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01 June 2015

Editor’s Note

I had a chance encounter with the South African

Cricket team at the Mumbai Airport and they stood
out as a disciplined and athletic unit. A body that is
trained, used or exercised in a systematic manner radiates a
form, shape and magnetism. Many researchers have
concluded that job seekers with an attractive persona are
15-20% more likely to crack a job interview and could be a
source of bias during performance reviews as well.

When we do not systematically exercise our physical

beings, no matter what our calling in life, it starts reflecting
externally and torments us internally, denting our self Chirashree Ghosh, Founder - Mystic Yoga
esteem and confidence. The lethargy phantoms take over
and even when we desire after a long pause it is

excruciatingly complex for us to get back into any type of lassical Yoga is a science that combines practical methodology, intellectual understanding and
fitness regime - the locus of control is gone and the shape, heartfelt commitment. It is both applicable and accessible regardless of one's age or stage of life.
vitality, organs and sense of wellbeing prematurely age and This traditional, systematic approach promotes purification at mental, emotional and spiritual
degenerate. levels. Applying oneself whole-heartedly in practice fulfills one's highest potential. Yoga Marga or the
path of yoga is committed to learning, experiencing the deepest meanings of these ancient teachings,
Psychological wellbeing is predominantly dependent on which stem from the timeless tenets of Sanatana Dharma. Objective of a Yogi is to cultivate the highest
training, taming and usage of the mind. A mind that is and purest aspects of the soul through this applied science of yoga on his journey to self-discovery. In
creatively engaged in any constructive or positive pursuit doing so, one should try to minimize distractions and focus on goals. True practice of yoga allows an
over a sustained period of time is increasingly insulated individual to experience inner peace and the joy of a healthy body.
against traumas, setbacks and even immune to onslaught To behold the One Self in all beings is Jnana, wisdom; to love the Self is Bhakti or devotion, to serve the
by evil spirits. The dynamism borne out of mental tenacity Self in all is Karma, or action. When the Jnana-Yogi attains wisdom, he is endowed with devotion and
has its own power, grace and aura. There are so many engaged in selfless activity. Karma Yoga is for him a spontaneous expression of his spiritual nature, as he
refined and affluent people struggling to remain sane and sees the One Self in all. When the yogi attains perfection in devotion, he is possessed of wisdom and
under the care of a psychiatrist. It may be pertinent to note activity. For him also Karma Yoga is a spontaneous expression of his divine nature, as he beholds the one
that meditation alone is not sufficient to train our mind: Lord everywhere. The Karma Yogi attains wisdom and devotion when his actions are wholly selfless. All
basic discipline in eating, waking, sleeping, working, the paths are in fact one, in which the different temperaments emphasize one or other of its inseparable
reading, talking, watching, thinking and behaving constituents. Yoga supplies the method by which the Self can be seen, loved and served.
empowers us to nurture a beautiful mind. Once we allow The Yoga of Synthesis is the most suitable and potent form of Sadhana. In the mind there are three
the mind to drift away it is like a boat being tossed in a defilements : Mala or impurity, Vikshepa or tossing, Avarana or veil. The impurity should be removed by
stormy sea without any locus of control. the practice of Karma Yoga. Service purifies the heart by teaching one to act selflessly, without thought of
gain or reward. By detaching oneself from the fruits of one's actions, one learns to sublimate the ego.
A secular or a non-believer leading a disciplined life in The tossing should be removed by worship or Upasana. Through prayer and worship the seeker
thought and action can possess a reasonably charming surrenders himself, channeling and transmuting his or her emotions into unconditional love or devotion.
physical and mental disposition; add community service to The veil should be torn down by the practice of Jnana Yoga. Jnana Yoga leads the devotee to experience
the ingredient list and you are on course to scoring high on his spiritual development by dissolving the veils of ignorance. Only then Self-realization is possible. The
Mystic-Happiness-Index. Yoga of Synthesis will bring about integral development, develop the brain heart and limbs harmoniously
and lead to perfection.
This approach to yoga was to combine the four main paths - karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and
raja yoga along with hatha yoga. The motto is to Serve (Karma Yoga), Love (Bhakti Yoga), Meditate
(Jnana Yoga), Realize (Raja Yoga). One-sided development is not the aim, Yoga must educate and
develop the yogi's emotions, intellect and limbs.
Editor may be reached at These paths are usually seen by others as different and separate, suited to different people addressing their individual temperaments or approaches to life. There is a need for balance in every individual's
spiritual development. Though the seeker would naturally gravitate toward one path, the lessons of each
