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Date of Submission Week 11

Group Assignment Group No – 4

Group Leader – Abdulrahman Almirie

LO 2&3

Total Marks 20 marks Lecture’s Remark

Name of group
members (including No. Name Matric No. Cohort Programme
1. Abdulrahman Almirie AIU 19032061 3 BBAM
2. Yahaya Antaru AIU 19032054 3 BBA
3. Modibo Diarra AIU 19032051 2 BBA
4. Alua Aimagambetova AIU 19032040 2 BBAH
5. Amir Nurhussen AIU 19092003 3 BBAM

Topic Movie Review

Lecturer’s Name Dr. Siti Noorjannah binti Abd Halim

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Characters in the movie ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 The Main Characters De Niro and Hathaway...................................................................................... 5
2.2 Hathaway or Jules ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 De Niro ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Supporting roles ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.0 Job description ................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 overview: ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Ben Responsibilities and Duties ........................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Senior Intern Requirements and Qualifications ................................................................................. 10
4.0 Senior intern Skills ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Communication ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Interpersonal .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.4 Critical Thinking ............................................................................................................................ 12
4.5 The personality of The Character ................................................................................................. 12
5.0 The type of motivation in the movie.................................................................................................. 13
6.0 Leadership Style Adopted by Jules ................................................................................................... 14
7.0 How they manage their stress and decision making while having a problem .................................... 15
8.0 Recommendation ............................................................................................................................. 16
9.0 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 17
10.0 Bibliography................................................................................................................................... 18
11.0 Appendices ................................................................................................................................. 19

1.0 Introduction
"The Intern" is an American film that premiered in cinemas in September 2015. The movie
tells a common everyday story from everyday life and belongs to the category of pictures that are
barely released since there are no fights, chases or primitive humour. Meanwhile, the film was shot
interestingly, with well-thought-out dialogues, tasteful and, most importantly, deep content. It was
given the latter factor that our group chose this movie as a review and discussion on organizational
behaviour problems.

The plot of "The Intern" revolves around two central figures - the head of a large online
clothing store Jules (Anne Hathaway) and her company's new intern Ben (Robert De Niro). Ben is
an older man who survived the death of his beloved and now lives alone. He has children and
grandchildren, whom he loves and visits regularly. His days are filled with various activities; he is
constantly learning something new, reading books, attending yoga, studying foreign languages,
etc. However, this is not enough for him. Ben had been a manager for 40 years in the past, and now
he lacks a job. So, Ben turns out to be an intern at the largest online clothing store that organizes
unique internships for retirees. CEO of internet company Jules is the ideal of the typical American
businesswoman. An intelligent, beautiful, married woman, with a rather sweet (at first glance)
husband and charming daughter. Jules started a start-up 1.5 years ago, and now her brainchild has
grown into a large, influential company.

Moreover, she did all this herself, with her own hands, personally delving into the work of
each department of her company. Having met Ben at the beginning of the film by giving him the
cold shoulder, Jules eventually feels that it was such a person that she lacked for a long time. Ben,
as an exemplary trainee, responsibly carries out the smallest assignments Jules, accompanies her
at important meetings and gives very valuable advice. Gradually, Ben becomes a great friend for
her; a mentor-student relationship develops between them. He helps to tidy up some of Jules' most
pressing corporate and personal problems.

As far as the movie's precise scenario is concerned, the film begins with Ben (Robert De
Niro) telling us about himself. He is a seventy-year-old widower who lives a comfortable life but
feels he can still help the community. Responding to a flyer urging seniors to interview for a job
at a fashion retailer, and he gets an invitation for an interview. The company is called About the
Fit, in which Jules Austin (Anne Hathaway) is its creator and leader. Originally started in her

kitchen, the online clothing retailer currently has about 220 employees, has grown in just 18
months. Jules is personally involved in solving private issues of clients, for example, with the
wrong colour of dresses for bridesmaids, successfully calming the dissatisfied and compensating
for their troubles. She scurries around the company's premises on her bike, stopping to celebrate
an employee's birthday and talk to her mom.

In interviews, Ben reveals that he worked for a phone book company. The interviewer (Nat
Wolff) asks him where he sees himself in the next ten years, and then realizes that the question is
not very correct due to Ben's age. Ben is successfully interviewing. Jules' colleague Cameron
(Andrew Rannels) informs her that Ben will be her trainee for the outreach program they agreed
to a few months ago, it all takes a minimum of 6 weeks to exemplify such work. In addition to
Ben, three more newcomers arrive on the first day - including Davis, a young man who
immediately makes his desk with fashionable gadgets. Ben places his calculator and clock on the
table. Hopefully, kind people help him turn on the MacBook.

