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The growing urban population of India lives in the
major metropolitan cities. Transportation infrastructure is one
of the most important factors for a country’s progress. In the
modern context, transport demand in metropolitan cities has
increased substantially, due to increase in population. The
existing transportation system in these cities experiences
numerous traffic and environmental problems such as severe
traffic congestion and road accidents.
The population of Delhi has increased to
around 20,591,874 in current year 2021.Delhi has a
significant reliance on its transportation infrastructure. It
has a developed a highly efficient public transportation
system with a rapid modernization and expansion.
Public transport in the metropolis includes the Delhi metro,
the Delhi transport corporation (DTC) bus system, auto-
rickshaws, cycle-rickshaws, e-rickshaws, Grameen Seva and
taxis. Other means of transit include suburban railways,
inter-state bus services and private taxis which can be rented
for various purposes. However, buses continue to be the
most popular means of transportation for intra-city travel,
catering to about 60% of the total commuting requirements.
There are 16.6 million vehicles registered in the city,
which is the highest in the world which does not follow any
pollution norms. The fast-growing population of Delhi is in
need of 11,000 buses. Population growth and increasing
urbanization have led to the Capital’s rapid growth, leaving
Delhi overwhelmed by demand for public transport. Unable to
afford personal transport, many of the poor spend up to three
to four hours a day just to travel back and forth. Research
shows that concentration of the wealth among the economic
and political elite has distorted the transport policies. And it is
a fact that government policies generally focus on the needs of
the elite minority. Public transport does not get the funding or
traffic priority it needs because the elite does not use it.

As we all are aware of the economical growth of India
and its urbanization, the annual rate of growth of motor vehicles
population has increased about 10% during the last decade. The
basic problem is not the number of vehicles in the country but
their over concentration in the metropolitan cities. A majority of
motor vehicles in India are concentrated in urban Centre and it
is alarming that 32% of these vehicles are crowded only in the
metropolitan cities. There are already more than 2.6 million
registered motor vehicles in Delhi and about 600 vehicles are
being registered per day. The pollution caused because of these
vehicles are at alarming condition.
A large number of deaths in the developing countries take
place due to the road accidents. The proportion of commercial
and public service vehicles involved in road accidents is often
much greater.
Pedestrians and cyclists are often the most
vulnerable. Given the fact that the poorest of the poor in urban
India cannot even afford to use public transport, they resort to
cycling or walking.
Since cyclists and pedestrians are the prime victims
of road accidents, there must be a serious attempt to either
make public transport available to them through targeted
subsidization or to make the road safer to cycle and walk.
o DTC which manages bus transport in Delhi publishes its time
table for various bus routes on its website.
o Geographical information systems may also be developed
using intelligent transport system for timely and reliable bus
transport in Delhi.
o Some progress has been made and GPS enabled tracking
system is now used in DTC buses.
o Air conditioned bus stops for public.
o Increasing the accessibility of public transports for
differently abled .
o Encouraging the public to use public transports like metros,
buses etc.
1. Pollution under control(PUC) certificate must be
compulsory for all the vehicles. This PUC certificate should
be taken twice in a year since it is valid for only 6 months.
2. All the public buses must be wheelchair accessible.
3. Rules and regulations must be followed correctly. If all the
citizens in the country follows the rules correctly, traffic and
accidents will minimized at greater extent.
4. Creating an multipurpose transportation app where the
user can create his/her profile and upload the documents
like driving licensee, insurance for the vehicle, PUC
certificate, registration certificate and all other required
documents. This app gives notification before the validity
period of all the doc. before it ends. If the user is not
maintaining the documents, the Demand notice will be sent
through the app. So this helps the government to track the
history of the vehicles. So the rules n regulations will be also
be followed strictly. This app’s user account must be linked
to government ID.
5. Giving all the information about the timings of the
public transportations within the cities which helps people
to rely on public transport than the personalized vehicles.
6. CCTV must be compulsory inside the public transport and
also the bus stops to ensure the public safety.
7. Almost 90% of public transport in US has wheelchair
accessibility but in India there are only very few vehicles
has accessibility and even those vehicle’s(Buses) drivers
refuse to stop in the bus stops when they see differently
abled people.
8. Destination announcement for the passengers in all the
public transports help all the passengers, especially for the
differently abled people.
9. We can implement cards which is similar to metro card
features where the customer can recharge against the
account which can then be used for bus travels. To
encourage the usage of these cards we can give credit
points which can get the passengers the discount based on
the cumulative credits earned. This will encourage people
to use public transports in a great extent. This reduces the
pollution rate and fuel consumption in the cities.


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