of the paths needed to be integrated by every seeker if true wisdom is to be attained. Thus he did not see
them as different paths but as methods to be used in concert for the one destination.
MONDAY, 01 JUNE 2015 2
Eight Fold Path
only in human beings but negative things. That is gossip. The opposite of it is to
in some animals as well; talk in a nice, kind, sweet, truthful and moderate way
certain animals are known without harming anybody.
to sacrifice themselves for Nagarjuna, who articulated the doctrine of
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche others. It is more likely for emptiness (shunyata) in 2nd century CE, talked
intelligent animals to feel about three kinds of speeches: speech like honey,
Talking about Buddhist philosophy, we start with altruistic rather than the other way round. Elephants, flower and dog-shit. Speech like honey is sweet and
the Four Noble Truths and the fourth Noble Truth is monkeys, dolphins, dogs and some other animals good for our health, is nice and enjoyable. It has a
the Path. Confusion arises when the basic or the right have a very strong altruistic way of thinking. good effect on everyone. The second is like a flower.
framework is unclear. There is no confusion once we Right Speech We cannot eat a flower but it gives a nice feeling
fit and put them correctly; hence the relevance of The Right Speech talks about the four kinds of when we look at it. In the same way, speech should be
Noble Eightfold Path in the chaotic 21st century. speeches: lies, divisive speech, harsh speech and refreshing and enjoyable, though in the long run it
Right View gossip. Telling lies, saying untruthful things, giving may not have deep lasting impact. The worst kind of
Right View is the training in wisdom. It is about wrong information is one thing and trying to mislead speech is compared to dog-shit. Dog-shit smells bad -
experiencing and understanding views and not about people is another thing. Trying to mislead people is people go away when it is there. So, telling lies, harsh
getting entangled in various philosophies. It is not to considered as the worst kind of lie. In fact, any kind speech, divisive speech and gossip may be compared
say that: ‘This is my view and it is right.’ It is to go to dog-shit.
beyond conceptual grasping. Right Action
We need to think and understand that all actions Killing, stealing and sexual misconduct are the
have results. Positive actions bring positive results three negative actions of the body. Killing and
whereas negative actions bring negative results. From stealing explain themselves. The explanation of
the Buddhist point of view, that becomes the basis of sexual misconduct also depends on the kind of
our ethics. Not understanding the consequences of society we live in. Rape is the worst kind of sexual
our actions is regarded as the worst kind of wrong misconduct so is using somebody who is not willing;
view because there is no basis of doing anything good different kinds of improper things like somebody sick
in that case. So to understand the consequences of or underage, over age or wrong time, wrong place,
our actions is called ethics and also the theory of wrong person and all things that happen are referred
karma. to as sexual misconduct.
Sooner or later, any action done with our body, Actions done with negative intentions are called
speech, and mind affect us. They form our negative actions. Actions done to help others and
personality and habitual tendencies and thereby ourselves with good intentions are called positive
influence and affect people around us. Therefore, we actions. There are actions which are seemingly
should be careful about the actions of our body, positive but negative, seemingly negative but
speech and mind because they form our future. With positive, seemingly positive and positive, seemingly
that way of understanding and thinking, a person of lie is considered as misleading. When we lie, we negative and negative.
willingly refrains from doing negative things and lose everybody’s trust. Misguiding people makes Seemingly positive but not positive and seemingly
embarks on the path of inner discipline. We don’t them lose trust in us and our speech becomes negative but not negative, is mainly to do with our
need imposition of rules from outside if we are unreliable. motivation. It is said that there are some actions that
disciplined from the inside. Everything is self- Divisive speech is to talk about things without sometimes look good and positive but are not really
discipline because the result is ours; coerced ethical knowing the truth. For example, we go and tell positive. It is because we have wrong agenda and
code is usually not successful as people will always somebody that someone is saying something negative motivation of doing it. The seemingly negative but
find a way to break them. against her. And we go and tell the other person that positive actions may look negative on surface but are
Right Thought the first one is saying something negative against actually useful and helpful because the underlying
Right Thought is not only thought - it is to do with him. And then these two people fight, become intent is positive – hence such action is not really
the emotions and functions of the mind. It is to enemies and unfriendly with each other. So, in a way negative.
benefit everybody including our own self by doing the friendship has been divided and broken. The continued to page 3..

