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Soh . 2ofotfat Weruad Reproduction ?r foussing Plant A Sexual sepsoctuction Ss the porccen of development ¥ new meets eeacuea the damnation Ond “ths fusion Zé Gore Khe f lower bs Hes mats chictuse Coneesned nef wepuoduetion Te See Psroluctive osgon atu procdued norte, He flor. «The wu Epcot Live axgons atu two type 17 + SHtomen - Can pel ¥Kasiomen fe Oot guts as filoment , onttes £426 Connective» # Coup ts obietingutih ot ovary duwrtas iseassirg rule Sift and-Hte sip “d Ths whols Ruocess sewuaf sre production i. Plowsstn plone a be Ahad Mito Shwe stage as Cc . Luo - fortietetion « Doubh- fectiictatyon ° fost periisalen Stvuctune of flows oa , , ’ ’ ’ > > > ’ > > , , , — Flow. Bt the main mepuodu cine pout plont, whch shor Prlloding stu. $ rePraren — PPerel ts female seapsieu dive pot Pf flown, ' wbeh hove stfpma , style oleae and ovules . * fetal — "The petal is the colowced pout of te Plowsers thot eas Ak 0 Untque S20 pe. Fetats qiuY obla hse ° °, colouxed to Attract Jucect , bibicl, , bees and otheu anrmals« 2 © &tamen — (Anobiocctie’) Stamen tythe make HePorecluct re pout pt hh cons ; < of flower whith Consist anethey and Hy Ploment ¢ Sepa = This ane Heap - Lhe Alou dus atlached fo the outstole of thy ftocoss « They gues v Aimi las to Peta? bud ysPHy “the function oh enclosia 7d the aevelepg cee aerate ons gatetn wn Colouss’ ' Pee ~ fesrti0 oon — Stswueline and Event 1 The pacefeuti|Psotion event con be gtudied und ( ° ‘ foilo Ports Ee Dfotlon- Garcain forrmoVon D Embryo-sac formation, ) PollPnation Dfolten~ Prstel ntesvaclfon Moke Repuoductie unit (Stomen) - f)-) af . 4. Slamen a3 -the mals epsroclu chire unt AnaPespavm « It Cons?st of On onthe and filament eThe anthen ds bilob ond thu Lob encloses foun (4) pollen Aac or microgshrerdon, Eack rae eporsogiin Contes, no. HA Pollen qatctn . Tre 4 Pollen 400 om ty of? Onthoy “Oppeasi to Lie da the 4 cosnen of anthey. “The neal 4 Ont constet if four foyer 4 cedp SThe Anlhes olens%ee by Sk to L%uato Petter gsccPag prime any cell 4 ante to Ate cli meet malic and epidenimis. E pio mls cH pototecting hoyam of meutstematic cell, M ucdtemacti: cell Aiaels to pov 4 dsich spond al ell. @ach 4 nls cell oli to form a pe pose! eu and Polmone eposegenotss ced) «The ptuted cot) Awelts Aevestal Line to form Be amthen peall «The spasogenout cell AiPdes pews Bees te fom mre vospene or pollen motes coll CPme> Wott IU ¢ Apthase — -furction. * Epidurmis — One cedd tek and pototective we Endothedumi—Second wall Lospore stanly dingle. Bayer St Retps d. the anthuy destecens- cade 2s arth puetective Lowy! pelt dt middds ofeet me tepeneuats aed ot Wu mrajonitg of Hh Orrthent- pety 2 Th 25 the Pore most faye ante wall ee rounds -the sposopencss fit Tragel cells Que newhitive feo spore genesis 3 The poxmnation f hiffurertiihen 4 pucr0spore ut ‘et mrlerosposigg ened / w® The Posirrass mPecspspoxe melts cell olfyMokes mdotRatly fock. fosming jenna Leb atedtsuaf ctetag emals y arto Fn eats raybe SuccerPus 054 Simusfoneouro. : # Successive 4y é ob od ti ZIP advance type. Tavots que % ° Supa - o Tetabe dual. « Isobar ol o Deceusats eo T- shoped ° Linea PG successive DL pe the cetfualf Le fosrm Of tim mevosls Das wellas metosts