Jules calls Ben says that he will not be able to devote much time to himself. However, she
adds, if the need arises, she will send him an e-mail. The first task for Ben is to send Julie's jacket
to the cleaning, as she spilt soy sauce on it. Climbing up to retrieve the jacket, Ben overhears
Cameron and Julie talking about investors who think that things are going too fast at About the fit
and that an experienced CEO can do better and help them keep up with success. Jules is upset with
this idea, although she admits they have problems. Cameron tells her to look at the list of executive
candidates and take the time to meet with them one at a time and decide. Ben becomes a more
helpful and demanding colleague in the office. One day Ben notices Jules chauffeur in a drunken
state, says that either he is taking time off, or Ben will tell Jules everything, and he offers his
services as a chauffeur. Julie says he will sit in the back and make calls that must be kept
confidential. Her first call is from her mother, who tells her that women who do not sleep much
tend to gain weight. They do not have much rapport. Julie calls Cameron on the phone and says
she is meeting with one of the executives on the list. The meeting is very short, and Cameron is
not convinced she wants this. Ben, meanwhile, buys Julie a cup of soup, realizing she has not eaten.
During the trip to her home, he tells her that she needs to get more rest and when she is in doubt,
she should remember that she started the company out of nothing (Michigan, 2010).

From all of the mentioned above and referring to the movie's motto, "Experience never gets
old", the protagonist in this movie, Ben, does not look like a fighter for traditional values, but as a
visiting teacher of etiquette, manners and interpersonal communication, which the younger
generation has safely forgotten, hiding behind all sorts of gadgets and using e-mail in order to ask
for forgiveness banally. A couple of flat, belly jokes show that it is too early to give up on a fossil
like Ben, and also appeal to a young audience that needs to be hooked on other than bantering a
70-year-old grandfather unable to turn on the MacBook (Prati, L., McMillan-Capehart, A., &
Karriker, J.H., 2009).

"The Intern" confidently communicates two simple truths. First one, after retirement, life
is just beginning (it is not in vain that Ben becomes the soul of the company and finds himself a
new permanent passion in the person of the corporate masseuse Fiona). The second one, while you
are building a career and running as fast as you can, life can pass by, and you will not notice how
only work will remain in it, which someone else already wants to take over. Sometimes you just
need to stop and relax, do the same oriental gymnastics, preferably together with your intern, who,
imperceptibly for you, has become your best friend. Another thing is that it is very difficult to find
such a person in the modern world, because "in just one generation, men from Jack Nicholson and
Harrison Ford turned into (Steers, R.M., 2009).

2.0 Characters in the movie

The main message that the film wants to convey to the viewer within two hours, and one
minute is the duration of its presentation. If you are lost on the road, and this is permissible in the
lives of people and societies, no matter how advanced and prepared, you do not have to cry, and
long pain only completes the wandering path until the solution comes to you on its own.

2.1 The Main Characters De Niro and Hathaway

The two protagonists of the film possessed both him and the idea, dialogue and presence,
even if they differed, and the first was distinguished to a large extent: "Robert De Niro as the role."
"Bane Whitaker" and "Anne Hathaway" as "Jules Austin". ». And if some of them appeared longer
or less.

In today's review, we present to your attention to the movie "Intern" starring De Niro and
Hathaway. Now it is time to talk about a story, which too many viewers seem to be uncomplicated,
but original. So, 70-year-old Ben Whitaker is a widow, but he does not want to put up with the fate
of a non-working retiree who spends his days on TV.

The main character has experienced the loss of a beloved woman and wants to be in demand
in society. However, the work in which he participated throughout his life, ceased to exist.

2.2 Hathaway or Jules

As for "Jules", she is a twenty-year-old girl who has everything in life. She is now the
owner of the place where Bain has been working for forty years. She has 256 employees even
though she started with only 15 years ago a year and a half, and she markets products on the
Internet, especially "clothes." Al-Harami », and sometimes designs it, and the gains are fictional,
but in return, it loses all aspects of her life (Staw, 2003).