good, beneficial and helpful deeds. We should at least relationship turns bitter. Therefore, any speech that
refrain from causing harm and inflicting pain and brings hostility, unfriendliness, and division is called Some animals sacri ce themselves for
motherhood, allowing their young to commit
problems on others if it is not possible to do good divisive speech. It is regarded as a negative speech. It
matricide. Black lace-weaver spider mothers
deeds. That is Right Thought. doesn’t matter whether the said things are true or sacri ce themselves to feed their cannibalistic
Therefore love, compassion, and kindness become untrue because some truths are better untold. young. A clutch of 60-130 spiderlings rst
very important. Compassion is a state of mind. It is a Harsh words are saying harmful things, feed on unhatched eggs, rst eating their
way of thinking. It is a way of being where we wish shouting, scolding and hurting people. brothers and sisters before turning on their
well to others. When we feel empathetic or Gossip is not only to chat. It’s not to say that we mother and devouring her. She could ee the
compassionate towards somebody, we don’t want shouldn’t chat. Sometimes, it is necessary to chat… It
web and avoid certain death, but instead
encourages her spiderlings onto her body,
him to suffer. We want him to have happiness and is good to chat with somebody who is lonely and has
giving them the nutrients they need to grow.
well-being. That’s how we feel. The question arises, nobody to talk with. Gossip is more of a chat which After she has died, the spiderlings stay
why do we feel that way? It is because we don’t want brings negative feelings in others. It doesn’t bring together as a group for 3-4 weeks and go
to suffer. We don’t like to have pain and problems for peace but it brings disturbance. It doesn’t bring any hunting, until they leave the nest.
ourselves. We like to have happiness, joy and well- good or positive feelings either. It is useless to waste
being. Such altruistic way of thinking is common not time by talking about useless, problematic and
MONDAY, 01 JUNE 2015 3
continued from page 2..
we are tired, we should take a break, take rest. Nagarjuna articulated the doctrine of
emptiness (shunyata) and is traditionally
Right Livelihood Resting is good…and taking longer breaks is also not
regarded as the founder of the Madhyamika
Right Livelihood is about our professional life; it is bad. After a period of rest we may be able to do it in a
(Middle Way) school, an important tradition of
about the different ways, different types of work and much better manner. Resting is also an integral Mahayana Buddhist philosophy. Nagarjuna
the different things we do in order to earn a living. It component of Right Effort. wrote as a Buddhist monk and as a proponent
is very important to carefully choose our livelihood Most people have resistance doing positive things, of Mahayana that emphasizes the idea of the
because if work is related with something that is almost everybody perhaps. It is easier for us to Bodhisattva or one who seeks to become a
harmful and negative, it becomes difficult for us to become worse, develop negative habits, than to do Buddha. According to the legend, he retrieved
from the bottom of the sea perfection-of-
become a positive person. So, to earn a living it is positive things. It is easier to roll down than to go up;
wisdom sutra (Prajnaparamita) that the
important to carefully select a profession. it is easier to not do anything than do something Buddha had entrusted to the king of the nagas
Right Effort good. It is easier and habitual to do negative things. (water deities) for safekeeping.
Right Effort talks about diligence. It is described in It is more habitual than our habit to do positive
Buddhist terms as the joy in doing positive things in a things. With wisdom, we understand it is not good to
skillful way. It is not about whipping ourselves to do do harmful things to others in the long run. If we are
things or beating or pushing ourselves to work hard. unable to see clearly, we try to work on it. So, the first purposefully act accordingly.
It is to encourage and inspire ourselves to do positive thing is to understand what we can do and not do. Right Meditation
things with joy and not drag unnecessarily. When we That is the beginning of Right Effort. The most important thing is to tame our mind
say: ‘I must do this. I must do this all the time’ we do We should not think from the start that we will not because once we have done that everything else
it even if we don’t want to do it. We try to drag be able to do things and give it up because even if we becomes much easier. Any training becomes potent
ourselves even if it is drudgery for us. What happens are not good at it, we need to start somewhere. Even when the mind starts to do what we want it to do.
after that? We develop resistance – be it meditation, if we do not become an expert right away we have to When our mind becomes acquainted with Right
physical workout or anything else and stop doing it train ourselves. Slowly we become better and this is View, then it becomes the meditation of insight like
after some time. In the end we totally give up doing the beginning of Right Effort. To cast a verdict on Vipassana and that becomes our way of seeing or way
it. Therefore, it is important to do things joyfully, oneself that we cannot do something is exactly the of being and we gradually become acquainted with
happily, enthusiastically and moderately. It shouldn’t opposite of Right Effort and may be best described as our true self. Meditation can be on anything that we
become a burden but a joy for us because if it a lethargic attitude. can acquaint our mind with. If the mind becomes
becomes a burden, the longer we go the heavier the Laziness may be described as of three types. The acquainted with loving kindness again and again, it
burden will become. And after a certain time, we will first is when we say: ‘I cannot do anything.’ Once we becomes the meditation on compassion.
not be able to go any further. We have to leave it. decide we cannot do something we can never do it. It Acquaintance and repetition are the watch words for
So to make the Right Effort we need to bring joy is like looking down on our capabilities and the worst any meditation.
and enthusiasm and remember the benefits of the kind of laziness. The second is to procrastinate. It’s Conclusion
things we do. We have to see the difference between like saying: ‘I know I have to do it but I can’t do it To conclude, the Eight Fold Path can be condensed
positive and negative things. We have to know that now. I will do it tomorrow probably.’ It is simply into wisdom, meditation and conduct. Right View is
doing negative things is harmful for us and for being lazy. It is the most common and usual form of wisdom. Meditation is the Right Meditation. Conduct
others, harmful now and harmful in the long run. laziness. The third is what we call as active laziness. It or working on the discipline is Right Thought, Right
Therefore, we don’t do it because if it is not good for is about not making the right priorities. It is being Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood. Right
us, not good for others, not good now, not good in the unable to do important things in spite of being busy Effort and Right Mindfulness support all others.
long run, we should not do it. And doing positive and active. Not giving right priority to our work is Buddha taught that in this way we transform and
deed is good for us, good for others, good now and also part of laziness. So, these are the three types of become useful citizens and happy beings. We create
good in the long run. So, when we clearly understand laziness. If we work on the above three we become good causes and conditions for our future and avoid
this, there is no reason why we should not do it. diligent and successful. negative actions that may cause negative karma and
Therefore, clearly seeing things and Right Effort is about discipline actually. It is to see negative influences on others. Therefore, it is good
inspiring ourselves is Right Effort. and allow ourselves to do good things. It is also to see for us and good for others. And if we can do it well we
It is clearly said in Bodhicharyavatara that if and refrain from doing the not so good things. That is transform completely and become free from samsara
discipline. It is to make a decision and say: “I should and totally get rid of all the causes of sufferings and
One of the great classics of Buddhist do this” you know. “I should do this at this time” and problems of the samsara.
literature, the Bodhicharyavatara, or Way just do it as too much thinking also breeds problems.
of the Bodhisattva, was composed by Right Mindfulness
Shantideva a seventh-century Buddhist Right Mindfulness is a tool for meditation, for any
master who taught at the great monastic practice we do. Mindfulness is an important tool for
university of Nalanda. Presented in the
the practice of the Eight Fold Path as well. When we
form of a personal meditation in verse, the For yoga, meditation, tness & related
work on Right View, we need to watch our attitude
Bodhicharyavatara outlines the path of the updates and inspiration like us on
and thought processes; whether we understand it, are
Bodhisattvas --those who renounce the
peace of their own salvation, vowing aware of it and see things clearly. What we are doing /mystic managers
instead to attain enlightenment for the with our body, speech, and mind - is it right or is it /mystic yoga cafe
sake of all others. The Dalai Lama once not right? What and how we speak - is it good or it is
remarked that his own understanding of not good? We need to be mindful of these things. In
the Bodhisattva path is based entirely essence it is being aware, mindful and careful. First,
upon Shantideva's text. we need to be aware of what is going on, understand
and be clear of what we are doing and what
circumstances we are in and then deliberately and
MONDAY, 01 JUNE 2015 3
Suryanamaskar Practice & Benefits
Abhishek Maheshwari, Co-founder - Mystic Yoga