i. Thus, an : Lxvhilo tal Pollen Actwady as fosuned- Se oF wo tbe @ a chasockuster featusu of moncent . EUCUEULUVUUUUUUUU UY GUY # p dn Simalfaneous typs cach nuclear APrte'on es 2 mPcveapones rothen cell Sa mat failowsd ty cee 5 nook? formation. ; eta > ; » “The MICHA pox hepa from Hs hittrabeclsinf confiscation ad get, fiownupales Gf 0 - Loyased ; ‘ pool , oul exe anol te Paner exe, Female Re parocluctitre Un tt CAH) Orfeo, woe Home . CS WW h A Y \ p — Pollan tube, ~ Art’ pedal) ~ fotos mucha? € mbryo — colt Aa¢ pPLsTER COrynoedtum) of a peor Js the femats sreprodlu clive umt. eA coxpel Las Atgra , style and eran Dyas Contest 1 +n ceverod ovules * Some Plows Lave one casipel , Suck Ay po of Jouaey ? known Fea. Plows Qoye mosie than ore ove, cuch * Some Aype Plows oallsd peepee de When the ple ase foint tegethen ythes type Of Piste Ss troon O4 SYmeaxpous , bshen the pisit) ane Puce Gs Enonn As Apo cass pout. Ptoiuctwre of Ovule 2 = Chalooa POvule £4 Prtegumented mega spoxoog efum nshFeh On feutiiisation svtpens Proto ashope. The ovule Sa attached! to placenta whith funeles . The poiet of cuttechment 4 funthe to the ove $1 Known os Hum. ? Place of ost of integument 4s Callud Chalarg, 4 poe Sa present dn Dt Fatequment ot one aud Bs Known 04 micvopy &. ‘Typasof Ovuk — On-he basis of Prteguinneat DO Unidegmle 3 - Ovulsp shih One Pnitgument - ae Highun wt ; ctunflewey 4. ee ft Bitegmfe ¢ S- Ovule neMth Huo Prteoument- &] - monocot 4 pdmfitive Soltar > » AregenPe 3 S- Ovule northout integument - ie ‘Chandon Dn the bases of Mm fevophy UW © Osth otvopous (éreck) — “The bo of the ovule Afes Atal 0 and upashoht oe the funtele. lum ,chalaza and mPeroptyhe Coons on the Lame Gas + Sg7 Polygonum nny Oasthotropous ovolt PAA ADA AAD AAA AAA AALAND RN Rn 2 AnoCBiropous (Inverted) — The bod & ovate ts Srvered and gu fused wath Punter fosms doe Called LLophe « 4t°1um and) ° movemop hfe ane nearby nu. Cholaza on oppestte WSrolee. Jt 23 the most common ups of oyates & Ranuneutes _chalor® Tote J/g p Antipodal — P4/, Wy Pophe celle Nu celts Certoolcou |i ye \\,- Thos polaw nufer ae —- J) synergie. \ a”, eee ctrond (ooepher® \; i ee mee Funteatery © Hemfanatsoppous a TTRe body, of ovute Ls placed ot she angle (90°) to the fanckle « £g- MalplpRiaccae. - Chohoza é mo 1° tog © Compr fete fas im ; The body & cunved) but embyyp Aoe 5 Atuafyht . ttlum, Cholaza and misoopyf come .neanby. - Be Caspetts, Cappasets » Chenopodaceac. . _- Nucetlug 5 5) Amphitropou - Bot ero 4 ovuke ancl embryo tac caw Cus ued . q = Cru feu ©) Cucthoctuo pons — The ‘ovulk Duss at monethon 360°argbe so Punves, decomer cofled @oundl the ove. bx— opunta. — Si rn (\{\ / KO) \S \ \ Chichorsoposy Ovuty Megasponegenests ¢ — | ie puccess of formation g mepasposce puom mega- Apose matte celp is collec mepeapasogenad The Mie undesores mevot% Mrttion rs Bits, Hecule h He paeduetion of A> megospaxe | tn afoot, of flomuth ! lant 6 | ws) fardforal sybety sapien ries he maine On? the fone’ ol) a 4 4 [i nm t d be the paca. ag aie ane method 9 embryo Aue pretin fom Aingd, ™epeepex 14 Bi meck Monosposie cheve lopment. ° pees of eet embuvosae s —~ dagpnen G 8 & whe nucteus of the -funceonap megasprse el'y;'o/ mrptrcell cat (form 90 nucle? whieh move to the op pos?re