Moreover, because "Jules" who deals with the second in her time, and rides a "bike" to
move between offices, and does not like the man who does not "blink" his eyes much, and because
she is more than lost, she decides that the solution is to continue in the wandering, so she hires four

trainees without fixation to make the seventieth "Bayan" By following her like her shadow, which
are the tasks of his new work, and she is not ashamed of giving him the wrong information on the
road, and upon it, she issues a decision to dismiss him. The "human" has died completely inside of
her while he watches her and dedicates his seventies to alleviate her (Steers, R.M., 2009).

In a moment of "recovery", she looks for him after his expulsion and tells him that she is
not that "bad" and that she is afraid that she will not find a place in the end "to be buried" between
employees who only care about money, and men who look at women's clothes with an "impolite"
look, and a husband who does not He accuses him of "she" about something, so he assures her that
he will bury her with his wife and with him.

Of course, in a young team. Misunderstanding on the part of the youth and the inefficiency
of handling the computer does not embarrass Ben, because he is a goal-oriented person, just as a
real man should be. We can say that the hero Robert De Niro found his true career as an apprentice
to a modern online store, run by Jules Austin. He easily mastered all technical wisdom, found a
common language with the young team, and taught life lessons to his boss.

2.3 De Niro

2.3.1 The main character is very happy

If you have already seen the movie "Intern", the actors might like it. No doubt about it.
There is only one "but". Ben Whitaker somehow escaped the death of his wife, was not depressed
and seemed to be a perfectly happy person. He is optimistic even as he has invited to the funeral
of old friends. Such an intelligent, cheerful and cheerful older man could not but cause emotion
and many questions from the viewer. Does it happen in real life? Are there such individuals?
Reviews of the movie "Intern" say that some people could not see the tape until the end - it seemed
long, boring and sweet to them.

Instead of an incomparable drama about an elderly hero advancing on the career ladder, we
see another toothless story. Where are the bad guys and people who insist on Jules Austin herself?
Who is Ben Whitaker protecting his boss from the entire movie? Furthermore, why did the 70year-
old Sheikh who was unfamiliar with the work structure of the fashion industry, get a quick show?
This movie is very cute and charming, and it will appeal to women of all ages.
Men, most likely, will leave the tape without attention.

The technology researcher "Bain" and he does not know anything "even" about "e-mail"
meets the human searcher "Jules", and she does not know anything about stability. They travel
together, tends to him and gently repels her, announcing to her that he has a world of his own that
she will not enter with his love for that, but he does not want her to occupy it. What the "love of
ownership" has dragged on her, she agrees compelled. However, she is looking for an
administrative manager for her, personally, who does not give the company the "bureaucratic"
elegance and allows her life to settle down, and after he gets lost " Bane and Jules "Looking for
him, she decided based on his opinion that she would remain at work and would return to her if he
wanted to.

2.4 Supporting roles

In addition to these two charismatic main characters, Nancy Meyers' creation gained
support in facing Renee Russo's extravagant and impermanent. Do not have time to see "The
Apprentice". Actors Nat Wolfe, Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Wallis-Curry Wood, Marybeth
Monroe and others will never let you get bored.

Separately, I would like to mention the rising star in comedies and melodramas in Nat
Wolf. This young actor is in great demand in modern cinema. This is evidenced by his later work
- "City of Paper" and "Ashby".

3.0 Job


Job Title: Intern

3.1 overview:

With the focus to the head of a hip online fashion magazine. Our commitment to our
employees and clients as well as to dedication and trust, critical values to our Firm, based on our
employees' feedback, we have also consistently rated the Best Place to Work. Employment at about
the fit means a flexible, collaborative, and open-minded work environment. We hope it is your first
easy decision. About the fit is seeking a Senior Intern to provide support for our Learning &
Development programs, compliance, and reporting. This Senior Intern may also assist in other
functional areas, such as but not limited to, onboarding, policy development, records management.

3.2 Ben Responsibilities and Duties

Ben Has worked in a large variety of industries and typically work in a company's
Administration. He works for sales managers and supervisors, and it is often used as a starting
point for people interested in supervision. The job prospects for Ben differ depending on the sector.

3.2.1 Work from Various Department of the Organization.

Ben is responsible for ensuring the procurement and efficient processing of raw materials into
finished products. He ensures that work is done smoothly and has to track processes to enhance
and enjoy the work. In conjunction with the production of prototypes to the final product for About
the Fit company, Ben focused on designing and evaluating new product processes and product
styles. He is responsible for quality control and inspection. He was also responsible for the role of
Department for Human Resources, assisting the founding officer, Jules in recruitment and training
junior staffs in the organization.