S uryanamaskar is highly regarded as a sequence of yoga postures; if

done diligently provides strength to the body and opens up the
hamstrings and prepares your back for the more advanced yoga postures. As
a beginner one can start with 11 repetitions and can gradually increase the
number of repetitions.
1.Stand straight with folded hands.
2.Inhale deeply and take your arms up from the side and over your head.
3.Exhale and come down – synchronizing your descent and exhalation.
Bring your hands down by the side and place it close to your feet. Try to keep
the palm flat up to the wrist and get your head to the knee, ensuring the
knees to be taut. Do not get disappointed if there is a gap between your head
and the knee even after reasonable effort; you will benefit even by stretching
the spine while coming down.
4.Inhale look up – another opportunity to straighten the back and neck.
5 & 6.Jump back and hold yourself in Chaturangadandasana. This part of
the Suryanamaskar may be divided into two separate elements.
The jump back: Ideally we need to lift both the legs together and land 3-4
feet away; beginners as well as those with a sensitive back can take back one
leg at a time.
Chaturangadandasana: Beginners can hold themselves in inclined plank
and then move to Chaturangadandasana by bending the elbows. Those with
good wrist strength may directly move into Chaturangadandasana, following
the jump back.
7.Roll on the toes - inhale and open your chest push your chest out - ensure
the ankle is flat, knee and thighs are up in the air and pressure is on the lower
back. In case our hand and shoulders cannot manage the body weight we
drop the knee on the mat.
8.Exhale and come back on your feet in Adho-mukha-svanasana,
commonly referred to as downward dog. Feet flat on the ground, toes slightly
turned inwards, knees straight. Focus of the posture should be the lowest
part of the spine - the tail bone; continuously try and push the spine upwards
- getting the whole spine as straight as possible.
9.From Adho-mukha-svanasana bring your left leg forward bending the left
knee - inhale and stretch hands upward over the head and move into
Virbhadrasana - hold the posture for 5-10 seconds.
Bring your hands down and hold in plank or Chaturangadandasana and
repeat steps 5-8.
Now bring the right leg forward to move into Virbhadrasana and then
repeat steps 5-8.
Jump forward or bring your legs forward one at a time in between your
palms. This is where flexibility of the pelvic joint comes into play. If your
movement is not yet free you may land in between the palm and have to drag
your palms back to align with the feet. Stretch the neck.
Exhale and again try to get your head to the knee as in Step 2.
Inhale and stretch your arms upward as in step 1 – conclude by folding the
palms as in Namaskar.
It's a complete body warm up series – Yogic warm up.
Sustained practice over a period of time strengthens your arms, shoulders
Suryanamaskar Sequence by Abhishek
and lower back.
Extended Suryanamaskar takes care of the lower body - especially the To invite Mystic Yoga for a workshop on Yoga, Meditation,
thighs. Stress Management, Detox Diet or wellness related events
The jump back when performed to perfection displays your core strength as contact Abhishek at +91-9748649047 or write to him at
you lift your body with the help of your core muscles only.
MONDAY, 01 JUNE 2015 5
Gut Feeling Dr. Rita Chatterjee, Consultant - Mystic Yoga
at some point in life,
women more often than
men. These disorders have
no apparent physical cause
same time, the enteric nervous system uses
neurotransmitters such as serotonin to communicate
and interact with the central nervous system. This is
called the “brain-gut axis”. — such as infection — yet When a person becomes stressed enough to trigger
result in pain, bloating, the fight-or-flight response, for example, digestion
When the brain feels stressed, it releases a cascade constipation, diarrhea, slows or even stops so that the body can divert all its
of hormones that can upset the whole digestive heartburn, indigestion etc., of unknown origin. internal energy to face a perceived threat. In
system. These hormones have different and Multiple factors — biological, psychological, and response to less severe stress, such as public
sometimes contrdictory jobs. For example, the brain social — contribute to the development of a speaking, the digestive process may slow or be
releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH in functional gastrointestinal disorder. However, temporarily disrupted, causing abdominal pain,
short) to signal the adrenal gland to start pumping numerous studies have suggested that stress may be nausea and other symptoms. Stress shuts down the
out steroids and adrenaline that can provide the particularly responsible. blood flow to the digestive tract, affects the
strength and energy to run or fight one's way out of A Second Brain contractions of the digestive muscles, and decreases
trouble (the fright-fight/flight reaction). secretions needed for digestion while increasing
CRH also turns off appetite, which explains why acid secretion in the stomach, thereby causing
some people can't eat anything when they're inflammation of the gastrointestinal system, and
stressed. On the other hand, the steroids triggered making one more susceptible to infection and
by CRH can make a person hungry, which is why ulceration or aggravating already existing
some people fight stress with overeating. Different conditions. Emotional distress is very common in
people might respond differently to stress but one irritable bowel syndrome or IBS patients.
thing they do have in common is that, over time, Reduce Stress to improve Gut Health