poles > founin He too nuctebite embryo sacs Tiso rote sequenil mirofe. nucheasy MiisPon pout mucleote and Late Minpylas end — Cholaza! exch y 1 ™ temper appa ae. 2 DADAM DADA wesulty Lu formation ¢ eight nucleate Atapes of embsyyo AQte # Thete mifotte euidifon au sb gue Pe. puetens Nistons oe not es Fromecth by cell aly fosmalions: ff Se oak ‘puiele ots Ate, cetd Wally Qe fatol dowr ee dull the axsganhnation sof Pho typi) demo gamerephpe as embsyo bee, LAA DADA woh t en nuckes ase Survouncled cels w0tlt ond Or4gontiad PotD cetty tls Semoining “hoo nuctet, called Potase nucle? aru STtugleof below Ite cr op pasa tus In the fassge ConWeal ceeds, ~Three coll Cus, 0 uped Tpettan at -the mierspylor tip. oppose ey oppanatus ynenatcle and one €99 cebp e The “yrengis fave Apectal Cellular thickenings at -the mfeergion Up called ff Ufo sim Gppaxotua , whet play On Fm posttond solr fo ana de fetter tuse Into the Seis - “Thuee cetly aw ot cholaral euct aud ave Colle the antipeds+ Thur a Aypreat Segfospenmn embryo Ade, ab mouetty Tholsoh eile, nucleate Ly seven Celled. endond const ugte “ta Consigts 9 Tlie PB itrateom ° —Txonsfx of Orcthere tp wu Pollen ferns foto ma ds Known as Preuinat han , PallinatPon Ls Aso pas — Overf PLU ation *t @Olrwes Potration O Self Fo thnatton. om Toone fre 4o sly ev ‘Known ayk 7 Poll'natit ace or fteom age ng fren oy tt af Goo ctype Ofgem. fcr’ ey beers) ol ottong yom: Clelttpyomy, OD futegam — nee prtobotton OC Cute bjus Onthas OP Grits op vthe some flows. ® Charmo gormotee t- When Whe flows expote thecy motutte =e E ante’ and. Stigma Do Re Gry Optt« © Clustegamy ’——The flewey Atermakn oleze tp -theiu St ro alternatiig elf Pollingtion » 24 Pisum. 2 Getoregainy = de fs Dro nsfer of polien peak from oneter 4 one flosas +b Stigma to anctiey flows of 4ome ploot os Gonteatly Aimslasy plouct « : Adventege af sel? _Sollfnat on c= Dh makati P of plout D the ploot clos 'nt need to produce ae no. of ° Pollen OLS» i) Self pollination element! bact wecesse clanachu, Detodvartage of self _follinetten -- Dvawtadle aud fener adopt ath'iy- fo clave envPvan ais Secure ¥ OVAL lee eote Qud UHnately sida - de genviation e (* Crone YoMWhation 2 Ht ty clefinedf arte Seposhs, of pollen goats from antheu of 0 plooer Ap ee ahome ok a oliffes ent flower of Onottew pion H.. oSame ov cliffexent species» $4 Js alto known as auepony me xy Xenegomy . pollinotvon ho kes blur 0 of ooesrd oliffement. plo rts Cgeneticony Z crotegfeally Devices fox Cross Pollination a © bfelfn These aye too Aypas “b flow, male ond Female The plants mor be monoecfous a4 obioces dus. © Dichoram 8 -Aucthey and stfamas matuxe at CU fos eat tiny 1 (OR eotend: fe Arthasa matane taHUen. 09 - Salva clerwdendson, Surflowwy, sore. 19 Rae = gre h U choy SHymes matwe aes Plantago, moaagn olay Mivabbtcs “ SelP SHemeey -Poiten ans au Proopa * © eas sins Of “the Z, rbFyq, savy —TWhe He cb elles tubg The ont of Poller. Ruhe vito te ovul Thstotigt, PEEpumen —Ge ia potter Tube erities thr Owe Heseoesge, mieropytr and entucs Synerf gels thsrougl fom | Oppasterts. ~feth form apperotu putes the CO of pollen tube. Pollen— Pict?) Intuaction f — Power guodns pellentus e. maly gem + by al) > zygets doukls Yhausion a ‘ embtyo cre) Cgerwatttve, see) 1 tras PEM Lehn) @ make gomatt + Polaw nuetu’ + embryosoe Cong stasis Jaspretuave) é v te fees foe Sg RSIS Sear a egy e Onty the compatthhe poten of the Aame spouts Gre obty +0. Quuminate . Cremation Ys connected wrth CompattbP itty ‘FncomPartb?P seacton b/d pwotelng psusent over the pollen quotes and Sifgna.