3.2.2 Has to Adapt Himself to Working with Different Sets of People

He was attending social gatherings and has been energized with persons around. He tends to
be sociable, calm, ambitious, enthusiastic, polite and socially confident. Ben is also extremely
sensitive to personalities; which Ben may consider being solid and organized. It strives to show
itself-discipline, engages actively and yield outcomes.

3.2.3 Provide Customer Service

In order to provide excellent customer service, Ben's role is integral. He is also responsible for
developing potential consumer to customer partnerships which require detailed customer
information. In order to maintain this relationship, Ben must work through the continuous analysis
of customer requests, identifying customer concerns and offering solutions. Besides, Ben will work
with other departments to make customer service improvement recommendations.

3.2.4 Process Transaction

After completing the transactions, Ben will then prepare and complete all documentation
necessary y and the paperwork needed for the transaction, which shall also include knowledge of
national and federal regulations on local sales, trade and taxes. The transaction must be processed,
and the customer must be paid correctly, and all relevant receipts and invoices must be provided
and filed.

3.3 Senior Intern Requirements and Qualifications

• University degree or equivalent.

• Must have certified and similar credit-receiving experience in the same program.
• Proficient in computer skills, Microsoft Office Suite included (Word, PowerPoint, and
• Needs to be 40 years old.
• Excellent communication skills and written.
• Autonomous and capable of operating without supervision
• Powerful and willing to work with new ventures and ideas
• Being productive
• Stress management

• Recognizing market trends
• Analysing complex data
• Multitasking
• Being courteous
• Professionalism

4.0 Senior intern Skills

Interns are relationship builders who guarantee loyalty to clients. They have exceptional
leadership skills and are enthusiastic, articulate and enjoyable communicators. They are also
extremely detailed and structured perfectionists who ensure that all facets of the brokerage
process run smoothly. They are intelligent people who quickly build up and store large
quantities of data and are highly articulated.

4.1 Communication
Communication takes place in several ways, but the ability to write and communicate
professionally is mainly of interest to potential employers. In your curriculum vitae and cover
letter, you will have an opportunity to show your writing skills and word skills while presenting
you with thoughtful answers to the standard interview questions. Please note your familiarity
with oral presentations during your interview (which perhaps was required in some of your
classes). In any area, whether it is with your boss, staff or customers, it is crucial to be able to
communicate effectively and translate ideas and knowledge and to realize that it is an important

4.2 Interpersonal
The ability to communicate efficiently is also related to the ability of one to be well
connected to others or people skills. You will interact with consumers and suppliers as well as
with your staff and supervisors, depending upon the industry. It is important to be able to
develop and sustain relationships and to be with people in the office every day as team members
want. Interpersonal skills are critical when employers seek individuals who can understand and
recognize the importance of multiple viewpoints and who can recognize the needs of other

4.3 Time Management
You have also shown time management abilities if you successfully take a full course load
every semester and satisfy assignment deadlines. Nevertheless, as an intern, you will not have
a curriculum to tell you what your time-limits are. Your time must be organized, and results
must be achieved. Employers want to know that you can prioritize and understand when
multiple tasks are needed or focus on a single project at a time.

4.4 Critical Thinking

Critical thinking refers to the ability to consider, assess and judge a situation or problem.
The ability to bring questions to understand a dilemma from any perspective and to suggest
innovative solutions to problems will reflect the propensity to think critically. Many of your
professors have probably illustrated it and are highly respected by employers.

4.5 The personality of The Character

4.5.1 Ben's Personality

In the movie, the Intern, Ben is a kind of Mr Fix-It, who helps Jules to get on the road both
at work and at home with quiet confidence, a parental skill and a driver's license. Extraversion,
perhaps an outgoing social and the concentrate, is a personality characteristic of Ben. He enjoys
being around people, attending social meetings and is energy-filled. He seems to be sociable,
trusting, optimistic, enthusiastic, loving and confident in society. Ben also has a high personality
sensitivity which Ben can see as powerful and structured. He strives to demonstrate self-discipline,
to behave professionally and to produce results. Leadership, resources, efficiency, goals,
consistency, workability and resourcefulness tend to be people with extraversion traits. The intern
is an obvious film that reflects on the reverse position of the sexes and of the generation and rapidly
transforms itself into a treatise on how much even young people have to learn, even successful
women. His extensive expertise, both in the telephone book industry and in a long existence,
impersonates him with a Yoda-like insight for anything from the trend to cleaning desks Ben must
instruct Jules to be a good boss, even as he instructs his young male colleagues to be men. Ben's
learning style in this film is social and rational visually.