stress can cause havoc in their digeative Hippocrates once said that "all diseases begin in
homeostasis. Indigestion, acidity, stomach aches, the gut," and it's also well known that stress is a
nausea, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel trigger that causes multiple chronic disease
syndrome, heartburn, ulceration are some of the processes to occur. As stress is detrimental to the
digestive problems which are either caused by stress gut health, so also chronic stress and other negative
or aggravated by it. emotions like anger, anxiety and sadness together
For instance, while peptic ulcer was once thought with a damaged gut can contribute to an array of
of as being purely caused by stress, later research inflammatory diseases and conditions in the body.
has revealed that Helicobacter pylori causes 80% of Therefore, the first thing one should handle is the
ulcers. However 4 out of 5 people colonised with H stress factor. Stress-reduction tools with a high
pylori do not develop ulcers, and experts concluded success rate include prayer, meditation, yoga, light
that in ulcers not only H pylori but mental factors exercise, socialising or talking to friends, learning
do play a significant role. One likelihood is that relaxation skills, such as deep breathing and
stress diverts energy away from the immune positive thinking.
system, thereby promoting H pylori infection in the Benefits of Yoga in Digestive Health
body. Much of our appetite, health and weight is
You don't need a PhD in physiology to know that wedded to our levels of satisfaction, anxiety, and
stress can be hard on the stomach. However, the depression, which yoga immediately addresses.
impact of stress on the stomach goes far beyond Yoga has demonstrable effects in alleviating and
indigestion. The entire system is extremely sensitive Life-sustaining functions, such as breathing, preventing digestive distress. It is most helpful in
to our moods. The “gut-wrenching” experience, heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature, are reducing stress, anxiety, and the pain of chronic
“feeling nauseous” or “butterflies in the stomach” regulated through the autonomic nervous system illness. Regular practice indisputably improves
tells us that the gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to which has two major divisions: the sympathetic physical and mental fitness, promotes relaxation, and
emotions such as, anger, anxiety, sadness, elation. nervous system triggers the "fright, fight or flight" brings about a sense of control over one's health and
The very thought of eating can release stomach juices response while the parasympathetic nervous system well-being. Yoga is said to provide relief from
before food gets there. Given how closely the gut and calms the body down after the danger has passed. symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating,
the brain interact, it becomes easier to understand Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous gas, and pain.
why one might feel nauseated before giving a systems interact with another. A less well-known Yoga stabilizes digestion by working with the
presentation, or feel intestinal pain during times of component of the autonomic nervous system — the nerves associated with hunger, satiation, and
stress. Psychology combines with physical factors to enteric nervous system; helps regulate digestion. metabolic processes. It stimulates the
cause these bowel symptoms. Psychosocial factors The enteric nervous system is sometimes referred parasympathetic nervous system or the 'rest and
influence the actual physiology of the gut, as well as to as a "second brain" because it relies on the same digest' system, while soothing and regulating the
the symptoms. Hence, understanding and treating types of neurons and chemicals (neurotransmitters) sympathetic or the 'fright-fight or flight' system.
anxiety can often improve the conditions. that are found in the central nervous system (brain Yoga postures when practiced compress and release
Stress can be mental or physical, although in the and spinal cord). After sensing that food has entered different areas of the body thereby modulating the
context of this article the focus will be on mental the gut, neurons lining the digestive tract signal blood flow to those parts. Fresh oxygenated blood,
stress. Mental stress involves challenge, threat or muscle cells to initiate a series of intestinal rich in nutrients flow around the body supplying
worry about future adverse events. Functional contractions that propel the food farther along, nutrition to and drawing out built-up toxins
gastrointestinal disorders affect 35% to 70% of people breaking it down into nutrients and waste. At the
continued to page 6..
MONDAY, 01 JUNE 2015 6
comprehensive system that builds strength in the
body and mind. There are some key postures that will
help you access the deep reservoir of inner fortitude
that every person contains within.
There are postures outlined below which will help
you develop the strength and stamina needed to truly
build core power in your yoga practice. If you can do
these postures with comfort and ease then just hold
the posture for one full minute while maintaining
healthy alignment to test your strength and
steadiness of mind and body. These selected postures
contain the foundational alignment and all the basic
strength work needed to master many more
advanced postures. With your regular yoga practice
including these postures in your routine you can
experience a steady development of strength that will
last your entire life. Your practice requires diligence,
patience and respect.