« ® Plant breeds ase able to obto’n hybote) $40. lfperent Specie. F 4 she femate powent beau biexual flowed, SLemorg| onthe fom the poo are! bul befasur the onthe dehitce ushg a poi. of focupss This sup & - efuuud fo an emasculaton, VNU CUE eG P Emasculeted flower hove to be Covered pth O4 4 Switable gfe Geren macs up of bution pailh, to. prevent Contamination of Pte stfma Loft Unwonteo! re pollens Tres procear ds scallid ey: CUTTY Y a beg 2 Double Feute%otign © — | oa ——S—> a —Fertention & dlef ined a the fuston of mate ane) ° femelle Gomes to om the “yee eh, whi : Sey hevelons ie on embiyo. y eee it x J --:. male james atu ott chaged foto embseyo Ometey 5) ac Throweh pollen Aube One of the mals gf m (fete worth “fle W a sesulting fh the puccluctton of Liplorg (J oneratie te WHlreotions = TRG decord male fameta flues with #00 Polen nucle’ Producing a Lupo pastorasey Cnolospeum mructeugs THE Gs a calch trp fuston and Ls also as vagerathe Pure lsoton. Known Sanan embsyyo Aee thewe aceen too SeeUel Huston - one in “yrgomy, and othey Ln Tipe (fisston Ths Phenomenon 21 calud double (feb ldotda , Post Wet uy atoon, o Shuuctuxe aad Evernty Endo spasm $— ~Endospuim £1 a nubetie aSuye formed qheem veagttatire qfociation. Endosfium Gs meont fos nous hment Hy geben’: wu ue Gore tly. Lusploidl, zyjou ‘The 4 called Syogomy. ox alo calle 5 5 Bet Be 2A DAI IAA PAITIAIAVAIAADA ANA AL PGR Be, of, CIMA LA . ae Ee sPais endosheum develops feet La the gene ed ovule, Gt may, shoo the effect of Gop ctspritsent: tithe ° mate Joma “The Phenomenon ds called Kenia. eee z Y - The cUvect os: Tnckb eet effect Of pollen on ttecucture, tnsfde embaiyo Aac ekupt embsiyo tar been ivmek by Focke tar and Uintad tp endospeum past» jt a Been fn Dea OW (rmaPer) alone, UB of thuee Type 2 — WO Nucteay Erdospesrm — es Erclospoun Mucbeus Lele 7 gfuum a Laseae \ 7 he 4 “Heer nicedess th. 4 Centuaf vacuet, multinu cleats ures « VU Oppeas and massive phew*pheeal Cytoplasm fermed “J matne, Wheal, q * tr Coconut thence 2 Lnoloshuim anol Tonedy the cerstys ON Out mute ee lou far, aoe re nuclery Lig evel enoloshessm Po CD Cetltars endoshusim - * Watt, cfowmation occu aftu eK bn % pray. Cnclocheum nucterry » Show that ence shir fs Celtutoy . apron te Beginning. fr ey- dature 5 Salton, -tocung DUULLULE VEL Ut tity ; se mba a kt Sve Embryo 42¢ ue } { o * Vourels [seer | i \ 7 tp tm, Alucleay enclospevm CoHlelar Cratos ewan et) Hetobfal encoshesiny — ay | Hist itifon puoduees hoo cells WFP, cach of ushFeh hue Nucleay aUvision occu but UUtneaty ay may aly become Cellulans “ ae ey emususs Asphed crus. functions of erdosbuxmyg are — ees Bp sermon spanins Oe @ tr plonts wit) albumibous seeds the endoshevm. Suyerres Supposit oly, Avecling. rete : ®@ Erdoshaums prorfoles nutuds‘on We Ag opty: embeiyo. ) Kiqu'd @ndlos pew 4 Coconut Contos cure , vyfoenny” 4044 4 inducer cateKineis, When added to baste pane: mediums Cocomt mflk alto Yncluees sks Afhurendatlh