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Cisco C9300 switch stack IOS-XE upgrade

This post describes IOS-XE upgrade on C9300 switch stack with five members. The
switch is currently running 16.9.4 and will be upgraded to 16.9.7
This post describes IOS-XE upgrade on C9300 switch stack with five members.

The switch is currently running 16.9.4 and will be upgraded to 16.9.7

Using FTP to Manage IOS Images

I'm going to copy the new IOS-XE image to the switch using FTP. The image is already
uploaded to the FTP server.

switch#copy ftp://username:password@ flash:

Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename [cat9k_iosxe.16.09.07.SPA.bin]?
Destination filename [cat9k_iosxe.16.09.07.SPA.bin]?
[OK - 717186572/4096 bytes]

717186572 bytes copied in 428.400 secs (1662463 bytes/sec)

Please note that you don't have to copy the image to all the member switches. We can sync
the file across all the switches using the install add command.

Install add
When you first start your upgrade you only have your current version. In order to get
started with the upgrade, you must add the new version to the list of versions that you
want to work with using the install add command.

switch# install add file flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.07.SPA.bin

install_add: START Tue Aug 31 20:52:47 BST 2021
install_add: Adding PACKAGE

--- Starting initial file syncing ---

[1]: Copying flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.07.SPA.bin from switch 1 to switch 2 3 4 5
[2 3 4 5]: Finished copying to switch 2 switch 3 switch 4 switch 5
Info: Finished copying flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.07.SPA.bin to the selected switch(es)
Finished initial file syncing

--- Starting Add ---

Performing Add on all members
[1] Add package(s) on switch 1
[1] Finished Add on switch 1
[2] Add package(s) on switch 2
[2] Finished Add on switch 2
[3] Add package(s) on switch 3

Ehsan Momeni Bashusqeh

[3] Finished Add on switch 3
[4] Add package(s) on switch 4
[4] Finished Add on switch 4
[5] Add package(s) on switch 5
[5] Finished Add on switch 5
Checking status of Add on [1 2 3 4 5]
Add: Passed on [1 2 3 4 5]
Finished Add

SUCCESS: install_add Tue Aug 31 20:58:50 BST 2021

Activate the new software

Use install activate to unpack the bin files and add them to the boot config. It asks
you to confirm if you want to reload before the device reloads. Once reloaded, you can
see the version is active but not committed.

switch#install activate
install_activate: START Tue Aug 31 21:43:10 BST 2021
install_activate: Activating PACKAGE
Following packages shall be activated:

This operation requires a reload of the system. Do you want to proceed? [y/n]y
--- Starting Activate ---
Performing Activate on all members
[1] Activate package(s) on switch 1
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
Old files list:
Removed cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-espbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-guestshell.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpboot.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipspa.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-webui.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-wlc.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
New files list:
Added cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-espbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-guestshell.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpboot.16.09.07.SPA.pkg

Ehsan Momeni Bashusqeh

Added cat9k-sipbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipspa.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-webui.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-wlc.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Finished list of software package changes
[1] Finished Activate on switch 1
[2] Activate package(s) on switch 2
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
Old files list:
Removed cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-espbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-guestshell.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpboot.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipspa.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-webui.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-wlc.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
New files list:
Added cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-espbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-guestshell.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpboot.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipspa.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-webui.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-wlc.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Finished list of software package changes
[2] Finished Activate on switch 2
[3] Activate package(s) on switch 3
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
Old files list:
Removed cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-espbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-guestshell.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpboot.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipspa.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-webui.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-wlc.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
New files list:
Added cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-espbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-guestshell.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpboot.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipspa.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg

Ehsan Momeni Bashusqeh

Added cat9k-webui.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-wlc.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Finished list of software package changes
[3] Finished Activate on switch 3
[4] Activate package(s) on switch 4
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
Old files list:
Removed cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-espbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-guestshell.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpboot.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipspa.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-webui.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-wlc.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
New files list:
Added cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-espbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-guestshell.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpboot.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipspa.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-webui.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-wlc.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Finished list of software package changes
[4] Finished Activate on switch 4
[5] Activate package(s) on switch 5
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
Old files list:
Removed cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-espbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-guestshell.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-rpboot.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipbase.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-sipspa.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-srdriver.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-webui.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
Removed cat9k-wlc.16.09.04.SPA.pkg
New files list:
Added cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-espbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-guestshell.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-rpboot.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipbase.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-sipspa.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-srdriver.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-webui.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Added cat9k-wlc.16.09.07.SPA.pkg
Finished list of software package changes

Ehsan Momeni Bashusqeh

[5] Finished Activate on switch 5
Checking status of Activate on [1 2 3 4 5]
Activate: Passed on [1 2 3 4 5]
Finished Activate

[1 2 3 4 5]: Performing Upgrade_Service

300+0 records in
300+0 records out
307200 bytes (307 kB, 300 KiB) copied, 0.315342 s, 974 kB/s
16128+0 records in
16128+0 records out
8257536 bytes (8.3 MB, 7.9 MiB) copied, 8.51041 s, 970 kB/s
SUCCESS: Upgrade_Service finished
Install will reload the system now!
SUCCESS: install_activate Tue Aug 31 21:43:53 BST 2021

Commit the changes

You can either use install commit to finish the upgrade process or use install
abort command to abort the upgrade and roll back to the previous version. Please note
that, you have to run commit the changes within 2 hours or the changes are automatically
rolled back.

switch#install commit
install_commit: START Tue Aug 31 22:02:14 BST 2021
install_commit: Committing PACKAGE

--- Starting Commit ---

Performing Commit on all members
[1] Commit package(s) on switch 1
[1] Finished Commit on switch 1
[2] Commit package(s) on switch 2
[2] Finished Commit on switch 2
[3] Commit package(s) on switch 3
[3] Finished Commit on switch 3
[4] Commit package(s) on switch 4
[4] Finished Commit on switch 4
[5] Commit package(s) on switch 5
[5] Finished Commit on switch 5
Checking status of Commit on [1 2 3 4 5]
Commit: Passed on [1 2 3 4 5]
Finished Commit

SUCCESS: install_commit Tue Aug 31 22:02:55 BST 2021


Ehsan Momeni Bashusqeh

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