For yoga, meditation, tness & related

updates and inspiration like us on
/mystic managers
Ekpad Chaturangadandasana /mystic yoga cafe

continued from page 5..

and impurities from the body's tissues and help in

eliminating them with appropriate gut movements.
Compression of the digestive glands also helps in
secretion of the digestive enzymes and proper

Pranayama practices are very effective in coping

with stomach ailments. A practice of breathing
regularly and mindfully helps to take our mind off the
stress factors. Certain pranayama system that may
consist of forceful breathing helps in healing certain
stomach ailments.
Bakasana Meditation along with asanas and pranayamas,
practiced regularly, has a long-term positive effect on

I n yoga you use both large and small muscles

and move in many directions, not just back and
forth. The muscle stretches as it contracts, giving the
Triangle is great for strengthening the leg muscles. In
balance poses such as Tree pose one leg has to hold
up your entire body. So you’re increasing your
overall health. Meditation immensely helps in
controlling one's thoughts and moods. This interprets
that through regular meditation, anxiety and mood
muscles an elongated look while increasing flexibility strength just by putting your weight on that leg. disorders leading to stress, can definitely be
in the muscles and joints. By holding the positions longer, doing more harnessed, thereby promoting good gut health.
Yoga increases muscle endurance because you hold repetitions, and learning new yoga poses, you can Diet is part of a yogic lifestyle, and the science of
any given pose for a period of time and repeat it make your yoga practice more challenging. Yoga can ayurveda is the medicinal/dietetic branch of yogic
several times during a yoga workout. Yoga poses be a sole form of strength training by just using our practice. People suffering from stomach ailments are
require positions and orientations that engage our body and mind, with a purpose of strengthening the advised to avoid: rich spicy diet, over eating, junk or
muscles. muscular skeletal system without using any props. fast food, odd or irregular eating hours, excess intake
It is to be noted that in a yoga class, body-weight This form of strength training through yoga directs of tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking. Instead they
exercises also include pushups, squats etc or any type our attention towards the energetic and spiritual should practice eating fresh fruits and vegetables and
of movement that requires you to hold or lift yourself dimensions of our physical existence via mindfulness. home cooked food.
up with your limbs. The mind-body connection remains alive and well, However, to obtain the maximum benefits from
Certain yoga poses build muscle tone in different and the most important thing is to find such a form of yoga for improving gut health one should consult their
ways. Challenging arm balances and inversion poses exercise which you can enjoy as a lifelong practice. If yoga instructors first. A change in lifestyle, diet and
are very effective for building muscle strength, you include the variety of techniques used in yoga the practice of yoga is sure to improve the digestive
because they flex groups of smaller muscles, not just practice sessions, you will continue to test your body health of anyone suffering from stress-related
the major muscles, to support the body’s weight in different ways and keep growing in fitness and as stomach ailments.
during the pose. an individual.
Holding standing poses such as the Warrior and Your daily yoga practice should include a
MONDAY, 01 JUNE 2015 7