seme ‘auct ploatits gen VasPous plaut tturas « LIAAXMAPAPYAPAPADAP PAN PNM PMMPMNNDANAnHR anne... ‘god we 3802) ee i S aA a Pyyctod Dy = Faby doef : toda ree a ha eet NO pe roprhos % pup — : PTPIOI-9 oReqwg PIN? Aiposta as ue P| aug : es Corhud. ¢ nd) (Cm ) iB ydoxyus Ppxocno_{)-+ 8s4.adsnco Gemndseernprroeral)— pouolPrequrg, ; (4m bus) EY “5 1S) @) Fa (EY saa mont 3 3 E FOB) aN coulis Fos fa ro BAO. Gay ya cae rer athe. Bi taza boicaerg FRCL “aygete ARFolu Pato hoo wnegual eett Aosigey Guptisor Cele Pwoanols mPexrephy te and vita Amoluse embryonal ou towancls ontipoctaf MepFon. © The ‘ © Seupensor uncuurgoes Baosvesue ob 2eon “lO ceep Suspensoy >The (Sere celf 9 Lalu Haustorwun H gem wadtal, , Embtyonaf ef tifole trtee vert ely and anes froneventy t pseoolteoe Qthoo thud % ceep embryo- TRe epibatof Chuminai) Dey germs two cotyledon anda plumule on -the Fupobasal Cnn the Suspersoy) ier favedveey on Au pocotif. dt & inPttatty GHebulay Han become feat. ARapet and ute assum epreas cette form Susp age es Ondo the Last cette ds called hypephgi oA Auprcot atRotylectons embsisyo Conshets ef ombeyonap Oxf anol hoo cotyledon. “The past of embuyonaf axes above the Level of Cotyledon Ss catud Spore. g-4 Oekeuming voPth Ike Stem cep called plumag (feature choot)» The port bere Level Lotpledten Js cutee Pee pol. oletsaeina le ida “the a tip called revaleaY te oh soak) « The Jot Hb Us Covered wth Pooh Cop bs ge AI LVUS VPLS V AV VAY AV A) AVA) NIN IN INIA ORES ge se pth DDN MAD | Monoewt Stobvipe wt B44 Sen J eae Gy Susbensor aAsens = . dexminad utp he ar =e Padstal A “The you ol Pole Dy poroducig 9 i Suspensor cece towarolt mic rophytl eds nd) Cmbstoyonal Ce Aowarl De chalozet ele . , ( The em 2 2 ; buf cekp ab Folts Tone wer gat. thto a ‘ Abrminal and “the midalts cetls “The eumPa) cxbt avi ‘° venti colby And areca into GHobalar embuy ae Can be meg Coty tealon gf ty plomuds B° CyLouat Remofrs % eve” push Yu blumet +o one +2 B is catud “op? rel totuledton peeess fr Some quassess 3 blosk s The 42 & singhe Ludo of monocot ti Catkd x . © Estevmincbn ” Shtetal Shaped ancl appens Re middu& eee) 92, © Gre sue to 4 LOH and Hh, ci te alah 0 deus WYPHOHEL and the sroctitall. Both £adktal and plum ; ef clevelop coversit anol the co leopttle perpen t eed eolerrs ~~ Fostmation_ of seed and fast °- TL SOLEIL AID AVDA OB rl D Pott - Rfpen owa ose fereLisenl ovony. et called s suite Walk ef the 0 {avms qfusdt 00h catted : pestearip: Pesky. fot ox puucaup ss Boring ae Loin ‘ 2 « Eee & = yesocamp & & = Endotatp Fo Pesueaspy Lop (porn ovasey, # ht Ly the goxesting | fine tual of eve op of ¢ wotl. me Untuguments of Ovuleg Jun seed coat, Oritese Fatepum rem “chusta. and the tegmont develope quem fnner Integument - th Bdme Cates Lke LY? or short ff 310! Ponequenea ov anh ty pousenl asic covers an addFrismap cover'on of Aeced« 3 mfewphytt whe Ly Known as Corwnels and st absords . ep watten oluaFng Aeedl Qui mination . a FunPetuleys bear y A porns? ox Apo -wtthout 2 PxP— parted, HY Ormoton of evo PrdPyfolual bh, euexuat methes Shek mintes Aer Lally ra Hepuedur ction inckusting seed formation but dont envolve ison of g Imeko. ge Alor maf Ay pe ¥ Aevual Leepucducton Loving too dopiler Re (fettins Fes moneys 4 (ee atirn 2 