The occipital lobes at the rear of the brain are responsible for the spatial orientation; both
the occipital and parietal lobes, frontal and temporal lobes are responsible for a significant part of

our social behaviours. Also, the limbic system affects society as well as solitary types. The limbic
system is very much about feelings, moods and violence. The parietal lobes, especially the left,
drive our thinking.

4.5.2 Work-Life Balance of Jules

The intern is a 2015 film and the internet fashion world's rising star, Jules Ostin. In the last
18 months, her company, About the fit. Jules' influence is used to win her employees' favours. She
is clever and light. Initially, she could not combine work and life by presenting a workaholic
person. She also seeks to make time for her family. Later she realized her husband was cheating
her, and everything was making her so distressed she could not focus on the job. She could not
handle her job at that time, and the company was in recession. Inspired by Ben, she could manage
all circumstances and bring the business and life back into the normal situation.

4.5.3 Attitude of Ben

A nice, straightforward, non-neurotic guy who got good in life somewhere. Do some
mugging as he connects with young people and gets to know the odd things these children do today
with their connections and the web, and so forth. He is alert and professional and wants to be

5.0 The type of motivation in the movie

The intern is a nice film about a good businesswoman whose hosting service senior with
practitioners over 70 years of age is spoken about. The movie He was an enthusiastic and cheerful
person from the beginning. He applied and worked hard even at the age of 70 to assist others. He
is often helped and inspired his colleagues as an accomplished age-old person. I have spent a lot
of time reading and talking about thousands of years of workforce and differences between
generations, so the reverse concept of the internship has inspired my interest, says Ben, who shows
his passion and spirit for teamwork. A diverse and near atmosphere was built in the working
environment at the office. Jules was open to criticism, which showed how she was open to debate
and critique motivating her staff. The best example is that when BEN asks her secretary to
appreciate the job, she does it for her, so she acknowledges the error and tries to appreciate the

6.0 Leadership Style Adopted by Jules
The film introduces Jules, the founder of the website for fashion e-commerce. The leader
takes decisions based on the input of each member of the team, i.e., the democratic style of
management. She is unbelievably insightful and brilliant and does all from a true position of love
and vision. Jules is a generic product that takes snap decisions and therefore places much pressure
on itself. Such attempts are being made, boxes are packed, and customer service calls are received.
The democratic leadership strategy encourages lower-level workers to use power in potential
positions wisely. Jules also takes a transactional lead, rewarding her workers specifically for their

It is never too late to learn something new: Robert De Niro in the film is a 70-year-old older
man who is full of life and is always exploring new thing. Like Ben, we should be prepared to
adjust in time to be able to discover the marvel of the modern age from the comfort zone. The
experience always counts - the average years of the CEOs have declined. Experience always
matters: Although we cannot forget the wisdom, expertise and balance that older people bring to
frenetically work in a young business, while it is nice to see that young people storm the planet.

Good behaviours are the secret to success: Ben goes to bed at 10 pm and wakes up at the right
time. He regularly performs, Tai Chi being his preference. He regularly performs, Tai Chi being
his preference.

The reversal position can be great: The female protagonist Anne Hathaway aka Jules owns the
thriving online fashion stored. Safe habits are very important for the success of the entrepreneur.
It embodies the excitement of the Millennium, works fat, sometimes forgets to eat, and is a mother
dotting. Her husband is very helpful and assists her in the management of the property. It should
be recognized that both men and women have equal responsibility for building a family, society,
and women may take on the role of traditional men and vice versa.

Nobody can understand your dream better than you: The company at the age of 18 months,
Jules has already met their five-year milestones, but its investors worry about their abilities and
suggest recruiting a CEO. No business person is flawless and must learn from the mistakes made
during the journey. So, it is best to trust magic and to have everlasting faith in your dreams and

aspirations instead of giving up your dreams. So, it is best to trust magic and to have everlasting
faith in your dreams and aspirations instead of giving up your dreams (Michigan, 2010).

