr gum* [gm]
four [fc:] rrerbrpe gYm [Sm] rrMrracrr{rle-
fox [foks] nuca crufi aaJt
friend [frend] tpyr
frog [fmg] n.nryrrrKa flh
from [fmm] r.ra hand [hend] pyrca
funny ['f,rnr] cuerurofi happy ['hrepi] c.racralrsbrft
hard [ho:d] ycepAuo; MHo- how [hatr] rcarc
ro; Tf}IteJro hungry ['h^nSil] roJroA-
hare [hee] aaarl nrrft
have (got) ['hev (got)] hungry as a hunter
I4METb rolo4r+rfi Karc BoJrK
he [hi:] ou husband ['h,tzbend] rvrync
head [hed] rorroBa
headache ['hederk] ro;ron- li
rras I [ar] a
help [help] rroMorarb ice [ars] "1164
hen [hen] Kyprrqa ice cream [,ars 'kri:m] mo-
her [he:] ed po)rceHoe
here [hre] a4ecr if [{ ec.nn
Here it is! Bor! ill [r1] 6onrnofi
hi [hat] rprlBer in [rn] rrryrpz
hide-and-seek ['hardend- into ['rnte] a
'si:k] rrpa B rrpsrKlr is [tz] 3-e n. e0. v. ruacm.
his [hrz] ero ap. en. to be
hockey ['hokd xorrcefi it [tt] aro, ono (ox, ora)
home lheuml 1ort (ceott,
at home 4oua
[Scrn] rpucoeArr-
homework ['heomws:k] narr(ca)
AoMarrrHff,fi pa6ora jump [frrmp] uprrram
hopscotch ['hopskofl zrpa
horse [hc:s] rrorrraAb kind [karnd] 4o6puft
hospital | 'hnsprtll kiss* [krs] rleJroBarr
HIIIIa, rOC[LrTaJIb kitten ['krtn] roriinorc
house [hans] gott (cmpoe- know [neo] enarr
housewife ['ha<rswarfl 4o- LI
rvroxossfiKa lake [lerk] oaepo
lamp [lemp] rraMna marbles ['mablz] ruapu-
lazy l'letnl rerusLrfi rn ( urprr)
leapfrog llipfioSl qexap- meet [mit] Bcrperurb
Aa men [men] Myrrcqunbr
leaves* [irz] .nucrra merry-go-round ['merigeo
Lego ['legeu] Jlero , raund] Kapycerrb
let'e [ets] ganaft(re) middle* ['mrdl] cepe4ra-
letter* ['lete] uucruo HA
like [atk] l) rrro6urr, mirror ['mrre] aeprcalo; 2) rcax monkey ['mrpkt] o6egr,s-
live lrvl xczrr EA
long [oj] 4.nrarrrrfi moon [mun] nyna
longer* ['loOge] AJrrrnlree morning ['mc:ni4] yrpo
look [uk] Bbrrrra,4erb in the norning yrpoM
look at ['luk 'et] cuo- mother ['made] uaua
TpeTb rra mouse [maos] ruurur
lovely ['lrrvL] Bocxrrru- mouth [mau0] por
re;rsrrrrft much [m,r{l runoro
lunch tl^n{l 1) aropoft very much* ouerr
BaBTparc (o6ttvno a MEOTO
nondena); 2\ o6et must [m,rst] Aorrtr(en
have lunch 1) saBrpa- my [ma] ruofi
*arr; 2) o6egarr
rl4n name [nerm] raua
make [merk] AeJrarb near [nre] orco;ro
make bread [bred] nephew ['nevju] trrreM,flE-
ue.rr x;re6 IIIIK
man [meen] 1) veronerc; nice [nats] xopourrafi, upu-
2) ruyx.rura arrrtlft, ruu;rrrft
many ['meru] ruaoro niece [nis] uJreMflEEHqa
how [hau] many nine [narn] AeBffTb
CKOJILI{O no [neu] He, Her
none [n^n] H KTo perhaps [pe'heps] Bos-
not [not] He, Her MO'I(HO
nolv [nao] cefiqac pet [pet] nro6rauoe Ao-
number ['nrr,mbe] nonrep MAIUHEE J{CI{BOTIIOE
piano [pi'aneu] nraarrrauo
Oo play the piano urparr
o'clock [e'klok] ... qacoB Ha [![aHr{Ho
atSo'clocka8.ra- picture ['ptk{e] Kaprnrra
coB piC [prS] cBtr rrbfl
It's 6 o'clock. Ceft.rac pilot ['parlet] nralor
6.racos. pity ['prtd ,rcarrocrb, co-
of course [av 'kc:s] ro-
HEqEO What a pity!
office ['ofis] ]rype)rcAeuve, xa;rr!
o$rac plane [plem] cauo.niir
officer ['ofisel oQuqep plant [plcunt] aaro4
often ['ofn] vacro play [pler] rrrparb
old [eold] craprrft playground ['plergraond]
one [w,rn] ogr.rn [JrouIaAKa Anff urp
one day oAH rcAbr please [pli:z] noxca.lryfi-
only ['eonft] roJrbrco cTa
open ['eopen] orrcprlrr pleasure ['ple5e] y4ononr-
other ['irde] 4pyrofi CTBIIE
our ['aoe] naru with great pleasure
c 6o.nrruurvr yAoBoJrbcr-
ents ['peerentsl ponr.r- pond [pond] npy4
TeJILI pony ['peuni] nonra
park [pck] uapx poor [pue] 6e4nrrfi
parrot* ['peeret] uonyraft previous ['pri:vras] rpe-
peck* [pek] KrreBarb 4rr4yrqr,rfi
penguin ['pe4gwn] nnxr- proverb* ['provs:b] ro-
BI,IH cnoBr4rIa