calle! amphiminion Ot efoniten Hee pod uctng. Hhsrough Ope mmhets Ze copied SJ apomix © dt Deousn by qoiowtg, method « mt, mat B Apomials La wah teed atte formed MY bet axe dsevual du nature and -the embryo © olerenten \s Piety torthout Gomeee fusion. The Aeim 'tporeffaie buddeng’ Ls used a ambi dlevelop cet fom ot plofo) ul 4% mucelluy or. inkepument fe eyes gin fot Se R Sr ihogeno jenesty — p= Af F Farthenas - Brain > genesis -d ese ent) Oe at Ls the dlevelepment af a ne diosa pom 2 yh Jomete 14hour istton asFth another Gamer: pipe upon the plete of ‘the gamets , theste aue too tops f Grmetss — Koplorel ard cbftotd. ott fopyora xe Rop loPel- ; = Pouthepenegeneare sthe ematiyo 4ae ord WA Ge 3. tr cLAplofot pasthenogenests ythe embsyyo Aac as Pee Contahred ig G] 4 bplotd. Unclessgoes ossthenegests srl qfosume cliplory 3 embsy0. Bplord Pothenprenests J geneually Occompan bof 4y 3 ([amlute of meade luting MEfeypounpencs’s As weld as Bret ed 2 ‘DP {ovmation of embsyyo Aae gem 9 nucetlasy cedp- “Gr Poa , appte » subus 3 Apogee — C Apo without , gamer — gorfege) 2 + gt 2s formartn af Sporophyrte Of Cmbsury ctfue key i am etobhy-te . g “ae a 2 af gometpry 2 fae hikes plants , ony Aiptony opefam “u Saccessfus that > asthe amet celh qevnteg “fhe Sporoph ye ate obplotey « : An lowsn plants , hab loPep Opejamy tt, epually suecoshup SWE Poe, embyyony, ab | os i) ° °TRe phenomenon Poving maxe “than one emi “ Called Pelgersbangony. eo * Oceuvence =| Pelyembar dus to forrusation of mons thor S One 99 eke Be called Simple Polyembryongy- * Pormoton % ada tona/ embryos Ovuk Le Syreyie , dorPpodaf | n ftiem aiffenent pussy of ucellusy Fntggummentr tte, e Fotjermagjong wag fiat AScoverred & Leeuwenhoek CI99) mrand wa, Confiti med by Sehnan? (1929). Peyembsyony ws moue &ommon Fh Ay mnes pase than Pr OngForpoim, i © Thewe aus 00 types df embroyon, - ; — hsenre embrroriy *— False embrony a dm fotte embusyony., More-+thon one embryos auhe F of fount hn embsp Aac Fo the Ovull 5 whemeas Pr 151s mae hon one embsyos axe formed fn -the Same embryo Aac. The couse of Polygerbs yoru may bes f —Clevage of Poeembseyo e9- fomPy, Orch idaceag. o!exlgmer mang ering: flan toca embryo gee: erupt Iq. &. Arpemone. =. > Yor motfon mony embiyas gen the Atuuttiuee outcRte P@ the embuyo tae. ey, mongo, Opuntia. és i : = oa Folvembawrony a} peraaheotty Fmporlort because Jeneriea ty sath Unfform powentap “type eedifnas aue obtained pom nucrtlay : Embryo. ay ined 4 — Nuce tor embryos ane supesuor to those obtoine . at vepetative peepagotion becasue nucellay embryo seed ings: cue = obidease fit ond mathion theby superibsarng or (009 Hime. Faarhenocanpy (6 fascthencs — vaisoy , kasgoe gust) ~ LE fommorien of fedt wkthout fuitittstion «fasrthenecas pre fects Que seedtess 0. apple, pray, banana, pneoppu ele. euuu ~Technieaty, uate foving Av0edy C preudoceects) Wh an Asexual) alte fahenceaupte auth = Fasthenocaxpy Bey 4 hue ypu _ . Grrettc embuyo Qty + envisonmental VUUVUOOUS “I ChemPeatty induced * Crenete porthenoaas py - Fasethenoeaspy Zs due © genetie alexaton caus ov Ratnisotion +H Ls also cate’ notore/ pours oe barara, abpte, pineobble, Vasufen'ox of gps, ed by rotor, Eno caspy . Peay SUCRE USE

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