7.0 How they manage their stress and decision making while having a problem

• Conflict Management: Jules was using the functional conflict type of conflict. If the
organization faces some challenges, she will address the problem and fix it quickly. There
was, therefore, a remarkable relationship with the manager with the workers.
• Leader-member Exchange Model: As a pensioner, Ben Whittaker, wishes to challenge
herself by becoming an intern in a company to return to business, his new boss, Jules Ostin
has agreed to extend the relationship of co-operation between the two. Ben, as Jules' intern,
made efforts to fulfil his tasks in ways which his boss did not anticipate. He supports Jules
in his job and personal life somewhat. Ben was faithful to his boss, showing loyalty because
he feels it deserves better than she gets. Ben genuinely gave his best to some degree to
make his boss proud of him so he could perform his tasks well. Jules, through his personal
mentoring, also supports her new intern. She also advises and consults Ben in the work he
does to enhance his efficiency and be employed by the organization. At the end of the film,
Jules was pleased by what has changed positively in his business due to Ben's efforts and
success, which eventually led to Ben being hired.

• Both exchanged constructive acts to strengthen their ability further. Ben and Jules were
thus able to improve their efficiency both in terms of personal and working conditions. The
film represents the potential connection or positive partnership that an organization can
achieve. I liked that the movie focuses on positives between a boss and an employee that
can be done and seen. In addition to the OB concept in this film, I liked the fact that it does
not influence the age of an employee's output within a specific corporation. His experience
as a former employee is an important factor in the company's success and in helping it. The
film also speaks of infectious joy. Ben still shows an increasing attitude to the problem of
solving nature. Show us that if we want to act, people must ignite their emotions. The secret
to success is an emotional matter and emotional commitment. They are more imaginative
and more passionate when people are emotionally involved. The whole film talks about the
strength of the mind and the right leadership. The staff is, therefore, a must-watch over all

those young business leaders, whose hopes and passions want to pave the way for. A good
relationship between a boss and his workers will contribute to improving the organization,
which is vital to achieving the company's goals. The entire film speaks about agility
learning; for everyone in this film, learning takes place everywhere.

8.0 Recommendation
Work-Life Balance: it is no easy task in today's volatile and fast-moving business world to
maintain a work-life balance. As we become more and more linked through technology and social
media, separating work from our personal lives is increasingly difficult. It is normal to track e-
mails at any time and to make business calls on our laptops at the dinner table on weekends. Jules
has to work on her work-life balance so that she can have enough time for her work and also spent
time with family. Maintaining a healthy work/life balance is vital not only for health and
connectivity but can help to increase the efficiency and quality of your worker. Put, if you do not
see your people as jobs as a chore, they will work harder, make fewer mistakes and become your
brand advocates.

Curating A Better Culture for the workplace: Families are the best teams, so it is important
to create a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. Moreover, the bottom line is also beneficial.
Moreover, retaining workers is better than recruiting new staff. Anyways to create a stronger
working community. The founder of the company, Jules, does not know all her employee, because
she has been busy all time with work. People are the secret to success. It can be daunting to move
the team to the right path, but the rewards are high – both financially and emotionally.

Define Goals: Clear; established objectives promote the definition of success and failure by team
members and management. The Smart system is an easy way to accomplish well-defined
objectives. Objectives should be precise, observable, actionable, timely, practical. Definition of
priorities and the establishment of an action plan is only one step towards improving the actions of
the company.

Set Clear Rules and Expectations: Like the expectations you set for your team, the priorities
must be straightforward. The rules and standards should be spelt in black and white, should be laid
down and should extend to all staff – including managers. Now is the time to re-work and refill,
whether you currently have guidelines or standards not met (Chance, P.L., & Chance, E.W., 2002).

9.0 Conclusion
The contact should be more attentive as an aspect of organizational behaviour, as
companies face new obstacles and opportunities to test the different definition of the organization's
behaviour. By defining the degree of communication satisfactoriness within the organization, we
get an overview of the organizing powers but also get an insight into vulnerabilities inside the
organization in the field of communication. We can use them as well the foundation for the
organization's major business decisions. To review the results of the analysis carried out and the
movie, About the fit business. It is evident that employees are pleased with vertical contact and
return communication and have been most satisfied with the communication media selected and
the overall communication between them. We should look for explanations of this kind of
satisfaction partially to a possible different perception of the value of leadership engagement and
equally to the use of modern media used to communicate between different levels of
communication. We recognize that it is important to invest tremendously from the perspective of
the organization for service growth to those rankings which have shown less candour. It is
necessary to build an understanding of the significance of communication through individual
development, employee satisfaction and motivation that lead to employee loyalty to their parent
organizations (Steers, R.M.

10.0 Bibliography
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11.0 Appendices


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