development of Type-2 Diabetes. Some factors are Type-1 diabetes, oral medications and insulin for
modifiable like diet and obesity whereas others are Type-2 diabetes). Care should be taken to address
non-modifiable, such as advancing age and genetics. issues which can raise the chances of complications
Gestational Diabetes in diabetes such as smoking, high cholesterol levels,
high blood pressure, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
This is a condition in which women without pre-
existing diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels Medications work by lowering the blood sugar
during pregnancy. The placenta makes hormones level. There are different kinds of anti-diabetic
Dr. Somyakanti Das, Consultant - Mystic Yoga medications. Some like metformin are taken by the during pregnancy which can lead to a rise in the level
of blood sugar. Under normal circumstances, oral route whereas insulin can only be given by
pancreas can make enough insulin to deal with it. If injection. Type-1 diabetes can only be treated by
D iabetes or more commonly 'Blood Sugar
Problem' seems to be turning into a global
health concern across ages and social groups.
that does not happen, blood sugar levels will rise.
However, a woman can still have a healthy baby by
Yoga and Diabetes
Contrary to myth, it is not a bane just for the elderly following a doctor's advice and taking care of simple Yoga and breathing exercises are known to have a
or the affluent. Diabetes or pre-diabetes is emerging things to manage blood sugar level. beneficial effect in diabetes. Regular practice of yoga
as a menace even in seemingly 'invincible' age Complication can help reduce blood sugar levels, hypertension,
groups. Genetic predisposition, obesity, sedentary Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is quite common weight and severity of complications. Some of the
lifestyle, rising stress levels, bad food habits are in diabetics. Most cases do not constitute an possible mechanisms by which yoga could be useful
established risk factors for the disease. But the emergency since they are mild and can be self-treated in Diabetes are:
question is 'What is Diabetes? How does it happen? by eating or drinking something high in sugar. Low  Weight loss stimulated by Yoga
What exactly triggers it? What can be done to battle blood sugar levels can cause a wide variety of  Yoga causes a reduction in the levels of
it? This write-up intends to address those nagging symptoms but main problems arise due to adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol in
questions and deal with the various aspects of the insufficient supple of glucose to brain. Symptoms can blood thereby reducing stress and improving
disease. range from general unease, trembling, palpitation, insulin function.
What is Diabetes? and sweating, even mental changes like confusion,  Yoga promotes muscular relaxation and boosts
Broadly, diabetes is of two types – Diabetes seizures, consciousness or even permanent brain blood supply to them, which in turn might
mellitus and Diabetes insipidus. The most common damage. enhance insulin receptor expression leading to
form, the one we all know as the 'blood sugar' issue is Very serious cases must be treated with an increased glucose uptake by muscles - thus
Diabetes mellitus and it is this type which has been intravenous glucose or glucagon injections. reducing blood sugar.
discussed in this article. The word 'Diabetes' is Another significant complication of diabetes is  Yoga helps reduce BP and cholesterol levels
derived from a Greek word which means 'to siphon' diabetic ketoacidosis which mostly affects people  One study has also shown how regular Yoga
or 'pass' whereas the term 'mellitus' traces its origin with Type-1 Diabetes. It is a kind of metabolic practice can help reduce oxidative stress in
to a Latin word which means 'honeyed.' It was also disturbance which is characterized by nausea, diabetics
known as the 'pissing evil' since diabetes mellitus vomiting, abdominal pain, and smell of acetone in  Yoga promotes healthy breathing, soothes the
causes a spike in the level of sugar in blood as well as breath, deep breathing known as Kussmaul breathing mind, maintains our emotional balance and
urine. and in some extreme cases altered mental status. boosts our energy levels
Diabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar Majority of the cases could have been prevented by
level becomes high either due to inadequate earlier diagnosis, better understanding between
production of insulin or because the body's cells do patients and the doctor and better patient awareness.
not respond well to insulin or both. Another rare but equally severe possibility is
Epidemiology hyperosmolar non-ketotic state which is mainly
caused by dehydration and usually affects Type-2
According to International Diabetes Federation,
an estimated 381 million people worldwide had
All kinds of diabetes raise the risk of
diabetes. India is home to the largest number of
complications. Diabetes increases the risk of
diabetics (although some recent studies suggest
cardiovascular diseases. Other diseases like stroke
China may have even more). According to WHO
and peripheral vascular diseases are also seen to
(World Health Organization), the global prevalence
happen more in diabetics than non-diabetics.
of diabetes in 2011 was 8% and is predicted to rise to
Diabetes can also lead to damage to the eyes, kidneys
10% by 2030.
and nerves.
Signs and Symptoms Diabetes related foot problems such as diabetic
Diabetes is classically characterized by the foot ulcers may occur. Mystic Yoga Studio, Kolkata
symptoms of weight loss, increased urination
(polydipsia), increased urination (polyuria),
increased hunger (polyphagia). It can cause other Pre-diabetes is a condition where blood glucose
levels are higher than normal but not high enough for Helpful Posture
symptoms like blurry vision, fatigue, delayed healing
a diagnosis of diabetes. Patients with pre-diabetes are  Trikonasana
of cuts and sores, itching of skin. Diabetes can also
lead to a variety of skin changes. at an increased risk of developing diabetes as well as  Pashchimottasana
for stroke and heart disease. Many people with pre-  Ardha Matsyendrasana
Types of Diabetes diabetes go on to develop diabetes within 10 years.  Ustrasana
In general, there are three types of Diabetes – But moderate exercise and weight loss can help delay  Pavan Muktasana
Type 1, Type – 2, Gestational Diabetes. or prevent Type-2 diabetes.  Naukasana
Type-1 Diagnosis  Bhujangasana
Type-1 diabetes mellitus is marked by the loss of
Diagnosis of diabetes and pre-diabetes is done  Salabhasana
insulin-producing beta cells of the islets of
with the help of blood tests because early in the  Halasana
Langerhans in the pancreas, resulting in insulin
disease the person may not exhibit any symptom at  Surya Namaskar
deficiency. It could either be auto immune in nature
all. Lab investigations are needed to verify if the test
whereby there is an immune-mediated attack on the  Shavasana
results are accurate. Glucose measuring devices such
Beta cells, leading to the cells of insulin. Type-1
as finger-stick devices are not accurate enough to give
diabetes accounts for approximately 10% of diabetes Breathing Exercises
a diagnosis but can be used as a measure of high
cases. This type usually affects children which is why
blood glucose.  Bhramari
it was also known as 'Juvenile Diabetes.'
Any of the following investigation can help us get a  Ujjayi
diagnosis:  Bhastrika
In this type, either the body does not produce
 On A1c test, also known as the HbA1c, or
enough insulin or the cells do not respond adequately
glycohaemoglobin test Thus anyone with diabetes need not get bogged
to insulin. This type also used to be referred as adult-
 A fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) test down by the disease because there are several simple
onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
There is no cure for it but the condition can be  An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTI) ways of conquering this menace. A healthy lifestyle
reasonably well managed by lifestyle modification Management and good habits can go a long way in countering
such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating well and diabetes and leading a productive life. A bit of
The goal of diabetes management is to keep blood
exercising. If regulated lifestyle is not sufficient to determination and resilience have helped many
glucose level as close to normal as possible without
manage the blood sugar level, then there arises a diabetics get over their problems through good diet
causing very low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This
need for oral medications or insulin therapy. Lifestyle and lifestyle modification alone. Thus, there is a lot of
can be achieved with proper exercise, healthy diet
and genetic factors are known to play a role in the scope to not lose hope in the fight against diabetes.
and if essential, appropriate medications (insulin for
MONDAY, 01 JUNE 2015 8
pepper to taste
Chef's Secret Hummus is a Mediterranean dip or
 1 tablespoon ground cumin or
paprika, or to taste, plus a