pupil ['pjupl] ]Frerrun, school [skul] rurco;ra
yqeEIIqa at school B mKoJre
puppy ['p,rpr] qeuox go to school u4rra n
put [put] KJracrb, rroJro- IIIKOJIY
,KIITb; CTABIITb scooter ['skute] caMoKar
see [si] BuAerb
Rr seed* [si:d] eeprro
rabbit ['rebit] rpoaran seesaw ['si:scl Karlauue
read [ri:d] qrrrarb IIA KAIIEJIffX
ready ['redr] rorosbrfi seven ['sevn] ceur
red [red] rpacnrrfi shake [Jerk] rpacrr{
remember [n'membe] aa- she [Jil oua
troMuEarb ship [Jrp] ropa6nr
ride [rard] Kararbcn silly ['uh] nnynrrfi
right [rart] EpaBrrrrbrro sing [srp] uerr
That's right. flpa- sister ['srste] cecrpa
BLI JIbHO. sit [srt] cnAerb
robot ['reubot] po6or six [srks] urecrr
roller-skate ['reulaskert] skate [sken] Kararbcfl rra
rcaTaTbcff rra ponulco- KOEbKA)(
BbIX KOHbKAJ( skate board ['skertbc:d]
roller skates ponrrco- poJrrrrcoBaff AocKa
BBIE KOHbKLI skating rink ['skertrp n4k]
room [rum] rcoMnara KATOK
rule* [rul] rpaBn no ski [ski:] Kararbcs Ea
run [r,rn] 6erarr JIbI'ICAX
Russia ['r,rJe] Poccua skip [skrp] crcararb rre-
Russian ['mJen] pyc- pea repilsovrcy
cxufi sledge [sle6] Kararbca
Ss snake [snerk] auer
say* [sed roBoprrrb, crca- snakes and ladders
SATb au1 ruacmononoit. uapw
snow [snoo] cHer swim [swrm] rrJraBarb
snowball ['sneubc:l] cne- swimming pool 6accefin
,t(oK swing [swrp] Kaqarbcff
play (fight) snowballs switch [swrfl on nxtro-
Ir lpaTb B cHe)ICKt' uars (ceem)
snowman ['sneoman]
cHe)KHafl 6a6a, cne- TT
TOBI4K table ['terbl] cro.n
son [s,Ln] crrn table tennis HacroJrb-
soon [su:n] cnopo Hrrfi rennrac
sorry* ['son] oropviirrr+rfi tag [teg] rrrpa B canoq-
f'm very sorry. KLI
,fl o.renr colr(aJrero. take [terk] 6parr, naarr
sport [spcr] cnopr take a shower [faoa]
sports 1) cfloprr4Bubre IIpI1IrrffTb Ayrx
copeBHoBaHr,rff; tall [tct] srrcoxrft
2) cnoprznr+,rfi teach [ti:{l y.rurr
sports ground ['spc:ts teacher ['ti:ile] yqr,rrerb
'graondl croprrrBnas team* [ti:m] KoMaHAa
IInoulanKa teeth [ti:0] ey6u
sportsman ['spc:tsmen] telephone ['tehfeun] re-
crropTcMeH ;reQon
spring* [sprr1] recna television ['teh,v13n] re-
stadium ['sterdram] cra- neBLIAeHI4e
AIIOH ten [ten] Aecarb
stand [stend] croarr tennis ['tenrs] rennr.rc
stay [ster] ocraBarbcs test [test] yourself fic/selfl
stick* [strk] na;rna uponepr ce6a
stomachache ['st,rmekerk] thank l0enk] 6naro4a- s x(zBore pr{Tb
street Istril] yrrr.rqa Thanks [Orepks]. Cna-
such* [s,rtfl rarort cu6o.
summer* ['s,rmal "rrero Thank you. Cnacr-r6o.
that [daet] ror, ra, ro l/v
their [dee] llx
then [den] TorAa, BareM very ['ven] ouenr
these [diz] arn very rnuch ovenr
they [ded onu MHOTO
think* [0r4k] 4yrraarr volleyball ['wlrbct] Bo-
this [drs] oror, era, ;refi6o.r
play volleyball
those [deuz] re nrparb s soreft6or
three [Ori] rpu
time [tarm] npeua
tired ['tared] ycra.nrrfi walk [wc:k] xoAr.rrb, ry-
be tired ycraBarb .'IffTb
too [tu] ro*ce want [wont] xorerb
tooth [tu:O] ey6 wash [woll narlrr
toothache* ['tuOerk] ay6- watch [wofl cMorperb
sas 6o;rr watch TV cMorperb
toy [tcr] urpyrrrra TeJreBr{3op
train [trern] noea4 water ['wc:te] aoga
tree ltrij AepeBo we [wi:] ruu
trick [tnk] rpror, Qorcyc well [wel] 1) xoporuo
try [trar] rrrrrarbcff, cra- very well oqerrb xo-
paTbcff poruo
twelve [twelv] ABeEeA- well [wel] 2) rcoaoleq
qaTb what [wnt] vro
two [tu] 4na where [wee] rge
which [wifl xoroprrfi
l,lu white [wart] 6elrrft
uncle [',r4kl] 4a.qs who [hu] rcro
under [',rndo] uo4 wife [warfl xcena
use* fiuzl ynorpe6larr, winter* ['wnte] suma
ItctroJIbS0BaTb with [wrd] c
usually ['ju:guoh] o6rr.rxo with us c HaMH
wives [wawz] xcdnu
woman ['women] t*err- ow [Jeleu] rxiinrrrfi
IIII{HA yes Uesl na
women ['wtmm] ]fieHrqv - you [ju] rbr, Bbr
E6I your [ic:] rgofi, sa
work [ws:k] pa6orarr
worker ['ws:ke] pa6o- Zz
,tlrfrt zoo lnuil aoorapn