Mise en place Chef Abhishek Roy - Mystic Yoga

spread made from cooked, mashed
chickpeas blended with tahini, olive
oil, lemon juice, salt and
garlic.Today, it is popular throughout
sprinkling for garnish
 Juice of 1 lemon, plus more as
 Chopped fresh parsley leaves for the world as an appetizer and dip - garnish
hummus is scooped with atbread,

ise en place is a beautiful ready before we actually cook so that such as pita; It is also served as part Preparation
French phrase we come cooking becomes less stressful and of a mezze or as an accompaniment Put everything except the parsley in
across quite often in more therapeutic. to falafel, grilled chicken, sh or
professional kitchens around the world.
a food processor and begin to
Suggestions for day to day eggplant. Garnishes include chopped process; add the chickpea liquid or
From kitchens of star hotels and
operation in home kitchen: tomato, cucumber, coriander, parsley, water as needed to allow the
restaurants to galleys of mega cruise
ships to small cafes and road side When cooking any dish be it pasta, sautéed mushrooms, whole machine to produce a smooth puree.
eateries to cooking shows and other sandwich etc. always do the mise en chickpeas, olive oil, hard-boiled Taste and adjust the seasoning.
food service establishments this phrase place in advance. For example if u plan eggs, paprika, olives, pickles and Serve, drizzled with the olive oil and
keeps buzzing. to make a pasta make the sauce in pine nuts.
advance. Precook the pasta. So at the sprinkled with a bit more cumin or
Literally the phrase Mise en place paprika and some parsley.
time you want to cook the dish it
means “putting in place” as in set up. It Recipe
doesn't take any time at all and you
means preparation or setting up or Yield: Makes 8 or more servings
have more time to improvise, add
getting ready, more in the context of
garnishes etc. This saves a lot of time, Time: 20 minutes with precooked
cooking. Mise en place is getting
energy and effort and is an intelligent chickpeas
organized before the actual cooking; be
approach to cooking.
it your home kitchen or a professional
kitchen of a cruise ship serving 12000 I will share here some healthy Ingredients
meals a day, preparation before actual recipes, with the mise en place  2 cups drained well-cooked or
cooking is the key. To explain this we highlighted so you can plan and
need to understand a little about execute the dishes perfectly and in canned chickpeas, cooking liquid
ergonomics or man-motion study to good time without stress or struggle. reserved
understand the most efficient way to do Two sauce/spread come to my mind;  1/2 cup tahini (sesame paste),
a job. When we are assigned a job, our one is Hummus and the other is Pesto. optional, with some of its oil
time taken to do it or our efficiency Hummus is a Mediterranean spread  ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus
depends a lot on how much time we made from cooked, mashed chickpeas PESTO
and Pesto is an Italian sauce made
oil for drizzling
lose in motion. For example while
making a simple fried egg in the from basil. Both are very healthy and  2 cloves garlic, peeled, or to
kitchen, not only house wife & trainees can be made and refrigerated for days. taste
but experienced chefs may at times Now if you are making a sandwich for  Salt and freshly ground black
struggle. Normally the situation in the example you could use either of these
kitchen may be somewhat like this: go two healthy spreads instead of butter or
to the range or cooking stove gas - put preserve.
it on - then go get a non-stick fry pan –
look for oil - open the fridge and fetch
eggs - break the eggs and put them in PESTO
the pan – look for salt pepper and
season the egg – grab a spatula from Pesto is a sauce originating in
somewhere to flip the egg - lastly northern Italy (pesto genovese),and Invite us for workshops on
transfer to a plate. traditionally consists of crushed
This whole exercise of making an garlic, basil, and pine nuts blended Yoga, Meditation & Detox Diet
egg could be more efficient had the
preparation been done properly.
with olive oil and Parmigiano-

Preparation for frying an egg:

Reggiano (Parmesan cheese). Pesto We conduct workshops for
is very versatile and can be used as
Before you go the range/stove to spreads, sauces and dressing for Institutes, Organizations & Groups.
actually cook, double check and make salads. Pesto pasta is a good
sure everything is ready viz. the frying
example, so is roasted vegetable +91 9748649047/9163365029
pan, oil, seasoning, eggs, spatula, even
the plate in which to serve should be salad with pesto dressing. Pine nuts
ready at hand. are ideal but on the expensive side,
Then we go to the gas/stove/range
so may be replaced with walnuts.
so we don't lose time going back and Ingredients
forth again and again between our  4 cups fresh basil leaves (from
work station and the stove.
about 3 large bunches)
So as we see this study of  1/2 cup olive oil
ergonomics is quite interesting and  1/3 cup pine nuts
involves a bit of common sense and
planning before starting any work.  2 garlic cloves
 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan
So when cooking, first we should
think and mentally create a flowchart
of the steps involved: Get all the  1 teaspoon coarse kosher salt
ingredients needed to workstation. 
Next start prepping the ingredients Preparation
and finally we go to the Combine rst 4 ingredients in
stove/gas/range to cook. You should blender. Blend until paste forms,
also have the service plates, last minute stopping often to push down basil.
garnish ready at hand.
Add parmesan cheese and salt; blend
The most important part in cooking until smooth. Transfer to small bowl.
is thus the mise en place or getting

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