Vpoxu 1-5 .. 4-13
Vporn 6-10 . 14-24

Vporu Ll-32 25-79

Vpox 26. Test Yourself I . .. 59
Lessons 33-37 80-99
Lesson 38. Test Yourself 2 .......... 100
Lessons 39-46 ... 104-139
Ilpnaoxex;e l. fccl Yoursell ,. ........... 140
Ilpnnoxenxe 2. lctl Yoursell a ............142
Ilpxnoxexxe 3. fesl Yourself t . . . . . . . . . . . . L46
Axrno-pyccxri cro!.pb ...... 148

(t-t at )>

Yqe6Eoe r.AaEBe
BepeqaJEtr uprEa HnBoraeBE&
BoaaspeBo ICtrpa AieliceeBEa
flpxrrnsEr Tai(apa turencaBAposEA

AHrn[ftclcr{fi g3brK
2 wrocc
Yqe6Etrk nnf, o6r4eo5pa yqp€:ftA€srf
r EKon c ,Trt6r6EHNM r.lqeEneM sErrBlcxolo rsHr(a
c nptinoxeE eM Ea snel(rpoEEoM E@urene
qacrf, 1

Ue|mp ?psnna ,eptar.crut nvr@

PykoEoAneE UeErpa B. B. Eoiusa
3al{. pyEoDoArr€nr If.,W.Makcwe Bo
PeANtop E.IO. TyU\uHa
XyAoxealeEEHfi peAauop H- B- IoteAdaa
Xyaox'ivK Il. P. Bopucoa
TexHnqecFoe peAa(rrpolaHre E koMllrdrepE6s td!{rxa E. B. Ca6am.e6a
Koppewop H. A. ncynoaa
HaroFBa.s nlrora - O6qepoccEncRrn xraccnorMrop rpoarn !'sx OK OO5-93-954q)O.
uon. dq. C€ptr I1II l* 05824 or r2.O0.01. noFc8o E DeqarL 26.01.12.
Oop{ar a4 x ro8r/r.. EF.ara oQcerEAs. IapBrrypa Illxonlslr. netarD oi!.e!sor.
yq.-nsa. r. 6,8. Aor. r{pax 50 0OO eKa. 3ar(ai }€ 31785 E{i.
OrEpEr@ e4roEeproe o6rqeclm .llaAar€rlcrlo .llpocDeqeEn€..
12752r, M@Kra, A.r trpo€3a MapbnFoi poqr, 41.
OrneqareEo B nonHoM c c natrecrDor rpeAocrarressLr:( MarcpruoB
B OAO .CMoneEcRufi nonr.paorcecRrfi noM6xHar.. 214020, r. Cxonesc&,
yn. Cuon!aEr!o!4, A. 1.
tNotffiH i
Yve5xo-r,,,rero4rsecKN KoMnreKT
<<Axur.ricxr,ti qru x>r
oeropoe h. H. Bepeuqouxoi,
K. A. Sox,qopexro, T. A. flpxrrrxrxoi
grr 2 xnocco BKnptoer:
. po5orre nporpoMMu
(2-4 xnoccuI
. yqe6HrK (e 2 rocrnx)
po5oryo rerpogr
KHhry Anr qTeHl{t :--
KHtlfY Mt
rneKTPoHHOe nPNrOXeHre
c oygroxypcor xo CD
hftp:/ / prosv.rv/ vmk/

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